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Small Talk: I Like Them All, I Just Can't Choose!


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16 hours ago, PearlClutcher said:

@Bronx Babe. Geez, it's so very good to hear from you.  It sounds like many of your Sparkly Snarkers were with you in spirit.  I hope this wasn't said before as I tend to read the latest post and then go upthread.   Anyway, I like your Bronxoni prediction about no return of EOS.  Being a SAHM would be good for her and the little one.  I do hope you are correct!

@Thanks so much, @PearlClutcher  I've been comforted by so many wonderful people here. 

My feelings about Shawn revolve around the fact that I think she's always had very low self-esteem about herself as a woman, hence the desperation to get married before turning 40, the bewb job, and now a child to complete the validation.

3 hours ago, Fishy said:

:-( Popping in to say that thoughts and prayers with your name on them are being subliminally sent your way. :-)  When you feel a moment of peace however fleeting but sure to be more often as the days go along, know that that is them doing their work.  Hoping for the very best for you.

@Fishy my friend, I cannot tell you how much this has touched me.  Thanking you with all my heart.  There truly are angels here on Earth, and you are one of them.

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9 hours ago, Coffeecup said:




BronxBabe, glad you checked in with us about the funeral. Sounds like everything went well. I hope that eased your mind some.


@Thanks, @Coffeecup.  It did indeed.  I'm grateful to God.

16 hours ago, Rustybones said:

Also, someone from Hospice may contact you about having a bereavement volunteer visit you.  I did that when I volunteered with VNA Hospice. 

Thanks, @Rustybones.  More power to you and all the people who volunteer in that capacity.

15 hours ago, Cricket said:

That is not selfish at all. Normal to be worried. I finally got the bill from the hospital in St Petersburg where I went in for a breathing treatment in March while on vacation. Joe was just coming in when I FREAKED OUT. Big time, screaming, hyperventilating...  my gut is raw. They charged my insurance company over 10,000.00! My insurance company is billing me almost 2800.00. Mind you, just for Joe, I have 7000.00 in bills to pay. I.just.can.not.do.this. 

Joe filed a grievance with my insurance company. I guess my only concern is how long before they start the process to garnish wages? I simply can not pay this. This is obscene. Money worries, Bronx babe? Yea, I understand you completely and if you have every right to be upset, worried or whatever. All we can do it TRY. And you are SO CORRECT.. it is NOT easy.

Life is hard. I got to thinking about what Dana Bledsoe is going through and I commend her because I simply can not have the same joyful outlook of life that she has.


Oh @Cricket  You've been carrying such heavy loads for so long.  Yes, the money aspect is just so -- unbearable is what I will say but yes, all we can do is try.  They cannot get blood out of a stone or however that phrase goes.  I wish I could say something to comfort you like "This too shall pass" which intellectually I do believe but when we're going through "challenges" --- hell, I'll call them viscerally what they are, which is "shit" -- it's so hard to see a light at the end of that tunnel. 

Blessings to you for a better and more hopeful future.

12 hours ago, seahag said:

I will be praying for everyone on here who is going through tough times.  Consider yourselves virtually hugged.

I am still (!) recovering from my pneumonia.  I went to the doc this week and he said it will be a few months before I feel up to snuff.  I went to an art fair for an hour this afternoon, and to Home Depot this evening for half an hour.  I'm completely wiped out!

@seahag - That pneumonia is a bitch!  I got it in January and I'm still not totally recovered.  I feel normal most of the time, but if I do something "extra" like going to that art fair, an ambitious cleaning project around the house or even hiking down to Walgreens a half a mile away, I'm wiped out.  Take care.


There's a gas tank discussion over in Chit-Chat. I think I started it when I posted about being stuck behind a woman who ran out of gas. I am most assuredly in the half-empty club. Someone once joked about going somewhere and asking whose car had gas, and I commented that my cars always have gas. 

I stopped by this a.m. to present my book report. I don't know if anyone noticed, but LisaR had posted on her FB page about a movie made from a book that had been recommended to her when her mother passed, The Shack by William Young.  I suppose you could say I "took one for the team." It wasn't the best book I've ever read, but it had some interesting ideas, and I would recommend it. It is Christian (the Trinity are characters) but not religious. There were parts that I didn't care for, so I'd give it maybe three or four stars out of five. I had to read it quickly (library book), but I might put myself back on the waitlist and re-read some parts. I wouldn't buy it.

For those who are grieving, I do highly recommend Healing After Loss, by Martha Whitmore Hickman. They are daily meditations, short and easy. I did buy this one.

Cricket, sometimes the hospital is willing to negotiate on bills. Another suggestion is to not pay them right away; sometimes the older the debt gets, the more willing they are to negotiate. I think I heard that medical bills are no longer considered in your credit rating, you may want to look into that.

Edited by ennui
12 hours ago, TexasTiffany said:

Years ago, one of my friend's mothers was in a group like that. He gave it the side-eye and called it "Seniors on the run". His mom was having a blast! She liked to travel. She had her own things around her. She knew the people in the group and they all went together somewhere. She made it sounds wonderful to go all over the US and seeing things with your friends. If anyone had mechanical trouble, someone was there to help fix it. They didn't leave people behind. They watched out for you no matter where you were. She had the time and ability, it was great for her. 

I have a similar group. After my first husband died, I met a lovely group of widows and widowers through grief counseling, and when I was ready to crawl out my hole and start living again, I began going out on the weekends with this group. It was mostly women, but a couple of men too. We nicknamed ourselves "Club W" (W for Widowed). We went out every weekend - to dinner, brunch, movies, concerts, little day trips, weekend trips, all kinds of things. Anywhere from 10 - 16 of us would go on these outings.

Fast forward almost 5 years later and many changes have happened within the group. I got remarried (as you all know!), another member is engaged, another is in a long-term relationship, and one of the widows and one of the widowers fell in love and are now living together. We all have remained close and still get together on a regular basis with our significant others included. I know no matter what additional changes the group experiences, we'll be friends for life because we share a special bond. As Martha Stewart would say, it's a good thing!

On 6/18/2017 at 8:54 AM, tiftgirl said:

Let me preface this by saying I lurk and don't post, but, that does not mean I am indifferent to the trials and heartache several of you are going through (BronxBabe, Mrs. Joe, and all the others) and you are in my thoughts and prayers.  It's just, well, stupid anxiety disorder gets set off by posting sometimes.  Who knows why, I told you, it's stupid.  :)  And, it's taken my two days to work up to do this if that give you any idea of how it gets me sometimes.

But, if I can bring up Chewy again.  Yes, they are higher on somethings, but, the delivery fee is, I think something like five dollars flat for anything with a total of 49.99 or lower, or if you order is over 50.00 it's free - either way to get litter delivered it is worth it to me.

BUT, the customer service is beyond compare.  One of my cats passed away in Jan.  (not her over there in my avatar - her brother).  I called them to cancel the recurring order for his prescription food.  After very sweet condolences the lady said "Your last order was in December.  I will refund it."  I was confused and said no, we've used part of it and I am not up to sending the last bag back and she said "No, it's what we do to express our sorrow for what you are going through."  A few days later I received a hand written card from her that was so very sweet and referred to my Shlomo by name.  When I called to express my gratitude and how blown away I was to a supervisor, he stayed on the phone with me about 1/2 hour talking about Shlomo and my other cats - he also said if I just needed to talk they are there 24/7 and would be happy to spend time with me.  Just amazing.

Someone above said they heard Chewy had been bought by PetSmart - I so hope the outstanding customer service does not change.  That is what makes Chewy worth it to me - they treat their customers like real people with real feelings something far too lacking in large corps these days.

So anyway, I've made it through this so far and hope you don't mind me popping in to give my perspective.

Sorry I am late in catching up.  I am glad you posted and thank you for sharing that.  That really is outstanding.  

2 hours ago, SentimentalLady said:

Sorry I am late in catching up.  I am glad you posted and thank you for sharing that.  That really is outstanding.  

Moi aussie.

And @tiftgirl, we all have damage, so please consider joining in on our merry little madness whenever you're able.  I LOVED your story, and look forward to "seeing" you again around these forums.  Baby steps.  You are in a safe place here at PTV, I promise!.  :-D

On 6/22/2017 at 9:43 PM, Fishy said:

I do online jigsaw puzzles and I'd LOVE to do this one.  Love the vivid colors and the kittykat, of course.

Which reminds me to thank you if I didn't already.  I never thought of doing puzzles on line.  I do at least one Jigzone every day now.

On 6/22/2017 at 11:13 PM, Thumper said:

Random question:. I keep hearing/reading the term "bathing suit."  I say "swimsuit."  Is this a regional thing?  I live in the upper Midwest.  Is "bathing suit" an east coast thing?

Maybe.  I always said bathing suit (NJ).  I think swimsuit sounds better.

On 6/23/2017 at 10:58 AM, Stacey1014 said:

Another East Coaster here and I've always called it a bathing suit. 

The word that drives me batty right now is blowdry. Any time I hear a Q host say it, I want to throw something at the tv. I dry my hair with a hairdryer.  Blowdry and blow dryer make me stabby.   

I am hearing a lot of "blow out" now.  But yes, always blowdry.

11 minutes ago, lovemesomejoolery said:

This is the site I use, too.  I think someone here suggested it, so I've been doing a couple a day.

It may have been me [/small voice]

You and I might as well be touching our naughty bits - because we most certainly have crossed paths on some puzzles together on THAT addictive site at odd hours!

@Bronx Babe.   I wanted to tell you that it is good to see you back.  Its been such a terrible time for you and I know that you handled it with grace and dignity.  You made your Mom proud.  When I lost my Mother, I felt like I had lost my anchor.  I hope everything gets easier for you from now on.  

I look forward to predictions from the Great Broxoni.  Do you still see the Carlo Ponti like dude waiting for Lisa?  Hugs.

16 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

It may have been me [/small voice]

You and I might as well be touching our naughty bits - because we most certainly have crossed paths on some puzzles together on THAT addictive site at odd hours!

You are funny!!

I love that site.  In fact, on a Sunday - yesterday - I felt some stress about a few things, so in the category I like,  Flowers, I did 5 or 6 puzzles in a row that just had 50 pieces each.  Calmed me right down!!  I have been avoiding the 150 piece puzzles.......the 100 piece take me 20 minutes or more each as it is!  The 50 piece ones are like 3-4 minutes flat!

I have commitment issues when it comes to time.......!

28 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

@Cricket. Maybe you can contact the hospital's patient liaison rep to help you.  He/she can review your bill and see if you can qualify for assistance.  Considering your husband's medical status, they might reduce the bill or find an organization that helps with this.  Is your hubs on Medicare and has he approached the "catastrophic" portion of his insurance?   Not trying to get personal,  just want to see you weather the storm when both of you were needing medical attention at the same time.  

Yes, it was hilarious.  Thanks for the mention.

Oh Cricket,  how could you? Randy Quaid is everyone's nightmare, however he was a great BIL to Chevy Chase. 

Yes, he gave him those great shoes !


I brought this over from the other site due to the animal picture.

After LR's kerfluffle over seeing a bear at Lake Tahoe, I thought I would share this picture of an adventurous young moose who was photographed walking leisurely along a busy highway in one of Denver's suburbs this morning.  Look how young he is!  All legs and so skinny.

I love how often wr see wildlife here, right in the midst of the big city. We have to respect them and remember how dangerous thesr large animals can be, but it is an absolute joy to see them.


Edited by Denver Hoosier
or it could be a young 'she'. In either case, I would guess it is a yearling
53 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

Goodness, I hope it was safe from traffic!  Is it alright and is it not eating enough? I want to deed it although I know that's probably not a good idea.  

The police had shut down that section of the highway until Fish and Wildlife could come get Mr Moose, that is why you don't see any cars. A moose can easily wreck a car, and on a busy highway could cause a chain reaction accident.   F & W came and got him off the highway.  Happy ending!

Moose are notoriously bad tempered. I would not advise feeding one.

Edited by Denver Hoosier
typo did a naughty word!
35 minutes ago, Friedbaloney said:

I've read that encountering a moose in the woods is more dangerous than encountering a bear. There are signs all around Maine (prime moose country) warning people to keep their distance-- especially during mating season. 

Who'd have ever thought of it of dear old Bullwinkle?!



You're right with that. Here's a video taken in Jackman, Maine 3 years ago of a moose attacking a snowmobiler.

 I don't post much but am a long time lurker. I'm going to check out the online puzzle sites. What a good idea. 

4 hours ago, Denver Hoosier said:

The police had shut down that section of the highway until Fish and Wildlife could come get Mr Moose, that is why you don't see any cars. A moose can easily wreck a car, and on a busy highway could cause a chain reaction accident.   F & W came and got him off the highway.  Happy ending!

Moose are notoriously bad tempered. I would not advise feeding one.

Here's a friendly Mr. Moose.


mr moose.jpg

7 minutes ago, Raspberry Streusel said:

 I don't post much but am a long time lurker. I'm going to check out the online puzzle sites. What a good idea. 

Here's a friendly Mr. Moose.


mr moose.jpg

Welcome RS!  Anytime you feel like jumping in, please do so.  Only a few of us bite. ( ;

1 hour ago, Friedbaloney said:

I know I probably shouldn't say this, but some of those snowmobilers deserve what they get. I didn't click on the video so I don't know what the situation was with this particular driver, but some people with snowmobiles take delight in harassing wildlife like deer. Hunters will often chase them into exhaustion until they collapse and are easier to shoot at, and even non hunters will do it just for "fun". 

ATVs, snowmobiles, I hate them all. They ruin the serenity of the woods, cause damage, and put even hikers in danger. 

Sorry for getting so serious. But I'm just in the mood! ?

The human and wild animal interaction/relationship is and will always be a blending of conservationists, casual observers, and full blown jackasses.  


Since I disparaged the surgeon profession upthread, I should also share when they do something right.  This particular surgeon is and always was wonderful and we're lucky to have him, but still.

So my hubs had his 3rd annual scan since his lung cancer was found and they removed a lobe of his left lung.  Generally the scan is followed by an appt. with the surgeon's Physician Asst. a week or so later.  They called hubs today to let him know that since there were no changes (yay!!), he could skip the appt.  So they actually saved our insurance and us an expensive appointment, and for that (but mostly for the good news) I am grateful.

My hope is that everyone experiencing these issues enjoys a similar experience, and the sooner the better.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
On ‎6‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 10:30 PM, TexasTiffany said:

This bicycling kitty is 1 of 4 seasons, but there are 2 with pumpkins. Maybe there's a 5th season I don't know about. I like the colors in this one. The search words I used were "kitty folk art painting". It's amazing what you can find. 

I already downloaded your pumpkin kittykat to my fav puzzle site and put it together.  I'm going to look for the others.  Love the style and colors. :-)

22 hours ago, SentimentalLady said:

@Bronx Babe.   I wanted to tell you that it is good to see you back.  Its been such a terrible time for you and I know that you handled it with grace and dignity.  You made your Mom proud.  When I lost my Mother, I felt like I had lost my anchor.  I hope everything gets easier for you from now on.  

I look forward to predictions from the Great Broxoni.  Do you still see the Carlo Ponti like dude waiting for Lisa?  Hugs.

@SentimentalLady I can't tell you how much your words mean to me.  Thank you for your kindness.  I know that the timeless memories of your own mother will continue to provide a safe harbor for you for the rest of your life, through fair winds and foul.  Hugs back to you.

Bronxoni's crystal ball can now reveal that Lisa's Italian businessman will marry a strong-willed wealthy woman from Milan with a wart on her nose and a hot temper who will not suffer mistresses gladly.  "Carlo" will spend the rest of his life catering to this virago (word list) and so LR's hope of a sugar daddy is effectively squelched.

Bronxoni sees bizarre images surrounding La Douchess involving an inexplicable Pacific Northwest backdrop and men resembling Neanderthals ambling through ancient forests foraging for berries and unattached hairy females. 


My one & only BFF lives in Alaska.  A moose calved in their local Fred Meyer parking lot

Nobody has darkened my doorstep for decades, but some rando fuckin' fucker rattled my screen door as I was peeing.  He called me by my first name and said AT&T sent him.  By the time I wiped myself and unsheathed my recliner machete, he was Gone, Girl, Gone.  I trolled my 'hood like a madwoman on pervert alert.

20 minutes ago, Bronx Babe said:

@SentimentalLady I can't tell you how much your words mean to me.  Thank you for your kindness.  I know that the timeless memories of your own mother will continue to provide a safe harbor for you for the rest of your life, through fair winds and foul.  Hugs back to you.

Bronxoni's crystal ball can now reveal that Lisa's Italian businessman will marry a strong-willed wealthy woman from Milan with a wart on her nose and a hot temper who will not suffer mistresses gladly.  "Carlo" will spend the rest of his life catering to this virago (word list) and so LR's hope of a sugar daddy is effectively squelched.

Bronxoni sees bizarre images surrounding La Douchess involving an inexplicable Pacific Northwest backdrop and men resembling Neanderthals ambling through ancient forests foraging for berries and unattached hairy females. 


Wow Bronxoni!  I love the vivid details.  Warts and all?  Thank you for your kind words and stay strong my friend.

@TT - you created a monster.  I did a Google search of 'kitty folk art painting' like you said upthread, and I'm on overload by all the great pics that I'm seeing.  Love the folk art style anyway, but I can't get enough.

I feel an avatar change coming............  Hee

44 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

I hate you. ;-D

Is contributing to the delinquency of a Senior Citizen even a crime in this country?

lol!  Have fun!

1 hour ago, Fishy said:

@TT - you created a monster.  I did a Google search of 'kitty folk art painting' like you said upthread, and I'm on overload by all the great pics that I'm seeing.  Love the folk art style anyway, but I can't get enough.

I feel an avatar change coming............  Hee

lol!  Have fun!

It's awesome, isn't it? There are so many colorful, beautiful images to download. It's hard to decide which puzzle to do first.

I started googling images a few years ago looking for Victorian seed packet images. I progressed to Victorian Christmas cards and Halloween Cards. I found Charles Wysocki Americana folk art pics, etc. So many talented artists to check out. Delightfully overwhelming.

Charles Wysocki's "Frederick the Literate" 


Another one because I couldn't choose just one.

Charles Wysocki "Mabel the Stowaway"


Edited by TexasTiffany
9 hours ago, Friedbaloney said:

I had to post this somewhere because it's so funny. Found it when I was googling images of elephants wearing striped pants. (Don't ask).


They make such a lovely couple! ❤️



I want that Lollipop!  I haven't seen one of these in eons!

And yes, they are a cute couple!

7 hours ago, TexasTiffany said:

It's awesome, isn't it? There are so many colorful, beautiful images to download. It's hard to decide which puzzle to do first.

I started googling images a few years ago looking for Victorian seed packet images. I progressed to Victorian Christmas cards and Halloween Cards. I found Charles Wysocki Americana folk art pics, etc. So many talented artists to check out. Delightfully overwhelming.

Charles Wysocki's "Frederick the Literate" 


Another one because I couldn't choose just one.

Charles Wysocki "Mabel the Stowaway"


These would make AWESOME jigsaw puzzles..... just call me Lisa for short..... LOL!!

8 hours ago, Midnight Sun said:

Well, this video pisses me off.  These idiots on their snowmachines chase and scare this poor animal and then are surprised that it defends itself?  And did I hear the bitch in the background say she would shoot the moose?  After watching this video, Fish and Game here in Alaska would slap these jerks with a big fat fine.  Assholes.

Slow death to all obnoxious snowmobilers.

Assholes can rest easy knowing my 44 mag is locked away in a gunsafe far, far away from the freezer vodka.

1 hour ago, PearlClutcher said:

I love those puzzles!  The color is absolutely lovely.  I hope there's no chaos going on here.  There's gotta be a thread where there is no nick picking going on.  If you don't like how I post,  please put me on your ignore list.  I truly won't feel offended.

There were Knights who said "NicK".

The vodka bottle is drained, so there will be no more chaos until I can walk a straight line to the liquor store.

1 minute ago, ennui said:

I want a cable tv channel that's an ocean webcam. Nothing but waves crashing on the shore for hours and hours. I want it on cable so it's on the big screen. 

They show that Yule log, why not the sea?

I lived in Hawaii for a while, and there were waves .. everywhere.  Crashing & dashing my dreams, but also gently lapping the shoreline. Wish I could paint you a picture of that shite with my mere words.

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