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All Episodes Discussion: The Daily Double

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Wow, now THAT was a game. I loved Cooper's gutsy wager on that DD! I always enjoy watching contestants who are in it to win it. The girl seemed really nice but too slow on the draw to really make a dent in the game.

Like many of you, I'm also confused by the judging. I've heard several mispronounciations that were ruled acceptable whereas on other games the judges were sticklers.


Oh, and I guess I'm wrong, but I hate the way they pronounce sophomore. I always say it "sof-more."


I've always pronounced it (and heard it pronounced) "sof-more," which is the first-listed pronunciation in my Merriam-Webster's; they have the extra syllable in the third-listed pronunciation, which means it's also right if, supposedly, less common.

Edited by rereader2

Cooper (blonde boy from Arkansas) looks exactly like Jackie Cooper (child star of the 20s and 30s, etc.)  I'm assuming the name is just a coincidence.  I normally don't get into the Teen Tournament, but this one is really good.  I think because none of the contestants have an attitude--they just seem like nice, normal teens.

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Go Arkansas blonde boy! I loved how reserved and calm he was.


Question - since he made over $42,000, what happens if his total is more than $75,000? If he totals $90k, does he still just get $75k as the winner? Because that stinks.

I think in the tournaments, if the players accumulate more than the prize amount in the final 2 games, they receive that amount if they win the tournament. The second and third place winners just get the amounts designated for second and third.

The money they win in the preliminary games are not added to their total prize.

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Interesting about the word sophomore. I never thought there were different pronunciations.  My Webster's Dictionary (only) lists sophomore as having 3 syllables (which is how I've always heard it pronounced) but there no emphasis on the 2nd O and the 1st and 3rd syllables seem to be almost equal in emphasis.


I was rooting for Cooper all the way.  It will be interesting to see him against Jeff.


I thought Alex's pronunciation of Piranha was affected.

Edited by SierraMist

An all-male final.  Gee, funny how Alex didn't remark on that gender make-up, when you can bet your bottom dollar he'd have done so had three girls been set to compete for the big prize.


I was proud of running the Math category, since some of the clues dealt with things I probably haven't seen since I was their age (many, many moons ago).

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I think Alex's bad imitations are a whole 'nother category -- where he pronounces English words in the (alleged) accent of the person speaking them -- from his pronunciation of foreign words.  He doesn't do a bad job with much of the latter (while he certainly does with the former), it's just that he over-does it.


Peeayebee, I commented on the compilation video in Alex's thread, and "genre" was the word I singled out, too.  That one is classic.


In a time when we don't seem far from just grunting at each other, I love that Alex does this. BTW, his ability to pronounce the name of that volcano in Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull, impressed me. I played it several times on my DVR just so I could get the pronunciation down. I don't know if his was correct, but I now say it the same way he does. 

Edited by teebax
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I know these are kids. I have a 16 year old son myself. But dammit, Jeff's grunting and groaning and sighing and general noisemaking is so incredibly irritating I can't stand it. It really makes me root against the kid. Just shush. My god.

I just read "The Fault in Our Stars" and while I didn't recall the dedication, I guessed that for the answer just because the clue had a teenage girl with cancer in it.

I didn't catch Alan's wager, how much is he going into tomorrow with? Poor Cooper, starting with two hundred bucks.

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Is it an unwritten rule that the longer the FJ question the contestants have to write out, the easier the clue?  I always wondered if the producers have nixed harder FJs that are too long to write out because the players would have to take longer to think of the question and not have enough time to scribble it all out.  That's what I suspected with The Fault in Our Stars.

I always want to put different clothes on Cooper, but I like him.  I like any kid who says "Sir" in a non-Eddie Haskell way.


Obviously none of these kids work for their school newspaper given their performance in the Journalism category.  I would have expected at least one of the three to know - or figure out - that graf stands for paragraph, but the First Amendment TS is what truly shocked me.

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Is it an unwritten rule that the longer the FJ question the contestants have to write out, the easier the clue?  I always wondered if the producers have nixed harder FJs that are too long to write out because the players would have to take longer to think of the question and not have enough time to scribble it all out.  That's what I suspected with The Fault in Our Stars.


The FJ couldn't have been that easy since only one of them responded correctly.

Aw poor Cooper. He was definitely unraveling from being beaten at the buzzer. Hoping he can somehow still pull off a win... please don't dash my naive hopes with mathematical realities :-)



I know these are kids. I have a 16 year old son myself. But dammit, Jeff's grunting and groaning and sighing and general noisemaking is so incredibly irritating I can't stand it. It really makes me root against the kid. Just shush. My god.

Oh my god yes. I enjoyed his enthusiasm at the END of the games but all this giggling and fist pumping and moving around stuff throughout... ugh, just shut it.


After Cooper my favorite is Alan. Seems like a good kid, even keeled. I'll be happy if he wins too.

After the interviews today, I'm really pulling for Alan.  


I also did the Geography Bee.  I made it to the state bee, but I didn't come close to winning.  I kind of felt bad for Jeff when he said he came in second.


I've been getting every FJ during the teen tournament.  So many of them have been about YA fiction, which is one of my guilty pleasures.

FJ was a gimme, I'm surprised Cooper and Jeff missed it. Even if you hadn't read the book, commercials for the movie were playing endlessly for a while.



How could it be a gimme if two out of three contestants didn't get it?  I never heard of the book and haven't watched a commercial on tv since I got my DVR three years ago.  My niece informed me it's very hot YA fiction, so that's the third YA fiction FJ in the tournament (after the FJ's concerning Harry Potter and The Hunger Games.)

FJ was a gimme, I'm surprised Cooper and Jeff missed it. Even if you hadn't read the book, commercials for the movie were playing endlessly for a while.

But remember, these episodes were recorded in March, before the movie came out.  How many people would have gotten this question right then, before the onslaught of ads for it? 

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FJ was a gimme, I'm surprised Cooper and Jeff missed it. Even if you hadn't read the book, commercials for the movie were playing endlessly for a while.

A gimme unless, like me, you completely blanked on the title!  I knew what book they meant; the movie was even shot here in the 'Burgh; I just couldn't come up with the name.  My brain kept going to "Me & Earl & the Dying Girl" -- also filming here but not yet released -- and I kept saying, No, not that one -- the other Dying Girl movie!

At first I didn't know FJ, but I also had missed what the category was, so when I rewound -- if that's what you do with a DVR -- and saw it was Bestselling Fiction (or whatever), the title immediately came to me. I'm not sure why. I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but I've read about them.


Jeff's little vocal outbursts sometimes bug me, sometimes amuse me. I kind of like when he makes a noise indicating that he should have known an answer or that he was thinking along the wrong lines. But what really bugs me is how fast he talks during the interviews. I can hardly understand him, and I think Alex is having a hard time, too. Jeff just needs to work on speaking more slowly.

Dammit! My local coverage pre-empted Jeopardy for some stupid charity thing. OMG, a tie?! What happened? How did they break it?


They broke the tie with a tie-breaking question -- first to ring-in with the correct answer won.


Category: The Civil War


The Battles of <forgot the name> and Shiloh took place in this state.


Jeff rang in first with the answer "What is Tennessee ?" for the win.


ETA: As soon as I saw Shiloh, I guessed the answer and completely blanked on the name of the first battle.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

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