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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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14 hours ago, may flowers said:

Mika's deep sighs, snide asides, and nonsensical shrieking get worse every day. I remember her on CBS.  She was a decent reporter and anchor. This week during the breaking news about the shootings at the baseball field she was awful. As I watch I try to remember that she is still grieving the loss of her father and is undoubtedly emotional. But she is getting hard to watch...and on a show with Joe Scarborough (did you know he was in Congress?) that's saying a lot. 

Agreed. I wonder if she feels more comfortable to be herself that she is officially engaged to Joe. ? Joe has been more tolerant of her rants now. Joe's behavior is getting worse in terms of his personal attacks on Trump.

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23 hours ago, Mumbles said:

It always makes me laugh in a disgusted way when someone like Haley Barbour who stoked the fires of resentment and government distrust throughout the 1990s as RNC chair (without actually offering  a solution to said resentment) is shocked, shocked, that it resulted in a Trump presidency. He and the rest of them are like Urkel: "did I do that?"

Barbour & Luce came on in the last segment. Haley said Trump has to focus on getting the reforms done. Voters felt the country was on the wrong path before the election. Both nominees were very unpopular. Trump won because people thought he could get things done. It took a long time to get Obamacare passed and Tax Reform in the Reagan era took 14 months.

Joe said European voters are furious that only options parties give them is open immigration or being called a racist. Joe said Paris & Brussels are a mess due to open borders.

Joe said he spoke to college professors when he was in France. they explained why Le Pen is so popular. She wants to cut immigration from the Middle East. Luce said that people are tired of having their pensions cut to support immigrants who have access to benefits.

Joe asked Barbour if Banon should be fired. Barbour said no.

Joe said he had many friends in Manchester who used to vote Labour but also voted for Brexit.

Posh Katty said that they voted for Labour in 2017.

Katty wore a nice red sleveless dress today & was pleasant today. I usually find her to be very snobby.

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Monday recap. The show started in mid discussion. No introduction. The panel was excited about a lawyer who may or may not be part of the Trump team. Jay Sekulow is enemy # 1 for Joe. He was on Fox News & the panel made fun of him for trying to defend trump. Mika mocked everyone else who works for Trump for not showing up on the Sunday shows to defend him.

Joe said that Bill Clinton was a better liar than Jay. Joe wasn't sure if Jay was a lawyer.

There was a brief report on the latest terrorist attack in London. The panel was bored with that & returned to mocking Trump's lawyer.

Joe was happy that the Boston Red Sox won.

Back to London. It was  a revenge attack by a non muslim on Muslims leaving mosque prayers.

Bback To making fun of Trump's lawyer.

Heileman called Georgia 6 a toss up. However, if the Democrat win it will be gargantuan . Everyone is excited about John Ossof. He is spending 24 Million on his campaign.

Mika is wearing a new purple & blue top with a black cardigan. Joe is wearing a black suit. with a light green tie.

Mika made frownie faces at an ad that showed Republicans being shot on the baseball field.

Joe said when he campaigned in Congress, someone in a third party aired a mean ad about Joe. Joe yelled at them & told them he would get even with them. It's shocking that anyone would  say something bad about Joe.

Joe is mad at people on twitter criticizing Scalise for his political views. Joe wants him to heal first.

Joe said he disagreed with some of Scalise's opinions.

No mention of the Alex Jones interview yet.

Joe said Congress is polarized.

Cackles will be on the show.

The panel is going back to making fun of Trump's tweets.

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There was a brief discussion about it being sad that US sailors died in a collision with a japanese ship.

The US shot down Syrian plane which could have serious consequences.

The panel didn't want to discuss that because there was more discussion about Trump hotels being in countries with human rights violations.

Trump likes having good relations where he has hotels.

The safest way to avoid getting on Trump's bad side is to build a Trump hotel in that country.

Josh Earnest defended Obama not bombing ISIL until muslim majority countries agreed with the USA.

Joe used to bash Obama on a daily basis about this, however, Joe didn't want to  challenge a MSNBC contributor.

Joe is mad at Trump for keeping his business interests.  Mika agreed with Joe.

The Russians are being nice to Trump and giving him trademarks.

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Mika is rocking the Nantucket Soccer Mom look today.

Ok I was in the shower but am I mistaken or when the show went on some long tangent about John Ossoff and his appearance, and how he could've been in "Reds," and how un-Southern he seemed, was this all code language for, "Umm, he's Jewish"?


(I just realized that 75% of my posts here include the phrases: "I was in the shower and didn't hear  __" or "I was driving to work while listening on Sirius and couldn't see __")

Edited by WhineandCheez
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On 6/17/2017 at 9:44 AM, oakville said:

Agreed. I wonder if she feels more comfortable to be herself that she is officially engaged to Joe. ? Joe has been more tolerant of her rants now. Joe's behavior is getting worse in terms of his personal attacks on Trump.

What I've noticed since the outing of them being a couple is that Meek-a has begun dressing like Aunt Bee.  Positively 1950's school-marmish.  Now that she's officially "his" (blech) her clothing choices are downright dowdy.  I wonder if this is subconscious or deliberate.  And if deliberate, whose bright idea?

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I hope it's a response to the short, sleeveless, sheath uniform in place at Fox News. I focus on what Mika's saying, not what she's wearing.

Speaking of which, when she opined that there should be a woman in the White House that would tell Trump how to behave, I wondered if perhaps Ivanka and Kellyanne Conway had absconded to the Goop Summit.

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Ok I was in the shower but am I mistaken or when the show went on some long tangent about John Ossoff and his appearance, and how he could've been in "Reds," and how un-Southern he seemed, was this all code language for, "Umm, he's Jewish"?

The only thing I heard about Ossoff was about the awful ad some PAC is running, that he is sticking to issues the voters of that district care about, and who the panel thinks would win.  

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55 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

What I've noticed since the outing of them being a couple is that Meek-a has begun dressing like Aunt Bee.  Positively 1950's school-marmish.  Now that she's officially "his" (blech) her clothing choices are downright dowdy.  I wonder if this is subconscious or deliberate.  And if deliberate, whose bright idea?

Perhaps Joe doesn't want  Mika wasting time trying to look extra nice for the guests?

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59 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

What I've noticed since the outing of them being a couple is that Meek-a has begun dressing like Aunt Bee.  Positively 1950's school-marmish.  Now that she's officially "his" (blech) her clothing choices are downright dowdy.  I wonder if this is subconscious or deliberate.  And if deliberate, whose bright idea?

I've noticed that Joe has been dressing a lot better lately. At least half the time, he is wearing a tie, and even when no tie, he is either wearing an open neck shirt with a jacket, or a sweater over a shirt. I can't remember the last time he wore his Morning Joe fleece.

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25 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

The only thing I heard about Ossoff was about the awful ad some PAC is running, that he is sticking to issues the voters of that district care about, and who the panel thinks would win.  

That's what I observed also.  They actually aired the ad, which was downright appalling--as if Ossoff and Liberals are standing up and cheering last week's shooting in Alexandria, Virginia.  Even worse was the connotation, "they have to be STOPPED!"

The panel was quite perturbed that last week's shooting was being politicized amidst calls that both sides should be kinder and gentler to one another.  Joe, of course, went on a rant about how some PAC ran an ad against him when--wait for it!--he ran for Congress.  Something about threatening to kick somebody's ass if they didn't stop it.  And, these are the same people who wonder why our political discourse has grown more crude in recent years.  It's not that hard to guess when the host of an early morning show uses that kind of language.  Fortunately, I had to leave just as they were leading into NYT columnist, Frank Bruni, and his op-ed piece this past weekend, which was a masterpiece in false equivalency.

Edited by MulletorHater
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16 hours ago, Qoass said:

I hope it's a response to the short, sleeveless, sheath uniform in place at Fox News. I focus on what Mika's saying, not what she's wearing.

Speaking of which, when she opined that there should be a woman in the White House that would tell Trump how to behave, I wondered if perhaps Ivanka and Kellyanne Conway had absconded to the Goop Summit.

Mika has worn short, tight sheaths for years and years. Not wearing them is a new development. She was full-on Mayberry RFD today. I focus on what she's wearing/not wearing rather than what she's saying because she rarely adds substance when she speaks.

Edited by suomi
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That's what I observed also.  They actually aired the ad, which was downright appalling--as if Ossoff and Liberals are standing up and cheering last week's shooting in Alexandria, Virginia.  Even worse was the connotation, "they have to be STOPPED!"

One of Handel's adviser's was reported to have said "This shooting just won us the election". 


The panel was quite perturbed that last week's shooting was being politicized amidst calls that both sides should be kinder and gentler to one another

I don't dive into the darker sides of social media but all I've heard from liberals that could be considered "political" is calls for gun control.  It doesn't matter who carries the gun, if it's a Socialist or a member of the Tea Party, people with the types of issues that man had should not be able to buy guns.  And saying "Let's wait until Scalise is out of the hospital" is bullshit.  How about let's start saving lives, no matter what party they belong to, NOW? 

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As I watch I try to remember that she is still grieving the loss of her father and is undoubtedly emotional.

She's always been like this. It has nothing to do with her father.  I think now that Joe is on the Bash Trump bandwagon, she's dialed it up to 11 instead of having to bite her tongue to keep the meal ticket happy. 

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Who was that Ben Shapiro twerp* and why did Joe seem to have such a boner about hearing his thoughts? An uptight, pseudo intellectual white man who is "against snowflakery" is hardly a rare find these days. I've heard enough about the silenced conservatives and their sulking and how they're oh, so righteous and turning the First Amendment discussion on its head. They're getting their freedom to speak without being arrested with their precious ideas not gaining mainstream acceptance or coverage. I freaking loved Nicholas Confessore when he asked Shaprio whether the alt-fascists were less concerned about their freedom and simply trying to make a buck and get their five minutes of fame. Unsurprisingly, Shaprio had no good response. Sykes did, though, and at least he admitted that yes, there's a lot of the famewhore virus going around the right wing now.

Another day when Morning Joe's tweeted guest list is wrong. No Costa, no Peters, no Wallace - at least not that I can find on the online clips. Grrrrrrr....social media better, show. 

Did they lead off with the London attack and did they refer to it as terrorism? Or was that attack merely an "important, eyebrow-raising, concerning disturbance?" 

*in fairness, I looked him up. Conservative writer. Followers want him to go further right and he apparently is still sorta trawling the centrist waters. He stands to make some dough and get some exposure during this latest phase of the conservative movement's identity crisis. I can see why Joe would want a young, fresh, snotty boy-next-door right-winger and i noticed that Peters is using twitter to promote Shapiro, too, but he's nails on a chalkboard to me and a new instant "close video instantly" face. But yeah, you go on with your rebellious "anti-snowflake" thinktank...

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4 hours ago, Qoass said:

I hope it's a response to the short, sleeveless, sheath uniform in place at Fox News. I focus on what Mika's saying, not what she's wearing.

I totally agree. I've tired of tight, sleeveless dresses. When a reporter or anchor wears something different, it's refreshing. It must be cold in the studio too, so who cares if Mika wears sweaters? Of course, I'm not a man and I'm kind of an older woman, so my opinion is probably discounted.

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 No Costa, no Peters,

I could have sworn they were on. Maybe it was Ari Melber from Sunday night? After a while these shows all run together. It's gotten so bad lately I started rewatching Downton Abby again.  Trump could take lessons from Mary Crawley when it comes to making everything about yourself. 

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Growing up, female anchors always wore blazers. I remember an interview with Katie Couric talking about how when she started out as a Pentagon correspondent, a suit or blazer was de rigeur. (Of course she eventually ditched the Blazer for sheath dresses when she hosted Today.)

Sheath dresses are more for garden parties imo. 

I am not a fan of Samantha Bee but I do appreciate that she has brought back blazers. She actually makes them look kind of cool and badass. That's what Mika should go for.

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1 hour ago, potatoradio said:

Who was that Ben Shapiro twerp* and why did Joe seem to have such a boner about hearing his thoughts? An uptight, pseudo intellectual white man who is "against snowflakery" is hardly a rare find these days. I've heard enough about the silenced conservatives and their sulking and how they're oh, so righteous and turning the First Amendment discussion on its head. They're getting their freedom to speak without being arrested with their precious ideas not gaining mainstream acceptance or coverage. I freaking loved Nicholas Confessore when he asked Shaprio whether the alt-fascists were less concerned about their freedom and simply trying to make a buck and get their five minutes of fame. Unsurprisingly, Shaprio had no good response. Sykes did, though, and at least he admitted that yes, there's a lot of the famewhore virus going around the right wing now.

Another day when Morning Joe's tweeted guest list is wrong. No Costa, no Peters, no Wallace - at least not that I can find on the online clips. Grrrrrrr....social media better, show. 

Did they lead off with the London attack and did they refer to it as terrorism? Or was that attack merely an "important, eyebrow-raising, concerning disturbance?" 

*in fairness, I looked him up. Conservative writer. Followers want him to go further right and he apparently is still sorta trawling the centrist waters. He stands to make some dough and get some exposure during this latest phase of the conservative movement's identity crisis. I can see why Joe would want a young, fresh, snotty boy-next-door right-winger and i noticed that Peters is using twitter to promote Shapiro, too, but he's nails on a chalkboard to me and a new instant "close video instantly" face. But yeah, you go on with your rebellious "anti-snowflake" thinktank...

Costa was definitely on. Peters maybe was, but I don't remember. Nicole Wallace definitely not.


I am pretty sure that Ben Shapiro was in  a twitter fight this weekend with Hannity. Maybe that's why Joe seemed so happy to have him on the show. I had never heard of him prior to this weekend.

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On 6/18/2017 at 11:16 AM, oakville said:

Battle of the Blowhards. Newt goes after Prostitute Joe!. I wonder if Joe would dare have Newt on his show. The hot air from these two would warm up the studio so much that Mika wouldn't have to wear a sweater in the studio.


Hell if those two were on together in the studio everyone else would be buck naked!

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1 hour ago, cased said:

I am pretty sure that Ben Shapiro was in  a twitter fight this weekend with Hannity. Maybe that's why Joe seemed so happy to have him on the show. I had never heard of him prior to this weekend.

Oh, that makes sense, thanks. The ongoing territory pissing/arse sniffing between Faux and MSNBC to stake out clicks and eyeballs. One more "gift" from the election - must at least read some twitter feeds to give my teevee talking heads some context. 

1 hour ago, captain1 said:

Hell if those two were on together in the studio everyone else would be buck naked!

Oh, come on, man...some of us cannot unsee that!! 

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Having read Shapiro's Wikipedia entry, the show would do well to avoid this clown, even if he does fight with Hannity. He used to work for  Breitbart (he might still.) A few years ago he accused  Chuck Hagel of receiving donations from a group called "Friends of Hamas." (Yeah, I'm sure a US Senator and Sec of Defense would have no problem cashing  such a check.) Patently ridiculous on its face, the claim was debunked by Slate, but Shapiro has stuck by his guns on it.

He also recently got into a physical altercation with Katy Tur's trans father Zoe Tur, who identifies as female, because Shapiro kept calling Zoe "he" when they were on the same radio show.  Shapiro claims Tur tried to strangle him.

The guy is a total creep and is as shady as shit. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" only goes so far.

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1 hour ago, Mumbles said:


Having read Shapiro's Wikipedia entry, the show would do well to avoid this clown, even if he does fight with Hannity. He used to work for  Breitbart (he might still.) A few years ago he accused  Chuck Hagel of receiving donations from a group called "Friends of Hamas." (Yeah, I'm sure a US Senator and Sec of Defense would have no problem cashing  such a check.) Patently ridiculous on its face, the claim was debunked by Slate, but Shapiro has stuck by his guns on it.

He also recently got into a physical altercation with Katy Tur's trans father Zoe Tur, who identifies as female, because Shapiro kept calling Zoe "he" when they were on the same radio show.  Shapiro claims Tur tried to strangle him.

The guy is a total creep and is as shady as shit. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" only goes so fa


Well, he sure sounds like a standup kind of guy and one with sophisticated, highly developed thoughts well worth a listen. <Snort> Good to know my creep meter wasn't totally off. Hope he isn't the beneficiary of more exposure via Joe's identity whiplash and random friend dials. There's only room for one snowflake on this show and it's "specialness" with a "J." 

Edited by potatoradio
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Tuesday Recap. Joe is off with laryngities & blowharditis. Mika is off to take care of Joe. Posh Katty & Halperin are the co hosts.

They discussed North Korea.

Heilemann is mad that the GOP is doing a health care plan behind closed doors.

They are now discussing Ga=6. Heileman wants a referendum on Trump. John Ossof is running on local issues. Ossof is considering moving into the district if he wins.

Trump underperformed Price by 22 points, so it's not looking good for Trump.

Heilemann is hoping for panic around the GOP if they lose the race.

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55 minutes ago, oakville said:

Tuesday Recap. Joe is off with laryngities & blowharditis. Mika is off to take care of Joe.

Wait what ? That's a reason for both of them not hosting the show ? Lol

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When I heard the excuses reasons for Dumb and Dumber's absence from todays' show, my mind went to: 

Joe:  laryngitis = screaming his lungs out

Meek-a:  family matter = nursing two swollen eyes  (from bawling.  Even I don't think JS would get violent).

Hey, what do you think would happen to the show if the lovebirds broke their engagement?

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12 hours ago, Mumbles said:

He also recently got into a physical altercation with Katy Tur's trans father Zoe Tur, who identifies as female, because Shapiro kept calling Zoe "he" when they were on the same radio show.

Aha, that's where I'd heard of the ass clown Shapiro.  Thanks for the reminder.

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24 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Hey, what do you think would happen to the show if the lovebirds broke their engagement?

Difficult to say. I think pre engagement when it wasn't public, I'd say nothing at all. Regardless of the on air stuff and those occasional awkward fights, I always had the impression that they are quite good friends off screen. They'd just pull themselves together eventually.

Now that it's public and there is even a ring, hm don't really know .The whole everyone knows those are exs is maybe too weird for the audience . Most likely Mika leaving the show or Joe S. getting a new show on Fox News and her making it Morning Mika.

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Gah. That Republican senator showed up. I'm not familiar with him. Of course as with all things Middle East they always have to start with bashing President Obama.

These fools are headed straight into more and deadlier conflicts.

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54 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

When I heard the excuses reasons for Dumb and Dumber's absence from todays' show, my mind went to: 

Joe:  laryngitis = screaming his lungs out

Meek-a:  family matter = nursing two swollen eyes  (from bawling.  Even I don't think JS would get violent).

Hey, what do you think would happen to the show if the lovebirds broke their engagement?

It would be the end of the show.

26 minutes ago, Jeann said:

Difficult to say. I think pre engagement when it wasn't public, I'd say nothing at all. Regardless of the on air stuff and those occasional awkward fights, I always had the impression that they are quite good friends off screen. They'd just pull themselves together eventually.

Now that it's public and there is even a ring, hm don't really know .The whole everyone knows those are exs is maybe too weird for the audience . Most likely Mika leaving the show or Joe S. getting a new show on Fox News and her making it Morning Mika.

I can't see any network hiring Mika for a news show

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11 minutes ago, oakville said:

It would be the end of the show.

You don't think they could just replace Mika with another hostess or have a rotation of guest hosts ? 

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It would be the end of the show.

You don't think they could just replace Mika with another hostess or have a rotation of guest hosts ? 


I would imagine they'd give the show to Willie and either Katy Tur or maybe Joy Reid.  The premise of the show is not the problem, it's the hosts and their lack of emotional maturity and their  belief that they're smarter than everyone else in DC. 

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The vibe of the show is just yuck.  It's like some bad club of old friends getting together to schmooze like they're sitting around the bar at the country club.   There's no real news.  There are no serious interviews.  I have to turn to CNN and watch Chris and Alysen if I want to see guests having their feet held to the fire.

Edited by stormy
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On 6/15/2017 at 6:58 AM, Eliot said:

It had nothing to do with her not "liking" his answers because he was not giving any answers. She had a limited amount of time and he was filibustering to try to run down the clock. The American people deserve better and Mika and Kasie were 100% right to take offense. I certainly did.

The five-minute limit really caused problems for clarity. I noticed during Watergate it was 15 minutes. 

On 6/15/2017 at 9:33 AM, oakville said:

I don't like the over the top personal insults by Mika & Joe of President Trump. Joe calling him a Thug & Mika calling him mentally ill and refusing to wish him a Happy Birthday.. For over 1 year they were telling viewers how great Trump was personally & how well they knew him. They attacked him during the general election campaign. They then went back to being very friendly with him after the election & bragging about New Year's Eve parties at Mar a Largo & a private lunch with him after the inauguration. I think it's fine to attack Trump on his policies & erratic behavior, but they shouldn't stoop to Trump's level of insults.

Nobody should stoop to Trump's level (and stupid directions) of insults. 

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15 minutes ago, mbutterfly said:

I noticed during Watergate it was 15 minutes. 

Welp. I remember during Benghaaaaaaaaaazi that there was no time limit. 

I actually think Mika would have an easier time finding work than Joe if they broke up. He's so dated and I don't think the party is listening to his bellowing. There is always room for one more platinum blonde who shows off leg and arm and is willing to coo over a male cohost. 

Personally, I'd love Willie to take over, but "Morning Willie" really, really has zero appeal to me. "Giest and Friends?" Getting Giesty with it? WG and the crew? I wonder what friends Willie would be able to call up on a moment's notice, though, and whether he plays in a band and likes to ramble on about the Beatles. 

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56 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

Welp. I remember during Benghaaaaaaaaaazi that there was no time limit. 

I actually think Mika would have an easier time finding work than Joe if they broke up. He's so dated and I don't think the party is listening to his bellowing. There is always room for one more platinum blonde who shows off leg and arm and is willing to coo over a male cohost. 

Personally, I'd love Willie to take over, but "Morning Willie" really, really has zero appeal to me. "Giest and Friends?" Getting Giesty with it? WG and the crew? I wonder what friends Willie would be able to call up on a moment's notice, though, and whether he plays in a band and likes to ramble on about the Beatles. 

How about Willie & Kasie! & the sunshine band of Costa & Piercing Eyes Jordan?

I like Willies Sunday Today Show.

Morning Coo with Mika?

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6 minutes ago, cased said:

I was just going to post the same thing. According to Willie, Joe and Mika are planning a big wedding!

Yeah one where even Andy Cohen may or may not be invited to.

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5 minutes ago, Jeann said:

Yeah one where even Andy Cohen may or may not be invited to.

I can't wait for this wedding. It should be hilarious. Although, a bigger wedding takes more planning time, so it may be a while.

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1 minute ago, cased said:

I can't wait for this wedding. It should be hilarious. Although, a bigger wedding takes more planning time, so it may be a while.

Next year on Martha's Vineyard or something like that . All the Beltway High Society will bet there I'm sure. I imagine the Orange Menace crashing that wedding too( providing there was no nuclear global war that has wiped out humanity by then) , demanding to officiate. :)

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10 hours ago, Jeann said:

You don't think they could just replace Mika with another hostess or have a rotation of guest hosts ? 

I'd watch that. Joe is entertaining on some level some of the time, and I've grown fond of some of the "regulars". I really liked "With All Due Respect", maybe the Game Change Boys could bring their act to morning TV.

2 hours ago, cased said:

Joe and Mika are planning a big wedding!

Ugh! I think at their age (and under their circumstances) a small, elegant affair is in much better taste. I wonder how high Joe's hair will be?

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1 hour ago, jazzpno said:

I wonder how high Joe's hair will be?

If Peters comes to the wedding, it will be an all-out pompadour war between those two gents. Mika may ditch Joe at the altar if the hair is right - that's how much I've seen her nearly pass out at the sight of male tresses. Everyone's true worth is revealed in their wavy locks. 

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10 hours ago, stormy said:

The vibe of the show is just yuck.  It's like some bad club of old friends getting together to schmooze like they're sitting around the bar at the country club.   There's no real news.  There are no serious interviews.  I have to turn to CNN and watch Chris and Alysen if I want to see guests having their feet held to the fire.

I agree. the show used to have in depth interviews. The best interviews are now at the end of 3 hours. Joe usually wastes the first hour bashing Trump, Obama or Clinton.. It's tiresome.

1 hour ago, jazzpno said:

I'd watch that. Joe is entertaining on some level some of the time, and I've grown fond of some of the "regulars". I really liked "With All Due Respect", maybe the Game Change Boys could bring their act to morning TV.

Ugh! I think at their age (and under their circumstances) a small, elegant affair is in much better taste. I wonder how high Joe's hair will be?

It would be awesome is Chris Harrison from the Bachelor officiated the wedding.

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Will Mika & Joe be back tomorrow to discuss the election results in GA & SC? It's shocking that the Democrats couldn't do better given the chaos of the Trump Presidency. Morning Joe should have done a townhall in the two districts.

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