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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I am here because I love to disrespect Joe and Meeeeka.  And Donnie Deutsch.  And Willie.  And Halperin.  And Nicole Wallace.

Made me laugh.

I've fought the urge to post my personal political viewpoints on particular candidates as I know it'll piss off some of you, and i don't want that.


Per Wall Street, how does Joe combine his spittle-flecked, neck-vein viewpoints condemning Hillary for being smart enough to earn a fortune by speaking at times to a conference affiliated with "Wall Street," with Donald Trump actually, literally being in business with all those Wall Street firms and actually, literally owning a fucking chunk of actual, literal Wall Street that HOUSES some of those firms?

Nobody has commented on this?  Trump is a player who can manipulate players. Hero.  Hillary Clinton is a player who can manipulate players.  Harridan.  Shrew.  Harpie.  Bitch.  Sellout.  Liar.


Edited by Landsnark
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Bernie isn't even a real Democrat. Will he support down ticket Democrats?  If he's the  nominee he has to lead a party he isn't even interested in joining


Thank you Teddysmom I've only heard one other person mention this. I really like Bernie but how does it help if he drags along Tea partiers or Repubs in his wake? Not every office holder can afford to be that "progressive." HRC should be emphasizing this point.


eta. about the actual show: How will Joe be able to get rid of Christie when CC is forced to drop out. He has him on every damn day!

Edited by Maire
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I love this forum...I would hate to see it get locked or whatever the "powers that be" do when members put forth their personal political opinions.  I don't care to hear about how anyone feels about Hillary or Bernie or how they feel personally about the poll numbers.  I am here because I love to disrespect Joe and Meeeeka.  And Donnie Deutsch.  And Willie.  And Halperin.  And Nicole Wallace.  And any other political mouthpiece who happens to stumble on set.  Ooh..did anyone see Donnie's suit this morning?  He reminded me of Barry Melrose (hockey announcer) who can blind you sometimes with his hair and outfits.  Loved Joe's shout-out to Rachel (it must have cost him dearly)...


I haven't seen the forum this busy in a while. I wish I had more time to do daily recaps. Joe was out of control in the first segment yelling at Donnie because Donnie said any President would have to have a relationship with Wall Street. Joe bragged that he knew all the big players on Wall Street like Blankestein & Jamie Diamond. Joe said Trump wasn't a member of that Manhattan establishment. Willie said Hillary was part of the Washington establishment. Joe was shouting about Hillary's speaking fees. Mika liked Hillary feistiness. Mika bragged that she stayed up to watch the debate. She looked nice with her polo shirt & sweater tied around neck.


I think the show is fun to watch because of Joe is out of control !. Joe said top level journalists told him that Hillary lost Iowa & that the DNC changed the results to help Hillary.



Edited by oakville
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I think viewers of Morning Joe are lucky to have Joe explain all the important issues to the public. Joe is so well connected. Joe knows everybody. Joe is the ringmaster of politics in the USA. No wonder Joe can't dress properly for his own show. He doesn't have the time because he is so busy taking calls from all the important people in Washington & NY who have breaking news to tell him. On the weekends, Joe is busy providing advice to all the Premier League soccer teams in the morning & meeting with the coach of the Alabama football team in the afternoon.  

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Eddie Glaude & Eric Dyson came on to talk about their book on the Black Presidency. They said it was easier for Clinton to be a black President than Obama.  Obama could not play the saxophone like Bill Clinton. They said African Americans were not better off under Obama because of the bad recession. Eric was critical of the Democratic party not helping African Americans. Eric liked Sanders because of his long standing support for Civil rights. Joe said he knew all along 8years ago that it would be tough for Obama to lead on race issues. Joe said he discussed the issue with Tavis Smiley. Joe was right! I would love to see a movie with Joe Scarborough as Forrest Gump. In the movie they inserted Forrest Gump into scenes with President Kennedy , Lyndon Johnson etc & other key scenes in history. They should do the same thing with Joe.

Edited by oakville
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Joe's friends (and let's be real, what powerful white man isn't Joe's friend?) who own the Boston Red Sox and Liverpool F.C. have to face severe backlash for raising ticket prices in Liverpool from £55 to £77.   Which is like $76 to $118 or so.  Yesterday at the 77th minute of the match vs Sunderland, about 1/3 of the fans got up and walked out of the stadium.  This had never happened before in the history of the club.  Liverpool was up 2-0 and wound up drawing 2-2 after the walk out.  Fans are very angry and not willing to pay more.

I suppose $118 a ticket is daily snack money to a man of Joe's wealth and importance.  I wonder if he'll comment.  And I wonder what his take will be.  After all, he's all about capitalism and big business grinding the little man under the heel.  On the other hand, he's a self described man of the people.  He must be in such conflict!

  • Love 6

Joe's friends (and let's be real, what powerful white man isn't Joe's friend?) who own the Boston Red Sox and Liverpool F.C. have to face severe backlash for raising ticket prices in Liverpool from £55 to £77.   Which is like $76 to $118 or so.  Yesterday at the 77th minute of the match vs Sunderland, about 1/3 of the fans got up and walked out of the stadium.  This had never happened before in the history of the club.  Liverpool was up 2-0 and wound up drawing 2-2 after the walk out.  Fans are very angry and not willing to pay more.

I suppose $118 a ticket is daily snack money to a man of Joe's wealth and importance.  I wonder if he'll comment.  And I wonder what his take will be.  After all, he's all about capitalism and big business grinding the little man under the heel.  On the other hand, he's a self described man of the people.  He must be in such conflict!


I doubt Joe will bring it up. Joe wants to keep his box seats to the Red Sox games. I remember when the Red Sox won the World Series in 2013, Mika & Joe & Barnicle were allowed to celebrate on the field at Fenway Park. Joe & Barnicle always talked about the Red Sox when they were winning. In 2015,the Red Sox played poorly so they never brought that up on the show. Joe uses sports to pretend he is a regular Joe.

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I'm surprised Peggy Noonan made the list but Joe didn't.  I suppose the reason is that Morning Joe is just a TV show of no significance.

Bwaah, love it, and if they by chance they find Bernie tied up in the basement of her home in DC, I'm still supporting her LOL. 


Cause I'll know that Joe Scarborough and all his "friends" put him there just to set up my girl Hillary.

Edited by represent
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Joe Blowhard Scarborough literally makes me nauseous...and I'm using the word literally literally, not figuratively. He was bellowing incoherently about Madeline Albright and Gloria Steinem having the audacity to support Hillary Clinton this past weekend but not Monica Lewinsky back in the 90s and then he wouldn't let Jennifer Granholm get a word in edgewise. He was making no sense whatsoever in trying to insert Bill's indiscretions into a discussion about Hillary's sterling qualifications to be president 20 years later but thankfully there were plenty of boo's from the live audience. God what an asshole he is.

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Today's show is in NH. The panel discussed Saturday night's debate. The consensus was that Rubio made a huge error in repeating his lines to Christie. Joe bragged that he was right about Rubio for 6 months  for being robotic. Everyone warned Rubio that Christie would after him for his lack of accomplishments in the Senate. Bill Kristol was on the set. He said that Trump will underperform the polls. Sanders has outperformed the polls. Kristol said the candidates should stay in the race.


Mika & Joe were upset about Gloria Steinhem's comments abut young women voting for Bernie because that's where the young boys are. Joe was mad at Madeleine Allbright for saying that there was a special place in hell for women not voting for Hillary.

Granholm said that Mika likes to support women with her Know Your Value campaign. Mika said women should be allowed to vote for whoever they want.

Joe blasted Steinhem for attacking Monica Lewinsky in 1998 after President Clinton took advantage of her.


Mika found a young boy to hold during the segment. Why does Mika have to hold small children during their shows in taverns, & coffee shops. It's weird.


Joe said Rubio could finish second or sixth.


Joe said he was right about Iowa because in a caucus state , the polls could be wrong.

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Mika & Joe were upset about Gloria Steinhem's comments abut young women voting for Bernie because that's where the young boys are. Joe was mad at Madeleine Allbright for saying that there was a special place in hell for women not voting for Hillary.

Granholm said that Mika likes to support women with her Know Your Value campaign. Mika said women should be allowed to vote for whoever they want.

Joe blasted Steinhem for attacking Monica Lewinsky in 1998 after President Clinton took advantage of her.


Madeleine Albright did not say there was a special place in hell for women who don't vote for Hillary. She said there was a special place in hell for women who don't support other women, and while it was said in jest, she was making an important point. You cannot take women's progress for granted and assume equality is a done deal, because it's not. I assume that's what Steinem was getting at too, although what she did say was dumb and I wish she hadn't said it. I work with a ton of younger women who are only now just waking up to the realization that the hard-fought battles of the early feminists are far from truly "won" and can get snatched away with the stroke of a legislator's pen. They've been raised their whole lives to believe they can do anything they want, and it is an ugly, ugly realization when they discover otherwise. I wish Ms. "Know Your Value" had spoken to THAT.


And for Joe to cast himself as the Defender of Lewinsky is both laughable and insulting. I will be the first to say that I feel horribly sorry for Monica Lewinsky and always have. She made a terrible mistake and had her life ruined because of it, but she was also an adult who made her own (unfortunate) decisions. Joe talks about her like she was a twelve year old.


I hate him.


Speaking of which, there was an interesting piece in the NYT about Joe versus Rubio: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/08/us/politics/marco-rubio-morning-joe-msnbc.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0


I get what they are saying, but I don't understand why no one is hitting him on their fawning, simpering, sycophantic Trump coverage???

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I had close friends who worked in the Clinton White House as interns.  They knew Lewinsky.  She was immediately noticeable and stood out because she didn't do any work, like anything at all.  And she would turn into a sex kitten around the President, and she'd just appear next to him constantly.  They called her "The Stalker" long before any shenanigans began.  None of them were surprised that she was the one.

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Today in Morning Hypocrisy, Mika bashes Hillary for leaving New Hampshire during the height of the campaign to go to Flint.  No one criticized Bernie for going to New York to appear on Saturday Night Live. I have no problem with Bernie being on the show but they both left New Hampshire and only one gets flack for it. I shudder to think of the vitriol Hillary would have gotten if she was the one appearing on a comedy show and Bernie was trying to help the people with no drinking water.

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Joe Blowhard Scarborough literally makes me nauseous...and I'm using the word literally literally, not figuratively.

Isn't he a nasty thing. The good old boys club... that's all I get when I look at him.


And Chris Matthews gets on my fucking nerves with his fun nonsense. Hillary doesn't look miserable to me, the only people who actually looked like they hated campaigning was Paul and Bush. They looked frustrated right from the start. But I haven't seen anyone else on either side look like they wanted to be doing anything else but campaigning.  Just because their crowds aren't as big and raucous doesn't mean they are miserable you tool.


Now Rubio might start looking like he's not having fun anymore since Christie apparently busted the bubble but...


Snap out of it Matthews and stay off this show, it'll drag you further down. 


Then I heard Mika inviting she and Joe onto Matthew's show and I was like hell no...two losers trying to get screen time during prime time. Enough is enough, just go away.

Edited by represent
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Madeleine Albright did not say there was a special place in hell for women who don't vote for Hillary. She said there was a special place in hell for women who don't support other women, and while it was said in jest, she was making an important point. You cannot take women's progress for granted and assume equality is a done deal, because it's not. I assume that's what Steinem was getting at too, although what she did say was dumb and I wish she hadn't said it. I work with a ton of younger women who are only now just waking up to the realization that the hard-fought battles of the early feminists are far from truly "won" and can get snatched away with the stroke of a legislator's pen. They've been raised their whole lives to believe they can do anything they want, and it is an ugly, ugly realization when they discover otherwise. I wish Ms. "Know Your Value" had spoken to THAT.


And for Joe to cast himself as the Defender of Lewinsky is both laughable and insulting. I will be the first to say that I feel horribly sorry for Monica Lewinsky and always have. She made a terrible mistake and had her life ruined because of it, but she was also an adult who made her own (unfortunate) decisions. Joe talks about her like she was a twelve year old.


I hate him.


Speaking of which, there was an interesting piece in the NYT about Joe versus Rubio: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/08/us/politics/marco-rubio-morning-joe-msnbc.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0


I get what they are saying, but I don't understand why no one is hitting him on their fawning, simpering, sycophantic Trump coverage???


Yes, Albright was referring to supporting women. I thought she was referring to Hillary. Is Allbright a full time campaigner for all women candidates or just Hillary? I thought she was a former SOS.


Thanks for the NYT article. Joe looks whiny by complaining about Rubio. It would be foolish for Rubio to go on the show if he doesn't feel that he will get a fair interview. Didn't Joe make that point about Donald Trump skipping the Fox debate with Megyn Kelly?


I think Joe is beginning to hedge his bets with Trump. He had Christie & Jeb on the show today.


They had  a yellow Trump/Scarborough campaign signs at the tavern today.  That would be so hilarious. The Blowhard ticket would make for great TV!

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I missed the show this morning but for a few seconds where Joe shoe-horned in a crazy compliment for Trump where he claimed Trump made fools of "mainstream media" and "mainstream pundits," and such nonsense.

What else was said?  I wonder if he was sanctimonious and bloviating today... for the 10 millionth day in a row?

Edited by Landsnark
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Joe and Mika have popped up on the evening NH primary coverage, being interviewed by Chris Matthews. First time I've seen them on primetime in a while. Interestingly, they're more tolerable when they're guests, not on their own show IMO. I feel bad for them - this constant primary coverage must have them running ragged.


If they pop up on Rachel's panel we'll know the producers read this thread. ;)


Does Joe own an article of clothing that does not have his own name on it?

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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Joe and Mika have popped up on the evening NH primary coverage, being interviewed by Chris Matthews. First time I've seen them on primetime in a while. Interestingly, they're more tolerable when they're guests, not on their own show IMO. I feel bad for them - this constant primary coverage must have them running ragged.


If they pop up on Rachel's panel we'll know the producers read this thread. ;)


Does Joe own an article of clothing that does not have his own name on it?

I just tuned in as well. Mika has a new scarf!. Mika could be a Unitarian minister when she retires. Fleecy Joe is back.

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I just tuned in as well. Mika has a new scarf!. Mika could be a Unitarian minister when she retires. Fleecy Joe is back.


I liked her scarf, I think she looked great IMO. I always listen the podcast, never tune into the show so sometimes I forget what they look like. I listen to Willie Geist and Mike Barnicle every morning but couldn't pick them out of a lineup.


Trump projected to win NH Primary. Good luck to everyone's ears tomorrow morning when they watch/listen to MJ. This will be a gloat of epic proportions by Joe and Co.

Mika & Joe were upset about Gloria Steinhem's comments abut young women voting for Bernie because that's where the young boys are. Joe was mad at Madeleine Allbright for saying that there was a special place in hell for women not voting for Hillary.

Granholm said that Mika likes to support women with her Know Your Value campaign. Mika said women should be allowed to vote for whoever they want.



Damn Secretary Albright and Gloria Steinheim for making me defend this insipid heifer, Meeeka!  Damn them to...that special place in hell!


Let me say that I really admire Secretary Clinton and I really like Bernie Sanders; I would be comfortable with either one of them being president.  But, Hillary's campaign seems to be making the same mistakes they made in 2008 through her surrogates, including husband Bill--all of whom reek of entitlement because, you know, it's Hillary's turn.  However, that thump I heard last night was the sound of Debbie Wasserman Shultz falling to the floor in a dead faint because Bernie isn't going anywhere anytime soon which is driving Clinton surrogates batshit crazy.  As a person who can support either of these candidates, I look forward to a meaningful race and hope that the base will coalesce around the eventual (not inevitable) nominee.  


Women, no matter their age, want to be condescended to, ridiculed and treated as if they're too stupid to know what's best for them.  I found the comments offensive and I'm not even in that demographic!  Did it occur to Albright and Steinhem that the women who support Bernie are supporting him because they actually agree with his policies?  As Meeeeka pointed out, the whole point of feminism is the ability for women to make their own choices.  If Hillary doesn't reign in her surrogates, she's going to fuck right around and blow it.  She acquits herself very well in debates and has so many positives.


BTW, given how hard Joe is riding Trump's jock these days, I wonder what he and Meeeeka will have to say when Christie drops out of the race, which I understand he is contemplating.  Or, did they totally give up that particular ghost?

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Did it occur to Albright and Steinhem that the women who support Bernie are supporting him because they actually agree with his policies?


But what are his policies? By now, everyone knows his ideology but he talks big without putting out actual policy papers. The younger generation loves the idea of free college but someone has to pay for it. Who? Wall Street is evil. The U.S. is part of a huge global economy and the banking system, including Wall Street, is necessary to keep commerce going. Glass Steagall is a facile talking point that 99% of his young supporters don't even know what it is. Corporations are bad. It's corporations who created the technology these fans are communicating with, who built the cars they're driving around, who distribute and sell the food that they're eating.


I just find Sanders and Trump's rhetoric very empty and there's not much difference between the rabid mindsets of both camps and it's rather scary how it's all ramped up by the media with Joe and his crazy team of blowhards so irresponsibly leading the braying packs of devotees. I saw Barbara Boxer on tv today and yes, she is a Clinton supporter, but as she said, she's worked with both Sanders and Clinton for thirty years and she's heard the Sanders spiel for all that time - billionaires bad! Wall St evil! - but he hasn't been at the forefront of doing anything about the problems he yells about. And Trump. Don't even get me going about the carnival master scam that he's running. You'd think Bloviatin' Joe and his cohorts would be embarrassed about how he's making such fools of them but nope, they're right there making asses of themselves right along with him.

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The younger generation loves the idea of free college but someone has to pay for it. Who?

I really don't get this one at all.  



And he keeps saying he'll do it with this "wall street speculation tax?"  Someone needs to explain this to me. How is this going to affect the investments and 401K plans, because I'd be shocked if it didn't. What affect is this going to have on the business my financial adviser conducts on my behalf? Is this going to tax advisers more on the business they conduct? Because if it does, it's going to trickle down to me, the vanishing middle class, what else is new.


By all means, please make sure that they can't send their billions over some off shore bank and avoid paying taxes, and whatever else you must do to curb their greed if it's breaking laws but...



I mean maybe they could work on no interest loans for needy students, maybe a percentage off of their tuition, but free?


Is the speculation tax suppose to cover all of this? 


Are the states picking up some of the cost? If so, how are these state schools suppose to pay the professors/instructors? I mean is the money going to come from the same  budget in which the state pays it's elementary, middle and high school teachers? How are states suppose to shell out this money for free tuition and also the money needed to keep up the facilities in these institutions?  If they don't keep up the facilities then the academics suffer.


I just don't get where the money is coming from at all?

Edited by represent
  • Love 3

Joe is outraged that CNN accused him & Mika of spending too much time in Trump's hotel room last night watching the results with Trump.




Joe & Dylan Byers spent the day in taking shots at each other on twitter.

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Christie has bowed out of another Presidential race.  Tomorrow's gonna be interesting!


Joe said that Rubio made a lot of nasty ads against Christie. There was dark money being used against Christie to reduce his appeal. Joe bragged that he knew about this all along & anyone who didn't mention it should not cover politics. I don't remember Joe saying anything about it on air.


Cackles said that her mom will caucus in Nevada for Trump.


Halperin did a focus group in South Carolina. They said Trump will win, but Cruz is strong among evangelicals.


Cackles said Rubio will have a hard time recovering from the debate mistakes.


Sanders raised 6million in 24 hours. They panel said Hillary's campaign was in trouble. Howard Dean denied it.


They showed clips of Al Sharpton meeting with Bernie Sanders.


Mika liked Carly's debate performance.


Joe said Jeb Bush understands foreign policy & knows about Egyptian politics.


Mika & Joe have not discussed their hotel room visit with Trump.


Al Sharpton came on the show. Mika is a regular at the Harlem restaurant where he met with Sanders.


Sharpton said African American votes should be earned.  The Congressional  Black caucus will endorse Hillary.


Harold Ford Jr said Bernie didn't do much for African American inequality.

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I really don't get this one at all.  


And he keeps saying he'll do it with this "wall street speculation tax?"  Someone needs to explain this to me. How is this going to affect the investments and 401K plans, because I'd be shocked if it didn't. What affect is this going to have on the business my financial adviser conducts on my behalf? Is this going to tax advisers more on the business they conduct? Because if it does, it's going to trickle down to me, the vanishing middle class, what else is new.


By all means, please make sure that they can't send their billions over some off shore bank and avoid paying taxes, and whatever else you must do to curb their greed if it's breaking laws but...


I mean maybe they could work on no interest loans for needy students, maybe a percentage off of their tuition, but free?


Is the speculation tax suppose to cover all of this? 


Are the states picking up some of the cost? If so, how are these state schools suppose to pay the professors/instructors? I mean is the money going to come from the same  budget in which the state pays it's elementary, middle and high school teachers? How are states suppose to shell out this money for free tuition and also the money needed to keep up the facilities in these institutions?  If they don't keep up the facilities then the academics suffer.


I just don't get where the money is coming from at all?


From Bernie's Site:


The cost of this $75 billion a year plan is fully paid for by imposing a tax of a fraction of a percent on Wall Street speculators who nearly destroyed the economy seven years ago. More than 1,000 economists have endorsed a tax on Wall Street speculation and today some 40 countries throughout the world have imposed a similar tax including Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, and China. If the taxpayers of this country could bailout Wall Street in 2008, we can make public colleges and universities tuition free and debt free throughout the country.


Not very clear is it?  I think, though he doesn't lay it out properly at all, it's a per transaction tax on the money that big banks get from the Fed essentially for free and churn and give back, every day.  Some small percentage of a penny even - that is how crazy speculation is.

Joe is outraged that CNN accused him & Mika of spending too much time in Trump's hotel room last night watching the results with Trump.




Joe & Dylan Byers spent the day in taking shots at each other on twitter.


That was a very strategically worded press release from MSNBC: CNN’s media reporter, Dylan Byers, is implying that Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski watched election returns with Donald Trump last night in New Hampshire. That is not true. The Morning Joe hosts instead did what anchors are supposed to do — they interviewed the candidate’s senior staff to get background information on their strategy in New Hampshire, and on their campaign’s plans moving forward in South Carolina. The staff then invited the hosts to get Mr. Trump’s reaction to the victory. That discussion lasted less than five minutes.


So it does not deny that they were in his hotel room and it doesn't say how LONG they were in his hotel room (only that the *discussion* lasted five minutes). I'm glad they are finally getting called on their boosterism.

  • Love 7


Joe is outraged that CNN accused him & Mika of spending too much time in Trump's hotel room last night watching the results with Trump.


Joe & Dylan Byers spent the day in taking shots at each other on twitter.



...because they couldn't smack towels at each other in the locker room. 


Sheesh. Can you imagine Rachel Maddow spending her day taking shots at another journalist (or anyone for that matter) via Twitter...? The difference is professionalism and emotional maturity.  

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 5

So they had a big shot economist that said that part of the problems with flint has to do with not maintaining infrastructure, Joe nodded. Economist blamed Congress for not funding infrastructure improvements for the past several decades and said it was a result of tax cuts, <crickets>. 

So they had a big shot economist that said that part of the problems with flint has to do with not maintaining infrastructure, Joe nodded. Economist blamed Congress for not funding infrastructure improvements for the past several decades and said it was a result of tax cuts, <crickets>. 

  • Love 3
Madeleine Albright did not say there was a special place in hell for women who don't vote for Hillary. She said there was a special place in hell for women who don't support other women, and while it was said in jest, she was making an important point. You cannot take women's progress for granted and assume equality is a done deal, because it's not. I assume that's what Steinem was getting at too, although what she did say was dumb and I wish she hadn't said it. I work with a ton of younger women who are only now just waking up to the realization that the hard-fought battles of the early feminists are far from truly "won" and can get snatched away with the stroke of a legislator's pen.


This is what I don't get.  Don't young women see how states and Republicans in Congress would take away all their rights to choose, as well as shut down Planned Parenthood?  Do they not see that as taking away their rights? 


Do they not see how women still have to fucking sue an employer to get equal pay?  


Here's the topper gals - the CDC has just announced that women shouldn't drink at all unless they're taking birth control.  Because apparently we can't have a glass of wine without running out into the street, ripping off our bras and begging somebody to bang us.   So young ladies if you think you're being taken seriously, and treated equally to men, wake  up. 


We still have some fighting to do. 

  • Love 10


Not very clear is it?  I think, though he doesn't lay it out properly at all, it's a per transaction tax on the money that big banks get from the Fed essentially for free and churn and give back, every day.  Some small percentage of a penny even - that is how crazy speculation is.

No it's not because how ever little my "pennies" may be, they are there and I want to know they won't suffer. I have investments and I want to know specifically how exactly they will be affected because I can't believe they won't be. It's all connected. My financial advisers get a cut, they  make trade deals, invest in mutual funds etc. on my behalf for retirement. How does this affect their bottom line? Because whatever they are paying for, it's going to affect their customers, me.


Now, I will inquire from said financial advisers, but I want to hear from both sides.  


He has a plan, fine, lay out specifically how it will affect all players. It's that fine print where the guy in the middle always gets screwed over in the long term.


When you make the big guns pay, they never feel it, it always trickles down to the middle class, what's left of it.

Edited by represent
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Sheesh. Can you imagine Rachel Maddow spending her day taking shots at another journalist (or anyone for that matter) via Twitter...? The difference is professionalism and emotional maturity.

Yeah, this man doesn't get it. You want journalistic integrity, you need to watch how Hayes covered Trump last night. 


But Joe I realize you can't do what he did last night, because Trump would then NEVER "grace" your show with his presence. 


Chris, Rachel, Lawrence, have NOT underestimated Trump as a candidate, they just tell the truth about what his candidacy says and means to his supporters as well as, and this is important Joe, the voters who DO NOT SUPPORT HIM, like me. This is something you don't do.

Edited by represent
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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