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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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31 minutes ago, stormy said:

Seriously, why was Jeffrey Goldberg on?  He was asked one question, not allowed to get a word in and whisked off.  Although, Joe claimed Goldberg had to leave in a hurry.

The shootings in Virginia, I would guess. M & J mumbled for awhile, basically providing zero information, so I switched to CNN and, lo and behold: news coverage.

Edited by suomi
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7 minutes ago, stormy said:

I turned the channel when Tom Cotton showed up. His performance at yesterday's hearing was nauseating.

There was an interesting exchange with Biana during the Cotton interview. He was trying to characterize the entire Russia investigation as a "bad espionage novel" that would never even get published. He made the comment that, "These allegations are just unbelievable" or something along those lines, and Biana said, stone-faced, "This entire situation is unbelievable."

He faltered, looking really confused and uncertain, and stammered some inane response.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, suomi said:

Late night at the ball game. Surely, you jest. (Or you didn't hear about the shootings at a ball game in VA. Rep Steve Scalise and a Capitol policeman, plus others. Perhaps 14 rounds, from a rifle.)

I heard some birthday mockery but didn't realize it was for Trump so I zoned on it.

Forrest Sessions!

I went to see the Toronto Blue Jays play the Tampa Bay Rays last night in Toronto. I got home late, so I woke up a bit late & didn't have time to watch Morning Joe before leaving for work. 

I had no idea about the shooting this morning of Congressmen Scalise.

That is horrible.! 

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I turned the channel when Tom Cotton showed up. His performance at yesterday's hearing was nauseating.

Yeah, he and Attorney General Fainting Couch had quite a rapport.

When he started with the "do you like  Jason Bourne movies?" "Do you like spy novels"? I was thinking "is he fillling out a match.com profile him or what?

At least Mika and Kasie stood up for Kamala Harris.   Those boys don't know what hit them when they go up against her.  




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I do wish that Kamala Harris would stop interrupting the witnesses though.  I know that lawyers use this tactic, hoping to flummox the witness, but this isn't your regular courtroom   I get that she doesn't like the answers, but I think there are instances where it might actually be a good thing to let them finish.  Maybe give them enough rope to hang themselves.  Then pounce, if necessary.   

I also think there's a bit of grandstanding on her part (looking to 2020, perhaps?). 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I do wish that Kamala Harris would stop interrupting the witnesses though.  I know that lawyers use this tactic, hoping to flummox the witness, but this isn't your regular courtroom   I get that she doesn't like the answers, but I think there are instances where it might actually be a good thing to let them finish.  Maybe give them enough rope to hang themselves.  Then pounce, if necessary.   

I also think there's a bit of grandstanding on her part (looking to 2020, perhaps?). 

It had nothing to do with her not "liking" his answers because he was not giving any answers. She had a limited amount of time and he was filibustering to try to run down the clock. The American people deserve better and Mika and Kasie were 100% right to take offense. I certainly did.

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Thursday recap. Joe is in the Bunker. Mika is on set in black cardigan. Joe started off with a prayers for the Scalise family.

Joe said he played in this game & it is one of the last bi partisan events in Congress. Joe said the Congressmen used to live in Washington & families got together. Now everyone flies home on weekends to be in their gerrymandered districts.

Joe said there was too much heated rhetoric on both sides.

Joe said he was very bi partisan & got in trouble for being nice to Harold Ford Jr on a bill he was sponsoring.

Joe said the GOP leaders got mad at him.

The Muller investigation is focusing on obstruction of justice by associates of Trump.

The Trump team is furious at all the leaks from the FBI. It's not the way to conduct an investigation.

After 40 minutes, Joe went back to discussing toning down the rhetoric. Barnicle said hatred is normalized with all the social media. No one likes anonymous attacks.

Mika got very emotional and blamed Trump for all the conspiracy theories started by Trump. Mika said Trump promoted violence on the campaign  trail.

Joe said even if Trump left Washington, there would be a poisoned climate.  Joe said Trump should not  attack people with disabilities.

Mika & Joe did not  apologize for their behavior over the last few weeks.

Edited by oakville
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Mika said that what Clinton did for discussion about sex , Trump is doing for decency, fake news and conspiracy theories.

Joe said he had tough meetings with the GOP behind closed doors & told them to behave better.

Joe wants everyone to work together. Joe wants people to be human.

There hasn't been any discussion about the gunman being  a volunteer & strong supporter of Bernie Sanders.

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There hasn't been any discussion about the gunman being  a volunteer & strong supporter of Bernie Sanders.

Good. Because it's irrelevant. I'm no fan of Sanders, but the whole attempt to characterize this as a natural consequence of political rhetoric gone wrong is missing the larger point, which Brokaw stated quite accurately this morning: Why is there such a knee-jerk inclination to pick up a gun to settle disputes in our society? Forget politics, it extends across every facet of our environment. Mad that you got fired? Pick up a gun. Got cut off on the highway? Pick up a gun. Your girlfriend broke up with you? Pick up a gun. Your candidate didn't win? Pick up a gun.

It's not a political problem. It's bigger than that.

But I doubt anyone other than Brokaw sees it that way in their little political bubble.

  • Love 14

The Muller investigation is focusing on obstruction of justice by associates of Trump.

The Mueller investigation is focusing on Donald Trump for obstruction of justice.


53 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe said he was very bi partisan

Yeah and I'm the Queen of England. 

Joe & Mika make me nauseous.    Joe acting like he's Gandhi the peacemaker. STFU.   He's played in the game? Yeah the game of getting people riled up against each other.  The game of promoting Trump, who said he could shoot someone and no one would care. 

Now maybe Congress knows how the rest of the country feels when someone they care about is gunned down.  When one group of people is targeted by a mad man.   Gonna stop taking NRA money and do something? Yeah that's what I thought.   By Monday it'll be business as usual. Fuck off. 

2 minutes ago, Eliot said:

I'm no fan of Sanders, but the whole attempt to characterize this as a natural consequence of political rhetoric gone wrong is missing the larger point

What about Planned Parenthood? That was one guy targeting a group he didn't like.  Anybody give a shit about those people? 

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

The Mueller investigation is focusing on Donald Trump for obstruction of justice.


Yeah and I'm the Queen of England. 

Joe & Mika make me nauseous.    Joe acting like he's Gandhi the peacemaker. STFU.   He's played in the game? Yeah the game of getting people riled up against each other.  The game of promoting Trump, who said he could shoot someone and no one would care. 

Now maybe Congress knows how the rest of the country feels when someone they care about is gunned down.  When one group of people is targeted by a mad man.   Gonna stop taking NRA money and do something? Yeah that's what I thought.   By Monday it'll be business as usual. Fuck off. 

What about Planned Parenthood? That was one guy targeting a group he didn't like.  Anybody give a shit about those people? 

I do think that Mka & Joe should tone down the personal attacks on Trump. It's childish. I know Joe loves the ratings high he is on, but it's hard to take him seriously when he rants.

Brokaw came o to discuss FDR. He got a lifetime achievement award from FDR appreciation society. He said if twitter was around in WW@, they would make fun of FDR's fireside chats.

Barnicle called twitter, Social Arson.


Philip Bump said Trump should stop using twitter for self inflicted wounds. He is making it worse when he criticizes Muller.

Joe said Trump is to egocentrical. Everything is about him.

Joe said he went through the Clinton era when everyone was always trying to idict him. The same thig with hillary's emails & Karl Rove. The investigators usually end up finding nothing. Let the investigation proceed at a normal pace.

Brokaw brought up the Megyn Kelly controversial interview with Alex Jones. I thought NBC employees weren't allowed to discuss that controversy.

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7 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

I haven't seen that they've done anything wrong.  What is your opinion --what do you think they did wrong?

I gave a high 5 to Brokow for bringing it back to guns during his segment.

I don't like the over the top personal insults by Mika & Joe of President Trump. Joe calling him a Thug & Mika calling him mentally ill and refusing to wish him a Happy Birthday.. For over 1 year they were telling viewers how great Trump was personally & how well they knew him. They attacked him during the general election campaign. They then went back to being very friendly with him after the election & bragging about New Year's Eve parties at Mar a Largo & a private lunch with him after the inauguration. I think it's fine to attack Trump on his policies & erratic behavior, but they shouldn't stoop to Trump's level of insults.

Edited by oakville

The investigators usually end up finding nothing.

Watergate, Iran Contra, Clinton/Lewinsky.  And that's just a few from the executive branch.  

Yeah they never find anything. 


 I think it's fine to attack Trump on his policies & erratic behavior, but they shouldn't stoop to Trump's level of insults.

Exactly. Rachel Maddow spends an hour every night reporting various goings on in the WH, and never once is there any name calling. 

The guy who shot up the practice yesterday was going to explode whether Joe, Mika, or anyone else called Trump names.  His hatred of Trump & Republicans goes back much further than these two. 

 He was unstable and had a history of violence.  This is more about distracting from the real issue, which is access to guns by people who shouldn't have them. 

Everyone can have guns, we all just have to be super nice to our elected officials, and not yell at them at town halls. Or someone might get the idea that's it's okay to shoot at them.

 I actually heard someone say that. That people at town halls yelling at their reps hurts their feelings and people forget that reps are humans.   Well, when they treat the voters like nothing but an means to an end, then once they achieve their goal, it's Fuck You, yeah maybe now they know how voters feel when they're not treated as humans. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 11
4 hours ago, Eliot said:

It had nothing to do with her not "liking" his answers because he was not giving any answers. She had a limited amount of time and he was filibustering to try to run down the clock. The American people deserve better and Mika and Kasie were 100% right to take offense. I certainly did.

I'm sure the committee members are familiar with the filibuster tactic; they've probably done themselves.  All she had to do after he finished his filibuster, was to say the he didn't answer her question.  All she had to do if her time was running out, was to say that she needed more time because the witness, whoever he/she was, gave a long answer.    

It's just rude for anyone, male or female, to interrupt someone who is talking.  Even Mickey Mouse...err....Sessions.  This is not a "feminist" issue, like Mika and Kasie Hunt would want one to believe.

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4 hours ago, teddysmom said:

 I actually heard someone say that. That people at town halls yelling at their reps hurts their feelings and people forget that reps are humans.   Well, when they treat the voters like nothing but an means to an end, then once they achieve their goal, it's Fuck You, yeah maybe now they know how voters feel when they're not treated as humans

Orly? The same people who voted to take away health care from 20M+ Americans, not because it would provide health care, but because they needed a "win"? And then celebrated that bit of cruelty chugging beer and smoking cigars? Sorry, no, I don't actually believe they're human after that. And all of Joe's sage wisdom about bipartisanship comes across as dated and out of touch. This ain't the Congress of the 90s, Joe. Why don't you really think hard (or call a few friends outside of the Freedom Caucus or TeaParty or "alt-right") and have a good think on why, my goodness, why oh why, has Congress become so partisan and gridlocked and why one charity game and dinner isn't going to fix it? 

Edited by potatoradio
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Joe's sage wisdom about bipartisanship comes across as dated and out of touch.

Joe's full of shit.  He was never bi partisan.  He came in when Gingrich became Speaker. Those fuckers were hardcore as hell and lived to take down Clinton.  The only thing that's different now is the internet and social media. We all know WAY more about what's going on than we did 20 years ago. 

For them to stand there and say "this is a really hard day in Congress".  Yeah, welcome to our world.  Fun isn't it?   

FFS this isn't the Middle East Peace Talks.   If working with people you disagree with to solve America's problems is so fucking hard for you idiots you are in the wrong profession. 


was to say that she needed more time because the witness, whoever he/she was, gave a long answer.    

Doesn't work that way. She gets the time she gets.  Sessions was doing it on purpose to stall, and she was trying to get him to answer. The others interrupted him and weren't told to stop. 

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I'm sure the committee members are familiar with the filibuster tactic; they've probably done themselves.  All she had to do after he finished his filibuster, was to say the he didn't answer her question.  All she had to do if her time was running out, was to say that she needed more time because the witness, whoever he/she was, gave a long answer.    

It's just rude for anyone, male or female, to interrupt someone who is talking.  Even Mickey Mouse...err....Sessions.  This is not a "feminist" issue, like Mika and Kasie Hunt would want one to believe.


It most certainly is a feminist issue, because male Senators, such as Senator Wyden, were far more aggressive in their questioning and were not shut down by the leadership. What's "rude" is responding to a straightforward question with a lengthy blather of bloviation that is not at all responsive to what has been asked. He knew exactly what he was doing, he got called on it, and he doesn't get to sniffle and pout that she was "making him nervous."

And, as teddysmom noted above, she had the time she had and that was it.


It's dangerous to let people have easy access to weapons when they are politically agitated.

It's dangerous to let people have easy access to weapons when they are mentally ill or have a history of violence, both of which appear to apply to this shooter. I'm politically agitated every day and that doesn't mean I'm going to pick up a gun and shoot people.

Edited by Eliot
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36 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Doesn't work that way. She gets the time she gets.  Sessions was doing it on purpose to stall, and she was trying to get him to answer. The others interrupted him and weren't told to stop. 

I watched her.  To my eyes, since she was new to the Senate and to the public, she was clearly trying to show off her lawyering skills.  

We can agree to disagree though.

4 minutes ago, Eliot said:

It most certainly is a feminist issue, because male Senators, such as Senator Wyden, were far more aggressive in their questioning and were not shut down by the leadership. What's "rude" is responding to a straightforward question with a lengthy blather of bloviation that is not at all responsive to what has been asked. He knew exactly what he was doing, he got called on it, and he doesn't get to sniffle and pout that she was "making him nervous."

And, as teddysmom noted above, she had the time she had and that was it.

Same response as to teddysmom:

I watched her.  To my eyes, since she was new to the Senate and to the public, she was clearly trying to show off her lawyering skills.  

We can agree to disagree though.

Friday Recap. Joe finally made it on to the set today. He wore a suit & Mika wore the latest outfit from Librarians Are Us.

Joe liked the baseball game with the GOP & Democrats. Joe said he went to the games & played in them when he was in Congress.

Joe wants everyone to calm down & stop being shrill. Joe said the Trump investigation will go on for a lon time.

Impeachment is ot happening soon.

Joe said he was right when he told everyone who works for Trump to get a lawyer.


Mika starting getting shrill & screaming about this situation not being normal. Joe told Mika to calm down.

Halperin was excited about all the process stories for the next year.

Donnie Deutsche said to follow the money. He said Trump is a sleazy businessmen who borrowed money from Russia.

Joe said Kushner has be careful of Bannon. Joe said Priebus & Bannon are leaking on Kushner.

Kasie! liked the baseball game. She wore one of Mika's green scarves. Is she Irish Catholic?

Joe said Kusher should go back to New York.

Joe liked the warning by Rosenstein to the media about unnamed sources. Halperin wondered why it was sent last night.

Joe kept saying Trump was at 35% approval which is very low.

Joe thinks Ossof will win in Georgia special election.

Kasie ! said Trump could lose in the mid term elections.

Joe keeps goading Donnie to explode in rage at Trump.

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Joe is comparing Trump investigations to Clinton & Karl Rove.

Katty said that Trump's approval ratings are higher than Clinton's were in 1993.

They showed climps of Trump coming down the escalator in June 2015. Two years he launched his campaign.

Mika cooed at Joe and repeated Joe's favourite expression  that Washington always win!. Never forget that !.

Joe & Mika bragged that they knew that Trump could win in 2015. Joe said the media were wrong about Trump.

All Hail the Future King & Queen of Nantucket!

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Did Donnie bring up money laundering? Someone did, right?

Ok, I was listening on Sirius while driving, so can someone tell me who said, at about 7:50, that Trump was a sleazy business man that no one in America will loan him money, so he will be charged with money laundering thru Russia, and his sons have also said suchandsuch??  It didn't sound like Donnie.  It was right before a commercial.  I would be interested in finding out which male guest said such a blatant statement.

For my money, I hope this somewhat-comraderie (sp?) of bipartisanship after the shooting lasts a bit longer. As I see it, I detest Trump and all his admin is doing to systematically unravel what The Last Democrat did, because it has to be bad,  it's Democratic!  "I'll get back at Obama for dissing me," is what it feels like. HOWEVER, I am getting tired of my own hatred.  I just want to sit back and let the legal path take over and let the cards fall where they may.  We dummies elected him, albeit narrowly and not by popular vote, but America elected him.  (end mini rant)

Oakville, I wanted to thank you for your loyal recap of the show each day! And, it's been about a month since we've had a scarf shoutout from you, so thanks!

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Ok, I was listening on Sirius while driving, so can someone tell me who said, at about 7:50, that Trump was a sleazy business man that no one in America will loan him money, so he will be charged with money laundering thru Russia, and his sons have also said suchandsuch??  It didn't sound like Donnie.  It was right before a commercial.  I would be interested in finding out which male guest said such a blatant statement.

It's definitely being looked into by Mueller's team.  It was a story broken by WaPo late yesterday.  

Trump couldn't get banks to loan him money in the late 90s after all the bankruptcies, and he did start going to Russia for loans.  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/6/15/1672030/-Why-Trump-is-really-angry-Mueller-is-following-the-money.  The thought is that he's more concerned about investigators finding out about his shady business practices, and the story is he's been laundering money for Russians thru his businesses, to get loans for his properties.   They think Flynn knows about all of this and that's why Trump is so hot to keep him from talking. 

Trump's Taj Mahal was found to be laundering money so it's not an unusual charge.  http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/22/politics/trump-taj-mahal/index.html


hope this somewhat-comraderie (sp?) of bipartisanship after the shooting lasts a bit longer. 

Doesn't it seem ridiculous that it takes people being shot for members of Congress to conduct themselves the way we are all expected to every day?  They act like they should all get a participation medal for not being assholes for 24 hours. 

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42 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

Ok, I was listening on Sirius while driving, so can someone tell me who said, at about 7:50, that Trump was a sleazy business man that no one in America will loan him money, so he will be charged with money laundering thru Russia, and his sons have also said suchandsuch??  It didn't sound like Donnie.  It was right before a commercial.  I would be interested in finding out which male guest said such a blatant statement.

For my money, I hope this somewhat-comraderie (sp?) of bipartisanship after the shooting lasts a bit longer. As I see it, I detest Trump and all his admin is doing to systematically unravel what The Last Democrat did, because it has to be bad,  it's Democratic!  "I'll get back at Obama for dissing me," is what it feels like. HOWEVER, I am getting tired of my own hatred.  I just want to sit back and let the legal path take over and let the cards fall where they may.  We dummies elected him, albeit narrowly and not by popular vote, but America elected him.  (end mini rant)

Oakville, I wanted to thank you for your loyal recap of the show each day! And, it's been about a month since we've had a scarf shoutout from you, so thanks!

Thanks! Kasie has been wearing Mika's scarves this week. Kasie has the red flower scarf as well.  I saw a glamor shot of Mika & Joe using the scarves trying to mimic 50 shades of Grey.

 The Russian Money Laundering story is a good one

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

It's definitely being looked into by Mueller's team.  It was a story broken by WaPo late yesterday.  

Trump couldn't get banks to loan him money in the late 90s after all the bankruptcies, and he did start going to Russia for loans.  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/6/15/1672030/-Why-Trump-is-really-angry-Mueller-is-following-the-money.  The thought is that he's more concerned about investigators finding out about his shady business practices, and the story is he's been laundering money for Russians thru his businesses, to get loans for his properties.   They think Flynn knows about all of this and that's why Trump is so hot to keep him from talking. 

Trump's Taj Mahal was found to be laundering money so it's not an unusual charge.  http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/22/politics/trump-taj-mahal/index.html

Thank you for the responses, WhineandCheez and teddysmom. I heard about the WaPo article last night and/but was rather surprised when it was brought up this morning. The return on international money laundering is obscene. This could be yuge and I wonder how far Joe is willing to go with it. I knew it wasn't Joe's voice so I was curious about who today's helper was (and why there was a helper).

It always makes me laugh in a disgusted way when someone like Haley Barbour who stoked the fires of resentment and government distrust throughout the 1990s as RNC chair (without actually offering  a solution to said resentment) is shocked, shocked, that it resulted in a Trump presidency. He and the rest of them are like Urkel: "did I do that?"

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Joe actually said to someone on the panel, "Let me finish my point." That's rich. My husband yell at him every day when he interrupts everyone and then blathers on endlessly.

I think Mika was seething at Joe after the comments about Pence hiring a lawyer. She thought it was a big deal, and he downplayed it. I saw flashes of the seething later in the show. It might be an unpleasant weekend coming up for Joe. Does she really want to marry that guy?

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I think Mika was seething at Joe after the comments about Pence hiring a lawyer. She thought it was a big deal, and he downplayed it. I saw flashes of the seething later in the show. It might be an unpleasant weekend coming up for Joe. Does she really want to marry that guy?

Wait til Joe finds out Michael Cohen, the lawyer that swore he was never in Russia, til they found out he was has hired a lawyer. 

I don't know why Joe is trying to downplay all of this. Things are looking very very bad. The people Mueller is assembling are like the Dream Team of these types of investigations & prosecutions.  

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Mika's deep sighs, snide asides, and nonsensical shrieking get worse every day. I remember her on CBS.  She was a decent reporter and anchor. This week during the breaking news about the shootings at the baseball field she was awful. As I watch I try to remember that she is still grieving the loss of her father and is undoubtedly emotional. But she is getting hard to watch...and on a show with Joe Scarborough (did you know he was in Congress?) that's saying a lot. 

  • Love 4
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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