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On 4/28/2019 at 11:23 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Mr. Largo (about Lisa): "She was the only one in this band worth a tinker's damn."
Band moans
Mr. Largo:  "Oh come on. You know you all stink. We've been working on the same song for 30 years."

This was my favorite. I love the meta lines sometimes.

On 4/28/2019 at 11:36 PM, ganesh said:

I thought that was a Canadian Ralph not Ralph from Springfield himself

Either Chief Wiggum took a trip to Canada and had a drunken one night stand or Ralph is a twin and they were separated at birth. Or it's just a Simpsons throwaway.  I feel we've seen alternate versions of other characters in various locations.

And yay for real Judy Blume. I was wondering if that was really Justin Trudeau because I don't know what he sounds like but the end of that scene told me it wasn't. I can't imagine he would be okay with that.

Also, Akwafina was the doctor I assume? What a small nothing role. But she was in an earlier episode this year, so maybe she did both parts at once.

Loved this episode and Lisa's Canadian accent. Not to mention her wearing a flannel shirt. I liked when she was falling down the falls, "Oooh, a waterfall!" and I enjoyed the really powerful tourist binoculars.

I've been to upstate NY several times, have done Niagara Falls, and enjoying visiting Canada (Alberta, Nova Scotia, Toronto, and heading to Quebec City this summer!).

Thanks, ottoDbusdriver, for the detailed transcriptions.

Been forever since I watched a new episode but I had to catch this one since I live in upstate NY (suburban Buffalo).  Loved that they were at Mount Splashmore at the beginning. 

I liked the upstate NY song, the animators nailed the skyline of Buffalo and Homer at New Era Field.  They were spot on with the song as much of this area is not exactly booming but some folks here got into quite a tizzy over it, even made the local news.

Being so close to the border, I’ve been to Canada many times so I got all the references which is exciting for me because that usually never happens! Lisa’s Canadian family asking about going to dinner at Harvey’s or Swiss Chalet was great (Swiss Chalet is amazing and so worth the trip over the border)  The Stanley Cup lamp and Quebec Nordiques rug in the living room were nice details.  Also LOL’ed at the Ottawa Senators reference.

Gonna be honest though, the harsh political overtones kinda ruined the episode for me.  Since it has been so long since I watched, I asked my co-worker who is a more frequent viewer if it is always like that and even he said it was over the top on this one.


Title: Burns getting carried by a hawk.

Heh, noticed the First Bribe on Wiggum's wall. And Disco Stu had a bunch of Selma pictures.

So...Deadline spoof. Gotta admit, it felt kind of a retread of Behind The Laughter, where they got a narrator and everything. I loved all the re-enactments (a cat played SLH!), and the host leaning on everything.

So Bart spent all $600 on GAK. but I liked that he sold it all to CBG and put the money back. And of course it was MARGE that took the money. All to start a coaster business. And then...Homer lies for her and everything's okay? Sigh. 

Edited by Galileo908

There were all sorts of interesting tidbits in this episode. But overall, not a very good episode.

Patty and Selma Bouvier -- currently suing Weight Watchers

Needle Beach -- no shoes allowed

The poster behind Chief Wiggum's desk -- it had a picture of Ralph with the words 'Lost Boy' and 'Small Reward' on it.

Groundskeeper Willie -- Scottish MP 2005-2010

I liked the Breaking Bad-style slime making process.

Slime sign in CBG's store -- $5, $3, $1, I Hate You All

Ralph was standing backwards in his Springfield Yearbook photo.

Was that Will Forte playing the voice of the owner of King Toot's music store ?  According to the credits, it was.

Groundskeeper Willie: "The Scotch invented Hopscotch and Scotch Tape."
Skinner: "What about Scotch Whiskey ?"
Groundskeeper Willie: "Never heard of it."

Moe Syszlak designed by Guillermo Del Toro

Grandpa: "When I first met the Simpsons in 1947, they were building affordable homes in Pennsylvania. Little Maggie was going to be the next Lindbergh baby, but John Foster Dulles had other ideas."
Lisa: "Don't interview Grandpa, he almost made Ken Burns quit the business."

Lou: "Chief -- you found something ?"
Wiggum: "Zero evidence of Pringles. soooooooo"

The cover of Springfield Magazine:
-- It's Teeny's World
-- Who Wore it Best, Sherri or Terri ?
-- Worst Nursing Homes in the State ... We're #1

Lou's List of Suspects:
-- Keyser Soze
-- Sideshow Bob
-- Thanos
-- Donald Trump Jr.
-- Marge Simpson
-- Homer Simpson

Professor Frink -- Finalist, "America's Got Hoyvin"

Wiggum: "No money in these pants."
Lou: "All we find is candy-coated peanuts, popcorn and a prize."
Wiggum: "That's some crackerjack detective work. Heh, heh. heh, heh ... crackerjack."
Lou: "Yeah, but as for evidence we got nothing."

Bart: "Nothing is my fault because my dad raised me so rotten."
Homer: "Well nothing is my fault because my dad raised me so rotten."
Grandpa: "Don't blame me, it was a race out the door and your mother won."

  • Love 5

Title: Wiggum ziplining! (almost...)

Couch Gag: Ooh, the background was made out of paper. That was freaky.

Werner Herzog is back! I loved hearing him read off the side effects (and I just know they were all written knowing he'd have to read them). Speaking of odd cameos, Space Coyote showed up again, and eating a Space Roadrunner was pretty fun to see.

I liked that the crystal shop was called FAO Quartz (which also went out of business).

So we get a new job for Marge: selling crystals and holistic crap for gullible Springfielders. At least she knew how to pay a bribe to Wiggum. And Bart's plot turned into a cheap plot about mom just in time for Mother's Day. I liked that Homer became a stay at home dad for no reason other than to not go to work.

I think it took too long to introduce Jenny Slate's character. And she didn't do much, she used far better on Bob' Burgers and Star vs The Forcer of Evil. I did like Marge siccing her sisters and mom on her out of petty revenge.

Don't know what was sadder: Gil's Last Stand, or that Otto squatted in it.

Well, that'll do it for Season 30. See you in the fall!

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That was an odd choice for a season finale.

As soon as Burns mentioned taking away children's healthcare, all I could think of was "Dental plan, Lisa needs braces, dental plan, Lisa needs braces"

Burns: "Unthinkable !  The Horror ! This is the first year my earnings are lower than the year before."
Smithers: "Sorry sir, these days enlightened people like solar, and the consciously evil prefer fracking."

Homer: "I've got 3 kids, and they've all got health. So cursed."
Carl: "That's what you get for having a family. I'm going to die like I lived.  Nice and lonely."

Marge: Maybe we can get the kids government healthcare."
Homer: "Oh, sorry Marge that's gone. Remember ?  Because of those corporate tax cuts we all wanted."
Marge: "I didn't want them." 
Homer: "You say so now, but I remember you back then 'ooh, corporate tax cuts. Makers not takers'."
Marge: "Oh, every time Ann Coulter has a cold you think she's me."

Abe: "Back in my day, children didn't need no meds. You just gave them a slug of whiskey and you sent 'em off to school. And if they lost their snowshoe you'd beat 'em with the other one.  That's how we raised a generation that lost Vietnam."

Dr. Nick Riviera -- Cash 4 Skin

Signs/books at FAO Quartz:
-- Today's Special -- Yoni Eggs and Ham
-- Essential Oils
-- Frivolous Oils
-- Relieves Pain
-- Relieves Anxiety
-- Relieves Disposable Income
-- Regular Rocks 50% off
-- Aura, Aura, Aura
-- Everybody Goops
-- How to Pronounce Feng Shui
-- Eat My Quartz
-- 1001 Names for New Age Babies
-- Mumbo Jumbo - $5/lb

Crystal shop owner: "Crystals are a timeless database of energy, knowledge and sparkling. Scientists are finally waking up to what pyramids knew all along."

Book Marge was reading in the kitchen: "Caring for Crystals.  Foreward by Billy Crystal and Willian Kristol"

Marge: "Luann bought $60 worth of organic blackberries today.  I hope she enjoys both of them."

Signs/Books in Marge's garage store:
-- 50 Shales of Gray
-- Frankincense and Sensibility
-- Public Enema #1
-- The Age of Incense
-- Cleanse of the Cave Bear
-- Insignificant Oils
-- Fairy Traps

Stores at the Shelbyville Mall:
-- Pink Eye -- an optician store
-- Banana Republican
-- Foot Clocker -- which appeared to sell watches for your leg
-- H&MM ?  -- a store for old people
-- J. Crude -- a store for country bumpkins, like if the TV show Hee Haw had a store.
-- Gil's Last Stand -- which appeared to sell smartphone protectors/sleeves
-- Your Name on a Snowflake
-- Dog Leotards
-- Ball Park Grass Clippings
-- Truck Nuts R Us
-- DVDs

Gil: "You've been living in my kiosk."
Otto: "If you call that living."

The Murmur kiosk had a book on display called "Eating Healthy on a Movie Star's Salary".
The Plop kiosk had a book on display called "Incense and Sensibility".

So many incense references this episode.

3 hours ago, opus said:

Weird ending. That wasn’t supposed to be a cliffhanger, was it? Probably not.

I thought that end scene at the cult farm was just .... odd.  And unnecessary.

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On April 30, 2019 at 7:02 PM, Dancingjaneway said:

Am I the only one who REALLY hated Marge in this episode? Also all these Lisa has to settle for less episodes are seriously depressing. 

On May 8, 2019 at 7:34 PM, Dancingjaneway said:

I knew Marge did it from the beginning. This show just continues to make me despise Marge. She's getting close to Lois Griffin levels of bad mother. Love the small cameo by Will Forte. 

Welcome to the party, pal!

I'm so glad I skipped the rest of this season. That episode in particular sounds horrible. So Marge STOLE the money Lisa was saving for college for her precious business endeavor and as per freaking usual she skates any accountability with her usual "poor me, my life is so hard and Homer is so terrible" victimizing crap?! She really has become loathsome.

Reading this has only stiffened my resolve to be done forever with this show. I don't even watch the reruns anymore. 

  • Love 2

Couch Gag: Origami couch!

I could use a cheering up kebab. And a congratulating kebab. And a tater tot vending machine.

Homer drawing on himself was a pretty neat effect. Creepy, but neat. Nevermind, I thought Homer & Bart flossing was creepier.

It was only a matter of time before Homer started a livestream show. Yeah, this wasn't the first time Homer and Bart became viral stars (Angry Dad covered this 15 years ago), and not the first time they covered selling out. It's pretty boring that Homer & Bart's fights come off so forced. But I liked how everyone is outraged that they (gasp) still love each other. It took me a while to realize that the hipster was voiced by John Mulaney.

Once again Homer is disappointed by the Broncos, which he owns.

Why does Lisa know about unions? The history books end at the 1930s. Of course the solution to putting kids to work is putting the teachers to work, since they won't be around kids.

The final punchline being an emotional Simpsons moment getting zero views, while switching to a train crash with millions seems to be a REALLY good metaphor for right now.

Heh, Utica Wild Thighs. I wonder if they serve Steamed Hams?

EDIT: Mike Mendel got a tribute but not Russi Taylor. I mean DAMN.

Edited by Galileo908
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2 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Why does Lisa know about unions? The history books end at the 1930s. Of course the solution to putting kids to work is putting the teachers to work, since they won't be around kids.

Also from her time on the picket line with Homer when the nuclear plant workers went on strike for the dental plan. 

  • Love 3

Oh look, interns that actually went to college.

"I had the most horrible nightmare where I listened to your advice!"

It's weird for Homer to have a fanboy. All those interns were right to mock him. Matt Selman pitched Mike Wegmans as the anti-Frank Grimes, and I can definitely see it. Not shocked he's a bigger loser than Homer. I liked his energy, though. Calling Bart ugly was definitely mean, but I liked Lisa laughing at it. He had some really good animation, too.

I liked seeing all the food trucks. Gummi Ramen sounds disgusting.

I actually enjoyed this one.

  • Love 3

Food trucks spotted at the Food Truck Graveyard:
-- Peanut Butter and Jelly Burritos
-- Hoagie Mackerel
-- Banh Mi Smoothies
-- Jumbo Tapas
-- Cheeseburger Dumplings
-- Choco Chicken
-- Que Pasa Kielbasa
-- Fritter Outrage
-- Cheezilla
-- Chicken Pot Arnie's
-- Beet Box
-- Poi Truck Club
-- Dumpling Cheeseburger
-- Springfield Elementary Cafeteria
-- I Dream of Blini
-- Pho-sicles
-- Houston, We Have a Cobbler
-- Hot Foie Sundae
-- Steve's Slices
-- Udon Nuggets
-- Cletus' Chicken Thumbs
-- If I Had a Hambone
-- Everything Au Gratin
-- Gummi Ramen (mentioned upthread)
-- Boba Clams
-- Nobody Likes Quinoa

Michael Rapaport did a really good job as Mike Wegman.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 4

The insults were amazing in this episode.  I loved Wegman telling off Burns.  It was amazing.  

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa.  Ho! No one disrespects Homer J. Simpsons.  Listen to me you skunk bag full of Centrum Silver sitting on your peanut brittle ass with your turn of the century buzzard face.  You ain't worthy to squeegee this man's back sweat.  You smell like Chinese food that someone left in an old jack o lantern.  My mentor is the shiniest diamond in the whole Zales.  So stuff your organs back in their jars and crawl in your mummy box you sick fungused up Hep C Dracula!"

When was the last time someone talked like this to C. Montgomery Burns?  I was expecting Burns to push the button that opened the trap door in the floor, but buckshot to the face was funny as well.

  • Love 3

San Castellaneta Festival. I see what you did there. Also, the pretty obvious reference to the Sopranos finale.

"Thank you, SuperFish." I really liked Jason Momoa's random cameo. Also, was the Mob Lawyer supposed to be Saul Goodman? He was voiced by Bob Odenkirk.

Of course Marge loves Homer because of he has bounds of unjustified confidence.

Really liked the Fat Tony story. I like that Fat Tony makes toilet pasta. I can't believe there was actual character development on Johnny Tightlips. Of course Frankie The Squealer would sell him out.

I liked the gag of Maggie trying to parallel park her Little Tykes car. Also, Ralph tazed himself to sleep and we don't see him for the rest of the episode. Not to mention Wiggum sucked a bullet out of Homer's ass. That's a thing that happened.

Edited by Galileo908
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12 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Also, the pretty obvious reference to the Sopranos finale.

Right? That was a nice little surprise as soon as they cut to the family in the diner. 

My son cracked up at Homer praying to God to bring back plastic straws. I think my favorite part was Marge admitting that she loved Homer because of his boundless unjustified confidence. Man, I wish I had boundless unjustified confidence. That's a great way to go through life, albeit a little bit dangerous.

  • Love 1

Remember the Phrase.

Jason Momoa: "Aquaman is not here for the signing of boobs.  That's a separate event at the Marriott.  Conference Room C."

Kent Brockman: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pocket wallets.  How many paupers did Peter's pocketpicking produce ? <sigh>  I'm afraid no pants are safe from this docker stalker, this chino bandito, this trouser browser.  But Chief Wiggum vows he will solve this pickle of a puzzle."

I liked the "Where's Wallet ?" graphic that accompanied Kent.

Wiggum: "Thief of Polite. Thief of Polite. I said it first."

Lenora Carter: "Your husband's rear end is bigger than the both of us."
<Bart laughs>
Lenora Carter: "With your kid's permission, we can watch your father's butt crack this case wide open."
<Bart and Lisa laugh, Homer chuckles>
Homer: "Wide Open"

Kent Brockman: "The Wolf of Wallet Street ?  Reputed mobster "Fat Tony" D'Amico is finally behind bars."

Love that Sideshow Bob was hit by a pickup truck full of rakes while escaping from Springfield Penitentiary.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 2

Cold Open: MAGGIE is the evil Simpsons child, right out of The Omen. (Yep, the poster gag made it obvious). I love that Maggie turning Rod & Todd goth and emo, respectively (pus Rodd liking Morrisey) is what sets Flanders off to kill her. I really liked the palindrome gag, and Maggie's "mark of the beast" being Mickey Mouse (the commercials had it as Bart).

"Nemo's just like you! His mommy died at the beginning, too!" Wow, that was dark.

Danger Things: Gotta love that ET The Video Game footage. I think I'd get more out of this if I actually saw Stranger Things, but I liked it nonetheless. I did like how Tracy Ullman versions of Bart & Lisa, plus Moe and CBG looking exactly the same in the Upside Down. I have a feeling that Amazon is less evil there. Okay, Demogorgon Flanders was great.

Heaven Swipes Right: God selling Heaven out to Google was a great bit. I liked Homer's list of people to possess: Hans Moleman, Burns, Prof. Farnsworth, Gritty, and one of the World's Fattest Twins. Homer gradually turning back to normal in his football player body was a really good touch. 

Okay, Homer possessing Moe because he died lead to Moe possessing Maggie for...what I'm assuming for the same reason. I take that back about before, THAT was dark.

When Hairy Met Slimy: A Shape of Water parody with Selma and Kang is both inevitable and genius. I could've done without the random Infinity Gauntlet snap, but otherwise really liked it. Remember that Kodos is Kang's sister, so hooking up with Patty makes sense (Kodos apparently had 32 sexual identities, too...)

Overall, I REALLY enjoyed this one! Also, was this the first THOH without ANY celeb cameos at all?

Edited by Galileo908
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Galileo908 said:

I think I'd get more out of this if I actually saw Stranger Things, but I liked it nonetheless.

No, that was basically it. There's another dimension with monsters. The side gags, like early Bart were entertaining. The crack Comic Book Guy made probably you need to see the show, but the punch line was that the monster who ate him was from season 3.

The ET gag was great, and then the chief was all confused at what year it is.

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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I liked the Maggie opening, and I loved the Atari 2600 ET game, but didn’t care for the rest of it.  The Shape of Water parody was boring and the Homer body one was a little amusing.  But nothing really all that funny.  

I watched on the Fox site and the episode description indicated there was going to be a “Crazy Rich Aliens” segment with presumably parodied “Crazy Rich Asians”.  Was it just completely wrong?  I presume it was referring to the third segment but there was nothing really “crazy rich” about it at all. 

On 10/6/2019 at 9:56 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

The sportsbook food truck is a brilliant idea.

I would like to point out that as a Lehigh University alumnus, that this episode to a turn to the unexpected for me.

And god bless Fat Tony for: “Yet again a man's life hangs on the gossamer thread of Patriot League basketball”.


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