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Wishlist: Hoping for a Cure (Or Not)

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Ava - not actually pregnant - manages to rope a mentally unsound, bipolar Sonny into marriage. Sonny is caught out as A.J.'s murderer and sent off to Ferncliff for at least six months. Due to her machinations, Ava gets away clean with none the wiser about her murder of Connie outside of Sonny's powerless inner circle.


Mrs. Ava Corinthos then reigns supreme for at least six to nine months.


Bi -polar does not mean you can kill someone and go to the nut house. He killed A J  in cold blood. he needs to pay for this with his life.

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I guess there can only be only happily married couple in each group, and in the veterans circle, that's Mac and Felicia. 


And heaven forbid Ron introduce new, of-a-certain-age characters (!) to pair with oldies like Bobbie and Scotty.


I'll cut him some slack here. The cast is bursting. I just don't need to see a fake storyline that only gets a day or two a month. Don't do it if you're going to do it so lazily, is my problem. I like Bobbie being here and there, that's good, but I don't need to see her with a whole new person.

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ugh Ian sucked couldn't stand him.I think one of the biggest problems is JL has outside projects that come first before working on GH which is good for him but kinda sucks for the story lol.Sure it would be nice if they brought new blood in but lets face it that's not going to happen since the vets don't get a lot of story their stuff feels like filler.


Also I mean they couldn't have given this story five minutes a week to how these characters have gotten here lol and how in the world is lucy supporting herself she has no job or anything lol.

Edited by Harmony233

If Lucas needs to vent to Bobbie every so often and that's the only time we see her, I can deal. At least that way a story isn't left hanging until the next time we see her. I'd prefer she get a decent story of her own, but I also want to eat as much chocolate as I want and never gain weight. I know neither of those things will happen.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I love Bobbie, I always have, but I don't need her to have her own story at this point. Jackie's face is a mess and I think her ability as a performer has greatly suffered as a result, not just physically but in terms of her own apparent self-consciousness over how she comes across. Unless she can fix that there's no point in giving her serious material, IMO. It's sad.


I have never had a problem with Bobbie, Scott, Lucy and Kevin, etc.'s stories being second or third-tier on-canvas - I think they should have that role while also having support roles for the new generation, like their kids or family. That's healthy, IMO. The problem isn't that the stories are third-tier, it's that they are barely played onscreen at all for weeks or months at a time.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

I think Anna, Tracy, Laura, etc. can all support major frontburner story. I consider Lucy, Kevin and Scott to be second or third-tier on their own and that's fine, and you can give them bigger stories perhaps through their kids too. I adore Lucy but that is just her natural role these days, and was often in the old days.

Edited by jsbt

Well damn. Lucy needs a job. Doesn't Scotty need a secretary? Doesn't PC have a library?

ETA: Library makes sense. Put Lauren and Morgan in school. Doesn't Micheal take classes or did he ELQ his degree? Lucas can be studying for something or reading. You know, having a hobby. Felix and Brad can learn how to read. Sabrina can lead some after school book program.

Edited by Grrpants09

I wish they never had Ava kill Connie and kept Morgan and Ava together, and I wasn't even a fan. Sonny was right, the Julian secret came out 5 minutes later with little more than a shrug.  Connie/Kate should have left Port Charles because being close to Sonny was affecting her mental health.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I'd rather have seen AJ go off to rehab if SK had to go or be revealed really alive at the clinic with Robin. Just a short scene where after all that ghost bullshit, Robin is led into a room where AJ is there, frozen. She looks shocked and horrified. Victor tells her when you revive your friend, tell him he can thank Sonny for this. She says no and starts to cry. Victor says weren't you warned to not trust Sonny Corinthos? Robin shakes her head yes. She now has to revive both Q brothers, hates Sonny, and has more family to reunite. It makes her being gone more sense. And it doesn't kill Monica and Alan's only son.

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My dream? We get McBain back and he comes in and arrests Sonny and Carly for trafficking and murder and conspiracy to hide murder, whatever. He's FBI now, bitch. And he is there to throw their asses in the federal pen. Micheal eeyores about it, but gets over it with Maxie. Silas is forgotten about. Nina is some chick in a chair, maybe part of his cover. He's been in hiding all along. PC is just really dumb.

But that won't happen.

  • Love 1

I pulled this from the Episode Discussion Thread:

Cameron is such a non entity, he should be a teen right alongside Molly, he was born before her for christ's sake, that still just...Becky isn't immortal show, she can have a fifteen year old without it being that big a deal. Or they might have really made things slightly interesting and aged Cameron enough to produce a rivalry between he and Morgan, or even Cameron against Michael. As long as Kiki wasn't involved.

I have been saying this for a while. As much as I like Liz, of all the kids on the show, even if Cam liked his mother, I would imagine he would slightly resent her considering the merry go round with Dads he has from her and the Niz affair pretty much driving Lucky away.  If Cam was older, I would expect that he would be the father figure Aidan. A SORASed Cam would be an interesting storyline for Liz that didn't involve the Niz triangle.

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I just am sick of seeing a mobster being somewhat considered the hero of the show.

No. I want romance. I need some heroes. Some anti heroes, if possible. Todd Manning, for all his flaws, was indeed the town pariah. As were Roger Thorpe (I'd call him my OG anti hero), Alan Spaulding, Alan Q (yes, Alan used to have a gray past), Edward Q, and even Victor Newman at times long ago. I want characters paying for their crimes.

Remember Karen Wolek on the stand on OLTL? Or Marty's rape trial? What about those big moments. My problem is that egos have gotten in the way and shows and we, the fans, suffer. On AW, Jensen Buchanan didn't want to play twins so boom. Long term character Marley gone. I could go on and on.

But I'll end paraphrasing something the great Jerry Van Dorn said once. He basically said we could have actresses in beautiful ball gowns with great story acting against cardboard sets and it'd still work. Because the fans need great story, fantasy, escape.

  • Love 7

I desperately, DESPERATELY want Britt far away from Nik and Liz.  I also want Patrick's asshole-ness re: Robin exposed to all of Port Charles.  So my current wish is for a story where Britt and Nathan investigate Nathan's paternity and it ends up leading them to Victor and the hospital in NYC, where they are stunned to discover Robin.  They all return to Port Charles, Robin slugs Patrick in the face, and then Britt and Robin form some kind of friendship.

  • Love 5
I hated Sonny gloating about Carrrrlos being in prison for a murder that Sonny committed. I keep on waiting for lightning to strike Sonny dead.


I wish that Monica would finally destroy Sonny and Carly for all they have done to the Qs. I also wish that once Tracy finds out that Ava and Julian knew about FauxLuke all these months, they team up and takes them down, with Carlos helping to get back at Ava for framing him.

  • Love 5

I wish that Monica would finally destroy Sonny and Carly for all they have done to the Qs. I also wish that once Tracy finds out that Ava and Julian knew about FauxLuke all these months, they team up and takes them down, with Carlos helping to get back at Ava for framing him.

Although I do have a soft spot for Julian, due to the actor not the character, this is a dream come true scenario, especially Monica taking down those 2 disgusting pieces of slime. So much of the tragedy the Q's have gone through have been a direct result of those two. Just for what they did to brain damaged Jason Q, all the shit they put AJ through, I wish that once Michael finds out the truth about AJ, he helps Monica.

And today, Carlos won my heart, although I wish the love of his life was someone other than Sabrina. Here's hoping her newfound lust for vengeance will make her a better character.

I have nothing against Julian or Ava myself, but if they knew about Tracy basically being raped (in the case of Julian, the entire time), and Ava framed AJ who Monica worked so hard to protect (not to mention that Tracy ended up like Konnie, who Ava killed) then logically, Monica and Tracy should be taking a scorched earth approach when comes to those two. If Alexis gets in the way to protect Julian, Monica should find proof somewhere that Sonny's adoption was illegal and get her disbarred. 


And today, Carlos won my heart, although I wish the love of his life was someone other than Sabrina. Here's hoping her newfound lust for vengeance will make her a better character.


My other wish list, Brook Lynn would return as she and Lucas decide to have a baby together and co parent, meanwhile Carlos ends up falling in love with her because of her feistiness and she doesn't treat him like so well tolerated nuisance.

Edited by WendyCR72
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The whole kidnapping/hostage storyline has me convinced that they really had Lulu forgive Maxie way too soon and super wish this event would have been the turning point in the relationship, not the "oh, I have a baby now, lets be besties!" we got right after KS returned.


RC's has unfairly slapped Maxie with the flake label, even though under Guza, Maxie was actually quite savvy, and used people misconception of her so they would underestimate her. Maxie and Lulu became tight almost a year after Georgie died, so it stands to reason that in some ways losing Lulu's friendship was the hardest thing for her  and would throw Maxie off her game. If Lulu refused to forgive her and openly tried to avoid her, it would be more believable that Maxie would be taken in by the Levi, as he is one person that "supported" and "helped" her. Lulu's lack of forgiveness over Connie/Georgie would also explain why Maxie continues to hold back on the custody over baby Georgie and show no matter how happy that Lulu now has Rocco, she is still pretty devastated over losing Georgie,. 


Instead of having Lulu being the happy bridesmaid, she could have reluctantly rented out her club for the nuptials and only there to watch her club. After being kidnapped, we could see Maxie beg Levi and fake ICE agent to let Lulu go, Maxie and Lulu figuring out how to free themselves together, heart to heart between the two of them hashing out their issues, as they are forced to spend time together. Instead we get to her Maxie and Lulu gush over cute Nathan and them acting like they don't share brain between them. 


I guess its too much to ask that this entire thing be a little bit character driven.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 5

That sounds remarkably like the kind of deep, layered storytelling I enjoyed on this soap I used to watch. You may have heard of it - General Hospital? Pre-Ron era. (Even during the worst of the quad of suck that was Guza era writing - and believe me, I don't wish him back - but there were at least some well-laid emotional motivations for the characters' actions. Now the soap's storylines are the TV version of a carnival game. Flashy, shallow, short, briefly entertaining and ultimately rigged against you.)

Edited by MichaelaRae
  • Love 4

I was going through clips for something else but then I found this and decided to talk about it - pretty much encapsulates what I really miss under Ron - naturalistic dialogue with people just hanging out, and they're not in a rush to get to the next scene:




It's Maya, Ethan, Lulu, Dante, Johnny, Luke, and Tracy on the Haunted Star playing a poker game and just bantering around. It gets weird with Ethan talking about his sex life in front of Luke but that's Luke and Ethan for you. Not that we saw a ton of those moments under Guza either but I really can't remember the last time we saw this kind of scene under Ron.

  • Love 3

My first and ultimate wish is for Robin to be freed from the clutches of Patrick and Scrubs since, according to RC, "preserving their love story" is the reason why my girl has to lie and be kidnapped and tortured over and over again.

But since that won't happen....

I at least want Patrick to be written as a dude with flaws. There's nothing more annoying to watch than a character who is acting ridiculous and no one calls them out on it. Instead of Patty having a convo with Liz where she basically says, "Looks like you're ready to move on! Sam's a good choice," I'd rather her question his motives and maybe suggest it's too soon to delve into another relationship. He was going to get married to Sabrina LESS than a year ago. How is that not something his friends would point out?

Also, when Anna finds out about something going on with Patty/Sam, I'd hope she would question it rather than pat him on the back and congratulate him for moving on from her daughter.

Emma should be pissed her dad is already hanging with another woman all the time.

I'd also want Sabrina to have a not-so-happy reaction to it.

I guess I want this story NOT to be similar to Patty/Sabrina, where the whole freaking town were cheerleaders for their "love."

Edited by HeatLifer
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I want ME to come back as a dry witted detective who looks eerily like Silas and Stephen Clay , and this other detective whose name no one can remember. 


I want RH to be anyone else who isn't a rapist or a SERIAL KILLER, or both.  Sarcasm mandatory, scar optional. 


I want KA to be Cake*.




*And we all know what happened to Cake.

  • Love 2

ME should be an FBI agent with no kids, no family. Maybe a dog. Or a cat. He seems like a cat guy. And he's from internal affairs investigating the false arrests of the PCPD. Nina is all "are you my husband who disappeared?" He's like no, crazy lady.

RH reappears as Valentin Cassadine after Franco dissappears once the AJ reveal happens. He has lovely locks, a beard, and an affinity for water.

I want AJ to come back from the dead. He confronts Carly over her role in protecting Sonny...they yell...throw things... and end up having loud hate sex repeatedly. Franco gets jealous, exposes Sonny at some big event, and Sonny murders him in front of everyone. Sonny goes to prison or a mental institute somewhere off screen and AJ/Carly continue to have sex. 

  • Love 4

I want AJ back and I want Jason to hate Sonny/Carly.

In a good soap world, Franco is a brainwashed AJ who's realized he's AJ and is going to reveal Sonny shot him at the Wedding. That would be shocking and amazing. I dgaf how they explain it. Um, Cassadines? Whatever. I've watched monkey nurses on soaps. I'm sure this would be awesome.

My biggest wish would be for the show to stop celebrating the vile by having the vicious thug criminals pay for what they've done and turn them into antagonists rather than the stars.

The hospital and PD stories could show what price crimes exacts on a community. They should bring back Robert and return Anna's brain.

Instead of being the monotone hitman, Billy Miller could have been Lucky, or Tom Hardy, or even Heather's son Steven Lars.

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Next time someone like Sam or Carly bitches about the incompetence of the PCPD I want Anna to say: Listen, I understand that you want justice, I want it too. That man has been terrorizing me and mine for over two decades and with him on the lose, my daughter and grandchild are still vulnerable. But for years you two have helped undermine our department to protect yourselves and yours for facing any consequences for your actions. All the work that Robert did to clean up the PCPD has been ruined by Sonny and Jason. So do shut up."

  • Love 6

Here are my wishes for GH in 2015:



Seriously the show has never been in a better position to ditch the mob garbage than it is now, even with the re-signing of Maurice Bernard (heavy sigh).  We have Sonny sitting in prison and Jason without his memories, plus that scene where Olbrecht told Sonny that people getting shot and killed were to be expected in his line of work - perfect fodder for flashbacks if/when Sonny decides to give it all up.  In a fair and just world Sonny would either die in a prison riot or spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars, but if we must have this character back (feh), have Sonny emerge from prison to discover his crime empire in ruins, so he decides to give it all up and concentrate on his coffee business (he can start up a chain of coffee bars called "Corinthos" and go head-to-head with Starbucks for dominance on the East Coast) and his family.  Jason can get his memories back, be properly horrified by them, and renounce Jason Morgan in favor of being Jason Quartermaine again and rebuilding his life.  Julian could reveal himself to be deep undercover WSB and openly join the good guys.  Shawn realizes that he just isn't cut out to be a mob enforcer (hee!) and starts up a record label or something, while Carlos becomes a hair model or whatever.  And from then on, the only mob elements that show up in Port Chuckles are the ones that Anna and her crew battle... and defeat.  Win-win!  And if we cut down on the mob crap, that leaves more time to...



The paucity of characters connected to the hospital has always been an amazement on a show who's title is GENERAL HOSPITAL.  We've got, what?  Patrick, Silas, Elizabeth, Sabrina, and on rare occasions Monica, Ephiphany, and Brad.  (Lucas, I believe, has yet to set foot on the premises).  Felix is gone (and not mourned).  Britt is gone.  Characters need to start being tied to the hospital.  Have Jason, his memories now regained, remember that at one point he was studying to be a doctor and decide that, while that dream is now impossible for him to achieve, he can still in some way honor his heritage by becoming an orderly and/or training to be an EMT.  Michael, now that he is running ELQ, can decide to acquire a pharmaceutical company, and put either Ned or Tracy in charge of it.  Lucas could start up a free clinic down by the docks.  Those vets that Ron is clearly flailing to come up with stories for?  Make them all part of the executive board of the hospital.  (Except for Kevin, who could become head of Miscavige and ride herd on the psychos).  Make it so that it turns out that Sean was a medic when he was serving and have him start working at the hospital.  Have Olivia take over running the hospital cafeteria, or Kiki decide to train to be a nurse.  Which reminds me...



I know the recession was a nasty one, but it's utterly ridiculous that half the characters of this show have no jobs.  Start giving them something to do.  Morgan was majoring in something when he got addicted to gambling in college, reveal what it was and have him get a job in that field.  (It would make for some touching scenes if we saw him going out and looking for work because now he has a child to support.  Or, now that Sonny is legit businessman, he could pitch in to help him with the coffee business.  Lulu and Maxie could team up to revive Crimson or open up a spa or something.  A non-mobbed Julian could focus on running his media holdings, or lend a hand with the police.  Whatever, just give them something to do.  And now that they all have money from their jobs...



Look, I know money is tight on the show and that TPTB prefers to spend it on talent rather than sets, but there has just got to be a way to give characters living quarters that won't break the bank.  The obvious place to start is with the MetroCourt.  Come up with some plausible reason as to why the place decides to convert from a hotel to a condominium complex, then start having most of the cast take up residence there.  Then all you have to do to show different residences is re-dress the same sets,or, have a set that is the common area where everyone passes through and have most of the cast interactions occur there.  Second on the list of places for people to live would be the brownstone.  Same thing as with the MetroCourt.  TPTB could even make all the moves into new places a major plot point (I hear RC like those) by having an umbrella story where Port Charles is struck by some natural or other type of disaster (say, for example, a ship full of volatile cargo explodes and flattens half the city), which causes many characters to have to relocate when their homes are destroyed.  Hmmm... a large-scale disaster... that would involve the hospital as it has to cope with the flood of injured, which could bring many simmering tensions to a head... I think I have your May sweeps all set up for you, Ron!

  • Love 2

Oh, and another wish I would like to add is that Patrick and Robin are given a proper breakup this year and both are allowed to move on.  In my wildest dream, Robin would show up back in Port Charles, and in flashbacks it's revealed that she somehow managed to get a message out on old WSB channels that she is being held prisoner.  Because Luke is currently tied up (hee!), Lucky gets the message and is the one that is able to rescue her.  He takes her to Africa with him until it is safe to return her to Port Charles, and, while they are there, love blooms.  Robin's visit to Port Charles is just to get the divorce from Patrick finalized so she can marry Lucky and go back to Africa with him to work for Doctors Without Borders.  Patrick and Robin work out a visitation schedule for Emma, Lucky and Robin are married by a justice of the peace, and Robin and Lucky leave for Africa.  They return to Port Charles occasionally to visit relatives.

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I think you could give Luke the Kimberly McCullough treatment much more easily than what they do to Robin. But in the case of Luke, say he is off a) receiving treatment for some illness and/or b) adventuring around the world. He and Laura get back together and marry, and then he has to go. Pending visits and short-term stories. I think that'd be easier for TG too, and perhaps the material he gets in those visits would be more choice. Laura can hold down the fort back in PC (and I would want their fucking house back).

Edited by jsbt
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