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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Thanks for throwing yourself on the grenades, Oakville.  Much appreciated.

You clearly use relaxation techniques to maintain your sanity and health as you watch this fascinatingly infuriating disaster of newsotainment.  What are those techniques so we can all be more patient?


I exercise more now. If I watch the show at night I drink a few glasses of wine.


I think that I don't take the show too seriously anymore.


The sad thing is that the show used to be very good at getting good  guests but now it's become Mika & Joe & their cronies.


I mean seriously, who cares what Cackles & Harold Ford thinks.

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I guess McCain had another tantrum and wanted all of the NSA fired. The rest of the panel realized he was whack. I won't even listen to him any more.


Interesting that Dr Z wants us to work more with Turkey against ISIS.  The Turkish PM is having serious internal corruption issues and conflicts with his own military.  Apparently, ISIS also took Turkish consular hostages when the went through Mosul.  The Iraqi Kurds have a good change fighting ISIS, But I guess Turkey doesn't like Syrian Kurds.


As much I there was group hate on teenagers, I remember when I was a teenager (Reagan years) and there were prime time specials about how teenagers nowadays SUCK.  I know that the Mayor of Oakland has been accused of running red lights because of her cell phone. It's not just teenagers.

Wow, McCain has completely lost the plot. I can't tell if his blood lust for war is driven by love of war or hatred of Obama at this point. I was always pissed that the media basically sent Gore and Kerry to Siberia and never mentioned them again after they lost their elections, while McCain has been on tv more than Obama since his loss. However, seeing all this bitterness spill out makes me think the media did Gore and Kerry a favor by not giving them screen time because both Romney and McCain have really looked small and bitter during their interviews post-loss. 

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The sad thing is that the show used to be very good at getting good  guests but now it's become Mika & Joe & their cronies.

Main reason I can't watch at all anymore. Whatever the topic, it eventually comes down to being all about them. I remember a segment they did on the artist, Peter Max. They were going thru his studio, his more famous paintings, including portraits.  And what's this?  Why a painting he'd just done on a photo of Joe and Mika!  Okay, that was a nice gesture. But one minute later- there's another portrait of Joe/Mika, with them spending most of the interview cooing over them.  Sheeeesh!

Today they had a segment in recognition of Father's Day purportedly done by Joe's son in which he spent the whole segment talking about what a great father Joe is and showing many family pictures of Joe with his kids.


I was always pissed that the media basically sent Gore and Kerry to Siberia and never mentioned them again after they lost their elections,



Or, possibly they declined to piss all over George Bush over his foreign policy challenges -- at least in the beginning. I can't imagine Gore coming out and dissing GW Bush immediately after 9-11. Later, possibly. But not when we were all supposed to be unified.

I thought Joe's son was actually really sweet and well spoken about his dad. I can believe he's a good father - he even lives in the same fricken house with his ex! Although I'm sure that's easier to do when you seem to travel ALL the damn time (and have a gazillion dollars). It should be time for for his Vinyard summer soon.

I guess Ms. Galore held her own with McCain. Of course she always ruins it by acting personally offended and disturbed instead of like a real journalist. Norah O'Donnell wouldn't have batted an eye. Damn that man is a douche.

So Mika's husband had prostrate cancer? Yet another story, while important, still had to tie back to her personally or it probably wouldn't have happened.

I thought Willie seemed really off today. Tired, sad, distracted. Maybe it's the book tour getting to him, or maybe he just heard about Lauer's new contract that will probably keep Willie tied to this mess for years to come. Free Willie!

I thought Joe's son was actually really sweet and well spoken about his dad. I can believe he's a good father - he even lives in the same fricken house with his ex! Although I'm sure that's easier to do when you seem to travel ALL the damn time (and have a gazillion dollars). It should be time for for his Vinyard summer soon.



No doubt, EmeraldGirl. My point was in response to what LuciaMia was saying ... that whatever the topic, it eventually comes down to being all about them. The show's bow to Father's Day wasn't about fathers in general or even in celebration of all the fathers on the show -- Barnicle, Willie, etc. No, it was a segment only about Joe.

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Mini recap for June 16


The show opened up with a tribute to Casy Kasem. Mika said she was allowed to listen it. Joe liked Casy Kasem & listened to the show on Saturdays. Joe was in Elmira NY.


The next topic was Iraq. The ISIS group almost took control of Baghdad.


Its a big foreign policy crisis. Maliki is not reliable. The Europeans & Saudis have to speak up. Saudis are sunnis.


Romney said Obama should have kept the Status of Forces agreement with Iraq so the US troops could stay .


Donnie said that both sides should pipe down. Donny doesn't know what move to make.


Joe said leading from behind doesn't work. Joe said that Bush's neocon strategy isn't working either.


Joe bashed the Europeans who want to watch soccer as opposed to getting involved in the crisis.


2016 GOP talk. Christie was there with dance moves. Paul Ryan gave  a better speech. Susanna Martinez gave a bad speech


Judy woodroffe's daughter ,kacie hunt was on the set. Rand Paul drank large amounts of bourbon.  Mike Allen said that Huckabee has to lose weight before he can run for President.


Kacie said Romney's points from 2012 make sense. Romney said to be vigilant about Russia & keep troops in Iraq.

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Interesting that one of the talking heads complained that when we left, we created a vacuum. When we toppled Saddam, we created a vacuum.


Random Senator tried to tie Iraqi oil to our dependence on foreign oil and how we need to shift to other forms of energy. Somehow Keystone was part of that. I thought Keystone was just shipping Canadian oil over US land for export. Speaking of other forms of energy that isn't dependent on foreign oil, Ohio just relaxed it's desire to shift to renewable energy. Nice timing guys.


Nice Joe, Maliki should have brought the Sunnis into the government. He's been gunning them since before we left.

I watched about 5 seconds of the show today before I was disgusted.  Joe interrupted Donnie to comment on "the stupidest way to promote a book" in order to slam Hillary Clinton I presume.  I didn't even stick around to see what they were talking about.  I presume it was Clinton.  I presume Joe was working himself into a full bloviation about how all molehills are the most crucial mountains and how he is an expert engineer of both molehills and mountains, and has spoken with all the leading engineers in that field and they all agree with him.

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Kacie said Romney's points from 2012 make sense. Romney said to be vigilant about Russia & keep troops in Iraq.


I like it how somebody else summed up Romney's remarks as :


"President Obama hasn't correctly prevented America from getting attacked on his watch, so therefore the fact that we haven't gotten attacked on his watch doesn't count. (Mitt Romney)"

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Mini recap June 18.


Cackles, Dreamy & Sam Stein join the show with Ratner. Mika mocked the Hillary Clinton book tour as a campaign.


The show's first topic was Lois Lerner's missing emails. The IRS only retains some emails after a few months. Joe & Cackles said the emails were lost on purpose.


Joe said people go to jail for losing receipts. Why isn't someone at the IRS in jail for losing her emails.


There was a long discussion about Obama capturing a bengazi terrorist who blamed the attack on the you tube video.


Should the terrorist be ttried at Gitmo, in the uSA etc. Joe wanted o know why it took so long to find him.


Obama's poll numbers went down to 41% . Joe was gleeful & asked ratner or stein about the failed Obama presidency.


Joe said Obama should talk about red state & blue states.


Mika was mad at the popularity of game of thrones. She didn't get it. Cackles doesn't likeDragons. Joe said he doesn't even watch mad men anymore.


This panel is way to cool for school. Game of Thrones draws record number of viewers.


The situation from Jersey shore was arrested . Why is Mika mocking this? Why is the show covering this topic.


Mika said tanning salons are bad.


Hillary's support is dropping. Now at 44% vs 70% in January. Joe called Ratner the mayor of Hillary Land.

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Now I know why I have stopped watching this hot mess: It is morphing into Faux/Friends Lite. Drove by 10 minutes ago and what am I confronted with? Cackles AND Dan Senor. Then they throw to a 'guest'.....yup, another wildly partisan R politician. I couldn't reach for the remote fast enough. I used to be glued to MSNBC all day and all evening, but the mornings are becoming unwatchable. If ratings are indeed down, as I have read, it could be because the right wing already has their own venue, and the liberals are not going to stick around to be trashed over here; Fox exists solely for that purpose. Joe is a sanctimonious bully and Mika just cowers when he goes off on one of his multitudinous rants. Yeah, she 'knows her worth.' Right.

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If Obama was really trying to time the arrest of the guy in Libya, he would have done it during the roll out of the ACA.  Complaining about timing arrests to distract from news cycles - some of us remember the strange timing of Orange Alerts and immediate terrorist threats during the last president.


I believe that the IRS has old computers. I remember that one of the things that came out from the 9/11 commission report was that the FBI didn't have a good computer system.  The IRS probably has a monster database. Upgrading it takes $, the Republicans have been slashing their budget for years. Kaiser has taken years to change their computer system and you still see them entering information on windows that resembles the old DOS green on black screens.


Was Joe deaf? I guess because nobody laughed at his comment about if GoT was like LoTR or if it had gnomes, he had to repeat it four times!

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There was a long discussion about Obama capturing a bengazi terrorist who blamed the attack on the you tube video.

Should the terrorist be ttried at Gitmo, in the uSA etc. Joe wanted o know why it took so long to find him.



To Joe--it's called intelligence gathering, you asshole!  You know, that thing that the Bush administration failed and/or refused to do because they were so hellbent on going into Iraq and getting Sadam Hussein.  I never thought I would see the day when we have American citizens who despised a president so much that they can't even give him credit where credit is due--including the capture of terrorists.


And, if President Obama failed at anything, it's his failure to clean up the mess left for him by a man who has run everything he's ever touched into the ground.


Oh, and thank you, Oakville, for still hanging in there.  I just can't with this Fox-lite foolishness.

Romney said Obama should have kept the Status of Forces agreement with Iraq so the US troops could stay .



I don't know how I missed this.  Um, Governor Romney, when it is your 5 strapping sons who will have their boots on the ground, then you can form your lips to talk about U.S. troops staying in Iraq indefinitely.  Oh, and since you are hailed as some kind of financial and business wizard, how are we--the taxpayers--supposed to pay for these foreign wars, which have already cost us billions.


I just love it when these draft-dodging armchair chickenhawks talk about what they would have done differently.  Yeah, anything but put themselves and their own children on the front lines!  Had Romney been president, we would have had the same neo-con, chickenhawk crowd having their way with foreign affairs.

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As much as I relish a good Joe vs. Tweety shouting match (it's particularly gratifying to see Joe chastise Matthews for not letting him finish a sentence), WHY OH WHY can't anyone state the obvious? YES, Bill Clinton signed a resolution calling for "regime change" in Iraq, but guess what? HE DIDN'T INVADE THE COUNTRY. And yes, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and a host of other Democrats supported the war, but they were relying in information that had been solicited, manipulated, and coerced by Dick Cheney and his neocon cronies. To say that they are equally culpable for the mess Bush & Cheney got us into is just infuriating.


Oh, and can someone please explain to me why Joe is still yammering about this supposed IRS "scandal"? Wasn't it pretty much determined eons ago that liberal groups received just as much - if not more - scrutiny as did Tea Party and conservative groups? Where's the scandal? These organizations went to the IRS requesting special tax breaks! It was the IRS's duty to scrutinize them! As a taxpayer, I want the IRS to be very stingy in doling out those types of concessions . I just don't get it.

Edited by Eliot
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Since when does Joe think he's going to garner points with ANYONE for carrying water for that d bag Cheney and his hag daughter?


 Is Joe so naive that he doesn't think Cheney was behind everything we did in Iraq, manipulating CIA intelligence briefs to Bush, forcing Powell to go to the UN with that bullshit story, etc.  I liken Cheney's actions now to MacBeth's wife - “Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand?"  Not that he has a conscience, but he will go to his deathbed trying to convince people that he was right, and trying to wash the guilt from his soul.  May he rot in hell. 


And, please for the love of God Joe,  STFU about your sources in Intel, unless you're talking about the computer company. 

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Eliot if I could upvote you more, I would.  I remember when 9/11 happened, I told my mom that I was kinda glad that the Republicans were in office, because I knew if a Democrat was in office, it would only be about how he failed there would be no effort to correct/fix issues or go after the bad guys.


As for not knowing that something was in the air in 2001, I toured the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs in July 2001.  There were signs on all of the buildings for everyone to be on high alert for possible suspicious activities.

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Since when does Joe think he's going to garner points with ANYONE for carrying water for that d bag Cheney and his hag daughter?


 Is Joe so naive that he doesn't think Cheney was behind everything we did in Iraq, manipulating CIA intelligence briefs to Bush, forcing Powell to go to the UN with that bullshit story, etc.  I liken Cheney's actions now to MacBeth's wife - “Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand?"  Not that he has a conscience, but he will go to his deathbed trying to convince people that he was right, and trying to wash the guilt from his soul.  May he rot in hell. 


And, please for the love of God Joe,  STFU about your sources in Intel, unless you're talking about the computer company. 


It seems that every since she dropped out of that race for whatever office she was running for, the Cheneys have been desperate to find something for that hag to do.  According to Rachel Maddow, this dubious duo started some kind of think tank yesterday.  They hold themselves out as patriots but it has been said that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.  Either 5-Deferment Dick and his daughter are two of the vilest hypocrites I have ever seen, or they are a couple of soulless cyphers with no conscience whatsoever.  Rachel's takedown of them last night was epic.


I'm also curious about these sources in the intel community who keep Joe abreast of everything that's going on.  I guess he's pissed because they didn't give him a heads up about the plan to capture the Benghazi mastermind.  

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Joe , Barnacle & Willie went on a long rant about Lois Lerner & her computer. Willie must be outraged that he is stuck on Morning Joe because NBC resigned the evil matt Lauer.


I am surprised that the Gov of Montana Shweitzer made comments about his Gaydar detecting that Eric Cantor was Gay. That was weird.


The last time he was on Morning Joe he was very thoughtful about issues etc. The panel said that his chances to be a candidate are slim now.

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I've been watching this show less than two minutes and they've already insinuated, if not outright declared, that whatever charges are being made against Scott Walker are politically motivated. The poor dear's no doubt innocent.


Also the president's decision about Iraq is not the best thing to do. He should go after ISIS in Syria instead.... Lord, it wouldn't matter what this Administration did, this show, and their panel of stooges who never saw a fight they didn't want to join, would find a reason why it was crap.

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Mini recap Friday,


Halperin was wearing glasses. Mika wanted to know why . He fell down somewhere & broke some ribs. The Doctor told him not to laugh.


The panel discussed Scot Walker fundraising scandal. The panel mocked Gov Pery's views that alcoholism can be compared to homosexuality. Perry apologized for the comments.


Perry is weird, why would anyone consider him to be a contender in 2016.


Barnicle said politicians should be normal.


The panel talked about the goofy comments about Schweitzer & his gaydar.


Halperin said Schweitzer is not a serious conder in 2016.


The panel talked about the settlement for the Central Park rape case from 1989.


Joe went into a long rant about NYC being bleak & crime ridden in 1989. Barnicle said NYC was a wasteland.


Wilie said there was racial tension with Spike Lee's movie about doing the right thing.


On Iraq, the panel discussed Obama's strategy. Obama now supports a govt without Malicki.


Joe said the USA needs the other countries to help sort out the mess inIraq. The USA needs Saudi money to pay for the military costs . Perhaps the Saudis could pay off the Sunnis to stop shooting at people.


Joe said his friends in the Anbar province told him about issues.


Barnicle knows where Jordan is on the map. Barnicle gave advice on what Kerry should do.


Joe said his friends in Jordan tell him about imminent collapse. WTF?


Joe said Turkey is to the north of Iraq.


I felt like I was watching a national geographic quiz show.


On a positive note, Mika & Joe were nicely dressed today.

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Joe said the USA needs the other countries to help sort out the mess in Iraq. The USA needs Saudi money to pay for the military costs .


Yes, by all means. Let's invade a sovereign nation under trumped-up circumstances, upset the tenuous power balance across the entire region, and then expect other countries to step in and clean up our mess.


This whole situation makes me so angry I want to spit.

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The panel talked about the settlement for the Central Park rape case from 1989.

Joe went into a long rant about NYC being bleak & crime ridden in 1989. Barnicle said NYC was a wasteland.

Wilie said there was racial tension with Spike Lee's movie about doing the right thing.



WOW...simply...WOW!  I suppose the Howard Beach incident had nothing to do with racial tensions in NYC, did it?   And, let's talk about how these now middle-aged men, who were maliciously prosecuted and wrongly convicted, were characterized as thugs, and it was none to subtly suggested they were raised by animals.  The comments were made by MSM and several prominent New Yorkers, including Wig Trump, who said they should have been executed.  But, the Howard Beach and Bensonhurst murderers weren't characterized so harshly.  If Joe wants to rant, he needs to rant against the prosecutors, who should be disbarred.  Instead, they went on to make careers for themselves based on their lies and misconduct.

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Mini recap for Friday June 20 cont.

Joe apologized to Dr Z for being wrong abot the War in Iraq in 2003. Joe said everyone should stop blaming each other for being for against the invasion surge etc..


Dr Z & Richard Hass think that Iraq will be portioned along sectarian lines between Shiites, Sunnis & Kurds.


Hass said that there is a risk that Obama is being seen as propping up Maliki.


Dr Z said the US should support Jordan which may be falling apart due to all the refugees going to the country.


Hass said the middle east is going through a period like the 30 years war in the 17th century between the catholics & protestants.


Joe wondered if a small token force left behind in 2011 would have stopped the chaos from happening now. The panel had mixed opinions about whether it would work.


I am curious why Mika is interviewing President Obama. Why not Brian Williams?

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Oakville, apparently CBS News' Norah O'Donnell, CNN's Kate Bolduan and Mika each interviewed President Obama this past Friday. Mika's interview will air Monday morning on "Morning Joe. The subject is the White House Summit on Working Families (you know because men can't talk about working "families"). I feel sick to my stomach that Mika gets this type of media play. Forget that Mika is the worst interviewer it really galls me that the WH feels this is a subject for women broadcasters. I'm wondering how many times Mika will bring up "knowing her value"?

I don't think I can tolerate watching it. Oh, she will be insufferable for weeks to come (oops, even more insufferable...).

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Norah and Willie... The Dream Team! Norah can have her way with me. ANY time! She's beyond HAWT! Smart. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Beauty Pageant Sexy. Mika is a mere shadow to her. Plus, the AWESOME laugh! You can tell she loves men! She loves people.

What bothers me most is Mika and (Andrea Mitchell,some) boil stuff down to gender politics. I think Mika hates Hillary based on her sticking with President Clinton. I, to this day, don't believe she stuck with him based on politics. She's a Scorpio like me. Scorpios are faithful. Even when their mates go bad. They stick with them. Hillary got deceived on Iraq. Many Dems did. I truly believe she can be a GREAT President. I worked for Obama in 2008, but I believe in Hillary for 2016. She's a good woman. She's as earnest as it gets! That means a lot to me.

Just no Mark Penn! The people she had turned me off.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've just been so pissed at this show. Sapphire/emerald captured my feelings very well.


Mika sucks. She's nothing more than a whining, stuck-up, not that talented bitch. What's worse is she has no self-awareness she's bad.



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Agreed Suomi.


Mika looked very nice while she was interviewing Obama. I thought her questions were good.


Mini Recap Monday.


Joe started talking about soccer & the USA loving it now.

Mika's daughter graduated from High School. She will be going to John Hopkins in the fall. Mika was happy about that.

Back to the interview, Obama said you can't play whack a mole with terrorists.

Obama gave a good explanation of what's going in the Middle East.


Troops may stay in afganistan according to Al Hunt .

Someone said Obama was tired. Halperin said Obama needs to take charge of the situation.


There was a new panelist, Bobby Ghosh who was dressed in a Nehru Jacket. He said Obama wanted 30K troops with the status of forces agreement.


The panel then started complaining about Hilary's wealth & the fact that someone brings her coffee for 30-40 years.


Mika then started interrupting the panel to ask her interns for coffee.


Some democrats are worried about Hillary coming across as too imperial to be president.


Its back to the do you want to have a beer with the President?


Who would want to have a beer with Halperin?


The cable went out here, so that's all I could recap.

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So, Joe disappeared when it was time to talk about Walmart and how they low ball their workers forcing them onto food stamps and other public assistance. Joe can't be seen challenging Walmart!


And then, in a later discussion, Joe cannot believe that anyone in *his* party -- which includes the tea party -- opposes the president because of his skin color. (Or as Donnie kept saying, skin of his color. LOL.) Seriously, Joe is in denial ... or in campaign mode.

Joe said everyone should stop blaming each other for being for against the invasion surge etc..


Yes, of course he would say that. Whenever the Republicans/conservatives fuck up, the chorus is always, "Let's not play the blame game!" Had it been a Democratic administration, on the other hand, Darrell Issa would already be holding hearings (did someone say "Benghazi?")


I think Mika hates Hillary based on her sticking with President Clinton. I, to this day, don't believe she stuck with him based on politics. She's a Scorpio like me. Scorpios are faithful. Even when their mates go bad. They stick with them. Hillary got deceived on Iraq. Many Dems did. I truly believe she can be a GREAT President. I worked for Obama in 2008, but I believe in Hillary for 2016. She's a good woman. She's as earnest as it gets! That means a lot to me.


I agree with you 100%. I supported her in 2008 and I will support her again in 2016 if she runs.


Joe cannot believe that anyone in *his* party -- which includes the tea party -- opposes the president because of his skin color.


I caught that segment this morning. I am furious that no one on the panel ever calls him out on the way he conflates and distorts things to prove his dubious points. There is NO QUESTION that opposition to him in Congress (which, thanks to gerrymandering, is dominated by right-wing conservatives) is at least partially motivated by race. What other president in this history of this nation was interrupted during the State of the Union by a (white Southern) representative yelling "You lie!" at the top of his lungs?

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And then, in a later discussion, Joe cannot believe that anyone in *his* party -- which includes the tea party -- opposes the president because of his skin color. (Or as Donnie kept saying, skin of his color. LOL.) Seriously, Joe is in denial ... or in campaign mode.


I can't stand the disingenuousness of Joe and his ilk.  The fact that the GOP is on record for having a "playbook" to impeach both President Obama and Attorney General Holder speaks volumes.  And, what do these two men have in common?  They also like to pretend that they aren't actively suppressing the vote of minority voters and others who voted for President Obama in the last two elections.   


Joe apologized to Dr Z for being wrong abot the War in Iraq in 2003. Joe said everyone should stop blaming each other for being for against the invasion surge etc..



Funny!  I guess now that the corporate media is being rightfully called out for giving air and print space to the Charge of the Fool Brigade (Cheney, Wolfowicz, etc.), Joe wants to play the "let's don't blame each other" game.  Sorry, Joe!  As usual, you're a day late, a dime short and self-serving as usual.  It's hilarious watching the party of personal responsibility trying to rewrite history to absolve themselves of the consequences of the Iraqi fiasco that they helped to create.  The architects of that debacle should be on trial--not on Sunday talk shows.

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I give all of you guys credit. I just couldn't stick with it today. I tuned in to watch the futball coverage (can you imagine if Joe had interviewed the President that it would have been discussed after the first break?). I saw what Mika was wearing in the interview and I switched channels (I am so shallow). Maybe Mika could pick up the dress for success book? Even the soccer announcers wear suits. So when did a skin tight sheath become the successful woman's uniform...especially after age 45? I remember Mika being horrified a couple of years ago when a college woman's team showed up at the WH with some of the young women wearing flip flops. Yet she wears a skin tight dress with four inch fuck me heels.

Believe me, no one is going to know your worth if you are trying desperately to trade on your sexuality.

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Mini recap.


Joe congratulated Mika for hosting the working family summit. Obama mentioned Mika so she was happy. Mika hosted a panel with Pelosi & a few others. Mika was the only one wearing a short black skirt.


Joe was happy that the panel had Cackles & Michael Steele. He said MSNBC usually likes to have more Democrats on the panel than Republicans.


There is a new bridge scandal with Chris Christie.


Joe was mad at McDaniel for being too Tea Partyish.


Joe went on a tirade against the NY Times & Washington Post over the new IRS internal investigation. It was on page a19.


Ratner said it was old news.


joe said the emails disappeared after the investigation began.


Mika interrupted Joe to talk about women leaving their careers prematurely.


Joe said the ny times & the broadcast news is a scam. Joe said conservatives don't trust the big newspapers & broadcast news.


Darrell Issa was mad at the IRS guy for losing the emails. Ed Rendell is back & said the IRS chief should be fired. Mika said the tone was wrong. Joe said it was a cover up.

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Awhile back I mentioned that I had all but given up watching this show, after being a loyal viewer from the very beginning, due to the constant barrage of conservatives at the table, spewing their special brand of 'expertise.' Morning after morning it felt like this whole crapfest was morphing into a lightweight version of Faux "News", and that was totally unacceptable in this house. So anyway.........I decided to give it another whirl this morning and wandered over there for a look-see. I didn't stay long. The entire guest list could have been even worse, had I seen the whole show, but what I saw was bad enough: Nicolle Wallace AND Steve Schmidt ( the dynamic duo that tried to foist Sarah Palin on us ), Michael Steele, Mrs. Dan Senor, AKA Campbell Brown, and Tim Pawlenty. Seriously?! And that's just what I saw in about 10 minutes. I had to double-check the channel, thinking I might have wandered into Fox and Friends by mistake. Needless to say, I exited quickly to see what C-Span had to offer.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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