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Bye Shaunie!!!

Ya'll show literally got cancelled because of bullying, at least these LA hoes have enough sense to stay off tables and not steal and keep each other's purses hostage.

Yes!  So Shaunie doesn't like it when the girls gang up on one person......you know, except when it's her and her friends doing the ganging up.  It was the same typical bullshit from her, Evelyn, and Tami.  And after seeing Shaunie and Tami's conversation about Draya I now understand what their issue is.  They are pissed that Draya would dare try to claw her way up and out the barrel.  Draya was that girl that was "ho-ing" (don't know how to spell that) around and trying real hard to fit in with the women who had actually been wives or are currently wives.  And they allowed her to hang around them so they could have someone worse off than them to make themselves feel better.  But now that she's trying to legitimize herself by being in a long-term relationship and cleaning up her act, now they have an issue with her.  They can't say it's her mouth, cause Draya has never been soft spoken and has always defended herself.  But, now that she's getting on par with them, and she's seeing herself closer to their level, they don't like it.  They need to take their hypocritical asses somewhere.  


Megan needs to shut up.  She's a fucking idiot.  She's question Draya's lack of education when she doesn't know what the term "the elephant in the room" means?  No bitch, she's not trying to start shit by calling you an elephant!  And did anyone hear her say something about Draya using antonyms to describe her?  Even Shaunie gave her a side eye on that one.  


And Malaysia and Brandi, stop pretending that the producers didn't come to y'all and tell you to start "liking" Megan.  Two seconds ago she was a liar and bad friend who's always talking to people wrong and starting shit.  Now she's "good person"?  Get the fuck out of here with that shit!


And Jackie is a mess for starting shit at her own event and then blaming people for getting into shit because she instigated it.  For her to sit there and pretend she doesn't know why the discussion was brought up AFTER she told Megan the day before to ask Draya about it at the event, is classic.  Then, to come over, ask what they were talking about and then say, "oh yeah the FUPA.  Draya said you had a FUPA", only to walk away to let them go at, was move number 2.  But now, they "embarrassed" her.  Shut the fuck up, Jackie.  And go see a therapist.

Edited by luckyroll3
  • Love 8
Bye Shaunie!!!

Ya'll show literally got cancelled because of bullying, at least these LA hoes have enough sense to stay off tables and not steal and keep each other's purses hostage.



Seriously. After Shaunie sat there and pretty much co-signed Tami's behavior towards Keisha and Evelyn's towards Jen, she can miss me on trying to stand up for the bullied. She's so damned phony. And please, no more Tami. She's gross.


Malaysia is the shade MVP this season. I don't know how it happened but my girl is just cutting bitches with a smile. I live. lol 

  • Love 3

Baybeeeeeeeeeeee I would beat the breaks off that old lady for spitting at me/on me ..... whatever...


Meghan lied but at this point none of that matters. She is justified in whatever fuckery follows that spit.  


Why do i get the feeling that Jackie's idea of doing something fun as a group involves an all female orgy? Plus she laying all up in that bed smiling like a madame on payday.

  • LOL 1

How old is Jackie? She said something about being in her 40s and I had to laugh. I turned 50 a few weeks ago and she looks a lot older than me.

She's pathetic. I couldn't imagine acting that way at my age with the shit stirring and wanting friendship and acceptance from women young enough to be her kids.

She creeps me out.

I just finished the episode, holy shit I can't believe Jackie put a friggin band aid on her lip.

What the hell is wrong with this woman?

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

Is Jackie really one of the most beautiful women Malaysia has ever seen, or am I just confused because Jackie's cray is clouding my vision?


When did Malaysia say that?  I certainly missed that part of the episode.



Well I see from the coming attractions that Jackie is more cray cray than ever. It appears that since her gangster is in question from this episode, she is going to prove she's a bad bitch in the next episode. Lol good times!


Jackie's always trying to prove something.  She must have had an awful time in middle/high school; i have to think that's where her desperate need for acceptance and to always fit in is coming from.  But good lord, she's in her damn 50s.  She needs to chill!

  • Love 1

I have seen Jackie Christie in person and while she is most definitely not the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen, she is very attractive. However, she does seem VERY insecure. I saw her and Doug in an elevator in Los Angeles many years ago. When I walked into the elevator, I was with my husband. Since he was a Lakers fan, he immediately recognized Doug and shook his hand. While Jackie smiled at me, I noticed that when I looked at Doug, he averted his eyes to the floor. Mind you, I'm like 15 years younger than Doug, was clearly with my husband and wouldn't give him the time of day, but I still received that reaction from him. It was kinda sad to see how he was so trained to react that way around another woman. But he does seem to love her so, I guess he likes the dynamics of his relationship.

  • Love 6

Seriously, why does he stay?! I think it's because he knows she would flip the fuck out if he left and either make his life a living hell forever or she would turn Betty Broderick and kill them all.

There has to be a reason he stays, its not for her sparkling personality.

What the hell did she mean when she told Draya that Draya has "been to my house and spoken to my husband". Is it supposed to be a privilege to speak to her husband?

I really, really didn't like the new chick (sorry, can't think if her name) calling her husband's son a product of infedility on television. That didn't sit well with me.

I wish this thread got more action. Nobody in my life watches this and I need to talk about these crazy assholes with somebody!

  • Love 5

Man, I just don't know what to say about Jackie. She just had me chuckling during this entire episode.

Favorite Jackie moments tonight:

-Draya's talking to Jackie about Jackie. Jackie sidebars to Megan, "you gon let her talk to you Ike that?"

-Jackie calling everyone else instigators

-Jackie blaming Megan for Megan "making" Jackie spit on her

-Jackie telling Draya that Draya is the one who needs to apologize to Megan for Megan getting spit on

-Jackie admitting she hears voices telling her to do things and Draya warning her that the voices aren't allowed to testify in court

-Jackie also telling Draya that their friendship is done, but then ending the conversation with, "but, we still cool right?"

-Jackie's "diamond" falling out of her ring onto the floor after she had a diatribe about all the houses and rolexes she owns

-Jackie saying Megan threw "a bloody kotex" at her

-Jackie telling Brandi that she can take her shopping and buy her whatever she wants, then following it up with something along the lines of, "then we'll be friends"

I have a feeling that Doug keeps pushing Jackie towards the group, because if she's hanging out with them and unleashing her crazy on them, the he gets more quiet, sane, alone time for himself. She clearly has no friends, besides that awful Sunday, so she must spend all her time at home making his life hell. At least the BBW ladies get paid to be around Jackie, so as long as they're still getting their checks, they'll keep having her come around.

And Jackie, the reason Shaunie was oh so concerned about you leaving is because she's the executive producer of the show and he knows with you gone, there would be no interesting footage to shoot. As clearly evidenced by them choosing to scratch the rest of the Santa Barbara trip.

  • Love 4

Shaunie Oneal = Karlie Redd = same role


I still don't care for Meghan but I was rooting for her to beat Jackie ass! Spitting is so disgusting.


I was just talking to my coworker and I told her that they about to do their scheduled mid season turn on Draya. Malaysia and Brandi want to act so offended that Draya called Angel her real friend, but every season half way through they turn on her. I see them plotting now to recruit Angel to turn on her too. This is how this shit goes EVERY season. This is why I always find myself rooting for her. She doesn't feel empathy for them because they aren't loyal.


I just realized Patrice stuck around not only after 1 but 2 outside kids (unfortunately that precious baby girl was murdered with her mom) with the same woman…LAWD…sorry but I never want to love a person that much.


Jackie is a bonafide nut case!!! We knew she was off but this season I really think she has an undiagnosed mental problem and needs to be evaluated. Like its sad.

  • Love 7

You know with all this tough talking bullshit that comes out of Jackie's ugly ass mouth, she's scared & can't fight.

Sure she's all throwing punches & slapping only when the security guys are on scene "holding" her back


Shaunie Oneal = Karlie Redd = same role


I still don't care for Meghan but I was rooting for her to beat Jackie ass! Spitting is so disgusting.


I was just talking to my coworker and I told her that they about to do their scheduled mid season turn on Draya. Malaysia and Brandi want to act so offended that Draya called Angel her real friend, but every season half way through they turn on her. I see them plotting now to recruit Angel to turn on her too. This is how this shit goes EVERY season. This is why I always find myself rooting for her. She doesn't feel empathy for them because they aren't loyal.


I just realized Patrice stuck around not only after 1 but 2 outside kids (unfortunately that precious baby girl was murdered with her mom) with the same woman…LAWD…sorry but I never want to love a person that much.


Jackie is a bonafide nut case!!! We knew she was off but this season I really think she has an undiagnosed mental problem and needs to be evaluated. Like its sad.

And yes, I can't help it but I like Draya

  • Love 5

Oh yeah, the show is definitely plotting Draya's downfall. They even went as far as dragging in classless Evelyn and Tami to get their digs in too, while Shaunie perpetrates as the "voice of fairness". And you can see the set-up of Angel taking her place last night too. It makes me think the rumors of Draya finally leaving this mess are true. If so, good for her. She's been my favorite since season one, when the girls tried to drag her at every opportunity, and she deserves better than this.

  • Love 6
Malaysia and Brandi want to act so offended that Draya called Angel her real friend, but every season half way through they turn on her.



Say what now?  When have they turned on her in the past?  

Malaysia and Brandi want to act so offended that Draya called Angel her real friend, but every season half way through they turn on her.



Say what now?  When have they turned on her in the past?  

Seriously, why does he stay?! I think it's because he knows she would flip the fuck out if he left and either make his life a living hell forever or she would turn Betty Broderick and kill them all.

There has to be a reason he stays, its not for her sparkling personality.

What the hell did she mean when she told Draya that Draya has "been to my house and spoken to my husband". Is it supposed to be a privilege to speak to her husband?


Doug is scared to leave and I can't say I blame him. Jackie would be climbing through his windows and snatching his people up for all times. Look at how she acted when Malaysia went on a pre-authorized What's Wrong With Your Girl? meeting with Doug.


I think Doug has counted the costs and realized it's just... safer to stay put. Let her stay busy with her cognacs and charity events and girls' trips. And while she's occupied outside the home, Doug is truly alive.


Do be have an official medical diagnosis for Jackie yet? The symptoms are delusions and profound dumbness. Is there something like that in the DSM thingy or does she have a whole chapter to herself?


When her "diamond" fell out, I fell out. I've been dead since Sunday. Lawd.

  • Love 4

Doug is scared to leave and I can't say I blame him. Jackie would be climbing through his windows and snatching his people up for all times. Look at how she acted when Malaysia went on a pre-authorized What's Wrong With Your Girl? meeting with Doug.

I think Doug has counted the costs and realized it's just... safer to stay put. Let her stay busy with her cognacs and charity events and girls' trips. And while she's occupied outside the home, Doug is truly alive.

Do be have an official medical diagnosis for Jackie yet? The symptoms are delusions and profound dumbness. Is there something like that in the DSM thingy or does she have a whole chapter to herself?

When her "diamond" fell out, I fell out. I've been dead since Sunday. Lawd.

I'm dying with the "Pre-Authorized what's wrong with your girl meeting"

Jackie is the combo of dumb and certifiable. Dangerous combination. She makes crazy assumptions and I'm here all day for her fuckery.

*ducks* I thought Patrice's husband was kinda cute. Yes, I know he is a cheater. Lol

  • Love 1


Is Doug the father of Jackie's kids? She has 2 daughters right? They must be glowing with pride over their mother.

Jackies daughters are not Doug's. I don't know if they have the same father. I doubt it though cause I'm pretty sure that Jackie was married four times before Doug. Jackie and Doug do have a son together but I don't think that he has been shown on camera.

  • Love 1

Doug and Jackie have a son and a daughter together, Chantel and Doug Jr. She has another daughter Takari that is not Doug's but he helped to raise her. Jackie and Takari do not get along.

As crazy as I believe that Jackie is, I don't believe that she acts that way around Doug. You can tell by the way that she was hesitant to tell him about the spitting incident on Meghan. Also, considering that he has threatened to leave her in the past, she knows to pull back the crazy with Doug. From what I hear from a friend who grew up with Doug in Seattle and is still close to him, Doug was very close to his mother. Maybe he has some 'Mommy issues', which could partially explain his connection to Jackie. Or, maybe because they are both from Seattle, he feels comfortable around her. Whatever the reason, they've been together a long time, so there must be love. I don't believe that she is holding anything over him since he probably doesn't see that constant crazy side that we see on TV. Jackie definitely has some mental illness. At least I hope so, because that is the only logical explanation for her behavior. She's just too old to be so needy and insecure. But she is entertaining in that 'can't look away from a wreck' kind of way.

Draya continues to be my favorite. I love her no nonsense way of dealing with these ladies. She's going to tell you exactly how she feels about you, whether you like it or not.

  • Love 3

I'd missed the first 20 minutes of last week so I missed the "fight" between Jackie and Meghan(?). I just watched it and I had to pause the damn TV because I was laughing so hard. Jackie looked terrified and was stepping back when Meghan came after her but as soon as security got between them, she became a tough fucking bitch.

It was so damn funny. She was scared to death. I hate violence but I would love to see Jackie in a one on one fight with anybody, I bet she's like the old Mad TV character Fighting Ron.

Jackie is so pathetic, she makes me ill.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

OK, so they finally went after Draya LOL


It's still weird to me that Brandi and  Mehgan were about to go to blows and now they're walking in the park complaining about how crazy Jackie is...and why did Mehgan need Brandi to tell her that she needed to fuck Jackie up?  There is a lot of editing going on... the audience is confused!! LOL.


When I'm near my 50s like Jackie, I won't be desperate to be friends with 20 & 30 year-old women who clearly don't like me and laugh at me while I try to dress like them and sing Rich Homie Quan or whoever will be hot by then. Jackie doesn't have to clown herself the way she does, and I think that's the big reason why we bring up her age. She does way too much.

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Man, I have to go with Draya on the dodge ball.  If we're coworkers, and I know that most of you don't really like me, there's no way in hell I would agree to play a violent sport like dodge ball with you.  Kickball, softball, volleyball.....maybe.  Dodge ball....nope; that's reserved for people who are actually friends.  And then here's Meghan saying that it's a way to get out their aggression in a "friendly" way through one side of her mouth, and through the other side saying she's using it to get back at Jackie.  I was surprised that Draya was standing out in the parking lot waiting for someone to check on her.  Even her little friend with the awful hair took her sweet ass time to come out there.  Guess she's a little thirsty to be in the group.  Meghan obviously wasn't trying too hard to make things right with Draya if she took the time to invite everyone else but had Malaysia invite Draya. 


And how badly does Meghan want to be Draya?  Draya isn't threatened by you, she just doesn't like you.


It's still weird to me that Brandi and  Mehgan were about to go to blows and now they're walking in the park complaining about how crazy Jackie is...and why did Mehgan need Brandi to tell her that she needed to fuck Jackie up?  There is a lot of editing going on... the audience is confused!! LOL.

Until you said this, I had completely forgotten that it was Brandi and Meghan who had actually gotten into a fight first last week!  I'm still amused at Brandi and Malaysia now falling all over themselves (to follow producer instructions) to be friends with Meghan. 

  • Love 5


And how badly does Meghan want to be Draya?  Draya isn't threatened by you, she just doesn't like you.


Until you said this, I had completely forgotten that it was Brandi and Meghan who had actually gotten into a fight first last week!  I'm still amused at Brandi and Malaysia now falling all over themselves (to follow producer instructions) to be friends with Meghan.

Shaunie is a producer, yes? She seems to be saying negative things about Draya every chance she gets to other people and her THs. Apparently, to me, they are trying to diminish Draya's popularity on this show. They are coming for you Draya.

  • Love 4



When Brandi an 'nem were talking about Jackie's ill-fitting bra in the store, - saying "we can see your tissue" - and then Jackie PULLED UP HER SHIRT ON CAMERA, and said "I 'aint got no tissue in here, maybe only when I'm sweaty" - and they said, "NO, your BREAST TISSUE" - and Jackie's reply was "Oh..."  



  • Love 5

They might be coming for Draya but she makes it easy for them to come for her. Who doesn't call a friend going through a divorce? I do not like Malaysia at all, but she wasn't lying when she said Draya would only worry about blod getting on her if someone was bleeding. And she completely lost me when she walked out of Dodge ball amd waited for someone to come get her. Girl please, drama queen much?

I'm now just watching for Jackie's crazy ass.

  • Love 4

Draya is annoying.  I sometimes feel behind with these shows because I just started watching this season, but I'm so lost as to why Draya would be anybody's fave.

It's a tv show, you're actually going to have to be around people you don't like. Producers like it that way.  Meghan does do too much sometimes, but she was perfectly normal at dodgeball.

That flouncing out but then standing at the car until someone comes to get you? Bitch shit. You don't wanna go, don't go. You don't want to stay, leave.  But waiting in your pigtails and booty shorts til your bestie begs you back?  ALSO, I saw lil Angel stirring up shit, talking about Meghan has a shirt calling you a Thottie, completely leaving out Meghan's Fupa shirt.  She didn't do it well, but I saw the fuckery.

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