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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I truly don't care what they do in their personal lives. They deserve each other. But interfering in a presidential campaign crosses a completely different boundary. They've already been criticized for the fawning and pandering and have hotly denied their bias. But now Mika comes right out and not only admits they've been giving him back-end advice, she actually seems PROUD of it.

They are a disgrace to journalism. Not that I ever really considered them journalists to begin with.

  • Love 5

I truly don't care what they do in their personal lives. They deserve each other. But interfering in a presidential campaign crosses a completely different boundary. They've already been criticized for the fawning and pandering and have hotly denied their bias. But now Mika comes right out and not only admits they've been giving him back-end advice, she actually seems PROUD of it.

They are a disgrace to journalism. Not that I ever really considered them journalists to begin with.

  • Love 3
On 7/30/2016 at 9:30 AM, oakville said:

Joe is refusing to endorse Trump until he rescinds the Muslim ban on immigration to the US. Joe said he was staunch defender of Muslims when he was in Congress. Joe said he had many meetings with Arab leaders and they all agreed with his positions.

You know, it simply fascinates me that for all of Joe's knowledge of world affairs, his contacts with these shadowing figures who consult with him off the record, his "many" meetings with world leaders, and--oh, lest we forget--his time in Congress, that he wasn't tapped for a cabinet post in someone's administration.  Based on his brags, people on both sides of the aisle seek his advice.  Surely, he is wasting his talents by hosting a morning show for which he can't even bother to dress appropriately.

Surely a man with Joe's wonderful personality traits and penchant for building bridges, should have made him a shoo-in for someone's short list for a higher post, i.e. CIA Director, Secretary of State, etc.  And, why Trump snubbed Joe and made Governor Pence his running mate instead just remains a complete mystery to me.  After all, Joe is the conscience of the party, the adult in the room, the wise sage who pens thought-provoking op-ed pieces, blah, blah, blah.  Of all the many traits he and Trump have in common is their ability to be legends in their own minds.

  • Love 14

I vaguely remember Scarborough as congressman - vaguely because he didn't do a whole lot. But there was one event you could count on him attending. Every year there's a "Funniest Person in Washington" event, for charity. Elected officials, press, etc do a brief routine at a comedy club and a winner is picked. It's usually on C-SPAN. Believe you me, the pickings are slim and the event is cringeworthy. DC is NOT a funny city. But Scarborough did it every year as a congressman, and would end with a little jokey song he'd sing while playing guitar. Even then I thought, this guy is THIRSTY for attention. You can probably find this on the C-SPAN website, they archive a lot of stuff.

But he wasn't particularly known as a policy wonk or having a cause while a congressman. Just a young, telegenic cheerful lightweight.

I think I first saw him on MSNBC when he would do a show with Ron Reagan Jr. Ron was great - well-informed, low-key but not a pushover, and with a GREAT political instinct. They were actually a great pair. Ron sort of dropped out of that scene after that, it was too bad.

ETA: here is a link to the Funniest Washington Celebrity that Joe competed in. Just a warning - this event is pretty awful. Joe Lieberman won this contest one year, as a point of reference.


Edited by Mumbles
  • Love 2

They were reading the polling numbers (Clinton leading Trump) for Georgia with the graphics (Trump #> Clinton #) , but I kept staring at it and it looked like the numbers were reversed. It was so obnoxious that a random voice behind the graphics corrected him to reflect the numbers displayed.

Georgia - 

Two person - Trump 40%, Clinton 44%

Four person - Trump 38%, Clinton 41%, Johnson 11, Stein 2

Too early to confuse me like that.

  • Love 2

This morning I have to agree with Donny.  OMG

He told it like it is.  Even if Trump somehow changes for the next 90 days, he is who he is and it doesn't make a difference.

Poor Mark Halperin and Michael Steele and the rest of Trump's crazed followers, they cannot except the fact that they are willing to sell their soul to the devil (no Bernie did not) because they have an irrational hated of Hillary and President Obama too.

  • Love 5

This probably won't come as a shock to you regular viewers of this show  (I've only watched the past 6-7 days worth) - but this show is SO MUCH better without Joe.    Mika hasn't been bad this week - although she does get on an issue and won't give it up - but I think she does listen to the others.  Joe is just so full of himself - a trait he certainly shares with trump.

  • Love 7
56 minutes ago, stormy said:

This morning I have to agree with Donny.  OMG

He told it like it is.  Even if Trump somehow changes for the next 90 days, he is who he is and it doesn't make a difference.

Poor Mark Halperin and Michael Steele and the rest of Trump's crazed followers, they cannot except the fact that they are willing to sell their soul to the devil (no Bernie did not) because they have an irrational hated of Hillary and President Obama too.

Poor things...they would do well to read David Brooks' op-ed piece in this morning's New York Times regarding wet-noodle Republicans:  http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/05/opinion/trumps-enablers-will-finally-have-to-take-a-stand.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=opinion-c-col-left-region&region=opinion-c-col-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region&_r=0

I seem to recall Joe being in this place in 2012, where he vociferously defended Governor Romney especially after the first debate.  I almost felt sorry for him (the operative word being, almost) when reality began to set in weeks later as Chuck Todd gently explained to him why Romney had no chance in hell of winning the election.  Poor Nate Silver attempted to do this only to get his head bitten off.

I wish someone like Steele could rationally explain to me why Trump is a good option at all without bringing Hillary into the mix.  Hark!  What's that sound I hear?  Could it be the sounds of crickets chirping, as well as the sound of mendacity?

  • Love 6

I wish someone like Steele could rationally explain to me why Trump is a good option at all without bringing Hillary into the mix.  Hark!  What's that sound I hear?  Could it be the sounds of crickets chirping, as well as the sound of mendacity?

Well, voting *against* a candidate is a perfectly reasonable voting strategy. There are people voting for Clinton they can't abide the concept of a Trump presidency. It'd be great to vote FOR a candidate, of course, but just looking at the negative poll numbers for both these candidates suggest that a lot of people will be choosing a lesser-of-two-evils strategy. Even Mika today admitted she is voting for Clinton but that she had a lot of problems with her.

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, Padma said:

Mika's attack on Trump today got featured online. Not such a big deal, except that the article is in Jarod Kushner's newspaper: http://observer.com/2016/08/minus-joe-morning-mika-launches-scathing-attack-on-donald-trump/

And she's getting some real heat in the comments section.

I feel like I need to go have a wash-off after reading some of them.

Glad Mika found her voice. Hope she doesn't lose it when Joe returns.

  • Love 5

I shouldn't forget that I was appalled (even though I shouldn't have been) when Halperin, backed up by David Ignatius, said that the thing that will save Trump's skin is a terrorist attack on U.S. soil before the election.

Is this a hope and a prayer? 

OK, well Ignatius was only commenting based on Trump voters belief that he's the almighty.

As far as the Supreme Court goes, it'll be pretty hard to get the justice of the republicans choice when they no longer have control of the Senate.  I'm banking on that no matter what.

Edited by stormy
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Mumbles said:

DC is NOT a funny city

No.  No it is not a funny city.  Squarest town in the country, I'd imagine.

Mika's energetic endorsement of Clinton (that ended with a "she's got a lot of flaws, though"), came out of nowhere, eh?  Where the hell was this perspective for the previous 12 months?  Now that there is no more grey and no more nuance to things - Trump is clearly inappropriate as a candidate - she has let herself give voice to her opinions.  She needs things to be simple.

What did Steele say to Donnie or Mika with such anger and energy?  I think he said it's preposterous to judge the campaign because it's only August.
The terrifying thing is that if there were an attack, Trump could win.  It's just that simple, and that scary.

  • Love 6

I don't blame Mika for not backing Hillary before now. Until the convention, there was always a chance Dems would get a decent human being as a candidate. Unfortunately, that time has passed and Hillary is who we are stuck with. Mika seems so appalled by Trump that she has no choice but to back Hillary.

I love that Mika is finally getting the fact that Ryan and other Republicans are willing to sell out any principle in order to win the WH.

  • Love 5

I can't help wondering if Mika "found her voice" because it's now in large part also her boyfriend's voice. For a long time she and Joe were totally aboard the Trump train (and it was pretty gross to watch--remember that "townhall" lovefest?)

Joe jumped off and now prides himself on taking the moral high ground, unlike so many Republican officials. It wouldn't surprise me if, behind the scenes, he's given Mika "permission" to go even farther and support Hillary (while still bad-mouthing her a bit, of course), since he's not willing to go that far himself in public.

Interesting that his comment about the "Republican foreign policy expert" who was appalled by Trump's interest in using nuclear weapons. I'm assuming it was Kissinger since they met in that time frame, but I'm surprised that its getting so much media attention when it's "someone told me that someone said....".  Also interesting that Manafort, while saying it was "untrue" also said "I was in that meeting". So, somehow, even with this "untrue" info, he was able to recognize the meeting. (Again, pointing to Kissinger).  Trump seems both curious and uninformed on nuclear policy so Joe's story makes sense.  It's totally easy to believe that Trump asked that, three times, and that it unnerved the former SOS.

  • Love 6

Kissinger is deep in the tank with Clinton and vice versa, she even bragged about her relationship with the ole war criminal at a debate.  And he does have a history of siding with whoever he thinks will win. What I find unlikely is Kissinger deigning to tell Joe this. I wouldn't think they would travel in the same circles.

What I would find more believable is a hack like Michael Hayden (was some spook-like guy for Bush 43, comes on the show occasionally to trash Obama).

  • Love 3

Clinton name-dropped Kissinger, casually, in a reference to years long gone. I don't think there's any recent connection policy-wise between Clinton and Kissinger.

And it's documented that he consulted Trump on foreign policy a month or two ago--the Trump campaign was happy to get that out.

Since that timing matches what Joe said and not a lot of "foreign policy experts" are involved in the Trump campaign, it very likely was Kissinger who said it. (He's known for loose lips--note comment re: Reagan back in the day). It would surprise me if Kissinger himself had told Joe (though with NYC parties, who knows?), but for a reliable mutual friend (or even friend of the show) to have passed it along (perhaps even -wanting- it to get out if Kissinger was appalled enough by Trump) wouldn't surprise me at all.

  • Love 4

Kissinger and Dr B are probably buds, right?  They did the same job at the same time in DC.

19 hours ago, Padma said:

I can't help wondering if Mika "found her voice" because it's now in large part also her boyfriend's voice.

You stole my thought!  I was gonna write that!  Seriously though, I do think there's truth in it.  Their demeanor has changed quite a bit since the divorce.

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

Kissinger and Dr B are probably buds, right?  They did the same job at the same time in DC.

You stole my thought!  I was gonna write that!  Seriously though, I do think there's truth in it.  Their demeanor has changed quite a bit since the divorce.

Bolding mine.

Yeah, they've gotten even squickier.

Or that's how it seems. It was more fun, and innocent seeming, before. 

  • Love 4
On 8/5/2016 at 10:46 AM, MulletorHater said:

You know, it simply fascinates me that for all of Joe's knowledge of world affairs, his contacts with these shadowing figures who consult with him off the record, his "many" meetings with world leaders, and--oh, lest we forget--his time in Congress, that he wasn't tapped for a cabinet post in someone's administration.  Based on his brags, people on both sides of the aisle seek his advice.  Surely, he is wasting his talents by hosting a morning show for which he can't even bother to dress appropriately.

Surely a man with Joe's wonderful personality traits and penchant for building bridges, should have made him a shoo-in for someone's short list for a higher post, i.e. CIA Director, Secretary of State, etc.  And, why Trump snubbed Joe and made Governor Pence his running mate instead just remains a complete mystery to me.  After all, Joe is the conscience of the party, the adult in the room, the wise sage who pens thought-provoking op-ed pieces, blah, blah, blah.  Of all the many traits he and Trump have in common is their ability to be legends in their own minds.

During the primaries, Hugh Hewitt, the radio host asked Joe if he would consider being Trump's VP. Joe said he would do what's best for the country. Joe wouldn't have turned down Trump's offer. Can you imagine Joe as VP candidate?


I agree that Mika & Joe have crossed the line with offering political advice privately to Trump. Shouldn't they have taken a leave of abscence while they were busy working on the Trump campaign?

  • Love 4

I watched about 2/3 of the show and missed any mention by Mika that she and Joe had been offering the Trump campaign advice. When did it happen and what exactly did she say? I find it odd that no media outlet reported on it. I was aware that a live mic had picked up their giving him advice at a Town Hall in the spring - maybe that was what she was referring to? -but I was unaware of anything else.

1 minute ago, Mumbles said:

I watched about 2/3 of the show and missed any mention by Mika that she and Joe had been offering the Trump campaign advice. When did it happen and what exactly did she say? I find it odd that no media outlet reported on it. I was aware that a live mic had picked up their giving him advice at a Town Hall in the spring - maybe that was what she was referring to? -but I was unaware of anything else.

I don't remember the exact quote, but she said something along the lines of, "We've been warning him about X and telling him to do Y and he hadn't listened."

2 hours ago, revbfc said:

Anybody know why the XM Morning Joe simulcast didn't happen today?  I know it's on my TV, but all I heard on XM at 6am EST was Rachel Maddow counting down horrible events.

If this has been the norm for a while, let me know that too.

I didn't listen today but I listened to it everyday last week so I don't know why it wouldn't have been on today. 

Monday Recap:

Mika is wearing a violet sweater with a navy blue top or dress. Joe is wearing a navy blue sweater. Joe bragged that his sources were telling him that there will be a new independent candidate for president who can get on the ballot in 30 states. Joe said there will be "serious money" funding the candidate. It will be good for republicans who don't want to vote for Trump. joe said Trump's endorsement of Ryan & Ayotte was a hostage video. Jeremy Peters & Halperin didn't know who the candidate was. Joe said his sources are "high level". Later in the show, Joe said that world leaders are always calling him!

The polls show Hillary leading by at least 8 points.

Joe said Trump has no ground game. Joe brought up the theory that Trump wants 40M votes , & start Trump TV to compete with Fox. Jeremy Peters said Trump could be CEO of Fox News.

Joe said Hillary was horrific in explaining the email scandal. She lied about telling the public the truth.

Mika said the private server was self serving & they wanted to build the Clinton foundation.

Mika said she has friends who are harcore Republicans who are voting for Hillary.

mika said Trump is exhausted & isn't sleeping much so he makes too many mistakes. mika said she used to work overnight shift on cable TV, so she knows how tired Trump is.


Joe said Laura Bush & Michelle Obama could tell their husbands when they were making mistakes but Melania can't.

Confessore from the NY Times said Trump is doing well with online trolls,the alternative right & white nationalists.

Mika got upset at that & said many peple were frustrated with the Washington elite. No wage increases.

Mika wants the GOP Senators & Congress to denounce Trump.

The WSJ columnist said the districts are too gerrymandered, so they need Trump voters to win the nomination.

There are too many red districts, so the congressmen are worried about primary challenges more than Democrats.

Joe bragged about how he won his district by challenging Newt Gingrich in the 1990's . That's strange. Wasn't Joe elected in 1994 when Newt was very popular ?

They have new promos with Mika & Joe.! They show the Fleecy Duo interviewing Joe Biden.

  • Love 1

Did Joe say that there was going to be a well funded 2nd Republican to run?  I didn't hear that.  I thought I heard him say that Trump is about get a ton of investment from money that had been sitting on the sidelines. 
I guess he's referring to the Koch brothers.


there will be a new independent candidate for president who can get on the ballot in 30 states

No one even knows who this McMullen guy is. 


mika said Trump is exhausted & isn't sleeping much so he makes too many mistakes. mika said she used to work overnight shift on cable TV, so she knows how tired Trump is.

So what's her excuse now?    

Not getting enough sleep doesn't turn a person into a racist vengeful lunatic.  Why isn't he getting any sleep? He flies around on a private jet and goes home every night.   How is he not getting any sleep?  I'm pretty sure someone as delusional as Trump is sleeping like a baby.  

He told everyone last week the campaign is going great and Hillary is nuts.  This isn't lack of sleep, this is straight up crazy denial. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 8

During the final segment , Mika switched into a black sweater. They announced the name of the secret candidate. It was Evan McMullen. Joe loved his resume, because he was a former CIA operative who had worked at Goldman Sachs. He graduated from BYU & Wharton & was a policy director. Joe said he has more credentials than Trump to run a government. Halperin said he had almost 200 followers on twitter & was setting up a wikipedia page. This is ridiculous. How can Joe take this candidate seriously? Joe said his daughter is turning 13. He wished her a Happy Birthday!

Mika introduced her tall nephew as an intern for MSNBC.

Halperin seems to have gained a lot of weight. His suit barely fit him.

Just now, Dagny said:

So Joe is back and is stomping over Mika every time she tries to voice an opinion that is contrary to Joe's world view. WHY do I even try to watch this train wreck?!?

It's jarring to see the difference in Mika's performance when she is hosting the show on her own compared to when Joe is around.

I must admit that I laugh more often at Joe's delusions now. I used to take him seriously when I first started watching the show in 2008.

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Isn't it great when interns are related to people on the show? (One of Barnicle's kids was an intern a few summers ago.)  Not for nothing is NBC getting nicknamed the Nepotism Broadcasting Network. (Luke Russert, Chelsea Clinton, Jenna Bush, Billy Bush....) Yay meritocracy!

Joe can prattle on about a third party candidate but the problem would be getting him on ballots, and each state has its own rules and time is getting tight. Joe should know this because he brought that up when Bill Kristol was championing that National Review writer - and that was months ago, when they even had more time.

They did talk about how Trump is getting s lot of small donations (I think the average donation last month was $69, heh) which Halperin pointed out is good news for him because it shows a fired-up grass roots.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, oakville said:

They have new promos with Mika & Joe.!

I heard a promo that said something to the effect of "They know what's happening in Washington before Washington knows" or maybe it was "Washington doesn't know what's going on until they (Joe and Mike) tell them."

Whatever it was, I just laughed and laughed. This is clearly an ad for people who have never watched the show.

  • Love 6

Whatever it was, I just laughed and laughed. This is clearly an ad for people who have never watched the show.

The tag in these promos should be "Tune in and find out what the voices in Joe's head tell him today!" 


They did talk about how Trump is getting s lot of small donations (I think the average donation last month was $69, heh) which Halperin pointed out is good news for him because it shows a fired-up grass roots.

If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we have technology so I can reach thru the tv and slap Mark Halperin upside the head?

  • Love 9

 don't always agree with Halperin and I think my biggest quarrel with him is that he's an inside-the-Beltway hack but I think this point on Trump's fundraising is well-taken and if Politico is to be believed, it has the Clinton camp concerned for the very reasons he stated. A broken clock is right twice a day blah blah. 

Yes I realize that, I was just speaking to the fact that every time they show him I want to smack him. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Isn't it great when interns are related to people on the show? (One of Barnicle's kids was an intern a few summers ago.)  Not for nothing is NBC getting nicknamed the Nepotism Broadcasting Network. (Luke Russert, Chelsea Clinton, Jenna Bush, Billy Bush....) Yay meritocracy!

Joe can prattle on about a third party candidate but the problem would be getting him on ballots, and each state has its own rules and time is getting tight. Joe should know this because he brought that up when Bill Kristol was championing that National Review writer - and that was months ago, when they even had more time.

They did talk about how Trump is getting s lot of small donations (I think the average donation last month was $69, heh) which Halperin pointed out is good news for him because it shows a fired-up grass roots.

It's remarkable how easily Joe gets excited when his sources tell him there will be a "big name" 3rd party candidate. For a guy who's so "well connected", he should know better. Why doesn't the show have the Libertarian or Green Party candidate on the show?

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I don't always agree with Halperin and I think my biggest quarrel with him is that he's an inside-the-Beltway hack but I think this point on Trump's fundraising is well-taken and if Politico is to be believed, it has the Clinton camp concerned for the very reasons he stated. A broken clock is right twice a day blah blah. 

I do wish Morning Joe would cover the ground game more. Why don't they interview specialists in the field?

Not sure why the show is making Susan Collins into some big hero for coming out against Trump, given that Collins endorsed Maine governor Paul LePage, who in many ways is Trump times 10. Bottom line: Collins is a hack who does what's best for Collins, she's done the math and realized that coming out against Trump benefits her more than not. She's not up for reelection for four years. She may be scrounging for some token bipartisan pick in a Clinton cabinet.

Joe is so schizo on Trump. For the first twenty minutes he's a crazy old man. Then he's a secret liberal Democrat In disguise. And why all this concern and sympathy for the Trump children?  They're set for life.

  • Love 8

Exactly, Mumbles.  It did appear as if Joe committed to playing every side of the Trump issue every 20 minutes.  Top of the hour, he said Trump is Andy Kaufmann pretending to Tony Clifton (an elaborate hoax for publicity) and doesn't believe Trump means one single word he's said this campaign, then, he worries that Trump truly means to be President and will declare the elections invalid and God knows what may happen then, then, he discusses Trump's path to victory through districts in battle states, then, he applauds the Trumpkins for keeping dear old dad on message this week (it's Tuesday) as they attempt to right his ship, then, he describes Trump being competitive and still a very viable winner.
It means Joe doesn't really think any of these thoughts seriously and is just keeping Trump as a topic going for as long as possible because it holds viewers.

  • Love 2

Looks like Joe borrowed one of Mika's gingham shirts. Pink. Geesh.

I don't know who was comparing and contrasting the Trump and Clinton tax plans but he was in the middle of explaining his graphics when he stopped and said, "I can't keep talking while you two are talking."

Mika said she was just telling Joe to be quiet. She must have been a real treat in middle school.

Way to be professional, guys.

  • Love 5
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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