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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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2 hours ago, millennium said:

Are you saying Scarborough and Mika are a thing?

Absolutely they are a thing. There have been vague rumors for years, but they were both married to other people. Joe got divorced in 2013, and when Mika got divorced last year, the rumors went mainstream. It became obvious that the rumors were true when neither Joe nor Mika ever denied them, even when asked directly. They have been gradually edging towards going public, but recently pretty much admitted it in an interview.

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Transcript of Mika & Joe being shocked by Trump's support:

MSNBC’s Morning Joe
April 24, 2017
6:03 a.m. Eastern

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Before we go into subgroups. Mark Halperin, I'm sure you'll disagree with me as does the entire Twitter universe. But when I saw in the first poll that I read yesterday morning, I think it was the ABC/Washington Post poll that 96 percent of people who voted for Trump are glad they voted for Trump and two percent are not glad they voted for Trump. If you're Donald Trump, you're saying, okay, I've done pretty damn well to go with my base. People go, yeah, that's enough to beat Hillary. No, the first thing you do in American politics is you hold your base and you win the nomination for your party and then you get a chance to run again. I would think that two percent would have been closer to 10 or 15 percent. 

MARK HALPERIN: It's one of the remarkable numbers. 

SCARBOROUGH: That’s remarkable number. 

HALPERIN: And it's certainly because there's a tale of two Americas now. The people who voted for him still happy with him, giving him a chance. But his numbers, as Mika said, overall are not enough to have sway with Congress or to get things done. This is a big week for him.



SCARBOROUGH: — except and again, for people going, I mean, the reason I was shocked by that, John Heilemann, it does have an impact if you have a gerrymandered House and you have districts that overwhelmingly Republican. If Donald Trump is getting 96 percent, you know, support from people who supported for him in districts he won by 70 percent, those House Republicans aren’t going to move away from him. The senators will. Joni Ernst will. But that number right there is significant because he holds onto support in the House. 

JOHN HEILEMANN: This is the number that says Donald Trump is not collapsing and it's also the number that says Donald Trump can't do any of the large, big, ambitious things that he’d like to do. They are both true. He's not in free fall. There's a time a few weeks ago where we thought, well, he could be down in the mid-30s. 

SCARBOROUGH: When he was like 34, 35 percent? That’s free fall.

HEILEMANN: He gets there, then he's be in free fall and people who would be his normal supporters in Congress start to say, hey, you have no ability it sway me, you have no way intimidate me, forget about you, buddy. Right now he's for the in collapse but he's equally not able to do anything large at this level. 


BRZEZINSKI: He's got this big marker coming up. So among subgroups in NBC poll, the president has a positive 85 point net approval rating among his own voters and a 69 point rating among Republicans but he is at negative 23 points with independents, a number that was only negative 10 back in February and as we just showed, when Trump voters were asked by The Washington Post poll about their decision to back him, only two percent regret their support. 

SCARBOROUGH: Mika, how can that just be two percent?

BRZEZINSKI: I’m supri — I mean, just anecdotally we're asking Trump voters just everywhere, they are wavering —

SCARBOROUGH: They are wavering.

BRZEZINSKI: — but maybe they still support him. Maybe they’re wavering but they still support him. 

SCARBOROUGH: Maybe they don't want to say to the pollsters. Again, it’s a tale of in the first month, we love him. Second month, you know, and now into the third month, I'm hearing a lot of Trump voters that at first month said hell, yeah, we’re with him are gosh, I wish the guy would just focus. 

HEILIEMANN: But that really is the difference between wavering and abandonment, right? I think a lot — we hear people are concerned, worried, wavering but they’re not yet — they’re not yet the point of Republicans. Yes, supporters of trump but they’re not yet ready to say I've washed my hands of this guy. He's a failure. They are not there yet.

14 minutes ago, cased said:

Absolutely they are a thing. There have been vague rumors for years, but they were both married to other people. Joe got divorced in 2013, and when Mika got divorced last year, the rumors went mainstream. It became obvious that the rumors were true when neither Joe nor Mika ever denied them, even when asked directly. They have been gradually edging towards going public, but recently pretty much admitted it in an interview.

Perhaps Joe will propose to Mika on the 10th anniversary of Morning Joe. It's coming soon!

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2 minutes ago, oakville said:


Perhaps Joe will propose to Mika on the 10th anniversary of Morning Joe. It's coming soon!

Oh god, I don't know if I could handle that. It would also be the 10th anniversary of them meeting, because I think they met the day before the first Morning Joe show.

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6 hours ago, cased said:

Absolutely they are a thing. There have been vague rumors for years, but they were both married to other people. Joe got divorced in 2013, and when Mika got divorced last year, the rumors went mainstream. It became obvious that the rumors were true when neither Joe nor Mika ever denied them, even when asked directly. They have been gradually edging towards going public, but recently pretty much admitted it in an interview.

You know that gross feeling I mentioned above?   It just got about 10 times more icky.

But it does explain the "old married couple" routine they've got going.  

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Why does Meek-a so often wear clothing that's the same color as the backdrop?  On my TV both the background and her shirt are navy blue.  This happens a lot.  It makes her look like a disembodied head.  Kind of an apt analogy, come to think of it.

And why does she allow herself to be constantly verbally bullied by Joe?  He interrupts her, talks over her, ridicules her, ignores her hesitant little pleas that they have to go to break.  On and on and on.  It infuriates me that she tolerates this disrespect, and it highlights the absurdity of her "know your value" crap.  Unless this is as valuable as she considers herself to be.

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11 hours ago, cased said:

Oh god, I don't know if I could handle that. It would also be the 10th anniversary of them meeting, because I think they met the day before the first Morning Joe show.

Joe admitted that he got excited at the repeats of Mika "throwing the segment" over to him when he was hosting the critically acclaimed Scarborogh Country. He liked it that she dismissed him in a snobby tone. It's reminds of Moonlighting.

I wonder if the actress that played Maddie & Bruce Willis as Joe would work as a movie. Mika & Joe : A Love Story!

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Tuesday Recap. The panel is happy that Joe's prediction of Trump's 15% Corporate Tax rate would happen. Mika beamed at Joe.

Mika is wearing her navy blue golf shirt. Joe is wearing a suit with a pink tie. It's navy blue Tuesday.

Josh Earnest joined the panel/ He was happy that Obama is back in public. He will not lead the Democratic party or run for Mayor of Chicago.

Trump's poll numbers are down. Pence is more popular than Trump.

No one likes Paul Ryan.

Joe was happy that people came up to him in church & wanted his opinions on politics.Joe said don't eat the elephant. They should try to hit singles. Not Grand Slams.

Small corporations can reduce compliance costs.

The GOP can use reconciliation with 51 votes to get the tax cuts passed. It only lasts for 10 years.

Joe said Trump should listen to him.

Everyone is laughing at Julie Pace's interview with Trump. Trump is focused on his TV ratings with various cable shows.

Trump's ratings are bigger than  than 9/11. Mika is mad at Trump. She doesn't like 9/11.

Trump is acting like a reality  TV show President not a real one according to Josh

Joe is mad at the GOP because they have a monopoly of Power but are still dysfunctional.

Trump won't get funding of the Wall. He might get drone funding. The Democrats will not fund the wall.

joe said Congress is a dictatatorship

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Just now, novhappy said:

This too could be pasted into the summary of every show in which he appears

I loved in the article it said a lot of people on Twitter said they'd ask for a different seat if they had to sit next to Halperin before they'd ask to switch because of a dog. Esp. this dog, it's adorable. And it flies with the owner all the time so he's probably used to it. 

FU Halperin. 

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Well some people are allergic to dogs.

I don't get this reaction that he should have considered it such a privilege to sit next to such an adorable dog.

Not everyone is a dog person.

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Not everyone is a dog person.

True, but NO ONE is a Halperin person. 

Plus he was being a dick.  All he had to do is ask to move to a different seat. Not make a big deal out of it online. 

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7 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Has this been discussed?  I haven't seen today's show.

Just when you thought Halperin couldn't be a bigger asshole.  


Halperin is a "friend of the show". There is no way that Mika & Joe will mention any embarrassing behavior by one of their panelists. I can understand Halperin's concern if he was allergic to dogs, but he was rude to the owner of the dog. Boo!

5 hours ago, teddysmom said:

True, but NO ONE is a Halperin person. 

Plus he was being a dick.  All he had to do is ask to move to a different seat. Not make a big deal out of it online. 

Halperin was suspended in 2011 for saying that President Obma was being a "dick". Mika & Joe egged him on.

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On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 0:17 PM, sugarbaker design said:

I had to post the Russell Brand appearance, it's hysterical.

millennium - it's good to see you here. I've enjoyed reading your posts in some of the other forums. wondering if you have seen this clip of Russell Brand taking over the show?

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Wednesday Recap. Mika is wearing a tight fitting short sleeved black top. Joe is wearing a navy suit with a violet tie.

Posh Katty & Barnicle are on the panel. They are mad at the cold weather. Kasie! showed up with a sleek white jacket. Kasie smiled!.


Everyone is shocked how Flynn got a security clearance by not disclosing payments from Russia & Turkey.

Everyone laughed at Trump's wall project. Kasie said they will try to build it quietly. They told Trump to stop talking about it.

Joe likes having wild coyotes with cameras on their heads.

Joe is upset that Trump made fun of morning cable tv pundits that don't know anything. Joe said Trump is making fun of Fox & Friends. Mika had no clue who worked at Fox & Friends.

Mika started making silly hand gestures of a fake mime wall. You could have a virtual wall. Joe was worried that Mika was making sexy gestures with her hands.

The US is installing a missile defense system in South Korea.

Kasie wants a bigger room for the 100 Senators to get secret details about North Korea. Democrats are upset at having to travel to the White House. There will be free snacks at the meeting. Trump wants to keep Democrats in the loop.

Ignatius like Mattis. He won't launch a sneak attack on North Korea.

Mattis is a lot calmer than Trump. He knows what to do about North Korea.

Trump does not want a nuclear attack on the West Coast. It would be bad.

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The panel laughed at Obama making jokes about giving speeches for Goldman Sachs. Obama will get 400K for a speech to Cantor Fitzegerald. It's OK for Obama to do it.

Joe will speak at a National Action Network . Joe said he was very popular with African Americans. Sharpton & Glau were on the show. Maxime Waters won't work with Trump.

Elijah Cummings will talk to Trump.

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At 7 AM, Joe closed out the segment with Eddie Glau (?)talking about white non-involvement in African American issues by saying "TESTIFY!" and some other culturally appropriated AA phrase (Can't remember, that was pre-coffee).  Mika looks like she wants her very DNA to meld with the upholstery of her desk chair.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Kasie wants a bigger room for the 100 Senators to get secret details about North Korea. Democrats are upset at having to travel to the White House. There will be free snacks at the meeting. Trump wants to keep Democrats in the loop.

They normally have these meetings on the Hill, because there are secured rooms that can hold 100 people. 

Free snacks. I hope they aren't from Mar A Lago or DC hospitals better be ready for 100 cases of salmonella poisoning. 

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3 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

At 7 AM, Joe closed out the segment with Eddie Glau (?)talking about white non-involvement in African American issues by saying "TESTIFY!" and some other culturally appropriated AA phrase (Can't remember, that was pre-coffee).  Mika looks like she wants her very DNA to meld with the upholstery of her desk chair.

Joe always made fun of Eddie for not having enough twitter followers to be verified by Twitter. Joe bragged that he had over a million followers including Trump at one point. 

Joe did encourage his followers to follow Eddie.

Mika &Joe admitted that they didn't know anything about the kidnappings of young women in DC. Eddie was upset that there were few white people at the meeting.

sharpton was upset at Bernie sanders for not connecting with African Americans.

2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

They normally have these meetings on the Hill, because there are secured rooms that can hold 100 people. 

Free snacks. I hope they aren't from Mar A Lago or DC hospitals better be ready for 100 cases of salmonella poisoning. 

I hope KAsie gets nice snacks & is allowed to ask questions. 

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4 hours ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

I absolutely love Elijah Cummings, not for the reason listed above but just in general.  I wish I lived in Maryland.

Cummings hired Mika's daughter to work for him. Mika gave him friend of the show status and agreed not to ask him tough questions. Mika should be required to disclose this before she interviews him. 

Joe apparently got very angry at Mika today. Joe said Trump trusts Jared & Ivanka like Kennedy did with Bobby. 

Mina was in disbelief that Jared would be a more experienced advisor than Bobby.

joe said it was a cheap shot by Mika. 


Thats two days in a row. 

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50 minutes ago, oakville said:

Cummings hired Mika's daughter to work for him. Mika gave him friend of the show status and agreed not to ask him tough questions. Mika should be required to disclose this before she interviews him. 

Oh, absolutely.  Talk about a conflict of interest.

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I haven't spent a *lot* of time on this, but I can't find anything online about Mika's daughter working for Cummings. I presume she would be an intern, because her daughters are in college.  Oakville, do you recall where you learned this?

And as far as an agreement not to ask hard questions, I am assuming that is your theory? Any proof?

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1 hour ago, Mumbles said:

I haven't spent a *lot* of time on this, but I can't find anything online about Mika's daughter working for Cummings. I presume she would be an intern, because her daughters are in college.  Oakville, do you recall where you learned this?

And as far as an agreement not to ask hard questions, I am assuming that is your theory? Any proof?

Mika mentioned her daughter workings for Cummings when one of his other staffers died or was burnt in a house fire.Some of the kids also died in the fire. I mentioned it on one of my recaps. 

It is standard policy of Mika & Joe not to ask tough questions of their close friends. They got caught doing it with Trump last year.

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It is standard policy of Mika & Joe not to ask tough questions of their close friends. They got caught doing it with Trump last year.

Yes, they did. And while I do agree the "friends" like McCaskill etc rarely get the grilling they deserve, I think it's a stretch to affirmatively assert that Mika "agreed not to ask [Cummings] tough questions." That sounds like a factual assertion. 

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On 2017-01-16 at 10:24 AM, oakville said:

Late Monday recap. Happy MLK day.!

Mika has a new burgundy sweater. There seems to be a mini scarf around her neck with the same colour. Is she wearing a new style turtleneck? It's a triangular pattern.

Joe is wearing one of his LLBean sweaters.

Mika said Bernie is the future of the Democratic Party. 

Joe defended Trump.


Joe trashed Congress for protecting Big Pharma.Joe said Trump could make a deal with the Democrats on cutting drug prices.

Joe said Trump is destroying the duopoly.

meecham said Trump is the first Independent President.

Mika bragged that her daughter worked for Elijah Cummings. Mika said her daughter knows Katie Malone.

Joe bragged that he was nice to the opponents he clobbered in his congressional races.

Joe said that Trump is like Teddy Roosevelt doing big things. 

Joe said the debt will explode under Trump.

Joe said Trump is getting into many twitter fights with everybody.

Joe said that Trump watches Morning Joe every day.

Joe said Trump is a legitimate President.

The panel was excited about the party for Mike Allens Axios . It's the new Politico.

Mika & Joe will attend the party.

Bill Kristol admitted his predictions are usually wrong.

Eugene Robinson said not all African Americans live in inner cities ghettos.

Eugene said Trump should visit the inner cities.

Kristol liked the Trump Cabinet. kris told is disappointed that Trump hasn't matured as President Elect.

They might move the press briefing room and showed clips of the west wing tv show discussing that topic.

Eugene is mad about African Americans being categorized as living in inner cities.

Joe said that's Trump is too thin skinned.

Joe said he lets insults pass. Joe said he was very nice to people that insult him. Really? Joe takes shots at Cuomo & anyone else that complained about his visit to Mar a Largo.

Woodward defended Trump. He said Trump & the CIA need a marriage counsellor. Woodward said Trump can be very kind on a personal level.

Jeremy Peters & Joe agreed that Trump likes to take the bait on twitter. Joe said Trump loves twitter.

Here is the recap of Mika bragging about her daughter working for Elijah Cummings

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12 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe said he was very popular with African Americans.

Hmmm...how does he know this? At any rate, neither he nor his show are particularly popular with this one, and I used to love this show.

I do enjoy the reviews from you folks, though!

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4 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe said Trump could make a deal with the Democrats on cutting drug prices.

Mika said Bernie is the future of the Democratic Party. 

Joe said that Trump is like Teddy Roosevelt doing big things. 

Joe said that Trump watches Morning Joe every day.

Joe said Trump is a legitimate President.

Good lord, what a difference a few months make! Teddy Roosevelt? I'm not even a fan of Teddy's and I'm offended by the comparison. Teddy Ruxpin, maybe...

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11 hours ago, jazzpno said:

Hmmm...how does he know this? At any rate, neither he nor his show are particularly popular with this one, and I used to love this show.

I do enjoy the reviews from you folks, though!

Joe has the support of Al Sharpton who is the most powerful African American on Cable TV News. He had the power to veto the NBC Comcast merger, so NBC hired him & gave him his own TV show. Joe is speaking at the National Action network. Sharpton said that Joe had attended African American churches & was a Baptist

11 hours ago, jazzpno said:

Good lord, what a difference a few months make! Teddy Roosevelt? I'm not even a fan of Teddy's and I'm offended by the comparison. Teddy Ruxpin, maybe...

I do the recaps so I can keep track of how fast things change in the news. It's a good way to keep track of the Pundits prognostications.

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16 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Yes, they did. And while I do agree the "friends" like McCaskill etc rarely get the grilling they deserve, I think it's a stretch to affirmatively assert that Mika "agreed not to ask [Cummings] tough questions." That sounds like a factual assertion. 

You are right. Mika did not announce during her interview that she wouldn't ask tough questions of Elijah. However, Mika & Joe have a pattern of getting too close on a personal level to the politicians they cover. This started with Gov Corzine,Christie,Sanford, Warner, & many others. Their political careers have ended in failure. Mika & Joe should warn politicians that they are the toxic personalities who will bring disrepair & chaos to their political careers. 

In Canada, broadcasters usually disclose if they have a conflict of interest with the person they are interviewing.

Mika should say everytime he appears that her daughter worked for him. Chuck Todd is even more egregious by not disclosing that his wife's company received over 1 million in payments from the Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016.

In fact, Mika & Joe should have disclosed that they were leaving their spouses for each other in 2013. It explains why Mika put up with his belittling behavior of her. Calling her snobby yesterday was very rude. He issued a weak apology on twitter but made fun of it.

Today's show is much more informative with Willie hosting. No Mika & no Joe.

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11 hours ago, jazzpno said:

Good lord, what a difference a few months make! Teddy Roosevelt? I'm not even a fan of Teddy's and I'm offended by the comparison. Teddy Ruxpin, maybe...

I have my original Teddy Ruxpin sitting in his special chair looking at me right now. When I married, Teddy moved with me and continues to love me and sometimes terrify my poor husband. :)  I knew Teddy Ruxpin; I loved Teddy Ruxpin; Donald Trump will NEVER be as intelligent or capable as Teddy Ruxpin!  Harumph! ;D

No Joe and no Mika today.  Panel and guests are informative and interesting. Willie keeps things moving, and everybody has something worthwhile to offer.  

Amazing difference!

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In fact, Mika & Joe should have disclosed that they were leaving their spouses for each other in 2013.

I agree that potential conflicts with guests or topics discussed should be disclosed - yes, Mika should disclose that her daughter worked for Cummings, and Barnicle should have disclosed his wife was a big Hillary Clinton donor during the campaign,  and he should not participate in discussions about big banks, given her big job at one of them.

But this above is speculation on all our part. Yeah it's pretty clear they're together now but we don't know when it started.

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Mika& Joe had many town hall meetings outside of NY during the 2012 election campaign. I recall Joe agreeing to come to whatever school was having issues. They liked doing road trips. They rarely go anywhere now.

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36 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika& Joe had many town hall meetings outside of NY during the 2012 election campaign. I recall Joe agreeing to come to whatever school was having issues. They liked doing road trips. They rarely go anywhere now.

There was lots of speculation at the time that they traveled together frequently so that they could spend time together away from their spouses. They don't need to do that now. 

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The president has been giving exclusive interviews to select outfits to talk about his first 100 days.   In his AP interview with Julie Pace late last week, he talked about training himself not to watch "negative" news shows anymore.  He specifically mentioned Morning Joe as a show he no longer watches.  (Of course, he contradicted himself several times.  I urge those interested to read the full transcript of the AP interview.  It's a scary trip down kookooluks lane to me: https://apnews.com/c810d7de280a47e88848b0ac74690c83 )

I waited to see if oakville's recaps of this week's Monday or Tuesday shows would show a response from Joe but I didn't see it (or missed it).   But as I watched the show on Wednesday, Joe DID blurt out this:  "good thing he doesn't watch the show anymore. Did you know he doesn't watch the show anymore?"  Joe was red-faced and out of control when I tuned in yesterday. Annoyed with Mika, talking over everybody, etc.   BUT, it was one particular comment he made preceding the comment I just mentioned that really got my attention.

As Joe was sparring/disrespecting Mika, suddenly out of nowhere he said, "he's right.  You ARE neurotic!"  Omg.  oakville, did you catch that barb?  I was shocked.

Of course, Joe was referring to Trump's infamous insult against the couple and his diss of Mika.  Remember those tweets last August?  Trump called Mika a not-very-bright mess, and Joe's neurotic girlfriend. Trump also called them  "two clowns."   I think Trump and Joe are made from the same cloth.


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30 minutes ago, sleekandchic said:

The president has been giving exclusive interviews to select outfits to talk about his first 100 days.   In his AP interview with Julie Pace late last week, he talked about training himself not to watch "negative" news shows anymore.  He specifically mentioned Morning Joe as a show he no longer watches.  (Of course, he contradicted himself several times.  I urge those interested to read the full transcript of the AP interview.  It's a scary trip down kookooluks lane to me: https://apnews.com/c810d7de280a47e88848b0ac74690c83 )

I love when he stops and asks Julie if she wants a Coke.  Then he says China isn't manipulating currency.  Uh, wait a minute....

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3 hours ago, cased said:


It looks like the dynamic duo is off until Tuesday. Mika's 50th birthday is Tuesday, so maybe they are taking some time off to celebrate (assuming that they have recovered from their Wednesday on-air spat). 

Enjoy the next couple of Joe-Mika free shows. 

Making up with Joe over the weekend will be fun.

I hope Joe doesn't get too many calls from important world leaders over the weekend

1 hour ago, sleekandchic said:

The president has been giving exclusive interviews to select outfits to talk about his first 100 days.   In his AP interview with Julie Pace late last week, he talked about training himself not to watch "negative" news shows anymore.  He specifically mentioned Morning Joe as a show he no longer watches.  (Of course, he contradicted himself several times.  I urge those interested to read the full transcript of the AP interview.  It's a scary trip down kookooluks lane to me: https://apnews.com/c810d7de280a47e88848b0ac74690c83 )

I waited to see if oakville's recaps of this week's Monday or Tuesday shows would show a response from Joe but I didn't see it (or missed it).   But as I watched the show on Wednesday, Joe DID blurt out this:  "good thing he doesn't watch the show anymore. Did you know he doesn't watch the show anymore?"  Joe was red-faced and out of control when I tuned in yesterday. Annoyed with Mika, talking over everybody, etc.   BUT, it was one particular comment he made preceding the comment I just mentioned that really got my attention.

As Joe was sparring/disrespecting Mika, suddenly out of nowhere he said, "he's right.  You ARE neurotic!"  Omg.  oakville, did you catch that barb?  I was shocked.

Of course, Joe was referring to Trump's infamous insult against the couple and his diss of Mika.  Remember those tweets last August?  Trump called Mika a not-very-bright mess, and Joe's neurotic girlfriend. Trump also called them  "two clowns."   I think Trump and Joe are made from the same cloth.


Ha! I still haven't seen that part where he calls her neurotic. They went to. Real after the Kennedy lush et comparison.

i do believe that Joe is upset that Trump did not give him an interview prior to the inauguration. 

Joe has been very aggressive this week.He needs a break

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On ‎4‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 5:56 PM, suomi said:

The ick factor is now pegging the meter.  She attempted "demure" and "surprised" when he said that but obviously she already knew it and obviously she was getting wood when he said it. Such a lovely man, neglecting to take into consideration what his then-wife will think about this revelation not to mention their kids. I can hardly wait until these two are beyond the honeymoon stage and aggravated by and irritated with each other on-air a few times.

I didn't have to wait very long, did I?

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