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Season 6 First Looks

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Here it is. . . no throat lunging-just hand slapping and grabbing.  .http://www.hulu.com/watch/209067

It's pains me every time I watch this video.  Not for Kim, but for Kyle.  Kyle is the one who has suffered the fallout for Kim's alcoholism.  For years.  And no, Kyle obviously did not lunge, go for, or approach Kim's throat.  Finger point?  Maybe.  Get into her face?  Maybe, but she has every right for what Kim has put Kyle,  her husband and her family through.  Yes, alcoholism is a disease but you are still responsible for your actions.  


Is Kim's alcoholism a storyline for Kyle?  Certainly not the main one and IMO, one that Kyle does not choose.  I think she'd be more than happy for that one to go away or never existed.

  • Love 11

Oh here is Yolanda-who has finally deciphered the word Munchausen.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/episode-12/videos/the-old-yolanda-is-coming-back  So she needs to berate Lisar again.


WoeYo has the nerve to say "after all the things you've put out into the universe" to anyone?  After the steaming pile of dogshit she has laid on everyone's front lawn AND Universe?  I can't.

  • Love 8

WoeYo has the nerve to say "after all the things you've put out into the universe" to anyone?  After the steaming pile of dogshit she has laid on everyone's front lawn AND Universe?  I can't.

Universe (and more precisely put out in the universe) is her new word-she used it last week when she waltzed out of the restaurant to LVP and Kyle.  All I wanted to say is your nurse is a hooker.

  • Love 9

There is more about the frigging Munchausen's, that Yolanda is over and then she is not over.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/episode-13/videos/things-are-uncomfortable  And of course Yolanda dictating who can talk to who at the table and the subject matter.  It seems to be the luncheon where Yolanda threatens to go to the vault and Kyle checks her.

  • Love 3

There is more about the frigging Munchausen's, that Yolanda is over and then she is not over. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/episode-13/videos/things-are-uncomfortable And of course Yolanda dictating who can talk to who at the table and the subject matter. It seems to be the luncheon where Yolanda threatens to go to the vault and Kyle checks her.

I can't wait till Kyle checks Yo.

How the hell does Yo have dirt in her vault about anyone? She has had no brain function and is completely above the petty stuff these women argu about? And, didn't she just tell Kyle in this episode, in the limo on the way over to Erika's, that she (Yo) is all about integrity? To threaten to reveal someone's dark secrets seems low and nasty.

  • Love 10

I can't wait till Kyle checks Yo.

How the hell does Yo have dirt in her vault about anyone? She has had no brain function and is completely above the petty stuff these women argu about? And, didn't she just tell Kyle in this episode, in the limo on the way over to Erika's, that she (Yo) is all about integrity? To threaten to reveal someone's dark secrets seems low and nasty.

Kim to Brandi to Yo.  The only thing that makes sense.  I also think Yo would like to see LVP and Kyle at odds-she likes it that way.  Yo is not racking up friends like she use to. 

  • Love 7

I can't wait till Kyle checks Yo.

How the hell does Yo have dirt in her vault about anyone? She has had no brain function and is completely above the petty stuff these women argu about? And, didn't she just tell Kyle in this episode, in the limo on the way over to Erika's, that she (Yo) is all about integrity? To threaten to reveal someone's dark secrets seems low and nasty.

Yolanda did say that she talks to both Brandi AND Kim on WWHL, so there are her "sources" for that "vault" of hers. She should have thrown the trash out because she now reeks like the garbage she hangs with IMO.

  • Love 9

Yolanda sent a Tweet to Kathryn applauding her for sharing the story of her dad's mental health struggles and managed to make it all about herself by conflating addiction and da Lyme as "invisible diseases." I'm pretty sure that Kathryn ends the season as Lisa's (maybe her only solid?) ally. I see it happening like this: Erika (stupidly, because a blind man can see that Kathryn's not feeling her) tries to marshal Kathryn onto Team Yo this upcoming episode during the rendez-vous highlighted in the preview. Kathryn doesn't bite and lets Lisa know what's up, leading to a blowup at the Girardi's (the pre-season trailer showcased Kathryn yelling "don't get caught in her web," so I'm assuming she's actually recapping Erika's thesis about LVP) and her ejection from the property. Now, Yo's trying to ensure a pile-on against Lisa at the reunion. Per the other extended previews that aired after the most recent First Look, I think Rinna might actually have concluded filming as an opponent of Lisa in some capacity but will obviously be going full-on scorched earth at Yo come sofa time.

  • Love 4

Yolanda sent a Tweet to Kathryn applauding her for sharing the story of her dad's mental health struggles and managed to make it all about herself by conflating addiction and da Lyme as "invisible diseases." I'm pretty sure that Kathryn ends the season as Lisa's (maybe her only solid?) ally. I see it happening like this: Erika (stupidly, because a blind man can see that Kathryn's not feeling her) tries to marshal Kathryn onto Team Yo this upcoming episode during the rendez-vous highlighted in the preview. Kathryn doesn't bite and lets Lisa know what's up, leading to a blowup at the Girardi's (the pre-season trailer showcased Kathryn yelling "don't get caught in her web," so I'm assuming she's actually recapping Erika's thesis about LVP) and her ejection from the property. Now, Yo's trying to ensure a pile-on against Lisa at the reunion. Per the other extended previews that aired after the most recent First Look, I think Rinna might actually have concluded filming as an opponent of Lisa in some capacity but will obviously be going full-on scorched earth at Yo come sofa time.

I agree, I do think Yolanda is gunning for LisaV, once again and will go hard at her during the reunion.  It will be interesting to see if Kyle finally has LisaV's back or if she caves to possible negative viewer feedback because Yolanda is "ill". I don't see LisaR going for Yolanda though, at best, IMO, she will stay as neutral as possible or at the worst, even defend Yolanda and side with her, again out of fear of viewer backlash. IMO, this group of HWs are more worried about what the "viewers" think than any of the other HW shows. I hope I am proven wrong though and they all call Yolanda out on her ever changing/shifting stories and her BS excuses/lies.

  • Love 4

Yolanda sent a Tweet to Kathryn applauding her for sharing the story of her dad's mental health struggles and managed to make it all about herself by conflating addiction and da Lyme as "invisible diseases." I'm pretty sure that Kathryn ends the season as Lisa's (maybe her only solid?) ally. I see it happening like this: Erika (stupidly, because a blind man can see that Kathryn's not feeling her) tries to marshal Kathryn onto Team Yo this upcoming episode during the rendez-vous highlighted in the preview. Kathryn doesn't bite and lets Lisa know what's up, leading to a blowup at the Girardi's (the pre-season trailer showcased Kathryn yelling "don't get caught in her web," so I'm assuming she's actually recapping Erika's thesis about LVP) and her ejection from the property. Now, Yo's trying to ensure a pile-on against Lisa at the reunion. Per the other extended previews that aired after the most recent First Look, I think Rinna might actually have concluded filming as an opponent of Lisa in some capacity but will obviously be going full-on scorched earth at Yo come sofa time.

I think Yolanda ought to start thinking about the myriad of mental illnesses that are invisible diseases.  I think just about everyone has a story about a friend or co-worker who committed suicide and they will say they never knew they were depressed.  That I could say she is bi-polar, is just such a slap.  In the first place bi-polar is a chemical imbalance, and Yolanda has set mental health back about 50 years using a specific mental health diagnosis as a slur.   She also downplayed Kyle's depression and fibromyalgia, because it could never be as bad as Yolanda's self-diagnosed incurable Lyme Disease.  Sure it wasn't nice to bring up Munchausen and attach Yolanda's name to it but hey in the words of Jennifer, Brandi's friend-"if you spot it you've got it."   I think Yolanda, who can't give a coherent statement as to why her alleged incurable Lyme Disease is riddled with contradictions, and self-serving, self important statements, may want to spend sometime away from her assisted selfies (yet another contradiction) and read up on Munchausen. 


As far as teams, Erika seems to be cool with Kyle, Eileen is cool with Rinna, I think LVP is just plain cool.  Sorry but even with Tom Girardi trying to insult her -she held her ground.  Over the years LVP, Kyle have taken hits from Yolanda and I think they are very cognizant of getting caught in the web she spins.  Kathryn may have her own issues but I really don't see how Lyme and addiction are in any way related.  There is a cure for addiction-stop using.  I know technically it is not a cure but it does quash the under the influence behavior and negative effects on the body.


I remember when Yolanda was writing just in your face blogs, riddled with half truths and lies-she wrote that David told her perhaps she should pull back a little.  Something tells me the guy just got fed up with having to feed the ego beast. 

  • Love 6

I agree, I do think Yolanda is gunning for LisaV, once again and will go hard at her during the reunion.  It will be interesting to see if Kyle finally has LisaV's back or if she caves to possible negative viewer feedback because Yolanda is "ill". I don't see LisaR going for Yolanda though, at best, IMO, she will stay as neutral as possible or at the worst, even defend Yolanda and side with her, again out of fear of viewer backlash. IMO, this group of HWs are more worried about what the "viewers" think than any of the other HW shows. I hope I am proven wrong though and they all call Yolanda out on her ever changing/shifting stories and her BS excuses/lies.


I agree with your sentiments. Although, I think that LisaR is going to stick with Eileen more than anyone else at the reunion. Eileen has been supportive of Yolanda because of Eileen's sister's prolonged illness. Then, there is the loss of her Father-in-law, and the real time recent death of her brother. Eileen has seen illness and death way too much in a short period of time to question someone she believes is ill. But, I do like the way Eileen called Yo out in her blog re: Brandi calling Bella an alcoholic vs. the women discussing the Non-Gigi's also being as ill as Yolanda. 


My hope is that Eileen will keep this course of action at the reunion and Rinna will follow her lead until or unless her impulsiveness takes over. 

  • Love 5

The biggest asset Vanderpump has in any battle against YoYo is YoYo herself.  I'm kind of hoping this attempt to threaten and browbeat the others is a tipping of her hand in regards to the narrative YoYo clearly wants to write.   Kyle oddly seems to be the one that truly realizes that YoYo has to be right in a situation and that someone else has to be wrong.  Morally, culturally intellectually wrong.  YoYo only feels good if she feels she is better than someone else and in a way that she can demonstrate.  The angrier and more self-righteous YoYo gets the more she opens up and reveals the type of person she is. 


This strident and pushing YoYo post implant removal makes me wonder if this is when she starts weighing the pros and cons of how long to 'foster' the for tv Foster marriage.  I wonder how long it would have continued.  If she clearly had not figured with the show no longer filming all she had was social media and attachment to her now more famous daughter and the other one that wants to be to continue to craft that narrative.  Knowing she might see the end of filming in the voice and tone we see hints of coming up.  I wonder if she goes too far in her attacks and knows she needed an extra layer of victimhood that a divorce while 'ill' could provide.  And one aspect of how she brings the children in, might be because she already knew she was on shaky grounds.  That people where starting to put things together even without her silly demands making them stop and wonder why they were really putting up with her shit.  The kids are sort of emotional human shields.  If anyone pushes back she can gasp and say how could anyone attack her children like that?


I'm hoping we see YoYo shoot herself in the foot this coming week.  I hope we see her reveal her hand too soon and give these women time to approach the reunion properly.  Even with the coddling by Cohen they did manage to marginalize Brandi and force her to define herself.  Add in the fact that since filming they have had the opportunity to watch the OC fallout in terms of Crooks.  They can see how people put things together in general as well as specifically to his case and to YoYo's. 


And MoMo hanging Vanderpump out to dry as he did might make her cautious in the public eye for now.  But it also might show her she actually has nothing to lose to come at YoYo with everything she has and make sure the final narrative of the show is hers and not lemon scented.

  • Love 7

If they are worried about fan backlash then how do they determine what the fans want? This site, IMBd message boards, DigitalSpy Message boards (UK message boards so not much traffic for this show) and all the comments at the ends of the various articles seem to be more anti-Yo than Pro-Yo. I don't think twitter followers is an accurate measure and I'm not sure how to measure tweets. I avoid Facebook and don't want to look there. So based on the boards I have looked at and the comments at the bottom of on-line articles, it seems like anyone who goes against Yo wouldn't have a problem. I really wish someone on LVP, Rinna, Kyle and Eileen's team/payroll/PR would look into this. I know 77 or so pages is a lot but the comments on Yo's thread here give a lot of great information that should help prepare for a reunion. Heck, Rinna could pay one of her teens to put together a copy/paste summary of the useful info on Yo's thread here and disseminate it to the other HWs.


I really can't stand Yo. I'd actually consider taking Kim back over Yo....and I can't stand Kim. The only good thing is that bg is still gone.

  • Love 7

If they are worried about fan backlash then how do they determine what the fans want? This site, IMBd message boards, DigitalSpy Message boards (UK message boards so not much traffic for this show) and all the comments at the ends of the various articles seem to be more anti-Yo than Pro-Yo. I don't think twitter followers is an accurate measure and I'm not sure how to measure tweets. I avoid Facebook and don't want to look there. So based on the boards I have looked at and the comments at the bottom of on-line articles, it seems like anyone who goes against Yo wouldn't have a problem. I really wish someone on LVP, Rinna, Kyle and Eileen's team/payroll/PR would look into this. I know 77 or so pages is a lot but the comments on Yo's thread here give a lot of great information that should help prepare for a reunion. Heck, Rinna could pay one of her teens to put together a copy/paste summary of the useful info on Yo's thread here and disseminate it to the other HWs.


I really can't stand Yo. I'd actually consider taking Kim back over Yo....and I can't stand Kim. The only good thing is that bg is still gone.

I read the Bravo Facebook comments about her appearance on WWHL.  Had to look very hard for positive ones.

  • Love 2

It would seem as if Kyle and Yo are good near the end of the season. Yo attended that Lyme function in NY in October, and only Kyle, Kathryn, and Erika went along. I'm sure there will be lots of talk from Yo about those that didn't attend to "support" her.

Eileen always pulls the work card.  She and Lisar are obviously not on good terms.  It doesn't matter with Kyle and Yolanda-Yolanda always finds a way to slam Kyle.  She will woo Kyle with anti LVP comments and then kick her to the curb if she doesn't follow Yolanda's script.  Oh I mean, open the vault.

  • Love 2

IMO, all of the HWs keep track of viewer feedback, either themselves personally or their PR teams, on various MB sites like this, the BH FB page, blog comment sections and social media like Twitter/Instagram. I suspect that THE reason that Yolanda didn't use her/David's separation as her main storyline was to bolster the pity factor/sympathy/victim to go against LisaV AND Kyle near the end of the season. IMO, this was planned before filming began and she is banking on Erika getting Eileen and LisaR in line WITH her and if she can, she will try to get Kyle to side with her and go at her next season and I don't think LisaV will return next season IF Yolanda is successful in recruiting Eileen, LisaR AND Kyle to her side, I don't think LisaV will put up with another pile on again. JMO

  • Love 4

IMO, all of the HWs keep track of viewer feedback, either themselves personally or their PR teams, on various MB sites like this, the BH FB page, blog comment sections and social media like Twitter/Instagram. I suspect that THE reason that Yolanda didn't use her/David's separation as her main storyline was to bolster the pity factor/sympathy/victim to go against LisaV AND Kyle near the end of the season. IMO, this was planned before filming began and she is banking on Erika getting Eileen and LisaR in line WITH her and if she can, she will try to get Kyle to side with her and go at her next season and I don't think LisaV will return next season IF Yolanda is successful in recruiting Eileen, LisaR AND Kyle to her side, I don't think LisaV will put up with another pile on again. JMO


I am HOPING Kyle is playing double agent for LVP against Yo. I don't see how Kyle can stand Yo. She knows that Yo is horrible. Plus LVP & Kyle can't stand Yo's good friend bg so I think that mutual enemy will keep LVP & Kyle together (I hope). I hope Kyle keeps her head down yet supports anyone who stands up to Yo (fingers crossed). I've supported Kyle since day one season 1 but if she goes to Yo's side (regardless of the reason....I can see some f*cked up reason revolving around Kim) then I can't support her....at least not in that and it will tarnish my views on her. Please Kyle, stay strong and don't get fooled by Yolyme.

  • Love 7

I think Kyle tends to lack some critical thinking when she lets her emotions get involved.  And she has an almost childish need to be liked.  Brandi and YoYo both used that in some way or another.  Brandi actually blew because she couldn't resist getting jabs in at Kyle that were obvious and unprovoked at the same time Brandi was claiming to want to mend fences.


With YoYo it is different.  I think the yachting trip in Mallorca saw a bond develop that Kyle enjoyed and appreciated.  Especially after YoYo had shown up on the show and instantly found Kyle wanting for no real reason.  I suspect YoYo might have been doing more to promote Brandi's hostility to Kyle than Vanderpump was but blamed for (I don't think Vanderpump was completely clean -- I think she also dropped hints to the direction she want things to go but did so in a way that wasn't overt or out in the open in a way that could be called on in a factual manner).  But YoYo seemed gracious and actually seemed pleasant with Kyle.  And it will take YoYo to change that completely.  Kyle, I suspect, will not do so simply from seeing YoYo and Vanderpump have a back and forth.  I think Kyle will have to see YoYo peel the lemon skin back and show the bitter fruit that lies beneath in a way that shows meanness and not just attention grabbing.  But I think YoYo not just has it in her to do so, but an inability to not do so given enough time and chance.


Rinna think is more likely to try to play the YoYo and Vanderpump against each other.  I think she will shift back and forth to make sure each takes as much damage as possible and leaves her as unscathed as possible.  I think she will only take sides with YoYo so far as to lessen any stain on her own reputation simply by putting a bigger one on Vanderpump.  But I also don't see her fully adhering to YoYo.  She does not want a morally superior and righteous Yo dictating the tone of the show in any season to come.   I think Rinna is actually crafty enough to realize that she wants to be the first among equals on the show but knows a 'queen bee' status is not something she could keep very long and the fall can be final as the likes of Jill Zarin can speak.  My guess is that she and Eileen will pay both or any sides back for whatever past indignities they feel they have suffered but do so from the sides in a way so not to be in the direct line of fire and hope the two big guns take each other out.****


Erika will be on YoYo's side but could be the most interesting to watch.  Remember how carefully Brandi was protected on the reunion by Cohen? How she was given a greater voice and was allowed to shift the topic to keep away from having to face any recrimination too fully?   And remember how it seemed she was being nurtured as the self-proclaimed bringer of drama?   And still got heaved from the show?  Erika may have taken note of that already.  I think she will watch things like a hawk, including what we won't see.  YoYo might be too much to bring back no matter how much the idea is she brings controversy and ratings.  Brandi isolated herself to YoYo and Kim and that proved fatal.  YoYo has Erika a new girl who probably will not want to see a return to a new season and find the rest don't want to film with her and YoYo is still busy being ill and yet so deeply wise for the cameras. 


Kathryn might be smart enough to get a few digs in but mainly sit back and let the others draw the blood.  Engage just enough to remain relevant but above the fray.  We'll see. 


My biggest prediction for the reunion?  YoYo comes with not-Gigis one or both in hand and uses them as her trump card.  I can definitely see Bella thinking to score mommy points by showing up and dragging her chin on the ground in her best maudlin imitation of tragic beauty and say how hard the struggle has been.



****ETA: I do think Rinna will try to have at least one huge melodramatic moment so she is one of the "coming up" hooks.  She has to have at least one grandstanding moment no matter what her overall agenda might be.

Edited by tenativelyyours
  • Love 5

I am HOPING Kyle is playing double agent for LVP against Yo. I don't see how Kyle can stand Yo. She knows that Yo is horrible. Plus LVP & Kyle can't stand Yo's good friend bg so I think that mutual enemy will keep LVP & Kyle together (I hope). I hope Kyle keeps her head down yet supports anyone who stands up to Yo (fingers crossed). I've supported Kyle since day one season 1 but if she goes to Yo's side (regardless of the reason....I can see some f*cked up reason revolving around Kim) then I can't support her....at least not in that and it will tarnish my views on her. Please Kyle, stay strong and don't get fooled by Yolyme.

I think Kyle speaks her mind to Yolanda.  Yolanda just shuts Kyle down for speaking about her and not having just Lyme Disease.  Kyle's problem is that she kind of prides herself in getting along.  Even with Witchy-poo, Kyle said she had moved on.  I am thinking this year the Reunion will have SURPRISE guest in Kim.  Kim will want to get a lot of Monty sympathy.  Just my opinion-I think all of the ladies from previous seasons, have probably discussed off camera the "inconsistencies" and probably will not rat each other out.   Last year Kyle took time to remind Yolanda she had never been hurt by Brandi and when she was she gave Brandi a pass.  Next thing you know-an empty seat.

  • Love 4

I think Kyle speaks her mind to Yolanda.  Yolanda just shuts Kyle down for speaking about her and not having just Lyme Disease.  Kyle's problem is that she kind of prides herself in getting along.  Even with Witchy-poo, Kyle said she had moved on.  I am thinking this year the Reunion will have SURPRISE guest in Kim.  Kim will want to get a lot of Monty sympathy.  Just my opinion-I think all of the ladies from previous seasons, have probably discussed off camera the "inconsistencies" and probably will not rat each other out.   Last year Kyle took time to remind Yolanda she had never been hurt by Brandi and when she was she gave Brandi a pass.  Next thing you know-an empty seat.

I think this is true - Kyle does speak her mind to Yo. I don't think she lets her walk all over her. At the same time, Kyle's biggest fault is that she wants to be liked by people. I also think that she likes Yo and that they have created some type of a bond. I always remember that it was Kyle who was the most welcoming to Yo when she first joined the show. They bonded more quickly than anyone else; the Brandi bond didn't come until midway through the season. I think that Kyle was very hurt by the way that Yo turned against her at the S3 reunion, suddenly seeming to hate Kyle as she jumped in with the "we get hearts on our placecards" group that already listed Lisa V and Brandi as their members. It took them a while to get past that. Kyle stayed mad at Yo for the first several episodes of S4 because Yo called her a liar at the reunion. After that, however, they have been good. 


I also think that Kyle feels things very deeply, and that she is at her core a nurturing person. I remember when Brandi (back when she didn't hate her) said that even though they didn't always get along, Kyle would babysit her boys on occasion. She also said that it was Kyle and her entire family that showed up first to help look for her missing dog - an event that happened without cameras (later they were shown looking on camera). I've said before that a producer I met a couple of years ago said that the tampon deal with Brandi was a turning point for the entire cast, even though they didn't address it on the show. She said that some people (she wouldn't name names) pulled away from Brandi immediately, while others that she hadn't been as close to became somewhat protective of her because they were actually worried about her state of mind after the incident. I will assume that the person that moved closer to her was Kyle, and we did see Kyle give her a card in the car right after that event happened. My assumption is that while she might not like the accusations that Yo is making, she will also feel concern for her and not want her to think she is not being supportive. I would imagine that there was quite a bit of bonding that went on between the two of them on that big boat in the ocean after Yo got the call about Bella. I just think Kyle will be in a conflicted place about the whole thing. 

  • Love 7

I think Kyle speaks her mind to Yolanda.  Yolanda just shuts Kyle down for speaking about her and not having just Lyme Disease.  Kyle's problem is that she kind of prides herself in getting along.  Even with Witchy-poo, Kyle said she had moved on.  I am thinking this year the Reunion will have SURPRISE guest in Kim.  Kim will want to get a lot of Monty sympathy.  Just my opinion-I think all of the ladies from previous seasons, have probably discussed off camera the "inconsistencies" and probably will not rat each other out.   Last year Kyle took time to remind Yolanda she had never been hurt by Brandi and when she was she gave Brandi a pass.  Next thing you know-an empty seat.

If Kim is a surprise guest at the reunion, then I defiantly don't see Kyle going against her and Kim is team Yolanda. I don't think Kyle would give it a second thought turning her back on LisaV if it brought her closer to Kim. Yes, I do think Kim holds THAT much power over Kyle, even now.


I think this is true - Kyle does speak her mind to Yo. I don't think she lets her walk all over her. At the same time, Kyle's biggest fault is that she wants to be liked by people. I also think that she likes Yo and that they have created some type of a bond. I always remember that it was Kyle who was the most welcoming to Yo when she first joined the show. They bonded more quickly than anyone else; the Brandi bond didn't come until midway through the season. I think that Kyle was very hurt by the way that Yo turned against her at the S3 reunion, suddenly seeming to hate Kyle as she jumped in with the "we get hearts on our placecards" group that already listed Lisa V and Brandi as their members. It took them a while to get past that. Kyle stayed mad at Yo for the first several episodes of S4 because Yo called her a liar at the reunion. After that, however, they have been good. 


I also think that Kyle feels things very deeply, and that she is at her core a nurturing person. I remember when Brandi (back when she didn't hate her) said that even though they didn't always get along, Kyle would babysit her boys on occasion. She also said that it was Kyle and her entire family that showed up first to help look for her missing dog - an event that happened without cameras (later they were shown looking on camera). I've said before that a producer I met a couple of years ago said that the tampon deal with Brandi was a turning point for the entire cast, even though they didn't address it on the show. She said that some people (she wouldn't name names) pulled away from Brandi immediately, while others that she hadn't been as close to became somewhat protective of her because they were actually worried about her state of mind after the incident. I will assume that the person that moved closer to her was Kyle, and we did see Kyle give her a card in the car right after that event happened. My assumption is that while she might not like the accusations that Yo is making, she will also feel concern for her and not want her to think she is not being supportive. I would imagine that there was quite a bit of bonding that went on between the two of them on that big boat in the ocean after Yo got the call about Bella. I just think Kyle will be in a conflicted place about the whole thing. 

Kyle would never want to be seen as someone that goes against a "sick/ill" person no matter how that person treated her, including threatening to reveal things kept in that persons "vault", especially after the beating she has gotten concerning Kim/"illness". Add in to that, Yolanda and Kim seem to have grown closer, I suspect that was Brandi's doing, and Kyle will choose making Kim happy over her friendship with LisaV IMO. That doesn't mean I think Kyle will go at LisaV herself, instead I think that she will NOT back Lisa up or defend her and sit quietly without saying more than "That's unfair". Again, I hope I am wrong but...........

  • Love 3

If Kim is a surprise guest at the reunion, then I defiantly don't see Kyle going against her and Kim is team Yolanda. I don't think Kyle would give it a second thought turning her back on LisaV if it brought her closer to Kim. Yes, I do think Kim holds THAT much power over Kyle, even now.


Kyle would never want to be seen as someone that goes against a "sick/ill" person no matter how that person treated her, including threatening to reveal things kept in that persons "vault", especially after the beating she has gotten concerning Kim/"illness". Add in to that, Yolanda and Kim seem to have grown closer, I suspect that was Brandi's doing, and Kyle will choose making Kim happy over her friendship with LisaV IMO. That doesn't mean I think Kyle will go at LisaV herself, instead I think that she will NOT back Lisa up or defend her and sit quietly without saying more than "That's unfair". Again, I hope I am wrong but...........

I am liking the way LVP is coming off in these last few episodes.  I don't know if she needs anyone to defend her.  I think she can wipe the floor with Erika-who has gone out of her way to bait Lisa with her real Queen of the Gays bit.  I think there will be some back and forth between LVP and Kyle over asking questions that get them in hot water with family and friends.  They both are guilty of that behavior this year.

  • Love 4

I am liking the way LVP is coming off in these last few episodes.  I don't know if she needs anyone to defend her.  I think she can wipe the floor with Erika-who has gone out of her way to bait Lisa with her real Queen of the Gays bit.  I think there will be some back and forth between LVP and Kyle over asking questions that get them in hot water with family and friends.  They both are guilty of that behavior this year.

Yes, they have both engaged in it but if it comes down to keeping/making Kim happy, and therefore Kathy, Kyle would turn her back on Lisa in a heartbeat. I also think Kyle fears whatever Yolanda has to spill because she knows Kim is talking to/sharing with not only Brandi at this point but also Yolanda and she knows Yolanda has nothing to fear in revealing it. That doesn't mean that what Yolanda "knows" is true but I also think Yolanda doesn't care if her information is true or not as long as it strikes fear in Kyle. Yolanda knows that she has nothing on Lisa that would bring her in line, that Lisa really doesn't fear her at all, so Kyle is the easier one to intimidate of the 2.


Yes, Lisa could handle Erika or Yolanda or any of them 1 on 1 but it is the pile on by the majority of them all at once that she hates, really hates, she was serious about leaving the show last time it happened to her so if it happened again, IMO she will leave the show. As tough as Lisa comes across, I do believe that she was really hurt when it happened the last time.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

Yes, they have both engaged in it but if it comes down to keeping/making Kim happy, and therefore Kathy, Kyle would turn her back on Lisa in a heartbeat. I also think Kyle fears whatever Yolanda has to spill because she knows Kim is talking to/sharing with not only Brandi at this point but also Yolanda and she knows Yolanda has nothing to fear in revealing it. That doesn't mean that what Yolanda "knows" is true but I also think Yolanda doesn't care if her information is true or not as long as it strikes fear in Kyle. Yolanda knows that she has nothing on Lisa that would bring her in line, that Lisa really doesn't fear her at all, so Kyle is the easier one to intimidate of the 2.


Yes, Lisa could handle Erika or Yolanda or any of them 1 on 1 but it is the pile on by the majority of them all at once that she hates, really hates, she was serious about leaving the show last time it happened to her so if it happened again, IMO she will leave the show. As tough as Lisa comes across, I do believe that she was really hurt when it happened the last time.

WireWrap, I think this is the only thing that you and I don't agree on (and you are probably the one who is right).


I don't think Lisa was hurt at all. I really think this is all business to Lisa. She has a full life, successful businesses, and I think this show is just a way to give her the opportunity to do the things she loves and work on the causes she cares about. I think she was surprised by what happened, mainly that Kyle believed anything that Brandi had to say, but I don't think she was hurt. We know she wasn't serious about leaving, because of the interview she did later where she said she was under contract so she had no choice but to come back. Since that was after lamenting on Twitter for months that she just didn't know if she would come back or not, it was clear she was just doing that to get her fans vocal and loud about how much they loved her. I don't blame her for it at all; she more than anyone else has done the best job of turning this gig into a format that allows her to do the things she really loves, and bring attention to things that matter to her. The reality is, however, Lisa VP is a reality TV personality now. Both she and Ken have said that they leave the day to day running of the restaurants to others. As she said "been there, done that". I think she is smart enough to know that were she to leave the show, she wouldn't be getting magazine covers, be asked to speak at all the events that seek her out, etc. If having all of the other ladies turn on her at once means that she gets the kind of sympathetic fan reaction she did in S4, I think she would be all for it. S4 was the best thing that ever happened to her. 


I have noticed that she is doing the thing she did in S4. She is Tweeting about VP Rules, both before the show and after, but she rarely mentions this show. I just don't really think she cares much about this show or what happens on it, but it gets her where she wants to be. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 1

I think Lisa's tweeting about Vanderpump Rules as opposed to the Housewives has much to do with the fact that Yolanda has effectively hijacked the Housewives. We all know that Lisa has a genuinely full life, but other than the mini ponies, we haven't seen much of Lisa's life this season. I have to admit, I hope she stays on long enough for Pandora to have a kid, b/c that is going to be insane.

What's mind boggling to me is the fact that prior to this season airing, most thought Yolanda would only play a small role this season. And but for the Munchausen storyline, maybe that would've been the case. It doesn't sound like she actually ever spent a significant amount of time with the woman and when she did....well I guess we're seeing how that went for them.

  • Love 7

WireWrap, I think this is the only thing that you and I don't agree on (and you are probably the one who is right).


I don't think Lisa was hurt at all. I really think this is all business to Lisa. She has a full life, successful businesses, and I think this show is just a way to give her the opportunity to do the things she loves and work on the causes she cares about. I think she was surprised by what happened, mainly that Kyle believed anything that Brandi had to say, but I don't think she was hurt. We know she wasn't serious about leaving, because of the interview she did later where she said she was under contract so she had no choice but to come back. Since that was after lamenting on Twitter for months that she just didn't know if she would come back or not, it was clear she was just doing that to get her fans vocal and loud about how much they loved her. I don't blame her for it at all; she more than anyone else has done the best job of turning this gig into a format that allows her to do the things she really loves, and bring attention to things that matter to her. The reality is, however, Lisa VP is a reality TV personality now. Both she and Ken have said that they leave the day to day running of the restaurants to others. As she said "been there, done that". I think she is smart enough to know that were she to leave the show, she wouldn't be getting magazine covers, be asked to speak at all the events that seek her out, etc. If having all of the other ladies turn on her at once means that she gets the kind of sympathetic fan reaction she did in S4, I think she would be all for it. S4 was the best thing that ever happened to her. 


I have noticed that she is doing the thing she did in S4. She is Tweeting about VP Rules, both before the show and after, but she rarely mentions this show. I just don't really think she cares much about this show or what happens on it, but it gets her where she wants to be. 

I do think Kyle hurt her and I think she felt betrayed by Brandi. I don't think she saw any of that coming, at all, and was surprised, as you say but also hurt. As for her threat to leave the show, IMO, she was serious but didn't want risk loosing VPRs if she walked away and she would have, so she came back.


Any HW can leave/quit the show once the season/reunion is over but they can not be on another "reality show" for several years or until the 3 year contract is up and I think that would include her VPR if she left the HW show. This season would be the end of a 3 year contract if the contract was written as many bloggers claim it is.  


I agree that Lisa is a business woman but she is one of the only 2 that keeps in contact with past/present HW with the exception of Kim and Brandi (the other 1 is Kyle), so I do think she cares about these women more than just co-workers.


As for her being on Mag. covers, getting interviews, ect. as long as she has her VPR show, she will keep her name in the spotlight/press. I just don't see her coming back IF they do another pile on against her.  JMO

  • Love 4

No way are Lisa Rinna and Yo on the same side after the Twitter war that took place last week. Kyle and LVP appear to still be on good terms on Twitter. I think Eileen and Erica will stand by Yolanda, but Eileen's blog gives me hope that she isnt completely snowed in by Yolanda. I think Kyle is going to play it neutral at the reunion. Lisa Rinna could very easily trigger the Yolanda debate at the reunion, but honestly I could see her doing so in defensive mode as opposed to simply going on the attack. If Yolanda comes at her for the Munchaussen comment again, I could see the others (except Erica) staying out of it and/or possibly Lisa R actually getting some support from the others.

  • Love 6

I always ask myself-where is the upside to being friends with Yolanda?  No more David Foster connections.  It seems Yolanda considers a friend someone who will wait on her hand and foot.  This unconditional support Eileen speaks of is just so wrong on many levels.  To love Yolanda is to hate LVP and whoever else she is angry with at the time.  Imagine trying to be friends with someone who refuses to listen.  Who takes fairly simple statements and twists them like a pretzel.  Once she is proven wrong, she falls back on Lyme Disease-but where does that leave her "unconditional friend(s)"?  Eileen can try and play the role because she has a life very much outside the show and has never really had to go all in because of her full time acting roles.


The lost footage of the argument and this week's footage claim Yolanda is not beyond dealing from the bottom of the deck.  It will be interesting to see if Yolanda or any of the others support Kyle in Celebrity Apprentice.  Kyle should be done filming Celebrity Apprentice by the time the Reunion filming.  Even Brandi "complained" Yolanda didn't help her on Celebrity Apprentice.

  • Love 7

I forgot about Celebrity Apprentice.  I wonder if that will play into anything in regards to Kyle.  I could see her simply trying to remain above the YoYo fray while the show filmed since she is bright enough to know that outside the show someone could taint her contact pool even with just a few random tweets.   Bit if she is done as you say, and I pretty much live here by the gospel according to zoeysmom, Kyle won't have any worries in that regard no matter how small they might be. 


YoYo is all about her so I'm guessing that unless YoYo was actually in NYC when the show filmed and she could show up and make it about her, she's not going to lift a finger. If Kyle was smart she would have called on Gigi and Bella if they were in NYC.  Neither are that big and I think both would show up if they were told NBC was filming a primetime show they could appear on to help out a "friend".  YoYo would then be in Kyle's debt since Kyle threw each girl a fame almond.  Not that YoYo would not consider it her due.  But it would still offset any attacks on how none of them care about her Gigi or the poor Lymettes.


What I hope is that instead of screaming and jumping up and down, if Rinna is tipping her hand via twitter as to how she is going to approach the reunion, I hope she sits down with Harry and figures out a good serious fact based approach.  I hope they also figure out what irks YoYo and what sets her up to limit her own self with her assertions.  YoYo hates, HATES, when someone treads in her territory.  Even in compassion and sympathy.  She gets so irrate when someone tries to define her illness or apply a broader sense of empathy or awareness.  It sparks her reaction to Kyle and her depression or her own avowal of not having depression because that is for weak less successful people.  Rinna or anyone needs to pretend to be on her side but define the whole thing in a way that YoYo wil hate.  When YoYo starts in on all she has suffered, throw in the "and of course there is the depression one gets" and see if she takes the bait.  See if she bridles at the idea and declares she never had depression.  And you have her.  Because every time she starts in her WoeisYo routine simply shrug and say "but if you weren't depressed what is the issue?  If you couldn't get out of bed what is the issue if you are not depressed?"  Just keep giving her length of rope after length of rope.


Because, any of you HW reading or having someone do it for you?  The more YoYo yaps the more YoYo will trip herself up.  And it doesn't have to happen at the reunion.  All is needed there is for YoYo to go off and start expanding her never ending story.  The folks on the internet will do the rest.  It was how in the end Crooks got taken down even if Meghan's sneaky sleuthing tipped the first domino.

  • Love 6
YoYo would then be in Kyle's debt since Kyle threw each girl a fame almond.



"Fame almond" made my week. Bless you!


I doubt Yo donates money to lyme disease charities. She may go to fund raisers for it if she can get some media attention. I doubt she will donate money to any charity Kyle supports on Celebrity Apprentice.



I wouldn't be surprised if she considered all the mainstream Lyme Disease organizations and experts to be enemies who don't really understand the disease.

  • Love 6

I forgot about Celebrity Apprentice.  I wonder if that will play into anything in regards to Kyle.  I could see her simply trying to remain above the YoYo fray while the show filmed since she is bright enough to know that outside the show someone could taint her contact pool even with just a few random tweets.   Bit if she is done as you say, and I pretty much live here by the gospel according to zoeysmom, Kyle won't have any worries in that regard no matter how small they might be. 


YoYo is all about her so I'm guessing that unless YoYo was actually in NYC when the show filmed and she could show up and make it about her, she's not going to lift a finger. If Kyle was smart she would have called on Gigi and Bella if they were in NYC.  Neither are that big and I think both would show up if they were told NBC was filming a primetime show they could appear on to help out a "friend".  YoYo would then be in Kyle's debt since Kyle threw each girl a fame almond.  Not that YoYo would not consider it her due.  But it would still offset any attacks on how none of them care about her Gigi or the poor Lymettes.


What I hope is that instead of screaming and jumping up and down, if Rinna is tipping her hand via twitter as to how she is going to approach the reunion, I hope she sits down with Harry and figures out a good serious fact based approach.  I hope they also figure out what irks YoYo and what sets her up to limit her own self with her assertions.  YoYo hates, HATES, when someone treads in her territory.  Even in compassion and sympathy.  She gets so irrate when someone tries to define her illness or apply a broader sense of empathy or awareness.  It sparks her reaction to Kyle and her depression or her own avowal of not having depression because that is for weak less successful people.  Rinna or anyone needs to pretend to be on her side but define the whole thing in a way that YoYo wil hate.  When YoYo starts in on all she has suffered, throw in the "and of course there is the depression one gets" and see if she takes the bait.  See if she bridles at the idea and declares she never had depression.  And you have her.  Because every time she starts in her WoeisYo routine simply shrug and say "but if you weren't depressed what is the issue?  If you couldn't get out of bed what is the issue if you are not depressed?"  Just keep giving her length of rope after length of rope.


Because, any of you HW reading or having someone do it for you?  The more YoYo yaps the more YoYo will trip herself up.  And it doesn't have to happen at the reunion.  All is needed there is for YoYo to go off and start expanding her never ending story.  The folks on the internet will do the rest.  It was how in the end Crooks got taken down even if Meghan's sneaky sleuthing tipped the first domino.


Why do I really hope that Lisa R., Lisa V. and Kyle would read this. I would love to see the takedown of Yolyme.

  • Love 3

I honestly think Yolanda had a game plan/agenda for this season from day one. I would not be surprised one bit if she played a role in showing Brandi the exit door, which opened the door right up for her bulldog defender, Erica. Erica is a far better bodyguard than Brandi. Erica comes in with a clean slate, she's rich, stable and she quickly befriends like able/rationale Eileen and original cast member, Kyle. With Erica in the picture, Yolanda doesn't have to carry that albatross, Brandi around anymore.

People were questioning Yolanda's "journey" long before the Brooks debacle on OC, but I don't think it ever crossed her mind that viewers of the show would question her to the extent that they have. And while LVP has her detractors, she's got a rabid fan base (myself included) and she's way smarter than Yolanda. As long as Lisa wants to be Queen B, she's going to keep that title. Lisa may take some hits at the reunion (the affair talk with Eileen), but there is no way the focus of the reunion isn't on the Yolanda drama and Lisa simply hasn't committed any offense that will make her the bad actor.

  • Love 7

I honestly think Yolanda had a game plan/agenda for this season from day one. I would not be surprised one bit if she played a role in showing Brandi the exit door, which opened the door right up for her bulldog defender, Erica. Erica is a far better bodyguard than Brandi. Erica comes in with a clean slate, she's rich, stable and she quickly befriends like able/rationale Eileen and original cast member, Kyle. With Erica in the picture, Yolanda doesn't have to carry that albatross, Brandi around anymore.

People were questioning Yolanda's "journey" long before the Brooks debacle on OC, but I don't think it ever crossed her mind that viewers of the show would question her to the extent that they have. And while LVP has her detractors, she's got a rabid fan base (myself included) and she's way smarter than Yolanda. As long as Lisa wants to be Queen B, she's going to keep that title. Lisa may take some hits at the reunion (the affair talk with Eileen), but there is no way the focus of the reunion isn't on the Yolanda drama and Lisa simply hasn't committed any offense that will make her the bad actor.

When Andy did the Howard Stern show after Brandi was fired, he told Howard that ALL of the returning HWs refused to film with Brandi. He said all, not some or most but all, so it is possible that Yolanda told him she would prefer to not film with her as well. That said, I don't think Yolanda really knew Erika before filming began though as she didn't know what style of music Erika preformed and I doubt that David knew Tom either. I think the "friend" intro was similar to Adrienne's "friend" intro of Brandi, they were not friends and never had been. LOL BUT, I do think Yolanda reached out to Erika first and began plotting her move on LisaV and Kyle right off the bat. JMO

  • Love 1

It appears that it will be a brunettes versus blondes redux showdown at the reunion.

Yoyo is going to try to get sympathy by playing the divorce card but in view of her insufferable ways, David Foster might be the victor in that sordid and confusing "affair";-)


David is absolutely the clear winner.  They were only married 4 years, so I can't see a judge making David responsible for her financially regardless of her fake illnesses.  That's not how divrorce settlements and alimony work, with or without a pre-nup. 


So, his financial liability won't be huge, he can afford it in any case, and whatever it is, it's worth it to be free of YoYo for the rest of his life. 

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I am HOPING Kyle is playing double agent for LVP against Yo. I don't see how Kyle can stand Yo. She knows that Yo is horrible. Plus LVP & Kyle can't stand Yo's good friend bg so I think that mutual enemy will keep LVP & Kyle together (I hope). I hope Kyle keeps her head down yet supports anyone who stands up to Yo (fingers crossed). I've supported Kyle since day one season 1 but if she goes to Yo's side (regardless of the reason....I can see some f*cked up reason revolving around Kim) then I can't support her....at least not in that and it will tarnish my views on her. Please Kyle, stay strong and don't get fooled by Yolyme.

I feel the same. 


Can anyone refresh my memory on why Kyle told Yolanda that she was a liar at one of the reunions? I can't recall what the issue was but I was certain that Kyle was telling the truth at the time because she was so adamant. 

  • Love 2

I feel the same. 


Can anyone refresh my memory on why Kyle told Yolanda that she was a liar at one of the reunions? I can't recall what the issue was but I was certain that Kyle was telling the truth at the time because she was so adamant. 

Both Kyle and Kim say that Yolanda talked smack about LisaV in Paris, Yolanda denied it and Kyle called her a "liar".

  • Love 5

Thanks for refreshing my memory. It's all coming back.

Both Kyle and Kim say that Yolanda talked smack about LisaV in Paris, Yolanda denied it and Kyle called her a "liar".

I believed it then and now I'm positive that Yolanda was lying and that she's always had a problem with LisaV.  


I wonder if Yolanda secretly wants to be with Mohammed again. 

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