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Small Talk: I Like Them All, I Just Can't Choose!


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30 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

You have a Beanie!!!  My soulmate cat was also a Beanie (named Teeny Weeny Beanie Baby Boy by my niece).  Softest fur I've ever felt.  I miss him fiercely.

By the way, y'all know there's a special forum dedicated to Post Your Pet Photos & Discussion in the "Everything Else" Off Topic section, right?  :-)

No, I didn't but thanks for the heads up - will check it out. 

18 minutes ago, TexasTiffany said:

Nice to come across your name again, @walnutqueen! 

A few things are missing here. I'm going to take it slow today, unless I decide on 3 cups of coffee.

Nice to "see" you, too, TT.  I just couldn't keep up with the Shopping Channel thread after my Mum died last year - especially after getting the box of overpriced and probably unworn Canadian Shopping Channel trinkets (most likely purchased with funds I sent for food).  It's a long sad story ...  :-D


4 minutes ago, Fishy said:

No, I didn't but thanks for the heads up - will check it out. 

PTV is full of undiscovered surprises.  But since I found that forum (and the "Soft Kitty" one), I'm totally addicted yet again.

1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Nice to "see" you, too, TT.  I just couldn't keep up with the Shopping Channel thread after my Mum died last year - especially after getting the box of overpriced and probably unworn Canadian Shopping Channel trinkets (most likely purchased with funds I sent for food).  It's a long sad story ...  :-D


PTV is full of undiscovered surprises.  But since I found that forum (and the "Soft Kitty" one), I'm totally addicted yet again.

@Walnutqueen, I'm sorry about your mom. Your feelings are totally understandable! I don't feel the same way about the shopping channels like I used to either. I hope things are better for you. 

I've found some interesting topics here, too. I don't have as much time to read and I miss a lot of fun stuff. It's hard to pick and choose sometimes. Thanks for the tips though! 

Mod Note:

It appears the leniency given in the Shopping Channel Shows topic regarding off-topic posts has lead to a misconception that off topic posts aren’t subject to moderation. Whether off topic posts are removed or not is completely at the moderators’ discretion. Discussing mod actions in topic is unacceptable; this includes remarking on removal, or the potential removal, of posts whether in the post itself or the 'edit reason'. The SCS mods correctly directed that off-topic discussion should take place here in the Small Talk topic, where chat about personal anecdotes or family/pet pics is fine.

If there are any further posts in here or the SCS topic, which violate the board rules of discussing mod actions or bemoaning the removal of posts in any way, I will lock the SCS topic.

Any questions regarding mod actions should be sent via PM to both @CuriousParker and @deaja.

Zoemom is now entering the room, gingerly looking around and happy to see some familiar faces.  I'm pulling up a chair for a bit of a chat.

I've had shingles FOUR times!!!.  Definitely not good times.  My first episode occurred also when I was 40.  (Must be the 'magic' number!)  My episodes would always start out feeling like a sunburn, then the blisters would appear along with a nasty rash that spread.  I've had outbreaks on my left shoulder and upper arm, around my mid-section - no bra for 6 weeks (and that's when I was working!), on my forearm and the worst bout that started on my neck and spread onto my face.  My doctor was quite concerned about this last episode, as apparently shingles can spread into the eye and cause blindness.    I've pretty much recovered from the facial episode, however my skin still 'tingles' and is painful at times; a residual side effect that can for "years" apparently.  My doctor isn't all that impressed with the shingles vaccine (definitely doesn't recommend it for me) as he doesn't feel that it's all that effective.


Nice to "see" you, too, TT.  I just couldn't keep up with the Shopping Channel thread after my Mum died last year - especially after getting the box of overpriced and probably unworn Canadian Shopping Channel trinkets (most likely purchased with funds I sent for food).  It's a long sad story ...  :-D

Sending lots of hugs your way Walnut Queen; I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum.   I too have become disillusioned with the Shopping Channels.   I feel that many of their "victims" are those that can least afford it; they remind me a great deal of those TV ministries that are always asking for $$$$ from their viewers.  My grandfather ended up giving his life savings to one of those charlatans to "help" him build his "crystal cathedral".  Turns out this "minister" is a multi-millionaire.  Honestly, there ought to be a law.  

Here's a small contribution to the kitty pictures.  A few years ago I used to show cats (Abyssinians).  I tried my hand at breeding and had a couple of litters - this is a picture of the first six that we had (I woke them up with the flash!).  I really enjoyed having the kittens, but they were a lot of work and if you do it correctly, breeding is expensive, time consuming and requires a good amount of space for the growing kittens.  My divorce put an end to my breeding program (lost the house/space, free time and disposable income).  I miss having the kittens, but now spend my free time volunteering at a couple of cat shelters in our area.  There are so many nice kitties that are looking for good homes that I feel guilty for ever breeding in the first place.  Unfortunately there will always be a market for "purebred" cats, but at least I feel better that I'm no longer "contributing" to this market.  My volunteer time is more rewarding.


5909307580427_E-mailsixatsevenweeks.jpg.b5e8f8dd66f9c1fe14876a005705a057.jpgOnce again, I'm glad to see you all, hope to "hear" more from you when you get a chance.  :-)

15 minutes ago, zoemom said:

Zoemom is now entering the room, gingerly looking around and happy to see some familiar faces.  I'm pulling up a chair for a bit of a chat.

I've had shingles FOUR times!!!.  Definitely not good times.  My first episode occurred also when I was 40.  (Must be the 'magic' number!)  My episodes would always start out feeling like a sunburn, then the blisters would appear along with a nasty rash that spread.  I've had outbreaks on my left shoulder and upper arm, around my mid-section - no bra for 6 weeks (and that's when I was working!), on my forearm and the worst bout that started on my neck and spread onto my face.  My doctor was quite concerned about this last episode, as apparently shingles can spread into the eye and cause blindness.    I've pretty much recovered from the facial episode, however my skin still 'tingles' and is painful at times; a residual side effect that can for "years" apparently.  My doctor isn't all that impressed with the shingles vaccine (definitely doesn't recommend it for me) as he doesn't feel that it's all that effective.

Sending lots of hugs your way Walnut Queen; I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum.   I too have become disillusioned with the Shopping Channels.   I feel that many of their "victims" are those that can least afford it; they remind me a great deal of those TV ministries that are always asking for $$$$ from their viewers.  My grandfather ended up giving his life savings to one of those charlatans to "help" him build his "crystal cathedral".  Turns out this "minister" is a multi-millionaire.  Honestly, there ought to be a law.  

Here's a small contribution to the kitty pictures.  A few years ago I used to show cats (Abyssinians).  I tried my hand at breeding and had a couple of litters - this is a picture of the first six that we had (I woke them up with the flash!).  I really enjoyed having the kittens, but they were a lot of work and if you do it correctly, breeding is expensive, time consuming and requires a good amount of space for the growing kittens.  My divorce put an end to my breeding program (lost the house/space, free time and disposable income).  I miss having the kittens, but now spend my free time volunteering at a couple of cat shelters in our area.  There are so many nice kitties that are looking for good homes that I feel guilty for ever breeding in the first place.  Unfortunately there will always be a market for "purebred" cats, but at least I feel better that I'm no longer "contributing" to this market.  My volunteer time is more rewarding.


5909307580427_E-mailsixatsevenweeks.jpg.b5e8f8dd66f9c1fe14876a005705a057.jpgOnce again, I'm glad to see you all, hope to "hear" more from you when you get a chance.  :-)

Hee - guess who!  - Fishy here.....  - had to say those kittens are A D O R A B L E - love those ears X a million!!!

30 minutes ago, zoemom said:

Zoemom is now entering the room, gingerly looking around and happy to see some familiar faces.  I'm pulling up a chair for a bit of a chat.

I've had shingles FOUR times!!!.  Definitely not good times.  My first episode occurred also when I was 40.  (Must be the 'magic' number!)  My episodes would always start out feeling like a sunburn, then the blisters would appear along with a nasty rash that spread.  I've had outbreaks on my left shoulder and upper arm, around my mid-section - no bra for 6 weeks (and that's when I was working!), on my forearm and the worst bout that started on my neck and spread onto my face.  My doctor was quite concerned about this last episode, as apparently shingles can spread into the eye and cause blindness.    I've pretty much recovered from the facial episode, however my skin still 'tingles' and is painful at times; a residual side effect that can for "years" apparently.  My doctor isn't all that impressed with the shingles vaccine (definitely doesn't recommend it for me) as he doesn't feel that it's all that effective.

Sending lots of hugs your way Walnut Queen; I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum.   I too have become disillusioned with the Shopping Channels.   I feel that many of their "victims" are those that can least afford it; they remind me a great deal of those TV ministries that are always asking for $$$$ from their viewers.  My grandfather ended up giving his life savings to one of those charlatans to "help" him build his "crystal cathedral".  Turns out this "minister" is a multi-millionaire.  Honestly, there ought to be a law.  

Here's a small contribution to the kitty pictures.  A few years ago I used to show cats (Abyssinians).  I tried my hand at breeding and had a couple of litters - this is a picture of the first six that we had (I woke them up with the flash!).  I really enjoyed having the kittens, but they were a lot of work and if you do it correctly, breeding is expensive, time consuming and requires a good amount of space for the growing kittens.  My divorce put an end to my breeding program (lost the house/space, free time and disposable income).  I miss having the kittens, but now spend my free time volunteering at a couple of cat shelters in our area.  There are so many nice kitties that are looking for good homes that I feel guilty for ever breeding in the first place.  Unfortunately there will always be a market for "purebred" cats, but at least I feel better that I'm no longer "contributing" to this market.  My volunteer time is more rewarding.


5909307580427_E-mailsixatsevenweeks.jpg.b5e8f8dd66f9c1fe14876a005705a057.jpgOnce again, I'm glad to see you all, hope to "hear" more from you when you get a chance.  :-)

They are such pretty cats!  I concur with how you feel about purebreds.  Growing up, my family always had Siamese - blue point, chocolate point and seal points.  Wen my husband and I talked about getting a cat, my go to was a Siamese, because that's all I knew.  My husband is the one who urged me to consider pet adoption, and once we started going to shelters, I wanted to take all of them!  The nice thing about a Heinz 57 cat is that you don't have some of the issues that you might have with a purebred - Siamese are known for early kidney issues......and I'm not sure what other breeds have problems. 

Sorry to hear you've had shingles four times.  Yikes!  That is awful!

36 minutes ago, lovemesomejoolery said:

They are such pretty cats!  I concur with how you feel about purebreds.  Growing up, my family always had Siamese - blue point, chocolate point and seal points.  Wen my husband and I talked about getting a cat, my go to was a Siamese, because that's all I knew.  My husband is the one who urged me to consider pet adoption, and once we started going to shelters, I wanted to take all of them!  The nice thing about a Heinz 57 cat is that you don't have some of the issues that you might have with a purebred - Siamese are known for early kidney issues......and I'm not sure what other breeds have problems

Sorry to hear you've had shingles four times.  Yikes!  That is awful!

Hi Fishy!!!! Yep, when they're little like that, they're all ears.  They eventually grow into them, but they are pretty cute at their awkward kitten stage!

LMSJ - ITA.  My spouse (now ex-spouse) was the exact opposite of Mr. LMSJ, he was very particular and wanted nothing but a purebred cat.  Our first cat together was also an Aby.   I purchased her from an Aby breeder - she was a "retired" show cat at 8 months.  I didn't know what I know now of course, these folks had a very large house, but their living room and dining room was "full" of cats.  There must have been about 25 moms and kittens in the two rooms!!!.  The breeder also had her "brother" that had a very bad tail kink and walked kind of wonky on his back legs.  I'm sorry to this day that I didn't take him along with me; our first Aby "Eve" lived until she was 13.  Yep, Abys like Siamese are prone to kidney issues as well; Eve died of kidney failure.  I worked pretty hard to check out genetics when I was actively breeding, there has been some improvement in having cats that aren't as prone to kidney disease.  I now have a 12 year old Aby, along with my seven year old "Mama" kitty (who was the mother to my three litters).  Both are sweeties, I'd love to have a couple Heinz 57's myself; between volunteering at the shelter and working for a vet it makes it hard to come home empty handed!!!!!!  Hopefully I'll be able to some day! 

Yep, shingles aren't pleasant.  There has been some speculation because I have MS that I was more prone to having this recur, but I don't know.  Just as long as they don't come back I'll be happy :-) !


@walnutqueen - I'm sorry to hear about your Mom.  It's great to see you again!  

@zoemom - Those kitties look like if a strong breeze came along, they'd fly!  Sort of like Dumbo Kitties.  LOL.  My last kitty, dear Bella, was a Manx.  I got her from the pound.  She was a wonderful cat.  Manx are such sweet kitties, very friendly, but they tend to have one human that is their person for life.  It was so amusing to watch her run, especially upstairs, because they have large rear haunches and sort of hop like a bunny.  Unfortunately, they have health issues (caring for "poopy butt" is not fun) and she died at 15 from kidney disease.

Edited by CarpeDiem54

True, MamaCarpeDiem's giant orange tabby, Butterball, had kidney disease.  She lived to be 19 and died a couple of months after my mother.  She missed my mother so much and would lie on her hospital bed until the hospice came and took it away.  Then she'd wander around like she was looking for her.  She and my Bella became good pals and would lie in the sun together.

I had another sweetheart, Frosty, a big pure white male with bright blue eyes who also passed away from it at 16.

45 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

True, MamaCarpeDiem's giant orange tabby, Butterball, had kidney disease.  She lived to be 19 and died a couple of months after my mother.  She missed my mother so much and would lie on her hospital bed until the hospice came and took it away.  Then she'd wander around like she was looking for her.  She and my Bella became good pals and would lie in the sun together.

I had another sweetheart, Frosty, a big pure white male with bright blue eyes who also passed away from it at 16.

Poor animals. They don't understand what happened when their "person" is gone.

17 minutes ago, Coffeecup said:

Poor animals. They don't understand what happened when their "person" is gone.

Dear Butterball (who was the hughest cat I'd ever seen - she weighed 25 pounds and wasn't fat) stayed next to my Mom the last few weeks of her life.  She never left her side except to eat and go potty.  My Mom rested her hand on Butter's head most of the time.  She was such a comfort.

Butter was a very quiet cat and hardly ever meowed.  One day I had fed Mom, given her medicine and tucked her in.  I then went about my business. About an hour later, I was in a back room and suddenly Butter appeared at the door and started howling.  I went and checked on Mom and she was gone.  I'm so glad she had her dear kitty by her side to comfort her.

31 minutes ago, Coffeecup said:

Poor animals. They don't understand what happened when their "person" is gone.

Carpe, Butterball sounds like a wonderful kitty - similar story for my mom as well.......

That's the truth.  My mom had a cat that just "appeared" in their back yard.  She used to feed the birds all of her bread, cracker, snack scraps; she'd toss the scraps out in the morning.  A grey kitty came out of nowhere and would pick out only the Cheese Doodles; he ate them exclusively.  We think he was feral, but he became very friendly towards mom and eventually she was able to coax him into the house where he'd sit in their living room during the day.  Because of his liking of Cheese Doodles over everything else, mom named him "Mr. Doodles".  We were finally able to get Mr. Doodles to the vet, got him neutered and checked out, but he always wanted to go out at night; mom would let him out and he'd be waiting at 7 a.m. for her sitting on the kitchen windowsill like clockwork.  This routine went on for a couple of years.  My mom had had lung cancer and was able to beat it once, but unfortunately it came back.    Mr. Doodles became her constant companion, stopped going out at night and slept outside her bedroom door (my dad was never a cat fan) waiting for her. 

I honestly think Mr. Doodles helped her with her fight, he gave her a reason to get up every morning to feed/care for him, even on her days after chemo, she'd be there for his breakfast, he sat on the couch with her during the rest of the day.   They started her in hospice, on that day Mr. Doodles sat on my mom's lap and became a bit aggressive when the hospice nurse came for her visit.  Later that afternoon my mom passed away, Mr. Doodles on her chest until the end.  Mr. Doodles was lost, my dad tried to be his buddy, but their relationship never jelled.  Unfortunately, we were in the process of selling our house and moving out of town, but I was volunteering for a rescue group; and (magically?) we had a couple that came in that were specifically looking for a grey cat.  A match was made! 

I heard that Mr. Doodles settled down quite well with them and for awhile had his own blog which documented how he settled in with his new family that was called "Mr. Doodles Everyday". 

I think all cats are magical, Mr. Doodles, I believe was sent from above to take care of my mom, he definitely was a comfort to her until she passed.

Edited by zoemom
40 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Awww.  I just teared up reading about Mr. Doodles.  I've often thought our pets are guardian angels sent by God to help care for us.

I believe this too Carpe.  My older Aby B.B. who is 12, (no the initials don't stand for anything, just started calling her that when we first got her and it stuck!) has been with me when I was diagnosed with M.S., was excellent company when my husband was out of town on business (one year he was working in South Africa and was there more than he was home) spent a year being shown at cat shows all over the country (and was the third best Aby in the U.S. in 2008) survived two interstate moves, (the first one that required us to live in a hotel for four months) my divorce, my "firing" from several jobs before realizing I could no longer "work" in my career field due to cognitive changes and a year of substantial depression that followed.

We're both making it now and she's been the constant trooper through it all.  There were a couple really "bumpy" times I was thinking about ending it all but I didn't because of her.  Cats indeed are magical.  Yep, I've become a "crazy cat lady".  (But no stuffed teddy bears for me!) :-) !!!

Below is a picture of her posing in the hall of the hotel, we used to take our morning "strolls" thru the halls for exercise!59096c8d68642_Itsatoughlife.jpg.c1152f617264e566a8e14ef165d435d4.jpg

Edited by zoemom

Reading stories of pets and people passing has me tearing up. Hugs to everyone! Pets are so wonderful and caring.

38 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Awww.  I just teared up reading about Mr. Doodles.  I've often thought our pets are guardian angels sent by God to help care for us.

When other people don't care, pets always love you no matter what. 

4 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Awww.  I just teared up reading about Mr. Doodles.  I've often thought our pets are guardian angels sent by God to help care for us.

I believe this with all my heart. I believe dogs are actually earth angels- and I may be a bit biased, but my all-white American Eskimo dog seems closer to being an actual angel than most.

…Just love.jpg

zoemom said:


The nice thing about a Heinz 57 cat is that you don't have some of the issues that you might have with a purebred - Siamese are known for early kidney issues......and I'm not sure what other breeds have problems. 

That's true of kids, as well.  I just saw something last week about kids that don't live in a germ-free home develop a better immune system.

10 hours ago, zoemom said:

Carpe, Butterball sounds like a wonderful kitty - similar story for my mom as well.......

That's the truth.  My mom had a cat that just "appeared" in their back yard.  She used to feed the birds all of her bread, cracker, snack scraps; she'd toss the scraps out in the morning.  A grey kitty came out of nowhere and would pick out only the Cheese Doodles; he ate them exclusively.  We think he was feral, but he became very friendly towards mom and eventually she was able to coax him into the house where he'd sit in their living room during the day.  Because of his liking of Cheese Doodles over everything else, mom named him "Mr. Doodles".  We were finally able to get Mr. Doodles to the vet, got him neutered and checked out, but he always wanted to go out at night; mom would let him out and he'd be waiting at 7 a.m. for her sitting on the kitchen windowsill like clockwork.  This routine went on for a couple of years.  My mom had had lung cancer and was able to beat it once, but unfortunately it came back.    Mr. Doodles became her constant companion, stopped going out at night and slept outside her bedroom door (my dad was never a cat fan) waiting for her. 

I honestly think Mr. Doodles helped her with her fight, he gave her a reason to get up every morning to feed/care for him, even on her days after chemo, she'd be there for his breakfast, he sat on the couch with her during the rest of the day.   They started her in hospice, on that day Mr. Doodles sat on my mom's lap and became a bit aggressive when the hospice nurse came for her visit.  Later that afternoon my mom passed away, Mr. Doodles on her chest until the end.  Mr. Doodles was lost, my dad tried to be his buddy, but their relationship never jelled.  Unfortunately, we were in the process of selling our house and moving out of town, but I was volunteering for a rescue group; and (magically?) we had a couple that came in that were specifically looking for a grey cat.  A match was made! 

I heard that Mr. Doodles settled down quite well with them and for awhile had his own blog which documented how he settled in with his new family that was called "Mr. Doodles Everyday". 

I think all cats are magical, Mr. Doodles, I believe was sent from above to take care of my mom, he definitely was a comfort to her until she passed.

What an awesome story.  I too believe that there is something very special about cats, though I love all creatures.  I spend far too much $ feeding our wildlife; birds, squirrels, deer, raccoons, possum, groundhogs, even a skunk once in a while.  We have a wooded area behind our home and cleared out an area for feeding/watering stations.  I'm not quite as all-in as Carolyn - we didn't adopt these creatures, they found us, but it brings me happiness and a sense of calm when I watch them enjoying what we share with them.  

10 hours ago, zoemom said:

I believe this too Carpe.  My older Aby B.B. who is 12, (no the initials don't stand for anything, just started calling her that when we first got her and it stuck!) has been with me when I was diagnosed with M.S., was excellent company when my husband was out of town on business (one year he was working in South Africa and was there more than he was home) spent a year being shown at cat shows all over the country (and was the third best Aby in the U.S. in 2008) survived two interstate moves, (the first one that required us to live in a hotel for four months) my divorce, my "firing" from several jobs before realizing I could no longer "work" in my career field due to cognitive changes and a year of substantial depression that followed.

We're both making it now and she's been the constant trooper through it all.  There were a couple really "bumpy" times I was thinking about ending it all but I didn't because of her.  Cats indeed are magical.  Yep, I've become a "crazy cat lady".  (But no stuffed teddy bears for me!) :-) !!!

Below is a picture of her posing in the hall of the hotel, we used to take our morning "strolls" thru the halls for exercise!59096c8d68642_Itsatoughlife.jpg.c1152f617264e566a8e14ef165d435d4.jpg

So glad that you made it through the tough times.  I'm sure your kitty helped, but don't sell yourself short - we're stronger than we give ourselves credit for.  

58 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

What an awesome story.  I too believe that there is something very special about cats, though I love all creatures.  I spend far too much $ feeding our wildlife; birds, squirrels, deer, raccoons, possum, groundhogs, even a skunk once in a while.  We have a wooded area behind our home and cleared out an area for feeding/watering stations.  I'm not quite as all-in as Carolyn - we didn't adopt these creatures, they found us, but it brings me happiness and a sense of calm when I watch them enjoying what we share with them.  

So glad that you made it through the tough times.  I'm sure your kitty helped, but don't sell yourself short - we're stronger than we give ourselves credit for.  

This sounds wonderful!

I used to have a small backyard. I had bird feeders, and squirrel food, possums and raccoons would come by occasionally. I loved it. Different songbirds would come and I had a good thing going. Until. One night a raccoon frat party stopped by. Dozens of raccoons were all over the place. Some lounging sprawled all over my fence, the neighbors fence and patio furniture, on my roof, the neighbors roofs, etc. I thought the neighbors would freak out. I certainly did. I didn't want to get in trouble since it was my bird feeders that attracted them in the first place. I lived in a condo next to a wooded area. I was worried I'd be asked to leave. I had no idea that a raccoon rave party was going to show up one night. 

Edited by TexasTiffany

These wonderful stories have me tearing up, as well.  My cat, who passed away two years ago, was 18 years old when she died.  She was a person to me, an angel who seemed so intuitive - more so than some humans!  When my mom was in hospice, I got a call one day from them saying "don't ask me why but today is the day".   I went there and stayed until almost 1:00 a.m. and my mom was still alive.  The hospice nurses urged me to go home, and I did.  I went to bed when I got home, and around 3:00 a.m., my cat came walking up, got on the pillow so she could be near my face (She was very loving, but didn't particularly like to walk on pillows, as they made her feel unstable, so she never ventured beyond your waist in bed!).  Then she just put her sweet little paw on my face and stared at me.  I was petting her, wondering what had gotten into her, but she just kept that paw on my face until the phone rang, 5 minutes later, with the nurse at the hospice center apologizing but letting me know that my mother had passed away.  It was like my cat knew I would need that paw as a comfort, that I would need her, and it felt like she already knew that my mother was gone from earth.  I will never forget that.

14 hours ago, zoemom said:

I believe this too Carpe.  My older Aby B.B. who is 12, (no the initials don't stand for anything, just started calling her that when we first got her and it stuck!) has been with me when I was diagnosed with M.S., was excellent company when my husband was out of town on business (one year he was working in South Africa and was there more than he was home) spent a year being shown at cat shows all over the country (and was the third best Aby in the U.S. in 2008) survived two interstate moves, (the first one that required us to live in a hotel for four months) my divorce, my "firing" from several jobs before realizing I could no longer "work" in my career field due to cognitive changes and a year of substantial depression that followed.

We're both making it now and she's been the constant trooper through it all.  There were a couple really "bumpy" times I was thinking about ending it all but I didn't because of her.  Cats indeed are magical.  Yep, I've become a "crazy cat lady".  (But no stuffed teddy bears for me!) :-) !!!

Below is a picture of her posing in the hall of the hotel, we used to take our morning "strolls" thru the halls for exercise!59096c8d68642_Itsatoughlife.jpg.c1152f617264e566a8e14ef165d435d4.jpg

So glad you have made it through the storms of life!  And B.B. is beautiful! 

3 hours ago, TexasTiffany said:

This sounds wonderful!

I used to have a small backyard. I had bird feeders, and squirrel food, possums and raccoons would come by occasionally. I loved it. Different songbirds would come and I had a good thing going. Until. One night a raccoon frat party stopped by. Dozens of raccoons were all over the place. Some lounging sprawled all over my fence, the neighbors fence and patio furniture, on my roof, the neighbors roofs, etc. I thought the neighbors would freak out. I certainly did. I didn't want to get in trouble since it was my bird feeders that attracted them in the first place. I lived in a condo next to a wooded area. I was worried I'd be asked to leave. I had no idea that a raccoon rave party was going to show up one night. 

Yikes!  We are in a development of patio homes, zero lot line sort of thing, so it's possible that it could happen here too.  So far, so good!

5 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:
19 hours ago, Fishy said:

I'm no longer "contributing" to this market.

Don't want to disparage anyone, but I do believe in the 'adopt, don't shop' mantra.  Especially with cats, which are agonizingly plentiful in rescues and shelters.  Thanks for your volunteer work!

It baffles my mind when I can't even remember posting a comment that someone responded to???  what was I doing 19 hours ago?? 

Figured it out - the above is actually a comment made by zoemom.

Edited by Fishy
6 minutes ago, Fishy said:

It baffles my mind when I can't even remember posting a comment that someone responded to???  what was I doing 19 hours ago?? 

Figured it out - the above is actually a comment made by zoemom.

Yeah, I didn't notice that.  Wonder how that happened?  Probably something I did - this site still confuzzles me.

2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yikes!  We are in a development of patio homes, zero lot line sort of thing, so it's possible that it could happen here too.  So far, so good!

what is a patio home???

nm - I googled it.  I never heard this term used before.  CRS prevents me from thinking how I've heard them referred to here.  argh.

Edited by Fishy
18 minutes ago, Fishy said:

what is a patio home???

nm - I googled it.  I never heard this term used before.  CRS prevents me from thinking how I've heard them referred to here.  argh.

Well I checked the Google definition just for fun.  We don't fit the definition to a tee, but close.  Our home does have a shared wall with a neighbor, but not every home in the development does - some are stand alone.  Our maintenance is also not part of HOA fees, we handle our own just like in a conventional development.  Our dues cover maintenance of common areas, entrance, ponds, etc.

8 hours ago, TexasTiffany said:

This sounds wonderful!

I used to have a small backyard. I had bird feeders, and squirrel food, possums and raccoons would come by occasionally. I loved it. Different songbirds would come and I had a good thing going. Until. One night a raccoon frat party stopped by. Dozens of raccoons were all over the place. Some lounging sprawled all over my fence, the neighbors fence and patio furniture, on my roof, the neighbors roofs, etc. I thought the neighbors would freak out. I certainly did. I didn't want to get in trouble since it was my bird feeders that attracted them in the first place. I lived in a condo next to a wooded area. I was worried I'd be asked to leave. I had no idea that a raccoon rave party was going to show up one night. 

That sounds like it could be one of those Farmers Insurance commercials!?

8 hours ago, mpeeps said:

Moved this over to Small Talk.  How about these fakes? $12 Ebay. Including s/h.  It's just for fun but I'm realizing that LR's new venture must be exhausting for little reward even with those inflated prices and an inflated head.


Gorgeous!  Those flowers look prettier than hers, and the price is much better.

3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

What the fresh hell??  Is she practicing having someone drool on her?  I'd say she got caught unprepared, to put it lightly.


Maybe that's another one of those "distressed" designer outfits. Comes pre-stained with faux baby drool.

10 hours ago, mpeeps said:

Moved this over to Small Talk.  How about these fakes? $12 Ebay. Including s/h.  It's just for fun but I'm realizing that LR's new venture must be exhausting for little reward even with those inflated prices and an inflated head.


PRETTY!  As pretty, if not prettier, than LR's.

7 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Did you see Mike Rowe's response to this?  Copied it below from an article.

A few people with jobs that involve getting “down and dirty” are pretty miffed.

Among them is Mike Rowe, the former host of TV’s “Dirty Jobs,” who channeled his befuddled anger in a Facebook post that’s been shared more than 13,500 times and liked more than 31,000 times as of Wednesday morning.

“This morning, for your consideration, I offer further proof that our country’s war on work continues to rage in all corners of polite society,” he wrote of the jeans. “Finally — a pair of jeans that look like they have been worn by someone with a dirty job … made for people who don’t.”

“But forget the jeans themselves for a moment, and their price, and look again at the actual description,” Rowe wrote. “‘Rugged Americana’ is now synonymous with a ‘caked-on, muddy coating.’ Not real mud. Fake mud. Something to foster the illusion of work. The illusion of effort. Or perhaps, for those who actually buy them, the illusion of sanity.”

He added later in the post, “The Barracuda Straight Leg Jeans aren’t pants. They’re not even fashion. They’re a costume for wealthy people who see work as ironic — not iconic.”

Edited by lovemesomejoolery
9 minutes ago, lovemesomejoolery said:

PRETTY!  As pretty, if not prettier, than LR's.

Did you see Mike Rowe's response to this?  Copied it below from an article.

A few people with jobs that involve getting “down and dirty” are pretty miffed.

Among them is Mike Rowe, the former host of TV’s “Dirty Jobs,” who channeled his befuddled anger in a Facebook post that’s been shared more than 13,500 times and liked more than 31,000 times as of Wednesday morning.

“This morning, for your consideration, I offer further proof that our country’s war on work continues to rage in all corners of polite society,” he wrote of the jeans. “Finally — a pair of jeans that look like they have been worn by someone with a dirty job … made for people who don’t.”

“But forget the jeans themselves for a moment, and their price, and look again at the actual description,” Rowe wrote. “‘Rugged Americana’ is now synonymous with a ‘caked-on, muddy coating.’ Not real mud. Fake mud. Something to foster the illusion of work. The illusion of effort. Or perhaps, for those who actually buy them, the illusion of sanity.”

He added later in the post, “The Barracuda Straight Leg Jeans aren’t pants. They’re not even fashion. They’re a costume for wealthy people who see work as ironic — not iconic.”

I did see that!  Just another reason why I love him!

19 hours ago, lovemesomejoolery said:

PRETTY!  As pretty, if not prettier, than LR's.

Did you see Mike Rowe's response to this?  Copied it below from an article.

A few people with jobs that involve getting “down and dirty” are pretty miffed.

Among them is Mike Rowe, the former host of TV’s “Dirty Jobs,” who channeled his befuddled anger in a Facebook post that’s been shared more than 13,500 times and liked more than 31,000 times as of Wednesday morning.

“This morning, for your consideration, I offer further proof that our country’s war on work continues to rage in all corners of polite society,” he wrote of the jeans. “Finally — a pair of jeans that look like they have been worn by someone with a dirty job … made for people who don’t.”

“But forget the jeans themselves for a moment, and their price, and look again at the actual description,” Rowe wrote. “‘Rugged Americana’ is now synonymous with a ‘caked-on, muddy coating.’ Not real mud. Fake mud. Something to foster the illusion of work. The illusion of effort. Or perhaps, for those who actually buy them, the illusion of sanity.”

He added later in the post, “The Barracuda Straight Leg Jeans aren’t pants. They’re not even fashion. They’re a costume for wealthy people who see work as ironic — not iconic.”

I love Mike Rowe

On 5/3/2017 at 6:33 PM, DownTheShore said:

That sounds like it could be one of those Farmers Insurance commercials!?

I could be one of those Farmers Insurance commercials, if only Farmers homeowners would cover baby/juvenile delinquent raccoon damage to outdoor structures, fixtures & the like.


20 hours ago, lovemesomejoolery said:

PRETTY!  As pretty, if not prettier, than LR's.

Did you see Mike Rowe's response to this?  Copied it below from an article.

A few people with jobs that involve getting “down and dirty” are pretty miffed.

Among them is Mike Rowe, the former host of TV’s “Dirty Jobs,” who channeled his befuddled anger in a Facebook post that’s been shared more than 13,500 times and liked more than 31,000 times as of Wednesday morning.

“This morning, for your consideration, I offer further proof that our country’s war on work continues to rage in all corners of polite society,” he wrote of the jeans. “Finally — a pair of jeans that look like they have been worn by someone with a dirty job … made for people who don’t.”

“But forget the jeans themselves for a moment, and their price, and look again at the actual description,” Rowe wrote. “‘Rugged Americana’ is now synonymous with a ‘caked-on, muddy coating.’ Not real mud. Fake mud. Something to foster the illusion of work. The illusion of effort. Or perhaps, for those who actually buy them, the illusion of sanity.”

He added later in the post, “The Barracuda Straight Leg Jeans aren’t pants. They’re not even fashion. They’re a costume for wealthy people who see work as ironic — not iconic.”

Despite some of his negatives, Rowe is effin' adorable.  If you Shopping Channel newbies weren't aware, he used to shill for them, eons ago - find Mike Rowe vintage videos on YouTube and be amused.

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