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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Well, and I know I likely won't get this, but if Robin is going to still think Anna shits rainbows, then she can also absolve Patrick since I think it should be all or nothing here then.

Is it fair? Probably not. But I think it would be bullshit to just focus all the blame in one direction.

More than likely Robin will apologize and take all the blame absolving Anna and Patrick of any fault or wrong doing. This is when you guys will hear my head explode.

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I agree. All I'm really saying is this story will fall flat if Anna/Patrick/whoever walks around all innocent and "We didn't do anything wrong ok!" and Robin is all, "I get it! Let's go to Olive Garden. I miss the breadsticks!" There needs to be anger and angst and guilt and tears.


To be honest, I'm willing to forget shitty writing. The only thing I can't forgive is going to a reunion dinner at Olive Garden. ;)

Edited by ulkis
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{Dons Proud Laura/Robin Apologist Life Jacket over RobertFucking!ScorpioRULES bathing suit with Robert's twinkling blue eyes and sexay grin facing out and dives off the Barge}


SQUEEEE!!!!!! Yes! Robert!FUCKINGA!Scorpio! I don't care that he's only back for a visit--I know if he were on contract, he'd get screwed and fucked over. The trio better be Robert (who's been searching for Robin since Day one and no one will convince me otherwise)/Anna/Mac, to save Robin. Because it's ROBIN who has been held hostage for three years with only a three month gap where she was free. I just am soooo happy that I will See Kimberly and Tristan again. I don't care about anything else, anyone else. Robert can dropkick Patrick's ass for whatever reason: Father's Privilege. I dinna care. Tristan's been posting on Face Book, via his Twitter, that he's back for a visit and looking forward to familiar faces. 


I want my Scorpios Reunion; my girl, Robin to be happy, and leave as a FREE WOMAN. No fucking hostage bullshit fuckery.


Thanks Kerls for the heads up!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I don't really blame anything but the incredibly poor, rushed writing for what's happened to Robin. I think any character left on-canvas was ultimately subject to RC and FV's thrown-together plotting once they hit on the genius idea of "let's kidnap Robin again".


I think Robin could stand to read Patrick the riot act for an episode or two for throwing in the towel so quickly, but after that I'm good with it and him. I expect Anna will do all her own self-flagellation, which will be more than enough for me given I still can't believe she is down on herself for shooting Carlos, who is just another hitman.

Edited by jsbt
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To be honest, I'm willing to forget shitty writing. The only thing I can't forgive is going to a reunion dinner at Olive Garden. ;)

Filomeno would be rolling over in her grave.

"This! This is not true Italian cooking! "

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I fail to see that sincere affection Jason has for Robin.


I've only ever watched Jason Morgan, but I fail to see sincere affection from Jason to anyone tbh. Fuck, I hate Jason so much. Why did he have to be brought back? WHY?????

Edited by peachmangosteen
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oops.  messed up my post ...


I guess I got a bit too excited over Robert Scorpio being back, even for a little while.  It will be so good to see Tristan.


Even though since it's only a short visit, the part of me that's still a hopeless romantic will probably hang in there hoping for another stint and, one day, Robert and Anna's happily ever after.

Edited by amaranta
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I don't think TR or his PR took well to FV's announcement misleading, since TR's team had to basically release their own statement saying he's only returning for short term and he's not leaving Y&R.


Tristan Rogers Update - By SOD • Posted: Oct 28, 2015

Yes, Tristan Rogers (Colin, Y&R) is set to reprise his iconic GH character, Robert Scorpio, but he is not leaving Y&R to do it. "Tristan is only visiting Port Charles for a very short time,” states a rep for the actor. "Tristan will continue with Y&R as Colin. Tristan and I do not want the fans to be misguided in any way.” Rogers tweeted, "I am delighted to be visiting my friends in PC. Stand by for some fun stuff.


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It was misleading welcoming him home? He's there for like a couple episodes.


 "I know the fans have been patiently waiting for Tristan’s return. I share their sentiments and enthusiasm and that of our entire GH team in welcoming him home. It’s been a fantastic week of casting announcements for GH, but it’s not over yet."



FV is trying to spin this vet mass return story this week that started with him announcing FV and GH staying on contract.

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I guess?  I agree Frank is definitely trying to spin this all, "Look, Scorpios, fall in love with GH!", but the tone of it made it clear to me, anyway, that it was just a visit.  If he was on contract, they definitely would have mentioned that.

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I agree, TeeVee. Also, I can't say I really blame FV for this current 'spin' anyway. This is the kinda spin they should've been doing immediately after firing RC. Not the "Don't miss The Corinthos Family Hour!" and #FallingInLoveWithGH bullshit.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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TR or his team may have been responding to tweets or something. Some might have heard he was coming back and they just ran with it.

Personally, if TR is on Y&R as recurring I believe if GH were to offer him a contract he would do it in a heartbeat. You go where they really want you.

But unfortunately I'm of the opinion that when you are trying to sell Sonny Corinthos as your lead and patriarch (gag) no way will TR ever be offered a contract. I mean you don't get more soap hero than Robert f'g Scorpio.

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It sounds like TR and his management are very pointedly trying to shut down FV's latest charm offensive. That usually doesn't happen in those kind of specific terms or wording. I think Rogers is very wise to FV's tactics.


I'm glad GH is doing these things, but until they commit to real stories with the veterans they have just re-signed, as well as put their eggs into some new and different baskets - beyond the current apparent and lazy strategy of "vaguely reheated facsimiles of the Guza-era couples some of you stupid rubes may have liked a decade ago, plus the incredibly unpopular characters we can't bear to part with and, uh, IDK, Nancy Lee Grahn humping someone for the housewives?" - I don't see anything inspiring to commit to. I sat through some very bad times at both OLTL and GH, especially these last couple years, I watched daily and I never fast-forwarded. I'll watch almost anything a show I love or once loved does, so long as I believe there is still some investment in trying to do at least some of the right things. I have yet to see that here. Maybe they'll change my mind in a week or two when I return. I have not watched a full episode since early September and I don't regret it.

Edited by jsbt
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Johnny's coming back in December.  Meh.




“For all the devoted fans and new ones alike, it’s the perfect time to jump in to GH with compelling, engrossing storylines and just the right mix of nostalgia,” Valentini added.


Translation: "For the love of Jasus, start watching!  We're losing to Days, DAYS!!!"

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Bring back AJ (preferably Sean Kanan) and make him older/wiser and not Sonny's bitch and I might consider DVRing this mess again.

Edited by ch1
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Yeah, there's a number of ladies they could throw him at, there's even Kristina if she's still supposed to be around. 


I'd laugh at Dillon if Lulu turned to Johnny for her rebound revenge sex instead of him.

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Yeah, there's a number of ladies they could throw him at, there's even Kristina if she's still supposed to be around.

I'd laugh at Dillon if Lulu turned to Johnny for her rebound revenge sex instead of him.

Ooh, I forgot about Kristina. She still looks too young though, damn it. Edited by ulkis
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Johnny's coming back in December.


Of course he is. His guys have been slipping on telling him what's going on, so he needs to see for himself.


Lulu needs to have some revenge sex. Then Maxie needs some non wooden sex, and Olivia needs consolation sex.


I don't want Lulu and her mother-in-law to share a dude again. That's as bad as Lauren and Ava sharing Morgan, even if Johnny is a much better person to share. 


Johnny can beat up Jar of Mayo, though.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Yeah, there's a number of ladies they could throw him at, there's even Kristina if she's still supposed to be around. 


I'd laugh at Dillon if Lulu turned to Johnny for her rebound revenge sex instead of him.


"It's almost as if Lulu doesn't want someone who looks like he belongs on an Abercrombie and Fitch poster! wah!"

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Robin and Emma Skype every so often; we've been told that onscreen.

Last time Emma Skyped with Robin was August 2014. Last time she Skyped with Dickhead and her mother was September 2014. No one has talked to her or seen her since.

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Last time Emma Skyped with Robin was August 2014. Last time she Skyped with Dickhead and her mother was September 2014. No one has talked to her or seen her since.


I feel like we've been told there's been more Robin/Emma skyping. But maybe I'm just telling myself that to make it easier to take.

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I feel like we've been told there's been more Robin/Emma skyping. But maybe I'm just telling myself that to make it easier to take.

We haven't. No one has spoken to her. I'm 99.999999999999999% sure of it. I'm the only idiot Robin fan still watching this crap. ;(

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We haven't. No one has spoken to her. I'm 99.999999999999999% sure of it. I'm the only idiot Robin fan still watching this crap. ;(

I wouldn't call you an idiot. Just a glutton for punishment.

Robin hasn't contacted her family in anyway since Helena kidnapped her.

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I wouldn't call you an idiot. Just a glutton for punishment.

Robin hasn't contacted her family in anyway since Helena kidnapped her.

No, I'm both! I'm watching a show where no one gives a rat's ass about my fav character, so much so that her own daughter is ecstatic to have multiple mothers and siblings via other women. Edited by HeatLifer
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I feel like we've been told there's been more Robin/Emma skyping. But maybe I'm just telling myself that to make it easier to take.

Once they'd established onscreen that there'd been communication, wouldn't a sudden lack have been mentioned?

I honestly can't figure out whether the terribleness re: Robin was pettiness or incompetence. Of course, with RC it could always be the worst of both.

Edited by Oracle42
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No one has talked to her [Robin] or seen her since.


Nobody's seen her, but I feel like we've heard (very minimal) noise about Anna being in contact with her.


I still, after over a year later, can't believe the show steered themselves into a brick wall like that re: Robin.

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Nobody's seen her, but I feel like we've heard (very minimal) noise about Anna being in contact with her.

I still, after over a year later, can't believe the show steered themselves into a brick wall like that re: Robin.

All we've heard is Anna saying she allegedly went to Robin's place in Paris and a housekeeper said she's at a conference in China. Before that, we heard via Liz that Robin is "happy in Paris" and Patrick saying she had "a bed in Paris." No one has ever stated they had a conversation with Robin. I'm not trying to beat a dead horse. But it just hasn't happened. I'm cool with anyone correcting me and directing me to a scene, though.

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I could have sworn I remember a scene where someone came into Anna's office late last year and she was wrapping up a call with Robin, but I could be misremembering.


But honestly?  I've assigned all the blame to Ron and Frank and others so I can never work up quite the head of steam that you do re: Patrick, Anna, Liz, etc.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I could have sworn I remember a scene where someone came into Anna's office late last year and she was wrapping up a call with Robin, but I could be misremembering.

But honestly? Unlike you, HeatLifer, I've assigned all the blame to Ron and Frank and others so I can never work up quite the head of steam that you do re: Patrick, Anna, Liz, etc.

That Anna call with Robin was, I want to say, a day or two after the Sept. 2014 Skype call Robin had with Anna and Patrick. It was the last time the audience saw Anna supposedly speaking directly with her.

And I have no expectations for anyone to feel the same way about the story I do. We all have different characters and plots and storylines that piss us off!

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I know this was said and I know there are different points of view about this, to say the least, but I agree: The writing is shit. So I'll hand wave if it helps the "story" (i.e. plot points) to wrap up. And I do think not having Robin on screen but centering hostage situations around her - knowing KMc wasn't around, be it her choice or TMFIC - hamstrung not only Robin, but all those associated with her in the process.

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compelling, engrossing storylines and just the right mix of nostalgia,


LOL. No, that's DAYS and the other soaps but not this one. 


Johnny's return will hopefully have him interact with Lulu and mob stories instead of just writing him scenes so he can play with his wife and bff RP. 

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Translation: "For the love of Jasus, start watching! We're losing to Days, DAYS!!!"

Yep and it tickles me so much. They took the increased ratings from Gh:Espionage took all the accolades patting themselves on the back and threw GH: Espionage out the window. They went right into adding Franco, Keeks and Silas into the fabric of the show. They spent so much time giving these useless characters back story and adding their family to the show.

AJ was minimized and killed. Sonny spent 5 seconds in prison and then got a full pardon. Carly was dating, living with and about to marry her sons rapist. Ron was constantly belittling people or having to clarify atory details on twitter.

Ron was fired and they kept shoveling the shit. More Sonny, let's add more stuff for Sonny's spawn and his baby momma's, more mob and let's not forget Franco, Neens and Keeks. We alao need to add Greenlee for reasons. Oh yea, we love the Q's and want to build them up, while Dillon is rarely interacting with them and Paul is the new evil mob boss.

People complained yet the mantra was, if you are complain than you are watching. Guess TPTB finally figured out people can complain and not watch.

Now, FV is begging (because that is what it is) people to watch now, please. Watch now and get our ratings up for sweeps and we will reward you with things you would rather watch after sweeps and a couple of episodes in December before we go back to our regular scheduled program.

I know we call them idiots in charge but damn this is simply stupid.

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Honestly the whole network is ridclous did you see on twitter how that Nathan varni called Audrey Audrey Harding.How diffcult is it to go look up char bios and get her name right.


It def feels like GH is cast stunting again.

Edited by Harmony233
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I didn't mean that bringingback audrey was an casting stunt she belongs on the show but I just don't trust FV not to go back to the sonny show.I mean these are the idiots who gave us Kiki and think people give a damn when most seem to hate her.

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Yea, I don't really see any of this recent stuff as stunt casting. It is a desperate move for sure, but I'm glad they finally realized they needed to make it. It makes me think they finally get that Corinthos Family Hour isn't gonna cut it.

Hey now, that hour could work if it was spent beating Sonny with sticks!

Edited by ulkis
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I didn't mean that bringingback audrey was an casting stunt she belongs on the show but I just don't trust FV not to go back to the sonny show.I mean these are the idiots who gave us Kiki and think people give a damn when most seem to hate her.

I don't trust him either. They just want the ratings revenue, so they can keep their jobs and write the stories "they" want to write for the characters they choose the rest of the time.

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Bringing back Rachel Ames as Audrey isn't stunt casting. Elizabeth Taylor as the original Helena is stunt casting.


And they didn't really promote this Audrey appearance at all.  She wasn't even in the preview, IIRC.

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I didn't mean that bringingback audrey was an casting stunt she belongs on the show but I just don't trust FV not to go back to the sonny show.I mean these are the idiots who gave us Kiki and think people give a damn when most seem to hate her.

Exactly this entire week of "ooh GH nostalgia" announcements is all just a big stunt during the week of major DAYS press for their anniversary and all their returns. TR practically called them out on it and said he's going back to YR. This is just a visit. BB is also a short term visit. 


So they show up for a week or even less, then what? It's still all Sonny-Carly mob all the time.

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