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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Joe said he is not, I repeat not, sexist.  He is very offended at the suggestion.  He showed tape of clips in the past year in which he and Mika praised Elizabeth Warren- like 10 times. Well, Joe, this just shows that you did a lot of dumbfuck guessing the past few months.  The proof of the sexism is in your remarks yesterday.

Edited by nittanycougar
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10 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

I missed this part of the show.  Joe is a sexist jerk.  I can understand wanting the party to unite behind a candidate, but why is it ok to encourage the women to leave while Steyer stays in with his similarly low numbers?  

I agree. However, Steyer & Bloomberg do advertise on Morning Joe.

This is very important for Mika & Joe due to their compensation arrangement with the network.

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58 minutes ago, nittanycougar said:

Joe said he is not, I repeat not, sexist.  He is very offended at the suggestion.  He showed tape of clips in the past year in which he and Mika praised Elizabeth Warren- like 10 times. Well, Joe, this just shows that you did a lot of dumbfuck guessing the past few months.  The proof of the sexism is in your remarks yesterday.

This is ludicrous. They allowed Donny Deutsh & Steve Ratner to attack Warren for months. It reminds me of the clip they used to show of Joe "hanging up " on Donald Trump after he said that the USA kills people in December 2015. It didn't stop Mika & Joe from praising Trump & becoming one of his key media supporters through most of the 2016 campaign.

Joe doesn't know the difference between a caucus & a primary. Steyer's delegate count in Nevada evaporated because you have to get 15% in the first round to be viable. His initial support went to other candidates in the second round. This doesn't happen in a primary. There isn't a ranked ballot in a primary.


Joe said that Mayor Pete has virtually no support with African Americans in South Carolina.

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1 minute ago, oakville said:

Heilmann compared Bloomberg to a tomato can. He urged candidates to stop focusing on Bloomberg and concentrate on Sanders.

A tomato can is a shiny object.

Bernie is a bulletproof train heading towards the nomination.

Joe said Bernie will be the nominee if he wins South Carolina.

Joe forgot that for weeks he has been talking about Bloomberg sweeping the Super Tuesday primaries.


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I am really tired of Joe's impressions...it was funny at first but now it is getting old.  Meeka brought up Yoga?  Was she trying to figure out a way to bring up Namaste?  She could preen and thrust out her chest by proving she could pronounce it correctly. 

I love it when they talk about people living paycheck to paycheck.  Like any of them would know; maybe bring on a couple of people from the forgotten-until-election-working class.  Not authors, not politicians, not reporters. Don't ask them political questions - ask them how they manage....what they worry about, financially, the most.  Kitchen table issues - which used to be a real political talking point at one time.  

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4 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Joe said he is not, I repeat not, sexist.  He is very offended at the suggestion.  He showed tape of clips in the past year in which he and Mika praised Elizabeth Warren- like 10 times. Well, Joe, this just shows that you did a lot of dumbfuck guessing the past few months.  The proof of the sexism is in your remarks yesterday.

He can’t be sexist, some of his best friends are women!

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2 hours ago, Kemper said:

I love it when they talk about people living paycheck to paycheck.  Like any of them would know; maybe bring on a couple of people from the forgotten-until-election-working class.  Not authors, not politicians, not reporters. Don't ask them political questions - ask them how they manage....what they worry about, financially, the most.  Kitchen table issues - which used to be a real political talking point at one time.  

All they have to do is go outside their Florida bunker and find a teacher and ask about living paycheck to paycheck and still using their own money to buy school supplies.  But that would cut into the diners across America tour. 

Edited by izabella
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Izabella ... so true.  The "diner" shows should just go away; people getting their chance to be on the teevee; not that I blame them - once-in-a-lifetime chance.  But yes, find a teacher, a convenience store worker, someone who has a grinding commute, a plumber, electrician, nurse, etc.  And don't have them on all-at-once.  Maybe one or two a day.  But that would require just the hosts (who have done their homework) and no other talking heads.  I could see CNN doing this (the morning show).  But MJ?  No way.  Sad.


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Joe has said that on previous shows that he has talked to some of the employees that do landscaping in the gated community where he lives with Mika. They agree with him that wages have not kept up with the cost of living. Joe does perform free "jam sessions" for them at the Clubhouse. Mika occasionally donates some of her old sheath dresses & high heels to the local Salvation Army .

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On 2/24/2020 at 8:11 AM, oakville said:

I am stillconfused as to why they won't show Mika & Joe together at the little breakfast table

They read your post, Oakville! They were together today, looking ever so Beavis and Butthead-ish. (Props to the genius on Twitter who posts B + B pictures whenever J +M are mentioned!!!) I think they split up and use 2 cameras so Mika can doodle and scroll the Cakes of Instagram while Joe talks to the grown-ups.

Since I'm not a regular viewer, what is Mika's response when Joe goes off calling the women candidates to drop out? Any push back re: the womens's value, that he is sexist, or anything at all  pertaining to her "platform"? Does she stand up for their right to do what they want and remind him that they are fully capable of running? Somehow I thought not. I guess she is all strong and brave and pro women when she can make a few bucks from the kyv website, but not in real life.

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1 hour ago, plumbago blues said:

They read your post, Oakville! They were together today, looking ever so Beavis and Butthead-ish. (Props to the genius on Twitter who posts B + B pictures whenever J +M are mentioned!!!) I think they split up and use 2 cameras so Mika can doodle and scroll the Cakes of Instagram while Joe talks to the grown-ups.

Since I'm not a regular viewer, what is Mika's response when Joe goes off calling the women candidates to drop out? Any push back re: the womens's value, that he is sexist, or anything at all  pertaining to her "platform"? Does she stand up for their right to do what they want and remind him that they are fully capable of running? Somehow I thought not. I guess she is all strong and brave and pro women when she can make a few bucks from the kyv website, but not in real life.

Ha!. It's more entertaining when they sit at the table together. I hope Mika keeps those notes that she scribbles for her next book:)

Mika did congratulate Kirsten Gillibrand & Kamala Harris for running strong campaigns when they dropped out of the race. She did ask Kamala to come for a KYV seminar. Kamala was able to help Mika sell tickets to the KYV the seminar in San Francisco

She does not push back against Joe. It's surprising  that she allows Donny to get away with his personal attacks on Elizabeth Warren.


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Mika and Joe are sitting next to each other at "NBC News New York."  So the New York studio doesn't have the separate cameras that allow them to pretend they are in different places when they are actually together.

Everybody thinks that the Democratic debate was chaotic. Joe gives top debate reviews to Biden, Buttigieg, and Sanders.  Willie thinks Biden had a good night.

Mike Barnicle said he almost changed the channel because of the fighting.  Barnicle said Sanders was rattled. 

Chris Matthews appeared on a recorded video to give his opinion.  Matthews is hoping that Biden has a good week in the SC primary.  Joe agrees Biden needs a win.

Seems like this show is taking a ride on the Biden train again.  The interesting thing will be what happens if Biden doesn't win in South Carolina.

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Elizabeth Warren brought up the allegation that Mike Bloomberg told a pregnant employee to kill her baby. She talked about being pregnant and being fired from her job.

Joe said Warren keeps changing facts on her pregnancy stories.  John Heileman said her attacks on Bloomberg are misguided and will not help her in South Carolina.

Edited by nittanycougar
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I was curious to see how Joe and Mika talked about the debate last night, given that their buddy Gayle King was widely ridiculed on Twitter and by other media outlets for her abysmal moderation. From what I see, they are largely avoiding the topic.

Oh, and just as we went to break we discovered why they showed up in the studio today. Joe’s band has a gig! God forbid they show up in person for, you know, their actual jobs.

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Mika & Joe couldn't comment on the poor performance of Gayle King & Norah O Donnell because Gayle is a friend of hers & Norah used to be a regular panelist on Morning Joe.

Norah left the network after losing the chance to host the Today show to Savannah  Guthrie.

Mika likes Mayor Pete for his excellent knowledge of the English language.



Barnicle didn't like all the yelling on the stage last night.

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Mike Barnicle said he almost changed the channel because of the fighting. 

Well Mike and I FINALLY agree.  I did it.  The whole thing was a shande, and I don't speak Yiddish.  On the up side, Mika looks super today in a black wrap-type dress and I am liking her hair a lot. Of course, none of the above will help her mispronounciation...

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19 minutes ago, tres bien said:

I only saw James Carville on TV at the gym with closed captioning. 

Did anyone ask him who he's supporting now if anyone since his candidate, Michael Bennet, dropped out almost the day after they showed up on MJ a couple of weeks ago?

I love Carville!

He likes Biden better than the other candidates. He is very frustrated that Bernie Sanders is doing well . He said he didn't want the Democrats to end up like a Bernie Cult.

Joe wrote a very positive op ed last year about Bennet.

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Yikes. Either someone spiked Barnicle's coffee or he sat on a cattle prod because I tuned in just as he was going on about America being the best "god damned" country or something similar;  my ears aren't adjusted to listening to him so I couldn't get the whole gist of the conversation...it's rare (to me) that he ever speaks forcefully about anything. Ratner sat there looking like a school boy thinking 'Uh Oh, we're gonna get in trouble now'.

The fact that Joe only performs at one venue, in the whole country, kinda speaks volumes, doesn't it?

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2 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe said that people come up to them in  airports and ask them about Rattner's charts.


Good grief, is there no limit to his ego?  I am hoping, wishing and praying that someone will smartly and emotionally take him down a peg or five.  And I am hoping that we are all watching when it happens and he is left speechless.  Then they can go to a break; Meeka will have to pick his jaw up off the floor while he is lying in a pool of tears.  Someone, anyone, please make this happen.

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5 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Yikes. Either someone spiked Barnicle's coffee or he sat on a cattle prod because I tuned in just as he was going on about America being the best "god damned" country or something similar;  my ears aren't adjusted to listening to him so I couldn't get the whole gist of the conversation...it's rare (to me) that he ever speaks forcefully about anything. Ratner sat there looking like a school boy thinking 'Uh Oh, we're gonna get in trouble now'.

The fact that Joe only performs at one venue, in the whole country, kinda speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Barnicle was feisty today. He was fed up with Bernie Sanders praising Communist regimes & attacking Wall Street bankers. He was worried that taxes on the banks would be raised & this would affect his wife who is on the Board of Directors of Bank of America.

On previous shows , Joe mentioned that he turned down performing at Madison Square Gardens with his band because the acoustics didn't work as well. He prefers performing in smaller venues. They have put his performances on FaceBook Live in the past.

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4 hours ago, Kemper said:

Good grief, is there no limit to his ego?  I am hoping, wishing and praying that someone will smartly and emotionally take him down a peg or five.  And I am hoping that we are all watching when it happens and he is left speechless.  Then they can go to a break; Meeka will have to pick his jaw up off the floor while he is lying in a pool of tears.  Someone, anyone, please make this happen.

Joe has made it clear that he will not accept any criticism of his opinions on the show. He was furious that people complained when he opined that Warren & Klobuchar should drop out of the race. The show prepared several clips of Mika & Joe praising Warren & Klobuchar.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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