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Buddy (who I can’t stand) was probably afraid of Sunny today and let her win over GZ and Jeff. She was so loud and obnoxious and would have hurt someone if she didn’t win. And her chili—I am a lifelong Texan and would never put red wine in my chili, and certainly not the quantity she did. I will on occasion sprinkle a touch of cinnamon to add a certain depth of flavor (and sometimes a dribble of strong brewed coffee). And will also sometimes put beans in.  I guess that’s the good thing about chili...you can make it your own. I may have to make some today. But yeah, she was scary today. 

Edited by Spunkygal
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On 2/16/2019 at 3:36 PM, Spunkygal said:

This show continues to be the #1 rated show on FN and, understandably, I think part of that is because folks have it on while doing laundry and other chores on Saturday morning. I actually watched it today. Couldn’t believe it warranted 2 hours, but whatever. That being said, I would eat the crap out of GZ’s braised pork butt, if you know what I mean. Ha! That looked amazing. I was also surprised that he prepares fried eggs in the oven! I never thought of that. I like to fix them on the stovetop cause I can baste with butter to make sure the tops of the whites are done. But I’ll try the oven method. 

I enjoy Alex G as a guest and wish she still had her own show. She has good ideas and is personable. I don’t like putting bacon pieces in a pasta dish, but I do like the idea of drizzling in a bit of bacon drippings with some lemon juice. There is just something off-putting to me about bacon bits sitting in a creamy sauce but I do like the flavor of a carbonara.

Surprisingly, Jeff did not bug the shit out of me today. He was almost amusing! What has happened to me? He was funny saying that he’d sit in his basement eating a bucket of mac and cheese. Yeah, me too, if I had a basement!

I wish I had Katie’s metabolism. She likes to eat and never gains an ounce. Of course she isn’t my age. When I was young, I was cute and skinny, too! And I love her ring. It may be my dream ring. 

Sunny still bugs but nothing I can do about that. She wasn’t quite so loud this time and I liked her wig. 

Sunny can be loud, Katie Lee's voice is like chalk on a chalkboard, Jeff can overdo the silliness, and GZ is stuck up and  thinks his poop doesnt stink.......in saying all that,  however,. I love this show.  It is my fave kitchen show.   IMO they meld pretty well together.  It takes all kinds!

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On 6/24/2018 at 1:57 PM, LazyToaster said:

Why didn't GZ even taste Katie Lee's beans?  I know he said that he preferred them with peppers; but, he couldn't even taste?  I have never seen them openly pass on something.  That was very weird. 

Because he's above that lower class food.  I've seen him pass on a lot of food.  Like, c'mon.   Just put a little taste on your tongue.   He's a snob, right down to his obviously manicured nails.....ugh🙄🙄too perfect for my taste

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10 hours ago, Koalagirl said:

Apparently Katie Lee is aware of the “is she or isn’t she pregnant” question.


Hope it all works out for them.

I hope so too.  I'm glad she put this info out to the public.  It must have been difficult for her, but at least it should stop the unintentionally hurtful questions and comments.  I am rooting for you Katie!

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I almost fainted when GZ said he used 1/2 cup of salt in the water he cooked the pasta in.  I've noted before that he's a maniac with the salt, adding salt 3 or even 4 times when preparing a dish, and once salting a dish someone else made before he even tasted it. 

I wonder how always using that much salt can't affect how he tastes food. 

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20 hours ago, goldenpuppy said:

Katie Lee has the most annoying voice !  Sunny is loud and obnoxious !   Together they are super annoying g!

I can't handle that voice.  It's a vocal fry to the extreme!  The sad thing is, she's a decent cook (chef?) but it's unbearable to listen to her.  A while back she was on a Bobby Flay show and made deviled eggs with fried oysters sitting on them. I was so interested that I had to stay with the show, endure that vocal fry, so that I could learn how to make the whole shebang. Someone at FN needs to tell Sunny to use her indoor voice 😣

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On 8/27/2017 at 11:20 AM, Mammalou said:

Yes! Love Lidia's show and her bolognese!! You learn actual technique and she tells awesome stories behind the dishes she makes 

I enjoy most PBS shows and hosts like Sara Moulton and Ming Tsai, who I think both had FN shows in the beginning. I guess they're not 'flashy' enough for the network right now.. 

I love Ming....I don't see his show on anymore tho

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Create carries Ming's show most weekdays - around 6:30 pm in my market - Eastern time. What cooking shows various PBS channels show seems so arbitrary. I guess it's what they are willing to pay for.

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On 3/22/2019 at 2:55 PM, butterbody said:

Katie's voice has always bothered me. It used to be the way her saliva would pool up in her mouth, causing her to stop and swallow it down mid-sentence. But lately, her pronunciation forces me to forward past her segments. Basically, anything that should rhyme with "old" , she pronounces "ode", and I swear it has been getting worse lately. I realize she is from the south but seriously, get a diction or vocal coach. It is literally your job to speak.

And could she be anymore skinny?  The stuff she tastes on the show must be the only things she eats

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On 4/27/2019 at 8:49 AM, Koalagirl said:

Apparently Katie Lee is aware of the “is she or isn’t she pregnant” question.


Hope it all works out for them.

I hope so too. She annoys me but sometimes I'm horrified by the comments left on her social media. 

On 4/27/2019 at 7:07 PM, Aunt Catfish said:

I hope so too.  I'm glad she put this info out to the public.  It must have been difficult for her, but at least it should stop the unintentionally hurtful questions and comments.  I am rooting for you Katie!

I hope it does! If anything hopefully it'll stop the rude comments about her body.

On 5/5/2019 at 1:16 PM, annzeepark914 said:

I can't handle that voice.  It's a vocal fry to the extreme!  The sad thing is, she's a decent cook (chef?) but it's unbearable to listen to her.  A while back she was on a Bobby Flay show and made deviled eggs with fried oysters sitting on them. I was so interested that I had to stay with the show, endure that vocal fry, so that I could learn how to make the whole shebang. Someone at FN needs to tell Sunny to use her indoor voice 😣

I've never ever had a recipe from her turn out bad. That's one of the reasons I hate that she bugs me so much. Because she's a truly great cook. 

On 5/9/2019 at 4:12 PM, suev33 3 said:

And could she be anymore skinny?  The stuff she tastes on the show must be the only things she eats

It's mostly genes, Have you seen her Mom? And healthy habits. She works out hard and lives by the 70% of veggies on her plate rule. 

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On 5/12/2019 at 2:09 PM, LemonSoda said:

It's mostly genes, Have you seen her Mom? And healthy habits. She works out hard and lives by the 70% of veggies on her plate rule.

That's what I think, too.  I said as much a couple of years ago, when it was suggested she's either anorexic or bulimic.  She's just genetically fortunate, and she eats right.

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2 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

That's what I think, too.  I said as much a couple of years ago, when it was suggested she's either anorexic or bulimic.  She's just genetically fortunate, and she eats right.

She's been featured in a few of those "What I eat in a day" articles and she eats clean. Her workouts are intense too. I believe her when she says she was doing up to two hours a day to prepare for Beach Bites. But a lot is genes. Her Mom looks amazing.

I have never understood the criticism of her looks, body or ability as a cook. The voice, personality or odd things she says? Yes! Her looks? No way, I think it's amazing that despite the circles she hangs out in she hasn't altered herself. 

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19 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

She's been featured in a few of those "What I eat in a day" articles and she eats clean. Her workouts are intense too. I believe her when she says she was doing up to two hours a day to prepare for Beach Bites. But a lot is genes. Her Mom looks amazing.

I have never understood the criticism of her looks, body or ability as a cook. The voice, personality or odd things she says? Yes! Her looks? No way, I think it's amazing that despite the circles she hangs out in she hasn't altered herself. 

In my not so humble opinion, Giada is the one who looks like she never eats anything.  It must be hard to control your weight if you are as petite as she is, but if she had a little meat on her bones it would say a lot more for her recipes.  As for Katie, she will age gracefully and not succumb to the temptation to look like another botox barfbag.  Let us pray that my prediction is correct!

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20 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

I have never understood the criticism of her looks, body or ability as a cook.

I hear you.  It's so constant that you can't help but think there's an element of envy driving the criticism.

I don't normally watch Chopped, but I happened to see the episode where the Kitchen crew competed against one another (except for Zakarian, who was a judge), and she beat all of them.  So I don't know where the slams on her cooking abilities come from either.  She may not be a Michelin-starred chef, but she's at least as good as her colleagues, based on that one comparison.

Her voice continues to grate, but nobody's perfect.  🙉

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6 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

I hear you.  It's so constant that you can't help but think there's an element of envy driving the criticism.

I don't normally watch Chopped, but I happened to see the episode where the Kitchen crew competed against one another (except for Zakarian, who was a judge), and she beat all of them.  So I don't know where the slams on her cooking abilities come from either.  She may not be a Michelin-starred chef, but she's at least as good as her colleagues, based on that one comparison.

Her voice continues to grate, but nobody's perfect.  🙉

I agree. Years ago she won the Burger Bash competition and a few of the Chefs involved caused a lot of drama even to the point of saying her version of the burger didn't count as a burger because they were upset when she won. 

I do think all of the body criticism comes from envy. Professional criticism? Much of that comes from her own weird comments over the years and how she earned the career. 

7 hours ago, Aunt Catfish said:

In my not so humble opinion, Giada is the one who looks like she never eats anything.  It must be hard to control your weight if you are as petite as she is, but if she had a little meat on her bones it would say a lot more for her recipes.  As for Katie, she will age gracefully and not succumb to the temptation to look like another botox barfbag.  Let us pray that my prediction is correct!

ITA! Never been a Giada fan though. Her old newsletter magazine was unintentionally hilarious though. 

Edited by LemonSoda
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Just now, LemonSoda said:

Years ago she won the Burger Bash competition and a few of the Chefs involved caused a lot of drama even to the point of saying her version of the burger didn't count as a burger because they were upset when she won. 

Just now, LemonSoda said:

Professional criticism? Much of that comes from her own weird comments over the years and how she earned the career. 

I didn't know about either of these, so I Googled the Burger Bash controversy.  The article I read in the Observer called the bashers sore losers.  Hard to argue with that.

I also don't know about her weird comments.  I'm assuming you mean things she actually said, rather than things said about her (guessing it's to do with who she married first time around).  I'd be interested to hear what she's said.

No doubt she's had advantages, based on looks and connections.  She'd have been foolish to turn away opportunities because she was "undeserving."  People know the world isn't fair.  But uncountable numbers of women who weren't young and gorgeous have blasted through on the basis of talent and determination.  Rather than waste time hammering at women who made it based on more superficial qualities, we should hammer at the system that sets things up that way for women.

I don't know how I became Katie Lee's PR person, but this crap just annoys me.

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7 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

I didn't know about either of these, so I Googled the Burger Bash controversy.  The article I read in the Observer called the bashers sore losers.  Hard to argue with that.

I also don't know about her weird comments.  I'm assuming you mean things she actually said, rather than things said about her (guessing it's to do with who she married first time around).  I'd be interested to hear what she's said.

No doubt she's had advantages, based on looks and connections.  She'd have been foolish to turn away opportunities because she was "undeserving."  People know the world isn't fair.  But uncountable numbers of women who weren't young and gorgeous have blasted through on the basis of talent and determination.  Rather than waste time hammering at women who made it based on more superficial qualities, we should hammer at the system that sets things up that way for women.

I don't know how I became Katie Lee's PR person, but this crap just annoys me.

Without writing a novel long response that's basically it. She moved in with her first husband straight out of college then when she started hitting up the social scene some things were fabricated to make her sound more accomplished than she was,some social gaffes, Dropping friends once they served a purpose then the baffling comments she makes denying that Bill or his money helped her career. It was all the houses that kept getting her big magazine exposure. He only did the disastrous Oprah appearance because she begged him. BrooksPR worked overtime getting her out there ages before she even had a book out. I have no problem with social climbing. I think it's ridiculous to not use all resources you have access to that can help you. I simply find her denial of it over the years kind of delusional. 

Also as discussed earlier in the thread is many find her personality confusing. Almost as if she doesn't fully know who she is so she tries on different personalities to suit the moment or who she's with at the moment. 

Theres more but this isn't the Katie forum. Again, annoyances and voice aside she's a talented cook. I encourage everyone to pick up Endless Summer, it's a great cookbook. Her first book The Comfort Table is a good general cookbook. The second a Comfort Table Celebrations isn't as good as the first or Endless Summer. Groundswell was good too for a beach read. 

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Thanks, @LemonSoda!  All very interesting and all new to me.

3 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

I think it's ridiculous to not use all resources you have access to that can help you. I simply find her denial of it over the years kind of delusional.  

This I don't get.  It's like putting your hands over your face and insisting people can't see you.  And to what end?

There's plenty of crazy to go around, I guess.  If you're going to go after someone, do it for the stuff that's provable and not the eating-disorder gambit, which just makes the accuser look petty and desperate.

Edited by Mondrianyone
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7 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

Thanks, @LemonSoda!  All very interesting and all new to me.

This I don't get.  It's like putting your hands over your face and insisting people can't see you.  And to what end?

There's plenty of crazy to go around, I guess.  If you're going to go after someone, do it for the stuff that's provable and not the eating-disorder gambit, which just makes the accuser look petty and desperate.

Exactly! The body shaming and appearance bashing is ridiculous. Her stating she'd have a five million dollar house in the Hamptons plus a two million dollar apartment on her own and everything she has if she had never met Bill is well uh eye roll inducing. Own it. Say you're lucky. Her co hosts, other FN personalities except the ones with brands don't live that large. 

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On 5/27/2019 at 7:28 AM, LemonSoda said:

Dropping friends once they served a purpose then the baffling comments she makes denying that Bill or his money helped her career. It was all the houses that kept getting her big magazine exposure. He only did the disastrous Oprah appearance because she begged him

I saw that Oprah episode many years ago and it was painful to watch. Billy Joel was so checked out, he was over Katie by then and he didn't care who noticed. However, I still to this day make Katies meatloaf recipe from that show. It's delicious and my husbands favorite. 

Also, how can anybody bash her looks? She is gorgeous with that dark, shiny, healthy mane of hers! She's tall and thin and was once a model. I like that she doesn't have perfect fake teeth, either. A few crooked ones adds to her charming looks.  

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I am becoming obsessed with how when they pass the food down to be tasted by the other hosts, Sunny always grabs hers first and digs in. No passing the plate down to GZ or Jeff or Katie -- nope, she gets hers and CHOWS DOWN.

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19 hours ago, Kathcart said:

I am becoming obsessed with how when they pass the food down to be tasted by the other hosts, Sunny always grabs hers first and digs in. No passing the plate down to GZ or Jeff or Katie

Maybe she's been Milton'd* in the past

* Office Space reference 😉

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3 hours ago, Koalagirl said:

Once again Sunny had to show off and use the word parsimonious instead of shutting up and letting GZ use his own terminology.

See, I consider myself a not stupid person. First of all, I do not know what that word means, nor would I expect myself to. Second of all, I would never use that word. 

Full disclosure: I did not see today’s episode so I don’t know the context of said word. That said, I still don’t know the word, nor will I ever use it in a sentence. 

And now I will shut up lest I reveal I am indeed a stupid person. Sheesh. 

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On 5/27/2019 at 7:28 AM, LemonSoda said:

Theres more but this isn't the Katie forum. Again, annoyances and voice aside she's a talented cook. I encourage everyone to pick up Endless Summer, it's a great cookbook. Her first book The Comfort Table is a good general cookbook. The second a Comfort Table Celebrations isn't as good as the first or Endless Summer. Groundswell was good too for a beach read. 

I just got the Endless SummerCookbook, used, via amazon. The first thing I made was Breakfast Bread which is naan, with ricotta spread over it (I seasoned it first), then an egg surrounded by prosciutto, and baked. It was wonderful. Can't wait to try more of her recipes. I just hit the mute when she starts "frying" away 😎

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17 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I just got the Endless SummerCookbook, used, via amazon. The first thing I made was Breakfast Bread which is naan, with ricotta spread over it (I seasoned it first), then an egg surrounded by prosciutto, and baked. It was wonderful. Can't wait to try more of her recipes. I just hit the mute when she starts "frying" away 😎

You'll get a lot of use out of the book! Everything in it is great. We had the shrimp burgers last night. 

16 hours ago, chessiegal said:

I don't get ANY vocal fry in Katie Lee's voice - she has a nasally voice.

She's nasally but a fry comes out sometimes. Her accent changes up sometimes too depending on who she's speaking with. 

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On 5/26/2019 at 7:47 PM, Mondrianyone said:

I hear you.  It's so constant that you can't help but think there's an element of envy driving the criticism.

I don't normally watch Chopped, but I happened to see the episode where the Kitchen crew competed against one another (except for Zakarian, who was a judge), and she beat all of them.  So I don't know where the slams on her cooking abilities come from either.  She may not be a Michelin-starred chef, but she's at least as good as her colleagues, based on that one comparison.

Her voice continues to grate, but nobody's perfect.  🙉

Hell yes..ill be the first to admit im envious of her and her body!  We all cant look like that,  unfortunately.  But we can secretly be jealous😒....its just human nature.

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On 2/16/2019 at 3:59 PM, Irlandesa said:

I was surprised when I saw today's show was two hours.  I thought for sure my DVR accidentally picked up a rerun that would air right after.  Nope, it was intentional.

I have to give props to the first Pillsbury woman who showed her recipe today.  3 of the 4 we've seen so far have been charisma voids. They're not TV professionals so it's understandable, but the dead air has been pretty glaring.  The first woman today made sure to describe what she was doing, even if it was obvious, and worked quickly. She also just cut a piece for Jeff to try instead of making us watch her cut the whole thing like pizza lady did.  I don't know if it was the best recipe but it was the best presentation.

She probably doesn't show you the inspiring healthy stuff she eats in between her "good" meals. 

I always figured that when she samples food on the show...that thats ALL she ever eats.  Nothing else.  But what do I know...im fat....lol and jealous 😒

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On 2/24/2019 at 12:56 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm not thrilled about the two hours, either.  I like these people, but come on.

I DVR it and watch it on 1.3 speed.  Of course I fast-forward through the commercials, and I've learned to start the FFing as soon as they start tasting what somebody made, because all they're going to do is say it's good and recite the ingredients.  "This is delicious.  The chicken is perfectly cooked, and the capers add just the right amount of saltiness, and the lemon juice gives a little bit of brightness." 

I can knock out a show pretty quick.  Although if the goal is to knock it out pretty quick, I have to wonder why I'm watching at all.


I watched it after reading the comment about her being pregnant, and I think it was her shirt.  It was definitely loose, and the pattern might have made it look like a bulge in the middle.

Katie?? Have a buldge?  Must be a mistake🙄

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On 5/12/2019 at 2:09 PM, LemonSoda said:

I hope so too. She annoys me but sometimes I'm horrified by the comments left on her social media. 

I hope it does! If anything hopefully it'll stop the rude comments about her body.

I've never ever had a recipe from her turn out bad. That's one of the reasons I hate that she bugs me so much. Because she's a truly great cook. 

It's mostly genes, Have you seen her Mom? And healthy habits. She works out hard and lives by the 70% of veggies on her plate rule. 

I guess if she works out hard and her diet is mostly veggies, then great for her.  She deserves it.  Shes a better person than i.  Lord knows i could do that, but choose not to.  Or maybe I'm just lazy🙄

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I'm watching an old episode of this show June 3 2017. The guest called out Sunny about her knife. I have always cringed watching Sunny throw her arms around while holding a knife.  He said "you're crazy with that knife. " she didn't seem to notice but I laughed. 

I spoke to soon, 😂 he keeps ragging on her about a hand mixer, she called him a hater lol.

I have a summer cold so I'm miserable but this gave me a good laugh. 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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On 5/4/2019 at 4:50 PM, goldenpuppy said:

Katie Lee has the most annoying voice !  Sunny is loud and obnoxious !   Together they are super annoying g!

She has a horrible voice for any kind of broadcasting or tv, but when you are in your 20’s and are willing to do a man in his 50’s because held Billy Joel, and then do the producer on the FN , you can get ahead even though you are an average cook and have a super annoying delivery ! 

On 6/13/2019 at 4:43 PM, suev33 3 said:

I guess if she works out hard and her diet is mostly veggies, then great for her.  She deserves it.  Shes a better person than i.  Lord knows i could do that, but choose not to.  Or maybe I'm just lazy🙄

She’s also very tall, which helps a lot !   I wouldn’t say marrying men who help you get recognition and jobs makes her a hard worker !

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I made that no bake strawberry cheesecake thing today with a few modifications* and it was so good.

*I saw other recipes that were for plain no bake cheesecakes that called for a bit of sour cream and some lemon juice so I added that.  Those other recipes said to put it in the fridge to set vs. the freezer so I did both (in cupcake tins).  The freezer ones finished setting and I'll compare it to the fridge ones tomorrow.

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On 6/29/2019 at 10:13 PM, Irlandesa said:

I made that no bake strawberry cheesecake thing today with a few modifications* and it was so good.

*I saw other recipes that were for plain no bake cheesecakes that called for a bit of sour cream and some lemon juice so I added that.  Those other recipes said to put it in the fridge to set vs. the freezer so I did both (in cupcake tins).  The freezer ones finished setting and I'll compare it to the fridge ones tomorrow.

Hi Irlandesa. If you like those types of desserts then I think you would really like a Lemon Ice Box Pie; three main ingredients, a pre-made graham cracker crust (or make your own if you prefer) and a blender. Put it in the fridge to set up, serve plain or decorated with strawberries. I've made it several times and it never fails to please.

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Joy Bauer has been making the rounds on Home & Family as well as The Kitchen.  I really like her, especially because she doesn’t seem to have any annoying speaking habits.  She would be a great addition (or replacement). 

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30 minutes ago, WritinMan said:

The lasagna "roll-ups" (or whatever they were) that Sunny made on today's show looked incredibly dry. Come on, Sunny, give me some extra sauce!

Yes, I would have placed them in the dish on their side, not standing straight up. Gotta say, Maneet is such a gorgeous lady. And she’s lively, but calming and pleasant.

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On 7/13/2019 at 5:35 PM, WritinMan said:

The lasagna "roll-ups" (or whatever they were) that Sunny made on today's show looked incredibly dry. Come on, Sunny, give me some extra sauce!

There wasn't enough filling, either. I can't believe GZ was raving about them. I guess they are told to do that for the show. I agree with @Spunkygal they should have been put on their side. 

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18 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

There wasn't enough filling, either. I can't believe GZ was raving about them. I guess they are told to do that for the show. I agree with @Spunkygal they should have been put on their side. 

I did make them yesterday. But... and it’s a BIG but... I made way less rolls and filled them way more. I also used way more sauce. And did not stand them on end. 

They were wonderful. So the basic idea was there, steaming the lasagna noodles instead of boiling the noodles was a great thing. But way more sauce was needed. 

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Lidia Bastianich made something similar on her show - except she thinly sliced eggplant lengthwise and filled with ricotta mixture and rolled it up.  I'm pretty sure she laid them down, and there was plenty of sauce.  I like the idea of eggplant instead of pasta.  My favorite pizza place makes them (eggplant rollatini) and they are yummy!

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