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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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The panel discussed having interventions with Trump using Twitter. It's not working.

Yes it is "working"--I don't know who on the panel this AM pointed this out (or it may have been CNN--sorry--I switch back and forth) but it IS working as a way for him to communicate to his base, his 40% that still support him while the rest of the world think/know he's a whack job. He only cares about his base who provide him his as-important-as-oxygen ego stroking.  Twitter is a way to circumvent the media, so to sum it up--tweets are working perfectly for Trump

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I loled at the description of the White House as "relatives and people who worked for Breitbart."

It will be interesting if this "Trump is crazy" theme continues on this show. It may be Joe and the outside GOP establishment giving hints to the GOP that this may be the route to go, to get rid of Trump. - 25th Amendment his ass.

I am inclined to be a bit jaded, but damn if I didn't get a little farklempt about that report on the D-Day invasion - the daring bravery to conceive of such a plan, and of course the cemeteries full of men who didn't survive it. I can just imagine the folks of older generations hearing about it on their radios and reading their newspapers all those years ago, what they must have thought, not knowing how it would turn out.

  • Love 6
16 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

I am inclined to be a bit jaded, but damn if I didn't get a little farklempt about that report on the D-Day invasion - the daring bravery to conceive of such a plan, and of course the cemeteries full of men who didn't survive it. I can just imagine the folks of older generations hearing about it on their radios and reading their newspapers all those years ago, what they must have thought, not knowing how it would turn out.

Band of Brothers was on over Memorial Day weekend and when the Day of Days episode started I had to go outside so  I wouldn't sit and watch it and cry.   We have airshows around town and last weekend a couple WWII vintage planes flew overhead, in tandem.  It gave me chills. 

A debt we can never repay. 


As long as people are going to harp on the effects of "Muslim extremism" and thus tar all Muslims with the crimes of a few, it is important to emphasize that there are far more Muslims helping their communities than there are those hurting them. I fully support what Katty said on the show.

It's very important to point out that the majority of Muslims do not stand with these terrorists. Too many people don't get that.   We know that from the attacks on Muslims, like in Portland.    

Yes, Katty making that point was important. 

Edited by teddysmom
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That super fast talking lackey Scott Pruitt was really upended by Willie today. Willie got him on his claim of 50,000 mining jobs created in the last quarter, suggesting that they were coal jobs, when actually it included logging and oil and gas extraction jobs. Willie is very effective at this job. He is cool, rational, and smart.  And as for Pruitt, when you have to be asked time and time again if the President of the United States believes in climate change being caused by human activity or if it's a Chinese hoax, and you can't give a straight answer, that's just pathetic. He's head of the Environmental Protection Agency, for crying out loud.

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I loled at the description of the White House as "relatives and people who worked for Breitbart."

It will be interesting if this "Trump is crazy" theme continues on this show. It may be Joe and the outside GOP establishment giving hints to the GOP that this may be the route to go, to get rid of Trump. - 25th Amendment his ass.

I am inclined to be a bit jaded, but damn if I didn't get a little farklempt about that report on the D-Day invasion - the daring bravery to conceive of such a plan, and of course the cemeteries full of men who didn't survive it. I can just imagine the folks of older generations hearing about it on their radios and reading their newspapers all those years ago, what they must have thought, not knowing how it would turn out.

They did cover a good issue today. Trump is way behind in his nominations for lower positions in the Administration. People are worried about joining his administration because of all the chaos. With less people working in the White House positions, there is even more chaos than normal. It's a big problem.

My dad was drafted into the Navy one month after D day. He told me that it took a few days to hear about the invasion. He was living in Egypt at the time.

I couldn't imagine an invasion being kept secret today in the age of twitter. I recall someone live tweeting in Pakistan  about the raid on Bin Ladin's compound in 2011. It was surreal. He thought there was a plane crash in his neighborhood. It was a USA helicopter.

19 minutes ago, stormy said:

I'm curious about the "bunker".  Is it in Joe's basement so he only has to show up on the set a few days a week?  I wonder if he's wearing pajama bottoms?

The bunker is in his house in Connecticut. I hope they do a Summer Bunker on Nantucket this summer. They tried it in 2011 when Joe rented a cottage. It was hilarious. Joe was outside in shades smoking while trying to do a show underneath an awning. They used Skype. . Mika was stuck in NY at the studio. Now they can do it together. Mika can wear her running gear.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

Yes it is "working"--I don't know who on the panel this AM pointed this out (or it may have been CNN--sorry--I switch back and forth) but it IS working as a way for him to communicate to his base, his 40% that still support him while the rest of the world think/know he's a whack job. He only cares about his base who provide him his as-important-as-oxygen ego stroking.  Twitter is a way to circumvent the media, so to sum it up--tweets are working perfectly for Trump

Wouldn't part of his base think he is not being Presidential by tweeting somethings like the "Travel ban" that he is not supposed to for legal reasons?

5 hours ago, Eliot said:

Joe was being very self-congratulatory this morning. He claimed that Trump's unhinged Tweets were in response to yesterday's discussion on MJ.

As long as people are going to harp on the effects of "Muslim extremism" and thus tar all Muslims with the crimes of a few, it is important to emphasize that there are far more Muslims helping their communities than there are those hurting them. I fully support what Katty said on the show.

It's the excitement & glee that was in her voice when describing Muslims helping the victims. It came across to me that she was stunned that any Muslim could show sympathy for the victims. That is wrong. Katty is naive. There were also plenty of non Muslims helping the victims. I was watching BBC News & many of the Emergency Doctors were Muslims and helping treat the victims.

They discussed the number of times that Muslim friends and neighbors called the terrorism hotline to complain about at least two of the London terrorists. Police didn't do anything about it.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, oakville said:


The bunker is in his house in Connecticut. 

Where is he?  New Canaan?

7 hours ago, Eliot said:

Joe was being very self-congratulatory this morning. He claimed that Trump's unhinged Tweets were in response to yesterday's discussion on MJ.

That's funny, because I was watching New Day on CNN at the time, and as the tweets started to fly Chris Cuomo suggested they were a direct response to what had just been said on that show. 

Can you believe just how far we have fallen as a nation in only a year?

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Actually I thought Ratner was the best on the Pruitt interview.  Willie and that other guy (the heavy set one - I didn't get his name) were also good but I find Joe to be irritating.  He is a one note guy and in this interview it was only trying to get Pruitt to say trump doesn't believe in climate change.  At least Ratner had some facts regarding employment, regulations, etc. (especially liked that he called out Pruitt for making it seem his employment figure was only coal miners but Ratner reminded him that category included other jobs such as copper miners, loggers, etc)  Watching Pruitt made me really sad - because an interview with him really shows how low this country has gone.

And then that doctor - where did they find him.  Yeah right a doctor is going to leave half his day unscheduled to take in walk-ins.  There was also something he said which struck me at the time but I can't quite remember what it was but he seemed to fail to grasp the need for specialists.  One of my diseases is a rare one (it's one the listing of World Rare Diseases) and you have to go to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment (it's a chronic incurable disease).  So many others in my support group spent 1-3 years being misdiagnosed.

I just find Joe more and more insufferable.  Someone above was right he does seem to have a word of the day and that's his talking point.  WIsh I could mute him out and  just listen to the others.  I'm also tired of the politicians that come on this show.   I'd much rather see a discussion of issues without a politician.

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That's funny, because I was watching New Day on CNN at the time, and as the tweets started to fly Chris Cuomo suggested they were a direct response to what had just been said on that show

Hah! I heard that Trump was responding to comments made on Fox and Friends! That is more his speed.

The doctor is Zeke Emanuel, brother of the horrible Chicago mayor Rahm, and the legendarily horrible Hollywood agent Ari. Zeke is the least objectionable of the three. He's on here every once and a while and usually has interesting things to say. I thought he was pretty good on the opiate crisis.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, abbyzenn said:

And then that doctor - where did they find him.  Yeah right a doctor is going to leave half his day unscheduled to take in walk-ins.  There was also something he said which struck me at the time but I can't quite remember what it was but he seemed to fail to grasp the need for specialists.

I could be wrong, but I would swear he said that every doctor's office needs MORE specialists.  Doctors who can diagnose chronic diseases quickly, and spend the time to follow up with patients to make sure they are doing the right things to get better.

5 hours ago, teddysmom said:

They can't do anything if they don't break the law. They were aware of them but, and I'm not an expert on British laws, you can't just arrest someone because they might do something.  

Theresa May announced today that rules would be toughened in these cases. The terrorist was on a a recent documentary about Jihadis living in the UK. They could probably charge him with hate crimes. Waving an Isis flag in the middle of a park & trying to recruit kids to join Isis should be a crime.

This is similar to the US ignoring info from the Russians on the Tsnaerva brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon.

Morning Joe should have brought an expert in these areas to discuss ways to lock up these people insted of wasting time on Trump's latest tweet.

2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Hah! I heard that Trump was responding to comments made on Fox and Friends! That is more his speed.

The doctor is Zeke Emanuel, brother of the horrible Chicago mayor Rahm, and the legendarily horrible Hollywood agent Ari. Zeke is the least objectionable of the three. He's on here every once and a while and usually has interesting things to say. I thought he was pretty good on the opiate crisis.

Ari Emmanuel is Joe's agent. Zeke is a friend of the show. there has been virtually no discussion on Morning Joe about Chicago's murder rates & crime. It's surprising that they never bothered to have a townhall on Chicago's problems. I guess Joe wouldn't want to embarrass his agent's brother.

3 hours ago, millennium said:

Where is he?  New Canaan?

That's funny, because I was watching New Day on CNN at the time, and as the tweets started to fly Chris Cuomo suggested they were a direct response to what had just been said on that show. 

Can you believe just how far we have fallen as a nation in only a year?

Joe lives in New Canaan for now. There are rumors that Mika & Joe plan to live together when they get married.

A year ago, Mika & Joe were still part of the Trump campaigns media friends. Joe should be happy because the extra ratings have made him extra money.

On 5/21/2016 at 10:27 AM, oakville said:

The interview between Trump & Mika & Joe was hilarious. Joe made wisecracks about Trump meeting Kim at his Scottish resort. Mika asked Trump if he liked her dad. He never responded. Joe was shouting over Trump. Trump did say he wanted to make Germany, Japan & South Korea pay more American military defense. Mika tried to set up a meeting between Trump & Gates. Trump said he didn't know Gates & blamed him for the war in Iraq & Libya. Trump said he wouldn't go into Libya to get rid of Ghadafi. Trump said Isis has control of Libya & took the oil. However, I believe that other news agencies reported that at the time, Trump did want to have the USA get rid of Gadafi. I think Joe is furious that Trump is no longer his BFF. A few months ago, Joe told a news reporter that if Trump asked him to be his VP, Joe wouldn't say no.


Trump came across to me as very irritable yesterday. He sounded like Archie Bunker.

Morning Joe is going off the rails, but it is entertaining.

Just to show everyone how much things have changed in a year. Here is a recap from May 2016!. Mika was begging Trump to talk to her dad!

On 6/7/2016 at 7:03 AM, oakville said:

Morning Joe Tuesday. Joe & Mika began the show by making fun of Bill O Reilly for his talking points on the Judge. O Reilly said the judge should recuse himself for the case. M ika & Joe laughed at him. Mika & Joe are demanding that top Republicans should recant their endorsements of Trump. Joe said he was right all along about the Romney campaign falling apart in 2012. Halperin said that Trump is not listening to his advisors. & that he is wasting time defending himself in a civil suit.

It's very hard to take Mika & Joe seriously on Trump after they fawned all over him for the past year. Mika was bragging last week that she could call Trump, Donald. Now she is disowning him. OK Mika.

Mika & Joe should didn't mention that Trump won't go on their show anymore. If that's true, they should refuse to have him on the show.

Mika said the GOP should read her book, "Know your Value" because they should have negotiated the Muslim Ban issue in exchange for their endorsement. She said they are wimps. 

Here is the recap from 1 year ago. Mika & Joe had begun to attack Trump since he was the nominee.

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3 hours ago, abbyzenn said:

Actually I thought Ratner was the best on the Pruitt interview.  Willie and that other guy (the heavy set one - I didn't get his name) were also good but I find Joe to be irritating.  He is a one note guy and in this interview it was only trying to get Pruitt to say trump doesn't believe in climate change.  At least Ratner had some facts regarding employment, regulations, etc. (especially liked that he called out Pruitt for making it seem his employment figure was only coal miners but Ratner reminded him that category included other jobs such as copper miners, loggers, etc)  Watching Pruitt made me really sad - because an interview with him really shows how low this country has gone.

And then that doctor - where did they find him.  Yeah right a doctor is going to leave half his day unscheduled to take in walk-ins.  There was also something he said which struck me at the time but I can't quite remember what it was but he seemed to fail to grasp the need for specialists.  One of my diseases is a rare one (it's one the listing of World Rare Diseases) and you have to go to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment (it's a chronic incurable disease).  So many others in my support group spent 1-3 years being misdiagnosed.

I just find Joe more and more insufferable.  Someone above was right he does seem to have a word of the day and that's his talking point.  WIsh I could mute him out and  just listen to the others.  I'm also tired of the politicians that come on this show.   I'd much rather see a discussion of issues without a politician.

Ratner is one of their best panelists. He always has charts & can back up his opinions. I agree with Joe's word of the day. I should add it to my recaps !

On 6/20/2015 at 6:30 PM, oakville said:

"Why in all that is holy, is this show sucking up to Trump? Are they forced to because they are part of NBC? What a joke. Rumor has it that Trump hired extras for his hateful screed of an announcement.

And how disgusting that the show couldn't manage to stay live in the aftermath of the mass-shooting in Charleston. They really disrespect their audience"

I am surprise why Morning Joe didn't delay showing the Trump interview. It was inappropriate given the massacre events in Charleston. I watched the interview & they let off Trump easily. Is it because his show airs on NBC? They didn't ask him about his comments about Mexican rapists or his campaign to prove that Obama was not born in the USA.

Mika & Joe seem to be happy that Brian Williams will be joining MSNBC.

Here is my daily recap from June 2015. Mika & Joe were leading the Trump train back then.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Ari Emmanuel is Joe's agent. Zeke is a friend of the show. there has been virtually no discussion on Morning Joe about Chicago's murder rates & crime. It's surprising that they never bothered to have a townhall on Chicago's problems. I guess Joe wouldn't want to embarrass his agent's brother.

Wow, I guess I never knew, or forgot, about Ari being Joe's agent. And yeah that's sketchy that Chicago and its issues wth crimes and schools and privatization gone wrong has never made its way to discussion on the show.

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8 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Wow, I guess I never knew, or forgot, about Ari being Joe's agent. And yeah that's sketchy that Chicago and its issues wth crimes and schools and privatization gone wrong has never made its way to discussion on the show.

Morning Joe is very good at protecting its "friends" from any bad publicity. I recall that on one show they asked Eugene Robinson who is from Chicago if he had any insights on the issue. He said he hasn't lived on the South Side for many years, so didn't know what was happening. It's so bizarre. There is no curiousity about that problem.

Hopefully, President Obama will do something since his Presidential Library will be in Chicago. It would be a shame if the Library was located in an area where there is high crime.

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Wednesday Recap.

Joe is in the Bunker. Mika is off. Kasie ! was part of the panel. Halperin got a buzzcut.

Joe is mad at Trump. He called his administration corrupt. Then he had to add a qualifier of apparently corrupt.

Joe blamed Trump for causing chaos in Washington.

Joe said no one wants to work for Trump. Everyone is afraid to be alone with Trump because he may ask them to commit crimes & stop the Russia investigation.

Joe blasted any GOP members that support Trump. HE SAID THEY WOULD BE STAINED FOREVER AS TRUMPISTS !.

Luckily, morning cable tv talk show hosts are exempt from this stain :)

Murphy is mad at Trump for strangling Obamacare. The IRS won't enforce the individual mandate , so there is less cash to pay the states.

Insurance companies are not getting paid enough by Trump to provide care, so they are dropping coverage.

They showed clips of Merkel & Chrystia Freeland being upset that the US is no longer leading the free world. These countries will have to pay more to defend themselves. This is bad news .

Joe has flip flopped over this issue. He used to complain about the USA paying extra to defend other countries but now it is OK because Trump is in office.

They are playing pro Trump commercials on Morning Joe! LOL!

2 minutes ago, stormy said:

Joe's whining lecture about republicans doing the right thing is nonsense,  His "what I did in 1995 and 1996" is so old and tired besides he might as well be talking about 1895, it's irrelevant.

Joe's terms in Congress are the golden age of the US Republic. Numerous books, movies have captured the essence of this period.

I think Tom Hanks played Joe in the Scarborough Years!. Everyone remembers Joe building a park in Pensacola.!

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Clapper says this is worse than Watergate, and Joe and all his guests say that it doesn't matter, that facts don't matter any longer.  Facts, behavior, statements, nothing matters because biased, narrowcasted, gerrymandered news will always keep Trump at 40% and will insulate him from Republican criticism. 
This has to be investigated constantly and discussed constantly.  It's the only way to chip away at the current state of things.

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47 minutes ago, stormy said:

Joe's whining lecture about republicans doing the right thing is nonsense,  His "what I did in 1995 and 1996" is so old and tired besides he might as well be talking about 1895, it's irrelevant.

I found this line of Joe's so ridiculous. So after he had to slow the growth of Medicaid he went around and "spoke honestly", explaining it to every senior citizen  and constituent. No one will be punished for speaking honestly! 

Watch your own show Joe. In this fact free "tribal" political climate you sound naive and stupid advising politicians that the solutions are simple - just do as you did...in 1895. 

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18 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

This is hysterical.  It's like Trump is going to close the door, walk over to you and ask you to perform a hit and on the way home, fence some stolen diamonds.

Joe said that Trump is used to running a small business. He has no board of directors. He has no clue about how the procedures are in Washington.

Joe bragged that he knew how powerful the congressional leaders were when he was in Congress.

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Everyone is afraid to be alone with Trump because he may ask them to commit crimes

This is hysterical.  It's like Trump is going to close the door, walk over to you and ask you to perform a hit and on the way home, fence some stolen diamonds.


If you're alone with him and he asks you to do something illegal, ie stop investigating his campaign, and there's no one else there, it's his word against yours. 

So, it's not really that unusual.  

Trump thought he would insulate himself by bringing on people he considered "loyal, ie put him before the law". He's finding out that's not working out as planned.   He also never ran up against the DC press.  He was used to dealing with the NY tabloids, which he could manipulate with his batshit stories. 

He'll end up resigning, and Pence will pardon him, and become a pariah, just like Ford. What we don't learn from history, we tend to repeat. 

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Joe is tiresome.  Is there anything he hasn't done?  Has he ever been wrong?  Why doesn't he set up the Joe S School for Congressmen?

I really liked Elise Jordan's comments today regarding Saudi Arabia - thought she was spot on with everything she said.  Sometimes like today she is like a breath of fresh air and I do think she speaks from the heart.  In reading the Washington Post today re the Saudi vs Qatar it was stated that the reason we have such a large military base in Qatar is that Saudi kicked us out of there.  Surprised no one on the panel brought that up.

I too noticed the pro trump commercial today.  While I thought there were a lot of odd things about that the thing that struck me most is I can't recall ever seeing such a commercial outside of an election campaign.  That would be a good topic for the show.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

If you're alone with him and he asks you to do something illegal, ie stop investigating his campaign, and there's no one else there, it's his word against yours. 

So, it's not really that unusual.  

Trump thought he would insulate himself by bringing on people he considered "loyal, ie put him before the law". He's finding out that's not working out as planned.   He also never ran up against the DC press.  He was used to dealing with the NY tabloids, which he could manipulate with his batshit stories. 

He'll end up resigning, and Pence will pardon him, and become a pariah, just like Ford. What we don't learn from history, we tend to repeat. 


  • Love 3

I really liked Elise Jordan's comments today regarding Saudi Arabia - thought she was spot on with everything she said.  Sometimes like today she is like a breath of fresh air and I do think she speaks from the heart.  In reading the Washington Post today re the Saudi vs Qatar it was stated that the reason we have such a large military base in Qatar is that Saudi

Just heard on NPR that the Russians may be behind this break with Quatar.  They were circulating fake stories in the Middle East.  

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe's terms in Congress are the golden age of the US Republic. Numerous books, movies have captured the essence of this period.

I think Tom Hanks played Joe in the Scarborough Years!. Everyone remembers Joe building a park in Pensacola.!

Yea, truly ... Washington, Jefferson, Adams, etc should move on over and make room for Scarborough. (And he needs a lotta room.)

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, teddysmom said:

If you're alone with him and he asks you to do something illegal, ie stop investigating his campaign, and there's no one else there, it's his word against yours. 

So, it's not really that unusual.  

Trump thought he would insulate himself by bringing on people he considered "loyal, ie put him before the law". He's finding out that's not working out as planned.   He also never ran up against the DC press.  He was used to dealing with the NY tabloids, which he could manipulate with his batshit stories. 

He'll end up resigning, and Pence will pardon him, and become a pariah, just like Ford. What we don't learn from history, we tend to repeat. 

I think resignation for health reasons is a possibility. I could also see him not running for reelection due to health reasons.  Ford almost beat Carter in 1976 despite a weak economy & a loss in Vietnam.

4 hours ago, suomi said:

Yea, truly ... Washington, Jefferson, Adams, etc should move on over and make room for Scarborough. (And he needs a lotta room.)

Exactly!. You sent me the list of the bills he proposed in Congress. It's not that impressive. Joe is lucky that he resigned from Congress on Sept 5, 2001. There was another Congressmen who had to resign after his intern, Chandra Levy was killed.


Joe could have easily faced the same questions if the terrorist attacks had not happened.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Just heard on NPR that the Russians may be behind this break with Quatar.  They were circulating fake stories in the Middle East.  

Quatar has been in the bad books of the GOP since they supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Mubarak's regime was furious with Obama for abandoning support of Mubarak. It took 2 years, but Sissi was returned to power. He was pro- Mubarak

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8 hours ago, cased said:

I'm pretty sure he's Mika's agent too.

Yes, they do have the same agent. It's sad that the agent interrupted Mika's vacation with news. She let Joe handle the negotiations. This is confirmation that Ms Know your Value True is full of Crap. Why would any independent women let her co host handle her own negotiations?

Furthermore, this article was published a few months after she called Roger Ailes at Fox to try & get the NY Post to stop reporting any details of her affair with Joe.


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Thursday recap. Mika is back wearing a lovely short sleeve black dress. Joe is wearing a very dark suit with a red tie. The couple is still color co ordinated.

Mika agreed that she was neurotic. The big issue is if Trump will tweet during Comey's testimony.

Someone called Trump a slimy & sleazy real estate developer. Joe called Trump Thuggish. Joe is mimicking a Mafia Boss accent for Trump.

It doesn't seem that Comey accused Trump of obstruction of Justice. The panel was upset that Trump wasn't under investigation by Comey. They were hopeful that all of his satellities would be under investigation.

The panel thinks that Trump has no clue what he is doing with the Washington insiders. Trump does not understand the rules.

Halperin told Joe that trump won't be politically destroyed by Comey's testimony or impeached. He conceded he was inappropriate.

Mika said that Trump does not like to be alone at dinner so it was weird that he had dinner by himself with Comey.

The panel can't believe Trump got elected. Mika said that Trump might be mentally ill. Mika said that Trump bragged that he can grope women.

Mika went on a rant & Joe ignored her & started talking to other panelists while Mika was ranting. That was very rude.

Joe said that Trump kept mocking Clinton for being under FBI investigation.

Joe is mad that there is no smoking gun against Trump but there are still questions.

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Watching Today's show reminds me of the good old days when Mika & Joe were Trump's lapdogs.


After the commercial break, Mika started to rant again about Trump being mentally ill. Joe tried to calm her down & put a newspaper over his head. he told Mika to keep  her thought in her head. Mika shrieked.

Joe said no one from the GOP will come on the show today to defend Trump.

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57 minutes ago, stormy said:

Mika, Joe and panel seem exhausted and the big hearing hasn't even started yet.

Mika is so unprofessional.  She needs to stop with her constant "chirping interruptions" that are immature at best.  

1 hour ago, oakville said:

Hannity from Fox continued his battle with Joe by showing clips of Mika & Joe making statements about their former BFF Trump.


Hannity is an ass.

  • Love 5

These guys were like kids on Christmas today and I don't know why. Do they subscribe to some "West Wing"-seque corny view that some people of honor and dignity will defy party loyalty and cross the aisle in the pursuit of justice? Look at that Congress. Ain't gonna happen. 

And they continue to drool over Mattis and McMaster. Last I heard McMaster he was lying for Trump about the security info breach. 

The UK election got short shrift - five minutes in the first hour. Just as a reminder, Joe was roaring and snickering about Jeremy Corbyn destroying the Labour Party a few months ago. Here's hoping Jezza makes a good show (although I doubt Joe would acknowledge it.)


Do they subscribe to some "West Wing"-seque corny view that some people of honor and dignity will defy party loyalty and cross the aisle in the pursuit of justice? Look at that Congress. Ain't gonna happen. 

This Congress is Season 5 of West Wing when Tom Skerritt fucked Josh over the military spending bill and switched parties.   Not that Josh didn't deserve to be kicked in the ass once or twice a season.

The GOP is playing the short game, get what we can while we can, because we are going to be so fucked in 2018. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, oakville said:

Watching Today's show reminds me of the good old days when Mika & Joe were Trump's lapdogs.


After the commercial break, Mika started to rant again about Trump being mentally ill. Joe tried to calm her down & put a newspaper over his head. he told Mika to keep  her thought in her head. Mika shrieked.

Joe said no one from the GOP will come on the show today to defend Trump.

These two fools constantly remind me of how this show is so much better when they aren't on it.  The news is read in a professional, coherent manner without interruption and jeers.  You don't have two fools who shouldn't be together in the first place trying to work out their relationship issues on live television.  

Mika's tribute to her father was beautifully done.  However, my husband and I had the same thought at the time and I have to admit I was ashamed for even thinking it:  "Lord.  That poor man died knowing that his daughter was going to marry that self-aggrandizing, superficial idiot!"

I realize that it's all Drumpf all the time, but there are other things going on in the world.

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Only watched about the first half hour of the show, but I think today's word was naïve. This is the kind of thing that just so annoys me about this show (which I admit I don't watch every day).  I think it was close to the very beginning of the show - Joe/Mika/Willy/Halperin are talking., topic trump meeting alone with Comey, this group is talking about how trump is so naïve, that he's not used to Washington ways, he's talking like a New Yorker,etc.  FINALLY Jim Van Der High (not sure of the last name) says forget naïve, you don't have to know Washington ways to know that you don't meet privately with the FBI director and ask him to drop an investigation.  He's talking sense - brings up about how trump knows this, knows it was an issue during the campaign regarding the Clintons, etc.  Then of course Joe has to interrupt him (God forbid someone else can have the limelight for more than a minute) and Joe says of course he knows, blah, blah, blah completely reversing his earlier story that trump is not used to Washington ways.

With all their talk about trump's way of doing business in New York as a builder, it makes me wonder just how corrupt is that industry and even more annoyed that there are so many tax breaks for these guys.

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Trump can't plead ignorance.  Comey told him in no uncertain terms that he needs to go through the DOJ instead of directly talking with him about the investigation.  Trump kept contacting him to talk about the investigation even after that.  And yes, Trump made the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton conversation campaign-fodder, so the panel can stfu about naivete. 

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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