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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Joe reminded the panel that Black women came out in the rain to vote for Doug Jones

I will scratch "Women Voting in the Rain" off my weekly MJ Bingo card.

Now they have on a book author, something about "I Love You But I Hate Your politics." How utterly useless-this has nothing to do with our hosts, since we all know now Joe is a Democrat!

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27 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

Boy I am really so impressed with so many of the freshmen women elected to Congress.  So many talented, focused, actually caring about their constituents women.  Good on those districts that elected these talented women!

They should change Morning Joe to Morning Katies and have both Representatives Hill and Porter host the show and bring on their colleagues and constituents to get a true picture of what is going on right now.

Hee, between that shot and the two of them stuffed into the back seat of The Beast I love the visuals of those interviews!

Stuffed is the perfect description.

The car ride reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld. Maybe he can do that with all 20 Democrats stuffed into a van.

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Joe blasted Hillary Clinton for running a poor campaign in 2016.

Mika said none of the current Democratic candidates have the same problems as Hillary did in 2016.

Joe blasted Hillary for not having a good message or polling voters.

Joe mocked Hillary for using algorithms.

If only Hillary had listened to Joe , she would have won the election in a landslide.

Joe blamed the bad headlines of Bill Clinton on Hillary losing.

Joe warned the other candidates to not attack Joe Biden during the debate.

Confessore said Biden's popularity with African American voters is impressive.

Capehart said many people remember that Biden was Vice President in the Obama administration.

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Just now, Jordan Baker said:

Did Joe explain why he thought this? I've seen no evidence in polling data or recent news articles.

Joe said they were unhappy with Trump being unfaithful to Melania .

Of course, people knew that Trump was unfaithful to his other wives in 2016.

Joe is very popular in the Evangelical Community. They provide him with the inside scoop

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Joe impersonated Chris Matthews. They came up with slogans for his Hardball show.

Matthews will have a special town hall with the white working class voters in Dayton Ohio.

Matthews said Biden can get the Trump vote back. He is skeptical of Sanders , Warren & Kamala Harris.

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Matthews warned Democrats to stop looking down on Trump voters.

He said the Democratic elite has to stop looking down towards the working class.

Matthews is worried about Trump gaining support of Pro Life voters.

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Regarding the Stephanopolis interview: I wish George had pushed back harder when the "no collusion" subject was discussed. I also think, that, if he have had a copy of the Mueller report in hand, trump couldn't have kept insisting he was exonerated, the proof was right there in print. I wonder what an interview with Chris Wallace would look like? 

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Joe said people come up to him everyday to tell him he used to be a Conservative. Joe reminds them that he is a true Conservative & Trump is not a Conservative. Joe still has dinner with his relatives that support Trump.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

He said the Democratic elite has to stop looking down towards the working class.

Does Chris Matthews realize that the majority of Democratic voters are not "elite (whatever the fuck that means) rich, or powerful? 

FFS that trope has been around since at least Reagan.  Chris Matthews is such an idiot. 

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3 hours ago, oakville said:

Barnicle said Trump is losing women voters.

Joe reminded the panel that Black women came out in the rain to vote for Doug Jones.

Will the African American voters show up to defeat Trump. ?

The key for Biden will be to listen to Joe's latest advice.

Joe applauded himself for saying that Trump could be President. This will be in his book.

I hope they put a countdown clock on screen as the date of Joe's book approaches.

Joe said Evangelicals won't vote as much for Trump. Joe is an evangelical.

Joe is so the oracle; geeze!! He and Mika think they are wisest people on the face of the earth! I wonder how many campaigns (R or D) go running to them for their advice and guidance. 

When it comes to polls I am not going to take to much stock in them; at least not at this time.  And every time he does something you think would be the end of him it never is. Last time the polls did not reflect that trump would not be in the oval now. I find it maddening how trump touts the polls when they are in his favor and dismisses them when they are not. Well, I find everything he does is maddening. 

4 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

I find it ironic and sad that she, of all people, is the spokeswoman for KYV.   In my head she is the 2019 version of June Cleaver, in her house-dress and pearls, setting Ward's dinner plate in front of him and gazing with rapt attention and he commandeers the mealtime conversation.


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Chris Matthews is becoming the crankiest old man on TV.   He's full of himself and his supposed importance and wisdom, and he's  completely devoid of any self-deprecating humor.   I was half expecting him to bark back at Barnicle, which you know he wanted to.  I think the only reason he didn't was because he realized this wasn't his show to control.

I do not think he will give up the anchor chair willingly; I often wonder how TPTB would ever get rid of him, should they ever decide to.   I picture him chaining himself to his desk, blabbing and interrupting, spittle flying everywhere.  

Sorry.   I used to be a fan, but he's just become insufferable.   It's bad enough to have him on in the evening......but the morning, too????   Isn't having to endure Joe and Meek-a punishment enough??

Edited by Ladyrain
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I had to switch channels several times today because Joe railroaded every conversation back to himself. Even the last segment, when the guest was discussing her book, he managed to, once again, make the conversation all about his political talks with people he has encountered. The poll numbers are going to change, so why is everyone excited about them? This election is a long way off.

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53 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Isn't having to endure Joe and Meek-a punishment enough??


39 minutes ago, PennyPie18 said:

I had to switch channels several times today because Joe railroaded every conversation back to himself. Even the last segment, when the guest was discussing her book, he managed to, once again, make the conversation all about his political talks with people he has encountered.

He and Mika are so self-righteous and it is ALL ABOUT THEM! This show has become a 3 hour commercial for all things Joe and Mika. To get a paycheck you must be willing to bow down, kiss the feet, and whatever else of the almighty J&M; and tolerate their insufferable SDS opinion of themselves. When they are not in front of the camera I expect they spend their time gazing adorably into a mirror or each other's eyes where they see an admiring reflection of themselves as one. 

Why do I watch well maybe it's the 'roll my eyes' and the trainwreck aspect of the show; which I guess I find (in a sick sort of way like watching Alaskan Bush People) entertaining to some degree. CNN doesn't provide that dynamic. Lordy, have ever just turned the channel to F&F! 

Edited by little hermit
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9 minutes ago, little hermit said:


He and Mika are so self-righteous and it is ALL ABOUT THEM! This show has become a 3 hour commercial for all things Joe and Mika. To get a paycheck you must willing to bow down, kiss the feet, and whatever else of the almighty J&M; and tolerate their insufferable SDS opinion of themselves. When they are not in front of the camera I expect they spend their time gazing adorably into a mirror or each other's eyes where they see an admiring reflection of themselves as one. 

Why do I watch well maybe it's the roll my eyes and the trainwreck aspect of the show; which I guess I find (in a sick sort of way) entertaining to some degree. CNN doesn't provide that dynamic. Lordy, have ever just turned the channel to F&F! 

I have asked myself the same question! Sometimes, the guests are interesting, and I like to hear about new books (not anything written by JoMeeka, of course),  and their authors. But, geeez, doesn't Joe ever quit talking about himself? And acting like he is the expert in all things political??? He flip flops a lot, too, and sometimes I wonder who he really wants to win in 2020?

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4 hours ago, oakville said:

Trump is cutting ties with his pollster because they leaked results showing Trump behind in all the states except Texas

Funnily, the polling company was started by Kellyanne Conway.

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15 minutes ago, PennyPie18 said:

He flip flops a lot, too, and sometimes I wonder who he really wants to win in 2020?

He pretends now that he's not a Republican any more, but he keeps revealing his true self.  If Trump loses, Joe's right back to being his old self.

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1 hour ago, Ladyrain said:
4 hours ago, oakville said:

nm.   Off topic and I don't know how to delete the quote box.

When you quote, hover your mouse over the left hand corner of the quote box, and you will see a cross.  Click onto the cross and hit delete, and the box will go away.

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Just now, Ladyrain said:

Thank you, meowmommy (love your name!) but I'm on a lap top where I move my fingers around to move the arrow.   When I tried this, I couldn't get it to work.


Just tried it using my touchpad instead of the mouse and I tapped over the cross, hit delete, and it went away.  Sounds like your laptop's just being hateful!

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3 hours ago, little hermit said:

Joe is so the oracle; geeze!! He and Mika think they are wisest people on the face of the earth! I wonder how many campaigns (R or D) go running to them for their advice and guidance. 

When it comes to polls I am not going to take to much stock in them; at least not at this time.  And every time he does something you think would be the end of him it never is. Last time the polls did not reflect that trump would not be in the oval now. I find it maddening how trump touts the polls when they are in his favor and dismisses them when they are not. Well, I find everything he does is maddening. 


Joe has made it clear that he is very well connected with all the key players in US politics.

Joe is an Evangelical who went to Catholic school who was very Pro Israel in Congress. Joe is popular with all religious groups. Joe offered to to negotiate many cease fires between the PLO & Israel.

Joe is considering to be a guest speaker with Mika next year in Saudi Arabia during the Mecca celebrations.

Joe's band is being considered for next year's political conventions by both political parties as well as the Inauguration ceremonies.

The key to Joe's success is to bash all politicians once they lose a political campaign.

Joe was adamant during the last stages of the 2016 campaign that Trump wanted to lose the election so he could set up Trump TV network to compete with Fox News.

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6 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe's band is being considered for next year's political conventions by both political parties as well as the Inauguration ceremonies.

You're joking, right???

Edited by little hermit
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30 minutes ago, little hermit said:

You're joking, right???

It is critical for all candidates to obtain Joe's endorsement next year. Allowing Joe's band to perform during the political convention would make him more amenable to endorsing the candidate.

Joe's songs were so popular on Apple Music that they asked him to remove them from the system because too many people were downloading his songs.

Joe's music appeals to people of all ages, income groups, & political persuasions.

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5 minutes ago, oakville said:

It is critical for all candidates to obtain Joe's endorsement next year. Allowing Joe's band to perform during the political convention would make him more amenable to endorsing the candidate.

Oakville, if your tongue gets any further in your cheek, someone's going to have to do the Heimlich on you.

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12 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe's songs were so popular on Apple Music that they asked him to remove them from the system because too many people were downloading his songs


It's almost like Joe & Mika wake up each day in a contest of who's going to be the bigger delusional idiot. 

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17 minutes ago, oakville said:

It is critical for all candidates to obtain Joe's endorsement next year. Allowing Joe's band to perform during the political convention would make him more amenable to endorsing the candidate.

Joe's songs were so popular on Apple Music that they asked him to remove them from the system because too many people were downloading his songs.

Joe's music appeals to people of all ages, income groups, & political persuasions.

Oh my OAKVILLE you've given me tears of laughter!!!

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Oakville....you were wonderful today..and belated congrats on your team.  I speak as a long-suffering Caps fan who is still smiling about last year's Cup.

Whoever compared Meeka to the RCA Dog (Chloe's Mom?) made my day.  Now I will think of this every time I see Meeka sitting on top of Joe with her ears cocked.  And mostly mute as always.

It would probably be in The Twins best interest to have Trump win a second term; he is the only think that makes them relevant, especially Joe.  Meeka will always have KYV.

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2 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe was adamant during the last stages of the 2016 campaign that Trump wanted to lose the election

Unfortunately, I agree that Trump never wanted to win (and, like Joe, I said it at the time, only earlier), in fact he never wanted to be the nominee; he just couldn't figure how to get out and not look like a loser.  It was all, in Trump's mind, the branding ploy to raise his public profile.

And I don't even talk to any highly placed Washington insiders.

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26 minutes ago, little hermit said:

Oakville, was that a 'you scratch my back I scratch yours' mutual endorsement video.   

Haim did appear on Morning Joe after they gave their review. Mika was not happy that so many of Joe's groupies tried to get on the set. This is one reason why Mika & Joe decided to broadcast from their home in Florida. It is in a gated community so visitors are screened.

Joe is polite & usually leaves autographed mugs & fleece tops at the guards gate for fans that are desperate to see him.

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31 minutes ago, oakville said:

Haim did appear on Morning Joe after they gave their review. Mika was not happy that so many of Joe's groupies tried to get on the set. This is one reason why Mika & Joe decided to broadcast from their home in Florida. It is in a gated community so visitors are screened.

Joe is polite & usually leaves autographed mugs & fleece tops at the guards gate for fans that are desperate to see him.

For fans desperate to see him?

OMG it gets crazier by the day.

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40 minutes ago, stormy said:

For fans desperate to see him?

OMG it gets crazier by the day.

Joe recently mentioned that he can no longer fly on commercial jets due to so many passengers at airports coming up to him to get his opinions on a variety of topics. Joe said that some airline pilots have come out of the cockpit to greet him when is on board. This had led to flight delays at JFK since the pilots wanted to chat with Joe before the flights took off.

Joe informed MSNBC of this issue & they agreed to let him work from his home studio in Florida.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Joe recently mentioned that he can no longer fly on commercial jets due to so many passengers at airports coming up to him to get his opinions on a variety of topics. Joe said that some airline pilots have come out of the cockpit to greet him when is on board. This had led to flight delays at JFK since the pilots wanted to chat with Joe before the flights took off.

Joe informed MSNBC of this issue & they agreed to let him work from his home studio in Florida.

Passengers and pilots seek him out for his opinion, how many of you guys would do that???? If you saw Joe on the street would you get all fan-girly over him or seek him out for advice? Be honest y'all (yes I'm from the south) would you want a selfie with him. I wouldn't; once (way back in the day) I was on a flight flying from Minneapolis and at some point I was on a flight with none other than RICK 'NATURE BOY' FLAIR (CMP NOT!) This was a long time before cell phones, in the 70"s I believe. The flight attendants and some of the passengers were taking pictures with him with those disposable cameras. I just wanted to barf. When we debarked and were waiting on our next connection he was chatting up one of the females behind the desks and I went up to him, (all 5ft of sass, piss and vinegar) while he was coming on to this young lady, and told him I knew he was a fake and I pointed to some cut he had above his eyebrow and told him he made that with a razor blade. I bet he was like 'where the hell did that little gnat come from'. Anyway if people are seeking him out for his sage advice no wonder we've got the mess we do in the people's house. How does he go out in public at all; does he think he and Mika are as beloved as Princess Di?

Edited by little hermit
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33 minutes ago, little hermit said:

Passengers and pilots seek him out for his opinion, how many of you guys would do that???? If you saw Joe on the street would you get all fan-girly over him or seek him out for advice? Be honest y'all (yes I'm from the south) would you want a selfie with him. I wouldn't; once (way back in the day) I was on a flight flying from Minneapolis and at some point I was on a flight with none other than RICK 'NATURE BOY' FLAIR (CMP NOT!) This was a long time before cell phones, in the 70"s I believe. The flight attendants and some of the passengers were taking pictures with him with those disposable cameras. I just wanted to barf. When we debarked and were waiting on our next connection he was chatting up one of the females behind the desks and I went up to him, (all 5ft of sass, piss and vinegar) while he was coming on to this young lady, and told him I knew he was a fake and I pointed to some cut he had above his eyebrow and told him he made that with a razor blade. I bet he was like 'where the hell did that little gnat come from'. Anyway if people are seeking him out for his sage advice no wonder we've got the mess we do in the people's house. How does he go out in public at all; does he think he and Mika are as beloved as Princess Di?

During the 2016 GOP Convention in Cleveland there was an article in GQ about Joe. His security detail was almost as big as Trump's. Joe was surrounded by crowds of well wishers. Joe was working on a musical play based on  Trump. Many people believed it could become more popular than Hamilton. Joe later did write several songs about Trump.


Edited by oakville
Joe is America' hero
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11 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

Chris Matthews is becoming the crankiest old man on TV.   He's full of himself and his supposed importance and wisdom, and he's  completely devoid of any self-deprecating humor.   I was half expecting him to bark back at Barnicle, which you know he wanted to.  I think the only reason he didn't was because he realized this wasn't his show to control.

I do not think he will give up the anchor chair willingly; I often wonder how TPTB would ever get rid of him, should they ever decide to.   I picture him chaining himself to his desk, blabbing and interrupting, spittle flying everywhere.  

Sorry.   I used to be a fan, but he's just become insufferable.   It's bad enough to have him on in the evening......but the morning, too????   Isn't having to endure Joe and Meek-a punishment enough??


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Scarborough is clueless.

He's talking to Bill Nealy this morning, a Brit, and he says:

Bill, I don't know if you grew up with the Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle in England, but this character, Rocket J. Squirrel, Rocky, used to say "And now for something completely different."

Bill Nealy just kind of smiles as though not knowing what to say, and finally says "This is something completely different ..."

It never occurs to Scarborough that while Rocky may have used the phrase occasionally, it is more famous as the catchphrase from Monty Python's Flying Circus -- you know, a British show?


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Mika & Joe are still in NY. Joe is happy that Trump fired his pollster. Joe said Trump is lying about being ahead in 17 swing states.

Sam Stein said Trump is in bad shape.

Mika said Trump used to send them ratings reports of the Apprentice.

Joe made fun of Trump's ratings on the Apprentice being 17th in 2011.

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Joe is now talking about excerpts from his soon to be released best seller.

He wrote that one day during the 2016 campaign, Nikki Haley endorsed Marco Rubio. It was a big deal until Trump attacked the Pope. The media falls too easily for Trump's antics.

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