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S03.E15: The 9-8

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The Beastie Boys and Toni Braxton!  Talk about bringing back old memories!


Pretty much knew how the Stevie story would play out, but I enjoyed a lot of the little things, so it worked for me.  I liked when Jake did the typical "You're just jealous!" bullshit after Boyle told him Stevie was dirty, Boyle just flat-out said that, yes, that's true, but it is also true that Stevie is dirty.  And then after a brief moment of keeping it up, Jake quickly trusted Boyle and confronted Stevie.  And then when Stevie shit-talked Boyle, Jake quickly backed him up (and I love that Jake knows why Boyle wears his pants the way he does.  Jake would know that.)  And, overall, I like that Boyle is truly a great detective and was totally right about everything, and it was Jake and Stevie that screwed the pooch by rushing in.  The Jake/Boyle relationship continues to be one of my favorite things.  Not a massive fan of Damon Wayans Jr. (granted, maybe I should see Happy Endings, since I know that was a good show), but he worked well enough in the role.


The 9-8 setting up shop felt like a mixture of the episode when the gang had to deal with the night shift and their habits, and it ending with a brawl similar to the one they did against Patton Oswalt and the firefighters.  And I love every minute of it.  Terry's idea of making an office outside.  Rosa hatred to her desk partner for her figurines and being a chatterbox.  Amy's allergy to dogs making her become very serious (and, no, I wasn't upset over her wanting to give the dog chocolate because I really doubt she was serous, but her allergies were driving her insane.)  And then Holt being the one to find a way to kick the 9-8 out.  But that brawl though.  Terry having two guys at his mercy was great, as was Rosa smashing the figurine.  But, as usual, my favorite was Amy going psycho on dog guy.  Because Melissa Fumero can be just as scary as she can be adorable.


The biggest offense though is someone in the 9-8 eating Terry's yogurt.  I have to think every cop in NYC must know that you don't touch Terry's yogurt.  Come on, 9-8!


Did they ever say what was in the mysterious briefcase in the cold opening?  Either way, Holt's reaction in the elevator slayed me.  Once again, Andre Braugher makes one simply line hilarious.

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That chant was glorious. As is sometimes the case with B99, I thought the B-plot was better than the A-plot. That's probably because I prefer it when the majority or entire squad works together to accomplish something. And Andre Braugher is amazing, as always. I would have wrecked that radiator too. "Who's got the time?!"

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Pretty much knew how the Stevie story would play out, but I enjoyed a lot of the little things, so it worked for me.  I liked when Jake did the typical "You're just jealous!" bullshit after Boyle told him Stevie was dirty, Boyle just flat-out said that, yes, that's true, but it is also true that Stevie is dirty.  And then after a brief moment of keeping it up, Jake quickly trusted Boyle and confronted Stevie.  And then when Stevie shit-talked Boyle, Jake quickly backed him up (and I love that Jake knows why Boyle wears his pants the way he does.  Jake would know that.)  And, overall, I like that Boyle is truly a great detective and was totally right about everything, and it was Jake and Stevie that screwed the pooch by rushing in.  The Jake/Boyle relationship continues to be one of my favorite things.  Not a massive fan of Damon Wayans Jr. (granted, maybe I should see Happy Endings, since I know that was a good show), but he worked well enough in the role.



I love your entire post Thuganomics85, but especially the way you zero in on all the little things that make the Jake/Boyle relationship/storyline so fantastic.   B-99 is far superior to most other sitcoms in the way it handles all of the various relationships.

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I can't remember exactly how Jake messed up the Lion King characters....Jarbon, something and Steemba...but it was perfect.  Charles was instantly converted...that's how well Jake knows him.  Love it!


And I loved that Amy and Jake never even spoke tonight.  This show is doing such a good job with their relationship...it can be the focus of an ep and then the next week not even mentioned and IT'S OKAY.  Just so well done. I'm looking at you The Mindy Project....

Edited by Mama No Life
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Amy's allergy to dogs making her become very serious (and, no, I wasn't upset over her wanting to give the dog chocolate because I really doubt she was serous, but her allergies were driving her insane.) 

The best part of that was her matter-of-fact assumption that the whole squad would be celebrating the dog's death, as just a subordinate clause while she moved on to the real result.

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I really liked this one because 1) like others here, the Jake/Boyle friendship is easily one of the best aspects of the show for me, 2) as a lifelong mystery/crime show addict, I love when B99 gives us storylines that are specific to police departments rather than just acting like any other workplace comedy, so the drug bust stuff worked for me, 3) I can't even tell you how much I relate to the characters going crazy when strangers were encroaching on their space and 4) I find Gina more tolerable when she's working with her coworkers against a common 'enemy' rather than just being a pointlessly mean, unfunny brat.


Random comments:


Stephanie Beatriz  is so good at doing other people's voices/accents/expressions etc. that I sometimes find myself wishing she was playing a less deadpan, more animated character. I love Rosa, but SB has a lot of comedic range that the character  doesn't often allow her to display IMO. 


I know people love Terry, but he's just not all that funny or interesting to me, and his habit of referring to himself in the third person is a major pet peeve of mine! 


Everyone constantly annoyed with and mean to Scully/Hitchcock so reminds me of the way everyone treated Jerry on Parks and Rec, even though you could argue that Scully and Hitchcock bring it on themselves a bit more than sweet, hardworking Jerry did. Either way, I just find it repetitive and unfunny. 


Amy is kind of annoying me this season, and I LOVED her in S1 and much of S2. I wish I could pinpoint why---it just feels like they're so deliberately hammering home the cutesy/adorable stuff rather than just letting it come through naturally. She actually reminds me a bit of Community's Annie Edison (who I also liked a lot more in the first two seasons than at any time since!) 


Overall, this was one of my favorite episodes of the season! 

I still love Amy especially when she gets pissed like in this episode.




That chant was glorious.


Agreed and also loved Rosa chanting with her but at her annoying deskmate "JUICE ELLEN! JUICE ELLEN!"


Stephanie Beatriz  is so good at doing other people's voices/accents/expressions etc. that I sometimes find myself wishing she was playing a less deadpan, more animated character. I love Rosa, but SB has a lot of comedic range that the character  doesn't often allow her to display IMO.


It's funny that when she imitated Ellen reading online recipes "Who has the time?" it's actually sounds closer to Stephanie Beatriz real voice! It's like on Jessica Jones when Jessica pretends to be a vapid person on the phone the voice is more like Krysten Ritter who deepens her voice to play Jessica.

Edited by VCRTracking
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The Plan:


Amy:  We feed the dog chocolate -- it dies -- while everyone celebrates --

Terry:  Okay Amy's too close to this. 


It's funny that when she imitated Ellen reading online recipes "Who has the time?" it's actually sounds closer to Stephanie Beatriz real voice!


Yes.  This made me laugh way too hard.  I work with the same person I think


I know people love Terry, but he's just not all that funny or interesting to me, and his habit of referring to himself in the third person is a major pet peeve of mine!


I feel like it's a strangulation of Terry Crews.  He mostly just stands there, and once in awhile freaks out and says something strange.  Terry Crews is enormously talented (and enormous) yet I feel like the character is so limiting.  So much so that it makes me a bit uncomfortable.  It's just not enough for the star power of the actor, I think.  But the cast is so large so I guess it has to happen.  I just feel like Terry is a movie star, I guess.  I think I picture him with the career of a Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.


And yes, I agree that Jake totally trusting Boyle's story of what happened with Damon Wayans' character (Stephen? Shills?) is yet another example of why this show is smarter than others.  I noticed that immediately.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay


Stephanie Beatriz  is so good at doing other people's voices/accents/expressions etc. that I sometimes find myself wishing she was playing a less deadpan, more animated character.


I didn't even realize this until this episode. Her imitation of her new desk partner was hysterical. Just hearing her do a different voice for a split second was surprising. 


My favorite part was Holt hanging around Gina's desk trying to convince her he was interested in gossip. "I. Like. To. Gab." The way he enunciates his words cracks me up.

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"Its super sad and awesome" is a pretty great way to describe Toni Braxton, actually. 


Like others have said, my love for the Jake/Boyle friendship is never ending. I just feel like it would have been so easy to make it a weird, one sided friendship where Boyle is the loser nerdy cop who worships cool guy Jake, who thinks he is a weirdo. Instead, Jake likes Boyle just as much as Boyle likes him (maybe in a different way, but thats Boyle. He loves hard), and he takes him seriously as a cop and as a person, quirks and all. I figured that Damon Wayans Jr. (Brad! God I miss Happy Endings) was going to be corrupt, but he was a fun guest star, and I liked how even when DWJ would diss Boyle, Jake always had his back, even before Boyle accused him of corruption. Then, he actually took him seriously, and figured out the truth. They're just awesome. 



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Has it been established previously that Holt is not interested in basketball?

Yes it has. The season 2 episode "Jimmy Jab Games" had this brilliant exchange between Holt and Wuntch:




Holt: That’s funny, after twenty years I’d think you would be used to me slam-dunking in your face.

Wuntch: I’m surprised you didn’t see what was going on in there. I got you riled up, you oversold Giggle Pig and now you’re running an expensive task force in a time of budget cuts. You’d better make some big arrests, and quick, or you’ll be the poster-boy for departmental waste. Slam dunk returned.

Holt: Not if we make those arrests. Three point dunk.

Jeffords: You guys really don’t know enough about basketball to be doing this.

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Everyone constantly annoyed with and mean to Scully/Hitchcock so reminds me of the way everyone treated Jerry on Parks and Rec, even though you could argue that Scully and Hitchcock bring it on themselves a bit more than sweet, hardworking Jerry did. Either way, I just find it repetitive and unfunny.


I hated the treatment of Jerry on Parks and Rec so much that, combined with my hatred of April that increased over the run of the series, I can no longer rewatch it.  It tainted the whole series for me too much.  That said, Scully/Hitchcock in no way remind me of Jerry - probably because they are usually so terrible.  They are lucky the squad puts up with them as much as they do, IMO.

Like others have said, my love for the Jake/Boyle friendship is never ending. I just feel like it would have been so easy to make it a weird, one sided friendship where Boyle is the loser nerdy cop who worships cool guy Jake, who thinks he is a weirdo. Instead, Jake likes Boyle just as much as Boyle likes him (maybe in a different way, but thats Boyle. He loves hard), and he takes him seriously as a cop and as a person, quirks and all. I figured that Damon Wayans Jr. (Brad! God I miss Happy Endings) was going to be corrupt, but he was a fun guest star, and I liked how even when DWJ would diss Boyle, Jake always had his back, even before Boyle accused him of corruption. Then, he actually took him seriously, and figured out the truth. They're just awesome.


So well said Tennisgurl!

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Has it been established previously that Holt is not interested in basketball?  I hope this was not just "gay guys don't know about sports."  (I'm a major Holt fan but may not have seen every episode.)


I think it's more he's into less "low brow" things like Frasier Crane was(who got a shout out this episode). I still love his aversion to drinking soda for the first time from the recent Halloween episode!


That said, Scully/Hitchcock in no way remind me of Jerry - probably because they are usually so terrible.  They are lucky the squad puts up with them as much as they do, IMO.



Edited by VCRTracking
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Aww man I just love this show. The day it ends will be a day that's as super sad as a Toni Braxton song---but hold the "awesome."


Charles' and Jakes' friendship is the best. 


VCRTracking, on 10 Feb 2016 - 02:13 AM, said:VCRTracking, on 10 Feb 2016 - 02:13 AM, said:

Loved Damon Wayans Jr. as Jake's old partner(even though seeing any of the "Happy Endings" cast makes me sad it got cancelled). Gina going "Whu-oh!" immediately knowing Charles will be jealous.



The big brawl between the two precincts was awesome.


I too was both happy to see Damon Wayans Jr. because BRAD! ....  but then also sad and angry for the untimely demise of Happy Endings (sidenote: I recently re watched all 3 seasons and they do NOT get any less awesome and funny over time!)


Anywho, I thought DWJ was really great in this role - he and Jake had great chemistry. And if they decide to bring him back again as a semi-recurring character (like Craig Robinson) I sure wouldn't be mad about it.

Edited by Duke2801
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Great ep. The cold open with The Suitcase of Mystery was great. Jake saying he'd let Gina spray tan him and then that he'd let her do his hair and clothes was great, as was the outcome. Loved Gina's reaction to Boyle's and then Scully & Hitchcock's offers.


Holt: All right everyone. Enough morning chitchat. Television happened. Commutes were difficult. Boyle had a dream.


I was so happy to see Damon Wayans. I wasn't a regular viewer of Happy Endings, but I've seen enough of him there as well as on New Girl to fall in love. Such a funny guy. Loved how he and Jake meshed so well. The mini-montage of their Bestie Boys days was fantastic. Of course I also loved Boyle with his old partner: Chuckie and the Coot. So funny when he's helping him down the stairs.


Holt: Nonsense. I'm an EASY-going chap.

Gina: I once saw you use a ruler to measure another ruler.
Holt: It was off by half a centimeter. It never should have been in circultion.


Loved the precinct fight, esp the beginning when Jake tackled Stevie, then one of Stevie's guys (the dog guy?) tackled Jake, and so on with one cop tackling another. Great visual.

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AnnaRose, I would love to know whether you like Gina less, more or about the same as April! if this isn't the right thread, please feel free to answer this somewhere else :) 


I actually like Gina much more than dour, hateful April.  I know a lot of people can't stand Gina, and I understand her snarkiness and over-inflated ego can be annoying... but she doesn't bother me like April did, probably because of her friendships with various characters. (Especially with Jake - I love that they have a believable friendship that goes back to childhood, just like the real life actors.)


Plus Gina has a generally fun personality (even if she is delusional) and looks out for her friends and (most of) her coworkers.  I thought she was funny in the opening scene in this episode, and I was glad we got to see her handiwork before the opening credits ran.  Holt's reaction was hilarious.


Rosa's impersonation was the best.  "Who's got the time?"  Haha!  I reran that a bunch of times too.  Figurine lady totally reminded me of someone when she was talking about juicing nuts.  I'm not sure who, but her inflection was very funny to me.


I love the way Melissa plays Amy with so much intensity at times.  The dog stuff was pretty hilarious.   They're doing a good job hiding her pregnancy.


The ruler comment was great.  I have a pet peeve about measuring spoons not being the correct size, so I could relate to that.  Maybe I should go measure my rulers.  Also, I have had suspicions about the accuracy of my measuring tapes for some time - none of them look like the inches are the same length... and now I am inspired to measure them too.


Love, love, love the Jake/Boyle friendship, but I have nothing to add since everyone has already covered that so much better than I could.


This is by far my favorite half hour comedy.   Well... now that Galavant is done for the year anyway.

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I rewatched the ep yesterday. Rosa's imitation of the figurine lady was perfect and hysterical. It's always funny when she does a different voice.


I love how Amy's eyes and nose get redder the longer she's exposed to the dog. I also loved her reaction to Scully and Hitchcock complaining about their burritos and making Terry think that was her issue too. (And again, I'm never thinking about Melissa's pregnancy, so I'm unaware of the show working to hide it.)


Even though Stevie turned out to be a bad cop, I loved his character, particularly how he and Jake interacted. His joining in with Unbreak My Heart was great.


Loved the quick shot of Holt breaking the radiator pipe then walking casually away.

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