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Season 34 Spoilers & Rumors

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The only one I might lean towards going far is Sierra.  But looking at her pre-game pics from WA to her post game pics from both that season and this one, she doesn't look that much different.  So far, I don't think there's anything to go on.  Though maybe the ones doing all the posting are happy with how they did (minus Caleb and possibly Varner).

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I haven't looked at this thread in months, and I see that the cast list was spoiled and finalised.  Can't say I'm too thrilled about seeing Ozzy again, but Jeffy needs his mancrush that he can lust after repeatedly.  I guess he's got Brad Culpepper this time too, so maybe he won't know who to salivate and slobber over.

I like Cirie, but enough is enough.  4th appearance?  I could also do without seeing Ciera (Ciera that was conceived in the backseat of a an Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera, and not the Sierra of the strange caterpillar tattooed eyebrows that was on Mike Holloway's season).  Let's start taking bets on the over/under on the number of times "I voted out my mom" is mentioned.

I was never a Sandra fan, and I never got the hullabaloo about her game.  Her game is basically just to get everybody else to do her dirty work.  I suppose that's a viable strategy, and it obviously worked for her since she won twice.  But I prefer to see others actively take charge and control the game overtly and still win.  I never liked Tyson or Tony Vlachos, they were asses on their seasons, but they were asses upfront to people, and people still gave them the money.

I guess I'm rooting for Caleb, Aubrey, JT, Sierra, and Sarah.  Debbie if she can tone it down.  I want to root for Tai, but after his abysmal strategy on his season, I just can't.  I thought he actually had strategy, but his moves and actions demonstrated that he was truly clueless about how to play the game.

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Looks like S34 might see some jury changes, thanks to S32 (and I'm wondering if S33 is similar, but he can't say it yet).  What we might see:


But he has plans for combatting potential jury bitterness, “I have an idea – not for this season but for next – to change the final tribal up to help the jury be less bitter. I’ll be curious to see if it works.”

What could those changes be? Fans have previously suggested sequestering jurors individually, but it sounds like the change will directly affect final tribal council rather than Ponderosa. Perhaps a form of “jury roundtable” led by Probst, similar to Big Brother, where the jurors are encouraged to discuss each player and the reasons why they should or shouldn’t win?


And here's one of his remarks on the KR jury:


In a recent interview with the Toronto Sun, Survivor host Jeff Probst was asked about the idea of bitter juries and whether there is anything that can be done to combat them. Speaking about Survivor: Kaoh Rong, Probst said, “…last season’s jury was an aberration” and that he believed castaways Kyle Jason and Scot Pollard “…were really tough. And they got to that jury. Nothing against those guys, it’s their prerogative to play how they want, but I felt their impact was pretty hard.” The

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2 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

And here's one of his remarks on the KR jury:

Sounds like Probst thought Aubry should've won Khao Rong, or even Tai (even though I very much doubt he had any real chance after F7), rather than Michele.

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1 hour ago, Michel said:

Sounds like Probst thought Aubry should've won Khao Rong, or even Tai (even though I very much doubt he had any real chance after F7), rather than Michele.

According to Redmond, TPTB weren't very happy with KR.  I don't know if it was just the overall outcome, or the season in general.  He didn't really have specifics why.  I didn't care for the season as a whole until we get to about the midway point, when Tai grew a brain, Aubry grew a backbone, and the brotherhood of ugly tattoos went down in spectacular fashion.  We sure have enough of S32 represented for S34, but I'd be curious if they ever brought back anyone else who didn't make the cut this season.  Maybe Anna and Julia, as Probst really liked them.  And Cydney.  I don't know if Michele, Scot, Jason, or anyone else would get another chance.

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So that means Brad could make the jury?  Ugh.  Not surprised Brad would spill the beans, assuming he isn't trying to throw people off (but I don't think he's smart enough for that).  So we have Caleb home before filming ended, and now Brad saying he made it to day 18.

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Okay, so I went and watched that video.  Brad can't confirm or deny he's on, but gives away it's an AS season (and, of course, we already know he's on).  Of course, he does a really crappy job not confirming or denying.  Boy wants to talk.  You can tell.  He says that 4 or 5 things happen that have never happened before, and it's going to be a great and outrageous season.  Considering the source, I'm thinking the opposite.  But people like Brad always believe their own hype.  I'm surprised CBS didn't have the video pulled.

I'm a little iffy on his day 18 comment.  Some posters at Sucks wondered if he was referring to his first Survivor experience.  He lasted 14 days there, but in that video he says "about 18 days".  So now I'm wondering if he was in fact spoiling his placement for S34 or not.  He already sounds enthusiastic, which worries me he's going to go deep.  I guess, depending on Probst's hype level for S34, we'll be able to tell just who finished where.

I do wonder if one of the things he talks about has to do with changes to the jury that Jeff alluded to in that one interview. 

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Smatguy on Sucks, a long time poster who correctly did some spoiling in S32 is spoiling who made premerge, merge, probable winner, and who is the shocking first boot. Brace yourself for an awful season on par with All-Star S7.

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1 hour ago, thehepburn said:

Smatguy on Sucks, a long time poster who correctly did some spoiling in S32 is spoiling who made premerge, merge, probable winner, and who is the shocking first boot. Brace yourself for an awful season on par with All-Star S7.

Ugh, it sounds TERRIBLE.

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I've seen the potential list and I am not sure I am buying it quite yet though we will know right away if it is true based on their first boot. And just let me say if the first boot turns out to be who they are spoiling it to be it is going to be quite funny actually.

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54 minutes ago, LanceM said:

I've seen the potential list and I am not sure I am buying it quite yet though we will know right away if it is true based on their first boot. And just let me say if the first boot turns out to be who they are spoiling it to be it is going to be quite funny actually.

The one thing about AS seasons is they tend to be better with accurate spoilers.  Although I've seen various boot lists and placements, but this one has popped up more than once.  I like this alleged first boot, so I will be bummed (but, kind of find the humor in it because I can totally picture the TC).  I don't think Jeff will be happy though.

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This is from another Sucks poster who complied the information:

ciera (1st boot)


final 3



unaccounted for



Not exactly what I would have hoped for. 

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Boring Sierra looked like she lost quite a bit of weight, at least from her Snap Chats.  I know she's already tall and thin, but I think there's a chance she's an end gamer (sadly, but hopefully she's one of those that actually makes the most of their second chance and does something).  One boot list I saw had Tony and JT as pre merge boots, and Varner making the merge.  Probst adores Brad and Troy, so he's gotta be happy, but at the same time, does he realize how much the fans don't?  And some big fan faves (allegedly) go early.  That, and Sarah was one of the WTF picks, so put her in a final 3 with 2 guys that fans don't like...yeah, I wonder what his tone will be when he tries to hype this season.  On paper, this season looks to go the way of Caramoan.

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43 minutes ago, loki567 said:

This is from another Sucks poster who complied the information:

I read the whole, sad thread, and from what I can tell the consensus for your three unsure / unaccounted for (along with Michaela who isn't listed) are all pre-merge. Either way, there seems to be pretty good agreement on first boot and final three which, wow. These "returnee" seasons can go either way, but I blame the producers for insisting on bringing back the likes of Brad and Troyzan in the first place. On what planet do those two make good TV? Not this one.

Edited by pfk505
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Planet Probst.  Didn't he say to Troyzan when he didn't make the fan voted season that he hoped he got to play again, because they wanted to see him?  I believe Redmond said doing another AS season was CBS's idea after the success of Second Chances (which they may be missing the point why SC was so good).  And I know that this wasn't their ideal theme/cast, but it's what they had.  Still, the only chance of this not being a total disaster is if a lot of these people take advantage of their second chance and totally redeem themselves.  That's the only way to make up for losing people like Tony and Sandra pre-merge, and I can't imagine Probst and company were happy with that (Probst also probably was pissed about Big Moves Ciera being the first boot).  I saw a poster on Sucks who summed up an outcome like this best: the goats banded together and took out the players early on.  

I guess the likes of Brad didn't want anyone crowding his spotlight.  On the plus side, if this list is accurate, I'm glad at least Hali made the merge.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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4 hours ago, LanceM said:

I've seen the potential list and I am not sure I am buying it quite yet though we will know right away if it is true based on their first boot. And just let me say if the first boot turns out to be who they are spoiling it to be it is going to be quite funny actually.

The first boot is the only episode that I am really looking forward to. It will be more delicious than Vytas's first boot. I will probably bow out after Cirie gets booted tho. She, Sandra, and Tony were the only ones I cared about.

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If the alleged F3 is right, I can see Brad being the goatiest of goats.  But I'm not sure if Sarah would be as much of a runaway winner as she'd look.  In One World, Troyzan was basically liked by a large number of his fellow castaways.  The only one who didn't care for him at all was Michael (who, as probably no one will remember since he was fairly unmemorable, was the one who made life difficult for the women in the first place by stealing their ax).  Even when he had his douchebag period at F9 after he realized that the men were truly fucked, the women didn't stop liking him.  They just stopped wanting or trying to work with him.  But up to that point, he'd played a good social game.  I can see him playing another one here.

Not saying I'd want him to.  I would still take Sarah winning over either of them.  Just saying that I don't think that Sarah would win so easily against Troyzan, even though I do think she could beat Brad.

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Yeah, I say that's true. I'm hoping that Troyzan hung around with Kim long enough that her grace and good gameplay rubbed off on him like osmosis. 

I'll be curious to see what happens with Sarah, why she ends up going with Troyzan and Brad to the F3. We don't know how the game will go down and who's the stronger player, but going to the end with two very loud male voices can be considered dicey for a female player. Guys like that usually get more attention than they deserve. 

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12 hours ago, Michel said:

If the alleged F3 is right, I can see Brad being the goatiest of goats.  But I'm not sure if Sarah would be as much of a runaway winner as she'd look.  In One World, Troyzan was basically liked by a large number of his fellow castaways.  The only one who didn't care for him at all was Michael (who, as probably no one will remember since he was fairly unmemorable, was the one who made life difficult for the women in the first place by stealing their ax).  Even when he had his douchebag period at F9 after he realized that the men were truly fucked, the women didn't stop liking him.  They just stopped wanting or trying to work with him.  But up to that point, he'd played a good social game.  I can see him playing another one here.

Not saying I'd want him to.  I would still take Sarah winning over either of them.  Just saying that I don't think that Sarah would win so easily against Troyzan, even though I do think she could beat Brad.


According to Smatguy, Troyzan is the rumored winner of this season. The jury consists of mostly women and they didnt like Sarah.



As for Ciera, Michaela just said that Ciera is the most overrated Survivor in her opinion. Considering that they start S34 on the same tribe, it indicates . . . . something?

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I remember liking Troyzan until he realized he was on the outs and went on a rant in a TH which I translated (correctly or not) to "I hate my ex-wife, so all women are evil, backstabbing witches." I was rather uncomfortable with him conflating his opinion of his ex with that of all women.

I mean, personally, I'm short. I tend to go for the ankles and knees, not the back.

That said, he was feeling betrayed at the time and kind of went a bit aggressive for my taste after that, but I'm kind of interested in seeing what he's like a second time. Different people, hopefully fewer issues with his ex (no idea how recent that divorce was), whatever.

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Good Lord, that boot list is horrific.

Granted, the cast list itself was no great shakes in the first place, but that absolutely looks far more like All-Stars than Heroes Vs Villians or Second Chances in terms of losing some of the bigger and better players early. And I say that as someone who has never been impressed by Ciera's gameplay, though I respect the emotional aspect of her having voted out her mother. 

Also looks like the fact that the cast skewed heavily-- far too heavily, I think-- toward the past 4 seasons gave those players a huge advantage numbers-wise, in terms of sticking with the devils they knew.

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13 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I might be the lone person to admit this on here but I was a Troyzan fan.  Therefore, if he wins I would be happy with that. 

TBH, I actually like him, too.

But not nearly enough to balance the disappointment of "fuck you, Brad Culpepper" being in the finals, and all of those kickass female players going pre-merge. I'm not really a fan of Sarah, either.

Looks like a pretty blah season.

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Compared to Brad Culpepper, I adore Troyzan.  And frankly, I never cared for Sarah much.  So basically, if that final 3 happens, it's going to be 'whose the least worst of the 3'.  Looking at the boot list, if it's accurate, I'm thinking he'll be down right unbearable this time around.  I cringe at the thought of him and Brad being in some power alliance, and people only sticking with them because they think they are beatable.

In one of Michaela's exit interviews, she mentioned that she finds Ciera one of the more overrated players.  I don't know if she thought that before, but since they wind up on the same tribe together, I wonder if something happened during filming that gave her that impression.

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I actually agree with Michaela that Ciera is overrated, but I laugh at Michaela being the one saying it. I firmly believe she's there as the "replacement" for Cydney. Her pre-merge crash and burn didn't impress me. 

Fuck Troyzan and his bitter, rotten insides. That dude's hang-ups with women are fucking gross. This might be a check-out season. Wouldn't be the first time for me. 

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1 minute ago, azshadowwalker said:

I actually agree with Michaela that Ciera is overrated, but I laugh at Michaela being the one saying it. I firmly believe she's there as the "replacement" for Cydney. Her pre-merge crash and burn didn't impress me. 

Fuck Troyzan and his bitter, rotten insides. That dude's hang-ups with women are fucking gross. This might be a check-out season. Wouldn't be the first time for me. 

That should be the official theme-Survivor: We Couldn't Get Our #1 Picks, So I Guess It's You Guys

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18 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I might be the lone person to admit this on here but I was a Troyzan fan.  Therefore, if he wins I would be happy with that. 


5 hours ago, simplyme said:

I remember liking Troyzan until he realized he was on the outs and went on a rant in a TH which I translated (correctly or not) to "I hate my ex-wife, so all women are evil, backstabbing witches." I was rather uncomfortable with him conflating his opinion of his ex with that of all women.

I mean, personally, I'm short. I tend to go for the ankles and knees, not the back.

That said, he was feeling betrayed at the time and kind of went a bit aggressive for my taste after that, but I'm kind of interested in seeing what he's like a second time. Different people, hopefully fewer issues with his ex (no idea how recent that divorce was), whatever.

I liked him well enough until he started on his rampage of poor sportsmanship after he realized the men were screwed.  And then, he cemented it after he went on rants against the six women who outlasted him on social media (with Kat, Alicia, and Christina getting the brunt of his attacks), and then continued it after the season was over by continuing to blast Kim, saying she's just as dishonest off the show as she was on it.

I hope she's forgiven him for it by now.  Knowing her, she probably has.

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On ‎11‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 6:50 PM, Michel said:


I liked him well enough until he started on his rampage of poor sportsmanship after he realized the men were screwed.  And then, he cemented it after he went on rants against the six women who outlasted him on social media (with Kat, Alicia, and Christina getting the brunt of his attacks), and then continued it after the season was over by continuing to blast Kim, saying she's just as dishonest off the show as she was on it.

I hope she's forgiven him for it by now.  Knowing her, she probably has.

I did not know about his social media rants during and after the game was over.  That probably would make me like him a little less but then again I was no fan of Kat and I strongly disliked Alicia.  I thought Christina was awesome and that final three was one of my favorites because none of them offended me.

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On 11/5/2016 at 3:50 PM, Michel said:


I liked him well enough until he started on his rampage of poor sportsmanship after he realized the men were screwed.  And then, he cemented it after he went on rants against the six women who outlasted him on social media (with Kat, Alicia, and Christina getting the brunt of his attacks), and then continued it after the season was over by continuing to blast Kim, saying she's just as dishonest off the show as she was on it.

I hope she's forgiven him for it by now.  Knowing her, she probably has.

Typical Troy behavior . While she probably did forgive him , I wish she hadn't . Women give abusive men far too many chances . When they show you who they are , believe them . 

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Welp. If that spoiler is true, I'll be pretty meh on this season. I don't actively dislike Troyzan, but I also didn't like the way he acted when he realized the men were screwed, with moves that HE actually helped pave the way for (falling for Kim's "let's vote Michael out now because he doesn't like you", instead of listening to Jay's "they're slowly gaining numbers on us..."). And they way he blasted Alicia and Christina during the game, when those players are actually the ones he needed to turn things around vs. Kim and the women. 

I mean, I know he was on the shortlist of SC, but really, how good of a player he really is if he can't even make headway against what most people think is the weakest group of players in all of the Survivor seasons?

That said though, at least from what I see now on SM, he's friendly with Kat, Chelsea, Christina and Kim. For what it's worth, even though he was a bitter juror, that jury ended up being one of the most non-bitter juries in all of Survivor and voted for the rightful winner. So it looks like everyone has made up and kept peace. It'll be interesting to see if his fellow One Worlders cheer him on as S34 progresses.

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4 minutes ago, JaggedLilPill said:

Ugh. I know. And I was liking him beforehand. Now he's just another added to the list of assholes I have no desire to watch. 

But he's a typical Probst fave, right down to picking on nerdy David after originally befriending him.  I wonder if this means Zeke wins, or ends up coming up short.  I'm really not looking forward to his arrogance for the rest of the season.

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Wow, that's pretty late.

I hope Zeke epically fails the second time around, but he'll probably have learned something from his first time playing.  I really thought he was winning, especially because of how Probst built him up (and I never really saw it).

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On 11/30/2016 at 7:41 PM, LanceM said:

Probst must really really like Zeke because honestly I am not seeing what he is seeing.  He is an interesting player for sure and I can sort of see why they are asking him back but Probst made it seem like this guy was the second coming of Richard Hatch.

I agree with most of this, except for him being an interesting player. I found him to be a petulant bore who was way too impressed with himself. They really asked back a non-jury and mid-jury player? Next season sounds like a loser, all the way around. 

The jury Troy was on may have kept the bitterness down, but that just makes his nastiness worse. He was an exception. I can't watch an entire season of that asshole ending with him actually getting rewarded. If Sandra and Cirie go out as predicted, that will end the season for me. 

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Yeah, I've seen a couple of people on FB say that they were going to be there.  But it's not like it's unusual to have former contestants in the audience, and everyone here was significant in some way during their original season (even Caleb, best being remembered from a dramatic medevac).  Since Zeke and Michaela are a part of S34, I wouldn't be surprised for it to get more mention than a normal new season would.  

I am wondering about Zeke.  Probst appears to love him, and gave him a ringing endorsement about being a combo of Hatch/Phillip/Coach (and probably a few I'm forgetting).  Yet I don't believe Zeke showed any signs of being like any of those 3, and I don't even know if he was immensely popular that people are begging for him to return.  I had an up and down with Zeke, like a lot of the cast this season, so I don't mind that he's coming back.  But I do wonder know if some others were considered before him, and they turned it down.  David and Jay seem more popular than him.  

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Jeff didn't exactly make me feel encouraged by the promo and pre-season hype tonight.  I notice he chose to highlight some of the more popular players, rather than focus on the likes of Sierra, Brad, and Troyzan.  Guess he didn't want a complete revolt before the season even starts.

ETA: Okay, he's really stretching this cast being game changers after reading that.

Edited by LadyChatts
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