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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Oh, I don't care either, just noting their weird strategies.

Oh, yeah. It's been like this from the jump with Frank (and Ron). They have favorites and their favorites get more attention and become overexposed. At one point or another it's been: Michael Easton, Bryan Craig, Teresa Castillo, Michelle Stafford, Roger Howarth, Maura West...

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Oh, yeah. It's been like this from the jump with Frank (and Ron). They have favorites and their favorites get more attention and become overexposed. At one point or another it's been: Michael Easton, Bryan Craig, Teresa Castillo, Michelle Stafford, Roger Howarth, Maura West...


I don't know, something weird happened with the Craigster. He wasn't on that much in 2014, and they were kinda slowly building him and Kiki back up that year, but then they recast Kiki and Kiki and Morgan were drugging Michael and then a couple of months later we were getting bi-polar Morgan. Call me paranoid but I think MB stuck up for Bryan somehow. First they backburnered him for a year (from the break-up with Ava up until drugging Michael he wasn't on that much at all), then they made his character look soulless, and then they backed it up with tons of emmybait screentime. It's weird, like I said.

Edited by ulkis
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I heard that the actors didn't even know the promo was for ME. I guess they thought it was a generic GH promo.

Word on the street is that they were told they were filming the 53rd anniversary promo.

Oh Frank, can you please do a better job of hiding your obsession with ME? We all are suffering doubly for it. First, there's the secondhand embarrassment we're suffering on your behalf. Second, we're stuck with ME.

  • Love 7

Word on the street is that they were told they were filming the 53rd anniversary promo.

Oh Frank, can you please do a better job of hiding your obsession with ME? We all are suffering doubly for it. First, there's the secondhand embarrassment we're suffering on your behalf. Second, we're stuck with ME.

Why would they be told that, though? Why not say it's for ME if that's what it's for? I just feel like this is another implication that the cast doesn't like ME or are forced to support ME or blah blah no one likes ME! I get that there are a lot of fans who are sick of the dude, but I doubt all the actors feel that way.

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Why would they be told that, though? Why not say it's for ME if that's what it's for? I just feel like this is another implication that the cast doesn't like ME or are forced to support ME or blah blah no one likes ME! I get that there are a lot of fans who are sick of the dude, but I doubt all the actors feel that way.


I mean, maybe that is what Jamey is trying to imply, but my own guess, like I said above - if this is true - is not because the cast doesn't like Easton or anything like that but this decently big promo being filmed for anybody, let alone already-fired-once-because-no-one-cared-that-much Michael Easton would raise a couple of eyebrows.

  • Love 11

I mean, maybe that is what Jamey is trying to imply, but my own guess, like I said above - if this is true - is not because the cast doesn't like Easton or anything like that but this decently big promo being filmed for anybody, let alone already-fired-once-because-no-one-cared-that-much Michael Easton would raise a couple of eyebrows.

But it's not a secret? They were all going to find out what it was for. This implication that they had to be in the dark about this to show up on set and not cause a stink about it is hilarious, tbh. But whatevs. Jamey can keep doing what he do.

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Why would they be told that, though? Why not say it's for ME if that's what it's for? I just feel like this is another implication that the cast doesn't like ME or are forced to support ME or blah blah no one likes ME! I get that there are a lot of fans who are sick of the dude, but I doubt all the actors feel that way.

No, no. And I agree with with Ulkis. I don't think the inference to be drawn is that ME's castmates dislike him.

Rather, each and every person in that promo would have reason to object to the favoritism being show to ME. It isn't that they dislike him personally, but they all realize that he's not enough of a star on GH to warrant them all coming out and getting dressed in celebratory duds in order to pay homage and celebrate him.

If I know one thing about actors, they are walking balls of ego. Each and everyone of them would've been thinking, "Why didn't I get this special treatment?!" And for about half of them, they would have a good argument to make. Even the newbies can argue that they weren't fired due to lack of fan interest.

  • Love 9

But it's not a secret? They were all going to find out what it was for. This implication that they had to be in the dark about this to show up on set and not cause a stink about it is hilarious, tbh. But whatevs. Jamey can keep doing what he do.


"going" being the key word though. By that time they would all be clear of Frank's garage or wherever the heck they filmed that.

  • Love 3

But it's not a secret? They were all going to find out what it was for. This implication that they had to be in the dark about this to show up on set and not cause a stink about it is hilarious, tbh. But whatevs. Jamey can keep doing what he do.

You've never had to corral a bunch of celebrities into showing up for something that wasn't in their personal financial best interests to do. ;)

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Rather, each and every person in that promo would have reason to object to the favoritism being show to ME. It isn't that they dislike him personally, but they all realize that he's not enough of a star on GH to warrant them all coming out and getting dressed in celebratory duds in order to pay homage and celebrate him.

If I know one thing about actors, they are walking balls of ego. Each and everyone of them would've been thinking, "Why didn't I get this special treatment?!" And for about half of them, they would have a good argument to make. Even the newbies can argue that they weren't fired due to lack of fan interest.

I think I'd bust out laughing if Mo, LW, RH, KeMo, Bryan Craig, MS, made a stink about favoritism.

Trust me, I get what you're saying about egos in the business. I'm honestly just over this whole Michael Easton situation in terms of how some have just made it so personal with the guy.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Lol. I remember a blind that came out in 2012 around the time ME started that a soap actor was jealous of a new actor from another show taking his screen time. Everyone guessed it was Mo or SBu jealous of ME. I going to go look for that now because it was hilarious especially knowing that no one knew they were filming "Hallelujah, Michael Easton Hath Returned! "

Although, I didn't see MSt anywhere in the promo. I think it could be distancing the show from stuff that got bad ratings, plus here's ME. I know, irony.

Lol. I remember a blind that came out in 2012 around the time ME started that a soap actor was jealous of a new actor from another show taking his screen time. Everyone guessed it was Mo or SBu jealous of ME. I going to go look for that now because it was hilarious especially knowing that no one knew they were filming "Hallelujah, Michael Easton Hath Returned! "

Although, I didn't see MSt anywhere in the promo. I think it could be distancing the show from stuff that got bad ratings, plus here's ME. I know, irony.


She was in there, with Dillon, Valerie, and Maxie.

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someone posted this in reaction to seeing the ME promo and oh my  . . 



Why did they dress Sarah Brown in-character as Claudia? It's like Claudia was dancing on the beach

Ok, that was worth it just to see Sarah Brown channel her inner Stockard Channing for "He sounds like a drag."


And so bizarre to see Tony Geary so .... playful?

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The WB used to be lit. Angel, Buffy, Charmed, Dawson's Creek, Felicity, Roswell, Popular....

Man whoever came up with the old WB promos was amazeballs! Even the old print ads were awesome. Smallville...shirtless Clark Kent wearing a kryptonite necklace? STILL remember that image.

And back on topic... That promo was weird and I'm sorry Becky is staying if only because she is my last tie to this show and the only character I still check in on. She and I were BOTH almost free! I mean I LOVE Anna but she doesn't seem like Anna without any of the rest of the old crew around her. Just makes me miss everybody else.

  • Love 3

Did anyone actually listen to that diva Jamey's podcast and can provide a summary? I'm allergic to his pissy ass attitude and hubris.


I read a summary but it seems like he didn't say anything much:


That [becky] was on her way to Days, it was done. Not only did she tell GH no...but hell no about their offer.


Days was going to do a unique SORAS with Becky (I'm assuming for the character of Abigail).


Once again, fan outcry saved Becky...that she has quietly built a fan base that will mobilize...called fans "Dothraki soldiers."


JG said to let the record show he would have done the same thing if it was KeMo because she is a veteran.


Herbst is a #1 stunner at this show...they've never seen her as that...this regime has never...previous regimes have never.


LK saying that they have undervalued her for years.


Last time they flat out fired her. This time they made her an offer & she was like no, this is not good enough because they lowballed her. She said no, I'm better than this.


The first time she was fired and fan outcry brought her back...this time she took her own power and said no, I'm not taking your crumbs.


Days is Damn...damn...damn.


JG said that he was just at a loss for what this show thinks is important if they don't realize that BH is one of the biggest stars on this show.


It hurts the show when you get a big expensive actor and then look at vets and say you're not worth the duckets (?) we're paying you. ABC was more excited about ME returning than the fans.


JG was like good for BH for leaning in and demanding what she was worth.



  • Love 4

JG seems so dramatic and exaggerates things.


I could never see Becky as Abigail recast. She is only 10 years younger than her would be on screen mother Missy Reeves. I know she is young looking but she would look a decade older than her love interest on Days. 


I was born in 1989. Abby on DAYS was born in 1992. Seeing Becky, who was born in 1977, play a character who was born three years after me would NOT have been good for my self-esteem, LOL. 


BTW, who's the LK referred to talking about how Becky is undervalued? Lauren Koslow? I feel like I'm dumb and I'm missing something obvious. 

Edited by UYI

I was born in 1989. Abby on DAYS was born in 1992. Seeing Becky, who was born in 1977, play a character who was born three years after me would NOT have been good for my self-esteem, LOL. 


BTW, who's the LK referred to talking about how Becky is undervalued? Lauren Koslow? I feel like I'm dumb and I'm missing something obvious. 


I think it refers to Luke Kerr of Daytime Confidential.

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Jamey is a loon but he's not wrong about this: Becky Herbst is only still on this show because of her devoted fanbase. It was true five or six years ago and it's the same today, though I do suspect she took a typical FV lowball offer. The fact is no regime at GH has truly valued her for at least fifteen years. I may not be a huge Liz fan (and I fucking despise her right now), but I've had times I've really appreciated the character and I see no reason she can't continue. Becky's a strong actress who gives it everything she has - she may not be the flashiest performer around but I respect her dedication and recognize her staying power with the character.

Jamey's a drama a queen and since every single DAYS casting release for Abby for months has specifically said they were casting actresses in their 20's. " I doubt they were going to suddenly make her 40.The latest casting update a few weeks back specifically said 26.


Herbst looks way younger than her age but even then it's pushing it. That being said it is absolutely just the kind of nonsense DAYS would do.

Edited by jsbt
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