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MSNBC: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Vaulted)

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51 minutes ago, car54 said:

MTP just had the lamest interview with Sara Huckabee Sanders--she just spouts off their patented lies with such confidence--and Kristin Welker gave her a few "well to be fair there's no proof of that" to counter them.

Kristen Welker is no Joy Ann Reid.  She still has the tire marks from being run over by the screaming Trump minister.

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I forgot the definition of prevarication so I had to look it up.

While the noun prevarication is mostly just a fancy way to say "lie," it can also mean skirting around the truth, being vague about the truth, or even delaying giving someone an answer, especially to avoid telling them the whole truth.

This pretty much sums up everything said by Trump, et al!!!

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3 hours ago, car54 said:

I certainly hope Trump University will be issuing the Trump campaign workers and surrogates their Doctorate in Bald Face Lying and Prevarication.

MTP just had the lamest interview with Sara Huckabee Sanders--she just spouts off their patented lies with such confidence--and Kristin Welker gave her a few "well to be fair there's no proof of that" to counter them.

I was yelling at the teevee for the entirety of the segment!

"That's demonstrably untrue!" "That did not happen!" "Correct her correct her!" "What's wrong with you? Speak!" "If the unmentionable happens I will forever hold the media responsible!"

They make it hard to watch the "news".

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Good Lawrence program tonight--on Trump's foundation--with the interesting point about his legal and tax issues and a reminder he would appoint the Justice Department officials, as well as the head of the IRS>

He also did a good piece on the Standing Rock Sioux at the U.N.  I did not know that in 2007 the U.N had a resolution against genocide and defining the rights of thee world's indigenous people 124 countries signed their agreement. Only 4 dissented. 

The U.S. under Bush was one of those who refused to sign it. Luckily when Obama became president, Susan Rice went back in and changed the U.S. vote.

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I had a chance to watch Rachel last night, and I have to say that Senator Warren was simply AWESOME!  Initially, I was feeling a certain way when she was not selected as Secretary Clinton's running mate.  But, after last night I am more convinced than ever that we need her in the Senate.  The clip of her epic read of Wells Fargo's CEO explains why she is desperately needed there.  Give 'em hell, Liz!

Honorable mention goes to LOD's opening segment last night regarding Herr Drumpf's inflammatory comments about the state of African Americans.  Evidently, Black folks have never had it so bad as they do now.  That is, of course, if you totally discount the Middle Passage, slavery, the broken promises of Reconstruction, the rise of the KKK, the Jim Crow era, the ongoing fight for civil rights, systemic racism and the new James Crow, Esquire era (i.e., same old shit--just more sophisticated with a grin).  Lawrence and his panel had an excellent discussion about columnist Richard Cohen's op-ed regarding Drumpf's Hitlerian disregard for the truth.


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Not sure what happened at the 3:00 edt handover to Kate Snow but the guy (Thomas Roberts? I'm not often watching afternoon MSNBC) doing the hand-off more than once expressed that they went to Trump first because of his schedule so please please please stop blowing up on Twitter.

Sounded like some serious backlash from viewers and I'm not sure what exactly happened.

Anyone? Bueller?

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I am a former very frequent MSNBC watcher who transitioned to pretty much CNN-only a couple of years ago.  I turned it on MSNBC tonight, though, because I was flicking around trying to get the most up-to-date information on my poor city (Charlotte).

Man, BriWi is A Lot to handle.  He seems to have toned it down mid-program, but he started off so patronizingly about Charlotteans being proud of their little business district in the 17th largest city in the country and how it's all devolved into chaos and how's he's been listening in on the police scanners in "Charlotte-Mecklenburg County" (it's Mecklenburg County, oh wise one) listening to the unrest.  Ugh.  The pomposity oozed through the screen.  The poor CNN reporter is getting thrown to the ground by an agitator and still keeps it professional and factual.  Take a hint, BriWi.

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A half hour with Brian Williams is a waste of perfectly good air time.

And his guests the first week, Chris Christie and Mike Pence. Who's tuning in at 11 pm to see either of those two?

It's a shame that Keith Olbermann's doing op ed on youtube.  His most recent is about Trump's call for Hillary's Secret Service detail to drop their guns.  Tune in and watch it if you haven't.

MSNBC swallow your pride.  Your dull and boring network needs his voice.

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3 hours ago, stormy said:

A half hour with Brian Williams is a waste of perfectly good air time.

And his guests the first week, Chris Christie and Mike Pence. Who's tuning in at 11 pm to see either of those two?

It's a shame that Keith Olbermann's doing op ed on youtube.  His most recent is about Trump's call for Hillary's Secret Service detail to drop their guns.  Tune in and watch it if you haven't.

MSNBC swallow your pride.  Your dull and boring network needs his voice.

Having Keith Olbermann back would be so awesome!  But, Phil Griffin & Co. seem determined to make over MSNBC into Fox Lite and to please their corporate masters at Comcast.

I still find it difficult to fathom that Brian Williams still has a job.  Supposedly he had no credibility to anchor NBC's nightly news; but he has the credibility to pop up on MSNBC?  I don't get it.  Meanwhile Olbermann is persona non grata.  I won't even touch on the outsize influence that that bloviating, narcissistic tool, Joe Scarborough, has at the network.  Did he catch Phil or one of the other suits having sex with a billy goat or something?  Otherwise, I don't understand.

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34 minutes ago, maraleia said:

Meanwhile I just discovered that Lester Holt is a registered Republican so there's very few liberal people across the NBC news platforms and that's troubling.

Lester a Republican! Say it ain't so.

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18 hours ago, Peace 47 said:

...Man, BriWi is A Lot to handle.  He seems to have toned it down mid-program, but he started off so patronizingly about Charlotteans being proud of their little business district in the 17th largest city in the country and how it's all devolved into chaos and how's he's been listening in on the police scanners in "Charlotte-Mecklenburg County" (it's Mecklenburg County, oh wise one) listening to the unrest.  Ugh.  The pomposity oozed through the screen.  The poor CNN reporter is getting thrown to the ground by an agitator and still keeps it professional and factual.  Take a hint, BriWi.

I saw that and the African American academic he had on for comments. The man admitted feeling pressure to come up with something new and meaningful for a horrible situation that we are seeing over and over. Just before his segment ended, he did speak at length, though, about the issue of race and police and what justice would look like.

Williams said goodbye with a condescending little quip, "And you thought you wouldn't be able to come up with anything to say!" Can't. stand. him.

As for Holt being a Republican, I'm not surprised. But not all Republicans are supporting Trump so one could still have hope he won't be like Lauer. Chris Wallace wasn't bad as a debate moderator, but from his whining to Trump afterwards, it seems he's sad that DT doesn't think he's as good a journalist as his dad. I expect softballs (to Trump) from him as well. Of the rest, my main hope is on Martha Raddatz (sp?) who is the best journalist of the bunch. But she and Cooper have the town hall so probably more Trump softballs and Clinton "you're untrustworthy" questions.

Chuck Todd did a good job today on MTPD about Trump's finances. But is anyone (who isn't already appalled by him) even listening? Holt has a great opportunity on Monday, but I'm extremely pessimistic about the outcome.

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I'm used to Nina Turner as a Sanders surrogate but I guess she's now an MSNBC "analyst"?    I gave her the long slow clap for her response to AJ Delgado on Hardball over the recent violence and racim  just now.  She talked for almost 2 solid minutes and I didn't see her take a breath.   Well done.  And she ran out the clock so Kornake had to cut off AJ and she didn't get to respond.   That was great..

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It would be great if Nina Turner would realize that being coy about whether she supports Clinton or not puts her at cross-purposes with her agenda.

Could someone pretty please lock Kornacki in a closet until election night, I'll gladly hold the key.  He keeps saying that he's bracing for trouble in Charlotte, but there is a little too much enthusiasm in his voice - it sounds like he's wishing for it.  Though he can have Wes Lowery on for the whole hour before we throw Kornacki into the closet.  I do appreciate Wes Lowery's chemistry with Chris Hayes much more.

Edited by NextIteration
Oops, I didn't think about what I said - it was in reference to how obnoxious I find Kornacki and not his sexuality!
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I'm reading a book about Trump in Atlantic City that jokes that Trump and Don King were like the same person, including being known for their weird hair.

What happened the other night with them? I -read- something about King using the "n" word and Trump kind of laughing off to the side, but when I heard a clip it was "Negro this" and "Negro that" all adding up to a long sentence that I didn't understand. Tonight I saw Omarosa saying that liberals and Dems and others who "opposed" Trump will have to "bow down to him" when he's president.

I imagine she was kidding, but it still is a little weird to say about someone who praises Putin and Kim Jung Un.  It seems whatever the ethnicity of his supporter, he pretty much is scraping the bottom of the barrel among the famous. Picturing his administration with Christie, Giuliani, Palin, Pence, Sheriff Joe, General Hayden, Bannon, Bossie, lyin' Kellyanne, Lewandowski, Manafort etc. is pretty scary. I think they'd ALL be on board for liberal bowing and scraping--and for FBI and IRS abuses--payback being a Trump specialty already.

Edited by Padma
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14 hours ago, car54 said:

I'm used to Nina Turner as a Sanders surrogate but I guess she's now an MSNBC "analyst"?    I gave her the long slow clap for her response to AJ Delgado on Hardball over the recent violence and racim  just now.  She talked for almost 2 solid minutes and I didn't see her take a breath.   Well done.  And she ran out the clock so Kornake had to cut off AJ and she didn't get to respond.   That was great..

I became familiar with Nina Turner when she regularly appeared as a commentator on The Ed Show.  She is known for her no-nonsense take downs and suffers fools lightly.  She was also the one who kept viewers abreast of the shady goings-on in Ohio, particularly the blatant voter suppression attempts back in 2012 and even now.  Although she doesn't necessarily agree with Governor Kasich, she credited him with being able to reach across the aisle to get things done such as the expansion of Medicaid in his state when so many other GOP governors bit off their partisan noses to spite their faces to the detriment of their constituents.

Speaking of which, has anyone on MSNBC mentioned Reince Preibus' threat to people like Governor Kasich who refuses to endorse Trump?

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10 hours ago, Padma said:

I'm reading a book about Trump in Atlantic City that jokes that Trump and Don King were like the same person, including being known for their weird hair.

What happened the other night with them? I -read- something about King using the "n" word and Trump kind of laughing off to the side, but when I heard a clip it was "Negro this" and "Negro that" all adding up to a long sentence that I didn't understand. Tonight I saw Omarosa saying that liberals and Dems and others who "opposed" Trump will have to "bow down to him" when he's president.

I imagine she was kidding, but it still is a little weird to say about someone who praises Putin and Kim Jung Un.  It seems whatever the ethnicity of his supporter, he pretty much is scraping the bottom of the barrel among the famous. Picturing his administration with Christie, Giuliani, Palin, Pence, Sheriff Joe, General Hayden, Bannon, Bossie, lyin' Kellyanne, Lewandowski, Manafort etc. is pretty scary. I think they'd ALL be on board for liberal bowing and scraping--and for FBI and IRS abuses--payback being a Trump specialty already.


King explained first that although he was using the word Negro, he really wanted to say the other N word. I've never liked King. I know a few people who have had dealings with him. He embarrassed himself, and Trump's Black delegation. He surely won't receive the Black vote of anyone that I know. 

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Well, I learned what "implicit bias" is.  I'd never heard of it before.  Thanks.

Now I'm here to gripe about Andrea "Arms" Mitchell showing a video of Hillary being "not friendly."  Really?  What, are you afraid, Arms, to use the real sexist word, shrill?

Arms is a waste, a fraud, a "Mrs. Greenspan" joke.  

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11 hours ago, Padma said:

I'm reading a book about Trump in Atlantic City that jokes that Trump and Don King were like the same person, including being known for their weird hair.

What happened the other night with them? I -read- something about King using the "n" word and Trump kind of laughing off to the side, but when I heard a clip it was "Negro this" and "Negro that" all adding up to a long sentence that I didn't understand. Tonight I saw Omarosa saying that liberals and Dems and others who "opposed" Trump will have to "bow down to him" when he's president.

I imagine she was kidding, but it still is a little weird to say about someone who praises Putin and Kim Jung Un.  It seems whatever the ethnicity of his supporter, he pretty much is scraping the bottom of the barrel among the famous. Picturing his administration with Christie, Giuliani, Palin, Pence, Sheriff Joe, General Hayden, Bannon, Bossie, lyin' Kellyanne, Lewandowski, Manafort etc. is pretty scary. I think they'd ALL be on board for liberal bowing and scraping--and for FBI and IRS abuses--payback being a Trump specialty already.

I have such a visceral reaction every time I see Omarosa's name, the two-time loser of both iterations of Drumpf's Apprentice shows.  Exactly who is she?  She's the jacktress of all trades and the mistress of none.  It's interesting to hear a self-proclaimed "pastor" yapping about people bowing down before a man as if he were a deity.   Um, boo-boo, we don't bow down to political leaders.  Especially when that political leader has an overlord in Russia.  BTW, thanks for verifying that Drumpf's run is nothing but a big ego salve because President Obama (the man he lied about and reviled for 8 years) had the temerity to call him out at the White House Correspondents Dinner a few years ago. 

Perhaps Omarosa (the Empress of African American Outreach) and the rest of Drumpf's sycophants should read the Constitution.  And, read it again because evidently some of them know the words but don't seem to know what they actually mean.   It's scary that these people profess to believe in freedom, but are willing to embrace an egocentric would-be autocrat and fascist.  "KNEEL before Zod!" indeed!   

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Oh my god, this video that they just showed (not the police cams) of the Charlotte shooting is devastating.   His wife is shouting to the police that her husband has a traumatic brain injury and that he'd just taken his meds and might be confused.   I'm not sure where they got this but this is really horrible to watch.   It still isn't clear if he had a gun but just the fact that you can hear her trying to tell them what is going on with him is horrible to hear.

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15 minutes ago, cattykit said:

Why does MSNBC have under its breaking news banner--Exclusive:  video shows deadly police shooting in Charlotte.  It's not exclusive.  I already watched it on NYT.com.

It appears that the family gave the video to both the NYT and MS/NBC.  I think they knew who would be the biggest most sympathetic messengers for them.  It sure as hell looks like there was some shenanigans going on on the ground around this poor man.  I am traumatized for his his wife, this is going to get ugly.  I cannot believe that the Charlotte Mecklenberg police were ignorant enough to think that this wouldn't come out.  They knew the family had this video.

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It can't be said loud nor often enough that the cops were there to serve a warrant for someone else, not Mr. Scott. All news coverage of this needs to repeat this fact often. A warrant should come with a name right? Yet, I don't hear in the video the cops even using that name as they give orders. I just don't get why they interacted with this poor man at all when the warrant wasn't for him. My lord they are inept. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
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It broke my heart to watch that video.  Yesterday after the family saw the police video their attorney said that Mr Scott looked confused and was backing away from the police when they shot---and then today to hear her say that he had a TBI and had just taken his meds--I can't imagine how terrifying that must have been for him.

This reminds me of when Mr Castillo was killed and his fiance had the presence of mind to record it and tell what was happening live. 

The Scotts have seven kids--from 9 to 20---it is just so sad that their father was lost to them.

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8 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I became familiar with Nina Turner when she regularly appeared as a commentator on The Ed Show.  She is known for her no-nonsense take downs and suffers fools lightly.  She was also the one who kept viewers abreast of the shady goings-on in Ohio, particularly the blatant voter suppression attempts back in 2012 and even now.  Although she doesn't necessarily agree with Governor Kasich, she credited him with being able to reach across the aisle to get things done such as the expansion of Medicaid in his state when so many other GOP governors bit off their partisan noses to spite their faces to the detriment of their constituents.

Speaking of which, has anyone on MSNBC mentioned Reince Preibus' threat to people like Governor Kasich who refuses to endorse Trump?

Ah, I remember the days when I enjoyed seeing Nina Turner on MSNBC!  Sadly, her appearances over the past year have really eroded that feeling.

I saw it on someone's show, but I can't recall whose.  I'm guessing it was All In, or maybe Rachel, since those are the only ones I watch with any regularity.

On a side note, I think of this thread every time they air the MSNBC promo with Hillary making a snarky comment about Andrea Mitchell.  The ad must have been put together by the same geniuses who thought that the guy was sincerely complimenting Chris Matthews during the DNC.  "Look and see how people you respect can't take our on-air talent seriously!  Isn't it great?!  Please, watch our network!"  

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I think that Justin Bamberg (Walter Scott attorney and SC State Representative) is very media savvy, and I'm happy that he's representing the Scott family.

He was very vocal during the Charleston massacre ( :( ) and he's also the very vocal Sanders surrogate that flipped from Clinton.  I think he's a rising star in the Democratic Party.

21 hours ago, car54 said:

Kornake is like a hamster on a wheel with that damn map---it's like he gets going and he just can't stop.

And his obsession with Bridge-gate that continues anytime there is new news on the subject.

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I think the Bridge-gate scandal is newsworthy because of Chris Christie.  At the time of the lane closures he was a front runner for the Republican nomination for POTUS.  He is now a Trump insider who could be placed in a position of great power.  What Bridge-Gate is really about Christie's abuse of power to settle personal/professional grudges.  The intentionally created traffic jams were just his method in seeking revenge on the mayor of Fort Lee.  It threw an entire region of NJ into chaos for DAYS.  First responders were not able to get to where they were dispatched.  It was not only inconvenient it was dangerous.  There was an elderly women who may have died because of the delayed response time of the EMTs.   

Imagine the political and personal scores Christie would settle with newly acquired power he would have being part of a Trump administration.  That is why this story needs to be covered.  It is a local story that could have national implications.  

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Watergate started as a "local story" too.  Thanks to the investigation of that trivial break-in at DNC HQ, we learned (among other things) about Pres. Nixon's penchant for keeping "enemies lists" & punishing their members by siccing the IRS & FBI on them.  Did Gov. Christie also record himself plotting, & then preserve the evidence so it could be used against him?  Surely we can't get so lucky twice?   

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4 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I think the Bridge-gate scandal is newsworthy because of Chris Christie.  At the time of the lane closures he was a front runner for the Republican nomination for POTUS.  He is now a Trump insider who could be placed in a position of great power.  What Bridge-Gate is really about Christie's abuse of power to settle personal/professional grudges.  The intentionally created traffic jams were just his method in seeking revenge on the mayor of Fort Lee.  It threw an entire region of NJ into chaos for DAYS.  First responders were not able to get to where they were dispatched.  It was not only inconvenient it was dangerous.  There was an elderly women who may have died because of the delayed response time of the EMTs.   

Imagine the political and personal scores Christie would settle with newly acquired power he would have being part of a Trump administration.  That is why this story needs to be covered.  It is a local story that could have national implications.  

It doesn't help that Governor Christie's would-be boss also has a penchant for using his power to settle scores against those who dare to criticize him, as well as bullying.

That's why I don't mind Kornacki's being all over this story.  

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2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

That's why I don't mind Kornacki's being all over this story.  

Someone last night, think it was LOD but it could have been Rachel (damn it sucks to have these memory losses!), got all excited at CC being on the potential witness list for the case.  I'm sorry but why would anyone think he would not be on the list?  I don't think a governor can claim executive privilege and refuse to testify.  And if he does testify, he's either going to have to tell the truth which will torpedo what's left of his career, or lie and commit perjury.

Edited by cattykit
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18 minutes ago, cattykit said:

I don't think a governor can claim executive privilege and refuse to testify.  And if he does testify, he's either going to have to tell the truth which will torpedo what's left of his career, or lie and commit perjury.

CC is between a rock and a hard place.  He is as dirty as the day is long and he may end up doing some time in prison.  It would serve him right if he were brought down by a massive traffic jam. 

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I went back a year or more to read some posts and this is still a network in search of itself.

I can really only tolerate Chris Hayes.  He's the only one that has great guests and no matter their politics, he let's them have their say.

I "liked" a post from over a year ago about Ed Schultz.  I miss voices like his.

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On 9/20/2016 at 6:01 PM, car54 said:

MTP just had the lamest interview with Sara Huckabee Sanders--she just spouts off their patented lies with such confidence--and Kristin Welker gave her a few "well to be fair there's no proof of that" to counter them.

I caught that interview. The lack of push back was disappointing along with hearing someone spouting lies who comes from a family that claims to be so religious. I've found those in my life who talk all the time about how religious they are, actually are not.  Others who are truly religious show their values by doing not by talking.  I guess I should apply these same observations about people I know to those in public life.

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I like Chris Hayes, and he's probably the only one I can tolerate now.  I think it takes a real pro to listen to and have dialogue with someone you vehemently disagree with, without being rude and cutting people off and threatening to cut off their mic like some others do. *coughJoyReidcough*.  Chris just sits there and lets them have their say, then calmly rebuts, if necessary.  I believe that intelligent people can agree to disagree without being dicks about it.  

I also miss Ed Schultz.

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

I like Chris Hayes, and he's probably the only one I can tolerate now.  I think it takes a real pro to listen to and have dialogue with someone you vehemently disagree with, without being rude and cutting people off and threatening to cut off their mic like some others do. *coughJoyReidcough*.  Chris just sits there and lets them have their say, then calmly rebuts, if necessary.  I believe that intelligent people can agree to disagree without being dicks about it.  

I also miss Ed Schultz.

I think there's a YUGE difference between threatening to cut off someone because you're having a real dialogue with someone whose views you dislike and you're losing the debate, vs threatening to cut off someone who has clearly brought a prepared canned message, who talks over you or your other guests, who incessantly repeats lies that can be easily refuted with hard evidence, and who is obviously not interested in a true exchange of ideas.  I would object to the former (cf. O'Reilly) but have no problem with the latter, and I think that's where Joy falls.

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1 hour ago, cattykit said:

I think there's a YUGE difference between threatening to cut off someone because you're having a real dialogue with someone whose views you dislike and you're losing the debate, vs threatening to cut off someone who has clearly brought a prepared canned message, who talks over you or your other guests, who incessantly repeats lies that can be easily refuted with hard evidence, and who is obviously not interested in a true exchange of ideas

I believe that surrogates on both/all sides of the political spectrum bring prepared canned messages, talk over others, or incessantly repeat lies, etc.  IMO, there's no "good" or "bad" surrogate; it's just a matter of whom you side with.  They're there to push a candidate or an agenda.  I have the luxury of changing the channel when one of them sets my teeth on edge.  Hosts, however, get paid big bucks to act in a professional manner, and I think they should do so.  I'm not saying it's always easy when you have to sit there and listen to bullcrap, but again, big bucks.

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21 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I believe that surrogates on both/all sides of the political spectrum bring prepared canned messages, talk over others, or incessantly repeat lies, etc.  IMO, there's no "good" or "bad" surrogate; it's just a matter of whom you side with.  They're there to push a candidate or an agenda.  I have the luxury of changing the channel when one of them sets my teeth on edge.  Hosts, however, get paid big bucks to act in a professional manner, and I think they should do so.  I'm not saying it's always easy when you have to sit there and listen to bullcrap, but again, big bucks.

I am a political moderate and some of the liberal drumbeat on MSNBC sets my teeth on edge, too.  I don't love Hillary but I will vote for her because Drumpf is an unparalleled POS.  I really don't want to see the hard-core surrogates on either side who are paid to promote a cause at all cost.  I so much more enjoy interviews with people who aren't part of either campaign but who have interesting points to make that aren't based on lies and propaganda pushed out by one or the other campaign.  In my opinion, loading your interview shows with paid surrogates, even if they balance each other out, does nothing to elevate any political discussion.  What I really want to see in any show is the host maintaining control of the discussion, and when they're all screaming at each other, well, you've got the hole of suckitude that was Crossfire, plus I want to see a knowledgeable, educated host calling out brazen distortion of facts from either side for what they are.  No one on MSNBC manages the discussion better than Joy.  Taco trucks, anyone?  JMNSHO, and of course, YMMV.

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I'm enjoying Craig Melvin's hour, too. Actually, there are several daytime hosts I think do a good job (now if they could replace Mitchell and Halperin).

I have a question about the Scott video. It was so terrible to watch it, and I admit I was sympathetic with the family and critical of the police before I even knew much of anything about it. However, I do have a question that I haven't seen anyone talk about. When the wife calls to her husband near the end, she sounds pretty panicky, "Keith, don't do it!" "Don't do it, Keith!" It really sounded to me like she was trying to stop HIM from some kind of risky behavior (perhaps only risky because of all the police with guns, but still). I've heard people spin it as two separate comments" "Keith!" to her husband and "Don't do it!" to the police. If I'm being honest, it doesn't really sound like that to me at all. It seems really addressed just to him and with a lot of emotion. Has anyone asked her about it?

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I missed the show, but I read an article this morning where Maddow called Conway a liar. There aren't enough words to express my utter delight and satisfaction at reading those words! Let's see if the bottle bleached blonde LIAR has the nerve to respond and/or appear on Maddow's show to defend her lying self.

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I'm not sure where Carol Simpson has been lately but she was on with Joy about an hour ago and came right out and said that the media has been partly to blame for Trump's rise in popularity and the media would need to accept their part of the blame.

Especially if he is elected and the media has been complicit in creating that..."monster". She hesitated to say "monster" but couldn't help herself. 

Said the media set the bar way too low for Trump. Picked up the phone every time he called, read all of his hateful tweets on air, televised his every speech and basically gave him free rein.

Finally! Someone not only gets it but they feel guilty for how things are turning out. Too bad it's the Sunday dead zone.

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