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Now at 15%.  Vote, vote, vote!!!


Should we make it to the finals, we are going to get creamed by Captain Swan!  LOL


No way, man. I refuse to believe that. The fact that a ship that has never kissed or declared any romantic feelings of any sort has made it to the final four - COME ON!! Let's win this mess! I want Ichabbie to take the whole shebang, dammit! Screw Captain Swan!


C'mon baby - let's do it!! *grin*

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We lost about 20% yesterday. 20%! 'The heck? I just voted 500 times in an hour tabbing between two windows and the percentage moved like 0.1%. I don't see how Steroline was posting consistent 0.3% gains at every single twenty-minute refresh for hours yesterday.

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We lost about 20% yesterday. 20%! 'The heck? I just voted 500 times in an hour tabbing between two windows and the percentage moved like 0.1%. I don't see how Steroline was posting consistent 0.3% gains at every single twenty-minute refresh for hours yesterday.


Just like the stuff going on behind the scenes of the show....something is shady with this poll.  Very shady.

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Just like the stuff going on behind the scenes of the show....something is shady with this poll.  Very shady.

Someone or several someones, have bots (programs that perform an action over and over again) For game sites like POGO, people will create bots for pulling a lever for a slot machine game, for example. These bots are much faster than humans can do it and the owners aren't even at their computers.

Edited by DJG1122
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Now down by 9%.  We've got 5.5 hours to get back up.  To the Twitter, my friends!

Even if we don't make Top 2, getting to the Final Four is pretty amazing, and should send yet another message to Fox about how popular IchAbbie are.

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I don't think anyone puts significant weight on E! Online polls.  Internet polls are inherently unreliable and not representative of the entire audience to begin with, and E! polls have been hacked more times than I can remember.


That said, I'll go vote a few times (even though the concept of shipping really doesn't appeal to me at all, never has) just 'cause I like you guys and you're asking nicely :D

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In the last two refreshes, we first dropped a huge 0.5% and then a frankly unbelievable 2.3%! I've been voting a lot (a bit obsessively, I'll admit) in the polls since the top 64 and I have never seen anything like it, not this late in a heat. The bigger the vote totals, the harder it becomes to change the overall percentages. Sudden giant gains and losses after four days of voting is....weird to say the least.

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This is so weird.  The Olicity vote earlier was being called into question but it was a steady increase in drips and drabs and they (we) fought a good fight.  But this is kind of weird.  But I'm still voting. I am a grown up.

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Yeah - that's totally shady. I'm calling shenanigans on that poll.

I'm happy we made it to the final 4 - but SHENANIGANS on that poll. No way we dropped so much so fast with the number of votes going UP. No way.

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After I posred last, there were zero net change for about two hours and then suddenly another 2.1% drop in one refresh. Total shenanigans. That's not normal movement.

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After I posred last, there were zero net change for about two hours and then suddenly another 2.1% drop in one refresh. Total shenanigans. That's not normal movement.

Yeah - that suggests a bot.

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I thought I was going crazy when I noticed the large percentage gains. It was odd, to say the least. Third place out of 64 couples is good though. Especially since most are/were established couples. 

I don't watch TVD ot OUAT so I don't know those other characters but visually they seem interchangable. I'm guessing it's dark haired reformed bad boy and blonde girl, with a heart of gold,  who may have lost her way a time or two?


Orlando cracks me up. I think his trollandish ways were lost amongst the groups of rabid fans. My favorite was his twitter convo with Kristin Dos Santos. That really sent  some people spiraling.

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I actually do watch TVD and used to watch OUAT, and you're actually way off-base with the TVD couple.  It's the show's good guy (well on a show with vampires) and the sunny, bubbly girl with a bright outlook, the two have been friends forever and this has been building for five seasons, really revving up the last two seasons, so this is a well-earned win, even if not my fave couple on the show (that one is the reformed bad boy/good girl, LOL!)  Not interchangable at all, though in terms of couple-wise.  That is the OUAT couple to a tee, but that show is pretty cliche-ridden all-around.

If you add in that Stephen is a former ripper and has the capacity to go that way at any time, then he kinda is a "bad boy" who lost his way. It's not the same as Damon, but the sentiment is pretty much the same, except on a different level.

Either way - that fandom deserved to get trolled by Trollando - talk about rabidf. Their actions have some similarities to Delena fans (especially when you bring up Bamon and any comments that Ian S has made about Bamon) and that's saying something. Just ugly.

Trollando made that ALLLL better.

Edited by phoenics
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Orlando cracks me up. I think his trollandish ways were lost amongst the groups of rabid fans. My favorite was his twitter convo with Kristin Dos Santos. That really sent  some people spiraling.

Can you give a link (because I am social media impaired)?

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If you add in that Stephen is a former ripper and has the capacity to go that way at any time, then he kinda is a "bad boy" who lost his way. It's not the same as Damon, but the sentiment is pretty much the same, except on a different level.

Either way - that fandom deserved to get trolled by Trollando - talk about rabidf. Their actions have some similarities to Delena fans (especially when you bring up Bamon and any comments that Ian S has made about Bamon) and that's saying something. Just ugly.

Trollando made that ALLLL better.

Plus, Caroline did just lose her way. Her mom died and in her grief, she turned off her humanity and did some terrible things, including forcing Stefan to turn off his as well. Caroline is my favorite character and I do like them together, but I wish that they had actually just remained best friends. They had a lovely, well developed friendship and that's pretty rare.

In the meantime, Bonnie is alone.

Orlando is hilarious. I totally fell for his "(Some of) Your Fans Are Problematic". Trollando! I don't understand why people were giving him flack for supporting the ship from his own show. He wasn't bashing anyone's ship. Klaine fans were calling him homophobic!

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Orlando's Twitter (all replies view). Just scroll down to see the various tweets. Bulk of the comments are here, along with his retweeting others people's anger over his fandom comments. Hilarious.


Orlando's tumblr - he's got some more hilarious posts in here too.

Bless that girl for thinking she could take on Trollando. The man has no qualm talking shit about the people who pay him, why did she think she could rattle him? SMH. In other news, I've decided to dive down the rabbit hole that his Orlandos tumblr. Please send a search party if I'm not back in a few days ;)

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Plus, Caroline did just lose her way. Her mom died and in her grief, she turned off her humanity and did some terrible things, including forcing Stefan to turn off his as well. Caroline is my favorite character and I do like them together, but I wish that they had actually just remained best friends. They had a lovely, well developed friendship and that's pretty rare.

In the meantime, Bonnie is alone.

Orlando is hilarious. I totally fell for his "(Some of) Your Fans Are Problematic". Trollando! I don't understand why people were giving him flack for supporting the ship from his own show. He wasn't bashing anyone's ship. Klaine fans were calling him homophobic!


First reaction to the bolded above: I thought Bonnie was dead?


Second reaction: Oh yeah, this is why I stopped watching TVD.


(I gave up when they couldn't make anyone's death stick and I lost track of all the doppelgangers.)

Edited by kieyra
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I just started watching again after a couple seasons off and I thought Alaric and Liz were dead, but they had storylines this season, so yeah...

Well, third place out of 64 couples is nothing to sneeze at, especially considering our show has only been on for about 30 episodes and our couple has never even kissed or expressed feelings. I'm proud of all the support our fandom showed for the show and how we didn't exhibit some of the craziness displayed by others. Hopefully, Fox will notice how much the fans care about Sleepy Hollow still.

I'm strangely both happy and sad that Ichatrina didn't make the 64. That might have been hilarious.

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So, Katia Winters' latest tweet:

Don't make excuses for nasty people. You can't put a flower in an asshole and call it a vase


Btw, my predictive text wanted to change "Winters'" to "Whispery". Haha!

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I've been so busy with school the past few weeks, but I just had to thank you all the hilarious updates (Trollando and Misoning are now part of my vocabulary) and the joyous news that Goffman won't be screwing up s3...assuming there is one.  I'm crossing my fingers!   

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Blessed Be, an Abbie-centric Twitter campaign! http://sleepyhollowhub.com/post/113865833806/hello-sleepyheads-the-purpose-of-the-event-is-to

Hello Sleepyheads!

    The purpose of the event is to celebrate our favorite TV show character Abbie Mills as well as the wonderful actress who plays her, Nicole Beharie! Graphics, fic, fanvids, fanart, crafts and meta, are all welcome. Each day will have its own theme that should be related to Abbie Mills!
    Fans are encouraged to create and submit their work to show their support and love for Abbie Mills, Nicole Beharie, AND Sleepy Hollow.

    If you want to participate make sure to tag your posts as #AMAW. Additionally, please mention Abbie Mills Appreciation Week in your posts and the day/theme you’re posting for.

    Below you will find the theme and dates.

(Details in the link)

Let me know if this should be moved to the Abbie thread.

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Most exciting part of the TVLine article:



Per Fox, Season 3 will explore the evolving partnership between Crane and Mills after the pair scored a decisive victory over evil in the Season 2 finale.


I don't know how I feel about the 18-episode part of it, though. 

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EW: Sleepy Hollow Renewed for Season 3.


SpoilerTV: SH Renewed for Season 3


Because I am a fucking fool in love with this show, I'm in tears now!! YES!!



ETA: copied from one of my previous posts...Hotdamn, season 3 is going to be brilliant:


Henry gone - Check

Katrina gone - Check

CFD done - Check

Irving alive - Check

Jenny alive - Check

Goffman gone - Check

Season 3 -  CHECK!!

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Glad to hear it's been picked up, although I am a bit worried that it's 18 episodes, because I worry that might be a bit much for them.


Still, I'm more then willing to give them a chance now that we are hopefully rid of that dead weight known as Katrina (and Henry too.) Don't even think about resurrecting them, guys!  Just give me plenty of Abbie and Ichabod, and give a decent amount for Jenny and Frank to do.  Added bonus would be wrangling John Cho back for an Andy appearance or two.  And Clancy Brown as Corbin in various capacities, voice-overs, or visions.

Edited by thuganomics85
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I LOVE the idea of 18 episodes. The number of episodes was never the problem in my view - it was the storyline never moving ahead and the focus on Katrina and Henry and CFD. All of that crap- ALL OF IT - is gone. There is a lot of potential with 18.

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They're changing location too.



In addition, TVLine has learned that the series will move production from Wilmington, N.C., where it shot Seasons 1 and 2, to Atlanta.

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In addition, TVLine has learned that the series will move production from Wilmington, N.C., where it shot Seasons 1 and 2, to Atlanta.

On one hand, it's too bad since Wilmington was a nice place and it had some great locations.  On the other hand, I live near Atlanta, so road trip!

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Just heard the news!!!!!!!   YES!!!!!!!!!!!!   The true fans spoke and made it happen (ok, so there's still some SH snark left in me LOL).


ETA:  Does anyone know what happened to that role playing Ichabod Crane person?   Did they finally calm down or were restraining orders issued? 

Edited by MissAlmond
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I also just wanted to give a shoutout to those dedicated fans who have been campaigning for show renewal, have been supportive and vocal of the main four actors (Beharie, Jones, Greenwood, Mison), who wanted a better show, while fighting off the small band of horrifically racist individuals in the meantime. I know a few of you post here, and maybe more do that I am not aware of. But you know who you are and the work you have done.


But you deserve the utmost in kudos and love and hugs for the effort you guys made to get your voices heard about the show. To get it to trend, to get FOX to see that we care, to get proper changes made to improve the show. To do justice by the four main leads. It was a helluva effort taken for a show that you (and I) love.


So I wanted to put that shoutout in here for the record and give you a heartfelt THANK YOU!! You did it!

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Ditto what HalyconDays said!  Also a tip of the hat to Aaron Baiers too.  It looked like K/O productions suddenly tapped him on the shoulder and the poor man has been drumming up support on Twitter ever since.  To all of you who helped make this happen: Thank You!!!!!!!  Now take a break, back away from the Twitter, and spend some time with your loved ones!  Your work is done.  For now.   LOL.

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Nice. I'm beyond curious to see if they will turn this ship around. 


Edit: And this'll be the last time I snark about this but: that poster who was telling us this sort of thing simply did not, would not happen; that fan outcry was pointless. 

Edited by kieyra
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Glad to hear it's been picked up, although I am a bit worried that it's 18 episodes, because I worry that might be a bit much for them.


Still, I'm more then willing to give them a chance now that we are hopefully rid of that dead weight known as Katrina (and Henry too.) Don't even think about resurrecting them, guys!  Just give me plenty of Abbie and Ichabod, and give a decent amount for Jenny and Frank to do.  Added bonus would be wrangling John Cho back for an Andy appearance or two.  And Clancy Brown as Corbin in various capacities, voice-overs, or visions.


Well, Selfie's gone and John Cho hasn't been cast in another pilot yet, so I'd say chances are good he makes an appearance.


The press release I read also said they wanted to do more episodic and less serialized, which I fully support. The new show runner most recently worked on The Glades and White Collar, neither of which I watched, so I don't know if he's any good.

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I wouldn't object to a starting run that was more episodic. I will fully admit that even when the show was good I had a very hard time following the season arcs, there was just too much going on and little internal consistency/canon. I could deal with some MOTW for a while if they spend some time doing major character work ... character work that doesn't get erased the following week when the plot calls for it. In fact I'd LOVE for them to do some MOTW, rebuild their universe rules/canon in the background while doing so, do some character work with Ichabod integrating further into modern life (but never fully, of course) and getting over Katrina. Quickly, if possible. 

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