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MSNBC: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Vaulted)

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Great little interview with Cal Perry, mostly fact-checking Spicer, but his last point was a good one---when we have the story of the day....The Women's Marches all over the world---and you want to change the conversation---send Sean boy out to throw a grenade and now they're talking about him instead of the phenomenon that just happened.

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3 hours ago, Calvada said:

Brian Williams thinks he is the smartest guy in the room, in the building, in the zip code, and he's so patronizing as he "explains" things to his audience.  I think it's hysterical that his journalistic lapses have pushed him onto MSNBC, when it is clear to everyone watching and BriWi himself that Rachel Maddow is so much brighter, introspective, and analytical than he is.  He is never the smartest one in the room when he's on with Rachel.

He's never the smartest in the room with Hayes, LOD and Joy either. Kind of a toss up with Matthews.

I heard Thomas on with Joy today--glad to know he's still around. I'm still confused why they took him off.

I'll have to miss Matthews. His shows are too unpredictable for me when I'm upset about something in the news.  Half the time (or more) he's a Trump apologist. Half the time he says something condescending to or about someone I like or misses the point of the event/quote/story. He's gotten a little better about interrupting of late, but that's probably because he's got more women on as guests and it seems to  calm him down. The downside is he's condescending.

Then, just when I'm exasperated by all the above, he says something really fresh and informative with an unabashedly liberal point of view. If I could have a machine that edited Hardball, I'd gladly watch those 5-10 minutes of it.

Lawrence is almost always great, as long as he's not sympathetic to Reps and wishy-washy about Trump. Usually he's great--blunt, factual, unequivocal and taking no prisoners!

Looking forward to 10 p.m. Thanks for the heads up.

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Yes, I really appreciated that point, and said something about it over on the Rachel Maddow thread, also:  that Cal Perry said he has covered repressive regimes all over the world, and this is right out of their playbook:  Get the press talking about something else instead of addressing a big problem.  Brian is much more focused in this later hour of news, and I think I have to cut Brian some slack for earlier today, because he had to spend over an hour filling time while waiting for Spicer to hold that mini-minute press briefing.  The MSNBC reporter who was there said that all the reporters in the room kept speculating on what they were working on -- research?  Fact checking?  Nope, none of that, but apparently feeding Spicer whatever vitamins cause a spike in obnoxiousness and mass delusion. 

15 minutes ago, car54 said:

Great little interview with Cal Perry, mostly fact-checking Spicer, but his last point was a good one---when we have the story of the day....The Women's Marches all over the world---and you want to change the conversation---send Sean boy out to throw a grenade and now they're talking about him instead of the phenomenon that just happened.

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At least Lawrence will be on.  Protest marches around the world and MSNBC has Williams and Matthews as their prime time go to?  Williams who said a couple of people swore in their speeches so it basically diminished the protests.  Idiotic as usual.  He said this to Lawrence who looked at him like wtf.

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Because this "press briefing" was aired in full on MSNBC, I think this annotated version of the transcript is fair game for posting!  Click on the yellow highlighting to see the annotations, which are useful and sometimes funny.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/01/21/sean-spicer-held-a-press-conference-he-didnt-take-questions-or-tell-the-whole-truth/?hpid=hp_hp-bignews4_fix-spicer-1110pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.31a99eb6f610#annotations:11210826 

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hahahahahahahah!   Kellyanne Conway just said on Meet The Press that Sean Spicer gave "Alternative Facts" about the event attendance.

It made me start laughing so hard I had a coughing fit.    ALTERNATIVE FACTS!!!!!   

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1 hour ago, car54 said:

hahahahahahahah!   Kellyanne Conway just said on Meet The Press that Sean Spicer gave "Alternative Facts" about the event attendance.

It made me start laughing so hard I had a coughing fit.    ALTERNATIVE FACTS!!!!!   

I just saw that Kellyanne 'brouhaha" with Chuck Todd!  Gads, the woman is delusional!  She was yelling and getting all heated when Chuck kept trying to pin her down to get a straight forward answer & she kept talking about other stuff, yes she was just throwing out "Alternative Facts".

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I don't know if that will be the title of Kellyanne's book or the new motto posted above the press room (wherever it ends up):  "Alternative Facts".  That whole interview was astonishing.  Every new level of mendacity is astonishing.  I bet the press has a pool (betting) about the date that Spicer either has a public breakdown or disappears.  Chuck Todd was great today on MTP.  

We have seriously entered Orwell's "1984" territory:  remember, one of the slogans of the overlords is "Ignorance is Strength". 

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The distraction worked.  Chuck Todd spent the whole time trying to get KAC to answer why, in his first statement to the press, Spicer lied, instead of asking her how the Trumputin administration was going to reach out to the millions of women who marched against his agenda yesterday.  It was an unprecedented global march for women's rights, human rights, civil rights and against Trumputin, a grass-roots level march in small and large cities across the US and the globe.  And yet, the entire interview was about KAC not answering why Spicer went out there and lied as his first act. 

Edited by izabella
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I actually did not mind that Chuck Todd spent his time on the lying -- because I know the answer to what Trump plans to do about the response to the marches yesterday:  nothing.  What happened with the press secretary needs to be underlined for everyone going forward, because this administration believes only what Donald thinks he has seen or knows, without any reference to actual evidence.  This is true about the Russian hacking, where he had "special inside information" that it was not the Russians, etc.  And it is a great gift that Kellyanne gave us the phrase "Alternative Facts" today, because that is the motto of this administration. 

Oh, yuck, they interrupted the rerun of MTP on MSNBC to show the swearing-in of the White House senior staff.  And Trump just went over to single out Kellyanne for a kiss after the oath was taken.  It has weird omertà kiss overtones. And omertà is what the administration is practicing, the support and silence regarding illegal activities of the brotherhood: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omertà   

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1 hour ago, jjj said:

I don't know if that will be the title of Kellyanne's book or the new motto posted above the press room (wherever it ends up):  "Alternative Facts".  That whole interview was astonishing.  Every new level of mendacity is astonishing.  I bet the press has a pool (betting) about the date that Spicer either has a public breakdown or disappears.  Chuck Todd was great today on MTP.  

We have seriously entered Orwell's "1984" territory:  remember, one of the slogans of the overlords is "Ignorance is Strength". 

Truly we are living in an Orwellian world!  Tell a lie often enough and people believe its the Truth.  I feel like I've fallen down the 'rabbit hole" into Wonderland.

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Trump values loyalty above EVERYTHING else, even he admits it. He'll be "Mafia Don" as President of the United States.

I don't think there will be any leakers and whistleblowers from this ambitious group of sycophants. 

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58 minutes ago, Padma said:

Trump values loyalty above EVERYTHING else, even he admits it. He'll be "Mafia Don" as President of the United States.

I don't think there will be any leakers and whistleblowers from this ambitious group of sycophants. 

Seeing that repellent Omarosa and the other Trump Loyalists, take the oath, to protect and preserve, the constitution made me nauseous.  None of these people will do that, if, that conflicts with their greed and self-aggrandizement.  I am originally from country, that one would say, is a banana republic, what I saw today, reminded me of that.  KellyAnn Conway will never cease to amaze me, in how low, this woman will go, for money and power.  Alternative facts, gave me a good laugh this morning. 

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As I watched the swearing-in on MSNBC, I wondered if they were using an alternative Constitution.

42 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Seeing that repellent Omarosa and the other Trump Loyalists, take the oath, to protect and preserve, the constitution made me nauseous.  None of these people will do that, if, that conflicts with their greed and self-aggrandizement.  I am originally from country, that one would say, is a banana republic, what I saw today, reminded me of that.  KellyAnn Conway will never cease to amaze me, in how low, this woman will go, for money and power.  Alternative facts, gave me a good laugh this morning. 

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Does Chuck Todd write his scripts?  Approve them?  What? Cause man, is he stupid.

This morning on MTP he showed maps of the DC area broken down into red and blue districts to basically say, don't cry man baby, it's not your fault President Obama had more people show up in 2009 for his inauguration, DC and the nearby area is mostly democratic and trending blue.  Give it up, Chuck, this has to be below you.

Also, again I watched as Chuck showed the Sean Spicer tape.  It gets funnier everytime I see it.  Spicer looks like he's being held prisoner reading from the script with an electronic shocker ready to zap him if he goes off script.

Edited by stormy
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4 minutes ago, stormy said:

Also, again I watched as Chuck showed the Sean Spicer tape.  It gets funnier everytime I see it.  Spicer looks like he's being held prisoner reading from the script with an electronic shocker ready to zap him if he goes off script.

I have to go watch it again. It was somehow very satisfying to see Spicer completely cracking under the pressure of Trump's behind-the-scenes rages about his crowd size. (Was it Rubio who said that "You know what crowd size says about the size of something else"?)  Trump must currently be hell-on-wheels to be around, but these people signed up for it--including agreeing to tell any lie that their boss wants them to--so they deserve everything they get.

Everyone looks so stressed and miserable on the first day. (And Spicer looked and sounded deranged already).  What will they be like by Day 7?  And will he ever actually take questions?  If he thinks reading Trump's idiotic "script" to the media was hard, wait until he has to think on his feet and lie with the Big Boss watching. Only Kellyanne is a skilled enough liar to do that without even pausing for breath.

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Mika Brzezinski described that press briefing as “Sean Spicer’s first hostage video.”  So, I'll be tuning into Morning Joe for more of this on Monday. 

What Trump has done is to completely turn the media away from his inauguration coverage -- no lingering over the pageantry or symbolism.  The Monday MSNBC shows are the first time they will air since the inauguration, and it's like a month of news has happened since then, all bad for Trump.  But the shows will still cover the many marches and pink hats.   So, lose-lose for the first 72 hours of the Trump Administration. 

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10 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I'm surprised that Mika didn't say something about Sean Spicer's ill-fitting press conference suit.  It looked about two sizes too big.  

Too sizes too big, dated and extremely ugly.

Per yesterday's coverage, while Pence apparently has to "dress like the boss" now (and walk 5 steps behind him), Spicer looked like he'd raided his father's closet.  That said, I'm super tired of Trump's navy Brioni suit with the way-too-long floppy red tie. (And, seriously, can't you ever button your jacket? Is that also an "alternative fact", that you still wear the same size that you did last year?  Because....no.

Button your d*mn jacket--at least for your inauguration and to speak to the troops or intelligence officers at the CIA, the State of the Union and greeting foreign dignitaries! And please have Melania or Ivanka instruct you on the proper length for a tie. It's not supposed to remind us of a bib.  

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I think the Sunday MSNBC shows actually might have spent some time on the inauguration substance if not for the very impressive number of mis-steps in the first 26 hours of this administration.  So not even a speck of a honeymoon for them.  And it is their own damn fault. 

The Washington Post had an article about the Trump women and their inauguration clothes, and added this about the Trump himself:  "One wishes that President Trump had exuded as much grace, but then that is not his style. And so, during the day his suit jacket flopped open; his pants were too long. And the tie. The bright-red tie hung down to its usual position, far below the reaches of his belt."  The article is actually pleasant to read, and trolls Kellyanne a little, so win-win:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/arts-and-entertainment/wp/2017/01/20/ralph-lauren-the-most-bipartisan-of-designers-dresses-first-lady-melania-trump-and-hillary-clinton-for-inauguration/?utm_term=.14f94ec86898   

And one of the articles right after that press briefing did note that Spicer apparently had not even had enough time to find a suit that fit him. 

30 minutes ago, Padma said:

Too sizes too big, dated and extremely ugly.

Per yesterday's coverage, while Pence apparently has to "dress like the boss" now (and walk 5 steps behind him), Spicer looked like he'd raided his father's closet.  That said, I'm super tired of Trump's navy Brioni suit with the way-too-long floppy red tie. (And, seriously, can't you ever button your jacket? Is that also an "alternative fact", that you still wear the same size that you did last year?  Because....no.

Button your d*mn jacket--at least for your inauguration and to speak to the troops or intelligence officers at the CIA, the State of the Union and greeting foreign dignitaries! And please have Melania or Ivanka instruct you on the proper length for a tie. It's not supposed to remind us of a bib.  

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Someone sometime has told Trump that the open jacket/long tie creates a line down the front that makes him look thinner.   If you look at him in golf clothes with no jacket, he's definitely not thin--but the narrow line of his shirt/tie draws your eye and makes it look like his bulk is the open coat, not that he's fat.   It's an old styling trick--very popular in the 80's (I was a costumer and did a little work with TV media people back in the day).

At his size the fluffy hair and bulk of his clothes do  nothing now to make him look thinner but I suspect he's clinging to some advice someone gave him in the past.    His whole look is very dated as is his taste in decor--he's stuck in his hey-day.

We're spoiled by President Obama always being perfectly dressed for any occasion.    I think this is Trump's work uniform and I doubt we'll see him stray from it.

Spicer and Kellyanne both need makeovers.   They are not camera ready.   Spicer also has a bad temper that is probably not going to suit the job he's in.    You can see his face get all blotchy when he's under pressure.   

Edited by car54
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1 hour ago, jjj said:

And one of the articles right after that press briefing did note that Spicer apparently had not even had enough time to find a suit that fit him. 

Meaning that he didn't already have a decent suit that fit him?  I find that hard to believe.

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5 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Meaning that he didn't already have a decent suit that fit him?  I find that hard to believe.

I don't believe it either. He's been a spokesman for quite a while so should have plenty to wear that's suitable. But aside from that, you're appointed press secretary to the President. Tell me that you aren't ready with your wardrobe on Day One because--especially with this guy--you'll probably be out there lying for him right away.

Trump is a stickler for formality in dress for men. But maybe Sean's outfit reminded him of his heyday in Atlantic City in the 1980s and of the men who gambled in his casinos before all the bankruptcies.  If Spicer's wardrobe continues to look as dated as the newly furnished Oval Office décor, then that could explain it.

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Here is an idiotic article that applauds CNN for cutting away from the Spicer press briefing, and the article advises that no future press briefings should be televised live.  I am so glad MSNBC devoted air time to the five minutes Spicer was blathering -- I want to see it for myself, not have the media chew it up and tell me their version of what happened.  And Spicer said the first "full briefing" will be on Monday.  I hate to think what they will do to stop everyone from talking about the last one!  I count on MSNBC to carry it live.   


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7 hours ago, stormy said:

Does Chuck Todd write his scripts?  Approve them?  What? Cause man, is he stupid.

This morning on MTP he showed maps of the DC area broken down into red and blue districts to basically say, don't cry man baby, it's not your fault President Obama had more people show up in 2009 for his inauguration, DC and the nearby area is mostly democratic and trending blue.  Give it up, Chuck, this has to be below you.

Also, again I watched as Chuck showed the Sean Spicer tape.  It gets funnier everytime I see it.  Spicer looks like he's being held prisoner reading from the script with an electronic shocker ready to zap him if he goes off script.

I liked Chuck Todd's maps of the DC area. It does make sense that any Democratic President would attract local crowds, who tend to vote for Democrats. It's very expensive for people to travel from outlying states to visit DC. the KAC- Todd interview did make me laugh. Poor Chuck had to defend the Time Magazine reporter who tweeted about the missing MLK bust. KAC looked ready to ambush Todd. I wonder if Todd try to prepare better in future for interviews with trump administration officials.

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7 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I'm surprised that Mika didn't say something about Sean Spicer's ill-fitting press conference suit.  It looked about two sizes too big.  

Mika's co host wears fleece & sweatshirts on TV with no socks.

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On 1/21/2017 at 6:17 PM, Calvada said:

Brian Williams thinks he is the smartest guy in the room, in the building, in the zip code, and he's so patronizing as he "explains" things to his audience.  I think it's hysterical that his journalistic lapses have pushed him onto MSNBC, when it is clear to everyone watching and BriWi himself that Rachel Maddow is so much brighter, introspective, and analytical than he is.  He is never the smartest one in the room when he's on with Rachel.


On 1/21/2017 at 9:23 PM, car54 said:

Great little interview with Cal Perry, mostly fact-checking Spicer, but his last point was a good one---when we have the story of the day....The Women's Marches all over the world---and you want to change the conversation---send Sean boy out to throw a grenade and now they're talking about him instead of the phenomenon that just happened.

My husband and I recently gave up cable, and I haven't been missing it that much because I haven't been wanting to watch the news since the election. But we were staying in a hotel in Virginia (to be in DC for the march) and when we got back to our hotel I immediately turned on MSNBC. It was so heartening to see the Cal Perry segment. It seems like MSNBC had laid out a strategy in advance: OK, how are we going to handle it when Trump lies about the inauguration and march crowds? And they didn't back down. But the thing that BUGGED me to no end was Brian Williams asking where all the marchers were on Nov. 8? Um ... Hillary Clinton won by 3 million votes. We were there. And so frustrating that, at least while I was watching, no one gave him that answer.

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3 minutes ago, lovinbob said:


My husband and I recently gave up cable, and I haven't been missing it that much because I haven't been wanting to watch the news since the election. But we were staying in a hotel in Virginia (to be in DC for the march) and when we got back to our hotel I immediately turned on MSNBC. It was so heartening to see the Cal Perry segment. It seems like MSNBC had laid out a strategy in advance: OK, how are we going to handle it when Trump lies about the inauguration and march crowds? And they didn't back down. But the thing that BUGGED me to no end was Brian Williams asking where all the marchers were on Nov. 8? Um ... Hillary Clinton won by 3 million votes. We were there. And so frustrating that, at least while I was watching, no one gave him that answer.

Yeah, they don't seem to realize that she got a great chunk of votes. A majority. They act like she got creamed.

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8 hours ago, oakville said:

Mika's co host wears fleece & sweatshirts on TV with no socks.

But this is his "look" and that's what viewers expect to see.  Not saying I like it.

However, when you are representing the POTUS and in front of millions of people, the expectation is that you would be dressed appropriately, which would include a suit that fits.  There is no excuse for that.

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1 hour ago, lovinbob said:

But the thing that BUGGED me to no end was Brian Williams asking where all the marchers were on Nov. 8? Um ... Hillary Clinton won by 3 million votes.

BriWi is a closet Republican.   He can't fake being impartial very well.


22 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

However, when you are representing the POTUS and in front of millions of people, the expectation is that you would be dressed appropriately, which would include a suit that fits.  

Well Spicer has his first scheduled briefing this afternoon--I am sure he's sweating it because he made such a fool of himself on Saturday night.   Hopefully he wore a more professional suit today.

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Okay, I don't actually feel sorry for Spicer, but after reading this account of what happened behind the scenes on Saturday, I understand how he got pushed onto that stage with all that bluster.  And Trump told him afterward he was not forceful enough.  I am very glad MSNBC showed the whole event:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-first-days-inside-trumps-white-house-fury-tumult-and-a-reboot/2017/01/23/7ceef1b0-e191-11e6-ba11-63c4b4fb5a63_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_trumpturmoil-0902pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.480ba7560351 

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So The Boss (who even brings his lackeys into the CIA to cheer for him, per All In) was furious about the crowd size reports and sent Spicer out to tell the media off.

Then....he didn't think the angry OTT rant was forceful enough, was mad that Spicer had to read Trump's statement, hated his suit (I'm with him there), and even criticized the way he knotted his tie.

Yes, Spicer performed significantly better today (while still dissembling on issue of how big the entourage was at the CIA and refusing to be pinned down on what Trump thinks the unemployment number REALLY is). Oh, and sending The Boss's message to the media by breaking with tradition and calling first on the NY Post (instead of AP), then the Christian Broadcasting Network. The big problem is that "Mafia Don" values obsequiousness and loyalty above everything, and per Wash Post, Spicer doesn't go back far with Trump and hasn't proven himself enough of a total sycophant (yet).

Spicer will never last in that job. He'll just be the perfect whipping boy for Trump--as he gets increasingly frustrated by the unappreciative public and critical media.  At some point, Spicer will either get tired of the abuse and leave or Trump will scapegoat him as the reason for his poor relationship with the press and make a big ugly show of firing him.

I give it three weeks before Laura Ingraham comes in.

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There was just a clip of someone on Morning Joe who said "first thing I learned is, never let them see your pain.  He needs to not let everyone see his pain" (about Trump, of course)  Would love to know who that was! 

Also, were they talking about the entourage at the CIA on MSNBC yesterday?  I missed all that, would love to know more.  I heard all the clapping came from Trump aides, the CIA professionals were stoic, and standing the entire time, because Trump never told them to sit down.

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50 minutes ago, jjj said:

There was just a clip of someone on Morning Joe who said "first thing I learned is, never let them see your pain.  He needs to not let everyone see his pain" (about Drumpf, of course)  Would love to know who that was! 

That was Ed Rollins.  

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7 hours ago, navelgazer said:

That was Ed Rollins.  

Thanks, I barely caught a glimpse of him -- should have recognized him!  It was a clip from another show, so I presume likely NBC/MSNBC. 

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Okay. Greta can go home to FOX any time.

I know it's hard to learn all these "unfamiliar" Democratic names, but "share-ROD Brown" ... really?

Then, second day in a row, she made a big f-ing deal over the (supposedly) misreported MLK bust. "I think that's such a big deal! It just reflects so bad on the media and is one of the worst things I've heard!!!"

Really? The TIME reporter was told by a pool reporter that the MLK bust was gone. He checked twice and didn't see it. He tweeted it was gone. Trump staff said "No! It's there!!! Disgraceful smear of a Great Human Being (Donald Trump, that is. Not MLK.)!!!"

91 minutes had passed. He tweeted again to correct it and apologize. Then again and again with more of the same, saying maybe it was behind a SS agent or an open door when he looked in.

Yes, or MAYBE it -was- removed and then brought back after the controversy!  Either way, the point was that the reporter corrected his "mistake" immediately and profusely apologized for it.

Meanwhile, Trump keeps up the personal attacks, and the lies, and never apologizes for anything.  But THIS is the worst thing Greta ever heard!

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I used to be able to find TV ratings online but haven't had any luck lately.  How are the MSNBC ratings so far in 2017? I stopped watching Greta completely since her show over the weekend.  She was clearly pushing an agenda and I didn't buy it.

Because her show is on so early, I get interested in other things and miss the shows that follow.  It doesn't matter much as they repeat a lot of what happened during the day.  The gossip level is too high for me.  I would like to see more in depth discussions on topics such as the possible impact of the executive orders. Get KAC and others like her off the screen. I'm sure there are knowledgeable republicans and democrats who can speak to the issues and stay on topic.  These fast-talking guests add nothing to the conversation and bring up the same old tired stories over and over and over again. 

I actually like hearing from people like Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace. 

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2 hours ago, madfortv said:

I used to be able to find TV ratings online but haven't had any luck lately.  How are the MSNBC ratings so far in 2017? I stopped watching Greta completely since her show over the weekend.  She was clearly pushing an agenda and I didn't buy it.

Because her show is on so early, I get interested in other things and miss the shows that follow.  It doesn't matter much as they repeat a lot of what happened during the day.  The gossip level is too high for me.  I would like to see more in depth discussions on topics such as the possible impact of the executive orders. Get KAC and others like her off the screen. I'm sure there are knowledgeable republicans and democrats who can speak to the issues and stay on topic.  These fast-talking guests add nothing to the conversation and bring up the same old tired stories over and over and over again. 

I actually like hearing from people like Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace. 

The anti-Trump Republicans have surprised me so far. In some ways there stronger than the Democrats. Maybe this will finally fulfill Obama's dream of bringing Republicans and Democrats together! Wish it hadn't taken this though. And I don't know what in the hell Greta is doing on this network. She convincing anybody of anything?

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1 hour ago, slensam said:

The anti-Trump Republicans have surprised me so far. In some ways there stronger than the Democrats. Maybe this will finally fulfill Obama's dream of bringing Republicans and Democrats together! Wish it hadn't taken this though. And I don't know what in the hell Greta is doing on this network. She convincing anybody of anything?

The never Trumpers  are a dying breed.  They have all fallen in line and they are scared of him and his tweeter trolls.  It is truly disheartening.  I would like to echo my love for Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt.  They are sane Republicans, who are able, to present their point of view without resorting to histrionics and alternative facts.

Edited by Apprentice79
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Well, I think there are some that are still holding on for now at least.  I'm always happy to see Charlie Sykes and Rick Wilson on with Chris Hayes but wish he would dump Katie Packer.

And, CNN has Ana Navarro, but she's in the wilderness over there.

Edited by stormy
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Chris Hayes had the good sense to stop inviting AJ Delgado for comment, and I wish he would do the same with Katie Packer. Her only redeeming quality was being a never-Trumper, but now that he's in the WH and Packer has been, I presume, blacklisted by Fox, she's using Hayes and others as a platform for defending the indefensible. Regardless, she's a giggling moron who embarrasses herself any time she is on the air. I remember one point last summer when she was arguing that Democrats were responsible for Detroit's collapse, denying Hayes' and his guest's clearly superior command of the relevant history and policies, all based on her having grown up in Michigan at the relevant time.

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2 hours ago, numbersix said:

Chris Hayes had the good sense to stop inviting AJ Delgado for comment, and I wish he would do the same with Katie Packer. Her only redeeming quality was being a never-Trumper, but now that he's in the WH and Packer has been, I presume, blacklisted by Fox, she's using Hayes and others as a platform for defending the indefensible. Regardless, she's a giggling moron who embarrasses herself any time she is on the air. I remember one point last summer when she was arguing that Democrats were responsible for Detroit's collapse, denying Hayes' and his guest's clearly superior command of the relevant history and policies, all based on her having grown up in Michigan at the relevant time.

AJ Delgado was another nut. She was so strident in her opinions. I am so happy that she has disappeared from Television. Does anybody know if the Orange one rewarded her, for her blind loyalty to him?  I am always appalled by people of color who are so dogmatic in their support of him.  Paris Dennard is another one. He is Black and LGBT and he loses his mind, whenever, anybody criticizes the Orange one...He even defended the birther movement...

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10 hours ago, madfortv said:

I used to be able to find TV ratings online but haven't had any luck lately.  How are the MSNBC ratings so far in 2017? I stopped watching Greta completely since her show over the weekend.  She was clearly pushing an agenda and I didn't buy it.

Because her show is on so early, I get interested in other things and miss the shows that follow.  It doesn't matter much as they repeat a lot of what happened during the day.  The gossip level is too high for me.  I would like to see more in depth discussions on topics such as the possible impact of the executive orders. Get KAC and others like her off the screen. I'm sure there are knowledgeable republicans and democrats who can speak to the issues and stay on topic.  These fast-talking guests add nothing to the conversation and bring up the same old tired stories over and over and over again. 

I actually like hearing from people like Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace. 

Greta isn't doing too well. This is a good site for news and ratings.                    


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