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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I would be all for a young and talented writer (Sri Rao?) paired with Thom Racina, who last worked at OLTL 2.0 and was at GH for the Ice Princess days and DAYS for the crazy '80s. But I doubt ABC has any interest in meeting Racina's quote. Though who knows, maybe he's cheaper than Jean Passanante now. She's been nonstop on the soaps for over a decade.

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I want any of the PP writers to take over writing this show. I don't care whether they've ever seen it before, they, at least, had some idea of how to do soap

If that happens, then I want Corbin Bleu to come on as the unknown love child of AJ and Keesha because he's pretty and can act. And I want the guy who played Matthew to replace RPW as Dillion. And a pony.
  • Love 6

I'm a little disappointed that JE falls into the "well if a man is respecting Tracy it MUST mean they will bore the audience." As if Tracy would ever be all rainbows and puppies over anything, even if she were with a man who didn't treat her like crap all the time. 


I like how she called out the fact that Logan was asking a question he already knew the answer to re: the Edward heart medication scene, heh.


Look, I love Jane Elliot, but I can't say that picture is radiating sex, but whatever.


It sounds like Jane is ready to go once her contract is up. Anyone know when that is?

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I'm a little disappointed that JE falls into the "well if a man is respecting Tracy it MUST mean they will bore the audience." As if Tracy would ever be all rainbows and puppies over anything, even if she were with a man who didn't treat her like crap all the time.

Yeah, I thought she should know better, too.


An excellent point:


This is not the best that we can do. Yes, there are limitations in daytime with budget and time but then we need to write material that accommodates those limitations. Don’t write shootouts on the pier. Don’t write explosions and fires. If you don’t have the time and the money, make the stories small and intimate and heartbreaking. I also find it completely irresponsible to play guns the way do on GH and as often we do.


So, so true. I don't know why GH thinks going bigger and bigger is the way to stay relevant. A really well-written social-issue story, for example, can have just as much of an impact, if not more.


And for sheer amusement value:


Tracy has had three seizures and thank God I’ve had a buff young actor to catch me each time I’m falling backward, stiff and bucking. The first seizure was with sweet Matt Cohen [Griffin] and it was our first scene together. I said, “Hi, my name is Jane, and I’m about to fall into your arms.” I’m not some 95-pound ingenue. I’m a substantial, almost-70-year-old woman, and they were terrified of dropping me, like I was going to break a hip or something. I’m like, “Good luck to ya, boys! I’m going down. If you don’t grab me, you’re going down too!”


  • Love 15

This is not the best that we can do. Yes, there are limitations in daytime with budget and time but then we need to write material that accommodates those limitations. Don’t write shootouts on the pier. Don’t write explosions and fires. If you don’t have the time and the money, make the stories small and intimate and heartbreaking. I also find it completely irresponsible to play guns the way do on GH and as often we do.

I think I love her!

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Jane Elliot's TV Guide interview is up on the web site.  It's goooood:




That was a great interview, thanks for posting. Interesting that she brought up Tracy's mob connections. 


She's really had quite the career. I enjoyed revisiting each role she had and what the show atmosphere was like. Sounds like she really loved AMC. The only other role I watched her on was Anjelica on Days.

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I'm a little disappointed that JE falls into the "well if a man is respecting Tracy it MUST mean they will bore the audience." As if Tracy would ever be all rainbows and puppies over anything, even if she were with a man who didn't treat her like crap all the time.

I like how she called out the fact that Logan was asking a question he already knew the answer to re: the Edward heart medication scene, heh.

Look, I love Jane Elliot, but I can't say that picture is radiating sex, but whatever.

It sounds like Jane is ready to go once her contract is up. Anyone know when that is?

GH has a casting call out for a 60-ish "name actress" to play a tart-tongued character.

If JE doesn't jump, she'll be pushed.


Oh man, this little gem on Jean Passante's Twitter (which apparently was since deleted) in response to being tweeted her Jane's comment about the gun violence:


Agreed.  And we're doing it far, far less.  And commenting on it via Carly.  But this is a show in which the lead is a mobster.


...how do these writers not realize that having Carly of all people - a decades-old mob moll who STILL didn't leave her mobster husband after this latest incident - commenting on gun violence is worthless.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 16

Lol. Oh Jean, Jean, Jean. Doesn't she know that 1.) Jason is #1, Sonny is #2? and 2.) This is Frank's show now. Whatever character he tells you is the lead is the lead, dammit! Don't you watch his promos? #TheFrankSays

I'm so glad the offscreen drama has kicked up. I guess that advice from Ron paid off, eh Jean;)

Good for you, Tequan! Now it's time to go be appreciated.

I found her comments about her relationship with Frank Valentini very interesting, that she made a good faith effort by doing some firsts when he asked her to, but that she didn't let him steamroll her further and he started backing up off her.


I think what was interesting about it was Logan was obviously setting her up for some "yeah man, even Frank Valentini is scared of my bad ass!" moment, and she was refusing to do that and was finally like, "yeah, Frank's not scared of anyone. Moving on."

That was a great interview. I do feel like Jane is ready to leave, though.

I kinda didn't like how she said that she would basically only do things that Frank asked once. I appreciate the honesty, but it's also her job.



The NB stuff, yeah, but submitting herself for emmy consideration isn't, so I didn't think there was anything wrong with that. Especially since Frank is kinda just using her so she, an actual actors, can get an Emmy for GH and he can point to her and say they still have good acting while he's parading his abercrombie and fitch models across the screen.

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The NB stuff, yeah, but submitting herself for emmy consideration isn't, so I didn't think there was anything wrong with that. Especially since Frank is kinda just using her so she, an actual actors, can get an Emmy for GH and he can point to her and say they still have good acting while he's parading his abercrombie and fitch models across the screen.

I wasn't talking about the Emmy stuff. That's obvs her choice.

I dunno, I feel like, with the Nurses' Ball stuff, she could have played it Tony Geary diva style and flat-out refused.  But he asked her to give it a shot and she conceded and decided that once was enough.  Like I said earlier, it seemed like a nice show of good faith on both sides.


Yeah, it doesn't really sound like Jane goes around refusing to play anything (what she said to Logan about not questioning a scene). I think she just meant extra-curricular stuff like the publicity parties and emmys, and I can see why she would consider the NB an extra-curricular thing. I think it would be different if she were refusing to perform if the audience really wanted her to.


I worry that TIIC will punish Jane Elliot's sound advice for how to run General Hospital. Maybe when she retires from acting, we can lure to being the executive producer, because she gets it.


Shelly Altman's tweet showcased my two biggest problems with her. She is trying to push a divisive political agenda (and a position I don't remotely agree with so it pisses me off), unlike in the days of Claire Labine  or even some in the 80s that was trying to educate as well as show the changing the world we lived in (AIDS, interracial relationships, etc.) and she is doing it an extremely heavy handed way. Second, she uses characters who for all intents and purposes should not be the mouth piece for her political positions by virtue of who they are, thereby making it out of character. Carly has been shot in head by her husband, her child, when he was a child, was put into a coma by a bullet, why the fuck would Kiki of all people be the thing that makes her anti-gun?

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 7

I think Jane's interview was fantastic and I think she's right about GH working with its budget and telling more contemporary relationship-based stories, but I don't think that means they can't or shouldn't do action and adventure on a certain scale - GH was built on a lot of that and it can be fun. I do think the particular types of action and adventure are often very irresponsible while they're still iionizing the mob. It didn't used to be that way, and it can change again.


That story about her lean years is something else. I can relate. And I knew they were very close, but Deidre Hall is one hell of a friend.

  • Love 13

I think Jane's interview was fantastic and I think she's right about GH working with its budget and telling more contemporary relationship-based stories, but I don't think that means they can't or shouldn't do action and adventure on a certain scale - GH was built on a lot of that and it can be fun. I do think the particular types of action and adventure are often very irresponsible while they're still iionizing the mob. It didn't used to be that way, and it can change again.


That story about her lean years is something else. I can relate. And I knew they were very close, but Deidre Hall is one hell of a friend.


The budget issue will curtail certain kinds of filming, but they could do some action / adventure.  Like, back in the day they probably had scenes of Felicia and Frisco running around in a field and called it Mexico.  And some of the Ice Princess sets looked pretty cheap (like, aluminum foil glued on a door to make it look like metal cheap -- and later one of Mikkos' tables made its way into Robert's house set, heh).  


But the key was that there were appealing characters that you were willing to suspend disbelief for.   The characters now aren't interesting, and the "adventure" stories they come up with aren't interesting.   Your choices are basically mob shenanigans on a dock or kidnapping and being locked in an ugly windowless set by the Legion of Doom / some other lunatic.   


The problem is that none of this shit if fun to watch.  They refuse to sit down and plan out a decent, proper mystery or suspense story that knows where it's going from the start and knows what it's supposed to reveal about the characters.  


Anyway.   Maybe we can make Jane the new writer, if she retires as Tracy.  

  • Love 8

Well this is interesting...


By SOD • Posted: Apr 6, 2016


Lynn Herring is returning to GH in time for this year's Nurses' Ball, Soap Opera Digest can confirm. According to Daytime Confidential, she will be joined by another important figure in the history of the Nurses' Ball, Kimberly McCullough (Robin).

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Brandon Barash and Kirsten Storms are divorcing:



Oh wow. Didn't see that coming at all, they're so much on social media and posting things like Easter just last week!


It will still be weird for that event coming up.

Edited by Artsda



By SOD • Posted: Apr 6, 2016


GH’s Brandon Barash (ex-Johnny) and Kirsten Storms (Maxie), who tied the knot in June 2013, have made the difficult decision to divorce.

“We are splitting due to the cliché irreconcilable differences, but we’re splitting amicably,” Barash tells Digest exclusively, stressing that their first priority is daughter Harper, 2. “We have every intention of remaining a family through this and successfully co-parenting our kid and retaining a friendship in the efforts of raising her in a healthy environment.”

Barash and Storms share that they sought professional help to work on their relationship. “This was not a hasty decision; a lot of thought and therapy went into this,” he explains. Adds Storms, “We went to therapy for a long time, trying to figure out how to communicate better with each other. It’s not anything that we dislike about each other…” “But we’ve decided that raising our daughter in two separate homes would be a healthier choice for all of us,” notes Barash.

They are still planning to attend this weekend's GH Fantasy Weekend event in East Hanover, NJ. "I am super-excited about this weekend; I think we’re going to have a good time," says Storms. "If fans are looking to go and watch us be awkward with each other, that’s totally not going to happen. We are getting along, and I would say enjoying each other’s company more now that we don’t have the pressure of what comes with a relationship added on to that. I think Brandon and I are really looking forward to getting our friendship with each other back.”

Barash agrees. “It will be good. I think letting people know and getting it out there will also take a tremendous burden off of both of our shoulders. We’ve each been through breakups before but never really in public, so this is certainly another layer to the proverbial onion that neither of us has dealt with."

They are well aware that there may be gossip about what caused the split, but Storms emphasizes, “There was nothing that went into this outside of what we’ve told you. We’re doing what we feel is best for ourselves and Harper.” Barash adds, “People are going to speculate because they always want to, and they always want to place blame, but it was a joint decision that we thought everyone in our family would benefit from.”

It's just a few days away, I wonder why they just didn't wait until after the event.


Probably because they don't want people to ask questions about their relationship and pretend they're still together.

I cant believe Bry-dog & Thighbolt have now outlasted two other GH real-life couples.


technically they have not outlasted either couple yet. Both BB/KSt and Chad and Kristen started dating each other before Kelly and Bryan even met. Give them about 8 months, and THEN they'll have outlasted both those couples. :)

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