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Players in the People v OJ Simpson: Kathryn, Faye and Various Others

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All I want out of this OJ moment on RHBH is to hear Faye explain her actions.  I've judged her for a long time but in learning more, I'm not going to go there anymore until I hear her explanation. 


Kyle is standing by her 100% and some of her comments tonight suggest she knows Faye's reasoning and supports her - at least to some degree.

Edited by Jextella
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this is the  most racist shit I've ever read on this board 


they were on TV all the damn time. I can still remember the father's handlebar mustache and weepily demanding OJ's heisman. OJ Simpson's guilt or innocence is of little interest to me. I feel bad for their children, but America's obsession with this is gross especially considering Von Bulow just didn't seem to get the same treatment.


I have to say though, I really appreciate Fox/Fx airing this during Black History Month :-/


Then you can send Faye your thanks since that's a synopsis of a thesis that she advanced in her book, which was why I referred to it.


Von Bulow was a private - albeit very wealthy - of a cloistered social milieu and still got a major motion picture starring two marquee-name actors made about him. OJ himself was an established sports celebrity and famous film-performer in his own right. They're not analogous in stature or nature from my perspective.


And America's collective and continuing interest in the case does not occur in a vacuum. Perhaps it would have receded into the annals of history had principal actors in the trial from the lead detective to the jury to defense team not contributed to racial dynamics of the saga.

Edited by lunastartron
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I keep hoping there is a purpose for having Kathryn join the group.  Here scene with her husband at her BRENTWOOD* condo were pretty bad, the oatmeal scene, followed by the required discuss Faye crap.  I have noticed Kathryn works hard at trying to distance herself from OJ and simultaneously accusing Faye of capitalizing on the brutal murders.  First there was the reference by her that she had not been married very long when the "shitstorm" hit, then there was the reference to Nicole's death, as someone she knew.  Kathryn or as she was known as Kathy.  Kathy and Marcus were out with OJ and Nicole ringing in 1989.  Later  that day OJ beat Nicole and was subsequently arrested.  I just find it interesting how Kathryn, skirts the issue with her being involved with the group.  I guess she didn't call Nicole a friend, since Nicole was banging her fiancé/husband, but she makes it sound so very removed.  As if but for Faye there would have been no connection to her and her involvement with OJ. 


*Notice how Bravo uses Brentwood instead of Beverly Hills?  Brentwood is OJ slang.  They never say Kyle in Bel Air or Adrienne in Beverly Park.  They do give the Malibu ladies proper geographical labels.  I believe at one time no one on the cast actually lived in Beverly Hills. 

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I keep hoping there is a purpose for having Kathryn join the group.  Here scene with her husband at her BRENTWOOD* condo were pretty bad, the oatmeal scene, followed by the required discuss Faye crap.  I have noticed Kathryn works hard at trying to distance herself from OJ and simultaneously accusing Faye of capitalizing on the brutal murders.  First there was the reference by her that she had not been married very long when the "shitstorm" hit, then there was the reference to Nicole's death, as someone she knew.  Kathryn or as she was known as Kathy.  Kathy and Marcus were out with OJ and Nicole ringing in 1989.  Later  that day OJ beat Nicole and was subsequently arrested.  I just find it interesting how Kathryn, skirts the issue with her being involved with the group.  I guess she didn't call Nicole a friend, since Nicole was banging her fiancé/husband, but she makes it sound so very removed.  As if but for Faye there would have been no connection to her and her involvement with OJ. 


*Notice how Bravo uses Brentwood instead of Beverly Hills?  Brentwood is OJ slang.  They never say Kyle in Bel Air or Adrienne in Beverly Park.  They do give the Malibu ladies proper geographical labels.  I believe at one time no one on the cast actually lived in Beverly Hills. 

I remember that period too. I want to say Lisa and Adrienne were both in Beverly Park, Taylor and Kyle were in Bel Air, Camille in Malibu, and Kim in Westlake. These days I want to say that Lisa is the only one who is in Beverly Hills proper. 


I agree that Kathryn isn't being truthful about a few things but I do think that at the time she was legitimately irritated with Faye for bringing Marcus and herself into the shitstorm. I don't think Marcus wanted to be apart of it at all and I'm sure they had all kinds of people asking them questions from strangers to close acquaintance. 


I don't think it's hard to believe that Nicole had an affair with Marcus. I don't actually believe Marcus and can understand perfectly why he would want to distance himself as much as possible. To me, whether or not Nicole had affairs with Marcus or Ron (both likely scenarios in my opinion) it's never been relevant. I don't care if OJ saw Nicole with a hundred men, it's no excuse and doesn't make his behavior understandable on any level. 


Some people get so prickly when other people don't buy the idea that Ron was just over there to drop off sunglasses. To me, that excuse sounds too absurd for words, even the show portrayed Marcia as being highly skeptical that was the real reason Ron was going over there. To me, there was never anything wrong with Nicole being friends or involved with this guy if that was the case. I've never agreed with the idea that thinking that Ron and Nicole could have been involved means that a person is somehow placing blame on the victims. OJ is complete scum and there's no excuse for what he did. 

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OK gang, 1) remember to agree to disagree, move on and not attack each other. 2) If you think someone is attacking you report don't engage. 3) Lets try to keep this to the discussion of the Players in the OJ stuff with relation to the Housewives show. 


Meaning, there's a whole forum for the new OJ show to discuss the trial and all that, and the jurors etc. really have nothing to do with the housewives. I understand it's an interesting topic, and we're being really lenient with it, but ultimately if your post has nothing to do with the housewives/friends of at all it probably doesn't belong in this forum. Thanks. 


You guys know how much we love repeating ourselves right? Posts have gone poof. There's a forum for the OJ show and all that stuff should probably go there. This thread is simply to talk about Faye/Kathy/Marcus Allen stuff. This is not a thread to go down a whole OJ Rabbit Hole and discuss all aspects of race and the trial and all that stuff. Take that over to the OJ Show thread (if it's actually about that show) but it doesn't belong here. Thanks. 

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http://simpson.walraven.org/cf_depo1.html Cora is the one Nicole called her read friend, the one who hated Faye.  In her deposition, she's either incredibly stupid, or a liar, and she is definitely supporting OJ, BTW.  So, even though I loved the fact that someone else hated Faye, my earlier post about that part doesn't really matter.  She also confirms that Nicole told her about the affair with Marcus, Kathryn's fiance, then husband. She also says Nicole and Faye had an sexual affair and were trolling for 3-somes, including Ron Goldman's friend haven't read the whole thing yet. 


grumble...I hate stuff that makes Faye looks more truthful or like a better friend, but in reading this, I don't like Cora much...grumble


Lisin, I hope this is OK, to me it's much more RH stuff, no one would care in the OJ forums.  I'm trying to walk that line, and so far, think I have but let me know.

Edited by Umbelina
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It's like I  just can't stop now.  Eventually I'll get through them all.  There is, of course, much more, but not RHBH related.  I'll say again, for anyone who really cares about the actual murder, that night, read Kato's.


Anyway, back to RHBH.  Cora (I'm on her 3rd day right now) it seems to me, really doesn't want to know who killed Nicole, she just wants to move on, her kids play with OJ's, so she's at his house quite a bit.  She detests Faye, and says the same thing Kato said about Nicole's opinion of Faye.  Faye was not trustworthy, she was trolling for a rich husband, implies that Mr. Resnick wouldn't take her back, and when her current live in boyfriend kicked her out, she had no place to live so she moved in with Nicole, no mention of Faye ever having an actual job.  Basically, she wanted to party and was big time drinking, smoking coke, and abusing pain killers that she first used when she got her boobs.  Nicole felt that Faye was leaving her, lured away by OJ and his money, and she was pissed about it.  Yelled at OJ, yelled at Faye about Faye being bought.  OJ replied that Faye called him about going with to some huge event, and he'd just said OK. 


Cora's confirming a lot of the sex stuff, saying that it bugged her that Faye and Nicole were giggling about recruiting another guy to do that with them again.  According to Cora, or what Faye told Cora, Nicole told Faye on the phone giggling, just a few minutes away from her death, that Ron was coming over and she'd see if he was any good in bed before asking him to join Faye and her in a three some.  She says Ron Goldman had a crush on Nicole, but until that night, Nicole wasn't really into him very much.  Faye was in rehab at that time.


Cora, she's weird, distracted, almost like an idiot in parts of this deposition, for just one example, she says she thinks OJ is innocent because the evidence against him was overwhelming.  OK then.   She says that Marcus was having sex with Nicole both before and after he married Kathryn.  Marcus would come over whenever he knew OJ was out of town.

Edited by Umbelina
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I hope Nicole lived her life to the fullest in how she saw fit. I hope she obtained the most pleasure she could from life. I don't judge her for her choices and I have not walked in her shoes. NOTHING she did justifies what OJ did.


I know no one here is saying her murder was justified. I just don't like how some people/processes try to say the victim deserved it. Like saying a woman deserved to be raped since she wore a sexy outfit. It makes my blood boil. I applaud Nicole for being in touch with her sexuality and I hope she did it for her own pleasure and not just to get back at OJ (but if it does both then great). I don't think she brought on her death and that blame lies with OJ.


It sounds like there were several people who had a lot to say about Nicole's sex life. I'm not sure it was relevant for motive since she had already been a victim of domestic abuse and it wasn't like OJ stumbled upon Nicole and Ron in the middle of sex (then he could claim crime of passion which I think is Murder in the 3rd degree [aka manslaughter] which affects sentencing). The defense would not have wanted me as a juror.


I think Faye is a different woman then she was decades ago. I haven't walked in her shoes or really know her side of it. It sounds like this all occurred around the time she was using or recently stopped using however I don't think that is an excuse. I think her actions were morally questionable but I also think she has taken a lot of heat for a long time for something that wasn't that horrendous IMO. A drunk driver who killed someone decades ago and now has been sober for decades would likely be less hated by many people. However I fully understand if people continued to hate that person so I am not judging anyone for their opinions on Faye. 


I reserve the right to change my mind and hate on her if she stays on the show and does stuff that makes me dislike her....lol. 


Umbelina, I do hope you continue to post what you find in the depositions and if they are moved elsewhere then I hope someone lets me know where they are moved to (American Crime Story....title confusion imo...maybe calling it OJ: American Crime Story or having all the names as options that once clicked take you to the same place). Anyway, we can disagree on Faye but I do appreciate your posts on these depositions (and on the RH & Faye).

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All I want out of this OJ moment on RHBH is to hear Faye explain her actions.  I've judged her for a long time but in learning more, I'm not going to go there anymore until I hear her explanation. 


Kyle is standing by her 100% and some of her comments tonight suggest she knows Faye's reasoning and supports her - at least to some degree.

I think Kyle is in a unique position. She has seen addiction - and the aftermath - up close and personal. She knows how hard it can be to break free and live a productive life. I have always thought she could probably see that while what Faye did was wrong, she appreciates that she was able to get her shit together later. I think this is what she has always longed for in Kim, and that she would forgive the years of hurt and pain she has caused if she would change her life.

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Umbelina, thanks for the Cora run down.  Sounds like Cora had a few axes to grind.  I can see Nicole being kind and offering to help out Faye.  She did take Kato in.  As far as the salacious details, I don't think Kathryn is downplaying Marcus reputation, I think she is just steamed that someone, namely Faye, had the audacity to voice what others thought of her relationship with Marcus.  I don't know how else one would describe Kathryn's behavior regarding Marcus' womanizing.  Oblivious, long suffering? 


I think  my post was removed but Ron Shipp testified that Marcus  and Kathryn (then Kathy) was with Nicole and OJ bringing in 1989-the day OJ beat Nicole.  I never realized how long the two of them were involved.  They married in 1993.  Now I am wondering when Eileen dated Marcus.  It would seem he was involved with Kathryn from at least 1988 until 2001.  Now I want more details from Eileen.  More womanizing on Marcus' part?   

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Zoey, I'm posting a bit in the media thread in the OJ forum, http://forums.previously.tv/forum/2171-american-crime-story/, and a in the show thread show, under spoiler tags today I added some.


I've just started Faye's boyfriend's deposition, Christian Reichardt (I think he was her boyfriend, he was her employer very briefly, she never showed up or did any work, so he fired her.)  He's solidly in OJ's camp (as Nicole would say "bought.") at least back in 1995-6 when the civil depositions take place.


Marcus, IMO, is a complete liar.  Several people, as I've mentioned, confirmed the Nicole/OJ affair, that it was on-going, both during the engagement and marriage to Kathryn.  Marcus completely denies it.  I haven't finished OJ's (I can only take so much OJ at a time) but the defense SEEMS to be implying that Nicole made it all up, trying to get OJ to beat her one more time, so the pre-nup would be invalidated.  OJ and Nicole had agreed we they reconciled, in writing, that if he cheated or hurt her again the prenup would be gone.  SO, that may be why Marcus was lying.  Some saw Marcus coming and going from Nicole's (Faye/Kato/?) and so it wasn't just Nicole SAYING she had several sexual encounters with Marcus.


My other opinion about those testifying is more of an impression about when OJ shows up for the deposition, and the little asides he makes while they are testifying.  I give them credit, because if I were them (Faye/Kato) and even some of the pro-OJ people, I just felt they were afraid of him.  Maybe it's because I would be.  So, in one way at least, I think Faye was brave to testify, but then again, she'd already made her money from her books, so what choice did she have? 


What a horrible crime, and what a lesson about Hollywood/BH and how things work in those circles.  It's very hard for me to separate this from RHBH in a few ways, because not only are people actually on the show that WERE quite close to this (Faye/Kathryn) but so much of it is also a peek behind the curtains at what fame and money do there.  What I mean is, even though Faye/Kathryn are the main RHBH connections, to me, it also sheds light on people like Taylor, Brandi, certainly Kyle...just the whole circle of the way it is among the famous, those with fame in their families, or friends of the rich famous, the whole hierarchy of it all.

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Zoey, I'm posting a bit in the media thread in the OJ forum, http://forums.previously.tv/forum/2171-american-crime-story/, and a in the show thread show, under spoiler tags today I added some.


I've just started Faye's boyfriend's deposition, Christian Reichardt (I think he was her boyfriend, he was her employer very briefly, she never showed up or did any work, so he fired her.)  He's solidly in OJ's camp (as Nicole would say "bought.") at least back in 1995-6 when the civil depositions take place.


Marcus, IMO, is a complete liar.  Several people, as I've mentioned, confirmed the Nicole/OJ affair, that it was on-going, both during the engagement and marriage to Kathryn.  Marcus completely denies it.  I haven't finished OJ's (I can only take so much OJ at a time) but the defense SEEMS to be implying that Nicole made it all up, trying to get OJ to beat her one more time, so the pre-nup would be invalidated.  OJ and Nicole had agreed we they reconciled, in writing, that if he cheated or hurt her again the prenup would be gone.  SO, that may be why Marcus was lying.  Some saw Marcus coming and going from Nicole's (Faye/Kato/?) and so it wasn't just Nicole SAYING she had several sexual encounters with Marcus.


My other opinion about those testifying is more of an impression about when OJ shows up for the deposition, and the little asides he makes while they are testifying.  I give them credit, because if I were them (Faye/Kato) and even some of the pro-OJ people, I just felt they were afraid of him.  Maybe it's because I would be.  So, in one way at least, I think Faye was brave to testify, but then again, she'd already made her money from her books, so what choice did she have? 


What a horrible crime, and what a lesson about Hollywood/BH and how things work in those circles.  It's very hard for me to separate this from RHBH in a few ways, because not only are people actually on the show that WERE quite close to this (Faye/Kathryn) but so much of it is also a peek behind the curtains at what fame and money do there.  What I mean is, even though Faye/Kathryn are the main RHBH connections, to me, it also sheds light on people like Taylor, Brandi, certainly Kyle...just the whole circle of the way it is among the famous, those with fame in their families, or friends of the rich famous, the whole hierarchy of it all.

Thank Umbelina.  I always remember OJ had a proven track record, as in murdering two people who he felt crossed him.  So Faye was unique in the time frame in that she was steadfast he was guilty.  All she is ever remembered for is salacious Nicole stories but she was convinced OJ was guilty and really wanted to see him pay for what he did to Nicole.  As for the others it is amazing how they slide in and out of our lives.  On  People's Couch they had a clip of Kato singing the national anthem.  

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Is this show really worth watching? I was so emotionally invested in this case, I really am not sure if I want to go there again.

I actually thought the show was really, really good. It grabbed me from the beginning and I am now really looking forward to it. I followed the trial, but I don't know that I was anymore invested than most of us though, so you could certainly have a different reaction. I had only 2 beefs with the casting and one of those was Faye/Connie. I thought she looked too old for Faye,but she played the part well. Unfortunately the other was Cuba Gooding. He is just way too small, height and build and it was distracting.
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We're not hiding any posts at the moment, we might later, but we want to warn you all (again!) that your posts should be about Faye, Kathryn and other people on RHoBH or they don't belong here. You're all welcome to go talk about the People v. OJ Simpson show over on that show's forum. There's plenty of people over there talking about all of this, but it does not belong on this forum. This is our last mod note on the subject. Our next step will be to lock the thread. 



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I had only 2 beefs with the casting and one of those was Faye/Connie. I thought she looked too old for Faye,but she played the part well.


I had the same thought. It took me a minute to remember that this happened 20 years ago. But I had a chuckle when I realized Connie Britton is closer to Faye's current age than the character of Faye from 20+ years ago. I wonder what Faye thinks of that (or if she's weighed in on the series as well). Connie is beautiful, and honestly looks better now than Faye did then, but I'd be pissed if someone pulled that on me.

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Thanks to whoever posted the link to the depositions and other trial material. fascinating stuff!

Sticking to the RHBH connection - I read Marcus Allen's deposition and most of Fayes's. I know people want to say Allen was evasive, but it seemed to me that he was someone who didn't want to be there, didn't want to testify, and so was -without being nasty about it - uncooperative. He stuck close to the line most lawyers tell their clients to hew - "if you don't know from personal knowledge, say you don't know. Don't speculate, don't answer the question if you aren't clear what is being asked, don't provide more information than is requested." He did, however, clearly and affirmatively state he did not have an affair with Nicole. Was he lying? Perhaps. But Faye saying they had an affair? Kris K speculating about it? Not personal knowledge.

Faye? Well, she was certainly a fountain of very detailed, specific information. So much that, the more she said, the more I wondered how much was embroidered, how much was what "she" thought v, what she was actually told. I found the idea that she talked to Nicole at least 3 times per day, EVERY day, unbelievable. Also unbelievable that they saw each other at least 5 times per week, every week. She seemed to have a photographic memory of all of her conversations with Nicole and OJ.

Yet, when questioned about her own life by OJ's attorney, an amazing transformation. She doesn't tremember how often she worked at her fiancé' office, she doesn't remember how often she bought drugs in the weeks before Nicole died (and immediately before she entered rehab). She went from total recall to almost no recall, that makes NO sense. She should remember more about her own life, not less.

She certainly had a thing about Allen. She testified, very early on in the deposition, that the only disagreement she and Nicole couldn't resolve was her disagreeing about Nicole dating Allen. Really? Your supposedly best friend has given you incredible detail about how her husband repeatedly beat her, you know she reconciled once with him, and considered doing so again, but her dating a guy while divorced is the one fight you couldn't resolve?? I am nor minimizing her stated concern that OJ would go nuts to learn of an affair, but an abuser doesn't need that excuse to beat and possibly kill her.

I have been an attorney for over 30 years, and and the more I read, the more I questioned. Was she right about much of what happened between Nicole and OJ? Maybe, but I really question whether all her information was first hand and the actual words of Nicole and OJ. And whether she was adding color commentary to "fill in the blanks." Nicole is dead and can't speak, OJ lives in a world where he has probably convinced himself he didn't kill her. Neither can dispute her story.

And she knows nothing about what Kathryn knew or didn't know, or how she did/would have reacted. I think that's part of why Kathryn was pissed - there was NO need to mention Kathryn at all in the book, even though she mentioned Allen.

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I agree Mrs. Peel, and I hope you read Kato's and Cora's.  They both also confirm the Marcus affair, not only from what Nicole told them, but also from seeing him there.  (Kato for sure, and I'm 90% sure about Cora.)   They also both hate Faye.


Faye was actually living with Nicole for a while, so she probably did see her quite a bit.  Cora saw or spoke to her nearly everyday, Kato, everyday, while he was living in her guest house at least (before Bundy.)


I also really loved reading AC's, he also discusses Marcus, his wife, and Faye, but the rest of it just broke my heart.  He reminded me of a giant loyal dog.

Edited by Umbelina
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I had the same thought. It took me a minute to remember that this happened 20 years ago. But I had a chuckle when I realized Connie Britton is closer to Faye's current age than the character of Faye from 20+ years ago. I wonder what Faye thinks of that (or if she's weighed in on the series as well). Connie is beautiful, and honestly looks better now than Faye did then, but I'd be pissed if someone pulled that on me.

Faye released a statement through her attorney husband.  She will not be commenting on the series.

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JennyMominFL, on 04 Feb 2016 - 4:36 PM, said:

Is this show really worth watching? I was so emotionally invested in this case, I really am not sure if I want to go there again.


I'm enjoying it so far!  I was a freshman in college when the OJ stuff went down so, while I had a vague recollection of what was going on, I certainly did not follow the case very closely. (unlike my dearly departed Mom who was practically GLUED to the TV 24/7. LOL I guess I get my love of reality TV from her!) So for me, it's interesting to learn things. I only "knew" of OJ from the Naked Gun movies so to see this side of him is really fascinating and intensely disturbing.


rho, on 04 Feb 2016 - 8:29 PM, said:

I had the same thought. It took me a minute to remember that this happened 20 years ago. But I had a chuckle when I realized Connie Britton is closer to Faye's current age than the character of Faye from 20+ years ago. I wonder what Faye thinks of that (or if she's weighed in on the series as well). Connie is beautiful, and honestly looks better now than Faye did then, but I'd be pissed if someone pulled that on me.


Well, I mean, CB is 48 and Faye is now almost 59, so she would have been... 37 or so when she was involved in this.  So CB is really kinda in "the middle" of the past and present day Faye.


However, um, aesthetically... I don't think Faye should be pissed by having CB portray the 1994 her. I think she should be flattered. 

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That might fly in the real world but Hollywood is known for aging down their women. Faye can say over and over again that she doesn't want to relive that part of her life, but I imagine she's got a Google alert on her name and was probably expecting Ryan Murphy to be entertaining the Jessica Albas of the world to play her role. It's very rare that they age up in Hollywood. I hope it's a sign the series won't be painting her in a favorable light.

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That might fly in the real world but Hollywood is known for aging down their women. Faye can say over and over again that she doesn't want to relive that part of her life, but I imagine she's got a Google alert on her name and was probably expecting Ryan Murphy to be entertaining the Jessica Albas of the world to play her role. It's very rare that they age up in Hollywood. I hope it's a sign the series won't be painting her in a favorable light.

RM's very loyal to actors he's worked with like CB and at least he picked one known for her great hair which Faye also has. Otherwise I too would find the older pick odd.

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I agree Mrs. Peel, and I hope you read Kato's and Cora's.  They both also confirm the Marcus affair, not only from what Nicole told them, but also from seeing him there.  (Kato for sure, and I'm 90% sure about Cora.)   They also both hate Faye.


Faye was actually living with Nicole for a while, so she probably did see her quite a bit.  Cora saw or spoke to her nearly everyday, Kato, everyday, while he was living in her guest house at least (before Bundy.)


I also really loved reading AC's, he also discusses Marcus, his wife, and Faye, but the rest of it just broke my heart.  He reminded me of a giant loyal dog.

I started reading Kato's, but it was pretty boring (though the interplay betw the attorneys about how difficult it was to tell when Kato paused v. completed his answer was funny!).  I'll have to look at Cora's, I don't recall her from the case (and I was obsessed with the criminal trial).


Faye released a statement through her attorney husband.  She will not be commenting on the series.

I'm sure in Southern CA this is normal, but I laughed when I read this.

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Kato's last two get VERY interesting, both about the Marcus and Faye stuff, since he and Nicole were very close while he lived there, and he saw Faye quite a bit, and Marcus basically sneaking around, but also, if you really want to know what happened the night of the murders (last two.) 

Edited by Umbelina
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Kato's last two get VERY interesting, both about the Marcus and Faye stuff, since he and Nicole were very close while he lived there, and he saw Faye quite a bit, and Marcus basically sneaking around, but also, if you really want to know what happened the night of the murders (last two.) 

Highlights pretty please!

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Is this show really worth watching? I was so emotionally invested in this case, I really am not sure if I want to go there again.

It is extremely campy IMO.

I really liked the Madoff TV movie better.

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I started reading Kato's, but it was pretty boring (though the interplay betw the attorneys about how difficult it was to tell when Kato paused v. completed his answer was funny!).  I'll have to look at Cora's, I don't recall her from the case (and I was obsessed with the criminal trial).


I'm sure in Southern CA this is normal, but I laughed when I read this.

The first time I read the "comment" they were asking Faye if she had wanted to play herself in the mini-series.  I guess she had a lot of inquiries because now her Twitter is protected.


Cora was part of the civil trial.  I believe she discovered Nicole's homicide when she went by Nicole's to go jogging the morning after and saw the crime scene.  Judging by her testimony she sounds a bit off.  Oh and she took money ($15,000.00) from a tabloid, had an affair and tried to commit suicide by taking a bottle of Tylenol.  Oh and she wants to write a book.  I read a couple of interviews and unless one is interested in hearing about Nicole's Christmas shopping habits, I doubt it will get published.  She pretty much spilled her guts in the depo.  http://www.apnewsarchive.com/1996/Friend-Says-Victim-s-Final-Weeks-Marked-By-Sex-Possible-Drug-Use/id-5380063c7aa1b23d53fee1e0d4836ba0




All I want out of this OJ moment on RHBH is to hear Faye explain her actions.  I've judged her for a long time but in learning more, I'm not going to go there anymore until I hear her explanation. 


Kyle is standing by her 100% and some of her comments tonight suggest she knows Faye's reasoning and supports her - at least to some degree.



A couple of Faye stories to answer the burning question why she wrote the book: http://www.nytimes.com/1994/10/21/us/conflicting-views-on-author-of-simpson-book.html

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From the link above:

She describes her mother as a religious fanatic whose predictions that Armageddon would come in 1975 prompted Ms. Resnick to rush into her first sexual encounter beforehand.

Ama-a-a-azing (tm SinusMo) that while most people confronted with Armageddon would be investigating shelters and stockpiling, and making their peace with the world, Faye chose to pop her cork to the local boy with pimples on his ass. Clearly, it's her mother's fault.

Also from above:

To people like Robin Greer, an actress who was close to Nicole Simpson

Robin Greer is one of the gals whose stories were immortalized in the tome You'll Never Make Love in this Town Again, which detailed the exploits of 4 women who boinked some well-known Tinsel Town players (for cash and prizes seeing as it's H'wood and all). This is the Wiki link --


-- in which keen eyes will see the women described as --

three prostitutes and one actress

Oddly, Robin's sister is also described as an actress so the math (3+1) just doesn't add up. Maybe they were all actresses and not a hoor among them!

Michael Viner of Dove books in the publisher of both masterpieces.

Edited by steelcitysister
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The first time I read the "comment" they were asking Faye if she had wanted to play herself in the mini-series.  I guess she had a lot of inquiries because now her Twitter is protected.


Cora was part of the civil trial.  I believe she discovered Nicole's homicide when she went by Nicole's to go jogging the morning after and saw the crime scene.  Judging by her testimony she sounds a bit off.  Oh and she took money ($15,000.00) from a tabloid, had an affair and tried to commit suicide by taking a bottle of Tylenol.  Oh and she wants to write a book.  I read a couple of interviews and unless one is interested in hearing about Nicole's Christmas shopping habits, I doubt it will get published.  She pretty much spilled her guts in the depo.  http://www.apnewsarchive.com/1996/Friend-Says-Victim-s-Final-Weeks-Marked-By-Sex-Possible-Drug-Use/id-5380063c7aa1b23d53fee1e0d4836ba0






A couple of Faye stories to answer the burning question why she wrote the book: http://www.nytimes.com/1994/10/21/us/conflicting-views-on-author-of-simpson-book.html


Thanks for sharing this.   It's pretty much what I have read elsewhere but it sort of locks it in a bit more.  In particular this comment:


Ms. Resnick would not say how much she expects to make on the book, though her publisher, Michael Viner of Dove Books, said she could have profited far more by selling her story to the tabloids. "She was offered $1 million in the aggregate to do the Hard Copies, the Current Affairs, the National Enquirers," he said. "She wanted her story to have credibility, and wasn't doing it for the money."


Assuming she passedon money from tabloids, she has a lot of credibility.  Those quoted in the article seem to speak highly of Faye - when she is sober.


Marcus Allen's ex is being a little hypocritical.  She's slamming Faye+book without learning a bit more about both.


I am leaning towards trusting Faye's side of the story, but to lock it in, I'd like to hear here say that she turned down big money from tabloids.  That would seal the deal for me.

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Thanks for sharing this.   It's pretty much what I have read elsewhere but it sort of locks it in a bit more.  In particular this comment:


Ms. Resnick would not say how much she expects to make on the book, though her publisher, Michael Viner of Dove Books, said she could have profited far more by selling her story to the tabloids. "She was offered $1 million in the aggregate to do the Hard Copies, the Current Affairs, the National Enquirers," he said. "She wanted her story to have credibility, and wasn't doing it for the money."


Assuming she passedon money from tabloids, she has a lot of credibility.  Those quoted in the article seem to speak highly of Faye - when she is sober.


Marcus Allen's ex is being a little hypocritical.  She's slamming Faye+book without learning a bit more about both.


I am leaning towards trusting Faye's side of the story, but to lock it in, I'd like to hear here say that she turned down big money from tabloids.  That would seal the deal for me.

I can't read the first link because it is a beta file but not for nothing Faye wrote the book with Mike Walker, so she can stop bullshitting about having any type of scruples.

Faye really knows how to manipulate people. Lol

That is where her upbringing shows the most...

She thinks that she is sleek.

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Zoeysmom, Cora already knew Nicole was murdered when she went to Nicole's house that morning.  A phone call, I believe.  Cora is solidly in OJ's camp, Faye obviously solidly on the other side, but to keep this RHBH related, Cora REALLY disliked Faye before the murders as well.  After the murders, they never really spoke again, other than "hello" or whatever at the wake or funeral.  As I said before, Cora also confirmed the affair with Kathryn's husband Marcus, both during her engagement to him, and during the marriage. 


Cora really didn't like Faye's lifestyle, she was more of a daytime friend, and said that Faye was more of a nighttime friend, the partying/dancing friend.

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Thanks for sharing this.   It's pretty much what I have read elsewhere but it sort of locks it in a bit more.  In particular this comment:


Ms. Resnick would not say how much she expects to make on the book, though her publisher, Michael Viner of Dove Books, said she could have profited far more by selling her story to the tabloids. "She was offered $1 million in the aggregate to do the Hard Copies, the Current Affairs, the National Enquirers," he said. "She wanted her story to have credibility, and wasn't doing it for the money."


Assuming she passedon money from tabloids, she has a lot of credibility.  Those quoted in the article seem to speak highly of Faye - when she is sober.


Marcus Allen's ex is being a little hypocritical.  She's slamming Faye+book without learning a bit more about both.


I am leaning towards trusting Faye's side of the story, but to lock it in, I'd like to hear here say that she turned down big money from tabloids.  That would seal the deal for me.


I will keep looking to see if there is a more direct quote.  I was going for timeframe and reliability with the New York Times article.

Zoeysmom, Cora already knew Nicole was murdered when she went to Nicole's house that morning.  A phone call, I believe.  Cora is solidly in OJ's camp, Faye obviously solidly on the other side, but to keep this RHBH related, Cora REALLY disliked Faye before the murders as well.  After the murders, they never really spoke again, other than "hello" or whatever at the wake or funeral.  As I said before, Cora also confirmed the affair with Kathryn's husband Marcus, both during her engagement to him, and during the marriage. 


Cora really didn't like Faye's lifestyle, she was more of a daytime friend, and said that Faye was more of a nighttime friend, the partying/dancing friend.

Thanks Umbelina for the clarification.


It is nice to know that Nicole could have diverse friends.  When one becomes single it is hard to have friends that are married.  It must have been a hard time when there were friends that were solidly behind OJ and friends that were married (Kris Jenner) who had connections to the defense.  What I am gleaning is during this period of time Faye was drawn to Kathy Hilton, Big Kathy and Kyle to fill the void Nicole's murder left in her life.  Between rehab and Nicole's death it sounds like Faye had to make some big changes in her life.

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A little off topic here but I've been watching the OJ story and I just can't get past Cuba playing OJ.  Not working for me.  He just doesn't look enough like him and I can't get past it.  I've been losing interest since the first episode.


The actors playing Marcia Clark and Chris Jarden are great.  Believable.  So is Johnny Cochran.  I can't get past John Travolta or David Schwimmer.


I wonder how big a role Faye is going to play in the mini series.  Connie Britton is playing her.  Connie Britton!  I don't know if I'll make it that far. 

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Well, "Faye" made her real debut on the show The People vs OJ Simpson tonight.  Couldn't happen to a bigger bitch.  http://forums.previously.tv/forum/2171-american-crime-story/ I had my doubts about the actress in this role, but she nailed it.



The People v. O.J. Simpson’s Connie Britton on Her Final Scenes As Faye Resnick, Playing the Bad Girl for Once

Edited by Umbelina
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I can't find the entire clip of Connie Britton as Faye, but this site has a bit of it at the top, for those interested.


Interesting article here.  The Most Stomach-Churning, Bizarre Details From Faye Resnick’s 1994 Book, Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of a Life Interrupted



As detailed in Tuesday night's episode of The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, the book ultimately made Resnick (played by Connie Britton) persona non grata for the trial, forcing Judge Lance Ito to halt jury selection to read the book and weigh its possible impact, and ultimately forcing the prosecution not to call Resnick to the witness stand — even though she could have testified to how O.J. Simpson had threatened Nicole's life.


Edited by Umbelina
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I can't find the entire clip of Connie Britton as Faye, but this site has a bit of it at the top, for those interested.


Interesting article here.  The Most Stomach-Churning, Bizarre Details From Faye Resnick’s 1994 Book, Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of a Life Interrupted


The prosecution was not FORCED not to call Faye to the stand it was their choice.  Whether or not the book came into play, Faye still had her reputation as a cokehead.  So it was more of a decision about her reputation than the book.

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The 15 Most Outrageous Quotes from Faye Resnick’s Nicole Brown Simpson Tell-All Book



In the foreword to her best-selling 1994 book, Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of a Life Interrupted, Simpson’s self-proclaimed best friend Faye Resnick writes, “Like most people, I shrink from exposing my innermost secrets and my most private and intimate actions.” And yet, as a tabloid fixture during the Simpson trail, and now a star of the reality show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, that is exactly how Resnick has made a name for herself.

Before she was a famous housewife or a character on The People v. O.J. Simpson, Resnick was a three-times divorced former manicurist with a drug problem who was wrapped up in the trial of the century. She decided to cash in on that cache-by-proxy with a 244-page tell-all about her friends O.J. and Nicole Simpson that New York magazine called the “apotheosis of trashiness.” After reading some of her choicest quotes below, you might be inclined to agree.

Resnick wrote the book in concert with National Enquirer columnist Mike Walker and, as depicted in Episode 4 of The People v. O.J. Simpson, the book was rushed to publication in October 1994—just three short months after Nicole’s death.

Edited by Umbelina
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In the foreword to her best-selling 1994 book, Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of a Life Interrupted, Simpson’s self-proclaimed best friend Faye Resnick writes, “Like most people, I shrink from exposing my innermost secrets and my most private and intimate actions.” And yet, as a tabloid fixture during the Simpson trail, and now a star of the reality show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, that is exactly how Resnick has made a name for herself.

Before she was a famous housewife or a character on The People v. O.J. Simpson, Resnick was a three-times divorced former manicurist with a drug problem who was wrapped up in the trial of the century. She decided to cash in on that cache-by-proxy with a 244-page tell-all about her friends O.J. and Nicole Simpson that New York magazine called the “apotheosis of trashiness.” After reading some of her choicest quotes below, you might be inclined to agree.

Resnick wrote the book in concert with National Enquirer columnist Mike Walker and, as depicted in Episode 4 of The People v. O.J. Simpson, the book was rushed to publication in October 1994—just three short months after Nicole’s death.




I can't get it to quote your quote.

BIB: why are they calling her a star of the reality show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.... sloppy writing/fact checking

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I had my doubts about the actress in this role, but she nailed it.

She really did - I could totally see that scuzzbucket in her portrayal.


I knew Faye went out of her way to not help in the case against O.J., but I didn't realize she actually hindered the jury selecting process to that extent. What a piece of shit.

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