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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I'd agree on seeing more of Mac and Felicia as supporting characters, especially as mothers of Maxie.  They had placed Mac in a Ruby-like role as the owner/bartender of the Floating Rib. Ron and Frank are responsible for jettisoning them.


This show should jettison Franco, Nina, Kiki, Julian, and dare I say even Alexis.  Olivia could go too as a regular and be a recurring supporting character of Dante. That' would open up having a richer canvas and more of a community feeling for the remaining characters.

  • Love 5

If it were up to me we'd see Mac and Felicia with Anna, Maxie, Patrick, Robin, etc. early and often, as well as Lucy with - well, Lucy can do anything.


If I had my druthers, instead of Darby, we'd have Serena or Christina Baldwin, which would give Lucy in a supporting role a stronger purpose, and give the character something new to do.


And yes, I don't need Mac and Felicia to have a story of their own, but there should be more scenes of them with Maxie, with Anna, etc.  Hopefully Robin's return will mean a release from the vets closet.

  • Love 10

THe fact that characters like Nina franco,Morgan Kiki ect are the future of our show is so depressing.

They won't be. But only because the show will be canceled shortly if Frank and ABC don't finally wise up to the audience wholesalely rejecting them, and thus ratings will continue to remain in the cellar and likely find another bottom.

I think ratings leveled out in the mid 400,000 to low 500,000 range because they did start focusing on GH-centered characters as opposed to 75% Y&R-ers and the OLTL-ers. It also helps that it's fall, and the ratings tend to trend up during that time. But the demos are still down from the year before each week, and 490,000 was the all-time low before the ratings crashed this spring and summer. So, most weeks, the demos haven't even hit the floor of the previous low. GH is perpetually in the demo ratings cellar right now.

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If it were up to me we'd see Mac and Felicia with Anna, Maxie, Patrick, Robin, etc. early and often, as well as Lucy with - well, Lucy can do anything.


I demand an example of this "anything", sir!


I can see Lucy running some Deception thing-y again with Maxie or Laura, but I don't want to see actual relationship hijinx with her again. Let her and Kevin reconcile and be seen sporadically.

  • Love 2

I can see Lucy running some Deception thing-y again with Maxie or Laura, but I don't want to see actual relationship hijinx with her again. Let her and Kevin reconcile and be seen sporadically.


Yup, like I said above, I'd patch up Lucy and Kevin and then you could have Lucy dealing with her daughter, which you could do with or without Kevin actually being on-screen.

  • Love 2

Nathan Varni, on his Twitter, helpfully lets us know which episodes we should skip:


Watching some pretty amazing scenes tape right now between @MauriceBenard and @bryan_craig can't wait for you to see them on Dec 2!




Thanks Nathan!


Sweet baby Jasus, can someone just hand BryDog an Emmy now so we can be spared the "Bryan Craig Emmy Train" for the next several months? 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 5

Sweet baby Jasus, can someone just hand BryDog an Emmy now so we can be spared the "Bryan Craig Emmy Train" for the next several months? 


This reminds me I haven't done an instagram check in a while




Bryan showing off his kicking skills.




uh, interesting.

Isn't Nathan Varni supposed to be some kind of behind the scenes executive or something? Why is he always giving statements and making announcements on social media?


He's a fancy intern, not an executive.

  • Love 3

This reminds me I haven't done an instagram check in a while




Bryan showing off his kicking skills.




uh, interesting.


He's a fancy intern, not an executive.


You missed this: 


Bryan Craig ‏@bryan_craig  20h20 hours ago

@nathanvarni  a cool guest star role ever comes up on once upon a time...... Love that show ;)


  • Love 2

You missed this:

Oh, sweet jezuz, no.

Nathan is the ABC person assigned to 3 ABC shows: GH, Once Upon a Time, and the Middle. He runs the notes from ABC -- think of ABC as the headquarters or the district office -- out to the producers of GH, OUAT and the Middle -- think of them as the satellite offices. Think of Nate as Gabe from the office. You know, this guy:

He has absolutely no authority whatsoever, but he's trying to make a name for himself on social media.

If he overpromises something on GH though, like Robert actually being featured in a several-week story instead of just 3 appearances scattered over, technically 2 or 3 weeks, then I almost feel sorry for the social media ass whipping he's about to receive.

  • Love 6

I demand an example of this "anything", sir!


I can see Lucy running some Deception thing-y again with Maxie or Laura, but I don't want to see actual relationship hijinx with her again. Let her and Kevin reconcile and be seen sporadically.


I don't need Lucy to have some frontburner love affair and try to do a Julexis with her, but she can absolutely anchor all sorts of business or family story while still being with Kevin. As for anything, it's literally her history! Who can forget the ducks? The sexy librarian? The serial killer she came to town with? The evil twins? The psychic spies? That's Lucy! I'd have her on constantly, IDGAF.


As for Nathan Varni, I have no idea why so many sites take that dude so seriously and act like he has his hand on the wheel. He is clearly and transparently exactly what was described above, a glorified intern. All you have to do to know that is look at his resume and a half-day's worth of his tweets. Anything that came from the network didn't come from him, IMO. He's a mouthpiece with a mind of his own.

  • Love 9

As for Nathan Varni, I have no idea why so many sites take that dude so seriously and act like he has his hand on the wheel. He is clearly and transparently exactly what was described above, a glorified intern. All you have to do to know that is look at his resume and a half-day's worth of his tweets. Anything that came from the network didn't come from him, IMO. He's a mouthpiece with a mind of his own.


I think its Giddens' fault. He's always screaming apparently that Varni did this or Varni did that. Which then leads us to the question of, and why in the hell is anyone taking Jamey Giddens seriously.

  • Love 7

I think its Giddens' fault. He's always screaming apparently that Varni did this or Varni did that. Which then leads us to the question of, and why in the hell is anyone taking Jamey Giddens seriously.

I blame NLG, too. When she was doing that internet show, she and Varni got into a "scratch my back; I'll scratch yours" situation where she promoted him, and got her most avid followers to start talking about him like he was some big mucky muck, and he in turn promoted Julexis and GH Now! or whatever that internet show was.

And I think I may start calling him Gabe.

I really have no idea why they make that dude out to be their arch-enemy. Just because he's the only one who will bother to talk to them doesn't make him (or DC) important. It also, frankly, becomes an indicator of how out of touch they actually are with the process.

Giddens is a mouthpiece for Ron. Do you think Ron might be taking some things out on the literal messenger?

  • Love 1

Sweet baby Jasus, can someone just hand BryDog an Emmy now so we can be spared the "Bryan Craig Emmy Train" for the next several months? 


Give him a chocolate one covered with gold foil. I doubt he'll notice the difference. 


Isn't Nathan Varni supposed to be some kind of behind the scenes executive or something? Why is he always giving statements and making announcements on social media?


He drew the short straw.

  • Love 2

I demand an example of this "anything", sir!


I can see Lucy running some Deception thing-y again with Maxie or Laura, but I don't want to see actual relationship hijinx with her again. Let her and Kevin reconcile and be seen sporadically.

I do think there is a place for Lucy. I actually think Lynn is really good when she is with younger actors. I would like to see her somehow take Ruby's place as a life advisor -- usually in a "don't do what I did" kind of way.

But I have to put my foot down about reprising Deception, yet again. I still have mild PTSD from 1999 when Laura and Carly battled over it. Genie flat out does not do well in executive storylines. She goes all GRAND and BIG with her acting. It's a fright. It scares me.

Look, Genie's storyline from 1996 with the Cassadines sucked me back into GH, big time. The back story of Laura and Stefan? Whether romantic or not, it hooked me like a captive fish in a pay to fish fishing pond. But I also still remember the day I stopped recording GH. It involved business mogul or maverick or whatever you want to call her Laura Spencer. The performance was half Greek Goddess and half used car salesman. I still have nightmares.

  • Love 4

I blame NLG, too. When she was doing that internet show, she and Varni got into a "scratch my back; I'll scratch yours" situation where she promoted him, and got her most avid followers to start talking about him like he was some big mucky muck, and he in turn promoted Julexis and GH Now! or whatever that internet show was.


That I did not know about. Strange.


I liked Laura at Deception! But my memories are hazy, I should revisit it.

Edited by jsbt

did he at least include his fiancee's handle in that tweet? Spread the love, Bryan.


I'm pretty surprised he didn't.  "Get me and Kelly guest roles.  As a couple!  And we can totally do it onscreen!"  (Yeah, I've found the lines between BryDog and Morgan have completely blurred for me.) 


Give him a chocolate one covered with gold foil. I doubt he'll notice the difference. 


He probably already thinks they're made of chocolate.  That's why he wants one so badly. 

  • Love 5


He probably already thinks they're made of chocolate.  That's why he wants one so badly.


Nope. In true Brydog fashion, he once answered a question in SID a couple of years ago about would you rather give up sex or chocolate? I'm sure you don't have to guess what he chose ("Fucking chocolate!"), but then he said he didn't even like chocolate that much. And it is horribly sad and hideous that I know all this from memory.

  • Love 6

THe fact that characters like Nina franco,Morgan Kiki ect are the future of our show is so depressing.


I'm going to be a shade more fair than normal and say that Morgan doesn't deserve to be lumped in with those other wastes of carbon. I hate Sonny and always have, but as his actual biological son, Morgan's the current show's version of a legacy character. The show isn't using him very well, but that's become such an epidemic at this point that it's hard to find a character who couldn't claim the same thing.

  • Love 3

Varni may technically be over The Middle, but he doesn't have jack shit to do with the show because the producers told him to butt the fuck out years ago.

I'm pretty surprised he didn't.  "Get me and Kelly guest roles.  As a couple!  And we can totally do it onscreen!"  (Yeah, I've found the lines between BryDog and Morgan have completely blurred for me.) 

Bry-dog & Kelly would he perfect as Tweedledum & Tweedledee.

So while I was in line at the grocery store today I was idly leafing through the newest copy of SID, about the storylines for November sweeps, and my eye fell on this sentence (somewhat paraphrased):


"The writers assure the fans that Michael will not follow in his father's footsteps to join the Mob."


The fact that TIIC have no clue as to what is so hideously wrong about that sentence tells you everything you need to know as to why this show is dead last in the ratings and sinking further.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 4

Varni may technically be over The Middle, but he doesn't have jack shit to do with the show because the producers told him to butt the fuck out years ago.

Ha - is that really true? I had no idea.

It's funny to me because I watch both GH and OUAT (well, I used to watch GH and I still keep tabs of it). And it's eerie how similar the two shows are in a certain respect.

OUAT has a bunch of lead characters who are murderers, totally black characters, that they try to paint as grey. And two of those characters, Rumplestilskin and the Evil Queen, are amongst the writers favorites. So they are constantly getting free passes for all their past crimes and given "second chances," etc. The hard part for me is that they happen to be amongst my favorite characters. So, I'm basically stuck liking the Sonny and Carly of that show -gahhh! I feel like my entire ethical make up has been compromised!

Meanwhile, the PTV board for OUAT so rivals this board in terms of their animosity for those villainous characters and their disdain for the show runners. The posters there are constantly in disbelief that the good characters get crapped over and that they not only accept but appease and coddle the "bad guys." It's like up is down and black is white for me.

And it's so weird that the one common denominator is Nathan Varni. Well, I guess I mean ABC.

  • Love 2

Ha - is that really true? I had no idea.

It's funny to me because I watch both GH and OUAT (well, I used to watch GH and I still keep tabs of it). And it's eerie how similar the two shows are in a certain respect.

OUAT has a bunch of lead characters who are murderers, totally black characters, that they try to paint as grey. And two of those characters, Rumplestilskin and the Evil Queen, are amongst the writers favorites. So they are constantly getting free passes for all their past crimes and given "second chances," etc. The hard part for me is that they happen to be amongst my favorite characters. So, I'm basically stuck liking the Sonny and Carly of that show -gahhh! I feel like my entire ethical make up has been compromised!

Meanwhile, the PTV board for OUAT so rivals this board in terms of their animosity for those villainous characters and their disdain for the show runners. The posters there are constantly in disbelief that the good characters get crapped over and that they not only accept but appease and coddle the "bad guys." It's like up is down and black is white for me.

And it's so weird that the one common denominator is Nathan Varni. Well, I guess I mean ABC.

Other than the bastardization of fairytales and fantasy and having everything interconnected, it the glorification of the villains is the reason I never have watched the show. I was pretty much done after Regina murders the Huntsman, who we found out earlier she had been raping for years under some sort of enchantment because he didn't murder Snow White  (the raping ) and preferred her daughter Emma (the murder) and they then tried to paint her as some poor put upon victim. Fuck that. 

  • Love 1

Looks good on ya, "All My Sonnys".


Honestly, I think that's the least of their problem, although that's definitely a part of it. The dragging on the Jason reveal, the stupidity of Dillon knowing about the affair and Dante STILL not telling, Ava growling, Kiki, Nina, Franco, the out of nowhere bullshit Carlos crap with Sabrina . . .  it goes on.

  • Love 5

Dead last in every category. Couldn't be more deserved.

Now can we get rid of Franco, Nina & Company?

Or do we have to actually wait until cancellation?

How stubborn are you going to be, Frank? Just how stubborn are you going to be?

Honestly, I think that's the least of their problem, although that's definitely a part of it. The dragging on the Jason reveal, the stupidity of Dillon knowing about the affair and Dante STILL not telling, Ava growling, Kiki, Nina, Franco, the out of nowhere bullshit Carlos crap with Sabrina . . . it goes on.

Agreed. Put simply, there is nothing compelling happening on this show right now.

The Jason reveal is agonizing, and it's missing all the marks. The writers set up the most important event as being the reveal that Liz has known Jason's identity all along rather than the actual reveal that Jake is Jason. So Carly's reveal today was totally underwhelming.

The Val/Dante story is painful.

Dillion is boring.

Sonny's and Ava's custody battle is insulting.

Nina, Franco, and Kiki continue to be distasteful.

The only thing I don't get is how TPTB can't see this. It's so painfully obvious.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 12

Honestly, I think that's the least of their problem, although that's definitely a part of it. The dragging on the Jason reveal, the stupidity of Dillon knowing about the affair and Dante STILL not telling, Ava growling, Kiki, Nina, Franco, the out of nowhere bullshit Carlos crap with Sabrina . . .  it goes on.

Oh, he told or I should say "told", by throwing him under the bus (I know Qs are underhanded, but are they really that stupid and impulsive, save for AJ (as he was impulsive)) to make Valerie more sympathetic. He would be biggest douche on the show if Morgan and Nik weren't there. 

The Jason reveal is agonizing, and it's missing all the marks. The writers set up the most important event as being the reveal that Liz has known Jason's identity all along rather than the actual reveal that Jake is Jason. So Carly's reveal today was totally underwhelming.


That's a very good point.  I've said this before and I'll say it again, but they drained a lot of drama out of the Jake(son) situation by, for the most part, slotting him back into his major relationships just as they were.  He's besties with Carly, Michael looks him to him, Liz is hot for him blah blah blah.  It's boring.


So yes, the actual event of the reveal is now Liz's comeuppance and that's still a ways off.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

I miss when GH had an differnt variety of stories not sure why the show has to be all mob or about Jason and sonny.I remeber in 1989/1990 they had Robert/Anna/Frisco/Felicia as leads ect but the other stories that got just as much play was Bobbie buying lucas on the blackmarket,Alan/Lucy/Scotty/Tracy/monica with some Ashton.Dawn/Decker/Ned.Tom/simone

  • Love 2

The Val/Dante story is painful.

Sonny's and Ava's custody battle is insulting.


For months, I was like, well, I'll keep tuning in for the Val/Dante reveal, at least that should be semi-decent, and I didn't even watch cause the recaps appalled me. I will lay a little of the blame of that on Dominic, as much as it pains me. He didn't show up enough. (How do I know if I didn't watch? Because he wasn't showing up before that, so I believe it.)


And yup. I do not give a crap who gets Avery. I'd rather Sonny NOT get her, but in the end, neither of these people are better for her.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

Oh, he told or I should say "told", by throwing him under the bus (I know Qs are underhanded, but are they really that stupid and impulsive, save for AJ (as he was impulsive)) to make Valerie more sympathetic. He would be biggest douche on the show if Morgan and Nik weren't there. 


I mean Dante still didn't tell when he knew that Dillon had the information that was their mistake, not Dillon telling (or telling via video, as the case turned out to be).

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