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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Joe is afraid of Sally Yates.

As he should be.  I love that woman.



Thank goodness you didn't see Greta last night. Alan Dershowitz was calling her an idiot. "all she had to do was go to Flynn, tell him we know what you did, then the Russians couldn't black mail him". Easy Peasy. 

If you think Morning Joe is rough, try watching the Greta Van Susteren Shit Show. 

  • Love 4
  On 5/17/2017 at 12:50 PM, ShuFace88 said:

I really wish Joe would stop throwing out this talking point. First, Trump himself said during the primary debates that he gave money to both Democrats and Republicans. That way whoever won would be indebted to him. It's called hedging your bets. Trump's only party loyalty was to whichever one would make him more money. Second, it wasn't the democrats who nominated him and got him elected president. Nice try shifting the blame, Joe, but he's your responsibility now! 

And third, Trump isn't in trouble because he is proposing Democratic ideas, it's because he is breaking the law and is a crazy megalomaniac!


Scarborough's beloved Ronald Reagan was a Democrat for most of his young adulthood, only registering as a Republican in 1962. But you don't hear Joe calling his beloved Ronnie a former Democrat. He just reserves that "slur" to people he doesn't like. There is no Democrat who would appoint Sessions, Price, DeVos, etc, or propose that nightmare of a health care bill, or issue the travel ban etc. If it quacks like a duck....

Again this morning with the "McMaster is a national hero, how dare Trump sully his reputation this way." McMaster is a sophisticated DC operator and a grown-up. He laid down with this dog with open eyes. Now he has fleas. His own fault. Same with Spicer, who they also apologize for as "really he's a nice guy."

  • Love 7

This morning Harold Ford attempted to discuss the standard for obstruction of justice and all that came out was unintelligible gibberish.


He was babbling about "mens rea" and all I could think of was Elle Woods in "Legally Blonde."


Thank goodness you didn't see Greta last night. Alan Dershowitz was calling her an idiot. "all she had to do was go to Flynn, tell him we know what you did, then the Russians couldn't black mail him". Easy Peasy. 


OMG. Even the MJ panelists aren't that dumb. Except for possibly Hugh Hewitt.

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 8

He was babbling about "mens rea" and all I could think of was Elle Woods in "Legally Blonde."


HAHAHA.  Did anyone see that Jimmy Fallon excerpt where they compared one of Trumps speeches word by word with Elle Wood's graduation address?  Its was hysterical.


Edited by WhineandCheez
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  On 5/17/2017 at 1:06 PM, teddysmom said:

Thank goodness you didn't see Greta last night. Alan Dershowitz was calling her an idiot. "all she had to do was go to Flynn, tell him we know what you did, then the Russians couldn't black mail him". Easy Peasy. 

If you think Morning Joe is rough, try watching the Greta Van Susteren Shit Show. 


I refuse to watch Greta.  She should have stuck with reporting on crime.

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  On 5/17/2017 at 12:35 PM, Mumbles said:

This morning Harold Ford attempted to discuss the standard for obstruction of justice and all that came out was unintelligible gibberish.


It was almost as if he knew that we'd been laughing at him, here. He threw out 43 vague legal terms, and then asked Joe to critique his legal analysis. Laughed so hard I spit toothpaste on my mirror!

  • Love 7

Thursday Recap. Mika is dressed in a tight fitting black top. Joe is wearing a blazer.

Joe is very happy that Rosentein appointed the special counsel Mueller. Joe said there is a new sheriff in town.

Rosenstein saved the Republic by not being Trump's patsy.

Mueller used to run the FBI. He is honest according to Barnicle.

It turns out Flynn was taking cash to change US foreign policy in Turkey. Flynn stopped help for the Kurds. This is bad because you can't take cash or credit cards to change military policy of the USA.

It also turns out that Trump was being egged on Kushner to hire Flynn & fire Comey. This is why Trump is mad at Jared.

This makes me laugh. Joe admitted that he was led to believe that Jared was calm & Trump was easily irate.

Joe got played for a fool. His sources take him for apatsy. Joe should admit that he is easily swayed by important people.

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I haven't seen Joe Lieberman in awhile, they showed his photo and I'm thinking, "Are you sure he's going to even live for 10 years?"  McCain got in a good lob at Joe, saying Joe was in Congress during the Coolidge administration. 

Ok anyone else over Mika's blushing, embarassed fiance schtick every time a guest refers to the engagement, even obliquely?


Greta's voice grates on my nerves so much


Mushmouth.  She's got a voice for Braille.

edited to add:  Maxine Walters, calm the frick down.  She's way too hysterical over impeachment.  That kind of talk just adds fuel to Trumps' childish, petulant witch hunt tweet

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 5

Mika began McCain's segment with a big question for him but instead he congratulated them on their engagement and said it's wonderful that "Joe found someone who loves him as much as he does." There was some back-and-forth about that and then the interview commenced. Joe signaled that time was up when he laid think slabs of compliments on McCain, who ended this segment with a hearty "It's not too late, Mika!" Joe then said something that ended with "that's how it is with this son of a bitch. You compliment him and he buries you."

Edited by suomi
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Maxine Walters, calm the frick down.  She's way too hysterical over impeachment.  That kind of talk just adds fuel to Trumps' childish, petulant witch hunt tweet


I agree.  I know they love her on Joy & All In, and I agree in theory, but dial it down a little til you have something concrete announced publicly. She may know stuff we don't, but all this yelling about stuff she can't explain doesn't help.

When she came out of a briefing and went off on Comey, saying "The FBI Director has no credibility" I wondered if they all found out about the Trump collusion investigation by the FBI.  Correct me if I'm wrong but we knew there was a Russia hacking investigation but not that Trump's campaign was being investigated for collusion.  I can imagine after what he did to HRC, Maxine would have rightly lost her shit if that's what they found out. 

Edited by teddysmom
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  On 5/18/2017 at 12:24 PM, WhineandCheez said:

I haven't seen Joe Lieberman in awhile, they showed his photo and I'm thinking, "Are you sure he's going to even live for 10 years?


Someone, I think Gail Collins, commented that Lieberman looks like "every divorced woman's first husband" and noted that he looked the same at 20 as he did when 40 as he did when he was 60 - just a late middle-aged man, which sucks when you're 20 but not bad when you're 60. But maybe it's all catching up now.

I knew I was in for a doozy of a show when Joe intoned at 6:02, "Rod Rosenstein...has saved...our republic."Thankfully Heilmann pointed out that Rosenstein had been thrown under the bus by Trump so he had every incentive to do this.

The Ailes stuff was a little much at the end. They were speaking of him in reverential tones until Andrea Mitchell pointed out that he was a pig, and when Sam Stein called him evil. But the Joe/Matthews/Barnicle trip worship power, even evil power.

  • Love 8

Did I hear Joe right this morning, has the shine come off Pence?  I thought I was the only one that thought there is no way Pence is innocent and knew nothing about what was going on, but, I think Joe alluded to this this morning.


I didn't hear that part, but it's about fucking time. (Resident of Indiana here).

CNN has a story - What did he know when did he know it- on Pence.   He's a lot like Trump in that he comes up with idiotic authoritarian ideas about running the gov't til somebody points out "hey that's not constitutional". While governor he wanted to set up a state run media outlet. Even the Republicans in the legislature were like, can't you just concentrate on fucking over minorities?  Talk about a 22 caliber mind in a 357 Magnum world.  (Credit: The West Wing) 

He was nothing but a conservative radio show host from Fort Wayne before he got it in that cotton swab covered brain of his that he should run for Congress. 

And the idiots in this State went along with it. 


The Ailes stuff was a little much at the end. They were speaking of him in reverential tones until Andrea Mitchell pointed out that he was a pig, and when Sam Stein called him evil. But the Joe/Matthews/Barnicle trip worship power, even evil power.


I am real glad I didn't hear this horse shit.   Just because someone dies doesn't wash away all the shit they did you fucking morons. 




Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 9

I am real glad I didn't hear this horse shit.   Just because someone dies doesn't wash away all the shit they did you fucking morons. 


...then avoid friend of the show Tina Brown who actually tweeted: "Ailes was an extraordinary producer and one of the best raconteurs ever. Awful harassment revelations not only way to remember him."

I almost threw up when I read it. 

Oakville sent a link out a few weeks ago of a Vanity Fair article on Joe and Mika's engagement. Apparently when Page Six of the Murdoch-owned  New York Post was going to report on their dalliances years ago, Mika tearfully appealed to Ailes, with whom she was friendly, to go to Murdoch and have the item killed. It was. Maybe that accounts for the reverential tones this am. Seriously Andrea Mitchell looked sick at it.


Did I hear Joe right this morning, has the shine come off Pence?  I thought I was the only one that thought there is no way Pence is innocent and knew nothing about what was going on, but, I think Joe alluded to this this morning.


Yeah they didn't spend a lot of time on it but given that Trump knew that Flynn was under investigation as early as January 4, the timeline starts looking a little hinky for Pence and when *he* knew.

  • Love 4
  On 5/18/2017 at 9:16 PM, Mumbles said:

...then avoid friend of the show Tina Brown who actually tweeted: "Ailes was an extraordinary producer and one of the best raconteurs ever. Awful harassment revelations not only way to remember him."

I almost threw up when I read it. 

Oakville sent a link out a few weeks ago of a Vanity Fair article on Joe and Mika's engagement. Apparently when Page Six of the Murdoch-owned  New York Post was going to report on their dalliances years ago, Mika tearfully appealed to Ailes, with whom she was friendly, to go to Murdoch and have the item killed. It was. Maybe that accounts for the reverential tones this am. Seriously Andrea Mitchell looked sick at it.

Yeah they didn't spend a lot of time on it but given that Trump knew that Flynn was under investigation as early as January 4, the timeline starts looking a little hinky for Pence and when *he* knew.


That's right!. Ailes protected Mika from having her affair publicized. Joe separated from his second wife in the fall of 2012. Mika said she separated from her husband in December 2015.  Having the affair in the media spotlight would have been bad for both of them.

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Friday Recap. Joe is in Washington. Mika is off. Willie is alone in NY. Michael Schmidt is the star of the show today. Rosenstein is not the savior of the Republic. He was told by Trump to draft a memo to justify firing Comey.

Woodward said Trump is causing chaos by not being organized.

Trump said he is doing a fantastic job!. Comey was unpopular.

Someone pointed out that Comey skates toward the puck. he wants attention. He pretends to be independent but keeps getting involved in drama with Clinton. Halperin was right. He should have kept quiet when he refused to recommend criminal charges against Hillary in July 2016.

They showed Trump rambling on for 4 minutes in a press conference.

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I have to admit, I like Joe taking constant cheap shots at Trump.  I guess I'm biased.  Sue me. 
It's at once comforting, but also uncomfortable.  I like what I like and I like that he and I see eye to eye on this and he confirms my biases and ideas.  On the other hand, this same f-ing asshole would see things in Obama and Clinton and Trump that seemed invented or insane at the extreme, and biased towards reactionary/corporate/conservative politics at the minimum.. and all of it seemed phony for ratings.
So is he being phony for ratings now and I'm caught up in it like a softheaded mouthbreather who watches Fox?  I worry.

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They were speaking of him in reverential tones until Andrea Mitchell pointed out that he was a pig,


Being that she is an older lady, I wonder if Ailes harassed her back way back when she worked for him?  Most probably...

Around 7 Joe started on one of his humblebrags about Trump, telling the story that Trump actually called him during his son's birthday party on Inauguration Day.  But it turned out to be interesting, because he said that was the day that he knew winning had changed Trump and his ego switched on. He was no longer the nice guy he knew for 10 years.  Which makes me wonder--the Trump we see today is any different from the past or from the douche who bragged years ago about grabbing female anatomy? There was once a better Trump??  Go figure.

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 5
  On 5/18/2017 at 12:17 PM, stormy said:

Cranky John McCain.  He drives me nuts.  Sends his love and kisses to Joe Libermann right after he says the democrats can't get over loosing the election.  Ugh.


Yeah--kind of the way that neither he nor that idiot, Sarah Palin, couldn't get over losing the election 2008.  Right?

I have no idea what kind of "shine" Joe was referring to when talking about Mike Pence.  Pence was despised in Indiana, and he's as big a liar as Drumpf is.  Just because he's smooth with it doesn't make him any less of a snake.  But, I guess you know shit just got real anytime Bloviating Joe is solemnly warning those who work for (as opposed to with) Drumpf that he simply isn't worth it.  Sounds like he's speaking from personal experience.

  • Love 3

 Pence was despised in Indiana, and he's as big a liar as Drumpf is.


I don't know if it was on "Joe" or CNN this AM (I listen to both), but someone said all indignantly that Pence should lay down the law with Trump that if he lies or misleads Pence again, Pence is walking. I'm laughing my ass off, because Pence is probably a hairsbreadth away from becoming President, like he's gonna walk away from that?  He can grit his teeth if needed, and wait for the big payoff.

  • Love 9

I don't know why anyone thinks Pence was lied to or misled.  Why are people thinking he wasn't just as well informed when we already know that Flynn told the transition team (led by Pence) that he was under federal investigation for payments from Turkey to influence US policy before they hired him for NSA, and they went and hired him for NSA? 

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  On 5/19/2017 at 2:30 PM, MulletorHater said:

Yeah--kind of the way that neither he nor that idiot, Sarah Palin, couldn't get over losing the election 2008.  Right?

I have no idea what kind of "shine" Joe was referring to when talking about Mike Pence.  Pence was despised in Indiana, and he's as big a liar as Drumpf is.  Just because he's smooth with it doesn't make him any less of a snake.  But, I guess you know shit just got real anytime Bloviating Joe is solemnly warning those who work for (as opposed to with) Drumpf that he simply isn't worth it.  Sounds like he's speaking from personal experience.


I trust Lieberman more than Sarah Palin.

Joe is still mad that Trump didn't give him & Mika an exclusive interview before the Inauguration.

joe pulled the same stunt last fall. He demanded that other Republicans run away from Trump.

joe is a day trader like Trump. He's going after Jared now.

  On 5/19/2017 at 5:43 PM, WhineandCheez said:

I don't know if it was on "Joe" or CNN this AM (I listen to both), but someone said all indignantly that Pence should lay down the law with Trump that if he lies or misleads Pence again, Pence is walking. I'm laughing my ass off, because Pence is probably a hairsbreadth away from becoming President, like he's gonna walk away from that?  He can grit his teeth if needed, and wait for the big payoff.


It was Joe who made that stupid statement. Joe s advice is ridiculous. Pence has an excellent chance of becoming President

  • Love 2
  On 5/19/2017 at 2:30 PM, MulletorHater said:

Pence was despised in Indiana, and he's as big a liar as Drumpf is


100% correct!

Pence is almost worse than Trump. We all know Trump to be a crass, tasteless con man, but people actually buy that cornfed earnestness and Aw Shucks demeanor that Pence displays. Not looking forward to being hit over the head with his staunch morality and religious ideals...again.

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  On 5/20/2017 at 12:38 AM, jazzpno said:

100% correct!

Pence is almost worse than Trump. We all know Trump to be a crass, tasteless con man, but people actually buy that cornfed earnestness and Aw Shucks demeanor that Pence displays. Not looking forward to being hit over the head with his staunch morality and religious ideals...again.


How did Pence get elected Gov of Indiana? Wasn't his predecessor running for President in 2012 until people freaked out that his wife divorced him & then got engaged to someone else & then remarried him? He was a frequent guest on Morning Joe. I think he went back into academia. Joe loved him as an excellent  opponent against Romney and Obama. This is the kiss of death politically. Mika & Joe have a history of supporting candidates who's careers implode. ( Corzine,Blagovich,Christie,Sanford,McConnell,Trump)

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  On 5/20/2017 at 8:24 PM, oakville said:

Wasn't his predecessor running for President in 2012 until people freaked out that his wife divorced him & then got engaged to someone else & then remarried him? He was a frequent guest on Morning Joe


You're thinking of Mitch Daniels. And yeah he was Pence's predecessor. His wife left him with the kids for another man, divorced Daniels, but then came back to him and they remarried.  On one hand, love springs eternal. On the other hand, at the risk of being mean and crude, would the country be ready to vote for a cuckold? At the very least it would have been mentioned, no doubt, in push polls or dirty tricks and I guess Daniels didn't want to go through that. And yeah, Scarborough liked him.

  On 5/20/2017 at 8:45 PM, Mumbles said:

You're thinking of Mitch Daniels. And yeah he was Pence's predecessor. His wife left him with the kids for another man, divorced Daniels, but then came back to him and they remarried.  On one hand, love springs eternal. On the other hand, at the risk of being mean and crude, would the country be ready to vote for a cuckold? At the very least it would have been mentioned, no doubt, in push polls or dirty tricks and I guess Daniels didn't want to go through that. And yeah, Scarborough liked him.


Thanks!. Yes that was Mitch Daniels. Joe used to brag about how smart he was. I think he served in Congress with Joe.

Trump would have had a field day with him if he was running against Daniels.

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Mitch Daniels - for all of his marital woes (and the stories I hear are more worthy of the Real Housewives) - was a far better governor than Pence and I'm a democrat! That said, when he was in Congress, Pence gained a lot of name recognition here, he appeals to the state's conservatives, particularly those that like religious zealots, and his opponent ran a very weak campaign. Funny thing is, when the votes were all counted, he won by a much smaller margin than anyone expected.

As mentioned above, Joe liked Daniels, not sure if the feeling was mutual, however. Just kidding...who doesn't LOVE Joe Scarborough?!

Edited by jazzpno
  • Love 2
  On 5/21/2017 at 2:26 AM, jazzpno said:

Mitch Daniels - for all of his marital woes (and the stories I hear are more worthy of the Real Housewives) - was a far better governor than Pence and I'm a democrat! That said, when he was in Congress, Pence gained a lot of name recognition here, he appeals to the state's conservatives, particularly those that like religious zealots, and his opponent ran a very weak campaign. Funny thing is, when the votes were all counted, he won by a much smaller margin than anyone expected.

As mentioned above, Joe liked Daniels, not sure if the feeling was mutual, however. Just kidding...who doesn't LOVE Joe Scarborough?!


OK Thanks!. Joe frequently tells viewers how popular he is with key Democratic & Republican leaders. Joe is also popular with leaders & influencers around the world. I can't wait for Monday's show. Joe will brag about what all his Saudi friends told him about Trump's visit to that country.

  • Love 5
  On 5/20/2017 at 9:54 PM, oakville said:
  On 5/20/2017 at 8:45 PM, Mumbles said:

You're thinking of Mitch Daniels. And yeah he was Pence's predecessor. His wife left him with the kids for another man, divorced Daniels, but then came back to him and they remarried.  On one hand, love springs eternal. On the other hand, at the risk of being mean and crude, would the country be ready to vote for a cuckold? At the very least it would have been mentioned, no doubt, in push polls or dirty tricks and I guess Daniels didn't want to go through that. And yeah, Scarborough liked him.


Thanks!. Yes that was Mitch Daniels. Joe used to brag about how smart he was. I think he served in Congress with Joe.

Trump would have had a field day with him if he was running against Daniels.


Daniels stayed away from social issues for the most part, that's why he was so much more popular than Pence. And he never had a great opponent. Democrats in Indiana have a hard time walking the fence between being liberal and appealing to the conservatives in the outlying areas.  

  • Love 3


I don't know if it was on "Joe" or CNN this AM (I listen to both), but someone said all indignantly that Pence should lay down the law with Trump that if he lies or misleads Pence again, Pence is walking. I'm laughing my ass off, because Pence is probably a hairsbreadth away from becoming President, like he's gonna walk away from that?  He can grit his teeth if needed, and wait for the big payoff.

It was Joe who made that stupid statement. Joe s advice is ridiculous. Pence has an excellent chance of becoming President



I wouldn't even be so sure that Pence is being lied to.  I think Pence knows a whole lot more than he claims, he's just decided that his cover is he's being lied to.

All these stories coming out to the press about him being the guy that has no idea what's been going on are more than likely coming from his people, trying to establish that he's still pure as the driven snow.  Mike Pence is a conniving mother fucker, and he's a lot smarter than Trump, in that he knows when to keep his mouth shut. 

  • Love 13

Monday Recap. Mika & Joe are wearing matching navy blue sweaters. Mika went into breathless news voice about "major" developments with Russia & the Trump White House.

Mika was mad that the optics of Trump being treated as a rock star by the Saudis is overtaking her Trump Russia gossip story.

Trump got the Saudis to look after citizens who fund terrorist attacks. This will no longer be permitted.

Trump got a 100 billion arms deal to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia.

Joe said all his Sunni leader friends were happy that Trump is back in power. Obama abandoned all the Sunni nations because he was pro shiite & pro Iran.

Joe wanted to speculate on the Post's Person of Interest. He thinks its Jared Kushner or McGann,

Mika is mad that Trump is popular in Israel & Saudi Arabia. Mika wants Trump to focus on the Russia scandal.

Andre Mitchell said the French & UK are mad at Trump over NATO.

Joe blasted Obama for being against Egypt & Pro Iran.

Posh Katty was excited that a moderate Pro Western leader was re elected in Iran.

Joe blasted her as a "European" who doesn't know anything about Middle Eastern politics. Katty apologized & switched to saying the population is pro West. LOL!. Katty is clueless about the Iranian government.

Sam Stein said Mueller's firm did work for Ivanka & Jared so there is a conflict of interest.

Joe said the goal is to keep Trump busy not playing with his phone.

Joe loved Trump, Saudi King & Sissy with the glowing orb. Joe said they are super villains.

Joe said Banon is excited that Russia will take care of Kusner & get him out of the White House.

Joe said new Presidents should stop thinking they can change Washington. NY is not as smart as Washington.

Joe trashed NY developers whose only skill is building towers.

Mika & Joe are convinced that Pelosi will be Speaker of the House in January 2019.

Joe admitted he was wrong about the non indictment of Hillary not leading her to winning the White House.

Joe said Comey's letter helped sink Hillary.

No discussion about Wienier & Huma Abedin.

Robin Wright said the Middle East is complicated because you have many different religions  competing for power in one place.

New guest Awad, who is head of a Muslim group said that Trump's Muslim Ban is not popular with Muslims.

Andrea said that Bibi has many enemies in Israel.

Andrea is sad that Kushner & Avi won't stop Jewish settlements in Palestine.

Mika is upset at the optics overload with Trump's visit so far. That's weird . Mika usually loves optics!.

Mika discussed crashing her golf cart into Menachem Begin & spilling caviar on Deng Xiaping's crotch while her dad was National Security Advisor.


David Ignatius said Trump is doing well in the Middle Eat. He likes the trips.

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Here are the excerpts from the May 22 exchange:

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Let's go to Richard Haass. Richard, so, I asked David Ignatius to comment on the last 24 to 48 hours. What was your take away in Riyadh yesterday and what you're hearing this morning?

RICHARD HAASS: Well, the take away, surprisingly, was an uncharacteristically normal trip. What didn't happen is at least as important as what happened. We're not talking about things associated with it. I think the Saudis were prepared, not just to roll out the red carpet, but to have this trip succeed. This was not Barack Obama. They wanted to send a signal that it was a new chapter. I agree with what David said about the outreach to Muslim world, the change in language. The only thing I thought was widely discordant was against the backdrop of an Iranian election which, for all of its constraints still was something of an exercise in at least partial democracy and this blaming of Iran for a lot of the ills in what's going on, it seemed to be leaving out one thing, the whole decision not to be critical of the Sunni Arab world. Well, that's been one of the drivers of terrorism. If you look at 9/11, you look at the rise of groups like Al Qaeda, it's because of the flaws in these society. Yes, the terrorist financing is one part of it, but it's also the fact that a whole generation of young people feel totally disengaged from their societies and they are vulnerable and open to these calls for radicalism. That simply wasn't on the agenda. You would think that somehow Iran was the real scourge of terrorism in the region and it’s a scourge of it, but it’s not the only one. The only thing is it really signed the United States up for prolonged anti-Iranian foreign policy. That's taking on a lot particularly in places like Yemen, also Syria, also Iraq. I just hope people have thought through exactly what it is we're signing onto.


KATY KAY: And all the president's trip in his speech did yesterday is pour oil on the flames of the rift that is growing between the Sunnis and the Shias in that area of the world. It's hard to see in the long run how that improves peace and stability in the region.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: But, I have to say, Barack Obama was openly hostile to a lot of these Sunni regions, openly hostile to Al Sisi for a very long time. He was, I don't want to say loathed throughout the region, but it was hard to find a leader or foreign minister or ambassador that had anything nice to say about the United States. They felt abandoned. I'm talking about the Sunni Arab world, felt abandoned from the very beginning. The question is, how do you embrace your friends without starting a cold war with your enemy.

DAVID IGNATIUS: If your friends feel stronger and more confident maybe they will start to do more sensible things with their own people, with their adversaries, that's the hope.

KAY: But, Richard has a point. You know you're alienating a nation which is potentially a fairly pro western, pro American nation that has just voted in not a totally free election --

SCARBOROUGH: Iran?? You're speaking like a European right now. There's nothing pro American about Europe.  I mean, there is nothing pro American about Iran!

KAY: You poll Iranian population and you get a more pro-European, pro-western, pro-American view than you do if you poll most Sunni countries--

SCARBOROUGH: I understand. Extraordinary people and extraordinary civilization and leaders from the seventh century.

KAY: Right...But does alienating them to this-- I think there has to be some kind of -- You know he’s gone from one extreme to the other, right? Barack Obama embraced -- well, embraced --

SAM STEIN: I wouldn’t call it embraced.

KAY: Made overtures to the world and --
Transcript from Joe vs Katty" I love Iran" Kay

SCARBOROUGH: You wouldn't call that an embracing of Iran? Because I guarantee you every Sunni leader across the region–when you pay them how much money did they get, $150 billion? Oh my God!

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: We have to go to to break.

SCARBOROUGH: I'll tell you, you defend the Iranian regime since 1979, I will not.

  • Love 2

Scarborough is such a bully. This exact issue was discussed in the 9am show - the one hosted by Stephanie Ruhl but she was out - and they had actual experts that point out that of all the Middle East nations (other than Israel), Iran holds the most favorable opinion of the US. And while she might have slipped up in her description, what Katty was getting at was that the Iranian people rejected an even harder hard-liner in this election.

Scarborough and his cynical buddies from both parties have clinged to 35+-year old images of the Iranian protests and the hostage crisis to demonize them when the world has drastically changed since then. They don't want to admit that the US has consistently backed the wrong horse in the region - Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq in the early 1980s, and even the Shah. And ever since Kerry and Moniz negotiated that deal, Scarborough has been screeching about mullahs and mushroom clouds. He's pathological on this topic.

  • Love 7
  On 5/22/2017 at 4:48 PM, Mumbles said:

Scarborough is such a bully. This exact issue was discussed in the 9am show - the one hosted by Stephanie Ruhl but she was out - and they had actual experts that point out that of all the Middle East nations (other than Israel), Iran holds the most favorable opinion of the US. And while she might have slipped up in her description, what Katty was getting at was that the Iranian people rejected an even harder hard-liner in this election.

Scarborough and his cynical buddies from both parties have clinged to 35+-year old images of the Iranian protests and the hostage crisis to demonize them when the world has drastically changed since then. They don't want to admit that the US has consistently backed the wrong horse in the region - Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq in the early 1980s, and even the Shah. And ever since Kerry and Moniz negotiated that deal, Scarborough has been screeching about mullahs and mushroom clouds. He's pathological on this topic.


Clueless Katty should know better. Joe has important Middle Eastern Leaders contacts on his cellphone. Katty's only Iranian contacts are on the Shahs of Sunset tv show. Katty bragged that one of her maids was from Iran on a previous show.

Joe mocked Obama for sending pallets of cash to Iran when they agreed to the Nuclear weapons treaty.

Iran was polite to release the hostages including the poor Washington Post journalist who appeared on Anthony Bourdain's show to complain about about the regime's human rights record.

Joe has bashed Obama in the past for not supporting the Pro- Western kids who rebelled against the Iranian government in 2009. Joe said that Obama supported revolution against Mubarak but not Iran's government.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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