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Reel to Real: Backstage, Twitter, & All Media Dram-ugh

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I retweeted McDaniel's tweet about 'get ready to make good on that promise' to ABC and said 'see what happens when the network actually pays attention to their daytime soap, they stay winning' or something like that, and McDaniel liked my tweet. She also tweeted me back that she liked my Prince avatar and that she was a big fan too.

I never cared for JT on GH (overrated average actor for me) and he's even worse here. I think JFP's first mistake was recasting Phyllis too young. MS was no great shakes but at least she looked more age appropriate for Jack. Hey, maybe Mal will put a stop to all this old men/women young enough to be their daughters crap (I'm looking at you, Victurd and Neil) and get the age groups aligned better. Daytime is still mostly watched by women so who wants to see EB's liver spotted, old gnarly mitts all over somebody? Damn sure not me.

Man, I miss the likes of Bill Bell and Doug Marland. They knew when and how to move generations into the next phase of story. I truly doubt EB would be the one running around 'saving' everyone.

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11 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

 And in those scenes last week with the kids, Cane had a better rapport with those kids and outshined him.  

I thought they were both pretty cute with the kids *ducks flying tomatoes*.  But...what was up with Billy's cuffed jeans???

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Billy has been sporting cuffed jeans for weeks now. I don't understand what they are doing with this character on any level. He looks and sounds like an idiot.

I didn't watch so maybe the painting scene was cute but Cane was in a suit and a couple of toddlers were handed paint rollers and real fucking latex paint.

Yeah, that'd happen. 

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The more I think about this "three months" thing, the more it annoys me.  DT didn't get that courtesy, and he originated the role of grown-up Billy.  And a soap legend like MEK is being ushered to the door* despite people reacting positively to his character (if this board is any kind of barometer of the opinion of the public at large).  But, yeah, let's move heaven and earth for three more months to make this douchebag happen.

(*Unless MEK himself made the decision to leave, which I think somebody would have mentioned...)

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Billy's cuffed jeans are the main reason I've been referring to him as an aging hipster douchebag. AFAIC, his only saving grace is that he isn't in clubs chasing college girls. (Though I guess Bethany not Brittany was supposed to be the closest approximation.)

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2 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

The more I think about this "three months" thing, the more it annoys me.  DT didn't get that courtesy, and he originated the role of grown-up Billy.  And a soap legend like MEK is being ushered to the door* despite people reacting positively to his character (if this board is any kind of barometer of the opinion of the public at large).  But, yeah, let's move heaven and earth for three more months to make this douchebag happen.

(*Unless MEK himself made the decision to leave, which I think somebody would have mentioned...)

Ugh. I know. He has had all the writing, all the POV, multiple love interests, tons of sex scenes, every fucking character talking about him constantly (including vets PB, ED, JW) one of the only home sets on show, big business story, promotion everywhere but he needs three months, that's all you guys. 

Whatever, FOJ.

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If someone behind the scenes is aware of the mixed response to the Billy recast and this Philly thing why would they make JT (or GT for that matter) participate in a facebook chat? At least they could control what questions are asked during an interview with one of the soap sites. I'm not fond of JT's acting on his show but I would never wish for him to be thrown to the crazies on social media who can't differentiate between an actor and the fictional character they play. 

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5 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

If someone behind the scenes is aware of the mixed response to the Billy recast and this Philly thing why would they make JT (or GT for that matter) participate in a facebook chat? At least they could control what questions are asked during an interview with one of the soap sites. I'm not fond of JT's acting on his show but I would never wish for him to be thrown to the crazies on social media who can't differentiate between an actor and the fictional character they play. 

He wasn't thrown to the crazies. He was handed questions on a piece of paper by some invisible person who was pulling them from FB (and so the questions were controlled). Normally they have the actor responding to the questions right in the comments on FB and so they would see them all. This was different; it was a "live feed" of him talking to the camera. And in fairness to the people making the comments, they weren't blurring distinctions. They just told him they think Philly sucks as a storyline and he's miscast. There was the odd "you suck" but really not all that many.

He's a big boy getting the big bucks, so that didn't seem too bad to me. I'm not a fan of actors being ambushed for storyline (and he wasn't). And frankly this fawning gushing "you are so HOT" style of "soap press" is at least as offensive (to me). It lets show live in some fantasy bubble instead of actually having a critical response.

If JT "chose" to look at FB directly he would see the comments -- and based on his sheepishness and him admitting people aren't loving the story he did have a look. Or was somehow made aware.

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My bad, I assumed he was left alone to do the chat, which is what usually happens. So if they made an exception for JT and had someone there choosing the questions that means they definitely knew that he was getting a negative reaction from a good bit of the audience online. If better writing for the character is supposed to be coming in three months I wonder why they didn't wait until then to have JT do this chat. 

ETA, just to clarify, I wasn't saying they should do a softball interview with a soap mag, I just think from their POV it would've been a better idea since I'm not convinced they sincerely care about constructive criticism. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
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17 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

My bad, I assumed he was left alone to do the chat, which is what usually happens. So if they made an exception for JT and had someone there choosing the questions that means they definitely knew that he was getting a negative reaction from a good bit of the audience

Actors are never left alone to do a chat. Questions are always filtered through a producer or someone else. Before FB live was implemented , the show did connect video chats. It was pretty much the same set up. The actors can read the tweets as the roll, but they don't choose the questions themselves. 

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30 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

My bad, I assumed he was left alone to do the chat, which is what usually happens. So if they made an exception for JT and had someone there choosing the questions that means they definitely knew that he was getting a negative reaction from a good bit of the audience online. If better writing for the character is supposed to be coming in three months I wonder why they didn't wait until then to have JT do this chat. 

ETA, just to clarify, I wasn't saying they should do a softball interview with a soap mag, I just think from their POV it would've been a better idea since I'm not convinced they sincerely care about constructive criticism. 

Yeah, gotcha. I don't think an actor should have to defend storyline EVER. It's not their fault. And much as I dislike JT even I felt badly for him (based on his body language in that chat).

It's got me thinking though. If you make a movie or do a prime time show you get reviews from a fairly broad based viewership -- mainstream media, lots of online-based media and message boards/twitter. You don't get to hide in a bubble (unless your ratings are through the roof and everyone gets a pass then).

Soaps no longer have intelligent journalistic criticism. It's just fangirls who started blogs (DC and Michael Fairman etc.) And then you get shippers and angry viewers on social media. It's yet another reason why this genre is dying. 

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I do think it's weird that JT listed a specific amount of time for fans. 3 months. Makes me think he's been told they are going in a different direction with the Billy character. 

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18 hours ago, DivaT said:

I do think it's weird that JT listed a specific amount of time for fans. 3 months. Makes me think he's been told they are going in a different direction with the Billy character. 

hopefully with a couple of months stay in hong kong.

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On 7/15/2016 at 2:35 PM, glowlights said:

Personally, I am in love with the idea that Nurse Sheila Carter has moved on to politics! She'll fit right in with the Washington crowd! (Does Paul still have that cage in his basement or does he need to build a new one?)

Here's a hand grenade: the fact that KB is throwing support behind a certain candidate with outright racist leanings would seem to give credence to ... wait for it, no wait for it... VICTORIA ROWELL's accusation of racism and discrimination backstage on the set. I know she (VR) has been basically whitelisted for speaking out of turn  about such things. But that was the first thought that popped in my  head when  MrDemig yell down the hall hat a YR actress was speechifying at the convention. Then the next thought was that it must be a 'has been', she I was correct!

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12 hours ago, valleycliffe said:

hopefully with a couple of months stay in hong kong.

No hope of that. Cbs, sony, and execs are dedicated to making him work. He will get story and story until something sticks or until Mal recast another young Newman or abbot that takes off big. 

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I hope he and Mariah get to interact. He did know Cassie after all so it would be interesting to get his thoughts on seeing her twin after all these years.

Edited by jewel21
so many typos
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I KNOW!!! 

This could be great cuz of the drama and history.

Plus he and Mariah have a lot in common. Both have a crazy mother, family baggage, traveled a lot growing up, are sarcastic, friends with Kev, into art and graphic design. Their mothers heads will explode if they fall in love.

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And Cassie had a huge crush on Daniel, but she was just a few years too young for him at the time.  She was 14, and I think he was 17 or 18?   However...a 3 or 4-year age difference would be nothing to them now!

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 Jamey_Giddens Retweeted

Eric Braeden ‏@EBraeden  22h22 hours ago

RNC has second thoughts about the Trump ticket?


wish i knew how to get the pic here, but the picture said "NEWMAN 16"

the trump family was superimposed with the faces of victor as donald, nikki as melania, abby as tiffany, victoria as ivanka, nick with donald jr. i think and adam as erik.  it was hilarious..if you want to see the pic go to either eric braedens twitter page or jamey giddens.

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According to Tommy Garrett on Highlight Hollywood Twitter this morning, Nichelle Norris has been cast to play a character on Y&R. I didn't drill into the article for any more deets, but it appears that she's one of the characters that Y&R had announced in the casting call for a black couple (I think the call indicated the people were to be older and the speculation was that they're maybe Neil's parents or family of Hilary). Given Norris's age, she'd have to be Hilary's grandmother or maybe Neil's parents, whom I don't recall much at all). 

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LOLOL  looking at the "newman16" picture, IMO ONLY, nikki resembles leah remini and vikki looks like kim kardashian..my eyes aren't great y'all and i don't wear glasses so that's my explanation..

eb should never go blonde.

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Excited for Victoria Rowell's new movie! After being blacklisted from soaps it's nice to see she's still regularly been working and that she has been able to fund a tv movie is a pretty big deal. Kinda disproves her being so difficult to work with if she keeps getting opportunities from various networks. Also excited that Michael Grazaidei is back! It'll never happen, but I wish they'd use him for a Kevin coming out story. When he first joined the cast I remember them playing their friendship like Kevin had a crush and Joan Van Ark's Gloria was very perceptive of it, but of course nothing ever came of it.

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Who didn't see that coming? I just hope she stops messing with her face before the wedding.

I'm glad Scott Elrod keeps getting cast in prime time things since this regime treated him like crap. 

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And in every publicity shot of him in prime time or on the show he looks 50 times better than he he did on Y&R. And he looked decent but whatever lighting and hair styling they did just never did him justice.

Looking at him on Grey's,  Joe and Ashley or Joe and Sharon would've been hot as hell. Glad he left for greener pastures.

Edited by TobinAlbers
too many typos
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