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Season 6 First Looks

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Yes Eileen did.  How stupid of Katherine OR she got a little bonus/suggestion to get a fight going to shift the focus off Yo to finish the season with something fresh!  ???   HA!  I would not put it past production/Andy.  Delicious if they don't get stuck in the semantics.  Erika will deny it because the wording is off.  This brightens my day though!  


Do you have a link for the season trailer or a place for me to find it?  



It will be interesting to see who Rinna is talking about being manipulative to Eileen, I don't know if I can see her going at Vanderpump like that. Maybe Erika?


Yeah that wouldn't surprise me, Kathryns whole position on the show seems to be forced confrontation. From the obvious OJ introduction thing now to this, it's a shame because I think if she was introduced organically and earlier in the season she would have made for a great housewife. I wouldn't be surprised if she is dropped for next season unless she really shows out at the reunion.

Edited by nowcheckthat
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It will be interesting to see who Rinna is talking about being manipulative to Eileen, I don't know if I can see her going at Vanderpump like that. Maybe Erika?


Yeah that wouldn't surprise me, Kathryns whole position on the show seems to be forced confrontation. From the obvious OJ introduction thing now to this, it's a shame because I think if she was introduced organically and earlier in the season she would have made for a great housewife. I wouldn't be surprised if she is dropped for next season unless she really shows out at the reunion.



She may have earned herself a spot next season with this recent gem, don't you think?  

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She may have earned herself a spot next season with this recent gem, don't you think?  

Good point, it looks like she may have started a whole new drama. I guess she would make a great producer puppet - with no Brandi this season has really been lacking in drama. I know fans are glad she's gone but we do need someone to stir it up.

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New clip:



Eileen hit the nail on the head with her talking head at the end.


Also, just rewatched the season trailer and it looks like all that is left is Lisa/Kim in the finale as well as Brandi returning and Lisa V vs Eileen. I think the reunion will be filmed soon, Atlanta is taping this week.

Right, like Eileen didn't just do the same thing (squeal) last episode! LOL

  • Love 5

Erika needs to look in the mirror. She is caught in Yolanda's web and everything she said about LVP sounds like it applies to Yolanda.

I agree, this has been a boring and frustrating season so far.  


because everyone panders to boring ass Yolanda who has taken over the show and pitched a fit anything anyone talks or questions anything

  • Love 7

Oh, goodness, Eileen is so full of shit. She's criticizing a cast mate's intelligence for playing runtelldat when she claims (disingenuously imo) that her listening comprehension was so poor that she couldn't help but initially clue in Yolanda about Rinna's Munchausen campaign? I guess Kathryn needs to compulsively invoke "resolution" and "closure" in order to achieve Eileen's soaring sour-faced intellect. Kathryn's communication of what Erika said was both predictable (because anyone except Erika can evidently see that Kathryn's not into her) and no messier than Erika herself stampeding to report what Kyle and Lisa said about Mohammed or Kyle seating Faye and Kathryn across from each other at her cookout.

  • Love 4

Erika needs to look in the mirror. She is caught in Yolanda's web and everything she said about LVP sounds like it applies to Yolanda.


because everyone panders to boring ass Yolanda who has taken over the show and pitched a fit anything anyone talks or questions anything



Yes! clap clap clap.  You are singing my song.  

Edited by wings707
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There have been several times this season where Eileen did some pot stirring but played it off as a dumb blonde moment. That made me start giving her the side eye as did her emotional manipulation (just seemed so jarring and out of the blue) with her domestic violence story. I'm all for supporting victims of domestic violence but when and how she revealed that story seemed suspect/strange/questionable (something felt off). I'm not sure how I feel about Eileen. Sometimes I really like her and other times I have negative opinions/feeling about her.

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You probably wouldn't be able to tell it from my perspective on her this season, but I actually really, really want to like Eileen (have been a fan since I caught her performance in Days of Our Lives and a slasher classic called The House on Sorority Row back in elementary school; I consider her a not insignificant part of my childhood) and was on her fan train for her maiden outing. Now, all I see is calculated performance - something of which all of them women are guilty, but I feel like I can literally discern when she's hitting pre-scripted lines like "how dare you" or "I did!" The dramatic domestic violence revelation has probably undermined her credibility irrevocably for me since she implied in her blog that destiny or God juxtaposed her narrative with Kathryn's arrival. Such mendacity is incredibly insulting to the audience 'cause it wasn't destiny, it was editing and production. Now, since it's been pointed out, I also can't unsee the pucker-mouth that she's usually wearing; it's as if she perennially has one of Yolanda's lemons in her mouth.

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Why does Eileen say "Obviously Lisa [Rinna] said something at the table after Yolanda left that they never got any closure on" especially when Yolanda moments later says "its done, its done, Lisa and I worked it out, we worked through it"


Nice to see Kyle backing up Rinna.


I see Kathryn & Eileen stirring the pot (or doing what the producers want) by asking Kyle what she and LVP are whispering about.


Does Yo flip everyone off in her TH (use her middle finger when saying "first" or something like that)...lol, tell us how you really feel

  • Love 6

I wonder if perhaps the attached interview might give any insights as to how the sides are stacking up for the reunion?  Lisa is saying that she doesn't like it when people talk badly about Kim on the show; that it makes her angry. She seems to be saying now that Kim is very sweet and is trying to get herself together. I wonder if this is a direct swipe at Lisar?


From the article below, her comments about Kim:

"She's so lovely and the problems that she's kind of had, it's been very difficult for her, I would imagine," Vanderpump told us. "But you know what, really, I hate? It's now if I see the show and I see people being negative about her, I hate that."




Edited by motorcitymom65
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Why does Eileen say "Obviously Lisa [Rinna] said something at the table after Yolanda left that they never got any closure on" especially when Yolanda moments later says "its done, its done, Lisa and I worked it out, we worked through it"


Nice to see Kyle backing up Rinna.


I see Kathryn & Eileen stirring the pot (or doing what the producers want) by asking Kyle what she and LVP are whispering about.


Does Yo flip everyone off in her TH (use her middle finger when saying "first" or something like that)...lol, tell us how you really feel

Yolanda gives the middle finger while discussing the others' lack of manners.

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I think Kyle's had it with Yolanda, saw something in the way she was reacting to the table fight. I will look for Kyle to side with LVP and maybe LR (if Kyle can get over her obsession with anyone mentioning her sister) before it's all over. Erika may be on the shitlist also, since she's the one who got the whole thing started.

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I believe Lisa VP has said she is closest with Kathryn at the end of the season, which would help explain her sudden desire to stick up for Kim - since Kathryn has declared that nobody should use negative words to describe addicts. Ever. Because of her dad - this is what Lisa seems to do every other season - find an ally in the new girl when other veterans have gotten tired of her.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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I'm glad that Kyle isn't backing down and is showing Yo's dumb ass that she's doing the same damn thing with the bi-polar comment. 



Yes I like that, too.  


I have little hope that Munchhausen talk will go away.  sigh  I am so sick of it I could scream.  Yo loves to keep it in play though.  She can keep her righteous indignation going to avoid the issue that strikes closer to the bone.  

Edited by wings707
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Have to  go with LVP on this one-asking someone how long and/or how they met another cast mate is pretty benign.  Not be confused with the word affair.  I loved that Erika said she and Yolanda were couple's friends.  Is that Hollywood friend with a side car?

  • Love 7

Have to  go with LVP on this one-asking someone how long and/or how they met another cast mate is pretty benign.  Not be confused with the word affair.  I loved that Erika said she and Yolanda were couple's friends.  Is that Hollywood friend with a side car?


Erika was introduced as Yolanda's friend and goes on and on about being Yo's friend without giving any specifics. I would be curious about how long they have been friends and how they met. Perfectly normal and rational questions....no hidden agenda. I don't get Erika's paranoia, especially about that. Now I wonder if there is something fishy going on. Who freaks out over normal routine basic questions? I don't find anything strange about LVP's or Kathryn's question to Erika but I find Erika's OTT reaction super strange (really fishy)

  • Love 7

Erika was introduced as Yolanda's friend and goes on and on about being Yo's friend without giving any specifics. I would be curious about how long they have been friends and how they met. Perfectly normal and rational questions....no hidden agenda. I don't get Erika's paranoia, especially about that. Now I wonder if there is something fishy going on. Who freaks out over normal routine basic questions? I don't find anything strange about LVP's or Kathryn's question to Erika but I find Erika's OTT reaction super strange (really fishy)

It seems fairly evident that they are acquaintances-two steps below Hollywood friends.  My guess is at some point her husband made David's acquaintance hoping to give her music career a push.  If Erika has been performing "all of her life" and the Fosters and Girardis are such good friends-why have they never seen her perform or watch a video?  (Other than David not wanting to puke.)  I noticed Yolanda is also calling Kim her friend  in this week's blog over Kyle and the rest of the women.  If Kim can give a killer fake faint scene I would love to see some imitations of Yolanda.


Erika is small minded and over thinks things.  She is so perfect for Yolanda.  Erika is spent, there is nothing else shocking she can do, so all she has is Yolanda's imaginary friend battles.

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Have to  go with LVP on this one-asking someone how long and/or how they met another cast mate is pretty benign.  Not be confused with the word affair.  I loved that Erika said she and Yolanda were couple's friends.  Is that Hollywood friend with a side car?


I agree it's a benign question in theory. But as Erika (pretty astutely) pointed out, LVP wasn't just innocently asking. There was intent behind the question beyond "let me get to know you."


I don't think it makes LVP a bad person, per se, but I did love that someone was pointing out what everyone's been alluding to all along: That Lisa V. is nothing if not calculated in her questions. Everything she says has a double meaning behind it. She always thinks before she speaks, and it's probably why she's managed to stay one step ahead of most of these chuckleheads, who are generally so reactive they can't hold their nerve to call her out most of the time. 


So in that clip, I don't think Erika was wrong when she said LVP wasn't just asking the question innocently. 

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I think from time to time they try out RH, Dana, Marissa and some don't work. They already had a Yolanda ally in Erika, I swear production looked far and wide to have someone with an OJ connection since it is back in the news.




I agree it's a benign question in theory. But as Erika (pretty astutely) pointed out, LVP wasn't just innocently asking. There was intent behind the question beyond "let me get to know you."


I don't think it makes LVP a bad person, per se, but I did love that someone was pointing out what everyone's been alluding to all along: That Lisa V. is nothing if not calculated in her questions. Everything she says has a double meaning behind it. She always thinks before she speaks, and it's probably why she's managed to stay one step ahead of most of these chuckleheads, who are generally so reactive they can't hold their nerve to call her out most of the time. 


So in that clip, I don't think Erika was wrong when she said LVP wasn't just asking the question innocently. 

I think after watching Erika vigorously defend Yolanda, most everyone wanted to know the history between the two.  I want to ask the burning question-was Erika at the wedding of Yolanda and David? Was Erika at the Hollywood Walk of Fame? Because let's face it if she wasn't then she really wasn't all that tight with the King and Yolanda and since Yolanda has been sick or filming since her honeymoon just when did Erika become such a force in Yolanda's life?

  • Love 6

I wonder if perhaps the attached interview might give any insights as to how the sides are stacking up for the reunion?  Lisa is saying that she doesn't like it when people talk badly about Kim on the show; that it makes her angry. She seems to be saying now that Kim is very sweet and is trying to get herself together. I wonder if this is a direct swipe at Lisar?


From the article below, her comments about Kim:

"She's so lovely and the problems that she's kind of had, it's been very difficult for her, I would imagine," Vanderpump told us. "But you know what, really, I hate? It's now if I see the show and I see people being negative about her, I hate that."





Good point and maybe it is an indirect swipe at Rinna.

But if so then complicated since Rinna is on team Yo and Kim is team Yo (why do all these idiots want to be team IDIOT).... I guess we will have to see how it plays out.

It could be that LVP is just try to be nice or get good PR or something...it does seem strange especially since Kim was mean to LVP in the media not to long ago. Also that 1000% comment in the article almost seemed tongue in cheek, kwim

  • Love 2

Ooooh…what do we know about what prompts Erika's husband Tom to tell one of the ladies -- was it Lisa Vandepump or Kathryn -- to get out of their house. We've seen quick teasers in the promos. But I don't really know what I saw…..He stood up and sure looked serious.


Also, a couple of shows ago I LIKED that Lisa and Ken…and Erika and Tom…had dinner together. But Ken looked soooo disengaged. His facial expression the entire time looked like he actually was disgusted to even have to be there, like he had some personally dislike for the Girardis. I remember thinking damn Ken what up with that?

I didn't understand Erika having an issue with both Lisa and Kathryn asking about how long she has known Yolanda until they showed the flashback clips. It was clear, IMO, that LVP really was trying to discredit their friendship. There was an undercurrent of, "Oh, you haven't known her that long and therefore your assessment of her doesn't really count." Kathryn pretty much said as much out loud. This is the problem with LVP - she does implies these things, and she makes cutting comments, but then when she gets called on it, she refuses to own it. Like, how hard would it be to simply say, "You know what, I've known Yolanda for several years now, and I've grown frustrated with some of her stuff, and I do think if you knew her better, you might agree with me," but instead she gets all offended and pretends that there was absolutely no ulterior meaning to the question. I think it is actually savvy that Erika noticed that LVP and Kathryn had the same line of questioning right in a row.


I can't wait to see what is going on with Kyle angrily declaring that she doesn't want LVP lying. I don't think I've ever seen them in such a direct confrontation before. Please please please TV Gods I hope LVP gets caught in a lie this season!

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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When did they stop filming? Because in the clip they have Kathryn saying that maybe Yolanda left David. I thought she left him after filming stopped.  Lisa V said on WWHL she had no idea that they were going to divorce.  Did they film extra scenes after the divorce was announced?

Yolanda and David were NOT living together during filming, they had separated long ago and lived apart. To be honest, I am NOT sure that they were ever a real couple since she joined the show, they never looked like they cared all that much for the other despite Yolanda calling him her "King", "my love" and so on. It always looked forced IMO.

I didn't understand Erika having an issue with both Lisa and Kathryn asking about how long she has known Yolanda until they showed the flashback clips. It was clear, IMO, that LVP really was trying to discredit their friendship. There was an undercurrent of, "Oh, you haven't known her that long and therefore your assessment of her doesn't really count." Kathryn pretty much said as much out loud. This is the problem with LVP - she does implies these things, and she makes cutting comments, but then when she gets called on it, she refuses to own it. Like, how hard would it be to simply say, "You know what, I've known Yolanda for several years now, and I've grown frustrated with some of her stuff, and I do think if you knew her better, you might agree with me," but instead she gets all offended and pretends that there was absolutely no ulterior meaning to the question. I think it is actually savvy that Erika noticed that LVP and Kathryn had the same line of questioning right in a row.


I can't wait to see what is going on with Kyle angrily declaring that she doesn't want LVP lying. I don't think I've ever seen them in such a direct confrontation before. Please please please TV Gods I hope LVP gets caught in a lie this season!

You mean like BOTH Erika AND Eileen using the Hamptons fight as THE reason Erika talks smack about LisaV? Like those 2 didn't get their pea brains together to come up with that excuse BEFORE Erika made the comment to Kathryn? LOL 

  • Love 4

Ooooh…what do we know about what prompts Erika's husband Tom to tell one of the ladies -- was it Lisa Vandepump or Kathryn -- to get out of their house. We've seen quick teasers in the promos. But I don't really know what I saw…..He stood up and sure looked serious.


Also, a couple of shows ago I LIKED that Lisa and Ken…and Erika and Tom…had dinner together. But Ken looked soooo disengaged. His facial expression the entire time looked like he actually was disgusted to even have to be there, like he had some personally dislike for the Girardis. I remember thinking damn Ken what up with that?


I think that Ken is over all of it (honestly, I think that LisaV is too for the most part). I think when Brandi turned on LisaV and Yolanda accused Ken of assaulting her (which Brandi backed her up on), Ken felt like a foolish old man for even trying to engage on the show. If we also factor in his age and medical issues, he would probably rather just sit back and enjoy his life with Lisa without all of the crap that RH brings.  Also, we haven't seen him interact with the RH husbands that he actually knows very much anymore. Mauricio isn't at as many of the filmed events (that we see), he doesn't seem to know Vince or Harry all that well. David has been completely MIA except for "supporting" Yolanda (not that it would matter since David rarely if ever interacted with the husbands anyway). There was the interaction with Donnie, but what would Ken have in common with him? 


In short, I think he got burned, took a step back, and doesn't have his "homies" like Paul and Mauricio to pal around with anymore. So he has checked out of filming and just shows up to support Lisa.

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When did they stop filming? Because in the clip they have Kathryn saying that maybe Yolanda left David. I thought she left him after filming stopped.  Lisa V said on WWHL she had no idea that they were going to divorce.  Did they film extra scenes after the divorce was announced?

I am thinking they moved out late 2014 early 2015, with some filming rights.  David spoke of the commute killing him and Yolanda was holed up in David's condo in April of 2015.  I believe they cohabitated and David spent significant time "away" from home or stayed in a hotel in town.  There were real estate items about David and Yolanda renting the Malibu after last year's Reunion.   

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This is the problem with LVP - she does implies these things, and she makes cutting comments, but then when she gets called on it, she refuses to own it. Like, how hard would it be to simply say, "You know what, I've known Yolanda for several years now, and I've grown frustrated with some of her stuff, and I do think if you knew her better, you might agree with me," but instead she gets all offended and pretends that there was absolutely no ulterior meaning to the question. I think it is actually savvy that Erika noticed that LVP and Kathryn had the same line of questioning right in a row.


To LVP's credit (and I don't give her much credit apart from making for good TV, since I generally find that the Emperor has no clothes in her case), I think she refuses to own it because the "I don't know what you're talking about, dahling" tactic has actually worked out pretty darn well for her all these seasons.


I can't say I blame her for not changing her operating system when scant few thus far have been able to pin her down. She's pretty deft at giving the other person just enough rope to hang themselves without incriminating herself, so I don't see sincerity or empathy suddenly becoming a big part of her M.O.


selhars- I'm pretty sure Tom was talking to LVP in the "you have to leave" dinner scene. At first it looked like he was talking to Kathryn due to the funky editing and quick cuts. But when Tom is actually standing up and saying it, he seems to be pointing at a brunette seated next to Ken, so I think he's talking to Lisa. But it wouldn't be the first time the editors have duped us.

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According to Erika, she tells Kathryn she doesn't  really have female friends but yet she and Yolanda are friends.  Makes no sense.  I don't believe Lisa and Kathryn plotted anything together about asking Erika how long she and Yo have been friends.  Kathryn and Lisa really don't know each other enough to come up with that.  I do think that Lisa was trying to make Erika uncomfortable because she pretty much knew that Yo and Erika just knew each other socially through their husbands.  On the other hand, Kathryn's question could have been innocent but maybe she suspected it wasn't much of a 'friendship' as well.


IMO, Yo and Erika never had a friendship.  Erika wasn't even a Hollywood friend but they needed each other for the show.  It's a 'convenient friendship'.

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