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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Well since I'd be shocked at one, I guess he could be telling the truth.  My response though would be shock someone would consider themselves a Democrat and still have those views.  But that is Scarborough more determined to create false masses to support his completely untenable assertions. 


Here's something to throw back at ya Scarborough.  I live in a predominantly Red region of an otherwise Blue State.  And everyone I hear and talk to?  Hate Trump and find him a joke,   In fact they think both he and Cruz makes them looks like a joke of a party and would like something with actual facts, ideas and approachs to matters that are than "we just fix it, that's how' blather.  Being the participant of lots of polls back in 2008 (its were we lived I guess), I'd love to see what kind of tinkering the pollsters are applying this time to make Trump's loud braying what most Republicans (and apparently in Scarborough's pretend world where he is King and Aslan's best friend a shocking number of Democrats as well) want to hear and hear more of it from the Oval Office.


I saw a clip elsewhere of Jonathan Capeheart telling Scarborough that Trump is once again tapping into the extreme element that ends up marginalizing the Republicans come the General Presidential Election to the point they cannot win the White House no matter what. No matter who.  He pointed out certain Red sectors (including my own) who had weak turnouts for both McCain and especially Romney.  For once Scarborough didn't go into shrieking bully mode.  He did just turn his back to Capeheart and start up a totally different subject as if Jonathan had never spoken.  But at least it was not the blaring sqawks of fury that woke my neighbor's dog (okay it was summer the windows were open but they live down a hill where all I can see is the corner of the roof and the dog went nuts.  Swear to god). 


Every time they go into a fury over Obama's handling of ISIL I so want someone to pipe up and remind themselves of the days when Scarborough, Willie, Meecham and Ford all sentiously agreed that 18 months into office Obama was fully responsible for everything that happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.  That they were no longer Bush II's wars.  I want someone to make them air that right after yesterday and this morning and ask them if they will abide by the same logic if a Republican takes office in 2016.

Edited by tenativelyyours
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I catch this show when I can, and I gotta tell you, I have a hard time NOT seeing Joe as a Trump supporter. Sometimes he just seems to have such a hard-on for how "popular" this bigot is...


Although I like how he cut the monkey off the other morning, but that was more about who had the bigger dick.


He can never seem to pass up a chance to blame this bigot's rise on the "weakness" of Obama. 


So now  Trump's new position as the Grand Dragon of new Klu Klux Klan, cause sorry folks, that's what those rallies seem like to me...yeah, this is all because Obama is "weak?"


This feeling of mine ain't got shit to do with differences in political ideas nor hating on the president for believing he sucks at the job. That's not new, ragging on presidents for doing or not doing what we think they should, it's fair game. 


But questioning his patriotism, talking about how he must be working with ISIS, get the fuck out of here.  And I simply don't hear enough condemnation from good old, reasonable Joe and Co.. with the exception of Mika, on these sentiments.


Instead, Obama is weak and therefore it's his fault that a straight up bigot is the front runner of the Republican party.  No it can't be that no one really called this menace out way back when he started his "Birther Movement," except for maybe John McCain.


I have never had this feeling, while watching the Republican party until now. There were hints of it back when Bush Jr. got in there, but nothing like this, no way.

Edited by represent
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I wonder if Joe is seething tonight. Don Lemon spent an hour interviewing Trump, AKA Joe's boy, face-to-face. Try as he might, and he did try, Lemon could not muster visceral dislike and disdain. Trump was (relatively) reflective and soft-spoken and displayed a lesser degree of the usual bombast. Lemon doing bewildered was something I hadn't seen before. So I wondered how Joe was reacting to his carefully cultivated property stepping out on him in prime time.   


I think "Go to break - go to break" was planned. Trump filibusters all the time on MJ so what was the BFD that particular morning? Joe ambushed for ratings because it was the morning after Ban The Muslims. Mika's signature bag lady scarf was hanging loose, as usual, for the entire show until they returned after commercial for the ambush, and then that scarf was tied in a jaunty little knot. She didn't say one word (good little girl) or take her eyes off Joe's face during his threats to Trump - - > preferred profile to the camera for mass consumption.



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Mika can't hide her disdain for Mike Lupica.  She thinks sports is more frivolous than her show. (she's probably right, though, but not by much.)


She anchors a news show that can't simply say Trump's numbers and surge from his racist comments clearly, obviously identifies his supporters as simply racist, paranoid, xenophobes who have rankled against not being able to leverage their whiteness in the face of a "PC" culture; Trump lets 35% of Americans vent their spleen.  There.  I just explained Trump's numbers and supporters and I'm not a pundit or a Beltway insider.  That people are simpleminded and scared doesn't give their simpleminded fear legitimacy as policy, Joe.


Also, and this is astonishing (snark), when asked, Donald Trump said he supported the Iran nuclear deal, he'd just have negotiated it better (without definition of what "better" means), and his comment is supported by a majority of Republicans.  Each one of whom do not support the exact same deal by the President.  Mika and Joe read that news without hint of irony or sarcasm or snark or cynicism.  Like it's a fact that exists on its own without explanation or against a context of repeated patterns of emotional hatred towards the President and all his policies.

Cruz is a reptile.


Oh, and Joe said that "major, powerful Republicans" are confiding in him that they'd never, ever vote for Donald Trump or support him, and wouldn't have joined the party if they knew it represented people who'd support Trump.  Joe has anecdotes to prove all sides of every issue.  He's The Anecdotal Joe.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 9
I was surprised that Joe fought back against Trump today & went to commercial break without Trump's approval. Joe tried to calm Trump down & offered to do visit Mosques with Trump to do out reach. That was surreal. Joe has never offered to do outreach with other candidates.



Too bad I'm not that impressed with Joe's fighting back against Trump, particularly in light of the fact that the man has been on speed dial for weeks.  Nor, has it escaped my notice that he and Mika have been riding the creep's jock and used the show as a propaganda tool for him.  Joe was loathe to criticize Trump, just like neither he nor Mika could bring themselves to criticize their good friend, Governor Christie.  Now, Joe wants to act brand new.  Sorry, bruh!  Ain't buying it! 


I think at some point the Republicans are going to gather behind closed doors with the likes of the Koch brothers and figure this out.   I would not be surprised if Rubio is eased out with a promise of VP or simply told he has to wait his turn.  I expect Carson is going to be brushed aside as quick as Herman Cain was when his "poll" numbers dropped.  The fact that Scarborough cannot see the trees for the forest is once again amusing since he claims to be so in the know.  Donald Trump is not a Republican.  No matter what he has checked off on his candidate's form.  And Scarborough simply does not hear the reactionary noise.




I suspect this closed-door meeting has already taken place, and that more will follow.  There is a reason that Dick Cheney spoke out.  Digest that for a moment...Dick Cheney, the Sith Lord!  Just goes to show you that even a stopped clock is right twice a day--even one wrapped in a sociopathic package.


I've been hearing that Ryan's speakership was a well-orchestrated plan to put him in a position of power to push forward the Kochs' agenda.  When Boehner tearfully left the building, I warned my friends not to celebrate too much because they hadn't seen anything yet.  Trump's rabid racism and craziness apparently makes Ryan's more extreme--and heartless--policy positions seem more "moderate" by comparison.  He has already thrown down the gauntlet, but there has been hardly a peep about it in the media.  It's been all Trump, all the time.  There has been so much hysteria whipped up about Syrian refugees and Muslims that the Planned Parenthood murderer has gone virtually ignored.  He had a hearing yesterday, where he loudly stated he was guilty and that he did it to save the babies.  Other than Rachel Maddow and NYT, I didn't see it covered anywhere else, including my local news.


The Kochs already failed in their attempt to put their boy, Governor Dead-Eye Scott Walker, in the White House.  For now.  These evil fossils will always have a Plan B, and it must frost their cookies that a fellow billionaire like Trump doesn't need their stinkin' money and has yet to kiss their ring and declare himself as their liege.  


Joe has a history of backing the wrong horse, i.e. Romney, Christie, etc.  I wonder how they will dance around these latest polls that show that anywhere between 23 to 35% of likely GOP voters agree with Trump.  Rachel Maddow had a really great theory the other night as to why Trump really doesn't want to be president and never expected his campaign to get this far.  Let's say for the sake of argument that she is right.  What happens to all those true believers who went all in for this creep, including Joe, if they're disappointed?  There is definitely an element of fear in the air, and it's not just from the base.  The leadership is fearful that a spoiled, petulant Trump will make good on his threat if they "don't treat [him] right."  Those angry voters they depend on apparently may be willing to follow Trump into the abyss and all but guarantee that a Democrat will be sitting in the White House.  Oh, and it's been amusing watching the GOP leaders shift from angry denouncements to stating that they would support whoever the GOP presidential nominee is--no matter how unpalatable.  They sure do know how to stay on message!

  • Love 7


She anchors a news show that can't simply say Trump's numbers and surge from his racist comments clearly, obviously identifies his supporters as simply racist, paranoid, xenophobes who have rankled against not being able to leverage their whiteness in the face of a "PC" culture; Trump lets 35% of Americans vent their spleen.  There.  I just explained Trump's numbers and supporters and I'm not a pundit or a Beltway insider.  That people are simpleminded and scared doesn't give their simpleminded fear legitimacy as policy, Joe.

Of course they can't say that because Nicole Wallace  is on their panel and she and Joe continue to point out that her daddy loves Trump and that his loyalty to Trump is unshakable.  As a matter a fact, I think I remember them making a point in one show to distinguish her father from the "others" who support Trump, yeah, OK. 


Sorry, it's as simple as the company you keep.



Cruz is a reptile.


He truly is isn't he. He scares me more than Trump. I can't put it into words, but he does. He's horrifying, I truly get scare just looking at his face. Trump, I roll my eyes at and get pissed at the media riding his jock all the time and giving him legitimacy, but Cruz, he's frightening. There is something that seems extremely sinister about him, always has been.


Trump is fucking fool, an effective one, but he's a fool nonetheless. I actually see Cruz rounding up all the Mexicans, Muslims hell, and African- Americans for real... while sometimes I kinda buy Trump not following through on some of these "proposals." But he knows how to stir up shit and doesn't care where the chips fall as long at it's a means to an end. And I'm still not sure what that end really is for him. I swear I don't buy sometimes that he really wants the job. 


Oh I forgot, Cruz would also round up anyone who is NOT heterosexual, cause he's gotta represent those haters as well. Those haters are truly his people.

Edited by represent
  • Love 6

Oh, how come good old Joe won't do a story on Adam Szubin?


Yet he continues to act like Obama is sitting on his hands. I'm pretty sure I've heard ISIS finances brought  up on this show time and time again, yet nothing on this guy who Joe's Republican buddies refuse to confirm. This nominee would apparently be able to target ISIS finances yet this show covers the same shit for two to three hours every morning.  Obama's weak, he won't say radical Islam, therefore, hint, hint, he must be working with ISIS against our country.


Thanks Rachel Maddow.


MSNBC, why is Morning Joe still on? At least shorten the length of the show cause I can't take he and his "prestigious" panel seriously.

Edited by represent
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You know, after watching this show in its deals with Trump and some spot on analysis here, it occurs to me that Trump is still not running as President.  Not really.  From the get go, he has been going after Obama.  Some of that is matter of course to illustrate how you will fix those mistakes.  And Trump has gone after a few of the other contenders.   But overall if you listen to his phone rants and what the show covers, it would sound to an uninitiated viewer that Obama is running for re-election and Trump is bidding to defeat him as the other party's candidate. 


And also for such a front runner who deliberately employs no filter, he has not gone after certain things that even his own batshit crazy niche of supporters want done other than immigration.  Which he boils down to a simple us versus them without once realizing how many times the way he does boil it down reveals there is no "us".  Many of 'Us' in his divisions are turned into 'them' the way he defines it as such.  But he doesn't really bring up what the Republicans are trying to do in Congress.  He doesn't realy supply anything with the slightest bit of substance to the repeal of Affordable Care,  the military, women's right to manage their own reproductive rights or their own health, he makes darn sure he doesn't really go anywhere he has to stay put on answer a real question.  Granted lots of politicians do that.  But he is incredibly nebulous except for his attention getting statements that most also mean nothing.


I want some ex Republican aid to go rogue and spill the beans on Boehner.   I wonder how willing he was to retire or if a group open the plane's door and said, you can jump with this lovely golden parachute of consulting etc, we made you for when you hit the ground.  Or we can do this the hard way.  


Because stuff was certainly going on that none of us knew.  Or likely will know.  He had one of the most ineffective reigns in the House at a time when he could have had a concillatory President signing laws he and his party crafted with just enough compromise to make Obama happy.  And instead started a petualnt angry mess of 'no' and let the extreme element in his own party run rampant. 


I wonder if the Republicans saw Trump as the perfect loose cannon.  Slurring Obama and making sure the public's attention was on the silly salacious and ignored what was going on elsewhere.  There is little news that makes the headlines in regards to a Congress held firmly now by Republicans.  And I suspect that is deliberate.  Instead we get hour after hour of this show and others letting the crazy horse climb in the back of the cart and pretend it is driving.  But suddenly Trump has taken over Morning Joe.   A place that this time of the election cycle should be a warm and inviting place that shows they aren't just running for hopes of a show on Fox.  A place that lets them pretend their hateful and exclusionary policies are 'moderate'.  Trump gets the hate crazies riled and the rest look smart and determined and portray leadership qualities.


Didn't quite work out like that did it?  I think they thought Trump could be the berserker they sent out into the'enemy' ranks and create chaos and havoc.  Make Clinton look silly trying to deal with him.  Or anyone else the Democrats tried to put forth.  And even distract the White House; making the screeching hinge get any attempt at oil while the rest of them go their merry way.  And instead Trump is simply ravaging at whatever is the latest thing he can bellow about.  And getting wa too many of the niches needed to win primaries revealing just how extreme their positions are.  Again.  Jonathan Capeheart was so right about pointing out how primary candidates on the right prompt these groundswells of hate and intolerance and ignorance that end up smearing the whole party and two months of general campaign are no where near enough in the day of social media and everything happening on camera to erase that no matter how much the final candidate tried not to wallow as much as the rest.


What is funny about yet another round of Scarborough's pretend friends is that it took them this long to whisper from whatever shadows they lurk in afraid to be seen, so cowardly only a squity eyed bloathed with alcohol from the night before blowhard is their recipient for stunning and compelling opinion.   Seriously, if they are merely supporting the brilliant and always right scarborough, why do chicken shit about their convictions?  But all these powerful Republicans are telling Scaroborugh now they don't support Trump?  Really?!  Yeah that's been obvious for some time now.  I mean what's next?  His pompously tell us tomorrow that several highly placed Republicans in Congress plan to stifle anything Obama presents and vote it down even when it is legislation borrowed from members of their own party.


I do think Scrborough might have talked to someone about Trump.  I think one of Paul Ryan's chief aides called over and Scarborough got all giddy and took the call only to be told to stop fluffing Trump's tiny angry cock every day.  I think if there is a single powerful Republican talking to Scarborough outside of using the show to push his own agenda, he is telling Scarborough he is a huge part of the Trump problem.  And maybe took two seconds to explain to Scarborough just how wonderful life will be that Wednesday in November when Trump and his tirades sat dejected and saw not just another Democratic term in the white House, but probably a good solid and perhaps telling enough sweep in the Senate and even the House. 


The fact that after Palin.  After Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich and even Rick Santorum who made a lot of more subtle blunders but still was pretty out there on some basic tenets of our society (education?  Remember how he got mired in the simple notion of how college is bad for you.  The college grad said.  Who wants to be the President).  After the weirdness of Ben Carson that is still going on.  None have illustrated to this insider who has all the insight, how far extreme craziness doesn't go in a primary let alone make to a general election no matter how much attention they might get in their moment?  He still doesn't get that?  The great Scarborough?  All those whispers?  And again, I really have wonder.  Does he think he is some great investigative journalist with all these secret sources that cannot be revealed?  He is a television talk show host.  With Candidates, and Congressmen on his show all the time having no problem giving an opinion.  Yeah we have all those Democrats that are always telling him how right he is and how wrong Obama is.  Or that they want Trump to make it to the general election because they think he is saying the right things.  But those are nothing but unicorns.  So why the cowardly whispers to Scarborough knowing at this point his tired weakly rated mess is the only place they will make it in a nebulous round of "one time, at band camp" way.

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Angry navy Blue Sweater shirt wearing Joe is very mad today. Mika said Joe could be off putting when he is so sharp ( bloviating) in his presentation. Joe said Mika can be off putting when she doesn't listen to the guests who criticize Obama 's terrorism policies. The polls showed that 34% of voters approve of Obama's approach to dealing with terrorism.


I think Joe may storm off the set today.

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Holy smokes.  "So apparently Donald was tweeting about Morning Joe and said we've just gone off the rails."

Mika, "That we're a waste of time."

Joe, "A waste of time.  Uhhhm.  That he'll easily beat Hillary.  'She doesn't want to run against me.'  He's upset about Iowa I guess."

Joe is pissed!

Joe used the segment to "prove" that he's right about everything, all the time.  Pretty entertaining.

  • Love 6

Trump lets 35% of Americans vent their spleen.  There.  I just explained Trump's numbers and supporters and I'm not a pundit or a Beltway insider.  That people are simpleminded and scared doesn't give their simpleminded fear legitimacy as policy, Joe.


They are loud (and bigoted and racist and lizard brained), but they are no where near 35% of the electorate.  Republicans only represent about 30% of the electorate, so you have to remember that his numbers are only 30-50% (depending on who and where the polls are and about) of the 30% (thank goodness!).


It is all so blown out of proportion because of the ridiculous amount of media attention this nutcase is getting.


I think I'll have to watch the next GOP debate, it will be interesting to see Cruz go in for the kill.  I find him terrifying, but it might be fun to watch the slithering snake take Trump down, intellectually (dude is a snake, but he's brilliant).

  • Love 8

Joe was in a black fleece today. Mika had a royal blue sleeveless dress with a sweater draped on.  Kristen Solis Anderson had the same colour dress as Mika. Joe 's secret sources told him that establishment GOP types will vote for Hillary over Trump. Last week Joe had friends & relatives who told him they were voting for Trump. Joe has so many friends, how does he find time to talk to everyone ?

Does Joe have a 1-800-CALL- JOE telephone number with operators standing by?

 Joe said his anecdotal evidence is 99% correct!. Yeah! Isn't Joe the one who said in the weekend before the election that he felt a swelling of support for Romney? Didn't Joe get into fights with Nate Silver over his polling numbers showing Obama with a solid electoral college lead?




Joe went on to trash Obama for not getting anything done during his presidency. Mika fought back citing Obama's accomplishments but Joe yelled at her saying Obama did it without any bi partisan support.

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I wish just once they would actually cover some actual news about a Trump rally.  Last night at his Las Vegas rally, some Black Live Matter protesters showed up and Trump supporters in the crowd yelled such things as "Light that MFer on fire", "Kick his ass", "Shoot him", "Bitch" and "Seig Heil".  But not one word about that from the Bloviator in Chief or any of his minions.

  • Love 9

I wish just once they would actually cover some actual news about a Trump rally. Last night at his Las Vegas rally, some Black Live Matter protesters showed up and Trump supporters in the crowd yelled such things as "Light that MFer on fire", "Kick his ass", "Shoot him", "Bitch" and "Seig Heil". But not one word about that from the Bloviator in Chief or any of his minions.

It's amazing how many "news" sources are leading with, "Black Live Matter interrupts Trump's rally." SMDH...

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He truly is isn't he. He scares me more than Trump. I can't put it into words, but he does. He's horrifying, I truly get scare just looking at his face. Trump, I roll my eyes at and get pissed at the media riding his jock all the time and giving him legitimacy, but Cruz, he's frightening. There is something that seems extremely sinister about him, always has been.


There has always been something about that guy that has set off that part of my lizard brain. "Don't Trust Him!" I don't get how nobody else goes running to the hills when the guy starts talking.

  • Love 3

He truly is isn't he. He scares me more than Trump. I can't put it into words, but he does. He's horrifying, I truly get scare just looking at his face. Trump, I roll my eyes at and get pissed at the media riding his jock all the time and giving him legitimacy, but Cruz, he's frightening. There is something that seems extremely sinister about him, always has been.




There is a reason he is quite despised by his peers.  When he talks, I get the distinct impression that I'm listening to his father, who is an evangelical minister.  When it comes to scary world views, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.  When I saw a clip of his father "preaching," a chill raced down my spine ("Obama needs to go back to Kenya!").  It tells me everything I need to know about his demon spawn.  I won't even touch on the fact that Cruz announced his intention to run for the presidency at Liberty University.  He lies with relative ease and is slowly and steadily building his base of supporters.


Cruz is a wily snake, who is poised to strike at any moment and we ignore him at our own peril.  It's a wonder his tongue isn't forked.


Joe said his anecdotal evidence is 99% correct!. Yeah! Isn't Joe the one who said in the weekend before the election that he felt a swelling of support for Romney? Didn't Joe get into fights with Nate Silver over his polling numbers showing Obama with a solid electoral college lead?




That had to be one of the most hilarious examples of dissembling I've ever seen!  Joe couldn't even deign to treat Nate Silver with the most basic courtesy.  I also remember laughing out loud as reality began to slowly set in for Joe after that weekend.  He was morose, angry and did his best to be optimistic, but even he knew before the tools over at Fox that Nate Silver was right.  Evidently, Joe and his ilk were suckered by this mythical swelling or surge of support for Governor Romney after he lied and blustered his way through the first debate.

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Cruz is a wily snake, who is poised to strike at any moment and we ignore him at our own peril.  It's a wonder his tongue isn't forked.

Some people can afford to act like hes's just another politician but I'm not one of those people. I don't put  it past him. This viper has actually gone to speak at forums in which the message is to round up and annihilate gay people. So I have no doubt he'd round up my kind and any other minority group.


People can talk all they want about laws and democracy being able to stop someone like him,  but history repeats itself time and time again. Taking groups of people and rounding them up...

People want to act like that can't happen AGAIN, sorry, I don't have that luxury. 

Edited by represent
  • Love 9

It seems like most of the cool kids in the GOP have given up on the term "Democrat Party" but not good ole Carly Fiorina.  I find her delivery so wholly offensive it sort of makes my ears bleed.  She always comes off as a strident, nasty, schoolmarm to me.  All she needs to do is add shaking her finger in our faces.  She's also such a liar.


I did watch the debates last night.  And it troubles me that I agree with Mika, Lindsey Graham won the night (from a general election perspective).  I don't agree with most of what he says, but I don't think I'd feel like leaving the country permanently if he were POTUS, like most of the rest of this field makes me feel.  I couldn't understand the thrust of Santorum's approach, he kept saying that "there is a city" (Dabiq) that Daesh wants to draw us to for Armageddon without naming it - it seems to me that the point he was trying to make flew right the hell over Barnicle's head as well.  I couldn't understand two things, whether Santorum just couldn't remember the name of the city, or if Barnicle even had a clue what he was talking about.

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The winner of last night's debate:  ISIS; the loser(s):  us, the voters.  Honorable mention goes to fear.


Of course, we have to combat terrorism including Daesh, but no mention of domestic terrorism, i.e. Planned Parenthood attacks and the threat posed by right wing anti-government organizations.  It astounds me that we have yet to recover from President Bush's Excellent Iraq and Afghanistan Adventures, and these fools want World War III funded on a Buy-Now-Pay-Later AMEX card from China and tax cuts.  The whole tedious exercise was an abject lesson in shit talking, macho man posturing and blame shifting.  Jeb! is particularly desperate to deflect attention away from his brother's March of the Fools Brigade into Iraq.  Here it is, we have the most expensive military in the world and Jeb! wants to increase military spending on our grandchildren's dime.  "We were right to go into Iraq and take out Saddam we just did not have a plan to secure the country and that is Obama's fault..."  Jeb! please take your simple ass somewhere and sit down.


I won't even touch on Governor Christie blaming President Obama for LA schools being shut down.  This, coming from the governor who has a few cities in his own state that resemble war zones and who made a name for himself by viciously attacking public school teachers (while sending his own kids to private schools).


At least Governor Kasich and Senator Paul spoke with some clarity and common sense on this issue.  But, evidently, the kids who brag the loudest about whose daddy is the biggest, strongest and toughest garner all the headlines.  


And, did Snarly Fiorina actually wonder why the government couldn't be more like parents monitoring their kids social media use?  Bitch, please...


Ignorance simply abounds with this bunch.  It's sad and frightening that this is the best that the GOP has been able to put forth.


  • Love 10

So glad I tuned in to listen to Mika 'mmm' and chew her pizza into her mic this morning.  Mmmm....uhhummmm....mmmmm.... Ugh.  So disgusting.  


Joe Arpaio and Trump, together again. At least Joe S is calling them out on their bullshit.  Too little too late, but at least he's not salivating over Trump any more.  

  • Love 4

Joe is back to wearing his navy blue sweater. Mika hates Star Wars & called it crap. Mika hates Shakespeare. The panel discussed Bernie Sanders. He may win New Hampshire. The panel complained about the GOP self destructing & the establishment may not have a candidate in the end. Friedman came on to say that it will be tough to rebuild Syria. The US would have to send in ground troops to stabilize the situation. Joe said Obama created the mess in Syria & Libya. Joe mocked the NY Times for writing positive articles on Rubio. Joe said Rubio doesn't show up in NH or Iowa or the Senate. Joe said ABC will make a lot of money on Star Wars. Mika said she has hated Star Wars since1977. She doesn't like ET either.

  • Love 3

Thanks for the write up, Oakville.  You do the dirty work for us.  I turned it over to Morning Joe and I saw a graphic that read Donald Trump was on the phone so I just clicked over to something else immediately.

I'm very grateful I didn't have to listen to Mika complain about Star Wars.  I can understand being indifferent to sci fi or fantasy or pop culture, but I don't understand her indignant anger.  It's enormously off-putting.  She works in entertainment... hates entertainment because it's beneath her.  Seems legit.

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I'm trying to figure out what Mika does in her spare time.  She does hate on so much of pop culture in movies and tv.  She always claims to have read a certain book but at least three times I have heard her comment on it in a way that makes me think the only thing about it she read was a Harriet Klausner review on Amazon.  She gushed about Mad Men but got several huge plot points wrong so she clearly didn't actually watch it.  All I can picture of her is going home to sit in the dark while her family enjoys life in the rest of their home; maybe a drink in her hand and waiting for Scarborough to call her to be his minion at some event. 


If scarborough truly had someone hig up in State whispering secrets in his ear, I would think that person might explain just how Syria got to where it is today.  Which started way earlier but went into high gear after it was forced out of Lebanon in 2005.  And saw the huge rise of destabilization and influx into the region of radical forces.  You know.  In those years before Obama took office.  And remember how the Conservative howled about Libya?  Can you imagine if Obama had ramped up action in Syria?  And against which side?  I wonder if Scarborough wants to be reminded that when things started happening in Syria and Lindsey and McCain wanted to go to war, one the larger groups they wanted to simply hand large amounts of weapons and cash to now are part of ISIL by all accounts.  Two other groups were overwhelmed by ISIL even with arms and those arms were used in Turkish border fights against the Turks.  So yeah.  Let's stay as far from the facts in Syria as we can Liar Scarborough.


He understands even less about Libya and why it is in the situation it is in.  But as long as he cam blame Obama.   It reminds me how they tried so hard to say that the BP oil disaster was Obama's Katrina. 

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It's funny how no one on this show could form a sentence in response to Mr. Dump (as in taking a dump), that's what I'm calling him now, that Obama hasn't killed any journalists. Chris Matthews who I like to call the "Spitter", he couldn't get that sentence out either. I wanted to literally hear one of these hosts say, "But Obama hasn't killed any journalists." Which of course Dump would probably respond by saying, "Well, we don't really know that now do we?" 


Yeah, we under various presidents including this one, have killed, in wars, and innocent civilians have lost lives in the process, but no US president including Obama as far as I know has put hits out on journalists to shut them up. All the prominent journalist on the left and the right who have the ears and eyes of the people ALL seem to still be alive.


Neither Joe nor Chris Matthews could remind Dump that of course Putin's numbers are high with his citizens, there's no freedom of press/speech there. Journalist are getting killed as he controls what gets put on the air. I have heard NONE of this, I might as well turn to Fox News, bullshit somebody else MSNBC.


None of these "fine" journalist on this show nor on Chris Matthew's show could come up with any of these sentences in retort to Dump.

Edited by represent
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Mika, you're so full of crap.  Yes you are transparent and that's in your hate for Hillary Clinton.


Let's start with the polls, the RCP average in IA has Clinton up by 14.9%, and the RCP average in NH has Sanders up by 8.6% (though the trend line does look bad for Clinton here) so I want to know exactly how Sanders is "competitive in IA" and also holds a "commanding lead" in NH?  On what planet is this statement/comparison true?  Geist pisses me off with this nonsensical claptrap..


When Mark Halperin is the voice of reason about Hillary Clinton you know that Mika and Joe have gone way off the damn rails.  And there is no  way that Clinton should "deign" to appear on this shit-show of Clinton hate and give them a possible ratings bump.  The only voice of reason about the debate and data kerfuffles.


I also want someone to explain to me the false equivalency of going after Clinton for saying that Trump serves as a recruiter for Daesh, when Clinton was citing an NBC article in which SITE is pretty much quoted as saying so.  This isn't just for Joe and Mika (and Trump) but all media, the same freaking media that lets GOPers lie with impunity right to their faces (as another NBC/MSNBC employee Chuck Todd did yet again yesterday on MTP). It's a shame that the Clinton campaign walked it back because it wasn't the "pants on fire" crap that we hear from every.single.GOPer.all.day.everyday - and now Trump thinks he can get away with calling Clinton a liar, and try to demand an apology.


eta: I am also so tired of Santorum talking about the eschatology of Daesh while ignoring the eschatology of the group of born again Christians that encourage and believe the same damn end times.  Once again, Santorum fails to use the name of Dabiq, and now I know that he knows what it is.


eta 2:  I'm glad that Katrina stood by her guns, Joe needs her for some credibility in being balanced far more than she needs Morning Joe!

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 15

How is it necessary for Hillary Clinton to show emprical proof that ISIS uses actual footage in an edited package of Trump as a "recruitment piece," like when a college coach visits a high school athlete's family, and if she cannot, then Trump's vile rhetoric cannot proven to be used as propaganda? 

Yet Trump isn't being forced to "prove" that Hillary  Clinton using the bathroom is verifiably disgusting, so disgusting a Presidential candidate describes it as so in detail.  Wasn't it Thomas Jefferson who said, "Her pee pee makes me icky?"  Or was that Jimmy Carter?  It was Ike who won the election by saying, "Lady parts are grody!  Yeck!"

I hate this show.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 6

How is it necessary for Hillary Clinton to show emprical proof that ISIS uses actual footage in an edited package of Trump as a "recruitment piece," like when a college coach visits a high school athlete's family, and if she cannot, then the existence of Trump's vile rhetoric cannot proven to be used as propaganda? 

Yet Trump isn't being forced to "prove" that Hillary  Clinton using the bathroom is verifiably disgusting, so disgusting a Presidential candidate describes it as so in detail.  Wasn't it Thomas Jefferson who said, "Her pee pee makes me icky?"  Or was that Jimmy Carter?  It was Ike who won the election by saying, "Lady parts are grody!  Yeck!"

I hate this show.


Joe & Mika's blatant mischaracterization of Hillary's debate comment is, once again, proof positive that they are nothing more than an ass-kissing, water-carrying, sycophantic cheer squad for Donald Trump.


Somehow, Hillary claiming that ISIS is sharing videos of Trump's Muslim-bashing as a recruiting tool has morphed, into their eyes, as "There is an ISIS video of Trump that is being circulated that no one can find." Which is not at all what Hillary said.


Contrast that to Trump insulting John McCain and Joe excusing it by making up some story about how "Trump was referring to an old Al Franken joke." Or Mika excusing Trump's ridiculous claim that he saw "thousands and thousands of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City" as "he was mistaken."


Mika tipped her hand yesterday when she revealed how irritated she is that Hillary won't go on the show. Who would?

  • Love 9

I agree about the Trump/Daesh/Video situation.  What is confounding is that Politifact and FactCheck.org both rated it as false.  I don't think the wording of her statement justifies this, especially in light of the NBC article from 12/8 that I linked above.


Mika's behavior this morning towards Gov. Dean was ridiculous.  Did she suddenly forget what Twitter is?  I never watch the show, I generally just listen, but this morning I turned around and watched her body language and facial expressions and she's just an outrageous bitch about Clinton.  It all just drips off her - I mean I could hear it in her voice but the full presentation is something to behold.


A couple links about Mika's behavior regarding Hillary Clinton:


Democratic Underground

HillaryMen Blog (Clinton supporters)


Reading the blog from 9/15 by these two Clinton supporters reminded me how vicious all of MSNBC was towards Clinton in the 2008 cycle.

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Why would the status of Bill Clinton's relationship to her father matter so much to Mika?  Mika's father openly dislikes her.  He seems to dislike Mika as much as Mika dislikes Hillary.

Every single right wing news outlet dislikes, mischaracterizes, and smears Zbigniew but that doesn't faze her.

I don't think her visible hatred of Hillary Clinton has anything to do with her father.  She's been pleasant and benign to Bill Clinton when he was a topic, or when he was a guest or interview subject.

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Did Joe and Mika really threaten Hillary not to bring up Trump's and the Republican's misogyny and war on women because they would then bring up Bill's indiscretions? First of all, the entire country already knows about Bill's mistakes and would probably elect him President again if he could run for a third term. Second, are we now blaming wives for their husband's indiscretions? Talk about a war on women! Third, I don't think Donald Trump wants to start a contest of "who is the biggest sleazeball?" He has been married three times. I would bet there are some unseemly things from his past that he would not like becoming public. Finally, Bill Clinton's actions have nothing to do with the Republicans continued misogyny and war on women. They have opposed equal pay laws, a woman's right to choose an abortion, paid family leave and numerous other policies that affect women's lives. Bullying Hillary into silence about these things because her husband cheated on her is totally disgusting (to use Trump's favorite word)!

  • Love 9

Flash forward to late November 8th when Hillary Clinton gives her acceptance speech as she becomes the first elected woman to the office of President of the US. and both of these nincompoops will blather on and on about how they saw it long before everyone else and how it is historic and how when Scarborough was in Congress he knew then Hillary Clinton would be in this role.


then flash forward three more months and both will screech and holler about how everything is her fault despite the fact that most likely, once again, Congressional Republicans will have met shortly after the election and vowed to make sure nothing is done and her term is the worst ever.


What is so hypocritical about him is that he needs Hillary to win or else he has no show.  If a Republican wins why do they need MJ?  They have Faux.  It's not like they need to woo moderates after the fact.  Its not like anyone is going to take Divorced only less then Gingrich and a dead intern in the office Scarborough who by now as outed himself as the next biggest liar on an NBC network after Brian Williams.  For all his pandering to the base that pays him but is not the main audience of MSNBC when all is said and done, Hillary winning will be for Scarborough like a sailor coming into port after a two year voyage and finding out McDonalds is giving out free hookers with every purchase of a Big Mac.

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Trump's already threatened Hillary on Twitter today not to play the "woman card" or else.

Or else?

The republican convention is going to be fun.  Who's going to crown Trump?

Are McConnell and Ryan going to be taking out their play book from 2009 to figure out how they can stop Trump at every turn?

Will McConnell stand on the Senate floor and vow that his #1 priority is to make Trump a one term president?

Will the crazies in congress start impeachment proceedings on Trump's first day in office like they claim they will do to Hillary?

Edited by stormy
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Today I was only half awake as I listened to Cackles throw to Rev Sharpton the topic of Trump declaring Mrs Clinton cannot speak about women's matters.  What a surreal few minutes.  Cackles openly disdains the Reverend, and she interrupted him constantly refuting every bizarre comment he made in his word salad response.  It was strange.   Totally expected.  But strange nonetheless.

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Cackles & Heilemann were the cohosts today.Rev Al Sharpton was on the set as well. He said Rahm Emmanuel should come back from Cuba to answer for the latest police shooting of residents I Chicago. He said that Rahm has lost credibility with African Americans & should consider stepping down. Cackles said that Hillary would have to explain why she spent so much time attacking Monica Lewinsky during the Clinton presidency.  

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Cackles is such a marble mouth that I find it difficult to follow what she is saying. She burbles something and then stops so that's my cue that a sentence has ended, and then I scramble to make sense of the noises she made before she starts up again or someone responds. She makes me feel old because I'm like "heh?" "whuzzat?" "huh?"

  • Love 3

I noticed that Nicolle mischaracterized Hillary's comments from last June in Vanity Fair regarding Monica Lewinsky as well (the comments weren't even given to Vanity Fair, they were just repeated from a Diane Sawyer interview!).  They weren't nasty at all.


Republicans lie, it's just a given.  And nobody ever puts their asses in check on it either.

Edited by NextIteration
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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