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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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5 am central time, I turn on MJ and there is Trump's cool baseball cap head telling reporters what his debate strategy is.

Why doesn't he have a theme song since he's taken over this show?

Donny Deutsche says he tunes out when Hillary talks.  That's funny, I tune Donny out when he talks.

Mika doesn't like rich people unless they're republican? Otherwise they're greedy?  Daddy Brzezinski, cut her out of your will.

  • Love 2

All she said was "Have a private server.  Run a foundation that funnels, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars through it.  Husband who gives speeches.  SIGH.  All those emails.  It's all in there.   I can't even.. mumble." Joe jumps in and screams FOLLOW THE MONEY

What the hell?  No proof of it, like, at all, dear.  But just toss it out there on national TV like it's a fact.  Heh



The report about Hillary's dealing with the Swiss banking community was very bad news for the Clintons.


Apparently , Hillary made a deal with the Swiss to get information on US citizens who have bank accounts in Switzerland but don't pay US taxes.


The USB, a big Swiss Bank then gave the Clinton Foundation 600K & Bill Clinton received $1.5 million for a speech & a Q& A from the bank. Hillary said it was co incidence that USB hired Bill & donated to the foundation.


Mika was upset that the foundation received less that Bill Clinton.


Joe was livid at Hillary. He said no one believes the Clintons.


I think Bill Clinton gives part of any money he makes to the Foundation.


I am surprised that President Obama would allow Hillary to make these deals. It seems to be unethical.


Surely, the Swiss would not have to agree to these payments to the Clintons in exchange for protecting their clients.

Heileman said it was good that the lawyer kept a backup of all of Hillary's emails. They could use this if the Clintons were indicted before the election.


Joe tried to put Kasie Hunt on the spot asking her what she thought of this. Kasie said she didn't have an opinion but found it odd that Bill made so much money for the speech.


I think Joe was a well known defender of anti abortionists prior to joining Congress. Mika has said in the past she isn't ardent pro choice.

Edited by oakville

Oh for crying out loud.  Don't bust something patting yourselves on the back about Trump.


Excuse me, Joe?  You are conflating babies with fetuses.  There is no such thing as an "unborn" child, it's a fetus.  Apparently you missed Biology 101 whilst cheering "Roll Tide"?


Senator Warren was awesome of the Senate floor.  Keep on going GOP, you will lose every.single.Millennial.vote and I will cheer you on every step of the way.


Why don't they ever discuss the advances made with research done with fetal tissue at the same time they express the horror of inhumanity of harvesting the means to do the research?

  • Love 12

So, Sen. McCaskill asks the most salient question, if you are pro-life, why in the world would you jeopardize birth control for millions of women.  The GOP is now talking about shuffling funds to community clinics from Planned Parenthood, what established those sparkly new facilities you ask?  Obamacare, which they want to repeal.


I just can't with these assholes.

  • Love 9


So, Sen. McCaskill asks the most salient question, if you are pro-life, why in the world would you jeopardize birth control for millions of women.


To which Joe replied "no one wants to deny women access to birth control".  Are you freaking kidding me?!  If this was only about abortion, then they could try to pass a law that banned Planned Parenthood from performing any abortions as long as they received federal funding for any part of their operations.  Instead, they are trying to defund Planned Parenthood altogether, including funding that goes towards cancer screenings, STD screenings and birth control.


How can Mika just sit there while Joe lies about these things?  She is supposed to be all about women empowering themselves and "knowing their value".  I guess this only means upper class women who have great health insurance through their employer and don't need the services of places like Planned Parenthood.


Elizabeth Warren is my hero.  Keep on making condescending comments about her Joe.  Women love that.  Claire McCaskill can remind you how well that worked for Todd Akin.

  • Love 8

Morning Trump recap. More polls showing Trump gaining ground in the polls. Trump is ahead everywhere!. Trump's favourability is at recore highs 52-35 from 20-55. Hillary's numbers dropping fav 37-48 unfav. Hillary is still ahead of Sanders 59-25.


Joe & Mika bragged that they were the first to realize how popular he would become. Mika forgot that last week, she thought his campaign was over when he attacked Mccain.


Halperin said the only thing that could stop him was a colossal error.


The panel talked about authenticity.


Trump came on the show by phone & was asked a tough question about why he was so popular. Trump said his health care plan would be terrific & something like what Scotland has . Trump said poor people should have access to healthcare.


Trump said insurance companies make a fortune off Obamacare. He would stop that.


The panel was disappointed with Jeb Bush's performance yesterday in NH. Everyone wants authentic candidates.


Jonathan Capeheart said he was a Jersey Boy & liked Carly Fiorina.


Joe was mad at Planned Parenthood. Joe said they shouldn't sell baby parts. Joe said even Hillary Clinton was upset at the videos.


Claire Mckaskill said Planned Parenthood helps with birth control programs. She loves Hillary & said she is doing a great job. She said it was wrong for the NY Times to say she would be criminally charged for the emails.


Barnicle said the rise of Trump is a middle finger to the political elites.


Joe made fun of people who laugh at the Trump condos & Trump's licensing arrangements.


Joe said Carl Icahn would get better deals with China than the US Dilomats.


Trump blasted Obama for appointing Caroline Kennedy as American ambassador to Japan. He said she knows nothing about negotiating deals with Japan.


Rattner  brought Joe a "Make America Great again Hat". Joe was happy. Mika wanted a gift from Rattner as well but he only had one hat. Mika pouted.


I think the panel likes talking about Trump because they don't have to do any serious analysis of issues.


Rattner said more young people are getting college degrees, but they are earning less than those who graduated in 1980 or 1990. College debt is higher now & earnings are lower.


Mika & Joe are doing a live show from Cleveland on Friday at Flannery's pub.


Trump came on the show by phone & was asked a tough question about why he was so popular. Trump said his health care plan would be terrific & something like what Scotland has . Trump said poor people should have access to healthcare.


Trump said insurance companies make a fortune off Obamacare. He would stop that.

Uh... how is this not dyed-in-the-wool, real-deal, honest-to-goodness, real-life Socialism with a capital S and all the trappings?

The inclusion of insurance companies in the Democrat's ACA plan was a concession to the right side of the aisle so the whole program wouldn't be totally reliant upon government and a single-payer system, and, so "big government" wouldn't shake up the entire health care industry.  Joe didn't ask Trump about this niggling little detail?  That what he supports is TO THE LEFT of Obamacare?

OK.  Sounds good to me.  Are we in the Twilight Zone?



I think the panel likes talking about Trump because they don't have to do any serious analysis of issues.

You got that right.

  • Love 7

Here's the transcript of Joe getting mad at Elizabeth Warren's comments on Planned Parenthood.




Question for the Americans on the thread:


How do people pay for abortions in the USA? Is it covered under insurance plans? Medicaid? Do people pay for it out of pocket?

  • Love 1

I think it's pretty rare for employer provided insurance to cover them anymore and it's illegal for any insurance under the ACA to cover them.  Mostly they are paid for out of pocket.  It's completely illegal for them to be covered by Federal funds under Medicaid as well - the Hyde Amendment is in effect for both ACA and Medicaid coverage.  The Republicans are also actively trying to chip away at the exceptions (rape, incest, the health of the mother) that are in effect under the Hyde Amendment where abortions are covered.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 3

The Republicans are also actively trying to chip away at the exceptions (rape, incest, the health of the mother) that are in effect under the Hyde Amendment where abortions are covered.


Well, yes, those exceptions are just silly. Because what woman wouldn't want to cheerfully risk her life giving birth to the child of her rapist? DUH.


Sarcasm aside, what was extra-special-ultra infuriating about Joe's little rant (besides the tapes having been selectively edited, which no one seemed to want to acknowledge on the set) was his blithe assurance that "women can always get healthcare; they don't have to go to Planned Parenthood." When, in fact, the Republicans have done such a fine job of blocking access to affordable birth control through the normal insurance channels (see: Hobby Lobby decision) that often PP is the only affordable alternative in the entire state.

  • Love 5

Ok, after hearing that random Pollster lady say again "I think these videos will fundamentally change how the electorate views Planned Parenthood over time", I had to look up her LinkedIn page, and as suspected, Kristen Soltis Anderson is definitely a Republican. NO ONE CARES ABOUT THESE VIDEOS BESIDES REPUBLICANS, just like Elizabeth Warren said, the supposed outrage is all orchestrated. The NBC/WSJ poll did more than show just "reasonable" favorability for Planned Parenthood over the electorate, it is broadly popular with Democrats and Independents. I can't tell if Joe is being purposefully obtuse when he says that Hillary Clinton is "going out on a limb" by defending Planned Parenthood or if he really is that stupid. Again, I dare Republicans to make this an issue in the general election. 

  • Love 7

I can't even tolerate these assholes when it comes to PP. And they continue to prop up the myth that PP "sells" fetal tissue. Words have meanings. A fetus is not an "unborn baby." Go ahead, shut down the government. It was so popular last time.

Just yesterday Joe spoke of Trump's high numbers in NH and said that NH voters were among the most intellectually sophisticated voters in the nation. Uh, when I think of the NH focus group footage they ran incessantly last week, sophisticated isn't the first word that comes to mind. But they all think Trump is "classy" and "one of us." I know not all New Hampshirites are idiots, but the people in that focus group sure were.

  • Love 9

Good God, I hope the NH focus group doesn't represent the average NH voter.

Those people have absolutely no clue where Trump came from or how he got where he is today. They actually seem to think he was just someone that came from nothing and with hard work, student loans and working at MacDonald's ended up a billionaire.

He inherited a bundle from his real estate tycoon father who was clever enough to get help from the government, specifically the FHA.

Trump may have inherited as much as $200 million from daddy.

And oh yeah, then there's the four bankruptcies no one's asked him about.

Edited by stormy
  • Love 3

Disclaimer:  I am not from New Hampshire and don't know anyone who lives there.  I went there once with a friend who was there on business.  And I am not a Trump supporter.


However, I would not label the people who support Trump as somehow clueless and ignorant.  They have a right to be as enthusiastic about Trump and others are about Hillary, for example.   I think these people do know where he came from and the fact that he's wealthy.  I have a feeling that the "he's one of us" sentiment comes from the fact that he says publically what they are thinking, and to them he' a breath of fresh air.  To me, it's no different than Hillary trying to portray herself as "One of the middle class" when we know damn well she and Bill are set financially.  And at least Trump didn't say he was "broke" like she did.


Again, I have nothing in common with these NH folks and their support of Trump, but they have a right to support him just as I have the right to support...Joe Biden.

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Morning Trump continued today without Mika. The panel was happy that Trump was behaving better in interviews with Chuck Todd & Bill O'Reilly.


Joe mocked the people who weren't worried about the FBI interviewing Hillary's lawyer about the server.


Jeb Bush said PP didn't need the $500M & wanted to give the money to other groups.


PP is very popular with Democrats. Hillary supports it.


Joe was excited about Carly Fiorina's zero based budgeting idea. Carly wants people to vote for issues on their smartphones.


Carly would get tough with Iran. Carly said she knew more world leaders than Hillary. She mocked Hillary for posing with them as photo ops.


Chuck Todd said Hillary is only up 6 points in NH & her unfavourable ratings with women are rising. They are spending $2M in ads to show that Hillary had pictures with her  mother. The ads show that Hillary is a grandmother so people will like that .That's weird.


Would people really base their vote on whether or not Hillary is a Grandma?


Chuck was happy that Tim Kaine will vote for the Iran deal. Some Democrat Senators will vote for it as well.


The deal is very unpopular for NY Democrats .


Joe went on to tell one his stories. He was invited to a prestigious dinner in NYC by Dorian's friend. Joe said he was the only Republican there. Joe was shocked that other Democrats were opposed to Obama's deal with Iran.


Joe said he usually doesn't go out night .


Barnicle think Biden will not run for President.


Joe said the debate will be interesting & the clips will be replayed from the Happy Hour Debate.

I knew Bill was up to something.




I couldn't resist:

Ohwell, on 21 Jul 2015 - 10:17 PM, said:

I wonder if Trump wants Hillary to be President?  I am not joking.

Edited by Ohwell
  • Love 1

He almost got in a boxing match fighting with Chris Matthews about Fiorina and her "lies lies lies" from Hillary shtick last night - I'd have tossed him off if he were on my show.  


Again, "nobody except Scott Walker came with his lunch pail of talking points" - hello?  Carly repeated word for word her talking points from Wednesday morning on this show - but she was "on fire" and the "winner of the under card"!!!  Really?  Do you people hear yourselves?


And Mika with her faux whatever it is having a Guinness at 7 a.m. - gimme a break.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 3

I missed the fireworks between Joe and Chris Matthews but is that the reason Chris wasn't on the panel when they interviewed Carly Fiorina?  Or is it because Chris's head would have exploded when Fiorina said "there's no place for name calling" in a campaign?  This from the woman who called Hillary Clinton a liar last night.


Debbie W-S is on fire calling out Fiorina for running HP into the ground, firing 30,000 people and getting fired.  The only thing she forgot to mention was Fiorina's 40 million dollar golden parachute.  


Did anyone else catch the woman in the audience who cringed when Santorum was talking about Planned Parenthood and eugenics?  Before that, Lindsey Graham said that Trumps comments about women weren't "the important things we should be debating".  Yet they still wonder why there's a gender gap!

  • Love 5

Chris Matthews interviewed Fiorina yesterday  & was upset with her comments about Hillary lying.




Joe & Mika did their best to defend Trump. Joe said Fox was very tough on Trump. Joe said Trump's support will decline a bit.


Trump said he may run as a 3rd party candidate if he doesn't win the GOP nomination.


Joe was upset with Walker's talking points from 35 years ago.


Chris Matthews was mad at being offered a beer by Mika. I don't think he likes being on Morning Joe.


Lindsay Graham had a beer & he was sympathetic to Trump. He said Fox shouldn't treat Trump as a big bastard.


Lindsey said Trump was in the world's top ten bastards but wasn't the worst.


Joe said he knew the moderators but the questions were too tough on Trump.


Matthews said Trump supports illegal hiring of immigrants because they work for lower wages.

I thought Joe was going to lurch over at Matthews last night and take a swing.  Very uncomfortable TV.  What a child.  My wife said, "Why is his face so red?"

So now it's just a fact that "Hillary lied about Benghazi?"  We're just accepting that now?  Ok.  Last night was surreal.  Surreal.

Ted Cruz is the creepiest person I've ever seen.

  • Love 4

Santorum just said that Planned Parenthood was founded by a Eugenecist who wanted to eliminate the Black race. I never knew that. Why would the Congress fund that group if that was their main objective ? Surely, they no longer do that.


Matthews & Joe look like  that really hate each other. I also think that Chuck Todd doesn't like Joe either. Chuck doesn't let Joe appear on Meet the Press anymore. He was supposed to be a senior political analyst on the show when it started but Joe kept shouting at the other panelists which made Chuck uncomfortable.

DWS was upset that the panel told her that Omalley is upset with the lack of Democratic debates. DWS said there will be 6 debates & Hillary will participate. Fineman asked whether socialists would be allowed into the debate. She said Yes!. It's a good idea to let Bernie  Sanders into the debates.


Joe took a shot at DWS when she said Carly was fired. He said Steve Jobs was fired by Apple so he can't be bad.

Santorum just said that Planned Parenthood was founded by a Eugenecist who wanted to eliminate the Black race. I never knew that. Why would the Congress fund that group if that was their main objective ? Surely, they no longer do that.


What Santorum said (referring to Margaret Sanger) is mostly but not entirely true. It's one of those situations where context provides a more accurate flavor.

  • Love 2

Fiorina said she didn't call Hillary a liar.  O_o

Ok.  She defined Hillary by her "lies."  Then she insulted Chris Matthews, and now Fox News is orgasmic. 

So, to put a fine point on this, and perhaps I'm willfully ignorant due to my biases, but what, exactly, are Hillary Clinton's lies about Benghazi? 


This next election is going to be unprecedented in its ugliness.

  • Love 4

Unbelievable. A kid was shot in Ferguson last night, last report still in critical condition, the police brought out the armored tanks again and fired copious amounts of tear gas at peaceful protesters trying to get out of the area, and Bloviatin' Joe is going on and on and on and on about poor Donald Trump. FFS Joe. Trump does not matter!

  • Love 6

Joe and Mika are so far up Trump's ass that it's cut off all oxygen to their brains.  


Donald. Gawd.  He is so inarticulate he makes George W Bush look like captain of the debate team.  He seems to have stopped maturing at about age eleven, and only has about a hundred words in his entire vocabulary.  The only thing he can ever think to say is 'loser', 'disgusting', 'pig', 'not very smart', and 'weak'.  That's pretty much his entire repertoire right there.  Someone buy this guy a thesaurus.  It's embarrassing.  But he has wealth and is a showman, so of course Joe and Mika love him.  As long as they let him phone in every day to hold forth and the other networks allow him to populate their airwaves on Sunday shows and be the highlight of their news shows, Donald will continue to bask in the glow.  He is a narcissist, and they keep feeding him. 


Morning Trump, indeed.  I have such low expectations for Joe and this show. I am shocked that they have actually managed to sink so much lower now that they are mainlining Trump every day.  Why tune in at all?  So boring.

  • Love 6

Aw, poor Joe. Lamenting that if only the mean media would stop inconveniently reporting on the crazy things trump says everything would be okay. "They're just feeding into him, hes hurting the Republican party!"

No Joe, whats hurting the party is the realization that Trump is speaking for  large portion of it. Why else would he be the front-runner

ITrying to ignore his statements is not going to make him go away. If this man wants to be taken seriously as a candidate, don't you think the people hes seeking their vote desreve to know how what the thinks?

  • Love 2

Listen,  Obama or Hillary could step on a crack and the conservative base (including bloviatin' Joe) would be appalled and declare that it shows they have no respect for mothers.  Trump could sacrifice dogs to satan every week and they'd simply say, 'Well, the dogs probably had it coming.'  There is nothing they will not twist around to defend their favorites.  


I didn't hear Joe criticizing Trump, only the media's reporting on Trump.  It was enough to make me tune out.  I'll tune in tomorrow morning and see what his attitude is then. Gawd knows Joe turns on a dime and then insists he always thought such and such all along.  That, at least, we can depend on. 

  • Love 6

While watching all the coverage of Trump's comments about Megyn Kelly this weekend, I thought finally Joe will have to stop defending Trump. Boy was I wrong! How any thinking person could believe Trump's explanation is beyond me.  The tone of his voice when he said "blood was coming out of her whatever" left no room for multiple interpretations.  And now Megyn Kelly owes Trump an apology for asking "gotcha" questions!  How is asking a candidate about something he actually said "gotcha"?  Kelly is smart enough to know that the GOP has no chance of winning if they don't start appealing to women and minorities.  Asking questions about these issues is perfectly valid in my book.  That Fox is now being accused of media bias from their own side is hilarious.


I give credit to Mika for trying to ask an intelligent question to Trump about equal pay and helping women obtain capital.  That Trump had absolutely no answer showed once more that the Emperor has no clothes.  

  • Love 6

I'm no Trump supporter, but I am profoundly irritated by all of the focus on his Megyn Kelly comments because it totally obscures the REAL misogyny that surfaced in the Fox debate.


Was I the only person in America who heard Scott Walker say that women should be legally prohibited from terminating a life-threatening pregnancy? It's bad enough that they all oppose a rape-incest-health exception. But we're talking a woman's LIFE. A pregnancy that could KILL her. Scott Walker believes - to nary an eyebrow-lift from his Republican compatriots - that the life of an embryo should take precedence over the life of a living, breathing, sentient woman. And no one has pushed back on him!


They're all bloviating over the Trump comments. They're SO OUTRAGED by what he said. Like that's supposed to make us believe they give half a shit about women?

  • Love 12


'm no Trump supporter, but I am profoundly irritated by all of the focus on his Megyn Kelly comments because it totally obscures the REAL misogyny that surfaced in the Fox debate.


You are absolutely right Eliot!  Thank you for reminding me to not get so distracted by Trump that I forget what all the other candidates are saying.  I just saw Hilary give a speech that pointed out exactly what you are saying.  I wonder if Joe and MIka will give it any attention tomorrow or if we will still be watching "Morning Trump".

  • Love 3

I have this total dislike of Carly Fiorina.  She thinks that because she's a woman not named Hillary she's qualified to be president.

I'm glad DWS called her out for running HP into the ground.  Let's give her the keys to the White House.

In her first day of office she's calling the supreme leader of Iran? Really?  And her BFF Benjamin Netanyahu. What is she in high school?

Barbara Boxer kicked her butt, why does she think Hillary wouldn't?

  • Love 9

I'm puzzled that the panel chose to single out Marco Rubio's "no exceptions for rape or incest" stance on abortion over Walker's even more extreme "no exceptions for the woman's life" position.


During the debate, Walker disputed that there was even such a thing as a life-threatening pregnancy: "I've said many a time that that unborn child can be protected and there are many alternatives that would protect the life of the mother. That’s been consistently proven."


That's the "legitimate rape" scandal of this primary. Dems should be jumping on this.

  • Love 8

I'm puzzled that the panel chose to single out Marco Rubio's "no exceptions for rape or incest" stance on abortion over Walker's even more extreme "no exceptions for the woman's life" position.


During the debate, Walker disputed that there was even such a thing as a life-threatening pregnancy: "I've said many a time that that unborn child can be protected and there are many alternatives that would protect the life of the mother. That’s been consistently proven."


That's the "legitimate rape" scandal of this primary. Dems should be jumping on this.


Two things, TRUMP! and EMAIL SERVER!


Anyways, that's it if you're watching Morning Joe.


Same reason that there is no coverage of the huge explosion in China.


(I'd add the third, Mika's ego but that's sort of self-evident on the daily.)

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 4

When the story first broke about Hillary and the email server, I was really upset with her and the stupidity of it all. However, the more the focus remains on it, the more disgusted I am with the other side.  It is pushing me towards Hillary. My husband and sons support for her never waivered while I have always been neutral towards her.


Mika and Joe loved the clips from Donny Deutsche's new show. UGH! I didn't care for it at all.


Can they do any more coverage of Trump? Trump will be at the Iowa state fair tomorrow. It is a good thing it is on the weekend, or it would be all over these shows. Oh wait, it still will be on Monday.

Edited by madfortv
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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