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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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18 hours ago, oakville said:

It's true that Pfizer rejected upfront funding , but I believe that Trump committed the USA to buying millions of Pfizer vaccines before they were developed, so the company felt secure that it would make money once the vaccine was authorized by the FDA.

We were in the middle of a deadly global pandemic. Trump or no Trump, I don't think Pfizer needed to worry too much about selling vaccines.


today's highlight: Professor Greer, Mika and Kasie basically shutting down Donny's pseudo-economics... basically he was all "I feel it in my *gut* that this is too much spending". I usually like Donny, but, dude, "gut economics" is not a thing 🥴

I missed that part this morning, but he must have been on a roll because he repeated that rant on Nicolle's show this afternoon. Shut up, Donnie.

Edited by Eliot
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9 hours ago, Kemper said:

  I need a timeout.  The news has gotten to me a bit; it is exhausting and relentless.  Two friends are coming by this afternoon for tea and scones; we are going to watch a couple episodes of Midsomer Murders. [snip] We have also discussed rewatching episodes of Bridgerton over wine and cheese.

Or just wine and cheese.  Or wine.

I know what you mean about burnout -- lately, I have watched the start of Morning Joe until they say something so appalling that I come here to post -- then go back to sleep (they start at 3:00 AM out here).  I never have to wait a full ten minutes.  

I have never seen an episode of Midsomer Murders, and I am a mystery and PBS addict.  Thanks for the suggestion!  

P.S. -- I was amazed that Joe needed to sleep in today -- I thought he would want to be on air to glory in the Colbert appearance.  

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Catching up with this week's shows.

On Tuesday, the show paid tribute to former VP Walter Mondale. Mika's dad worked with Mondale during the Carter administration, but she didn't offer any anecdotes about her late dad's relationship with Mondale. Mika did moan a few times during Joe's reading of President Carter's tribute.

Joe got an exclusive interview with Chris Matthews. Mondale got an office in the West Wing & was a modern vice president .

Beschloss said it was a good idea to pick Ferraro for VP in 1984.

Joe spoke to Mark Brezezinski to find out about Mondale's relationship with Dr Z.

Dr Z & Walter Mondale convinced Carter to allow the Shah of Iran to get medical treatment in the USA for cancer. They didn't want to abandon an ally.

Joe forgot to discuss the consequences of that decision. Ayatollah Khomeni took over Iran when the Shah fled Iran.

The Iranians seized the US Embassy & took 52 hostages & held them for 444 days.

The hostage crisis was a major factor in the defeat of the Carter-Mondale Administration.

Mika's contribution was to say she named her rabbit Bunny Sader ( Iranian Prime Minister) !

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On 4/23/2021 at 10:54 AM, plumbago blues said:

I didn't know she said that, and think she's stretching truth a bit to include herself on this decision, but I do think their close association has ruined their reputations as meaningful pundits or whatever they fashion themselves. I know I'd still click them off if they showed up anywhere else. I see them as just as lazy as the duo; show up, say the same things over and over, repeat. Steady paycheck and ego stroking. Donnie fits nicely into this category, as well.

In 2016 or 2017 , Mika gave an interview to Vanity Fair or a similar magazine and bragged about their influence at the network. She said that they convinced the network to get rid of several other hosts like Toure  & replaced them with Chuck Todd, Kasie Hunt & Andrea Mitchell. She said the last three were "our people". It's a bit strange since Andrea has been at the network longer than Mika.



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On 4/23/2021 at 11:32 AM, neona said:

today's highlight: Professor Greer, Mika and Kasie basically shutting down Donny's pseudo-economics... basically he was all "I feel it in my *gut* that this is too much spending". I usually like Donny, but, dude, "gut economics" is not a thing 🥴

Donny was outnumbered by tax experts like Mika.

Mika is a hypocrite for mocking Donny about not wanting to pay more taxes when she & Joe moved to Florida to save over $1.5M in state income taxes per year.



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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Ha! I read this initially as "with help from Mika"!

Mika may not have been the first to announce it but I'm sure she won't let any of her KYV followers forget it. I imagine she will be doing an expose on surrogacy and high powered, well paid women choosing this option.


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42 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

Ha! I read this initially as "with help from Mika"!

Mika may not have been the first to announce it but I'm sure she won't let any of her KYV followers forget it. I imagine she will be doing an expose on surrogacy and high powered, well paid women choosing this option.


In Mika's first book, she gave herself kudos for getting pregnant relatively quickly after getting married. She encouraged women not to wait till they were 30 before having kids.

Mika struggled with staying home full time with children & admitted that her family demanded that she go back to work full time so they could have a peaceful life.

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Poll time!  The top story is Biden has a strong approval rating at the 100 day mark of his presidency.  Joe showed the poll numbers with approval for a long list of issues.

Joe said that "tribalism"  is the reason for Republicans not approving of Joe Biden.   Tribalism is bad, according to Joe. I hope Joe writes a book about this new theory of tribalism.  It is like an ambulance chaser version of Jon Meacham, with a noble sounding analysis of his one new idea.

Joe is very excited that Biden is going to build new roads and fix the electric grid.  Joe say that the president will also make overtures to Russia and China.

All six guests look really bored with Joe's analysis of the first 100 days.

Edited by nittany cougar
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Monday Recap.

Mika called Joe Dr Scarborough in a sexy voice. Joe was happy that he was right about not wearing mask outside.

Joe said kids should have been back in schools weeks ago.

Mika supports vaccinations.

Mika & Joe could offer their unsold books to encourage Floridians to get vaccinated.

Mika was happy that Biden has a higher approval rating than Trump. Mika admitted his approval rating was lower than Obama or W.Bush

Mika likes reading poll numbers . It turns Joe on.

Joe said that Biden is not doing well on immigration.

Lemire said that Biden will address Congress this week.

Tribalism is Joe'snew buzzword.

Anne Applebaum said the USA is polarized. She is worried about culture wars.


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Generalized rant: I'm tired of everyone on this show talking about "honing in" on this or that.  I hear someone - usually Mika - use that phrase every morning and it is grammatically incorrect!! You don't "hone in" on something. You HONE it. Like you HONE your knife-sharpening skills, or you HONE your argument.

The phrase they are looking for is "home in."

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Recap continued.

Eddie Glaude was happy that Biden called America systematically racist. No other Presidents said that.

Biden is opposed to white supremacy.

Glaude is happy with Biden.

Applebaum said that Navalny is courageous to go back to Russia and end up in prison.

Putin is making Russians apathetic. There are no alternatives.

Joe said the photos of Putin's mansion is making people angry. The oligarch are stealing Russian assets.



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Joe laughed at Kevin McCarthy. He's weak & sad for being afraid of Trump.

Joe bragged that when he was in Congress he stood up to Newt Gingrich.

The DOJ will charge more than 500 people in the Capitol riot.

An islamic terrorist killed a french policewoman.  The right wing party will gain popularity.

Ian Bremmer joined the show.

Joe said his french friends were very upset with the terrorism in France.

Bremmer said Macron i dealing with many crisis and lockdown.

Macron should win the second round of the election.

There were technical snafus.

Joe complained about open door immigration policies in Europe. Joe said there has to be a middle ground.

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Joe complained to TJ about the glitches. Joe demanded that more people get in the studio to produce Morning Joe.


Mika & Joe have agreed to go to a Washington studio for Biden's speech. Mika said she was looking forward to snuggling with Joe on the set.

Mika's birthday is coming up, so I am sure that the network will be planning a big party for Mika & Joe's triumphant return to Washington.

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They're in a studio together.  They are well-lit.  Mika is sitting up straight, jaw up, wearing a flattering top that fits well, and she looks the role.  (She still needs to stop eye rolling and silently shaking her head)
I generally mute the show.  You can tell that they both feel like TV anchors and the energy is different. 

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Tuesday mini recap.

 Mika & Joe are in Washington today. Their motorcade from the airport only briefly disrupted traffic.

Mika looks great!. She is wearing a navy blue v neck top.

Joe "Beeker from the Muppets" is weaing a navy blue suit.

Mika & Joe are dressed appropriately which is rewarding for viewers.

Joe wants the CDC to stop asking people to wear masks outside.

Joe wants the schools to be open.

Joe made fun of Democrats for not following science. They want people to wear masks till 2525.


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Mika struggled to read the census results. Mika said that the US population rose by 330 million. The population is 330 million. It didn't rise by 330 million.

Mika said figures from the Associate Press. It's Associated Press.

California will lose a congressional district.

Texas & Florida will gain seats.

Overall, it's a six seat shift from states that voted for Democrats to Republicans.

Thus, the 2020 election would have been 303-235 vs 306-232.

Joe said there are 89 New Yorkers on his street . People are leaving the Midwest & NY for Florida.

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Joe said that the new arrivals from NY love lower taxes & less regulations.

Joe's new talking point is that Florida will become a redder state.

Joe's talking point prior to the election was that Republicans were doomed in Florida.

Willie said it is expensive to live in NYC & California.

Victoria said that Texas is still a Republican state.


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I like their cute lil Springtime Studio - there are cherry blossoms!! it honestly feels like things are getting better, and more back to normal. it's amazing what a huge difference it makes that they're doing the show 2gether, Joe comes across much less aggressive & Mika is much more active and engaged

i enjoyed the Anand-Ramesh debate...it's nice to see a new face and also when they let the conversation stretch on and breathe a bit

I wonder if more ppl are joining them tomorrow? i think Kasie, Ignatius at least are DC-based. 

i have a question about polls, for the politicos amongst you... because I remember everyone said about the 2020 election polls that they were waaaay off. So when they do all these endless discussions about approval-rating polls etc etc, are different companies, new polling methods being used now? I mean did they ever fix whatever the problem was?


Edited by neona
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53 minutes ago, neona said:

i have a question about polls, for the politicos amongst you... because I remember everyone said about the 2020 election polls that they were waaaay off. So when they do all these endless discussions about approval-rating polls etc etc, are different companies, new polling methods being used now? I mean did they ever fix whatever the problem was?



Pollsters are having a hard time getting people to respond to them. The pollsters had particular difficulty getting non college educated voters responding to them.

Thus, they underestimated support for Republicans in the last election.

1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika struggled to read the census results. Mika said that the US population rose by 330 million. The population is 330 million. It didn't rise by 330 million.

Mika said figures from the Associate Press. It's Associated Press.

Hmmmm. So it's not the home teleprompter then, huh?


53 minutes ago, neona said:

i enjoyed the Anand-Ramesh debate

I tuned in to find this on and for a moment thought I had the wrong show. More of this, please.

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Joe wants President Trump to do commercials for vaccines. Joe said Trump will help get Americans get vaccinated.

Mika didn't like Trump getting vaccinated in private.

Mika & Joe did get vaccinated in private. I am surprised that they didn't film it for their show.

Liz Cheney is Joe's new hero.

Joe agrees with Liz Cheney that the Capitol Riot was a seditious act. Joe compared it to the War of 1812.


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Joe said that antifa should stop attacking the Portand Court House.

Joe is opposed to hanging the VP

Leibovitch & alleged "Republican" Susan Del Percio joined the show.

Leibovitch said Mccarthy is desperate to be Speaker of the House. He needs Trump's support.

Joe spoke to his Trump supporting family & friends. They don't support the Capitol riot.

They like DeSantis & Nikki Hailey.



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3 hours ago, oakville said:

Mika & Joe did get vaccinated in private. I am surprised that they didn't film it for their show.

She wouldn't let that moment go unnoticed. Check her Instagram.

Sounds like they're in DC for the speech but I think the real reason is this:


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Wedneday Recap. Mika & Joe are still in Wahington.

Mika visited the Capitol. She called it a desolate place & it was tragic,

Joe said most of the Capitol Police is loyal to the Constitution. Some officers behaved badly & supported the riots.

Joe said Senator Ron Johnson works with seditionists.

Joe is mad at Guiliani & Trump Jr.

Joe is mad at Lyndsey Graham for organizing a golf tournament for Trump.

Mik is wearing a nice red top & is sighing.

Whitewash is today's new buzzword.


Joe is mad at the media for saying that officer Sidnick died of strokes a  day after the Capitol Riot.

Joe blames the rioters for causing the strokes.

Joe is mad at rioters that used flagpoles to kill people.

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Recap continued.

Biden will give the IRS 80 Billion to increase audits of high income earners.

Republicans won't support tax increases.

Joe was shocked that there will be another 1.8 trillion spending plan.

Joe said he was a simple country lawyer & that there are too many trillion dollar plans.

Joe hopes that Joe Mancin & Kristin Sinima don't blindly accept the extra spending.

Joe compared Biden to LBJ. Elizabeth said he is a President in a hurry & might lose the House in 2022.


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Mika & Joe will be on Peacock tonight with analysis.

Mika said young people want to go outside & see people.

Dr Joe said he was right about masks.

Rev Al said masks were politicized.

Joe complained about Boston being shutdown when he visited Fenway.

Joe ridiculed the Red Sox for only allowing 13% capacity at games.

Will the state of Massachusetts listen to Joe ?


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Ilhan Omar was on today, and did a really great interview, and also she was all smiling and friendly saying thank you for having me, etc....and Joe and Mika were super formal and grumpy with her? It was really weird. Maybe it was a remote hiccup thingy but I felt bad for her. 

*small voice* I kinda like Cindy McCain? *ducks* Idk, she just is what she is. Her John McCain stories were funny and the way she was like physically rolling her shoulders and shrugging off the "Arizona censured you" bullshit was pretty great. 

Edited by neona
off-topic rambling. But get vaxxed!
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I'm trying to be loyal to everyone and watching both MSNBC and Peacock coverage at the same time haha

Joe and Mika are looking good and evening professional-ish. Someone needs to teach Joe where to look. Mika has the right balance, she looks at the camera, then at Joe, then at the camera, then at Joe...Joe just kinda stares off at something off camera to his left whaaa 🥴 lmao

Rachel, Joy and Nicolle just did a great interview w Mayor Pete...and they got Kornacki!!

And now Peacock has my boy High-lemann and MSNBC has my girl Kasie... how are we supposed to choose??

ETA: omg Nancy and Kamala look so. damn. good. this is freakin amazing!!

ETA 2: So additional reporting from the Peacock episode... Steph Ruhle came on and made some really good points about childcare. Helene Cooper from NYT was there and she was great. Jeffrey Goldberg had a very crappy zoom or skype connection and looked really blurry. Elaina Potts was there, I love her, she's so smart and has this really positive energy. Yes this is a boring summary, Oakville needs to get Peacock so we can have a funny recap instead 😂

ETA 3: it's weird but I kinda liked the half-empty pandemic setup at the capitol for the speech...there was so much JOY in that room, you could just feel it. everyone was like applauding and bumping elbows and blowing kisses, it was so uplifting

Edited by neona
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11 hours ago, neona said:


Joe and Mika are looking good and evening professional-ish. Someone needs to teach Joe where to look. Mika has the right balance, she looks at the camera, then at Joe, then at the camera, then at Joe...Joe just kinda stares off at something off camera to his left whaaa 🥴 lmao

really positive energy. Yes this is a boring summary, Oakville needs to get Peacock so we can have a funny recap instead 😂



I noticed that Joe does the same thing on Morning Joe. It would be better if they allowed guests in the studio, so Joe could look at them.

Sadly, Peacock is not available in Canada.

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19 hours ago, oakville said:

I noticed that Joe does the same thing on Morning Joe. It would be better if they allowed guests in the studio, so Joe could look at them.

The worst part is when he turns to talk to Mika, but instead of talking to Mika, he just stares at some distant spot over her shoulder.... It's so rude and inconsiderate, I always think, whyyy does she not just slap him, ugh

Joe needs to stop saying 200 million people have been vaccinated. It's a two-shot vaccine, you dumbass, half of those doses were given to the same person!! About 90 million actual humans have been vaccinated, and the reason I know this is that it's written in the corner of the screen on your own damn show. this is actually great news, the exaggeration is kinda unnecessary 

Sean Patrick Moloney needs to be a show regular. His subtle shade is hilarious, I love him 

Edited by neona
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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