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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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9 minutes ago, Kemper said:

And I think my Dad would be one of the first ones to speak out on what we are doing to our all-volunteer military; and how we take them for granted and feel free to abuse them by sending them anywhere under any conditions because they "volunteered for it." 

Brilliant observation. In the middle of the last decade, Charles Rangel proposed bringing the draft back. He knew it has no way in hell of passing but his point was, Congress and the president would be a lot less cavalier about sending people to war if it had implications for everyone. (Plus as we know from Vietnam, it could never be fair.)

This is why I roll my eyes when Barnicle and Joe especially blather on about the great sacrifices that our finest men and women in the military give to the country. Not that I don’t believe it. But notice that there are no young Scarboroughs or Barnicles in the military. That’s for someone else to do, but hey, we thank them so we’re okay.

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2 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Why is her hat crazier than David Clarke's get ups? We're supposed to take him seriously are we not? George Bush is from Connecticut but he pretended to be a cowboy and everyone bought it. 

More important than her hat though is that Kelly lied and she's telling the truth about what happened at that FBI building dedication. Here's the video http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fl-reg-wilson-kelly-tape-of-speech-20171020-story,amp.html

Thing is, the hat has made her the perfect target for Trump ridicule.   He's already referring to her as "wacky."   A person unfamiliar with the Congresswoman hears that, then sees the hat  ... game over.     

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55 minutes ago, millennium said:

Thing is, the hat has made her the perfect target for Trump ridicule.   He's already referring to her as "wacky."   A person unfamiliar with the Congresswoman hears that, then sees the hat  ... game over.     

That's because he's a bully.  He would have found something else to ridicule if not the hat, or he would have made up something, like, for example, the lie about what she said at the FBI building dedication.   Bullies are mean like that, especially this president.

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40 minutes ago, izabella said:

That's because he's a bully.  He would have found something else to ridicule if not the hat, or he would have made up something, like, for example, the lie about what she said at the FBI building dedication.   Bullies are mean like that, especially this president.

And his mouthpiece, Sarah Sanders.

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6 hours ago, Landsnark said:

I hate Mika's stupid act re: sports & entertainment.  Mike Lupica, weenie though he is, is a notable sports writer, and the whole panel are huge baseball fans save for Willie.  It's the MLB playoffs and the Yankees may play the Dodgers in the World Series depending on tonight's outcome.  It's not quite as weighty as Trump lying constantly and insulting women constantly, but it's a topic worth the last 2 minutes of the show on a Friday.  Mika talked over everything in an unintelligible mutter, rendering everything everyone else said unintelligible.  She pouted and "HMMPHED" when Lupica was talking, forcing him to glance her way constantly until finally he had to make the conversation about how Mika doesn't like baseball. 
This awkward, passive aggressive/look at me, fake coquettishness is soooo unappealing and disruptive.  "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just snapchatting with my daughters."  Ugh


I don't see why.  I don't respect Mika and wouldn't treat her seriously.  Serious, respectable people should be respected and treated seriously.

Mika's behavior has improved in the last few years. Mika & Joe used to be on the set together. Mika would get frustrated with Joe when he talked about sports. She would take her purse out from under the desk & clean it out on the show live. It was hilarious.

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4 hours ago, izabella said:
5 hours ago, millennium said:

Thing is, the hat has made her the perfect target for Trump ridicule.   He's already referring to her as "wacky."   A person unfamiliar with the Congresswoman hears that, then sees the hat  ... game over.     

That's because he's a bully.  He would have found something else to ridicule if not the hat, or he would have made up something, like, for example, the lie about what she said at the FBI building dedication.   Bullies are mean like that, especially this president.


Elizabeth Hasselback implied Michelle Obama wasn't clean when she appeared on The View before they were elected.

Our champions won't come perfectly packaged but they will have integrity.

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9 hours ago, millennium said:

Thing is, the hat has made her the perfect target for Trump ridicule.   He's already referring to her as "wacky."   A person unfamiliar with the Congresswoman hears that, then sees the hat  ... game over.     

Sarah Huckabee Sanders remarked at her briefing today, "...or as we say in the South, 'all hat, no cattle'."  SHS shouldn't be talking about any person's appearance. Look in the mirror, SHS. 

Thing is, if Congresswoman Wilson wasn't wearing a hat, Trump and Co. would have found something else about her appearance to mock.  Several months ago, Bill O'Reilly appeared on Trump's favorite Fox and Friends


4 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:


and mocked Rep  Maxine Waters. He laughed with derision at "the James Brown wig."  



4 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Elizabeth Hasselback implied Michelle Obama wasn't clean when she appeared on The View before they were elected.

...just when I thought I couldn't get more disgusted, enraged or depressed....


Joe and company waxed much too poetic and indiscriminately in their praise of chief of staff Kelly, but  I was glad to hear them couch and edit their accolades on Friday's show.  Joe repeats himself way too often from show to show. Lately, I think he's even a bigger idiot than ever.

[Sorry for formatting error. Can't fix it on my device.]

Edited by sleekandchic
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On 10/18/2017 at 10:13 AM, oakville said:

Katty Kay is getting attacked on twitter for her interview questions of the Congtesswoman with the cowboy hat. Was it that bad? I left for work so I missed it

I thought it was bad.  Katty gave her opinion before the interview started. During the interview, Katty asked the question of the Congresswoman, and pressed a second time.   The Congresswoman eyes blinked at one point and to me it looked like she may have teared up.  In my opinion Katty went too far because she was assured she was completely right.

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15 hours ago, Landsnark said:

This awkward, passive aggressive/look at me, fake coquettishness is soooo unappealing and disruptive. 

Agree completely. I'm so tired of Mika muttering under her breath.  It could be a passive-aggressive reaction to her being shut down by Joe at times but it is annoying and disruptive. She should either speak up or shut up. 

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Catching up with Friday's show. Joe said he was looking forward to a quiet weekend watching football. however, he said that Mika would be busy working on the know your value summit. They must have trouble selling tickets if she is still plugging it every hour on Morning Joe. Mika told Joe to clean out the chicken homes on their property. It's hilarious that they bicker like a married couple.

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Monday Recap:

The show started with 2 rare events. The 5 living ex Presidents on stage together in Texas event for hurricane relief & Mika & Joe together in a studio.

Mika was wearing a dark blue v neck top & Joe wore a matching colored suit & tie.

Joe said Trump was a one off in terms of his behavior.  All the other Presidents behaved well.

Joe said that Obama was tough campaigning against W Bush, but Bush showed grace when the Obamas took over the White House.

Mika is mad at General Kelly for making comments about the Cowboy Congresswoman.

Joe found a clip where Petraeus said it was OK to attack generals because they wear the uniform to protect the rights of uninformed cable tv hosts to attack them.

Mika said that Trump makes her sick. He should stop tweeting during funerals.

Joe is mad at Stephen Miller for saying that the President shall not be questioned.

Joe said Trump keeps distracting everyone with petty fights.

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Shut up, Brokaw, you pompous, bloviating, name-dropping boor. 

I am so tired of hearing these paeans to the so-called "wisdom" of folks in the heartland. This country is filled with terrible people who hate their fellow citizens and put a racist boob in office, and the political landscape is strewn with the carcasses of politicians who tried to be the "bigger person" and got steamrollered by those same "real Americans."

So an African American female politician dares to point out the orange emperor has no clothes (ew) and suddenly she is equally at fault? Screw you, Brokaw. Mika is right on this.

Oh, and while we're at it, Joe? Bannon IS a Republican. Trump IS a Republican. They are the natural, logical extension of Newt, W, Palin, and the Tea Party. And until you own that and take responsibility for your own part in it, it will never get better.

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Joe also said "sending our children to war".

I don't know how he knows what he's talking about.

The clip of Mitch McConnell standing up to Bannon was absurd. He was on CNN yesterday kissing the fat ass of trump.

Other MSNBC  shows have had retired generals on talking about Kelly and his despicable lie about Rep Kelly. Hell, Berry McCaffrey was on with BriWi on Friday and several times said Kelly should shut up. Why can't MJ get a former general as a regular?

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Still can't do a quote or copy something to show my love and agreement.  But ELIOT!  You said everything that I wish I could put into words.  I need tor remember all of it so I can impress my coffee group.  

Why on earth does Joe make everything about him?  Everything.   The "I did this when I was in Congress"..."I have been saying this for years"...I did..I said..  Meek-a looks nice this morning.

I am waiting for the day when just one of the morning news hosts lays a lot of the blame for the divisive rhetoric and how we got to where we are ...blame it on right-wing media, especially Fox News.  Especially.  Whether you are a progressive, moderate, conservative, independent, etc... no matter how you get your news.. it is an alternative universe at Fox.   They are the ones responsible for bringing out the worst in our values (Santa is a white man)...without Fox, you would never have the true crazies, the Limbaughs, the Alec whatever his name is..none of them would be possible without Fox having lead the charge starting..back in the 90's?  If there is a hell, I certainly hope Roger Ailes is there..along with Lee Atwater and a host of others.

I am just so sick and tired of all of this.  I work the polls and have been spit at (not on), yelled at and condescended to by supposed Christians who have Fox on in their house 24/7.  And Joe's smugness - especially when at heart he is a tax-cutting, supply-side, privileged hard-line conservative who played a part in where we are now.  So spare me the outrage and crocodile tears...own it.

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Recap continued.

Haas said the Senate should find out what Troops are doing in Niger & Afghanistan.

Halperin said Trump wants to be tough in other countries.

McMaster will not accept a nuclear North Korea.

Haas wants negotiations with North Korea.

Harold Ford Jr agreed with Joe.

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7 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

Elyce Jordan (is that the lady who was an aide to Bush--although she looks too young) was SPITTING with fury at Bush over his behcvior to the fallen solider's widow.  Spitting and enraged.

She brought tears to my eyes. I disagree with much of her politics, but she is a principled, genuine human being who knows firsthand the pain of losing a husband (fiance? can't remember). My heart broke for her.


Harold Ford Jr agreed with Joe.

Stop the presses. I'm shocked--SHOCKED.

Edited by Eliot
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Did anyone on the panel mention Joe and Mika's appearance on CBS Sunday Morning? Leslie Stahl interviewed them. They showed Mika's backyard (and her chickens) as well as Joe performing at some club in NYC. Mika was dancing, and I could swear Richard Hass was out there, too. 

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 Kelly and his despicable lie about Rep Kelly. 

But according to Soul-less Sara, the !SHOCKING! comments the Rep made were not during her speech but while walking around the crowd.  Okay Sweetie, there were lots of people at that ceremony, let some of them step up on either side.

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Mika mocked Trump for getting 5 deferments during Vietnam to avoid the draft. Her daughters had bone spurs & still participated in their track meets.

McCain said the wealthy got draft deferrments but poor people had to go to Vietnam.

Joe is mad at Bannon & called him a huckster. He used to work at Goldman Sachs. He got support from the wealthy Mercer family. He is trying to get bad candidates

Joe is mad at the GOP tax reform plan because it increases the deficit.

Joe likes corporate tax cuts.

Joe is mad that the tax cuts would stimulate the economy & lead to a rise in wages.

This could increase inflation.

Joe is mad at Trump because he is waffling on major issues & lets Congress do the details.

Mika said that Trump has tiny hands & that causes bone spurs.

Joe asked how her weekend in Denver went. It was a Know Your Value event.

Mika is happy that the NY event sold out.

Joe said Trump will lose the Congress & Pelosi will be the new speaker.

Joe is mad at the GOP for listening to Trump.

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Halperin is excited about Democratic fundraising in House races!

The generic ballot favors Democrats!. The GOP has no path to winning 218 seats. I haven't heard such over confidence from the panel since November 8, 2016.

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35 minutes ago, Jordan Baker said:

Did anyone on the panel mention Joe and Mika's appearance on CBS Sunday Morning? Leslie Stahl interviewed them. They showed Mika's backyard (and her chickens) as well as Joe performing at some club in NYC. Mika was dancing, and I could swear Richard Hass was out there, too. 

No one mentioned it, maybe because it was a competing network that competes with Willie’s show. 

Yes, that was Richard Haas dancing. Kasie was there dancing too.  For anyone who missed it, it is on CBS website, and also YouTube. 

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Ford Jr is excited about Jones doing better than expected in Alabama.Will the Democrats invest in the Alabama race?

Joe said Democrats are clueless.

Joe said that Virginia is a bell weather race. If the GOP wins Virginia it's a political earthquake.

It is a slap in the face to Democrats.

Talk about Waffling. Joe said in the previous segment that the GOP is doomed. Now the Democrats are clueless.

Joe said the GOP moderates are skeptical in Tax Reform.

Eugene said trump will create chaos during the tax reform negotiations.

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2 hours ago, Eliot said:

Shut up, Brokaw, you pompous, bloviating, name-dropping boor. 

I am so tired of hearing these paeans to the so-called "wisdom" of folks in the heartland. This country is filled with terrible people who hate their fellow citizens and put a racist boob in office, and the political landscape is strewn with the carcasses of politicians who tried to be the "bigger person" and got steamrollered by those same "real Americans."

So an African American female politician dares to point out the orange emperor has no clothes (ew) and suddenly she is equally at fault? Screw you, Brokaw. Mika is right on this.

Oh, and while we're at it, Joe? Bannon IS a Republican. Trump IS a Republican. They are the natural, logical extension of Newt, W, Palin, and the Tea Party. And until you own that and take responsibility for your own part in it, it will never get better.

Thank you, Eliot.

I'm beyond sick of people telling Black folks "how" they should grieve, "how" they should or shouldn't speak up, and "how" they're not supposed to be offended or are being overly sensitive. Fuck that noise. Anyone trying to defend Drumpf's behavior or explain it away needs to take a good, long look in a mirror and check themselves. And, then ask, why does someone need to be tutored on how to properly offer condolences to someone. I'm sick of everything this fool does being graded on a curve. Things such as good manners, empathy, and human decency can't be "taught" to a 71-year-old malignant narcissist. Maybe unhealed bone spurs makes a motherfucker emotional and he understands the struggle. But, why must everything someone says be met with a fucking Tweet? Yet, his bloated, little fingers can't dial Mrs. Johnson and apologize. Nope! He has to call a grieving Mrs. Johnson a liar. How pathetic is it that standards are so low that something that should have brought comfort to a grieving family only ended up causing them more heartache and aggravation. 

And, Joe, please quit trying to put distance between yourself and the man you and your fiancee gave hours of free advertising to throughout 2016 up to Election Day.  

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I'm kind of wondering why Kelly would have been at that building dedication. Is that the story, or did he just repeat the bs they told him to? 

I was wondering this myself. Apparently Kelly was head of the southern command from 2012-2016 and was headquartered in Florida. Query why a military guy would attend an FBI office opening. Probably just a hack looking to be where powerful people are.

I myself was in serious eyeroll mode when they all started kvelling about how wonderfully the Bushes and Clinton get along. This has been a talking point of the beltway crowd for years now, they eat it up and giggle about it any time those slobs show up at the same place. Spare me the bromance. How Jimmy Carter could stand to be there in Houston is a tribute to the man he is.

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The last couple Mondays Joe has asked Mika about her weekend, which seems a little odd -- as if they had not seen each other or spoken.  

The CBS interview was as expected except that I was surprised Mika said the wedding was on "pause."  She even seemed kind of sad when describing the "logistics."  Made me wonder if there is some issue (other than that they cannot settle on a house and last name).

Edited by Mmtx2002
Missing word
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I'll give Joe credit for at least calling Bannon out for his anarchist con job. Peters started to say that Bannon was a social conservative and Joe cut that shit right off. He said, "no, let's redefine this. He's not a social conservative. He's a cultural radical." Well, that's a little closer, Joe, though next time why don't you stand by your original characterization and say what plenty of people have seen since the beginning: Bannon is a bitter snake oil slimeball salesman and failed Hollywood writer who is now the spokesperson being paid by the sicko Mercer to be the high priest of angry, butthurt Murrrrca first morons? I mean, I know Peters is really intimidating with his hair and all, but you can challenge him, Joe, and keep your pouf intact. 

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2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I'm kind of wondering why Kelly would have been at that building dedication. Is that the story, or did he just repeat the bs they told him to? 

I could be wrong about this, but I believe that not only was he there, he joined in a standing ovation for Rep. Wilson at the conclusion of her remarks.

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1 hour ago, potatoradio said:

I'll give Joe credit for at least calling Bannon out for his anarchist con job. Peters started to say that Bannon was a social conservative and Joe cut that shit right off. He said, "no, let's redefine this. He's not a social conservative. He's a cultural radical." Well, that's a little closer, Joe, though next time why don't you stand by your original characterization and say what plenty of people have seen since the beginning: Bannon is a bitter snake oil slimeball salesman and failed Hollywood writer who is now the spokesperson being paid by the sicko Mercer to be the high priest of angry, butthurt Murrrrca first morons? I mean, I know Peters is really intimidating with his hair and all, but you can challenge him, Joe, and keep your pouf intact. 

I appreciate that Joe actually took the time to call out his party, whose mantra has been "Support the Troops!"  Yet, one might as well hear crickets chirping after the spectacle "the adult in the room" made last week when he attempted to discredit Rep. Wilson.

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2 hours ago, Mmtx2002 said:

The last couple Mondays Joe has asked Mika about her weekend, which seems a little odd -- as if they had not seen each other or spoken.  

The CBS interview was as expected except that I was surprised Mika said the wedding was on "pause."  She even seemed kind of sad when describing the "logistics."  Made me wonder if there is some issue (other than that they can settle on a house and last name).

Paul Scheer & June Diane Raphael are married and do the How Did This Get Made podcast together and at the beginning of each episode act very formal toward each other as a joke.  Maybe Joe & Mika think they can pull something like that off. 

So they can't get married next summer when the kids are out of school?  What's the big deal?  Find a judge and get married.  Maybe Dr Z asked her before he died "I beg you, re think this before you ruin your life". 

1 hour ago, Eliot said:

I could be wrong about this, but I believe that not only was he there, he joined in a standing ovation for Rep. Wilson at the conclusion of her remarks.

So he totally knows it was bullshit. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt in that he just took what someone told him. 

I watched the speech on MSNBC and other than Rep Wilson saying "I went into attack mode" in describing her fervor to get the building named, and she credited Boehner for getting the bill out of committee, I saw nothing where she was grand standing about herself.  

You could tell Sanders was lying when she told the press "oh, it was comments she made off camera". Fuck off.  Then prove it.  

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9 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

You could tell Sanders was lying when she told the press "oh, it was comments she made off camera". Fuck off.  Then prove it.  

Any time she says, "Many people heard it" or "Many people thinks so" or "Many people are saying this" or "We've heard it from many people" it's a lie.

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1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

Paul Scheer & June Diane Raphael are married and do the How Did This Get Made podcast together and at the beginning of each episode act very formal toward each other as a joke.  Maybe Joe & Mika think they can pull something like that off. 

So they can't get married next summer when the kids are out of school?  What's the big deal?  Find a judge and get married.  Maybe Dr Z asked her before he died "I beg you, re think this before you ruin your life". 

I suspect it is less an attempt at humor and more just their awkwardness.  They don't seem to want to directly acknowledge their relationship on the air, which makes sense in some ways but not really in the context of a show that has always traded on the "chemistry" of the hosts.  I thought Stahl was right to call then out on all the suggestive photos they show of them.

I think Dr. Z was on board, but I am thinking Mika's daughters may not be.

Edited by Mmtx2002
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3 hours ago, potatoradio said:

I'll give Joe credit for at least calling Bannon out for his anarchist con job. Peters started to say that Bannon was a social conservative and Joe cut that shit right off. He said, "no, let's redefine this. He's not a social conservative. He's a cultural radical." Well, that's a little closer, Joe, though next time why don't you stand by your original characterization and say what plenty of people have seen since the beginning: Bannon is a bitter snake oil slimeball salesman and failed Hollywood writer who is now the spokesperson being paid by the sicko Mercer to be the high priest of angry, butthurt Murrrrca first morons? I mean, I know Peters is really intimidating with his hair and all, but you can challenge him, Joe, and keep your pouf intact. 

Didn't Bannon make a lot of money by buying a share of the Seinfeld TV show many years ago?

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44 minutes ago, Mmtx2002 said:

I suspect it is less an attempt at humor and more just their awkwardness.  They don't seem to want to directly acknowledge their relationship on the air, which makes sense in some ways but not really in the context of a show that has always traded on the "chemistry" of the hosts.  I thought Stahl was right to call then out on all the suggestive photos they show of them.

I think Dr. Z was on board, but I am thinking Mika's daughters may not be.

I remember that when Joe's divorce agreement was released to the public, Joe & ex wife #2 had agreed to co parent from the same home. Joe agreed not to go to Susan's section of the house after 7 pm. I wonder if Joe is still living in the same home which would make it difficult if Mika showed up to live in.

Perhaps, Joe & Mika will build a massive house on the 40 acres of land that he brags that he owns in Connecticut ?

Mika's matrimonial home went up for sale in Feb 2017. The condo in Baltimore that Mika bought also went up for sale.

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53 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Joe, Mika, Trump, Kelly, Sanders et al. 

Stop trying to rewrite history. We have the tapes. 

True. We also have the tapes of Morning Joe when Mika & Joe were all very friendly with Trump on camera in 2015 & 2016 & after the election?

Did Trump behave so crudely when he was friends with Mika & Joe  over the past 10 years?

Why hasn't Joe released his text messages from Feb or March 2017 when he was trying to get Trump to stop the NY Post from publishing an article about Mika & Joe's affair?

Whyhasn't Joe explained why he went to the White House to help advise Trump about his State of the Union speech?

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6 hours ago, Eliot said:

She brought tears to my eyes. I disagree with much of her politics, but she is a principled, genuine human being who knows firsthand the pain of losing a husband (fiance? can't remember) in a hostile country. My heart broke for her.

Stop the presses. I'm shocked--SHOCKED.

Elise's first husband died under mysterious circumstances. She was very mad at Trump's behavior with the dead soldier's wife.

I wonder if she gets a bonus if she attacks Trump more than 10 times in a segment ?

It's kind of hilarious how over the top she was.

Why doesn't Elise discuss Rand Paul's positions on various issues? Is she only allowed to attack's Trump's crude behavior?

I find it hilarious that Joe was recommending Harold Ford Jr & Richard Haas to be in Trump's cabinet after the election.

How hilarious would it be if they had to defend Trump's antics as part of his cabinet? I would love to have Mika & Joe attack Ford Jr & Haass every day as weak for staying part of the Trump administration.

One issue that has not been discussed on this show is how the traditional GOP establishment types like Haas don't have the same job opportunities in Washington now that Trump is in power compared to if another GOP candidate had been elected President.

I think there is a certain amount of "sour grapes" that they were not picked to join the Trump administration.


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Elise's first husband died under mysterious circumstances. She was very mad at Trump's behavior with the dead soldier's wife.

For some reason I'd had it in my head that he died overseas while covering a story. But I was wrong.

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Now, I have to say that even though I haven't agreed with Elise Jordan's politics, I think her outrage was very real and raw, considering she's a widow, too.  I didn't see her as being over the top, and certainly not hilarious.  

Edited by Ohwell
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3 hours ago, oakville said:

I remember that when Joe's divorce agreement was released to the public, Joe & ex wife #2 had agreed to co parent from the same home. Joe agreed not to go to Susan's section of the house after 7 pm. I wonder if Joe is still living in the same home which would make it difficult if Mika showed up to live in.

Perhaps, Joe & Mika will build a massive house on the 40 acres of land that he brags that he owns in Connecticut ?

Mika's matrimonial home went up for sale in Feb 2017. The condo in Baltimore that Mika bought also went up for sale.

Mika bought a house in Bronxville after she got divorced. This is where the chickens are.

Joe's house in Connecticut is probably bigger and nicer than Mika's house, but it would be a long drive in to NYC every morning. Hence the dilemma on where to live. Plus Joe's younger kids live in CT.

I wonder if Joe ever drives in from CT to the studio, or if whenever he spends the night in CT he broadcasts from the bunker the next morning.

Joe still refers sometimes to living on the Upper West Side, so I assume he still has an apartment there.

I get the feeling that Mika and Susan are still somewhat friendly (maybe Susan was happy to get rid of Joe), but all of them living in the same house would be awkward. Maybe Susan has moved out by now.

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1 hour ago, cased said:

Mika bought a house in Bronxville after she got divorced. This is where the chickens are.

Joe's house in Connecticut is probably bigger and nicer than Mika's house, but it would be a long drive in to NYC every morning. Hence the dilemma on where to live. Plus Joe's younger kids live in CT.

I wonder if Joe ever drives in from CT to the studio, or if whenever he spends the night in CT he broadcasts from the bunker the next morning.

Joe still refers sometimes to living on the Upper West Side, so I assume he still has an apartment there.

I get the feeling that Mika and Susan are still somewhat friendly (maybe Susan was happy to get rid of Joe), but all of them living in the same house would be awkward. Maybe Susan has moved out by now.

Mika is often in CT with Joe based on her instagram photos -- and she never is in the bunker with him (when they marry will they get their own bunker for two??).  Seems like they are together most nights based on comments about "living" with Joe, so they must be racing around all the time.  And who takes care of the chickens when they are in CT?

It seems like there are two halves of the CT house and Joe lives on one side and maybe his ex is on the other.  Would seem a little weird for Mika to move in, but I imagine that it would make more sense for them to stay near Joe's younger kids.  But enough logistics I suppose to make it more complicated.  And they clearly can't agree on the last name yet -- but Mika seemed to indicate she would consider taking Scarborough, which I thought was very surprising.  

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4 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Now, I have to say that even though I haven't agreed with Elise Jordan's politics, I think her outrage was very real and raw, considering she's a widow, too.  I didn't see her as being over the top, and certainly not hilarious.  

I used to like Elise ( Marcia Brady lookalike) prior to the election. She was upset that her work as a campaign advisor for Rand Paul didn't work out.

However, she has become a "one note" anti- Trumper expressing outrage at everything that Trump does. The panel is loaded with these types, so it it would be nice to get her opinion on any policy issue that does not involve bashing Trump for his outrageous behavior. I certainly don't approve of Trump's behavior, but Elise could offer some opinions on policies.

It's becoming tedious to watch the show. I am trying to think of the last time they did a segment on Syria, the fall of Isis, Catalonia anything but non stop Trump watch.

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4 hours ago, cased said:

Mika bought a house in Bronxville after she got divorced. This is where the chickens are.

Joe's house in Connecticut is probably bigger and nicer than Mika's house, but it would be a long drive in to NYC every morning. Hence the dilemma on where to live. Plus Joe's younger kids live in CT.

I wonder if Joe ever drives in from CT to the studio, or if whenever he spends the night in CT he broadcasts from the bunker the next morning.

Joe still refers sometimes to living on the Upper West Side, so I assume he still has an apartment there.

I get the feeling that Mika and Susan are still somewhat friendly (maybe Susan was happy to get rid of Joe), but all of them living in the same house would be awkward. Maybe Susan has moved out by now.

There were reports of Mika & Joe having an apartment in NYC a few years ago . It makes sense since they have to do events in NYC after the show & used to have to be in the studio together on a regular basis.

Given that MSNBC is being more flexible with them, I suppose they will have to find a place to live.

The ratings for the show have dropped a bit especially in the targeted demo. Morning Joe is now 3rd behind New Day & Fox & Friends. In terms of total viewers, it still garnered 957K total viewers. The show is rated #95 out of 150 in terms of cable tv shows.

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2 hours ago, Mmtx2002 said:

Mika is often in CT with Joe based on her instagram photos -- and she never is in the bunker with him (when they marry will they get their own bunker for two??).  Seems like they are together most nights based on comments about "living" with Joe, so they must be racing around all the time.  And who takes care of the chickens when they are in CT?

It seems like there are two halves of the CT house and Joe lives on one side and maybe his ex is on the other.  Would seem a little weird for Mika to move in, but I imagine that it would make more sense for them to stay near Joe's younger kids.  But enough logistics I suppose to make it more complicated.  And they clearly can't agree on the last name yet -- but Mika seemed to indicate she would consider taking Scarborough, which I thought was very surprising.  

Mika taking Joe's last name would be dumb for professional reasons. I grew up in Quebec, where women are not allowed to take their husband's name after marriage. Women keep their maiden name. Kids can take their dad's last name or their mom's last name or both parents last name.

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14 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

Elyce Jordan (is that the lady who was an aide to Bush--although she looks too young) was SPITTING with fury at Bush over his behcvior to the fallen solider's widow.  Spitting and enraged.

Did you mean Elise Jordan was spitting mad at Trump?

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