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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Leslie Stahl, please take your grandma talk and go home to your rocking chair. You've just insulted every woman who doesn't have an innate yearning to be maternal. Meaning, they don't want children and therefore don't want grandchildren. The whole segment was disgusting. Had she just come on and gushed about her grandchildren without trying to cheerlead Joe's and every Hillary hater's sentiment that she is evil and possibly now an evil grandmother, I would have received her in a much more positive light. Like I said many months ago, does Hillary need to go out on stage with Charlotte in her arms? I'm beyond sick of these people.

Then the men, rather boys on the panel with their oh we have penises so we don't gush over our grandchildren, dumb, backward dipshits.

Go Claire McCaskill, I like that lady, tough lady.

Edited by represent
  • Love 7


The panel was excited about Bernie drawing 27000 people in a rally.


According to the NYPD, there were at most 11,000 - 6,000 in the park and 5,000 in overflow. It's not a very big park. Those NYPD numbers were all over the media last night and just a smidgeon of research would have provided Joe with the correct info.


I was watching tennis so only popped in for a couple of brief looks but did they talk at all about what the outrageous introduction Bernie got from one of his speakers? The guy referred to Bernie running against 'corporate whores'. He didn't mention Hillary by name but everybody in the crowd knew exactly who he was referring to and they roared and cheered. Bernie didn't correct the guy when he got up either although he issued a mealy-mouthed statement this morning. Disgusting.

Edited by shok

These guys have their heads up the collective inside-the-Beltway conventional wisdom ass. Heileman actually said that even if Sanders wins narrowly in New York, he loses.

I fully intellectually appreciate that per the structure of the primaries, plus the superdelegates, it is hard for someone behind in the delegate count to "catch up" without blow-out wins in big states. I get it.

But leave it to these nerds to qualify a win as a loss, by ignoring the qualitative aspects of a victory - more leverage to shape the agenda of the convention, change the platform, etc.

A loss is a loss. A narrow win is a narrow win.

George Orwell would have a field day with this crowd. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

  • Love 6
So apparently Mrs Clinton and Mayor DeBlasio made a wildly racist joke while doing a skit?  According to a very very serious Mika-reading-the-news-seriously.  Giving every syllable weight and drama.  Joe shook his head and frowned and looked into the camera very seriously.



And, yet the silly bitch can't muster up any real outrage about Herr Trump's openly racist braying about Mexicans, "the Blacks," Muslims or others.


I find myself saying, "Bitch, please," quite frequently when it comes to these two clowns.  Where were the sneering and serious looks when "the Donald" outright lied about knowing anything about David Duke?  And, does Meeka really want to go there when it comes to looking forward to Trump attacking Secretary Clinton about "Slick Willy's" indiscretions?  Meanwhile, the latest man Meeka apparently worships and adores is a serial adulterer who knocked up his mistress and didn't marry her ass until after the baby came.  


Again--Bitch, please [insert rolling eyes].


  • Love 5

apparently Mrs Clinton and Mayor DeBlasio made a wildly racist joke while doing a skit?  According to a very very serious Mika-reading-the-news-seriously.  Giving every syllable weight and drama.  Joe shook his head and frowned and looked into the camera very seriously.





And, yet the silly bitch can't muster up any real outrage about Herr Trump's openly racist braying about Mexicans, "the Blacks," Muslims or others.


I find myself saying, "Bitch, please," quite frequently when it comes to these two clowns.  Where were the sneering and serious looks when "the Donald" outright lied about knowing anything about David Duke?  And, does Meeka really want to go there when it comes to looking forward to Trump attacking Secretary Clinton about "Slick Willy's" indiscretions?  Meanwhile, the latest man Meeka apparently worships and adores is a serial adulterer who knocked up his mistress and didn't marry her ass until after the baby came.  


Again--Bitch, please [insert rolling eyes].

It wasn't that big of a deal, but it's times like these that I think there maybe some people in her camp that she should be giving a side eye to. I bet she doesn't even know what CP time means in the black community. DeBlasio does, but I doubt that Clinton does, and I don't think it was explained to her. DeBlasio wouldn't need to explain it, since right after HE said CP time, she responded with something I can't remember it was the CP standing for something politician related.


But again, someone in her camp did not have her back, like they didn't have her back when they sent her out there to say that Bernie wasn't around way back when she took on healthcare. They failed to remind her that they had already had that debate and the note that she wrote Bernie thanking him for his support was already posted all over the place. Her campaign team is pissing me off, this is their job IMO.  I mean Karen Finney, doesn't know what CP time stands for?  You mean to tell me she couldn't nix this idea seeing as the heat is coming down all over Hillary for her husband's crime bill?  They get on Clinton if she breathes too hard, why give her unnecessary headaches Team Hillary? Why? They are supposed to be on her and this campaign like a Helicopter Parent.


Then Mook is on tv, running circles around Hillary being called a hypocrite for going down to the picket line to support Verizon workers when she got paid six figures for speech from said company.  WTF? You mean to tell me he can't say something to the effect of, "Well, I don't think it's hypocritical for her to support them seeing as Verizon paid her what she thought she was worth. Therefore, she supports Verizon workers in their fight to get paid what they feel they are worth." This is capitalism, she had a service to sell, someone was buying and she made bank. Unless it's illegal or unethical and it is wasn't because she wasn't holding office when she was giving speeches, then... I mean am I nuts? What am I missing? Is this not an appropriate response instead of blatantly avoiding the question? Because she gave the speeches, everyone knows that, you can't keep going around in circles here.


As for Bernie, he didn't give any Wall Street speeches because they don't want hear what he has to say, this is a given. Most importantly, he didn't have a resume that had put him on the world stage. And who thinks Wall Street would pay anyone to come talk shit about them right to their faces? 


Anyway, her surrogates drive me nuts.

Edited by represent

DeBlasio was interviewed on All In with Chris Hayes and took the hit for approving the skit.



You mean to tell me she couldn't nix this idea seeing as the heat is coming down all over Hillary for her husband's crime bill?  They get on Clinton if she breathes too hard, why give her unnecessary headaches Team Hillary? Why? They are supposed to be on her and this campaign like a Helicopter Parent.


You make an important point and Mook was awful with Mitchell.  I just don't understand why Finney isn't running this show better.

You know, I don't even like Mika and Joe, and Barnicle, Heileman and some of the other regulars just get on my last nerve most of the time.  (Props to oakville for doing recaps because it helps keep my blood-pressure down.    


However, calling Mika "bitch" and Joe "asshole" and calling people other names because we don't agree with them or just don't like them is just crossing a line that makes it sometimes uncomfortable to read this thread.  I've used the ignore feature so much that many times my page is full of blue.  

  • Love 3

"OhWell" I completely agree with your post.  And I would be lost without Oakville's recaps since it is hard to actually watch a good bit of the show...blood pressure, you know.


I am not interested in reading anyone's political views and/or opinions of the candidates.  I don't need to come to this site to just get annoyed - I come to read the snark.

  • Love 3

Yes, the subject of Dr Paul Song's (Lisa Ling's husband) corporate whore remark came up, unfortunately not while Mrs. Sanders was present so she could pretend that she didn't hear it just like she did on CNN.

McCaskill condemned it hard.

Not surprised about McCaskill. She is working hard to get into the Clintons' good graces since making a stupid remark in 2007 about not trusting Bill Clinton (just after Hillary agreed to do a fundraiser for her. McCaskill ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.) Edited by Mumbles
  • Love 2

Did Mika say exactly why she was upset with Michelle Fields?  Strange.

Let's say that Mika leans over near Joe to ask him a question, and Willie Geist suddenly fires across the set and violently grips Mika and shoves her away.  Mika would have been simply innocently doing her job, and was met by unexpected, unrestrained violence that left bruising and swelling.   I suppose Mika would simply just know her value and chalk it all up to the cost of the game.

I never thought I'd think Donnie Deutsch was the reasonable guy at the table but damned if he wasn't the one making the most sense this morning. Mika's hatred for Hillary is so unprofessional and she just can't be objective about any issue concerning her.


Just coming to comment on this exchange.  Donnie's explanation of Hillary's speech transcripts makes sense.  Anything she said other than "I am going to put everyone one of you mother fuckers in jail" would be seen as kissing the ass of Wall Street.  You get paid to make a speech you don't go in there and insult everyone.   


And Mika saying "oh I made a speech to a group of CEO's and I said I liked Elizabeth Warren and they booed me.


I've got news for you Mika, that is not why they were booing you.  If this "speech" even took place. I have a feeling she's just remembering a dream she had.


"Dear Diary, last night I dreamed I was asked to talk to a group of business men and I told them to stop being mean to girls. Then they asked me to pose on a table with my leg up in the air. It was a lot of fun. Hope my secret BF (you know who) doesn't get angry. When he's jealous, it's scary.  Gotta go run five miles and then throw up those muffins I ate today.   Know your worth!!  M


Mika discussing how women "navigate" in the business world today is a joke.  She wouldn't make it a week if she had to hold down a real job. 

  • Love 11

Donny still thinks he's a hunk, doesn't he?  I wonder if his show is still on?

His show was cancelled. Joe asked for viewers to comment on Donny. One said that Mika has a crush on Donny. Mika gave Donny a death stare. ! I think Donny likes Mika.


Mika got her own fleece jacket. She made fun of Joe who spilled blueberries on his white t shirt. That's why he was covered up with fleece.


Mika asked Hallie Jakson & Katy Tur if they had been assaulted by the Corey. They said no but the Secret Service has the right to push them away if they get too close to the bubble.


Donny said if a male reporter made those accusations against Corey, he would be laughed at.


Mika said she was shoved when she was a reporter.

  • Love 2

So, nice way to support a fellow journalist, Mika and Joe. Oh, that's right! They aren't really journalists. Silly me.

Secret Service is one thing.

And Mika, shoved is a bit different than grabbed from behind, imho.

Donny? Stuff it.

Agreed. Katy & Hallie both said that they have never been physically touched by campaign staff. It's weird that Trump has his campaign manager doing security for him? Cost cutting move?


I don't know why Donny is on the show. He used to have a show on MSNBC but was fired for insulting Keith Olberman.


He used to be nice to Mika & bought her expensive shoes as a gift when he appeared. He never bought Joe any gifts.

  • Love 2

Bolding mine.

Joe is wearing a suit in an undisclosed studio. Mika is off. Cackles & Stein are in the studio. Joe is mad about Obama not meeting with Cuban dissidents. Lots of discussion of Donald Trump. Joe wants him to use a teleprompter. Joe mocked David Brooks for being a snob about Trump. Joe said he was right about Trump all along. Joe was upset that Trump's campaign manager was in the crowd mingling with the protesters.

I remember this show and even posted about it on the MSNBC "Networks" thread ( didn't know there was a dedicated MJ thread).

Was happy to hear no Mika today. But where the heck is Joe? He mentioned being at 30,000 feet but it's difficult to imagine that his involvement is so important that they're bothering. The lighting makes him look like the cryptkeeper. And a suit and tie? Is that normal? Why do I care? Ugh.

I still can't figure out who thought that broadcasting Joe from a plane was necessary.

And I still can't figure out why I care.

I didn't expect Mika to side with Michelle Fields over Trump and Lewandowski because...she and Joe are still so pro Trump. And I'm not surprised she doesn't care about how the two of them in the beginning called Fields "a liar" who "wanted attention" and then changed after the video was found to say that Corey was actually "protecting Trump" from Fields.


Even though Lewandowski said he didn't touch her at all at first, didn't see or know her. NOW it's fine with M&J that he claims he was "defending" Trump all along (with SS--who was walking along with Trump--perfectly comfortable to have a credentialed reporter walking alongside the candidate, per usual at those kinds of evetns).


Then Mika dismissed it when Katy Tur  explained that it was  perfectly normal for Fields to be where she was walking, despite this whole "protective bubble" scenario the prosecutors used from Trump's own explanation (By the way, since when do prosecutors take calls from Joe Citizen who didn't see anything but wants to tell them his own explanation for a battery case, then urge them to accept his story and 'Do the right thing'? Can I call my state prosecutors--several of them--and eplain my friend's side in a case then tell the prosecutors to just drop the case? I don't think so. But then, I haven't had that lead prosecutor and his wife as my guests at Mar-a-lago multiple times.  Guess that conflict of interest doesn't bother Mika and Joe either.


Anyway, the most ridiculous thing was when Tur answered that she has never, ever been pushed, pulled "or even touched" by any staff, ever, on any campaign that she's covered throughout her career, Mika had the gall to jump in with "I disagree!"  Sorry, Mika, you can share your (limited and unimportant) first-hand experiences yourself, but you can't tell someone else you disagree with HER telling HERS.


Mika may find Hillary not warm and not likeable, but I'd rather spend a week with Hillary than an hour one-to-one with Mika. She's got to be the least likeable--and least intelligent and professional--reporter or host on MSNBC.  I really can't think of anyone worse.                                                               

Edited by Padma
  • Love 6

Leave it to Joe and his motley crew to take a quote out of context so that they can bash on Hillary again (still). They played the clip of George Clooney on MTP saying that yes, the amount of money raised at his shindig was obscene and Bernie is right that about that. What they left out, of course, was Clooney going on to say that Bernie's attacks on Hillary are unfair because the vast majority of the money that he and Hillary raised last weekend was for the Democratic PARTY, not for her herself. That Hillary understands that they have to fund the down ticket candidates because it's critical for the Democratic Party to win the Senate and more seats in the House, and that Bernie's quixotic quest for a revolution will go nowhere without the support that Hillary is working for.


So I had the show on for ten minutes and heard the Clooney bit, some polls showing Hillary's unfavorables were awful, Bernie got a big crowd again, and Mika reading a nasty opinion piece about Hillary from Maureen. Was it Maureen Dowd? Didn't hear but sounded like her usual vitriolic claptrap. So another typical Morning Joe show. Channel change time. 

  • Love 4

Was it Maureen Dowd? Didn't hear but sounded like her usual vitriolic claptrap.


Of course it was, I think she's the only other person in main stream media that hates Hillary more than Meeka, lol.  I won't even read her anymore, I think she is saying nice things about tRump of all people.  Go figure.


Ironically, the money raised this weekend at the Clooney fundraisers will support Sanders should he prevail as the nominee.

  • Love 3
Ironically, the money raised this weekend at the Clooney fundraisers will support Sanders should he prevail as the nominee.



I saw the Clooney interview too and he was on point with his comments.   Does no one on Bernie's campaign or in his millions of voters realize that without the help of down ticket races, Bernie's policies go no where?

  • Love 1

Bolding mine.

I remember this show and even posted about it on the MSNBC "Networks" thread ( didn't know there was a dedicated MJ thread).

I still can't figure out who thought that broadcasting Joe from a plane was necessary.

And I still can't figure out why I care.


I think Joe has a studio in his house in Conn. He may also have a studio in Florida. It's always exciting when Joe is broadcasting from his private studio. He must have secret meetings with all his high level contacts!

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Today's recap. Joe asked everyone how their weekend was. Mika was upset because her teen daughter stressed her out this past weekend.


Mika complimented Willie on his Sunday show. Willie had Major West & the guy with the poufy grey hair, Indigas (sp) . It was a good panel.


Joe is wearing a navy blue sweater. Joe bragged about Trump's lead in the polls. Trump is above 50 in NY & leading in Penn & Maryland.


Joe said he was right that the GOP voters that hated Trump now like him. Joe said Trummp's unfavourable will come down faster than Hillary.


Joe said Reince Priebus should let Hailey Barbour explain the delegate rules to the media.


Joe said Trump is right about Colorado & Wyoming not voting in primaries or caucuses.


Heileman said Hillary will win NY by high single digits. Bernie's campaign said Hillary will win by mid single digits.


Meacham said Bloomberg could get voters from both parties.


Cackles said the GOP cannot get a new base of voters.


Heilmann or Joe said Trump was sophisticated in attacking the party elites.


Mika was happy that Bernie drew 28K in Brooklyn park yesterday.


Mika said that Bernie Sandersis causing Hillary more problems than expected.


Cackles challenged Mika to name  a movie title that Clooney was in. Mika couldn't but she did mention a plot involving Clooney & a river.


Joe asked the panel who their favourite Batman was. Mika didn't like Batman & tried to move on to other issues. Joe like Christian Bale as Batman.


Heilemann said Hillary's popularity with Democrats is down to 65%.


Joe took a cheap shot at Nate Silver saying his polls wee wrong.


Joe made fun of Kornacki wearing a sweater.

Joe said Hillary is afraid of Trump. Joe said Axelrod & Plouffe warned Hillary that Trump scrambles the electoral college.

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I get so furious when Ariana Huffington flits in and rhapsodizes about us unlightened peasants about our needs to thrive and how we all need to get more sleep. So easy to say when you're sitting on multimillions obtained from your divorce from an oil heir.

I wonder what the people who work at the Huffington Post think of her exhortations to get more sleep, given the dismal wages (IF they get paid at all) and crummy working conditions. Kinda hard to get your 7+ hours of sleep when you gotta do another gig after your HuffPost shift.

  • Love 7

Today, I watched this show for the first time in years. (I was visiting my Grandmother, and news networks are a compromise between or typical viewing habits.)


Are Joe's eye's getting smaller?


What is up with his hair? He must go through a ton of product.


It looks like his nose has grown since I last watched. Is he developing that W.C. Fields too much booze makes a bigger nose disease?

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I saw that piece and Joe was funny for a change because he did a pretty good job of mimicking Haley Barbour.


I love it when Joe makes impressions!. I wish I could find the audio file of his Haley Barbour " It's just Politics" or when he mocks the GOP Congressmen from the South who go on the floor & shout " Mr.Speaker, Freedom has died tonight" ROFL.


Joe makes me laugh. I also like it when Mika gets quizzed on popular culture.

Today, I watched this show for the first time in years. (I was visiting my Grandmother, and news networks are a compromise between or typical viewing habits.)


Are Joe's eye's getting smaller?


What is up with his hair? He must go through a ton of product.


It looks like his nose has grown since I last watched. Is he developing that W.C. Fields too much booze makes a bigger nose disease?


Yes, Joe uses product in his hair. There are rumours of him having a hair piece but it hasn't been confirmed.


There are also  rumours that Joe has auditioned for the live action Muppets movie as Beeker. :))

I'd like to know why on earth he keeps saying this. That makes zero sense to me. It's Donald fucking Trump we're talking about here.


Joe's theory is that Hillary has been around in politics for 25 years, so it is harder to bring down her negative numbers.


Joe said that Trump has been in politics since June 2015, so any unfavourable to him are temporary. Joe said that his unfavourable in the GOP came down since June 2015, so one the general election campaign starts his unfavourable will come down as well.

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Back to the show, please.


So, on a show that is 100% about politics, the only discussion that can be had is about what Joe or Mika are wearing or about Joe's nose or one person's often very skewed take on what's been said? That certainly limits the scope and is already severely curtailing the number of smart people taking part in said discussions. Too bad, as this used to be a pretty lively place.

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The snarky comments about tweedle dumb, tweedle dumber, and the fools who come on this train wreak of a show to be constantly abused is sometimes laugh out loud funny.

But it does get rather boring when someone goes on and on and on about their personal opinion about the candidates.

Edited by chillenout
  • Love 3

So, on a show that is 100% about politics, the only discussion that can be had is about what Joe or Mika are wearing or about Joe's nose or one person's often very skewed take on what's been said? That certainly limits the scope and is already severely curtailing the number of smart people taking part in said discussions. Too bad, as this used to be a pretty lively place.


I get that conversations evolve but this is not the place for general political talk about the candidates unless it's directly related to the show. 

  • Love 4

Tuesday recap. The show whe rails in the first 5 minutes. Mika couldn't stop laughing at someone& nearly fell off her chair. Mika wore a low cut black dress today. Joe wore his usual nav sweater. Cackles laughed at everyone.


Joe bragged that he was right about Trump. Trump contines to lead the polls. The panel tried to figure out why the Establishment support Cruz over Kasich. Kasich is beating Hillary by 12 point. Trump is losing to Hillary by 11 points. Cruz is losing to Hillary by 2 points. Halperin said that Kasich wasn't friendly behind closed doors.


Mika showed all the journalist articles that said Trump was losing after Wisconsin.


The panel agreed that Hillary will win NY. Trump will win 85 delegates according to Chuck Todd.


They showed clips from Trump yelling about winning. At the end of the show they showed clips of Bernie rally in a park. They interviewed Bernie's supporters.


Mika didn't believe that Hillary brought sauce with her. I don't get it. Is it political issue if candidates like hot sauce or other condiments?


Mika & Joe will be on MSNBC this afternoon.

The controversy about the "hot sauce" comment by Hillary is that it is a much-quoted lyric in Beyonce's last song, released in late January ("I carry hot sauce in my bag") and because she said this on a radio show with black hosts and an urban audience, people were thinking she might be pandering. But she did say that she carried hot sauce in another interview two years ago, fwiw.

  • Love 1

The controversy about the "hot sauce" comment by Hillary is that it is a much-quoted lyric in Beyonce's last song, released in late January ("I carry hot sauce in my bag") and because she said this on a radio show with black hosts and an urban audience, people were thinking she might be pandering. But she did say that she carried hot sauce in another interview two years ago, fwiw.

If these idiots ever listened to black radio, which they don't, they would know that they like to have a lot of fun. They talk about political issues especially those affecting the black community, but they spend most of the segments having a good time, joking around.  Even if she didn't carry hot sauce and said she did, then gave a shout out to Beyonce' they wouldn't care because at that point, they would have been all joking around. I don't suspect that they at that point in the interview they were talking about the crime bill.  Let's see, crime bill, segue into hot sauce, no, they were joking around.  And of course she's pandering, just being on the show is pandering for crying out loud, she's trying to earn votes as is every damn candidate. But her pandering comes with facts and what she thinks she can do instead of simply telling listeners ALL they want to hear. Would she have been on the show if she weren't running? No, and I sure as hell am not going to fault her for that, Meeka is utter trash.


Rolland Martin has said repeatedly on his news show, on black television, that these candidates on both sides of the aisle need to come to where black people are to reach them, his news show and black radio are a must in order to do this. Rand Paul I think is the only candidate who came on his show and he extended an invitation to them all. Then Hillary and Bernie did his forum back during the primaries held in the south. So again, good for Hillary, you go where the voters are  and where it may be best to reach them.  Focusing on whether she really carries hot sauce in her bag or not is total bullshit.

Edited by represent
  • Love 4

The controversy about the "hot sauce" comment by Hillary is that it is a much-quoted lyric in Beyonce's last song, released in late January ("I carry hot sauce in my bag") and because she said this on a radio show with black hosts and an urban audience, people were thinking she might be pandering. But she did say that she carried hot sauce in another interview two years ago, fwiw.


I learned something new today. In Canada, it's rare for people to carry hot sauce or maple syrup or any other condiments in their bags.

  • Love 2

Heh, I don't really think that many of us carry hot sauce in our bags.  It's interesting though, that Beyonce didn't start it; Delonte West of the NBA made a video in 2009 where he talked about "hot sauce in my bag."  (yeah, I have nothing better to do than to look up crap like this, lol.)   



  • Love 2

Today, I watched this show for the first time in years. (I was visiting my Grandmother, and news networks are a compromise between or typical viewing habits.)


Are Joe's eye's getting smaller?


What is up with his hair? He must go through a ton of product.


It looks like his nose has grown since I last watched. Is he developing that W.C. Fields too much booze makes a bigger nose disease?

I had not had MJ on in years but as the primaries heated up I decided to give it a try. And all I could do was stare at Joe and wonder, what the hell has he done to himself?

Maybe the glasses compress his eyes and lengthen his face. That pompadour is ridiculous. And his skin looks airbrushed-flat.

He looks very odd.

Maybe that's why Mika stares at him. "Who are you?" Nah. She's just a twit.

  • Love 2
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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