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The Storybrooke Daily Mirror: OUaT in the Media, Cons and Other Real Life Encounters

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To be fair, the show runners have trouble understanding the definition of victim, too.

Their dictionary is not like my dictionary.

Mari, you win the internet for tonight.

I do agree, though, it's super disingenuous for the show to claim that it's not doing a sequel to Frozen when the show picks up like 3 months after it and continues its major themes.

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That would be strangely accurate.  Once in a while and from certain angles, there is an optical illusion with regards to who the show is about, but ultimately, it's Regina and only Regina.


OMG, Camera One! You won the Internets today! All of them! :-p

Edited by Rumsy4
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"Lost" DVDs have "On location" short featurettes where they show behind the scenes of the filming of specific episodes and interview cast/crew re: set design, or filming, or just their thoughts on the episode.  I really enjoyed those.  I wish they did stuff like that for "Once".  I guess they had a dedicated behind-the-scenes person to make the extras.

Edited by Camera One
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Regina has the best costumes on the show, yet all they show is her face and (ladies, help me out here) whatever that is on her forehead. They should have done something like that cover photo of Regina/Zelena with the tornado.


I read the synopsis on the back... It really didn't make much sense at all for new watchers. There's only like 2 sentences for Neverland, then the rest is about 3B. It was just weird.

Edited by KingOfHearts
I read the synopsis on the back... It really didn't make much sense at all for new watchers. There's only like 2 sentences for Neverland, then the rest is about 3B. It was just weird.


"Beware A New Curse" is the heading at the back?  Talk about spoiler alert and completely misleading.  By episode 9, you'd still be wondering what the back cover is talking about!   Many people watch marathon-style on DVD now, so it's a bit annoying to have something like that at the top, not to mention the spoilery Emma/Hook photo on the back.  The letters were too small for me to read the blurb.

Edited by Camera One
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I zoomed in to the synopsis and read it. Here's what it reads:


It's a diabolical thing about curses: Just as one is broken, another, even more sinister than the first, inevitably emerges to wreck further havoc... Experience the heart-pounding and tantalizing suspense of ABC's Once Upon a Time: A Complete Third Season.

The stakes are higher than ever following a narrow escape from the nightmare of Neverland and Peter Pan. A year after their amazing adventure, Emma and Henry are living in New York with no awareness of their past history - until Hook shows up and jogs Emma's memory with a magic potion. Once again, the "Savior" is called back to Storybrooke when a legendary villainess arrives in disguise to curse the town anew and exact an unspeakable cruel vengeance. Now with Regina and Emma working together, the stage is set for an epic showdown between the Evil Queen and the Wicked Witch of the West!


So many spoilers... why would you even watch the Neverland eps... or the season for that matter, when you can just read the synopsis on the back?

The second curse is more sinister than the first? Really? It was cast by Snow White for Pete's sake.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Thanks!  That's a straight-up a promo description for 3B.  It totally gives away the surprise with Emma and Henry in New York and talks about Neverland as if happened already.  Who the hell did they hire to prepare the DVD?


Well, at least now the front cover has the cast... 

Edited by Camera One

Let's break down the synopsis...




It's a diabolical thing about curses: Just as one is broken, another, even more sinister than the first, inevitably emerges to wreck further havoc


How is that a "diabolical" thing about curses?  The fact that there was another curse had nothing to do with the nature of curses.  It was solely because another psycho decided to cast it.  And as Crimson Belle said, the new curse(s) were not more "sinister" than the first.  Peter Pan's was equal and Snow's was very much less "sinister".




... Experience the heart-pounding and tantalizing suspense of ABC's Once Upon a Time: A Complete Third Season.


Yeah, heart-pounding since you are convulsing with anger while watching it.



when a legendary villainess arrives in disguise to curse the town anew and exact an unspeakable cruel vengeance.


Zelena curses the town anew?  When did that happen again?   I wouldn't call changing the past unspeakably cruel.

Edited by Camera One

Let's break down the synopsis...





How is that a "diabolical" thing about curses?  The fact that there was another curse had nothing to do with the nature of curses.  It was solely because another psycho decided to cast it.  And as Crimson Belle said, the new curse(s) were not more "sinister" than the first.  Peter Pan's was equal and Snow's was very much less "sinister".





Yeah, heart-pounding since you are convulsing with anger while watching it.




Zelena curses the town anew?  When did that happen again?   I wouldn't call changing the past unspeakably cruel.


That probably refers to the partial-amnesia component that she added to the curse just after Snow started casting it.

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I'm not sure that's a legit cover. They make custom ones. I've also seen this one:



It looks like one is for the DVD set and the other is for the Blu-Ray set. They often have somewhat different cover art. So most likely they're both legit.

I'm not sure that's a legit cover. They make custom ones.

I don't know about the legitimacy of the back cover art, but that blurb is legit. It's the exact same blurb that Amazon.com has on it's website for the OUAT Season 3 DVD set (scroll down to the "Editorial Reviews"section  -- you can see it's the same). 

Amazon.com has on it's website for the OUAT Season 3 DVD set (scroll down to the "Editorial Reviews"section  -- you can see it's the same).


678 reviews already with 4.7 out of 5 stars.  Wow, looks like Neverland water was piped into multiple municipal water supplies.


Wow, between the lazy-ass cover and the terrible synopses on the back of both the DVD and Blu-ray editions, it's like ABC didn't even try at all. I think they had unpaid interns designing the cover and writing the blurb. Unpaid, disgruntled interns.


Once seems to be under-marketed... I see lot of other shows get way more advertising. You'd think they'd get more press from Disney since it's about Disney characters.

Once seems to be under-marketed... I see lot of other shows get way more advertising. You'd think they'd get more press from Disney since it's about Disney characters.

Maybe they've actually watched the show and know mediocrity when they see it. They probably put just enough money and effort in the marketing for the show that they still come out making a profit. At this point who they're milking are the rabid fans (hence those rave reviews for the S3 DVD that hasn't even been released yet. That's generally who buys those sets (and writes those kool-aid soaked reviews). The show hasn't gained audience (in fact it has lost audience) and it's not because a lack of marketing...no matter how much money they throw at it the writing isn't going to get better.

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The show hasn't gained audience (in fact it has lost audience) and it's not because a lack of marketing...no matter how much money they throw at it the writing isn't going to get better.

I agree 100%. You can tell by what they do market that they're catering to shippers, fangirl crushes, and Evil Regals. The writers might get lazy and write in Captain Swan kisses instead of actual quality writing because it generates more free publicity online, sad to say.

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I think it's reflective of the ratings as well. Once had massive PR during the summer between the first and second seasons, when it was still ABC's darling and pulled in smash ratings. My guess is that the nosedive ratings (and very mixed word of mouth) for S2 led ABC to invest far less marketing resources in the show for S3 and now.


I mean, just look at the difference between the promo pics for S2 and S3.

Aren't DVDs sold to the committed fans?  The people who are willing to make the investment to watch the shows again a couple of times? I don't think I've ever read the synopsis on the dust jackets of TV DVDs trying to decide which new series I should start watching. I can understand if the synopsis isn't given much care and attention. I'm not even sure why they bother other than tradition.

Aren't DVDs sold to the committed fans?  The people who are willing to make the investment to watch the shows again a couple of times? I don't think I've ever read the synopsis on the dust jackets of TV DVDs trying to decide which new series I should start watching. I can understand if the synopsis isn't given much care and attention. I'm not even sure why they bother other than tradition.

I think newcomers buy season 1 DVDs (I know plenty of people who don't really watch TV, but binge entire seasons/series once they're on DVD/Netflix), but you'd only pick up the season 3 DVD if you'd seen the previous seasons and thus already knew what the show was about. 


I'm sure ABC's promotion (or lack thereof) of Once is partially tied to its ratings, but I think the big networks generally just tend to put less resources into marketing their shows once they're two seasons in. I think it's tough to pick up a significant amount of new viewers after that. I'm trying to think of an exception. I work in the media, and I don't receive a significant amount of TV PR, but of what I do get, I can only think of examples of cable networks pushing later-season shows. Mind you, stuff for shows that have gone up in ratings as they've gone on -- like NCIS -- is unlikely to come my way, so maybe I'm wrong. 

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Plus, you have to remember that ABC likely has one design team doing all of these DVDs and they aren't necessarily done by people who actually watched the shows. I bet Castle fans or Grey's Anatomy fans or Revenge fans have similar complaints about packaging as well. And I highly doubt they give Adam and Eddy -- or any show runner -- much of a voice in the process.

I can't speak to Grey's or Revenge, but Castle fans have complaints (loud complaints) when it comes to pretty much everything to do with ABC marketing (funnily, I remember between OuaT seasons 1-2 they were complaining that Once was getting all the attention). 


From my observations, I don't think ABC marketing is the savviest team around (honestly, I think most of the big networks are operating a little blind in the new media landscape), but the level of fan anger over things like promotional photos (for any of their shows) has always seemed a tad disproportionate to me. I get why lack of effort in areas like that and DVD covers feel like a frustrating reflection of a general attitude, but I'm not sure they impact actual viewership numbers. 

I don't think ABC marketing is the savviest team around (honestly, I think most of the big networks are operating a little blind in the new media landscape)


It's probably the same with all networks but the ABC promos for "Lost" were so annoying.  "You won't believe the answers revealed this week!"  It was hugely misleading and probably a detriment to the writers since it created over-the-top expectation.


I don't watch promos since I prefer to be surprised (even by little things, like what guest fairy tale character shows up), so I don't know how good the S3 episode promos were following each episode.  

ABC is airing a one-hour special on Frozen on Tuesday, Sept 2 that will include preview footage from OUAT


"The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic"


Can we chip in and buy ABC a frigging dictionary? I don't think you can call something a "classic" until it's been out for at least one calendar year. Or you have a corporate ego roughly the size of Jupiter.



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Or you have a corporate ego roughly the size of Jupiter.


This IS Disney we're talking about. I think the ego issue goes without saying.

Regarding "Frozen", I will say I totally think it is too soon to be incorporating the characters into a show like "Once". It screams to me that they are trying to appeal to the seven to eleven year old demographic. My 11 yo daughter, who has been watching Once with me for the past year and is up to date on all episodes, is much more excited to see Elsa and Anna on Once than I am.

That being said, I do think that for this current generation of children "Frozen" will be a classic. My daughter and her 6 yo cousin can't get together without belting out "Let it Go" about three times an hour. Of course, they both have musical theater drama queens, myself and my sister, for mothers, so they might be unusual.

Edited by Kaw912

It's way too soon to call Frozen a classic, the way it's way too soon to add its characters to Once. For me this just show that Disney is behind the decission to do this Frozen storyline in Once. Outside the fandom a lot of people already thinks that this is just Disney wanting to do more money out of Frozen and not something Once producers asked to do.

Edited by RadioGirl27

RadioGirl27, Disney may have given them a nudge, but in the interviews Eddy and Adam have called the Frozen characters their brand new toys, and given what we've seen in S3, I really don't think Disney had to twist their arm to tackle "Frozen".


This over-promotion is turning my opinion of Frozen-is-meh to Frozen-sucks.  I really don't see what the big deal with the movie is.  The characters were bland and the message was done-before.  I can already imagine Elsa whining all the way to the snow bank.  I only watched "Frozen" after finding out "Once" was going to do it, but just like "Tangled", they moved way too far from the original stories for my tastes.  They don't even bother to pay homage to the source anymore.  

Edited by Camera One
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Camera One, I'm sure Adam and Eddy are happy to be doing Frozen. I just think it was not totally their idea. I see it more like Disney offering them to do Frozen and they accepting willingly than A&E going to Disney to ask them permission to use it.

About Frozen, my opinion is similar to yours. That is one of the reasons I am less than excited about season 4.

Edited by RadioGirl27

I really liked Frozen and will continue to like it no matter what this show does. BUT only because I've learned to completely compartmentalize anything this show does with characters that also exist outside the ONCEverse.


It would be just how I view "Beauty and the Beast". I loved the Disney animated movie when I was a kid. ONCE's version? Ha, Hell NO. I willfully choose to believe that the characters in ONCE are not the same ones from the movie, and are instead a version as told by some morally twisted, mentally ill, absinthe soaked narrator. It's Disney through the Looking Glass, if you will. It's the only way that I can keep OUAT from ruining my childhood.


(Also, there's a 99.9% chance I'm done watching ONCE because...well, the show is rather crap now. The 2 minutes of good stuff every third episode just doesn't outweigh the other 124 minutes of complete crap. It's just not an enjoyable viewing experience for me anymore. I can get my "fix" for the characters I do like from Tumblr without all the crap that makes me want to punch pandas.)

Edited by FabulousTater
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It would be just how I view "Beauty and the Beast". I loved the Disney animated movie when I was a kid. ONCE's version? Ha, Hell NO. I willfully choose to believe that the characters in ONCE are not the same ones from the movie, and are instead a version as told by some morally twisted, mentally ill, absinthe soaked narrator.


Well said.  It's like the took a copy of Beauty and the Beast, twisted it with pliers, blow-torched it and then had everyone on their writing team do the boogie-woogie on it really hard and then they framed it and called it art.

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I thought A&E themselves said they went to Disney and pitched a story around Frozen to get permission. Disney doesn't need Once for Frozen promotion. Once however needs the promotion that Frozen has given them. I don't really see it as an equal mutual benefit.  Anything Once generates is a drop in the bucket in terms of the other stuff that is Frozen related out there.



I can get my "fix" for the characters I do like from Tumblr without all the crap that makes me want to punch pandas


Or youtube which I started to do in 3B.  There are plenty of channels out there that only clips specific character and/or couples. Also those clips stay up. Not sure why there's no copyright claims on them but I'm glad.

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