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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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1 hour ago, WhineandCheez said:

I was laying in the bath this AM squinting at the show on my cell and I was thinking about Mika and her sweaters.  Yeah, they're dowdy, but I'd rather see that then what I call "The Fox Look"--every woman (and also Kayleeeeiiiiigh, Trump's new mouthpiece) wears a sleeveless sheath dress.  So I'm not complainin'.

Mika has a full closet of sleeveless sheath dresses.

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Mini evening recap of Morning Joe with wine !

Dr Fauci is worried about the surge in cases in Florida & other southern states..

Mika is wearing a new black lined top!

Joe & Lemire's hair have not been combed.

Why does Jim VanderHei have a laundry basket on the top of his stairs ? He's lazy.

Joe is talking bible verses!

Joe & Willie is happy with 60 games of baseball.

Mika is happy that Biden is leading Trump 50-36 !

Biden is leading with seniors!

Joe admitted that Trump trailing by 14% is not good for him winning re election.

Trump is doomed!

VanderHei admitted there is a hidden Trump vote. It's not 14%

Vanderhei said Trump wants to smoke out Biden & force him to leave his home to campaign.

Joe said that Trump wants to lose.  Long time viewers of Morning Joe remember Mika & Joe's theory that Trump would start a tv network after losing to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Joe said that Trump is not joking about lowering testing to cut the number of Covid -19 cases.

Joe said that Trump is ignorant. People will die without tests.

Mika said that Trump isn't joking. His rallies are super spreaders !

Trump doesn't like mail in ballots.




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Trump is testing out names for the virus. Is it Kung Flu?

Joe mocked Trump for not knowing that Covid 19 happened in 2019.

Joe said that Trump supported a Muslim ban in 2015 & compared it to Germany in 1933.

It didn't stop Mika & Joe from supporting Trump in early 2016 & after the second debate with Clinton.

It took 15 minutes of watching the show before Joe's comments annoy me & make me get another glass of wine.


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Joe wants Mitch McConnell's wife Secretary Chao to complain about Trump attacking Asians. 

Rev Al said that Trump wants to lose the election on purpose. This is a new talking point!

Rev Al compared Biden to the boxer Muhammed Ali. It's a rope a dope strategy!

Mika & Joe are excited about a 24 year old defeating a Trump backed candidate for congress.

The sage of Capitol Hill , Kasie Hunt said that Mark Meadows should be embarrassed because his candidate lost.

Kasie said that voters are tired of being told who to vote for!. Yikes!.

Doesn't she realize that being endorsed by Mika & Joe are a guarantee of a successful career in politics ?

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Kasie Hunt said that Trump should own it!. He has a record.

This is Lisa Rinna's talking point on The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills.

Kasie predicts a Democratic  wave this November!

I remember when Kasie had to admit after the 2016 election that she knew Hillary Clinton would lose the race after admitting that her events had low turnouts & low enthusiasm.

Kasie should have acknowledged her concerns about Hillary's performance before the election.


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Joe applauded Gov Texas Abbott for not listening to Trump. He told people to stay home.

Super spreader event is the new Morning Joe buzzword.

Joe is mad about Trump's comments in 2017 in Charlottsville.

Joe said that Trump is sabotaging his re election.

Heilemann said that people were worried about being politically correct in publicly admitting support for Trump.

Heilemann said that Abbot & De Santis are abandoning Trump.

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Joshua Jackson is worried about the poll numbers showing Biden leading. He said that Biden will have to convince people to vote for him as opposed to voting against trump.

Joe said that in 2016 people told him that they would not admit to voting for Trump publicly.

Joe said that Republicans keep coming up to him to tell him that Trump will not be re elected.

Joe is a rockstar being swarmed by Republicans.

Katty Kay said that Joe Biden is more acceptable than Hillary Clinton. Katty supports the Biden in the basement campaign.

Katty said people are fed up with the lockdown & Trump's twitter feed.

Joe admitted that Democrats are worried about Michigan.Pennsylvania & Wisconsin.

Joe forgets that he predicted that Democrats would win all 3 states in 2016.

Heilmann is excited that people don't want the RNC convention in Jacksonville Florida .


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Bravo, Oakville. Have missed your pithy play by play recaps. (Makes me want some wine, too, but alas, it's 4:30am!)

Super spreader truly was the phrase of the day. Meeks played with it on twitter. She can't keep her pre-teen self controlled there, sometimes shouting inappropriately, sometimes replacing real words with twitter-talk abbreviations...not the measured message I'd expect from a woman of value.

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Joe & Lemire's hair have not been combed.

Oakville!!!!  I am glad you have been coaxed out of your lair by wine!  After doing an exhaustive analysis, (with charts supplied by Ratner,) I have analyzed your wine vs non-wine posts (assuming you don't drink at 7 AM).  

Wine-enabled posts: 11 separate posts, total of 59 paragraphs

Non-wine (presumably) AM posts: average of 5 posts and 25 paragraphs

A follow-up Quinnipiac  poll confirming the above is being Crowdfunded....

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Thursday recap without wine.

Joe is happy that Marco Rubio wants people to wear masks. Rick Scott said Florida should have lower numbers . It has to get better. He agrees with Dr Fauci.

Joe is mad at Trump for wanting to have super spreader events.

Joe is mad at deniers who went to Palm Beach county & were talking about witches & warlocks who were opposed to wearing masks.

Joe is yelling about Trump.

Mika is wearing a new brown sweater.

Joe is mad at Trump for his visit to Maine where he contaminated the testing supplies.

Joe said that he was right about the crisis. He told everyone to listen to the doctors ( except his friend Dr Campbell who said there was nothing to worry about)

The USA is at daily record levels of the virus.

Joe said Trump is losing the election.

Joe said he told Trump in March that we are in a medical crisis.

Mika is listening attentively to Joe.

Kasie is back!

Biden is leading in Michigan & Wisconsin by 11%.

Biden is leading in Florida by 6%.

Biden is leading by 9 % in North Carolina.

Mika was very excited to read the polls.

Willie said Trump is losing all the battleground states he won in 2016.

Sam Stein said that Trump has failed to deal with the protests & Coronavirus.

The economy could get worse if the stimulus disappears.





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Joe is mad at Trump for his visit to Maine where he contaminated the testing supplies.

Ok, here is an example of Joe's hysteria.  I read (on a non-right wing news org.) that prior to Trump's visit that factory decided to destroy all the supplies made during that visit, because of the touring group coming in, not because Trump didn't wear his mask.

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Have Joe & Mika been asleep for 2 weeks?

This morning Joe is screeching about Trump's trip to Maine, which took place around June 5.

Mika is yelling about Facebook (again).  

Did they not read a newspaper yesterday? Was anything said about Flynn's case being dismissed?  Or the Asst US Attorney testifying to Congress about Roger Stone's deal?  Because that was the news on their network all yesterday afternoon and evening. 

Former Friend of the Show Nicole Wallace is interviewing Bolton this afternoon. Wouldn't that be more relevant than whatever they were losing their shit about this morning?

They are such one note buffoons. 

They get all jacked up on coffee or sugar or whatever and just go nuts. I made it to 6:04 am,  found Andy Griffith reruns on Sundance Channel. Let me tell you, a fifty year old sitcom is much more entertaining than this shit. 

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Here is a clip of today's Facebook bitching, from Twitter.  When did Joe and Mika become the hall monitors of the interwebs?  

I don't have a Facebook account so I have no clue why Joe is so pissed off at them.

I'm gonna guess that Mark Zuckerberg is not taking any calls from Mika.


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3 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Super spreader truly was the phrase of the day. 

Am I the only one who giggles (ala Beavis and Butthead) when I heard that phrase?

43 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe is mad at deniers who went to Palm Beach county & were talking about witches & warlocks who were opposed to wearing masks.

I wondered whether the show would talk about the people who showed up at the county commission meeting. Did they show clips?

I saw, on Twitter, a replay of some of the ranters. As a long-time resident of FL and a former resident of PBC, I was horrified. Yes, this is Flori-DUH, but we aren't all like that!

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18 minutes ago, Jordan Baker said:

Yes, this is Flori-DUH, but we aren't all like that!

The younger woman with dark hair with her list of grievances. I was starting to think it was Festivus. 

I have a FB account but I do not read the news feeds, I don't even acknowledge them. And I don't like this new video stuff just showing up.  I don't recall expressing any interest in seeing gender reveal videos but apparently Mark & Sheryl think I would love to see them. 

Since MiKaren promotes Karen Knows Her Value on social media, she might want to slow her roll. 

People were bitching about jack booted thugs and black helicopters during Bill Clinton's administration. 

The moon landing, JFK assassination, Roswell, Dungeons & Dragons summoning demons, Paul McCartney is dead, Bigfoot, all before the internet.  If it's not the internet it's the National Enquirer and the Globe or whatever those trash papers were.  They all ran those conspiracy theories during the election.  Maybe Joe & MiKaren don't want to piss David Pecker off, he still has that file on them. 

Edited by teddysmom
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15 minutes ago, neece26 said:

Joe is getting more animated by the day....almost to the point of being cartoonish!!  Hard not to cringe watching him take off on one of his long rants! 

I think he would calm down if he could interact with others in a studio.

Joe is reminding me of Andy Rooney who would complain about everything at the end of 60 Minutes.

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8 hours ago, tres bien said:

Too much time is spent on polls. Including an in depth segment with Kornacki. 

Do you not remember anything about polls in 2016?

It would be interesting if this show would start playing to it's audience. 

The polls weren't wrong in 2016, at least not in terms of the national popular vote and the margin of error.

The pundits were wrong in their assumptions & interpretations. Including people on this show.

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The top story is that Biden leads Trump in four key states.  Joe said that Trump might step down from the race in August.

Joe says it would not be surprising if Trump stepped down as nominee.  It is clear that Joe is trying to trend on Twitter for calling Trump to step aside as the nominee.  Joe says, "I am the only person saying it," as if he is making some earth shattering prediction.

Here we go again with polls and more polls.  This show is so lazy.  I could go and take the Nittanypoll and these asshats would run it if it matched their storyline. I don't mind seeing polls from time to time but not as the main story every day. All that matters is the poll on election day.

Donny Deutsch joined from the Hamptons.  He is wearing a t-shirt to show off his muscles and his lobster tan.  Donnie, sunbathing is bad for you and you look like a douche.

Edited by nittanycougar
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Hans Nichols was on the early show before Morning Joe.  He is now a political correspondent at Axios.  

According to his Twitter, he departed NBC in May.

So that is one former Morning Joe staffer out under the new management at MSNBC.  

I guess hanging out at the White House at the asscrack of dawn waiting to talk to Joe isn't as fun as it looks.

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I don't watch anymore and don't post here anymore but I happened across the show this morning. They were dismissing Donnie at the end of his segment and in a really shitty tone of voice Scoop said "Lose the shirt, it's needy." Maybe, maybe not; maybe his own approval is what matters to him. But the ease with which she tossed off a snide comment like that with a complete lack of self-awareness knocked me into next week. So, actually, I am typing in the future.

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1 hour ago, tres bien said:

OMG  did they really spend the last ten minutes of the first hour with some guy named Richard Bennett talking about Liverpool winning a soccer tournament. 

I turned to CNN when Mika was all yay Liverpool!, only to come back ten minutes later and Joe was still reveling in his glory. 

Richard Bennett used to be a regular weekly guest. Joe would discuss UK soccer for a full segment with him while the rest of the guests would sit around the table with nothing to say. Mika would clean out her purse on live tv.

Edited by oakville
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2 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

The top story is that Biden leads Trump in four key states.  Joe said that Trump might step down from the race in August.

Joe says it would not be surprising if Trump stepped down as nominee.  It is clear that Joe is trying to trend on Twitter for calling Trump to step aside as the nominee.  Joe says, "I am the only person saying it," as if he is making some earth shattering prediction.

Here we go again with polls and more polls.  This show is so lazy.  I could go and take the Nittanypoll and these asshats would run it if it matched their storyline. I don't mind seeing polls from time to time but not as the main story every day. All that matters is the poll on election day.

Joe thought that Trump would drop out of the race in October 2016 after the Access Hollywood tape came out.

I love when Joe brags that he is the only one in Washington saying Trump will quit.

In 2016, Joe & Mika spent weeks saying that Trump wanted to lose the election so he could start Trump TV.

Morning Joe is one of the most obsessed show with poll watching.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Joe says, "I am the only person saying it," as if he is making some earth shattering prediction.


Peggy Noonan had a column a few weeks ago saying Trump should and may step aside. 

1 hour ago, oakville said:

Morning Joe is one of the most obsessed show with poll watching.

You don't have to do any work if all you do is quote someone else's work. 

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2 hours ago, oakville said:

I love when Joe brags that he is the only one in Washington saying Trump will quit.

Yeah, Joe. Except you forget you left Washington how many years ago? You're sitting in your kitchen in Florida. Not quite the political heavy weight you imagine yourself.

Caught another multi-face shot and love how when Meeks realizes that she's looked away at her phone (or at Joe) and that the camera caught it she then gets that wide-eyed-I'm-pretending-to-be-interested-in-this-shit look. So telling. I don't why she's even included in the panel shots...she adds nothing and it's obvious she doesn't want to participate.

She's apparently giving up the Bond girl platinum hair. Finally. Doesn't mean she gets a pass on washing and styling it.

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I like Eugene Robinson, but I thought it was really poor form when they were interviewing Nikole Hannah Jones (a female journalist) about reparations, for him to use his questioning time to plug a piece by Ta-Nehisi Coates (a male journalist). 

This woman won a Pulitzer, FFS, how about a little respect?

Edited by Eliot
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Maybe MiKaren Knows Her Value should have stepped in and said "let's not forget Nikole's brilliant work on the 1619 Project. 

This is when Mika could step up and do what she claims is her life work. Probably too busy scrolling thru Instagram to see if her new lip gloss got any likes. 

Edited by teddysmom
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I saw Hans Nichol on First Look this morning. He's with Axios now and was broadcasting from home with the start of a "work from home" beard I bet you he doesn't miss the days of standing in front of the White House for twenty minutes before Joe acknowledges his presence and waiting another five minutes for one of Joe's long winded, leading questions.

Then I turned to Korean baseball.

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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Maybe MiKaren Knows Her Value should have stepped in and said "let's not forget Nikole's brilliant work on the 1619 Project. 

This is when Mika could step up and do what she claims is her life work. Probably too busy scrolling thru Instagram to see if her new lip gloss got any likes. 

Honestly, I’ve been pissed off about this all day. Eugene was even snarky when he congratulated her on her Pulitzer.

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Joe said that Trump should not advocate stop & frisk in the current racial climate.

Joe did not discuss his past support for stop & frisk.

Joe said that Trump should not compare the crime rates in Baltimore & Chicago with foreign countries because it affects his support with suburban voters.

Eugene Robinson compared Trump to George Wallace's 1968 campaign.

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Mika was uncomfortable discussing reparations for African Americans. with Nikola Jones.

Mika said that President Obama said that that reparations would not solve the issue.

Nikola said that slave owners received payments when slavery ended.

There was no discussion as to how the reparations would be funded or who would qualify.

Joe disappeared during the segment. I knew that would happen. He is very cautious about discussing any racial issues now.

He did say yesterday that he did not support dismantling President Grant's statue or President Lincoln's statue that was built by freed slaves.




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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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