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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Meeka is interviewing Mrs. Trump. Such journalism... These two have to be on Trump's payroll!

(I don't know his wife's name and don't really care)

LOL, yes the kind of immigrant that Trump and his like minded supporters doesn't mind sticking around.


I guarantee that when they hear her broken English, whether she's a citizen or not doesn't matter. She's more than welcomed in this country for those folks.


But the two hard working Latino women in Vegas who were on tape complaining in broken English about how unfair it was that Trump was fighting them on being able to join the Culinary Union yet talking about making America great again...when I heard them I just knew that a Trump supporter would be shouting at the screen to send them back, whatever. 

Edited by represent
  • Love 2

LOL, yes the kind of immigrant that Trump and his like minded supporters doesn't mind sticking around.

I guarantee that when they hear her broken English, whether she's a citizen or not doesn't matter. She's more than welcomed in this country for those folks.

But the two hard working Latino women in Vegas who were on tape complaining in broken English about how unfair it was that Trump was fighting them on being able to join the Culinary Union yet talking about making America great again...when I heard them I just knew that a Trump supporter would be shouting at the screen to send them back, whatever.

I would think there would be so much cognitive dissonance among Trump's supporters. But I guess they need to be cognizant for that to happen.

  • Love 4

So, Morning Trump triples down.  And in their smarmy arrogance make a correction about some bullshit that nobody cares about, okey dokey.  And I struggle to believe that Sen. McCaskill took Mika's call if it didn't start with an apology - "friend of the show" my ass, the last time she was on they treated her like dog manure.


I happened to be on Twitter yesterday when Mother Jones broke the announcement about Sen. McCaskill, they caught it very early and she's expected to have a few weeks of "treatment" and make a full recovery. I wished her healing vibes directly.

  • Love 5

The tape of the hot mic conversation suggests that the Morning Joe producer is also in the bag for Trump. Is it some kind of crazy ratings grab strategy? I need a reasonable explanation other than believing Joe and Mika actually adore Trump, because that is beyond comprehension. I hope this story gains traction because the show is getting off easy.

You can tell by Joe's anti-Rubio comments that he's worried Rubio will gain momentum against Trump. So not only is he blatantly pro Trump, he's anti- everyone who could defeat Trump. I almost felt sorry for Nicole when Joe was shouting over her when she spoke about Rubio still having a chance. Almost.

I wonder if having a powerful father is the reason that Mika's sole strategy is to sit on a stool looking cute, while staring adoringly up at her man? The sexual tension seems completely one-sided.

  • Love 2

Also weird is that they were so impressed by him bringing the two men on stage. The two guys had roughed up a protester in the crowd, with Trump egging them on and then rewarding them by calling them up and giving them each the mic.  THIS was something for Mika to coo over, giving him "legendary status"????


I'm so glad someone (maybe on the crew, I hope) sent Shearer the audio so he could expose these two for the partisan hacks they are. 

  • Love 3

Olbermann was fired for much, much less than what Joe is doing now.  He's running amok.

And yes, obviously the producer is in on the cynical ratings grab.  If he's not, he should be fired.  This is a strategy by MSNBC... they are just hoping not to have to endure too much professional blowback from being so obviously and cynically biased.  Trump = ratings.  Period.  They have to grab ad dollars now before the election because this Pax Trumpana ends in November and they are back to sparse ratings and less revenue.


Though, MSNBC ratings would explode if Olbermann were hired back as an evening counterpoint to Scarborough.  Holy jeez it would be epic.

If you go through MSNBC's programming over the past 4 or 5 years, it's been catch-as-catch can, throw-it-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks programming.  Chris Hayes has hosted 2 major shows, both failed.  Evening programming has tried double wonky, pure liberal, personality/tabloid driven/shouting... and nothing caught on save for Olbermann and Maddow.  The daytime programming is a farce.  It changes so much so frequently nothing is sure... it's just an indistinct blob of repeated sounds from 9am until Chuck Todd at 5pm, who has a brand new show, for now.

The network is adrift in terms of identity, and Phil Griffin is a failure. 

  • Love 6

The tape of the hot mic conversation suggests that the Morning Joe producer is also in the bag for Trump. Is it some kind of crazy ratings grab strategy? I need a reasonable explanation other than believing Joe and Mika actually adore Trump, because that is beyond comprehension. I hope this story gains traction because the show is getting off easy.

You can tell by Joe's anti-Rubio comments that he's worried Rubio will gain momentum against Trump. So not only is he blatantly pro Trump, he's anti- everyone who could defeat Trump. I almost felt sorry for Nicole when Joe was shouting over her when she spoke about Rubio still having a chance. Almost.

I wonder if having a powerful father is the reason that Mika's sole strategy is to sit on a stool looking cute, while staring adoringly up at her man? The sexual tension seems completely one-sided.


Maybe because I find him so lacking in any credibility I tend to think this way.  But I don't think Scarborough loves Trump as much as loved Christie.  With Christie I always got a sense, deluded mind you, that Scarobough saw kissing his ample ass was a way to get back inside.  Scarborough reminds me of the guys who couldn't play sports worth shit.  But also weren't the guys who simply loved sports.  But those that saw sports as a defining means of worth.   So they sit on the sidelines and become 'experts'.  Conflating opinion with fact most often.  He is the guy in the stands who thinks every play reflects on his own skills and talents even though in truth they don't exist.


And that is the show in a nutshell for me.


But with Trump there is a difference.  It is like Scarborough is finally realizing no one is going to point to the guy in the stands and demand he come down and make the winning play.  Or more apt maybe, he is the kid who won't play nice and so the rest of the kids cold shoulder him as they build the sand castle at the playground together.  And Scarborough's glee at Trump is akin to laughing when someone playing a game stumbles in the sandbox and knocks over the castle he just until that happened desperately wanted to help build.  Well tell the others how to build.


I think he knows he is outclassed in politics.  Hugely.  And he knows his show exists well enough on its own.  You could prop a piece of fruit on a chair and most guests would still show up because in one way or another they have something to sell or an ego that likes the attention.  Mostly both.  And he knows that for all his top secret highly placed sources, none of them match the roster of guests that are happy to come on the show.  None of them is whispering sweet somethings of policy or matter in his ears no matter what he claims.


And Trump careens through all 'that' like a drunken bull with four legs hobbled and a ball pacifier incorrectly applied.  He upsets all that.  He goes beyond all logic or sense.  And I think Scarobough loves that in some regard.  Also he is cunning enough to have realized how easy Trump is to get.  Scarborough gets to have it both ways.  He can be lazy and inept and not do the job he claims he is so good at and no one else and have access to a lightning rod in the media.  He doesn't have to put any effort into having Trump stick to facts or be held accountable and in turn it adds to the attention Scarborough gets himself.  Remember a few years back when The Daily Show skewered Morning Joe for the first time? Scarborough was almost publicly indecent he was so giddy.  It did not matter that Jon Stewart pretty much said what most of us say here about his skills and ability. All rolled into a five minute schedule.  THE show about news and politics talked about him.  Like the SNL skit where the handsome popular guy says something nasty about a girl; but the girl is thrilled he just knows her name.

  • Love 10

I want to marry Matt Taibbi: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/morning-blow-how-joe-and-mika-became-trumps-lapdogs-20160223


Best quote (out of so many to choose from):


After hearing Trump give the duo chummy shout-outs at multiple campaign-trail events, I wrote about them in an upcoming piece for Rolling Stone: My idea is that they would be the royal media under the upcoming Trump monarchy/dictatorship. It's easy to imagine Joe in an official state journalist uniform, with epaulettes and a flying Trump-mane insignia.


Oh, the mental image...

  • Love 7

Maybe because I find him so lacking in any credibility I tend to think this way.  But I don't think Scarborough loves Trump as much as loved Christie.  With Christie I always got a sense, deluded mind you, that Scarobough saw kissing his ample ass was a way to get back inside.  Scarborough reminds me of the guys who couldn't play sports worth shit.  But also weren't the guys who simply loved sports.  But those that saw sports as a defining means of worth.   So they sit on the sidelines and become 'experts'.  Conflating opinion with fact most often.  He is the guy in the stands who thinks every play reflects on his own skills and talents even though in truth they don't exist.


And that is the show in a nutshell for me.


But with Trump there is a difference.  It is like Scarborough is finally realizing no one is going to point to the guy in the stands and demand he come down and make the winning play.  Or more apt maybe, he is the kid who won't play nice and so the rest of the kids cold shoulder him as they build the sand castle at the playground together.  And Scarborough's glee at Trump is akin to laughing when someone playing a game stumbles in the sandbox and knocks over the castle he just until that happened desperately wanted to help build.  Well tell the others how to build.


I think he knows he is outclassed in politics.  Hugely.  And he knows his show exists well enough on its own.  You could prop a piece of fruit on a chair and most guests would still show up because in one way or another they have something to sell or an ego that likes the attention.  Mostly both.  And he knows that for all his top secret highly placed sources, none of them match the roster of guests that are happy to come on the show.  None of them is whispering sweet somethings of policy or matter in his ears no matter what he claims.


And Trump careens through all 'that' like a drunken bull with four legs hobbled and a ball pacifier incorrectly applied.  He upsets all that.  He goes beyond all logic or sense.  And I think Scarobough loves that in some regard.  Also he is cunning enough to have realized how easy Trump is to get.  Scarborough gets to have it both ways.  He can be lazy and inept and not do the job he claims he is so good at and no one else and have access to a lightning rod in the media.  He doesn't have to put any effort into having Trump stick to facts or be held accountable and in turn it adds to the attention Scarborough gets himself.  Remember a few years back when The Daily Show skewered Morning Joe for the first time? Scarborough was almost publicly indecent he was so giddy.  It did not matter that Jon Stewart pretty much said what most of us say here about his skills and ability. All rolled into a five minute schedule.  THE show about news and politics talked about him.  Like the SNL skit where the handsome popular guy says something nasty about a girl; but the girl is thrilled he just knows her name.

Excellent post.


The only thing that would make Trump winning the presidency "worth it" is to see him then NOT give Joe the time of day and he won't. 


Because I'm pretty sure Joe wants a spot in his cabinet, he'll take about anything to get in that White House. 


Wake up Joe, Trump is laughing and looking down on everyone including you; you are the stuff stuck under his shoe.

Edited by represent
  • Love 4

Joe with his "Al Bundy four touchdowns in one game" reminiscences about his past glory in campaigns really speaks volumes. Not only are his better days behind him, but he constantly lives in the past. No one wants your goddamn useless anecdotes about when you bested your competitor, or raised a ton of money, or was the most adept at handling the media.


And for God's sake stop taking a year to get out a sentence.


What do I have to do to kick Joe off the network and bring back Martin Bashir? Seriously, it can be almost anything.

  • Love 10



Olbermann was fired for much, much less than what Joe is doing now.  He's running amok.

And yes, obviously the producer is in on the cynical ratings grab.  If he's not, he should be fired.  This is a strategy by MSNBC... they are just hoping not to have to endure too much professional blowback from being so obviously and cynically biased.  Trump = ratings.  Period.  They have to grab ad dollars now before the election because this Pax Trumpana ends in November and they are back to sparse ratings and less revenue.

Though, MSNBC ratings would explode if Olbermann were hired back as an evening counterpoint to Scarborough.  Holy jeez it would be epic.

If you go through MSNBC's programming over the past 4 or 5 years, it's been catch-as-catch can, throw-it-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks programming.  Chris Hayes has hosted 2 major shows, both failed.  Evening programming has tried double wonky, pure liberal, personality/tabloid driven/shouting... and nothing caught on save for Olbermann and Maddow.  The daytime programming is a farce.  It changes so much so frequently nothing is sure... it's just an indistinct blob of repeated sounds from 9am until Chuck Todd at 5pm, who has a brand new show, for now.

The network is adrift in terms of identity, and Phil Griffin is a failure.

Really excellent summary of the failing MSNBC, Landsnark.

  • Love 4

I mercifully missed MJ this morning. But there was a brief piece on the show following Andrea where an MSNBC reporter (Eric somebody, with glasses?) was reporting on the Trump hotel in Las Vegas--one of the 2% of hotels that do not allow unions!  The workers voted last December to be part of the Culinary Workers Union and Trump is fighting them tooth and nail over it!!!


Why haven't we heard a peep about this? Joe and Mika COULD have asked him about opposing unions in their lovefest but of course didn't. I can't believe it's never been brought up in any debate.


But the press corruption continues in spite of getting in this story. FIRST, the reporter got to stay in the penthouse suite overnight--free--and gave us a TOUR of it--"so luxurious and elegant!" blahblahblah!!! Then he went down to the parking lot and interviewed two brave housekeeping staff with limited English who were willing to talk on camera about the need for a union. Instead of leaving the impression how awful Trump is, you kind of felt, "Wow! I'd like to stay in that penthouse suite!!!" 


Of course, he SHOULD have mentioned how much that comp'd suite would have NORMALLY cost someone. But...no....just "luxury! wow!"  I was glad to know about unionizing effort but totally turned off by the complicity with Trump's PR machine.

I think it was shameful for the reporter to brag about getting a free room. Isn't that a conflict of the interest?

  • Love 1

Lots of defensive squeaking this morning under the guise of "how the media is covering Trump."


Joe and Mika continually assert that they "ask Trump the hard questions" and then whine that "he doesn't answer!" Joe actually made the stunning statement that, "Well, what are we supposed to do, ask him the same question for the entire show when we know he won't answer?"


No, Joe and Mika. You have it wrong. It is not your job to "ask questions." it is your job to GET ANSWERS. And if a guest continues to come on your show and refuses to provide those answers, YOU STOP FUCKING INVITING HIM ONTO YOUR SHOW! You stop giving him a forum and platform to spout his hateful, nonsensical, non-answers. You stop cozying up with him!


Jesus. This is not that hard, people.

  • Love 17

Joe with his "Al Bundy four touchdowns in one game" reminiscences about his past glory in campaigns really speaks volumes. Not only are his better days behind him, but he constantly lives in the past. No one wants your goddamn useless anecdotes about when you bested your competitor, or raised a ton of money, or was the most adept at handling the media.


And for God's sake stop taking a year to get out a sentence.


What do I have to do to kick Joe off the network and bring back Martin Bashir? Seriously, it can be almost anything.

I love hearing about Joe's successes in politics in the 90's. It's fun when Joe waxes about moving all over the country while his dad was looking for work in the 70's. Joe could have become President! /sarc

  • Love 3

Did anyone see Mika interview Melania Trump? Mika & Melania could be sisters. Melania said she was a legal immigrant & followed the rules when she applied for citizenship. Melania said that Trump treats women equally & listens to some of her opinions.

There was discussion today about Rubio being Trump's VP. However, Trump & Rubio disagree on foreign policy. Bob Woodward wanted to bring up the Trump University scandal. Joe said he had read it but people don't care about Trump's shady business deals.


I wonder if the media will do a more extensive analysis of Trump after he wins the nomination?


Ron Fournier was upset at Hillary for not revealing the transcripts of her Wall Street speeches.

  • Love 5

Ron Fournier was upset with Hillary?  No. Way!

Joe doesn't care about Trump's indiscretions because "people don't care?"  Even though he's "the media" that he condemned earlier for not tougher on Trump.  Even though he demands that people care about silly bullshit like Hillary's speeches. 


Fox News may provide a more level, sane interpretation of data than this show.  It's surreal what's happening.

  • Love 7

No, Joe and Mika. You have it wrong. It is not your job to "ask questions." it is your job to GET ANSWERS. And if a guest continues to come on your show and refuses to provide those answers, YOU STOP FUCKING INVITING HIM ONTO YOUR SHOW! You stop giving him a forum and platform to spout his hateful, nonsensical, non-answers. You stop cozying up with him!




Quite frankly, I'd like them to play devils advocate, apply some common sense once in a while like Maddow and Hayes. For example, I'd like them to address my way of thinking which is based on what I have yet to see regarding the "criminal"  untrustworthy candidate in Hillary Clinton. Please, by all means take on my comment below, explain it to me:



Well if she is, she's a damn brilliant one to have evaded prosecution for damn near 20 plus years. That's about how long they've been accusing and trying to lock her up for these "crimes." I mean common sense?  Come on, either she's that good or the ones in authority trying to catch her, throw her in jail for her "crimes" are completely and utterly fucking incompetent, wasting tax payers money and making shit up.


To me what I have posed here is the reverse of what Maddow was mapping out on Rick Perry and Rubio when they made their gaffs. She said that we already thought that Perry was an idiot, we already thought that Rubio was a scripted robot, so when they screwed up, we said, that's right, I thought so.  That if Ted Cruz had made the same mistake as Rubio it wouldn't stick because if nothing else everyone knows that Cruz is brilliant.  He's proven it time and time again that's he's brilliant, he's also proven that he's nuts, but I digress.


So, people already think that Hillary and her husband aren't trustworthy, yet only one of them and it's not Hillary, has been proven untrustworthy in a court of law. With that, can someone please point out to me exactly what in twenty years they have been able to prosecute her for?  Cause they've been spending millions looking for something. And since I don't think that's happened, am I truly to believe she's that good? Really? If you keep trying to launch investigations on the same person for twenty years, yet with all your resources gov't and otherwise are unable to prosecute, then to me, it looks like a witch hunt.  Where are the results of your labor, of your resolve that she's the most untrustworthy politician to pretty much ever walk the earth? To the point that "evil" is a word used to describe her over her husband who actually was prosecuted and impeached. You've had twenty years, where's the proof? So that's why I don't give a shit what's in her speeches, and I'm not dumb enough to believe that the speeches aren't pro Wall Street. Yeah, like Wall Street is going to pay her to come and stand up and talk shit about them right to their faces? LOL


So they must think that she gave out gov't/national security secrets in these speeches right?


That being said, she's done some dumb shit, because she didn't trust anyone including Obama outside of her circle and vice versa, but that's politics. So she had a separate server,  but was it against the law? No, because if it was she'd be in handcuffs by now. We've all seen that back room in which she kept the server, I know I saw it. So why hasn't she been carted off to jail for not taking the advice to not keep a separate server (eye roll). Not smart, but not against the law and doesn't seem sinister to me. 


So, if you want to say she had poor judgement down to the man she chose to marry fine, I can get fairly get behind that criticism. Because your personal life as well is up for scrutiny when you run for President. It was poor judgement to have a separate server not illegal and therefore definitely not sinister.  But to push and foster this narrative for twenty plus years that the woman has evil designs on the American people, I don't think so.


Joe asking why does this stuff sticks to Hillary, and not Trump. Well Joe, if that's all you're going to say time and time again, and not ask common sense questions like I am, then you are not fully covering the story IMO. It probably won't change anything after all these years of slandering the woman. But at least your reporting would seem less one sided. 


At least he pointed out that she's not making promises she can't keep. 


I skipped Trump's mail order bride, not interested.

Edited by represent
  • Love 9

Until Joe Scarborough convinces me otherwise he has no right to speak for "people".


I disagree. Joe is the leader of Navy Fleece Nation! Every day he wears the same navy fleece shirt with the Morning Joe logo on it.


It drives me nuts!. Did his ex wife sell his clothes while he was in South Carolina with Mika last week?

  • Love 5

I can't wait for Mika to interview the wives of all the other presidential candidates. What? Only Melania? I'm shocked!


We had Jane Sanders last week.   But, where are Ms Rubio, Cruz, Carson and Kasich or former POTUS Clinton?


I think the untrustworthy meme about Madam Secretary cuts two ways, on the left she's a flip flopper who'll say anything to get elected, on the right she's a criminal.  She's given no room on the left to be a human being that evolved in her positions on issues, therefore you know, she's just a dirty liar.

  • Love 1

OMG, the blatant racism from that woman was just outrageous. My jaw dropped and I just couldn't believe that she would say those things in public. I think she was the editor of the Wall St Journal, Mary something or other. I must say that it was one of the very few times that Mika has impressed me as she hit back very strongly and even the tone of her voice showed how disgusted she was. Good thing Gene Robinson was there too to give some facts and data that proved how wrong the witch was even though she wasn't backing down a bit from her bigotry. Thank goodness Joe wasn't around to bloviate and bellow and take over the conversation because it gave the others a chance to fight back. Unbelievable. Unfuckingbelievable.

  • Love 2


I'm kind of wondering "why now?" in regards to this.  Not that it is not deserved.  But there is such an interesting element to the whole history of Taibbi and MJ that I have always wondered what he thought of the two.  Taibbi had a strong relationship with Rachel Maddow back when his Afghanistan piece broke and at the same time was on MJ and several times Scarborough seemed to try to take ownership of all things Afghanistan when the news cycle was focused on the failures there and the President making changes in military leadership there.  Again using his piercing hindsight and claiming it was prophetic.   Similar to Taibbi reporting on the failures of the Bush administration as it instead put all the military focus on Iraq.  Suddenly in Bush's last two years, Scarborough tried to act like he was against the Iraq war all along. 


I always felt that Scarborough took huge advantage of the quid pro quo that the show provided for the likes of Taibbi to have him on and then for the rest of the newscycle's focus try to co-opt his insight and work and do everything to assume it as Scarborough's own.  The show gets some great minds and plenty of people who are in the thick of things.  But notice whenever Scarborough goes on a rant he never talks about these people as if they are the benefit but rather they are ancillary to his own greatness.  More than once I have heard him go on and on about how 'he' is the only one talking about things, how 'he' is the only asking these questions.  It doesn't last long.  Either a voice in his ear or a frantic off camera producer gets him to shift to saying "This show' or 'we'.  But it is also clear that he means 'he' is the show and the 'we' seems rather royal.


If Taibbi sees the issue with Trump as such a tipping point, someone who has still shown up on the show for his latest work to be promoted and discussed even after Scarborough has so pompously uses it and given it little to no credit and instead acts like it is his insight and experience giving voice, I wonder how many other journalists who have used MJ as a vehicle will continue to do so as well?  Scarborough has had a history of the show having on people with actual insight and sources in Washington, whether it was Chris Hayes and Richard Wolffe, Jonathan Capeheart or Eugene Robinson.  To come on the show and add to it while Scarborough bullied and jeered and yelled over them only to then later on, a day a week, take what they have offered in that area and twist it to his own false sense of expertise.  And often not just getting it wrong beyond the general sweeping assertion of how only he "knew", but also omitting key elements to serve his own agenda. 


I hope it is sign that the likes of Matt Taibbi are starting to finally realize Scarborough needs him more than Taibbi needs MJ.  And more importantly why.  And I cannot imagine the explosion Scarborough let loose when he saw this for the first time.

  • Love 3

OMG, the blatant racism from that woman was just outrageous. My jaw dropped and I just couldn't believe that she would say those things in public. I think she was the editor of the Wall St Journal, Mary something or other. I must say that it was one of the very few times that Mika has impressed me as she hit back very strongly and even the tone of her voice showed how disgusted she was. Good thing Gene Robinson was there too to give some facts and data that proved how wrong the witch was even though she wasn't backing down a bit from her bigotry. Thank goodness Joe wasn't around to bloviate and bellow and take over the conversation because it gave the others a chance to fight back. Unbelievable. Unfuckingbelievable.


I was in the other room and vaguely overheard the end of this exchange, so I had to go back into my living room and rewind it. I could not believe what I was hearing. The Baltimore mayor was impressive in her self restraint and I was (for once) impressed with Mika for fighting back and showing her disgust. I also thought it was nice that she closed by telling the mayor how much her daughter loved Baltimore.


Less and less on this show do we see any impressive guests.  Mostly sycophants anymore, and/or the better MSNBC contracted analysts.  But fewer and fewer non-MSNBC related guests.


Probably because people are sick of being dragged on air to only be quizzed about what they think about Trump.

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 7


OMG, the blatant racism from that woman was just outrageous. My jaw dropped and I just couldn't believe that she would say those things in public. I think she was the editor of the Wall St Journal, Mary something or other. ......


Here you go if you want to see that segment. I was curious as well so went to Morning Joe web site and pulled it up. It was between Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and WSJ editorial writer Mary Kissel (never heard of her). 


7 min 50 sec 


Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 2

I know Christie is a corrupt asshole and bully, but for some reason...I just don't know, the idea that a guy who wanted to potray himself as reasonable for so long would endorse Donald Trump for president of the United States? I just can't. It feels like we're living in The Twilight Zone.


And you know what? I know I should want him to be the nominee for the Democrats chances and all, but him being the actual Republican nominee is just way too close to him becoming the actual president! It terrifies me. It's not gonna feel like a joke at that point.


And worse is the prospect that normal Republicans are just going to fall in line for this- it can't be. Is this what they really are, ALL of them? Not just the 30% nutjobs, but the rest too? If they all just line up for Trump (instead of just staying home at the very least), I will no longer just not understand them, I will be actively ashamed of all of them and the fact that they call themselves Americans.

Edited by Ruby25
  • Love 9

Pay attention, folks.  Prof. Phil Griffin is conducting a master class in how to produce dreck while destroying: a network, the perception of journalism, and the sanctity of American Presidential politics.

[slow clap]

Way to go, Griffin.


In decades, academics will look back at this period and MSNBC in particular and use it as a textbook example of how ethics and integrity disintegrate (or are intentionally quashed) at the nexus of business, politics, and journalism (and incompetence.)

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 10

OMG, the blatant racism from that woman was just outrageous. My jaw dropped and I just couldn't believe that she would say those things in public. I think she was the editor of the Wall St Journal, Mary something or other. I must say that it was one of the very few times that Mika has impressed me as she hit back very strongly and even the tone of her voice showed how disgusted she was. Good thing Gene Robinson was there too to give some facts and data that proved how wrong the witch was even though she wasn't backing down a bit from her bigotry. Thank goodness Joe wasn't around to bloviate and bellow and take over the conversation because it gave the others a chance to fight back. Unbelievable. Unfuckingbelievable.

Mary Kissel from WSJ said that most of the murders in the USA were Black on Black Violence. She said that "stop & frisk" should be applauded by minorities since it reduced crime.


Mika said that "stop & risk" should apply to whites in low risk areas of crime. Gene said that a study showed that whites had even higher rates of having contraband & marijuana than blacks.


Mary said that the whites weren't involved in a many murders.


Mary was appalled that Gene Robinson didn't care about blacks getting killed..by other blacks. .


Mika bragged to the mayor of Baltimore that her daughter was volunteering in a reading program in Baltimore.

  • Love 2

Pay attention, folks.  Prof. Phil Griffin is conducting a master class in how to produce dreck while destroying: a network, the perception of journalism, and the sanctity of American Presidential politics.

[slow clap]

Way to go, Griffin.


In decades, academics will look back at this period and MSNBC in particular and use it as a textbook example of how ethics and integrity disintegrate (or are intentionally quashed) at the nexus of business, politics, and journalism (and incompetence.)


It's remarkable how MSNBC has been systematically reducing the number of progressive leaning shows on their network. MHP is essentially gone. Al Sharpton lost his daily show & is now on Sunday mornings. Ed Shultz is gone. What happened to the "Lean forward network"?

  • Love 1

I was in the other room and vaguely overheard the end of this exchange, so I had to go back into my living room and rewind it. I could not believe what I was hearing. The Baltimore mayor was impressive in her self restraint and I was (for once) impressed with Mika for fighting back and showing her disgust. I also thought it was nice that she closed by telling the mayor how much her daughter loved Baltimore.





Probably because people are sick of being dragged on air to only be quizzed about what they think about Trump.

Agreed. I started watching the show in 2008 because they had so many interesting guests.

  • Love 1

Monday morning early recap. Joe is wearing blue fleece. Joe wrote an article in the Washington post criticizing Trump for not disavowing the KKK & David Duke. They are very upset with his behavior. Joe said the GOP could split in 2. Rubio said Trump was wetting his pants & had a small penis. Joe said that was not Presidential. I can't believe I just wrote that. Trump leads in all the polls except Texas.

  • Love 6

Yikes, there sure was an awful lot of rewriting of history on the show this morning. Steve Schmidt especially was completely out of his mind about the 2008 presidential campaign and how poor widdle John McCain was blamed because the media would always find the one bigot in his audiences and make a big deal out of it and that Barack Obama ran such a dirty campaign.


Then Joe painted a lovely picture of the south when he was growing up where it was all unicorns and puppies and he went to segregated schools and there wasn't any racism. My eyebrows are still at the back of my head. It's all fine and good that he's upset with Drumpf for the David Duke fooferah but the fact is Drumpf has been attracting racists and white supremacist groups throughout his whole campaign and Bloviatin' Joe and the rest of the media have been ignoring it.

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Was Joe's somber "woe is us" act this morning just that, an act?  He seemed legitimately nonplussed and discouraged about Rubio's bizarre behavior, and even more so about Trump's immature childish act and acceptance of KKK support.  I don't trust this Monday morning demeanor in the face of weeks of scrutiny now from every media outlet of his explicit cheerleading for Trump.  I don't want to be cynical, but I think Joe did the calculus and today he has to be down on Trump for this cycle, and when Trump apologizes for accepting the KKK support, Joe can clamber back aboard the Trump bandwagon.

He also said we're watching the disintegration of the GOP.


Is this all really happening?

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Joe is (allegedly) breaking up with his BFF Trump.


Trump’s feigned ignorance about the KKK raises disturbing questions by Joe Scarborough.


(Notice how Joe realizes there are disturbing aspects of the Trump campaign only after they got the Town Hall and the Melania interview.)

Edited by xaxat
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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