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General Gabbery: DWTS

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I'm getting the feeling Nancy is lacking confidence. I'm basing this just on all the video I've seen of her from GMA and behind the scenes stuff and then coupled with Val's mushy "im so proud of what you managed to accomplish and how much you have grown in a week" post and Nancy thanking him for encouraging her every day. It will be interesting to see how she does. I do like her.

One thing I've learned when I look at DWTS's social media is that for all the people that are supposedly nobodies and no one ever heard of, that's clearly not widespread. I guess its all about demographics. Everyone has their share of fans and it would make sense that young people who have no clue who people like John Schneider are and that people from an older generation never heard of Tinashe or Milo. I remember A LOT of people not having a clue who Jordan was when the cast was announced.  I'm just hoping for an entertaining season!

Juan Pablo is sooo giving me Gilles vibes with Cheryl already.

Edited by howmanywords
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So, I took a look at the intro videos on Youtube to get a better idea of the contestants, as well as the GMA reveal.

Alexis and Alan: I didn't expect her to be so quiet and seemingly introverted. She seems very nice and I feel like I'd get along with her, but I don't see her making an impact on the show to get the votes. She'll likely slide through a few weeks but if her dancing isn't amazing, she'll be voted out a few weeks in. I am curious about her introvertedness, because in the video, Alan was definitely trying to amp it up. I think her social media following will be a huge benefit to her sticking around more than a couple of weeks. I did like her rapport with Alan. I do genuinely enjoy Alan so I'd like to see what he does with Alexis.

Bobby and Sharna: I think I can see the appeal to Bobby and why he may get far. I wasn't sure before, but I can see it now. Knowing nothing about Bobby, I hope he has that dance ability.

Danielle and Artem: I think they're charming together. They have a quieter sense of humour, which is funny to me.

DeMarcus and Lindsay: Another athlete who I don't know. To be honest, I'm not really feeling them yet. Not much of an opinion.

Evanna and Keo: I'm not quite sure about them yet. I like Evanna and I thought her and Keo were fine together, but I need a little more to judge accordingly.

Joe and Jenna: I wasn't that impressed. Joe looks like a weirder James Wolk for me. For me, I don't really see him being a great dancer. Unfortunately for me, he's likely to get to the finals because of the votes, rather than his dance ability. Hopefully he's better than the little I've seen. He's gonna be the guy to outlast some of the genuinely better dancers, is my prediction. 

John and Emma: I see this being an ok partnership but since I'm not sure he's making it past the first couple of weeks, he's going to need to rely on his dance skills. 

Juan Pablo and Cheryl: I think they also had a good rapport. I felt like Cheryl might have been a little too "on", but maybe it's because Juan's typically calmer? He seems very nice and he showed off some good dance ability. I could see them getting quite far, especially with Juan's natural charm. 

Mary Lou and Sasha: Not much an opinion here. 

Milo and Witney: I don't know why, but I was expecting something different with Milo. I actually kind of enjoyed his stuff with Witney that I've seen. I think you can tell that he grew up in the Disney world, because he's very polished, and a little rehearsed in his stage presence.

Nancy and Val: Not much of an opinion here, besides wanting to see how Val handles this partnership. I think they could be fun to watch.

Nikki and Gleb: I would say that Nikki's a charmer. Gleb saying that his style is sexy dancing is not wrong. I hope he doesn't rely on that, but Nikki seemed to be enthusiastic about that, so I worry.

Tinashe and Brandon: I like her. She seems charming and funny. I could see myself rooting for her, and she has that dance ability.

Overall, I like some of the cast. I think the finals is going to be very interesting in terms of who gets there, because I could see some different people getting there over others. 

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I don't know if Nancy lacks confidence...she might, especially coming off a near decade of not working.  But I also think she's a weird personality for this show, and by that I don't mean that she's weird necessarily, but she's not the personality type you would expect to sign up.  Even her Facts co-stars tend to refer to her as reserved and to herself and she's been HUGE about her privacy over the years.  For instance, try googling to find pics of her kids.  There are none online.  Her social media existence is practically nothing, short of whatever she is now creating for the show and that is very deliberate.  And I'm not saying this like I know her, but her celeb/entertainment friends have said this.  Somewhere around there is one of those Biography things on her that was done a handful of years ago and every one of her friends/family talk about how private and to herself she is.  So I would never expect her more reserved or perhaps shy personality to go on a show that is all about putting yourself out there in a big way.  Which is why I wondered if there was motive beyond just wanting to get back into work and this was an avenue.  Also yes, a paycheck.  Kim Fields or Lisa Whelchel?  For sure, but Nancy?  Because if she just wants to work, I'd imagine she can go book herself some Hallmark type movies pretty easily.  I don't think she needs DWTS for that kind of work, unless she's looking for something more substantial.

On Juan Pablo, while Fuller House is mostly kind of awful, I think I subconsciously made the mistake to expect him to have a huge personality like his character and that was my fault.  So when I first saw his vids and saw he was a bit more subdued, I was thrown.  Then I realized it's because I've never seen him outside of being Fernando.

Also fun fact I learned from the Biography thing, Nancy almost played Monica on Friends.  It came down to her and Courtney Cox.

Edited by spanana
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Wasn't Kim Fields on the show a couple of years ago? I think she was with Sasha. I don't remember her being that memorable, and I don't think Nancy will be, either. Facts of life was well over thirty years ago, and they were all kids then, so I'm not sure how many people care about or remember that cast anymore.

Of course nostalgia is always a big thing on this show, though. Candace Bure got pretty far.

51 minutes ago, Toonces464 said:

Mandy wasn't employed by DWTS back then. But I agree with you, it's shady. One thing I've always heard is that it was actually Sharna who choreographed most of Maks's later dances with Meryl but she certainly never got credit for it. It makes sense because I don't think Maks is capable of that level of choreography.

His choreography for Meryl wasn't all that great IMO, though. I thought he was way better back in the day with Mel B. Meryl was capable of a lot more than he gave her. He did a lot of contemporary for her, which wasn't very interesting. He is actually a lot better at tangos and paso dobles.  That paso with Mel B was one of the best on the show, ever.

24 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

Wasn't Kim Fields on the show a couple of years ago? I think she was with Sasha. I don't remember her being that memorable, and I don't think Nancy will be, either. Facts of life was well over thirty years ago, and they were all kids then, so I'm not sure how many people care about or remember that cast anymore.

Yep I can remember maybe one dance and other than that I can't remember much of Kim at all. I can't remember a whole lot of Facts of Life to be honest. Nostalgia can work or it can't. Sometimes shows that are still in reruns constantly have developed fans of all ages and then there are the ones that are just sort of there. Someone like Alfonso had an iconic character and the nostalgia factor really, really worked for him. I can see Nancy slipping through the cracks if she's too reserved.

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48 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

Wasn't Kim Fields on the show a couple of years ago? I think she was with Sasha. I don't remember her being that memorable, and I don't think Nancy will be, either. Facts of life was well over thirty years ago, and they were all kids then, so I'm not sure how many people care about or remember that cast anymore.

Kim Fields was on, yes. I didn't mean she hadn't been. I just meant her personality type is better suited to the show.  And I honestly don't know on nostalgia.  Facts was a long time ago, but it was also on for an entire decade and so people legitimately watched them grow up from children to young adults.  Also for as popular as Tootie was, Nancy's character was at the time the break-out star from the show and got the second banana billing (Blah blah blah as Jo) and she was incredibly popular in the 80's.  Probably also helped by the fact that she and Michael J. Fox were dating so they were like NBC's teen dream for a couple of years, but who knows.  She also worked steadily post show until the last decade, including a stint as Demi Lovato's mom on her Disney show until Demi went to rehab.  She may be first boot.  She may hang on for a bit.

The other thing for nostalgia, and one that helped Candace, and to a lesser extent Jodie, is it depends how much your show is on in syndication.  Full House is on in syndication endlessly, so I grew up on it, but my cousins a generation later did too because it was ALWAYS on.  There was no escaping it.  Same way you can turn on the tv and find Friends reruns on three stations at once.  Same thing with Alfonso and Fresh Prince.  Facts is on in syndication and I think it plays on Logo and at times other stations, but it's not as prominent as the shows mentioned above. 

I actually thought Kim was pretty decent.  Part of the issue is the show picks what couples they want to back and they often tend to stick the middle aged women towards the beginning of the show and have them dance in the first, second and third positions almost every week.  Dance order, particular in the beginning where there are a lot of couples, matters.  Second and third is usually the worst placement.  When you see the show start sticking the same people there every week, you know they are trying to offload them.  I felt like they did that with Kim.

Edited by spanana
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8 hours ago, vdw84 said:

So I guess Alfonso has ruined any chance of being apart of dwts or maybe he decided to take a break since that whole unprofessional comment he made that time toward Jordan, when he said he needs to eat piece of humble pie. I think ever since that comment, he has been nowhere to be seen.

Interesting! And hoooboy when Alfonso made that comment he got ripped a new one. It was bizarre to see how fast DWTS fans turned so fast on a popular winner. I never even thought about how TPTB felt about it.

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5 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Interesting! And hoooboy when Alfonso made that comment he got ripped a new one. It was bizarre to see how fast DWTS fans turned so fast on a popular winner. I never even thought about how TPTB felt about it.

I mean he is entitled to his opinion, I guess it was just so unprofessional on how he handled the situation since he had such a huge involvement with dwts even after his win, he stayed involved with everything dwts. 

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7 hours ago, howmanywords said:

It was bizarre to see how fast DWTS fans turned so fast on a popular winner.

I don't think there was some drastic turn by viewers. Alfonso had been annoying to many DWTS viewers for a good while before that dumb comment. The comment just tipped things over the edge for some. The goodwill he had during his season had long ended for many when he just simply WOULD NOT GO AWAY.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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38 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I don't think there was some drastic turn by viewers. Alfonso had been annoying to many DWTS viewers for a good while before that dumb comment. The comment just tipped things over the edge for some. The goodwill he had during his season and long ended for many when he just simply WOULD NOT GO AWAY.

I've started seeing some people say that Rashad is now taking his place. Apparently he posted something on IG the other day related to him doing something for the new season. 

What I also found so weird about Alfonso is that after his season he stayed attached to so many of the pros --- a lot of them were even spending the holidays at his house --- but that group never included Witney, despite the fact the two of them seemed to be really close. 

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While I did find Alfonso's comment last season unprofessional, I don't think anything drastic happened with Alfonso and the show.  The longer ago your season happened, the more irrelevant you become by the show (except in a rare case if somebody got super famous post show).  It only makes sense for the show to grasp on to newer winners like Rashad and Jordan who still want to be associated with the show then constantly going back to the S19 well in S27 or whatever we are on now.  Alfonso's season was what, four years ago?  And at some point Rashad will get replaced by somebody newer and such.  I think it's just the normal cycle.


What I also found so weird about Alfonso is that after his season he stayed attached to so many of the pros --- a lot of them were even spending the holidays at his house --- but that group never included Witney, despite the fact the two of them seemed to be really close. 

Witney does still hang out with him and his family at times, but usually when the pros spent holidays at Alfonso's house it was because for most of those pros, LA isn't their original home and so they don't have their own families to spend those holidays with and etc.  Especially since in the case of things like Thanksgiving or July 4th, those aren't even their holidays (for the international pros).  Whereas somebody like Witney tends to easily fly home to Utah for holidays and the flight to Utah from LA is super short.  So I think it's just more a case of Witney's actual family is nearby, whereas that isn't true for pros like Emma, Sasha, Sharna, Artem, Keo, etc.  And those are the pros that tend to go to Alfonso's the most.

Edited by spanana
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9 hours ago, MsTree said:

I suffer from CRS. Can someone relate the scenario in which Alfonso dissed Jordan? Thanks.

I don’t remember exactly what was said, but Alfonso guest judged during Jordan’s season, and said Jordan needed to humble himself or something. It was just eye roll worthy coming from Alfonso’s mouth considering his giant ego.

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I think this season could be good since there aren't any clear winners here. Tinashe would be the obvious ringer, but people like her are rarely appreciated on this show. I think she'll make the finals, but lose to the football player or Cheryl's partner. She could also be their "surprise" elimination. It would be nice to see Keo win, and that's a possibility if his partner is any good. 

Thankfully Val is probably going to be an early exit and I don't see Jenna lasting long, either. So that super couple/ competition crap they are throwing at us probably won't last long.

Poor Emma is probably going to be the first one out, unless annoying Mary Lou Retton goes first.

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Meanwhile my memory was that Jordan was talented, knew it but was also very sweet and actually humble. However, many viewers who disliked him for being an obvious ringer decided he was arrogant and ascribed that to him without his actually ever doing anything arrogant. And I always thought that that's why Alfonso made the comment and didn't expect to get the backlash he did. Because I don't doubt for one second Alfonso was reading social media comments about the show. So he saw a bunch of viewers deciding Jordan was arrogant and figured it'd be fine for him to say it. Instead he got dragged for the comment. And meanwhile, in my opinion, the sheer lack of self-awareness of Alfonso telling Jordan about not being arrogant was astounding. Because in my opinion, of those two, Jordan wasn't the ringer who was arrogant during his season. YMMV. 

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I never thought Jordan was arrogant. He seemed like a polite young man, to me. If people were pissed about him being a ringer, fine, but I thought it was unfair of people to say he was arrogant. Of course he seemed confident, though, and nothing wrong with that.

There were plenty of people far more offensive and arrogant than him on the show over the years. 

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As someone who had really been an Alfonso fan during his season, and was thrilled that he won, I was disappointed by his comments re: Jordan. I had liked Alfonso so much that I had not even been bothered by his constant reappearances on the show, which seemed to bother others. Now, I did not go on his social media to express my disappointment the way many others did, but I certainly thought his comment was in poor taste, and most importantly, unfounded.

Full disclosure, I adored Jordan and he is one of my favorite DWTS contestants ever. So if I had to pick a side between Alfonso and Jordan, I would pick Jordan, all day, every day.

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Although I hope Evy gets far and possibly wins, I don't think that Alexis will be that bad as I have seen people say.

She did ballet for 10 years and she has some movement. Granted she probably doesn't train anymore as she is an Insta model but she still posts some freestyle videos on Instagram. She can move but can she use her dance knowledge. We will see.


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I never saw Jordan as remotely arrogant either.

As for Alexis, I never thought she would be bad.  I think the bigger question is whether fans rally behind an instagram model.  She seems very sweet from the little I've seen of her, but she's not very known to the main demos of the show and instagram model isn't exactly a title that will grab support.

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Songs for week one.  Looks like couples are doing the same dance style the first two nights.  So two different dances for week one, which is unnecessary, but same style.  I guess the idea being that it would be too much to ask couples to learn two different dance styles for week one.

Also a live vote on Tuesday, so elimination on Tuesday will be based on Monday's votes/scores and live votes during the show on Tuesday.  Which of course means show can manipulate it a bit with dance order on Tuesday.  That is where dancing late in the show won't necessarily be a good thing.

Show gave week one quicksteps to both Nancy and Grocery Joe. I'm guessing the show is going to do some sort of direct head to head between Val and Jenna since they are the only ones with that dance, but week one quicksteps?  Are they trying to get them sent home?

Also lol at the show giving Rewrite the Stars from Greatest Showman to the only black/white interracial couple.

16 minutes ago, spanana said:

Looks like couples are doing the same dance style the first two nights.  So two different dances for week one, which is unnecessary, but same style.  I guess the idea being that it would be too much to ask couples to learn two different dance styles for week one.

So we basically get the same show two days in a row? That's dumb.

Just have week one be a single episode with a single dance.

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1 hour ago, McManda said:

So we basically get the same show two days in a row? That's dumb.

Just have week one be a single episode with a single dance.

Yes, and I much prefer when they hold off on eliminations on week two.

Also, no jazz or contemps week one but they definitely gave some people a dance style that they would be expected to be good at.  For instance, Juan got salsa.

I don't think they are trying to punish Val/Jenna. I imagine the show doesn't care too much about Nancy, as they rarely care about middle aged women celebs.  I have no idea where they stand on Joe other than he's ABC.  And they think they are being cute.  The show has no real agenda for Val/Jenna to win this season.  I also wouldn't be surprised if the show tries to make a Joe versus Jo (her FOL character) joke out of it.

Edited by spanana
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32 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

Juan Pablo getting salsa already? Couldn't they have waited until there was less fodder there? On the plus I'm fully expecting that to be a stand-out dance.

Ugh at the same dances with different songs.

i know it’s ridiculous. same dances. different songs, and different choreo. it’s absolutely stupid. these producers man ?

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1 hour ago, howmanywords said:

Juan Pablo getting salsa already? Couldn't they have waited until there was less fodder there? On the plus I'm fully expecting that to be a stand-out dance.

Ugh at the same dances with different songs.

That should be great. A salsa with Cheryl would definitely stand out. I guess everyone is assuming he can dance, but I hope that's really the case.  I guess he could be another Amber Rose, whom everyone expected to be good, but what a total disappointment.

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35 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

That should be great. A salsa with Cheryl would definitely stand out. I guess everyone is assuming he can dance, but I hope that's really the case.  I guess he could be another Amber Rose, whom everyone expected to be good, but what a total disappointment.

Not me, I knew right off the bat Amber Rose was going to be bad because I use to follow her on sm and I knew she couldnt dance worth crap but allowed others to think she could to only be surprised she sucked.

4 hours ago, tedd said:

making the couples in week 1 do two dances over two nights, but it being the same style of dance just with different music and choreo is one of the stupidest things i’ve ever heard. it’s ridiculous.

This is so lame, whoever the genius was to comeup with this need to be cussed out. I mean it would have been better to have them do one ballroom/latin standard dance and then another nonballroom dance like contemporary or jazz something not this two same dances. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

That should be great. A salsa with Cheryl would definitely stand out. I guess everyone is assuming he can dance, but I hope that's really the case.  I guess he could be another Amber Rose, whom everyone expected to be good, but what a total disappointment.

Just the little bit they showed of him dancing in Fuller House he can definitely move (and he played the lead in a production of Saturday Night Fever) but of course how that translates to the ballroom remains to be seen. So many people with potential bombed, I have hope here though!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, howmanywords said:

Just the little bit they showed of him dancing in Fuller House he can definitely move (and he played the lead in a production of Saturday Night Fever) but of course how that translates to the ballroom remains to be seen. So many people with potential bombed, I have hope here though!

It's true that the wrong pro can bring down a celebrity who came with dance potential (e.g., Jodie/Keo), but he's paired with Cheryl. I could see his storyline being like Gilles or William.

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36 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

It's true that the wrong pro can bring down a celebrity who came with dance potential (e.g., Jodie/Keo), but he's paired with Cheryl. I could see his storyline being like Gilles or William.

I want keo to do well but I have to say his teaching is very off, I do hope he has grown by now because it seems he has promise with his current partner this season but again it comes down to teaching. Keo's problem is he teaches the steps  but not how to fully execute the style and emote.

4 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

That should be great. A salsa with Cheryl would definitely stand out. I guess everyone is assuming he can dance, but I hope that's really the case.  I guess he could be another Amber Rose, whom everyone expected to be good, but what a total disappointment.

I just dont find him as interesting as Gilles was if that is who is suppose to be another one of. He may can dance but after watching his interviews and soundbites, I find my self uninterested, it may change come showtime because I do love me some cheryl and I do want her to do well but I just dont know about this guy.

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On 9/20/2018 at 11:41 PM, vdw84 said:

I want keo to do well but I have to say his teaching is very off, I do hope he has grown by now because it seems he has promise with his current partner this season but again it comes down to teaching. Keo's problem is he teaches the steps  but not how to fully execute the style and emote.

I feel like Keo’s weakness (this could be wrong) is that he seems like he expects his partners to adapt to how he teaches as opposed to adapting to how they learn. And when they mess up he gets frustrated in the wrong way.

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On 9/20/2018 at 2:48 PM, tedd said:

i know it’s ridiculous. same dances. different songs, and different choreo. it’s absolutely stupid. these producers man ?

I highly doubt it's going to even be different choreo. If the two songs have the same time signature, you could pretty much do the exact same steps/movements, with perhaps slight differences at the beginnings and ends. So, I agree that it seems pointless.

It's just like whenever there is an instant challenge, dance-off, fusion dance, etc., the pros usually just have the celeb repeat choreography for a particular style performed earlier in the season. But at least then, enough time has passed that the judges and audience don't really remember the original choreography.

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Well, it looks like we already have our 1st injury on DWTS. Apparently Nikki injured herself. She is kinda making a big deal about it, which means she will dance on Monday night. That is a pattern I see with DWTS. They pimp out an injury that is either celeb or pro, and then lo and behold, they are dancing on Monday night without the slightest show of an injury. Of course, if the injury is legit, they are pumped up with pain meds, but still it gets old with this injury stuff.  Already shopping around for sympathy votes before DWTS even starts does not bode well for Nikki. My guess is they will be an early out, and Nikki and Gleb are trying to prevent that with the injury sympathy card.

Gleb is my least favorite dancing pro, so it would not upset me if he goes out first.

Edited by BeeBop88
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28 minutes ago, BeeBop88 said:

Talk about confusion.  Over on George Pennachio twitter account, he has the  running order as follows:













13)Mary Lou

That was a fake George account retweeted by one of the DWTS fan pages. If you go directly to George's Twitter page, there is no such tweet.

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On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 2:00 PM, tedd said:

making the couples in week 1 do two dances over two nights, but it being the same style of dance just with different music and choreo is one of the stupidest things i’ve ever heard. it’s ridiculous.

I was thinking this too, but if TPTB worked it so that they gave points for improvement based on judges' feedback, then there could be potential. Still, they've already rehearsed the second routine, and I think my idea would make more sense if they rehashed the week 1 dance several weeks into the competition.

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