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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Meh, I watched Homicide; Life On The Street for 5 of it's seven years on the air in the Friday death slot. IIRC, all it was expected to do was beat Nash Bridges in the ratings and I don't think it ever pulled even that off. 


Mind you, it was a critical darling that won awards, not a genre show that squandered it's potential. SH is still fun to watch though. What I've been reading in reviews is more positive than not, but definitely can be described as mixed.

Edited by yuggapukka
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Fringe survived for a couple more years in the Friday night death slot. I don't think all hope is lost just yet. Fox just doesn't have a whole lot else going for it right now, outside of Empire. Now, if Lucifer or Second Chances really take off, then it's not going to look good for Sleepy Hollow. But with Minority Report flopping so badly, they need some sort of genre show to succeed.

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Don't know how to copy/paste on tablet but Daddy Mills has been named. James McDaniel is the father. Someone else can post a link.


Thanks, finally after hearing about him this season.

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The X-Files was always on Friday night at 10. Worked for that show.


Now I wish Constantine was still on. SH and Constantine would have made a great Friday night viewing, complete with lots of wine! Fringe apparently did well too, so let's cross our fingers. You never know.


Thursday's was a rough night. For me, SH, HTGAWM, Elementary. Apparently, SH was moved because FOX wants focus on the last season of American Idol or something. I read that somewhere, not sure if it's right.




Preview for S03:E08: Novus Ordo Seclorum


Imhotep?!? (sorry, The Mummy joke)

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Spoilers: I think you're doing it wrong.

Sleepy Hollow: Abbie Dies in Shocking Sacrifice During ...

Variety Magazine › news › sleepy-hollo...

6 hours ago - Spoiler warning: Do not read on unless you've seen the Nov. 19 midseason finale of “Sleepy Hollow.”.

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Spoilers: I think you're doing it wrong.

Sleepy Hollow: Abbie Dies in Shocking Sacrifice During ...

Variety Magazine › news › sleepy-hollo...

6 hours ago - Spoiler warning: Do not read on unless you've seen the Nov. 19 midseason finale of “Sleepy Hollow.”.

Originally - before the show aired - they had it blocked out in the title. But you could still see it in the URL address.

I also think the headline is bad click bait - some fans have panicked at this and may just quit the show rather than wait and see if she's really ... you know.

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‘Sleepy Hollow’ Boss on How Midseason Finale Shocker Will Change the Show
NOVEMBER 19, 2015 | 07:01PM PT Laura Prudom

Ichabod has already lost his wife, his son and his way of life — how will he cope with losing Abbie?

His devastation really shows in the last 30 seconds of tonight’s episode … for somebody who’s so emotionally well-kept and so completely clear-eyed, the final moments that Tom gives are really brilliant and emotionally wrought with layers and layers that we will see at play and lean into heavily when we come back. This loss is not like any of the other losses in his life – Katrina, his son, any of the loss of his family will pale in comparison to the devastation, and therefore the recklessness, that we see Crane come back with. It reframes him in a very unique and interesting way.

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Hoping really hard that they get a season 4. Here are their latest ratings for the mid-winter finale: http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2015/11/20/tv-ratings-thursday-nov-19-2015/


Maybe this will help. From Deadline.com: 

Fox has become the first broadcast network to officially drop Live+same day Nielsen ratings as currency.


Edited by MissAlmond
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Wow - good for them!

They need to include Hulu Plus.


I think they already do.


The same-day numbers also do not reflect how we monetize our content. Half of our TV ad inventory is sold on a C7 basis, and we monetize our content on digital platforms like FOX NOW and Hulu, and through TrueX sponsorships – none of which are included in Nielsen’s fast nationals.


Some of the comments on the article mocked FOX as trying to cover up their low ratings (SH was mentioned by name <sniff sniff>) and perhaps they are.  OTOH, everybody I know, in all age groups, now mostly stream or DVR shows.  My mother told me, while watching sports, she finds herself hitting the FF button when commercials come on, only to realize "Oh, this is live".  There's a change coming in viewers habits, no the change is already here, so FOX may as well adjust to it now. 

Edited by MissAlmond
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Well, I'm gonna hope. This season has had its issues, but I'm not ready to let go yet and Grimm has made it on Fridays this long - why not Sleepy Hollow?

One reason why not is the shows run in the same vein and in that sense are direct competitors. For now it looks like it'll be an 8/9 combo and theoretically people who watch both will do just that. But NBC's moved Grimm back and forth a bit so who knows if they will again by Feb. If they end up in the same time slot on Fridays, it could easily kill off one or the other.
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True - but I think Grimm is fine in its 9pm timeslot. It works for them.

Fingers crossed for Sleepy Hollow.

Also - Leigh Dana Jackson is asking for fans favorite Ichabbie scene in the archives. Pretty sure he's collecting flash back scenes for a tortured Ichabod... that "all we have is each other" scene is going to destroy him. I may not have liked how LDJ engaged with fans at one point, but he's proving his mettle now - he's not perfect, but he genuinely seems to be bringing it. Honestly, the best part about the end of The Tomorrow People was Astrid and John... everything else was super boring and chemistry-less.


Plus, his daughter wants Ichabbie. So there.

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On the SpoilerTV Cancellation Predictor Table-Sleepy has been red (5+) as likely to be cancelled until the one posted 11/21/2015. It's now yellow (4.91) and in danger of cancellation and with FOX's changing the way they will look at numbers makes me a little (smidgen) optimistic for an S4.

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Project Fox put up another Sleepy Hollow survey after the finale. I'm taking that as an indication that they would like to hang on to the show and are still gauging interest and are willing to continue tweaking it.

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I've watched this at least 5 times now.


I know, I think I watched it like 5 times too.  Who knew Nikki had such moves?  Also, it was filmed & edited & choreographed by somebody so obviously they had a lot of time between set ups and were playing around.  Makes the set seem fun. 


It's awesome; it makes me so happy. Easy to watch it again and again. And OT, why would she post something so celebratory if her character was truly killed off? For the few who may still be wondering...


The only reason I can think of that people were really assuming Abbie is really dead is because of that click-baity blind item by Tvline.  First they hyperbolically compared this 'death' to WIll being killed on The Good Wife.  Uh, no, since Will was gut shot and bleeding out on the ground and clearly, visibly you know.. dead.  And then they even admitted the 'death' might not stick.  And given the strength of NB's fanbase and the current ratings on this show, no way is Abbie being killed off right now.  Outside of that are people really assuming Abbie is dead?  I mean, not even Orlando Jones was really dead in S2 and the show could (and does) survive without him in a way it can't survive without Abbie.

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phoenics, on 22 Nov 2015 - 3:32 PM, said:



phoenics, on 22 Nov 2015 - 3:32 PM, said:

PGSD (Post Goffman Stress Disorder).

You nailed it, phoenics! That is EXACTLY what I've had!

Edited by DJG1122
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Was excited to see this as an upcoming episode after the Feb 5 return....




I was born in Newark but was raised in South Jersey my entire life and the Jersey Devil is a real thing down there. I have been to the house where he was supposedly born (it has a real creep factor about it) that sits on this desolate road Leeds Point Rd and it is a really spooky place around sunset. Kind of marshy, very little around the area as far as homes, etc., and the ones that are there are only used for summer but they are way off in the distance from the Leeds house. I hope they do the story well. 

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Was excited to see this as an upcoming episode after the Feb 5 return....




I was born in Newark but was raised in South Jersey my entire life and the Jersey Devil is a real thing down there. I have been to the house where he was supposedly born (it has a real creep factor about it) that sits on this desolate road Leeds Point Rd and it is a really spooky place around sunset. Kind of marshy, very little around the area as far as homes, etc., and the ones that are there are only used for summer but they are way off in the distance from the Leeds house. I hope they do the story well. 


I thought the Jersey Devil was a lenape legend.

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Hoping really hard that they get a season 4. Here are their latest ratings for the mid-winter finale: http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2015/11/20/tv-ratings-thursday-nov-19-2015/


I think they will. Their numbers have been consistent all year long. People are viewing the show, even if it is not the same night it is on. I was glad to see that Fox is getting away from using the traditional Nielsen Box for ratings. It is an outdated model that needs changes. There is a reason that DVR, Hulu, Netflix, etc,, have take off the way that they have in the last several years. Everyone I talk to that watches SH really likes the show. While S2 was a missmash at times overall I think there were some positives within the season that really worked. I know that everyone keeps comparing it to S1 but that really wasn't fair. S1 was 13 episodes. Because the response to SH was so off the charts after that debut season they upped to order of episodes to 18 and that in many ways hurt the show. I think maybe (this is hindsight) if they had kept it at 15 episodes that might have worked better. I don't think too many people will disagree that the angst with Crane, Katrina & Henry was a real weight on the show. Had it been written differently it could have really worked. If the intent was to make Katrina evil all along, then the minute she was sprung from Purgatory she should have been searching for whomever it was she was following or if she was the big bad then right off the start she should have been shown that way. It hurt the show immeasurably by making viewers take a powder and not returning. I wish some would give the new season a try. I think if they keep bringing in a solid 0.9-1.1 for a Friday night, they get renewed. What is going to kill them however is the change again of day and not only day but time. SH has always been a 9pm time slot. Now it shifts to 8pm on a Friday.I wasn't happy about the shift to Thursdays at the beginning of the season. However I think in the long run it actually benefited from the change because even as tough as Thursday nights are for viewing due to NFL football, Blacklist, Scandal, SH held its own and didn't falter all that much. So it showed that those who watch do so on a consistent basis. Maybe moving it to Friday's will pick up some of the people that watch NFL football, Blacklist and Scandal viewers that don't DVR or Hulu. Just saying. So as much of a downer that people say Friday nights can be with respect to viewing television, I think it could work to SH's favor. What we as fans have to do is really spread the word for people to tune in if they are interested in watching. Word of mouth. I would really like to see a season 4 because of where this season seems to be potentially heading regarding Abbie and Crane, Jenny & Joe and Abbie & Reynolds. There is a lot of dynamic going on.  

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I thought the Jersey Devil was a lenape legend.


The legend as I have always known it was a local thing. Not really sure that the Lenni-Lenape's started the legend. Around the 1730's a woman who was called Mother Leeds found herself pregnant with her 13th child. She supposedly wasn't happy about the pregnancy as her husband was somewhat of a drunk and womanizer who left her home to tend to all the children while he went out and enjoyed himself. Because she was so unhappy about this pregnancy she made a boast that went along the lines of "let this one be the devil himself" and supposedly cursed the child she was carrying. When she went into labor several months later, she forgot the curse she had placed on the child and as a storm started to rage outside the home on Leeds Point. The baby was born and by all counts was normal. However within minutes he started to change before the eyes of the midwives gathered and infant began growing at an incredible rate. It sprouted horns from the top of its head and talon-like claws tore through the tips of its fingers. Leathery bat-like wings unfurled from its back, and hair and feathers sprouted all over the child’s body. Its eyes began glowing bright red as they grew larger in the monster’s gnarled and snarling face. The creature savagely attacked its own mother, killing her, then turned its attention to the rest of the horrified onlookers who witnessed its tempestuous transformation. It flew at them, clawing and biting, voicing unearthly shrieks the entire time. It tore the midwives limb from limb, maiming some and killing others. It then knocked down the door to the next room where its own father and siblings cowered in fear and attacked them all, killing as many as it could. Those who survived to tell the tale then watched in horror as the rotten beast sprinted to the chimney and flew up it, destroying it on the way and leaving a pile of rubble in its wake. The creature then made good its escape into the darkness and desolation of the Pine Barrens, where it has lived ever since. To this day the creature claims the Pines as its own, and terrorizes any who are unfortunate enough to encounter it. There have been hundreds of sightings of the Jersey Devil from the 18th to 21st century. What it is, is really anyone's guess. I have camped out in the Pine Barrens and there are a lot of weird things out there for sure. Have also heard some really weird sounds out there at night. My husband used to hunt all the time when we lived in NJ and he said he once came up on some tracks that he had never, ever seen and it was not from any animal that was native to the Pine Barrens. He said they were hoof like but not like what a deer would make, that was why it stood out for him. They were also very large hooves that made the marks and the track it self was fairly deep like this thing was very, very big. He never came across what made those tracks and he said he ws glad he didn't. He also had some hunting buddies that swore up and down that they came into contact with the thing one night while they were staying in a cabin to go hunting early the next morning. I know that many people will say there was booze and all that but these guys were heavy drinkers. A couple of beers and that was usually it. Besides hunting when one is hung over is really, really unpleasant. They heard what they said was the loudest scream/screech they have ever heard and initially thought it was someone getting mauled except that they did not hear another thing. No mauling sounds, no other animals signaling, no birds, no crickets. Not a peep. You could almost hear a pin drop is what they described. 


So hopefully with all the info that is out there about the Jersey Devil, Mother Leeds, their descendants they can come up with a good story line. In some ways I hope that they don't kill it off but let it escape to "live another day" so to speak. I mean after all it's been "alive" for 300+ years. Whats a few more..lol....

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Was excited to see this as an upcoming episode after the Feb 5 return....


I was born in Newark but was raised in South Jersey my entire life and the Jersey Devil is a real thing down there. I have been to the house where he was supposedly born (it has a real creep factor about it) that sits on this desolate road Leeds Point Rd and it is a really spooky place around sunset. Kind of marshy, very little around the area as far as homes, etc., and the ones that are there are only used for summer but they are way off in the distance from the Leeds house. I hope they do the story well.

I'm a former South Jersey resident, and I'm so hyped about this!
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This intrigues me and makes me wonder what brings Mr. Leeds to Sleepy Hollow.  Is he coming on his own?  Has he always been there?  Does Ichabod summon him to help find Abbie?  Do Zod and Pandora enlist him to  restore the earth to its former glory?  Or has he been called by the residents of Sleepy Hollow because they're all secretly adrenaline junkies and need fresh, new excitement for the town?

Edited by MissAlmond
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Brrr, MyArchangel, I'm glad I read your tale of the Jersey Devil in the morning rather than right before I went to bed!  I'm a complete skeptic of all things supernatural, but I'm also a wuss who is easily frightened even by things I don't believe in.  If the show writers can convey as much creepiness as you just did, that should make--pun intended--a hell of an episode! 

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I'm a complete skeptic of all things supernatural, but I'm also a wuss who is easily frightened even by things I don't believe in.  

I had to laugh at your self assessment, because that describes me in a nutshell!


Thanks for the Jersey Devil story, MyArchAngel. As a native of the tri-state area and a creepy-tales-of-history nerd, I'm embarrassed to admit that I never learned that one. I hope the show really delves into the original story--this is one that doesn't need much embellishment to be full-on scary.

Edited by spaceghostess
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Another new character for Sleepy Hollow. As much as I still like this show, I wish we had more compelling plots. Mid season ending was in MO just so-so. More Abbie disappearing to parts unknown. Hopefully the new episodes will help bring back the excitement.


Also Orlando Jones interview.


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Another new character for Sleepy Hollow. As much as I still like this show, I wish we had more compelling plots. Mid season ending was in MO just so-so. More Abbie disappearing to parts unknown. Hopefully the new episodes will help bring back the excitement.


Also Orlando Jones interview.


This should prove interesting. I'm thinking this villain of the week dabbling in alchemy might've given himself immortality but also made him some sort of vicious monster. I wonder if this will somehow be linked back to Pandora and the Hidden One.

I don't think anyone is shocked about why Orlando Jones left/or was asked to leave Sleepy Hollow. Basically his character was written into a corner. I'm glad he's not sitting around pouting about it. Sounds like he has several other projects in the works. So good for him.

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I think Orlando would still have a place on the show if it was a logical extension of season 1A but it isn't. So yeah, he hit the nail squarely on the head when he said they changed the show. Enough has been said about the wretchedness that polluted last season, (though it still had episodes which were quite wonderful). I think this season has represented even more of a change, a necessary reboot but also something that is heavily stamped by the new showrunner who isn't necessarily trying to extend the story that was begun in season one.  Well really, CC can't, because that story was abruptly truncated a year ago. No-one likes to lose a job and I think Orlando has been fairly classy about it by being blunt but cool-headed in his statements. I miss him but I don't know what they'd do with Frank anymore, especially once they made the decision to place Abbie in the FBI.

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I miss him but I don't know what they'd do with Frank anymore, especially once they made the decision to place Abbie in the FBI.


Agreed, I do understand why they made Abbie in the FBI given her character at the start of the series.

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RE Orlando being cut, I bet it was a cost-saving measure as much as a story inevitability. They didn't have to write his story in a way that led where it did. And even once that happened, shows have come up with creative ways of keeping characters before, but SH is too low rated for the biggest names to be on the payroll right now, I'm guessing.


A Very Sleepy Christmas

You warned us it would be funny, but it was still funnier than I expected!

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