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Pretty Little Liars in the Media

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The only way I'd have been happy with the use of any screens at all was if the screens were in a church inside a train passing through a haunted carnival, with Jenna playing the flute in the background, and the infodump was made with the projections of the diseased characters. I want to know what MAYA KNEW from Maya's frigging mouth. Or close enough. If we had to have the lameness of A giving themselves up than it should be the ultimate mindf*ck.

Edited by cuddlingcrowley
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I consider Mrs. Grunwald and her psychic visions being the reason that Alison got pulled out of her grave That Night to be a much bigger strike against the show and the story than anything that happened in Game On, Charles.


I will never get over the fact that they made a supernatural spinoff of this show and then spun its lead character back onto PLL, putting the shows and their events in the same universe. A supernatural show and a non-supernatural show can't exist in the same universe! I hated everything about Ravenswood.

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You know, I would have been willing to just go with the Grunwald was genuinely psychic because hey, it's possible to have psychics on non-supernatural shows. I know people in real life who think they are psychic (I'm not convinced one way or the other, but to be fair I have never asked them to focus their psychic powers on me). But yeah, taking Caleb to Ravenswood with all the ghosts and other crazy stuff and then just coming back to Ravenswood was really weird and nonsensical. To me, that would be like if Veronica Mars went off to help Buffy for a little while and then came back to Neptune and was like, "Okay, in non-vampire/demon stuff, who's being a dick?"

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I will never get over the fact that they made a supernatural spinoff of this show and then spun its lead character back onto PLL, putting the shows and their events in the same universe. A supernatural show and a non-supernatural show can't exist in the same universe! I hated everything about Ravenswood.


Meh, I was even able to forgive that because there are towns that are considered to be haunted. It was just kind of like the same thing.


I wish though..that they had kept the supernatural stuff outside of PLL. Like, there's no reason why Caleb couldn't have said "Miranda died, and I needed to know what happened to her.." or something like that..for why he was all traumatized. 

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I generally like Caleb but I hated when they brought him back from Ravenswood because I found his whole "haunted" act super annoying and to make matters worse Hanna was going through her own thing and being all "rebellious" and moody about Alison's return at the same time, and I just found the two of them together insufferable. I had zero patience for all their brooding and sulking and whining into their flasks crap. But what I always liked about this show is that none of the girls are ever unlikeable for long, they go through phases or have their moments, like Hanna, for me at least, last season, and Emily with Sara Harvey this season, and Aria whenever she's around Ezra, but then they snap out of it or shift gears and I remember why I liked them again... and Hanna's been awesome in season 6, probably the most enjoyable to watch.

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You know, I would have been willing to just go with the Grunwald was genuinely psychic because hey, it's possible to have psychics on non-supernatural shows. I know people in real life who think they are psychic (I'm not convinced one way or the other, but to be fair I have never asked them to focus their psychic powers on me). But yeah, taking Caleb to Ravenswood with all the ghosts and other crazy stuff and then just coming back to Ravenswood was really weird and nonsensical. To me, that would be like if Veronica Mars went off to help Buffy for a little while and then came back to Neptune and was like, "Okay, in non-vampire/demon stuff, who's being a dick?"

At least a veronica and Buffy crossover would have been awesome! Which Ravenswood was certainly not.

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To me, that would be like if Veronica Mars went off to help Buffy for a little while and then came back to Neptune and was like, "Okay, in non-vampire/demon stuff, who's being a dick?"


I need so much fanfic for this and, like, a movie poster and the next twelve hours to just sit here and think about it.

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What do you mean questions that have not been answered? I thought all our questions were answered at 6x10. #nolie right ?! 


Someone save Marlene from herself!


Why do public figures think having a twitter account is a good idea again? Why?


On another note, I can't confirm this because I neither have a twitter account or an instagramn account, but it's going around tumblr Travis Winfrey has deleted everything related to PLL on both his accounts and unfollowed all the cast so we should be free of Lorenzo by 6x16 at the latest.

Edited by cuddlingcrowley
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What do you mean questions that have not been answered? I thought all our questions were answered at 6x10. #nolie right ?! 


Someone save Marlene from herself!


Why do public figures think having a twitter account is a good idea again? Why?


On another note, I can't confirm this because I neither have a twitter account or an instagramn account, but it's going around tumblr Travis Winfrey has deleted everything related to PLL on both his accounts and unfollowed all the cast so we should be free of Lorenzo by 6x16 at the latest.


That sound a little extreme.  Is that normal show business behavior after an actor's done with their stint on a show?

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Yeah I noticed Travis no longer follows anyone from the cast. Not sure if he was actually fired or not, but unfollowing people on social media like that comes across as very catty and immature so I'd guess he's not on the best of terms with the show.

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Maybe sometimes an 'unfollow' on social media is just an unfollow and doesn't mean anything and shouldn't be read into though

I agree that sometimes unfollowing doesn't mean anything but when an actor unfollows everyone affiliated with his current show and deletes a bunch of tweets, I think it's unlikely that it's nothing. Haha, not to sound like a paranoid conspiracy nut or anything! But just think how weird it would be if one of your coworkers (or perhaps a better analogy would be a consultant working at your company) suddenly unfriended everyone affiliated with your company at once. To me, that would seem weird.
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Not sure if this is the right thread but these Twitter pics cracked me up so I decided to post a link. Troian seems to be having fun on set (and looks great) and maybe Hanna/Emily is finally happening? Probably not but a guy can dream.


Those pics are from a promotional photo shoot. They're not on set or in character. Lucy and Sasha were photographed too, but for whatever reason they were shot separately a week earlier. Troian, Shay and Ashley did seem to be enjoying their wardrobe though, they posted a ton of pics and snap chats that day. 

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I like the idea of changing the network name. The "family" part of the name has been obsolete for years and I had grown tired of explaining that to people who would clutch their pearls over something scandalous that the Family Network had dared to put on the air. They still can't escape having to air The 700 Club. They'll never get out of that obligation, it seems.

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Well the girl in the grave could represent Bethany Young since that's actually who it's been all along.  But seems way too much like "old news" five years later...


Like the idea of the rotating final shots - but they should just do the other girls besides Aria since she's already ahead of the others by 100+ episodes.

Edited by dwmckim
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I like Ash Benzo, but she was being kinda obnoxious at the panel...Made it a little awkward sometimes. Wish the fans asked better questions...Why ask things you know they can't answer or have answered a million times in the past...


Sasha was the only one who tried and had some nice things to say. Lucy and Shay said the same things they always do and Troian didn't seem to want to say anything at all...

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I like Ash Benzo, but she was being kinda obnoxious at the panel...Made it a little awkward sometimes. Wish the fans asked better questions...Why ask things you know they can't answer or have answered a million times in the past...


Sasha was the only one who tried and had some nice things to say. Lucy and Shay said the same things they always do and Troian didn't seem to want to say anything at all...


I always find these panels somewhat uncomfortable to watch. I'm of course a fan and I love the actors and I'm interested in hearing what they have to say but I always get a sense that the cast doesn't necessarily want to be there because I'm sure it's tiring and time-consuming, and the questions from the moderators are tedious and some questions from the fans are just cringe-worthy, so I find myself usually sort of half-watching, half-listening because the whole thing just seems awkward to me and I can't look directly at it. 


But like you pointed out, Sasha did a lot of the talking and I gotta hand it to her for actually seeming somewhat engaged and high-energy while answering the same types of questions over and over again. Shay seemed kind of distracted to me, but she has been on her book tour and flew in to NYC late last night so she must be exhausted and probably tired of talking. 

Edited by SadieT
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They're often awkward, I agree, but a lot of casts do make an effort to joke around a bit and have some new tidbits or fun facts to throw at the fans. They did seem like they didn't really wanna be there which I don't completely hold against them because they must be tired and wanting to go on vacation already and this is pulling them back into work at the start of their hiatus. But come on, put a little effort into it for one more day. Even the producers seemed in defensive!mode. Yeah okay, they had to field some questions about inconsistencies but instead of pulling us in with some exciting news for the next season, Marlene couldn't even remember the date the special airs. Nice promo, guys...


Yeah, I noticed Shay's voice got a little husky at times and she's been doing this for days already so I give her a pass.

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I think they're aware of the plotholes and some of the ridiculousness (and are more comfortable being vocal about that nowadays)


Here is one of Troian and Marlene. That channel also has different interviews with Sasha/Lucy and Oliver/Joseph.

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This behind the scenes vid of the new intro says that everybody gets to shush.



Hanna looks mightly pissed off and Ali is side-eyeing her like "I know what you killed my mom, Bitch". Then you get Aria, the real killer, avoiding eye contact at all costs. Emily and Spencer look like they're in the most awkward school reunion ever and they're counting the minutes to make a polite exit and go home watch some netflix.

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Nope, not that I recall/saw. She was asked about the inconsistency wrt Toby's mom and whether Charlotte was always the plan or if they changed it.




Nice panel. So Marlene lowkey announced that the seventh season is the last with these girls. "It's a group decision" to me means it's up to the girls whether they want to continue, but it seems obvious to me that that won't be the case (not a full season anyway). Unless they get some big bucks, but considering the cheaper production quality of late, I don't see that happening. Sounds like they're wanting to keep the PLL universe alive though with new people.

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A special episode is airing on November 24 - it's supposed to be a behind the scenes look at what happened in the five years between 6A and 6B.


First four minutes of 6B - the green screen behind Spencer is hilariously bad!


Is it wrong that when you see title placard stating 'Five Years Later' that I wanted the mice from the movie 'Babe' to announce it.


That green screen shot of D.C. behind Spencer was so bad.

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"Do you think they're still mad at me?"  Cece's delusional if she thinks what she did to the Liars is something people just get over.   She made enemies for life.


That's what common sense demands but since this is television we are talking about, I can see the Liars forgiving Charlotte very easily. I mean, they have a lot of practice in that - with Alison, Mona, Toby, Ezra...


And really, Alison has some gall to ask the girls to help Charlotte. The only reason they were targeted in the first place was because they were friends with Alison. Considering the stunts Charlotte has pulled you would have to be almost suicidally naive to believe she is "cured" now for certain. Then again, one can argue that the the protagonists being too dumb to live has been the defining feature of the show for a while now, so...

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Despite this show being often horrible, that promo has me excited.


I like the new guy telling Aria "there's a fine line between trouble and..." something or other. 


It would be even better if it was Noel Kahn saying it though.

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