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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Kirsten's attitude is annoying, but...I think she does have a point. Not defending the 'tude, but y'all know the saying "the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference". And indifference? Would basically silence the board.  :-)


So the fact that we - including me - keep on raging could be seen as interest or liking under the layers of disgust, rage, and hate. Very deep. Like, pit of hell deep.


But this attitude isn't new: It seems that's what the suits seem to think: Buzz = Good, even if people are pissed. Because they are still watching/raging about it all.


With that said, I don't know the context of KSt's tweet. Maybe she was being harassed, maybe not. But the #takeaseat shit is just rude and lends to no real debate.

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Bruh. Xenon, Girl of the 21st Century needs to zoom zoom a few seats herself because I'd trade her for her husband (who's more talented and his character is way more entertaining tbh) everyday anyday. Belle Brady, your daughter and Johnny Zacahara are more talented than you.

I didn't even type that in a high pitched voice. But I could. No Maxie means no Spinelli. Win win. More Johnny means early stroke out for Sonny and more Dante. Win win win.

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Bruh. Xenon, Girl of the 21st Century needs to zoom zoom a few seats herself because I'd trade her for her husband (who's more talented and his character is way more entertaining tbh) everyday anyday. Belle Brady, your daughter and Johnny Zacahara are more talented than you.


Well, let's not go completely off our nut. ;-)


I do, though, think that Kirsten could stand to tone it down. That kind of behavior is what I'd expect from Ron, and I would like to think she's smarter than that. Or at least more circumspect.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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It sounds like it might be a tense set right now.


As to what she's saying, look, I get and agree with the notion that apathy is worse than hatred.  But the hatred doesn't mean "all is good."  It's the boyfriend or girlfriend making a big stink before they walk out that door.  The shouts.  The door slams.  They do care about the relationship, just like we care about the show.  But that doesn't mean we're happy or we're planning to stick around take more of what's been dished out lately.

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What did his mom say? she is not helping his cause..Ron is a petty bitch...


I linked to it in the post you quoted. Those quotes are her yelling at some poster for saying mean things about Morgan. Nothing drastic, but still embarrassing for his mom to get involved.


That Kirsten quote is from a couple of weeks ago, so I don't think it has anything to do with antsiness recent ratings drops, although maybe they were already feeling some tension a couple of weeks ago, who knows.

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My favorite part of KSt's tweet is Ron RT'ing it. And LOL that they both actually believe it. Nope, some of us watch the show because we have since childhood. It has nothing to do with anything else. I actually do hate a lot of things about this show. And, no, not hate but actually love. Hate. And I type through the pain!!!!!

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The tweets between her and the person who was critcizing BC are gone, but this gem remains (I don't know how to embed tweets, sorry):


lizC ‏@lizCraig4

I love when cowards attack an actor and then try to excuse it by stating It's about the character they are  portraying, really?

She also retweeted this when someone suggested to BC that his days are numbered, most likely because of these comments and tweets:


lizC retweeted
Bryan Craig @bryan_craig  
@GHforTheWin ha who are you to judge, I'll just block you so I don't have to see your ignorant tweets, don't be so worried about my life ;)

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I'm gonna sneak in one direct quote from Rebecca Budig from SOD:


“I'm praying the writers will show why she is the way she is at some point. I just feel like, how do you relate to her unless you know why she's doing what she's doing?”


ahahaha. Oh, poor Budig.

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The tweets between her and the person who was critcizing BC are gone, but this gem remains (I don't know how to embed tweets, sorry):


lizC ‏@lizCraig4

I love when cowards attack an actor and then try to excuse it by stating It's about the character they are  portraying, really?

She also retweeted this when someone suggested to BC that his days are numbered, most likely because of these comments and tweets:


lizC retweeted

Bryan Craig @bryan_craig  

@GHforTheWin ha who are you to judge, I'll just block you so I don't have to see your ignorant tweets, don't be so worried about my life ;)

What they fail to realize is that Ron is very vindictive and petty....look at what he did to the actor that played AJ....Bryan better watch his step with his bosses....

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I'm gonna sneak in one direct quote from Rebecca Budig from SOD:

“I'm praying the writers will show why she is the way she is at some point. I just feel like, how do you relate to her unless you know why she's doing what she's doing?”

ahahaha. Oh, poor Budig.


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My favorite part of KSt's tweet is Ron RT'ing it. And LOL that they both actually believe it. Nope, some of us watch the show because we have since childhood. It has nothing to do with anything else. I actually do hate a lot of things about this show. And, no, not hate but actually love. Hate. And I type through the pain!!!!!


Agreed.  I can see if we're talking about some new show, that people haven't had time to get properly invested in before claiming to hate it.  But, GH has been on for decades.  People have an affection built up for the show, the characters, its history, etc.  So when it goes off the rails, then they're going to complain, because the show they've loved for years has dropped in quality to such a degree that it is sometimes painful to watch.  Would they rather more viewers just tune out (with the droves who already have) instead of voicing their discontent and hoping that TIIC do something to turn things around? 

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What they fail to realize is that Ron is very vindictive and petty....look at what he did to the actor that played AJ....Bryan better watch his step with his bosses....


Who knows if Bryan can control himself, though. His mom has clearly proven that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

Edited by UYI
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Bryan Craig @bryan_craig  

@GHforTheWin ha who are you to judge, I'll just block you so I don't have to see your ignorant tweets, don't be so worried about my life ;)


But I am, Bryan! I am worried about your life!

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What they fail to realize is that Ron is very vindictive and petty....look at what he did to the actor that played AJ....Bryan better watch his step with his bosses....

Oh no, Budig, what have you done? Greenlee's about to undergo super-early onset menopause.

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Eh, Rebecca Budig is one actress that I think can escape Teh Ron's crap writing. He could write every character saying she's fat, drunk, and stupid, but it would look petty af. She's got a natural charm that kind of trandesends his crap, petty writing. Hell, he already wrote her as The Evil Character Keeping JaSam and Liason Apart and Huge Threat to LiRic. She manages to make Hayden come off like it's Greenlee doing a favor for Dr. David Hayward so she can get reunited with Leo. (It works if you think about it. Because, you know, Anna and David....)

But Bryan Craig is so about to be GH's Brandon Buddy.

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But Bryan Craig is so about to be GH's Brandon Buddy.


Bryan is behaving foolishly, but I don't think he has Brandon Buddy's particular set of problems.

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Brandon Buddy was never a decent actor, even if there were times I found his stoner affect pretty amusing (not so funny in retrospect). But then, I don't think Bryan Craig is anything to write home about, either, acting-wise.

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I think Silas is actually the name of Jessica's father, but it's a nice thought. :)


ETA: Never mind, that's not her dad's name after all. So the GH idea still stands. :)

Edited by UYI
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I'd say Weeds over GH, but if they ever name a daughter Kiki, I'm burning my N Sync stuff.

I had forgotten about the son on Weeds; I guess I've seen the name two places now, three if you include Timberlake's son.

Edited by Tiger
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There was a GH Fantasy weekend and apparently there was a live stream Q & A, just wondering if anyone here has any details or scoop. I saw something on Twitter about Wally Kurth asking if folks enjoyed the mob stories or the hospital stories. Overwhelmingly hospital stories was the winner.

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There was a GH Fantasy weekend and apparently there was a live stream Q & A, just wondering if anyone here has any details or scoop. I saw something on Twitter about Wally Kurth asking if folks enjoyed the mob stories or the hospital stories. Overwhelmingly hospital stories was the winner.

On a show called General Hospital? Surely you jest. :)

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I don't know where this scene came from, or what story, or why Brenda was throwing a bread roll at Carly's head.  But it is my new favorite thing ... <3


It's awesome, but it would have been so much more fun had she been throwing a brick.

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