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S04.E09: Three's A Crowd

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I'm so confused.  Colt was a real nice kid until recently.  Could he be that mad that Luke is sleeping with the PR woman?  Or is that he couldn't say what he saw on the roof?


I hated the way Maddie treated Daphne.  I'm glad she redeemed herself.


I feel sorry for both Scarlett and her boyfriend (I forgot his name).  He's under a lot of stress and she's a little bit needy.  I hope they work it out.


As far as Deacon and Rayna I have no words.  The storyline is boring.  Deacon needs a job instead of driving the girls around.


I love Avery I hope everything works out for him.  Same with Will.

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The first thought that popped into my head when Scarlett's doctor boyfriend came home and immediately hopped in the shower was: cheating! Yes, I know he's a doctor and probably just wanted to wash sick people gunk off of him but hey, I'm a cynic and this show is soapy.

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Doctor Passive Aggressive needs to get dumped. Immediately. And he can take Gunner's giggling hat gf with him. I hate placeholder characters.

Deacon, really? You're jealous of poor man's Jon Rhys Meyers? Why is this a plotline? Was The Beverly getting new floors and he was kicked out for the day?

Maddie isn't a soulless bitch? Who knew? Poor Daphne. Must suck to not have anyone in the family pay attention to you. Maybe she can go back to the room of missing tv cast members with Sage until they can give her a decent storyline.

I would have felt bad for Luke but Mr. Lifestyle Brand needs to get his crap together. And we saw this storyline with Rayna last season.

Will, turn down the homophobe. Now. That can't be the only artist in town who wants to record your song. Of course, I have visions of Avery doing a you tube version of it and getting signed to Highway 65.

Avery continues to break my heart on a weekly basis. Poor guy.

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I'm so confused.  Colt was a real nice kid until recently.  Could he be that mad that Luke is sleeping with the PR woman?  Or is that he couldn't say what he saw on the roof?



He's mad that Luke a) was sleeping with her the night Jeff died, so he wasn't there to be a dad to him, the traumatized witness b) Luke didn't believe him, until Juliette remembered what happened and 'fessed up AND c) Luke and the PR woman agreed to protect his brand by going with the story that Jeff committed suicide and Juliette took the news hard. He told Colt that since Juliette is now in re-hab, he and Gabriella decided that was "best."  Colt is disgusted that his father seems to care more about brand/image and sexing up the PR lady than him or doing what's right .He made it clear he doesn't want Colt telling anyone the truth of what he saw.That's why he said he lost all respect for him and that at least granddad stands for something. 

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Please let Avery catch a break soon. If you can just give me that I`ll be happy, I promise. 


Maddy was being extra awful tonight, but at least she got a nice redemptive scene. 


Deacon, if you guys survived as much as you did, you should have some faith in Rayna. Jealousy aint a good look on you. 

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This show really is formulaic isn't it? The last three (four? Twenty-five?) episodes have gone the same way for Deacon and Rayna: sweet homelife opener, some contrived fight, life lesson learned, hug/sex it out, repeat. And then there's Will, who basically can't do anything but be gay, and Maddie who's just an awful person...again. And poor Daphne desperately needs her mother to pay attention to her...again.

The music video opener was kind of nice. Clare's really got a beautiful voice.

I have a hard time believing Avery is hurting for money. Also, I know it's sacrilegious, but I don't miss Juliette at all. Can't Emily and Avery just fall madly in love already??

Colt's into hip hop again now?? I thought he was a hipster these days. Also, I thought Will couldn't deign to be a songwriter??

I can't with Caleb, Luke, and Gabrielle. Go away. I do still dig Erin.

I'd have mostly been on Deacon's side if he hadn't basically called Rayna a tramp-in-waiting. I bet he says something even worse next week, and that's why she's so mad. Grow up, dumbass. She's not asking for it, and I HATE that both of those men made Rayna feel like she was the one who'd done something wrong.

Markus is, as my seven-year-old niece would say, 100 percent total yuck.

Edited by madam magpie
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I don't know. I miss Juliette and I miss Juliette and Avery. I wish the show had never included Hayden's pregnancy. Rayna and Deacon are pretty boring, actually. I thought they would be more exciting or interesting but they have been going the way of rinse and repeat the same storylines for episodes. 


The reruns that play on the cable channel- access? ax? something like that- are of a much happier time and it reminds me of when I watched this show, not just out of habit like I've lately been doing with the new episodes.

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They need to get rid of Markus & his whole storyline. I am over him, I am over his little artist "fits", I am over his attitude. Move him on, & have him take Luke, Gunnar, Dr Scarlett, & Will with him.


Is this show ever going to be fun again? I remember it being fun back in the day, sure it always had some DRAMA but it was fun sometimes too.

This show hasn't been fun for quite a while now, & we barely get any music. It could be any drama show on TV at this point.


And then there's Will, who basically can't do anything but be gay

That's his whole reason for existing now, his scripts probably look like this:

1. Be gay

2. Don't be straight

Edited by GaT
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I would love for Will to expose that hypocrite, but Will is one man against a bunch of organized money and power, and I fear what that "family values" group will do to him. Walk away, Will!


I am sick of hearing Marcus sing, but having him do a Deacon song is particularly awful, even when Deacon is being an ass.


I really hate it when people think they can touch things in a museum that they're not supposed to touch!

Edited by dcalley
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Oh, Maddie, you snotty little brat! Way to make your little sister feel like crap. First you belittle her for looking like she's going to be on a KidzBops CD cover and then you mock her for wanting to be more like you and trying to wear makeup. Maddie has really turned into a terrible sister. At least Daphne wasn't around to hear Maddie tell Rayna, Deacon, and Markus that Daphne's song sucked. You know something is wrong when a 12 year old makes more sense than you do. I loved when Daphne told her that she wants to be older too but she can't help being her age. I guess I'm supposed to think it was nice for Maddie to finalize realize how mean she was being to her sister, but I have been so fed up with her attitude toward Daphne in the last few episodes that it's going to take a lot more than that.


I see Deacon subscribes to the When Harry Met Sally phliosophy that men and women can't be friends - and apparently they can't even work together without wanting to have sex with each other! When he said, "No guy just texts with some woman that he doesn't want to sleep with!" I just rolled my eyes. I mean seriously, you're going to be jealous of Markus? Please, dude. I had a boyfriend who was always jealous if any guy looked at me and I found it really annoying. If you know I'm going home with you, then who cares if some other guy is looking at me? You should take it as a compliment instead of getting on my case about it.


When Colt called Luke by his first name, I knew Luke was going to get riled up. I guess Colt figured that ignoring his dad and being sullen just wasn't getting enough of a reaction. I totally cracked up when they talked about it just being the two of them at home. I guess his sister doesn't exist anymore. I am totally fine with Colt going to live with his grandfather if that means we can stop this lame storyline about Luke and his brand launch. Can Luke just go away and we can see Colt talking to Maddie every once in a while? Even though Colt is being a sulky teenager, I like that he kept his word and hasn't even told Maddie what he saw the night that Jeff died.


I still don't like Erin, even though I agree that Gunnar needed to get out of his hotel room and do something besides obsess about the seven songs Scarlett wrote. The more they give Erin to do, the less I like her. I don't know if it's her voice or her douchey hat or what, but she really annoyed me this week even though she was just being supportive of Gunnar. I'm fickle, I guess.


While I get that Scarlett had unrealistic expectations that Caleb could drop everything just because she had an unexpected day off (and I don't fault him for not canceling his appointments or being stressed about work) , he is still way more in the wrong. Once again he has voiced his opinion that his job is important and hers is stupid. I thought after his songwriting session with Gunnar, he had realized that music requires talent and skill and that he would be a little more appreciative of her as a singer and songwriter but I guess he forgot all about that.

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I hope that this ultra-conservative country music singer who Will works with is a latent homosexual and he'll rape Will at some point, just to revive this boring mess a bit.

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The first thought that popped into my head when Scarlett's doctor boyfriend came home and immediately hopped in the shower was: cheating! Yes, I know he's a doctor and probably just wanted to wash sick people gunk off of him but hey, I'm a cynic and this show is soapy.

But all shows about hospitals have confirmed that supply rooms and such are only there for hook-ups! 


I have a hard time believing Avery is hurting for money. Also, I know it's sacrilegious, but I don't miss Juliette at all. Can't Emily and Avery just fall madly in love already??


I can't with Caleb, Luke, and Gabrielle. Go away. I do still dig Erin.


Markus is, as my seven-year-old niece would say, 100 percent total yuck.

I really like Emily so I hope she sticks around.  Don't want her to fall in live with Avery though because that is just such a tired story.


I couldn't remember who Erin was until I read a post after yours.  She really is as interesting as watching paint dry.


And Markass is yuck.  The guy is a decent singer, but he has no charisma nor do I see him as all that attractive.


I hope that this ultra-conservative country music singer who Will works with is a latent homosexual and he'll rape Will at some point, just to revive this boring mess a bit.

I was so totally expecting the closeted angle to be put in play.  I imagine the writer's showed restraint and will wait one episode.

The rule of the moral majority strikes again!

Of course, he'll turn out to be right, too.


Can you expand on this?  Coffee has not kicked in enough so I can't connect the dots,

Edited by DeLurker
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Thought this episode was pretty good. Loved the Scarlett song at the beginning, Tennessee. I started watching Nashville because of the music and the Scarlett Gunnar song 'Fade into You' got me hooked right from Season 1. That and the chemistry between Deacon and Rayna. Could understand Deacon getting annoyed with Rayna for not setting the boundaries with Marcus especially when Marcus texted Rayna, "let me know if you want to talk, I'm here for you" knowing that Deacon and Rayna were rowing about him. Then he opens the door to Rayna half dressed with two drinks in his hand, expecting what? Not Rayna saying back off, Deacon is my guy. Ha ha. Marcus is such a creepy character and he is loving coming between Deacon and Rayna. Loved the final scenes with them. So good to see Deacon with a guitar in his hand - wish he had some more songs this season. The look on Deacon's face when she is telling him she loves him and that nobody is going to come between them, is gorgeous. And then, he's sorry he got all heated up, "I just got all jealous" - he's so lovable because he just can't believe that she is his. But next week's promo is terrifying - she actually kisses that creep. What the hell!

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I actually liked the music video part of the episode. At least there was actual music being played. Weirdly, this show is starting to become a lot like its spiritual sibling, Empire. Going from being about the ins and outs of the music industry (albeit a really dramatic version of it, with lots of soap opera twists) with lots of great songs, and some interesting insights into the culture surrounding specific genres of music, to just being a pure soap without songs, real insight into music, and characters who have little to do, or what they do seems out of character in order to create drama.


I still like a lot about both these shows, but I hope they can both get it together over break. 

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I'm sort of thinking Nashville is going to spend the rest of the season building up Scarlett and Gunnar into a couple again, so their storyline will probably be among the happier things on the show. So that will of course be nice for me since they are my favorites.


I'm thinking Deacon showing Scarlett that ring will have them having some sort of conversation which 

ultimately convinces Scarlett to dump her valium pill boyfriend.

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What the heck are the "lifestyle brand" products that Luke is about to launch? It makes me laugh to think about the possibilities.


I only really care about Avery and Will at this point. (Rayna, Deacon and Scarlett, a little.) Not sure how that happened. 


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What the heck are the "lifestyle brand" products that Luke is about to launch? It makes me laugh to think about the possibilities.

Probably about Luke's picture being on a bunch of products. Like a Coke can.

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I'm back to hate-watching this crapfest. Markus is just a vile, egotistical excuse for more angst between Deacon and Rayna. Can't they have two consecutive episodes without the jealous drama? We know she's not gonna sleep with Markus. Deacon needs to tear out more walls at his club and let Rayna get the ahole's album released and out of the way.


Sick of Puke and his son. Puke is doing every thing wrong by allowing the son to keep such damning info quiet.

Maddie's a spoiled brat. Will is insufferable. The bright spot was Avery being fed up with it all and telling Will to either suck it up or do what he feels is right. Scarlett needs to dump Dr. Chemo and have some actual fun once in a while - but DO NOT keep harboring feelings for Gunnar. I'm so sick of these lame, repetitive instances of folks who just happen to appear at the most ill-timed moments.


I honestly don't mind the soap opera that this show has become because the few tender scenes and the seconds of beautiful music have made up for the rest, but it's not enough.


It's a shame because this show has always had such potential to be awesome, and not merely repetitive bullshit with an occasional awww moment. I doubt this show will be renewed after the MSF. Production costs must be astronomical.

Stick a tuning fork in it, Callie. Your show is almost done.



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There's literally no way the show doesn't get a full season but anything past that only depends on whether they have managed to land an extended syndication deal. The numbers alone certainly don't merit a renewal no matter how you swing it.

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. But next week's promo is terrifying - she actually kisses that creep. What the hell!

To me it looked like they were having a 'yay' moment about something - probably his album?- and he kissed her, catching her off guard. I'll be shocked if Rayna's reaction is anything other than "What the hell!"

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Probably about Luke's picture being on a bunch of products. Like a Coke can.


Yes, but what products, is what I mean. Luke Wheeler BBQ sauce? Luke Wheeler bath towels? Luke Wheeler cowboy boots? Luke Wheeler horse saddles? Or maybe every product needs to have "wheels up." Luke Wheeler rolling luggage, Luke Wheeler motorcycles, Luke Wheeler baby strollers ... 

Edited by EllenC
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Yes, but what products, is what I mean. Luke Wheeler BBQ sauce? Luke Wheeler bath towels? Luke Wheeler cowboy boots? Luke Wheeler horse saddles? Or maybe every product needs to have "wheels up." Luke Wheeler rolling luggage, Luke Wheeler motorcycles, Luke Wheeler baby strollers ...

A baby stroller for his man-baby feelings and tantrums?

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Is there some reason Colt is going to live with his grandfather rather than his mom?  Is there a story there I'm forgetting?   


All I want is for Avery and Will to make music together.  Is that too much to ask?  Probably?  Okay, fine.

I thought I'd miss Juliette but it turns out I really don't.

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I guess Marcus doesn't bother me because he's at least making music, and Rayna is being a producer, and this show is supposed to be about the music industry.  Assholes like Marcus are plentiful in the industry, I'm sure, and there are plenty of Deacons out there who would be jealous even though it's irrational. 


I just want Avery to get some kind of steady gig so he can follow his dreams.  I want him to be a successful single musician dad when Scarlett comes back, and dealing with her from a position of security and strength, not broke, unemployed and barely doing anything musical.


The whole Gunnar/Erin/Scarlett/Caleb thing is a miss for me.  I ff through all those scenes.


Why can't Will write a bunch of songs, collaborate with Avery to get them recorded, and then submit them to Rayna?  Surely she wouldn't turn him down for being gay.  I need Will to start getting back on his feet without the help of some hypocritical dude whose "help" will end up hurting Will more in the long run.

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I've had a hard time with the writing of this show for a while now.  The potential is there, but they just can't seem to resist doing stupid stuff with the characters. They just can't seem to really consider how the character's actions will impact their role down the road.  They can't resist manipulating a character to the point that we despise them.  Rayna is the only one who is spared, and maybe Daphane.  I shouldn't have to dread my favorite show!  


Why must they make the relationship with Scarlet and the Dr. be so problematic?  We all know, it's so she can pine for Gunnar.  They forget that she and Gunnar are NOT good together in a romance.  I'm sick to death of Gunnar and Scarlet.  The writers overplayed their angst so much that I would welcome them going on tour and never returning. They ruined Juliet and it's pleasure to see her gone.  She WAS my favorite character.  Thanks writers.


So, now they are trying to redeem Maddie.....too late for my taste. I don't trust the girl at all.  


Teddy is gone.  He was my second favorite character.  Thanks. 


Avery is trying hard to be a good dad and artist, but they won't let him succeed. We get it.  Too much already.  


I now find myself drifting over to Code Black on Wednesday night.  The main reason I'm still watching is that I like Deacon's looks, however, they have made him so annoying, that he's getting less attractive each week. 


I sure do wish the writers could get out of the way and let this show be enjoyable.  They have it all right there.

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Why must they make the relationship with Scarlet and the Dr. be so problematic?  We all know, it's so she can pine for Gunnar.  They forget that she and Gunnar are NOT good together in a romance.

Are they? Scarlett and Gunnar's relationship started with pity sex and went downhill from there. I don't think we've seen them in an actual relationship that wasn't affected by tons of external interference. So I'm willing to give them a chance if they just get rid of the distractors (the doctor and what's-er-name, the sound chick) and finally let them go somewhere.

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Why can't Will write a bunch of songs, collaborate with Avery to get them recorded, and then submit them to Rayna?  Surely she wouldn't turn him down for being gay.  I need Will to start getting back on his feet without the help of some hypocritical dude whose "help" will end up hurting Will more in the long run.


Really hoping this is end game.

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Scarlett and Gunnar had their chance. Recall when Gunnar proposed?  We were left in suspense, but the next season, it was revealed that Scarlet had said no and walked away.  Okay.  I'm done.  Move on Gunnar.  Gunnar is too fickle.  He can't sick with anyone and Scarlett is addicted to misery.  I'm so over them. 

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Only that won't happen, and I'm glad af it won't happen. The chemistry between those two is my main reason to continue watching this show for the few episodes it has left before it gets canned.


I don't care if it makes sense. Nothing on this show makes sense anymore. All I want are crazy good duets and there are no people who deliver those better than Sam and Clare and the flirting is part of what makes it good.

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Same question. Is Mom not in Nashville maybe?

ColtMom not in Nashville, no. I can't imagine it matters, since Colt's being dragged around from city to city on Luke's tour.

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Will Chase really impressed and got me when his face turned from fury to anguish as Luke realized his son no longer wanted anything to do with him.


Funny how poorly Maddie made herself over yet was mocking her little sister's efforts.


Deacon was totally caveman with what he said although it seems he may be right about this guy. (Deacon & Rayna scenes like this are when I get unwelcome memories of my abusive, controlling ex who I also thought was my One True Pairing.)

Edited by anonymiss
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I've had a hard time with the writing of this show for a while now.  The potential is there, but they just can't seem to resist doing stupid stuff with the characters. They just can't seem to really consider how the character's actions will impact their role down the road.  They can't resist manipulating a character to the point that we despise them.  Rayna is the only one who is spared, and maybe Daphne.  I shouldn't have to dread my favorite show!  


Why must they make the relationship with Scarlet and the Dr. be so problematic?  We all know, it's so she can pine for Gunnar.  They forget that she and Gunnar are NOT good together in a romance.  I'm sick to death of Gunnar and Scarlet.  The writers overplayed their angst so much that I would welcome them going on tour and never returning. They ruined Juliet and it's pleasure to see her gone.  She WAS my favorite character.  Thanks writers.


So, now they are trying to redeem Maddie.....too late for my taste. I don't trust the girl at all...


Avery is trying hard to be a good dad and artist, but they won't let him succeed. We get it.  Too much already... 

I sure do wish the writers could get out of the way and let this show be enjoyable.  They have it all right there.


I so agree with all of that!  And I hate Gunnar and all his stalkerish past behavior, so I really have no interest in watching him and Scarlett together again.


What used to be a fun little show has become very painful to watch.

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I still don't like Erin <...> I don't know if it's her voice or her douchey hat or what, but she really annoyed me this week even though she was just being supportive of Gunnar. I'm fickle, I guess.


It's the douchey hat!  It's the douchey hat!  (And everything else too)

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  All I want is for Avery and Will to make music together.  Is that too much to ask?  Probably?  Okay, fine.

Will and Avery should do an album of lullabies so we could see them crooning Cadence to sleep.  That might have been the best part of this season.

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Erin can take her douchey hat and go, and take Markus and his douchey scarves with her. (Liam did scarves a LOT better. Why must they repeat the rock guy wants Rayna story?)


On Colt, I wondered if they have cast someone they think is cool as grandpa. (Better than they thought they could cast as mom.)

Edited by EllenC
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