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I don't think he was responsible for that, either. There are going to be people who think Luke should never look at another woman, and there's nothing anyone can do about that.. .

TG used to be one of those people:

"I don't like to be Luke without Laura. She is his heart and his humanity. I don't want a major storyline without her.... I don't want another romance. I'd rather lay low in Genie's absence and protect the Spencer franchise. She's the only woman for Luke. They're not going to do any affairs--we're not going down any of those usual roads. He can flirt with everybody--and he does, shamelessly--but the man is not going to violate those vows. No way. The marriage will be on hold, and I'm OK with that as long as we've got the family. She's got part of the family--Lesley and Lesley Lu--in one place, and I've got Lucky here, so we'll never close that door. There's plenty of stuff to do. I can always support other storylines. I'm not that concerned about it. Hopefully, Genie will do what she needs to do for her family and still want to come back." - TV Guide website, May 14, 1997

I'm actually fine with Luke moving on - he's on a soap and soaps are about relationships but this constant need to shit on the thing that is the only reason that he's in any way relevant? Is annoying and obnoxious and ridiculous

Edited by Oracle42
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That's just smug, and no one likes smug.



Smug? I'd say his attitude has been monstrously vicious. I think he truly hates Luke and hates Laura. I don't begrudge him another relationship. In fact I enjoyed him with Felicia. No one is going to argue with a well written story but that's not happening with the no talent on board. I don't get how they could have had Luke kill his parents. That's pure Geary ego and so what if it trashes the whole L&L phenomena. He's no longer the sensitive outsider with a criminal past who loved a neurotic and married high school student - he's a sociopathic killer. Watch early L&L on Youtube with that in mind.

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Yes, I know he fought for Jane and Lunacy, and that's what is eating a lot of people.


I don't have a problem with Tony Geary loving working with Jane Elliot or the pairing with Tracy. The pairing was a good idea. What I have a problem with is his slow devolution into believing his own retroactive mythology about both himself and his signature role on the show. He's reinvented history and contradicted his own memory and performances, simply because a) his career faltered outside of GH and b) his choice new original character was a failure.


It was only in the last decade or so that this happened. Since then, he has tried to reverse-engineer Luke into embodying all the roles he could never play or, in his eyes, properly fulfill (Bill Eckert). If he couldn't have the career he wanted, he'll try to force Luke into all of those shapes. It doesn't work for the character I watched, it doesn't work for the character I grew up with, and it's, IMO, a sad sign of a brilliant actor struggling to make himself appear more relevant and current through shock tactics, as opposed to organic choices that would both honor that history and evolve him. When Luke first became 'dark' again in the '90s, I accepted and loved it and believed in it because they took the time and understood the nuances. Tony has lost that, and the show has lost that, and it didn't start with this creative team - it started with Tony and the post-millennial Bob Guza.


Tony's embarrassed himself with some of his retconned ideas, but more importantly, he's talking down to an audience that knows better and is sometimes as cultured as he is. He's trying to get a redo on his legacy in the eleventh hour. The truth is nobody's going to remember the drunk, whoring Luke with the hookers and the dead baby; they're going to remember Laura and the Ice Princess and Liz Taylor, and the kid and the dog. That's what kills him. But that's his problem.


And no, I have no problem with Luke and Laura with other people. I wanted him with Alexis for almost twenty years, and I have liked him with Tracy before they began to completely demean her.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 16

I thought she was pretty solid til Morgan. She didn't stop being a cold serpent til then. Then they defanged her for months and made her a sap, had her whining to Julian about his terrible mob, until it was revealed that she killed Connie. I always knew she had, I just wondered if they'd have the balls to play it after neutering her for some college dick.


I guess the problem was I never believed her as a cold serpent. There was nothing beyond twitches. It took a few months for me to realize she wasn't having a stroke in the middle of all of her scenes. 

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She was always very arch, she always has been in the role, and it always at the very least bordered on camp. But it was the kind of camp that worked for me because she played it straight and nasty, until they neutered her for Morgan. Then they flipped her back to the dark side, but it's been tough giving her purpose because Ron has been, as always, preoccupied with new toys, and Ava spent most of last year pregnant. Now we have Denise, one of the worst things on the show, and all MW's usual tics as Ava have been deployed in a way that does not work for me. When Ava is in evening wear with crazy eyes plotting to kill people, then I'm happy.

Edited by jsbt

Why is 23 year old BC engaged?


I mean, there are more and more older woman/younger man couples nowadays (Hell, I was part of one for awhile myself until last year--the difference was just about four years, though, so not that major), and they really do seem to be in love and have been together for two years now, so if it's right, it's right. And think of it this way: given their behavior on Instagram and Twitter recently, do you REALLY want to see them being inflicted on anyone else? Who else could stand them? ;) 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 2

CD has one failed marriage behind him already. He might have learned it's not a bad idea to wait.


I was thinking that too but I was thinking about KA's mindset. She might be thinking but it's different with us!!


Didn't his first marriage end BECAUSE of KA? They weren't married for very long before she joined the show and met him.



She claims nothing happened until Chad got an annulment. Which, it might not have, but I'm sure they were in to each other. But the ex-wife's sister got pissy on twitter because KA posted pictures of her and Chad in Dec 2012 and wrote something about not even waiting for the ink to dry on the papers before she posted pictures.

  • Love 3

That whole marriage stank of desperation to me. They got married after KA joined the show, if I recall, and it lasted barely an eyeblink. It always struck me as a situation where he's dating someone and has been, someone new comes into his life that he's interested and attracted to and working with a lot, perhaps the girlfriend got very insecure about the relationship (understandably so) and they decided to get married to somehow solidify things... it didn't work and they annulled the marriage.


I mean, that's what it came down to. It was annulled rather than a divorce probably because it was an eyeblink of a marriage and he did it to either make the girlfriend feel better while he was clearly interested in someone else or for another young stupid reason.


I'm always rather hesitant to sling things like 'because of KA' around because that was his relationship and his marriage, not hers. If he ended things because he wanted to be with her then the marriage ended because of HIM.


Ultimately, though, he was a young man who made a foolish decision to stave off his developing attraction/relationship with someone else by marrying the girl he was with instead of, oh, I don't know, just breaking up with her. Eh... people are often not particularly wise when it comes to relationship woes no matter the age.

  • Love 2

That whole marriage stank of desperation to me. They got married after KA joined the show, if I recall, and it lasted barely an eyeblink. It always struck me as a situation where he's dating someone and has been, someone new comes into his life that he's interested and attracted to and working with a lot, perhaps the girlfriend got very insecure about the relationship (understandably so) and they decided to get married to somehow solidify things... it didn't work and they annulled the marriage.


I'm pretty sure they were engaged and the date was set before KA joined the show, but I'd have to look it up. But I remember seeing pictures and it definitely wasn't a "last minute wedding arrangement" wedding. If anything, I think he developed feelings for KA but he didn't want to call off the wedding because it had already been planned for, they had been together for a while, etc. I think it was probably actually getting married that made him realize officially whoops I really don't want to be with this person anymore.


Just to be clear, I wasn't blaming KA. When I say, "they broke up because of KA" I didn't mean "KA that hussy broke them up", I meant "Chad had feelings for KA and that's why he broke up with the wife". Or who knows, maybe the wife accused him of having feelings, demanded an annulment and then he went with KA.

  • Love 2

Just to be clear, I wasn't blaming KA. When I say, "they broke up because of KA" I didn't mean "KA that hussy broke them up", I meant "Chad had feelings for KA and that's why he broke up with the wife". Or who knows, maybe the wife accused him of having feelings, demanded an annulment and then he went with KA.


Thank you for the clarification. I tend to get my back up about fingers getting pointed at the other woman rather than the man who strayed. It's not that I'm necessarily excusing a woman for seeing a married man and going after him (have seen that happen and have nothing good to say about that kind of woman -- or man for that matter) but, in my opinion, if a person is in a committed relationship then the responsibility to maintain that relationship is on that person. Not the one who is NOT in a relationship. It's not like anyone is so unbelievably tempting that a person is incapable of resisting them.


I don't think I knew they were engaged before KA arrived at GH. Okay, so he was engaged and then met someone he was really into and... maybe he thought he was just getting cold feet, maybe he was worried at his feelings and pressed forward with the marriage anyway... who knows?


The sister's Twitter comment? No. Go out with your friends, or go out with your sister and drink some cocktails and bitch all fucking night about what a low rent bitch the ex ran off with. Totally within your realm to do so... understandable and encouraged even! Don't take it to a public forum. By that point, you have know know why the marriage isn't lasting and getting snitty about it on Twitter doesn't make anyone look good.

  • Love 3

I don't think I knew they were engaged before KA arrived at GH. Okay, so he was engaged and then met someone he was really into and... maybe he thought he was just getting cold feet, maybe he was worried at his feelings and pressed forward with the marriage anyway... who knows?


I looked it up just to make sure, and yeah, he asked in August 2011. (Just 9 months after they met, when he was 23. I hope he shares his experience with Bryan!)



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I admit, I tend to groan loudly at the 'we've known each other 9 months so let's get married!' My cousin married a guy she knew for 6 months and they're together almost 25 years later so, obviously, it can work but I think I'd like to know a guy a bit longer than that. (My sister married a guy she had been with for 7 years. One of my oldest friends married a guy she'd been with for 9 years so, yeah, it goes both ways. Both couples are still together by the way.)


Obviously there's no formula. I will say, though, that Chad seems to have learned his lesson and is taking it slower with KA so that's a good step for him, I guess. As for Bryan and Girl Who Played Britt... oh, who knows? Based on their tweeting they seem perfect for each other.

  • Love 3

So cute!



Thank you for the clarification. I tend to get my back up about fingers getting pointed at the other woman rather than the man who strayed. It's not that I'm necessarily excusing a woman for seeing a married man and going after him (have seen that happen and have nothing good to say about that kind of woman -- or man for that matter) but, in my opinion, if a person is in a committed relationship then the responsibility to maintain that relationship is on that person. Not the one who is NOT in a relationship. It's not like anyone is so unbelievably tempting that a person is incapable of resisting them.




Oh, absolutely, I agree with that, too. Ultimately, it was on Chad more than her. I'll admit, though, when I first heard about them being together, I thought of her onscreen mom, KDP, and how she and JDP were BOTH married when they met, and it's entirely possible that they cheated/left their spouses ready to be with each other. Not entirely the same, of course, but still a bit of a Like Onscreen Mother, Like Onscreen Daughter situation (I'm still a fan of both of the DePaivas, though). 

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY had a blurb about Tony Geary leaving GH.  It stated that Tony Geary's decision to leave had "less to do with playing Luke and more to do with his impatience at the medium of soaps".  Geary says that soaps are "always in act 2" and that he is tired of how "people don't even die or even if they die they seem to regenerate".  (Can't really say that complaint is unwarranted).  I LOL'd at the part of the article where he said about how difficult it was for him to realize that his obituary would read, "Luke of Luke and Laura died today" because "I don't think it represents me as a person or an actor", but then says some bland crap about he's all cool with it now and all.  I was like, "Yeah, you're so cool with it you mention it in every single fucking interview!!!"  ;)

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