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Season 6 First Looks

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I'm guessing we can discuss the First Look here since the thread is still locked? 


I thought the sneak peek looked good! I just watched it and now I'm all ready to see Dubai. That looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. It reminds me of the time the NY ladies went to Morocco. (One of my favorite trips for the Housewives.) I'm really excited to see where they're going to end up staying. Loved the shot of Lisa and Kyle in the wetsuits with the seal. 


As far as the drama---

I'm surprised that it looks like there's going to be some conflict between Eileen and LisaR. They were natural allies and they seemed like they were sticking together but I'm not so sure now. 


Did Yolanda skip Dubai? Fingers crossed? I don't think I saw her in any of the clips.


I definitely liked seeing LisaR telling Yolanda that she's more manipulative than LisaV. Also liked her telling Yolanda not to be condescending. 


Erika and LisaR are going to go head to head. Erika only seems to have one ally in Yolanda. We'll see how that works out for her. 



I'm pretty sure that Kathryn is a one and done. Lol at the subtle shade LisaV threw at her house not being all that grand. 


Ugh, Brandi, go away. It's really pathetic that Yolanda needs to bring in Brandi because Brandi is the only other fool who isn't going to question any of their nonsense.


I am very curious about the dinner at Erika's. Crazy that her husband is so pissed. I'm guessing LisaR is asked to leave and/or Kathryn? It must've been really bad for him to be willing to do that on camera. Okay, I paused and it looks like he's talking to LisaV? Lol, Ken is at this dinner too. So curious what the topic of conversation is.

Edited by Lisin
removed spoilers after moving post
  • Love 5

I wish first looks were available online. LisaR doesn't seem that popular here but I really like her


If LisaR goes toe to toe with either YoWoe or Erika then she is up there with Kyle & LisaV as a favorite.
Sometimes I really love Eileen (like in the last episode) but get a funny feeling about her---a couple times she stirred the pot by "accidentally" saying something and played it off kind of like a "dumb blond" moment, the poorly acted/scripted 1 on 1 with LisaV about the "affair", the strange injection of her DV story (seemed out of place and awkward time/place to introduce that topic but it may have been the editing) and a few other things. However she was so awesome this week. I have a hard time deciding on how I feel about her--she goes from boring to annoying to superhero awesome. Given her fangirl behavior with Erika, I think I am going to end up on LisaR's side. I really like LisaR but I can see may bug some people. Her twitter battle with Yo is entertaining imo.
I am Team Anti-Yo and by extension anti-Erika.

  • Love 6

Lisar has discussed how she does watch everything she puts in her mouth. So it is probably true she has found a set point for her desired body type and is going to keep it that way. 

Have you all seen these "bloopers" from THs this season?



I wasn't sure where to put this so I stuck it in the media thread

I like the part where Yolanda says her "symptoms exaggerated", yeah baby.  Truth.



Oh, Kathryn also brought up something that other housewives have mentioned--how little LisaR seems to eat. 

  • Love 5

I think the first look posts from this week are in the media thread--we were too excited to wait for this to be unlocked. Maybe someone (Mods) can move the posts here.

Thanks! That's good to know.

I watched both the First Look and the preview last night but this thread was locked. It's been locked since just just before Christmas. :(

I thought maybe Bravo stopped airing them but they're back! :)

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 5

Now things are heating up, finally!  


I think Lisar and Eileen are still allies, Eileen was just frustrated that Lisar doesn't think before she speaks.  She was on her side and didn't want her to get in deeper. 


I have come to love both Eileen and Lisar!  They certainly opened things up.  Love their "cards on the table" demands.  You go girls. 


I wish Kyle would settle down about Kim.  Your sister caused some drama, let them talk about it if they choose.  It is not your job to demand a conversation go the way you desire.  


Erika's hair is hideous at lunch as is her attitude.  She considers herself a beacon of righteousness, I see.  You are new here, don't go telling others what to talk about either.  Not your business.  


This might be a good episode!  I just love some action! 


Love LisaVP's shade on Katherine's house.  "Pretty, very pretty."

  • Love 6

I like Rinna too, but there was no reason to bring Kim into that conversation.   And she keeps going, even after someone said "Her sister's right here."  Talk about tone-deaf.  I'm surprised Kyle sat there as long as she did.


I liked what I saw of Kathryn's house.  Did she say that all the rooms open on to the pool area? 

  • Love 3

She is tone deaf even talking about not being tone deaf!

"I have feelings about Kim but I don't want to air them and hurt Kyle."

"Good, I hate when people bring up my sister."

"Anyway Kim blah blah blah."


"...blah blah blah Kim Richards is SKEERY."

Glad to see Lisa finally being taken to task for the glass throwing/attempted assault.

  • Love 4

She is tone deaf even talking about not being tone deaf!

"I have feelings about Kim but I don't want to air them and hurt Kyle."

"Good, I hate when people bring up my sister."

"Anyway Kim blah blah blah."


"...blah blah blah Kim Richards is SKEERY."

Glad to see Lisa finally being taken to task for the glass throwing/attempted assault.

Exactly, that overly dramatic throwing of the glass was much scarier than anything that Kim ever did to lisar.

I guess you can't take the soap opera actress out of either Lisa nor Eileen.

For all their misdeeds, the Richards sisters have subtler acting styles, IMO.

  • Love 2

I like Rinna too, but there was no reason to bring Kim into that conversation.   And she keeps going, even after someone said "Her sister's right here."  Talk about tone-deaf.  I'm surprised Kyle sat there as long as she did.


I liked what I saw of Kathryn's house.  Did she say that all the rooms open on to the pool area? 



She did it for my enjoyment!  I have been bored this season.  ***big shit eating grin***

  • Love 6

wings, I'll confess to perking up when she started stirring that shit.  But stir some different shit -- Kim's such an easy target. 


In the previews, is that Erika's husband telling one of the housewives to get out of his house? 



I would like different shit, too; she will get around to it, I have faith.  Yes, that is Erika's husband.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

It may be editing trickery, but it sure looks like Kathryn is the trouble maker in the fight at Erika's house.  I'm kind of surprised that Erika's husband is yelling and kicking someone out of his house.  I don't think a man should sit by while his wife is being insulted (if that's the case), but it's such a Ken thing to do.


I watched both the First Look and the preview last night but this thread was locked. It's been locked since just just before Christmas. :(


There's a mod note at the top of the page requesting that we notify her if the thread isn't unlocked.  I guess Bravo is inconsistent in scheduling them, and it's sometimes a surprise.




I think Lisar and Eileen are still allies, Eileen was just frustrated that Lisar doesn't think before she speaks.  She was on her side and didn't want her to get in deeper. 


I have come to love both Eileen and Lisar!  They certainly opened things up.  Love their "cards on the table" demands.  You go girls. 


I wish Kyle would settle down about Kim.  Your sister caused some drama, let them talk about it if they choose.  It is not your job to demand a conversation go the way you desire.  




Love LisaVP's shade on Katherine's house.  "Pretty, very pretty."


I also like that Eileen and Rinna seem loyal to one another.  I think Eileen may have noticed that for all of Rinna's mouth, she's not articulate and artful, and seems to struggle to make a point.  Eileen seems to be her wingman. 


Kyle didn't bother me because she expressed in her TH why she was bothered - talking about Kim made her defensive.  I understand how she feels.  When I'm rightfully angry with a friend/family member, I can still be protective of that person around other people.  Kyle is finally being a little firm and setting boundaries with Kim, and she doesn't need people making her feel defensive of her.  Kim's no longer on the show (as a housewife), and some people feel that means she's no longer fair game.


Regarding LVP's comments - I pay careful attention to her words because I think she's a stealth bitch, but I think she was genuinely complimenting Kathryn's house.


Glad to see Lisa finally being taken to task for the glass throwing/attempted assault.


I've never understood how Rinna escaped judgment on that one.  I would judge Rinna a little harsher because she's Kyle's long-term friend (although that looks to be changing).  Teresa is still be judged for "flipping a table", which didn't actually flip, and had no potential to hurt someone.  Glass could have very easily blinded someone, but since it was Kim and Brandi, no one cared.  In fact, Brandi was mocked endlessly for complaining about the glass.  People went so far as to claim the glass was plastic.

  • Love 8
I'm guessing we can discuss the First Look here since the thread is still locked? 


I definitely liked seeing LisaR telling Yolanda that she's more manipulative than LisaV. Also liked her telling Yolanda not to be condescending. 

Something about Rinna's LVP comment struck me as editing trickery. It seemed like Rinna may have actually said - so and so told me, "You're more manipulative than LVP". I just don't see Rinna going after Lisa. She's been careful to only go after the weakest or easiest target. On the other hand, maybe now that Eileen seems to be targeting LVP, Rinna's going to tag team her?


  • Love 4


I thought it was in the Ramona's throwing of the glass at the lake that she was excused because the glass was plastic.

Did this also happen in this serie?

I'm not sure now. But people were at least saying the glass was a special non- shatter type, even though that clearly wasn't true, and that the glass didn't touch anyone, even though that clearly wasn't true. I thought it was very scary, and the ladies holding Rinna back certainly seemed to think she was threatening. I think it's possible that Rinna's reaction even scared her, and that's why she was so passive later with Kim's non-apology. I think the threatening texts to Kim showed that Rinna's "let's move on" act in the Nerherlands was fake.
  • Love 5

I don't think a man should sit by while his wife is being insulted (if that's the case), but it's such a Ken thing to do.



.  In fact, Brandi was mocked endlessly for complaining about the glass.  People went so far as to claim the glass was plastic.

I don't recall Ken EVER throwing anyone out of his/Lisa's house. He DOES defend his wife though when he feels that some are ganging up on her though, like most husbands do/will IMO.


That was a real glass and I don't remember anyone here saying it was "plastic" as we all saw it shatter. Ramona threw a hard plastic wine glass at Kristen and it hit her and caused a cut on the inside of her mouth. I don't think people downplayed LisaR breaking the glass so much as they understood how she got to that point, violence is never good but neither is pushing another person to their breaking point. IMO, BOTH LisaR AND Kim were at fault in that fight BUT, as they say...YMMV

  • Love 13

It may be editing trickery, but it sure looks like Kathryn is the trouble maker in the fight at Erika's house.  I'm kind of surprised that Erika's husband is yelling and kicking someone out of his house.  I don't think a man should sit by while his wife is being insulted (if that's the case), but it's such a Ken thing to do.



There's a mod note at the top of the page requesting that we notify her if the thread isn't unlocked.  I guess Bravo is inconsistent in scheduling them, and it's sometimes a surprise.



I also like that Eileen and Rinna seem loyal to one another.  I think Eileen may have noticed that for all of Rinna's mouth, she's not articulate and artful, and seems to struggle to make a point.  Eileen seems to be her wingman. 


Kyle didn't bother me because she expressed in her TH why she was bothered - talking about Kim made her defensive.  I understand how she feels.  When I'm rightfully angry with a friend/family member, I can still be protective of that person around other people.  Kyle is finally being a little firm and setting boundaries with Kim, and she doesn't need people making her feel defensive of her.  Kim's no longer on the show (as a housewife), and some people feel that means she's no longer fair game.


Regarding LVP's comments - I pay careful attention to her words because I think she's a stealth bitch, but I think she was genuinely complimenting Kathryn's house.



I've never understood how Rinna escaped judgment on that one.  I would judge Rinna a little harsher because she's Kyle's long-term friend (although that looks to be changing).  Teresa is still be judged for "flipping a table", which didn't actually flip, and had no potential to hurt someone.  Glass could have very easily blinded someone, but since it was Kim and Brandi, no one cared.  In fact, Brandi was mocked endlessly for complaining about the glass.  People went so far as to claim the glass was plastic.

By the time Rinna threw down the glass-which did not draw blood-much to Brandi's chagrin, the others had pretty much had their fill of Kim.  Kim didn't stop going after Kyle.  Even Yolanda who was astonished was more concerned about the other ladies.  Since it was only Brandi who claimed she was affected no one expected an apology.  Only Eileen had the courage to confront Lisar for going back to Kim after the big issue.  I think it was a case of the words were mightier than the deed.  Kim went too far with her words and overshadowed Lisar's bad deed.  Then they had the kumbaya moment where Lisar proclaimed her love for Kim.  For that she should have been called out.

  • Love 10

Here is the key difference between what Ramona did and what Rinna did:

Ramona threw a hard plastic glass at Kristen (and then tried to hit her in the head with an oar - JS) and caused Kristen to bleed.

Rinna slammed a glass down on the table and shattered it. She didn't throw it at Kim or even in Kim's direction.

I am not defending Rinna for slamming a glass on the table. But what she did was demonstrating anger by destroying inanimate objects. Ramona actually physically assaulted Kristen. Rinna seemed genuinely horrified by her loss of control, while Ramona continuously blamed Kristen for splashing her as though the reaction was justified by the initial action of playfully splashing someone while they were in/on a lake.

  • Love 13

I don't recall Ken EVER throwing anyone out of his/Lisa's house. He DOES defend his wife though when he feels that some are ganging up on her though, like most husbands do/will IMO.


No Ken hasn't kicked anyone out, but I'm referring to him injecting himself into storylines that some think is inappropriate. From his extreme defense of Brandi, where he completely dismissed what happened to Joyce, to him starting in on Eileen until she beautifully told him to stay out of it. He opens his mouth and shows his ass when he really doesn't know what's going on. It irritates me, and I've seen others who say the same thing. Lisa is a strong woman and more than capable of defending herself. Ken supporters like to say that Lisa is always gained up on and needs Ken to protect her. That certainly wasn't the case with Joyce, and I saw Ken as more of a bully in that situation. That's my opinion, and I feel I've backed up my point.
  • Love 5

The glass thing was a lot uglier than the wives gave it credit for. If Lisa's breaking point is a vague supposedly baseless comment about Harry and she does this? There's bigger problems going on. Plus she lunged forward and tried to choke Kim and had to be held back, which IMO was the more serious offense.


I won't comment about the glass anymore since I see myself getting into Kim defense mode again. However, I do appreciate Kathryn for just pointing out Lisa not eating instead of going to others saying she googled the symptoms of anorexia (pretending she can't pronounce and had never heard of it) and brought up her poor dead relatives who died from eating disorders, and tapped the group to see if they should intervene, and then bringing it up again and again. She just put it out there.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 8

Wait, so was this a mid-season mini-trailer? Or is this all from this next episode? If it's the former, I am dying to see it! I wonder if it's posted anywhere online...

My DVR had two minis -- a First Looks and a Season Preview.  The Season Preview had the scene with Erika's irate husband.  And a bunch of other stuff that looked really good, but was probably just the editing monkeys.

  • Love 7

No Ken hasn't kicked anyone out, but I'm referring to him injecting himself into storylines that some think is inappropriate. From his extreme defense of Brandi, where he completely dismissed what happened to Joyce, to him starting in on Eileen until she beautifully told him to stay out of it. He opens his mouth and shows his ass when he really doesn't know what's going on. It irritates me, and I've seen others who say the same thing. Lisa is a strong woman and more than capable of defending herself. Ken supporters like to say that Lisa is always gained up on and needs Ken to protect her. That certainly wasn't the case with Joyce, and I saw Ken as more of a bully in that situation. That's my opinion, and I feel I've backed up my point.

To me, Ken's lowest moment was sitting there after Brandi left SUR and counting out the number of people that supported Brandi.  Most of those same people Brandi ended up hurting.  He did the same in Puerto Rico-except Kyle and Mauricio asked a question and Joyce and Michael weren't against them.  It was another miscalculation on Ken's part.  Except I did love the part where Ken said about Kim, "is she drinking again?"  Yes she was drunk and found wandering the hallways naked from the waist down and Ken spared Kim that embarrassing moment.  LVP should have just answered the question and Ken should not have beenso quick at the defense.

  • Love 4

The glass thing was a lot uglier than the wives gave it credit for. If Lisa's breaking point is a vague supposedly baseless comment about Harry and she does this? There's bigger problems going on. Plus she lunged forward and tried to choke Kim and had to be held back, which IMO was the more serious offense.




I respectfully disagree. I did not see Lisa trying to choke Kim. She lunged towards Kim, while she was being held back - if anything, it looked like she was trying to cover Kim's mouth to stop her from talking. When it comes to Lisa's breaking point, I don't think it had anything to do with vagueness or baseless comments. I think it had everything to do with Kim knowingly insinuating something she knew could never be disproved. Kim was using Brandi tactics that night, and I think the real reason that Brandi went off the rails during that trip was because the other women didn't immediately side with her. It had nothing to do with Kim.


Brandi seemed to have a plan to make Rinna the bad guy on that trip. During the lunch they have before the trip Rinna tries to get Brandi to "own" the way she behaves the way she does, Brandi turns the focus to Kim. When Rinna point blank says that they CAN'T do an intervention for Kim, Brandi suggests they do one for all of the women so Kim does not feel ganged up on. The problem was that Rinna didn't take the bait. 


Rinna and Eileen simply asked Kim how she was doing and got the "blah blah blah" answer. So Brandi tells Kim a story much like Ericka told Yolanda, in which she leaves out the tone and her involvement/lack of "loyalty". Brandi does this right before all of the women are about to be on a private plane with no escape when things get awkward. 


So, now there is a paranoid Kim on the plane with the people she is so sure mean her harm, and none of the other women even know that she is pissed until LisaR notices that Kim is giving her dirty looks. LisaR could have waited until they landed, but she seems to be a "rip off the bandage" type of person - even when it is to her detriment (I have to say that I don't know how I would be in that situation. If someone is obviously hating on me, my immediate response is to say "what?"). 


Then, they are sitting down to dinner after Kim has had ample time to stew; Rinna has had ample time to re-think her approach to dinner; and Yolanda (IMO) had time to hear out all sides along with what she is being told by production. There is a reason that Yolanda started that dinner by asking everyone to talk about the parts of their lives that they were hiding from each other. I personally don't think it had anything to do with Yolanda's illness or Bella's DUI. But, mileage varies.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 8
I'm guessing we can discuss the First Look here since the thread is still locked? 


I definitely liked seeing LisaR telling Yolanda that she's more manipulative than LisaV. Also liked her telling Yolanda not to be condescending. 

Something about Rinna's LVP comment struck me as editing trickery. It seemed like Rinna may have actually said - so and so told me, "You're more manipulative than LVP". I just don't see Rinna going after Lisa. She's been careful to only go after the weakest or easiest target. On the other hand, maybe now that Eileen seems to be targeting LVP, Rinna's going to tag team her?



Good point.  I look for editing glitches on The Bachelor but not here.  

  • Love 1

Lisar has discussed how she does watch everything she puts in her mouth. So it is probably true she has found a set point for her desired body type and is going to keep it that way.

I like the part where Yolanda says her "symptoms exaggerated", yeah baby.  Truth.

LOVE the animal bloopers, but I'm always worried that LVP will accidentally strangle a swan. My cousin had a very aggressive goose named Charlie, and he liked to terrorize me. To this day I'm a little afraid of birds. I also had a cousin who threw a chicken on me inside a tent. It scratched me up pretty good. The sound of flapping wings really creeps me out.

  • Love 4

What does that mean, "to glass Kim?" I agree, Lisa crossed a line.


"Glassing is a physical attack using a glass as a weapon. Glassing can occur at bars or pubs where alcohol is served, and a drinking glass or bottle is available as a weapon. The most common method of glassing involves the attacker smashing an intact glass in the face of the victim. However the glass may be smashed before the attack, and then gripped by the remaining base of the glass or neck of the bottle with the broken shards protruding outwards."

Lisar isn't exactly known for her restraint. She was going to assault Kim.

  • Love 5


"Glassing is a physical attack using a glass as a weapon. Glassing can occur at bars or pubs where alcohol is served, and a drinking glass or bottle is available as a weapon. The most common method of glassing involves the attacker smashing an intact glass in the face of the victim. However the glass may be smashed before the attack, and then gripped by the remaining base of the glass or neck of the bottle with the broken shards protruding outwards."

Lisar isn't exactly known for her restraint. She was going to assault Kim.

Except that she immediately dropped the glass stem as she smashed it, she did NOT attempt to stab/jab Kim at all or even threaten her with it. She acted badly, was in the wrong in breaking the glass but she did not try to injure Kim with any part of it.  

  • Love 13


"Glassing is a physical attack using a glass as a weapon. Glassing can occur at bars or pubs where alcohol is served, and a drinking glass or bottle is available as a weapon. The most common method of glassing involves the attacker smashing an intact glass in the face of the victim. However the glass may be smashed before the attack, and then gripped by the remaining base of the glass or neck of the bottle with the broken shards protruding outwards."

Lisar isn't exactly known for her restraint. She was going to assault Kim.



What Lisar probably crossed a legal line. I thought she basically tried to glass Kim. I don't care if people hate Kim, the police should have been notified about Lisar's violent menacing behavior. Lisar behaved unacceptably.

So what would the police do?  Make Lisar pay for the glass?  Hold her passport so she could not leave the country? I think she committed an assault but not a battery-Kim came pretty close to Eileen's face with her finger-so she should have probably got a menacing notice as well. 


I will say since Atlanta sets the bar low-it is refreshing to know producers and camera people will intercede.  I don't think anyone was in physical danger.  Some still photos from the fateful night:  https://www.google.com/search?q=lisa+rinna+smashing+glass&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&rlz=1I7NDKB_enUS584&tbm=isch&imgil=aB1BV5TLU73vPM%253A%253Bt1MkSo-ymqSHDM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fperezhilton.com%25252F2014-11-03-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-season-5-trailer-watch&source=iu&pf=m&fir=aB1BV5TLU73vPM%253A%252Ct1MkSo-ymqSHDM%252C_&usg=__aKol98q0nLEsCHzWjS86_01WmsU%3D&biw=1280&bih=626&ved=0ahUKEwi1xNTAw_bKAhVDJ5oKHRzID6MQyjcIJg&ei=ThHAVrXlIsPO6ASckL-YCg#tbm=isch&tbs=rimg%3ACWgdQVeUy1O9IjhJkbmGRqR8Tf0_1DsgUp9Z11lX66LevS7z_11Jg0WCAy3hbccMaoWOq2f6oYcftV341e7De1k9XCNSoSCUmRuYZGpHxNEd75Ce756AfVKhIJ_1T8OyBSn1nURV520M3AaZZgqEgnWVfrot69LvBGlW4ef0v_18UioSCf_1UmDRYIDLeEfEU3kORpkMHKhIJFtxwxqhY6rYR_1zFUe96-hwYqEgl_1qhhx-1XfjRFcMPhXV65_1WCoSCV7sN7WT1cI1ETl6g1O-RCwr&q=lisa%20rinna%20smashing%20glass

  • Love 4

I love how much drama is crammed into a two minute sneak peek. I can't imagine who among the ladies would say that Yolanda is more manipulative than LisaV. I agree that the editing seemed suspect but Yolanda is still so pissed at Rinna that for now, I'm leaning towards that comment being Rinna's own. 


The line where Brandi talks about how they'll have to turn on each other---she should certainly know all about that. There isn't a single woman on this show that she hasn't turned on. Not one, Kim included. 


What could possibly be going down to make Erika's husband flip out on one of the women? I'm assuming that they're insulting Erika in some way and he's just not standing for it but I'm not sure. I wonder if the husband regrets Erika's participation? 


I wonder if the producers told Eileen to insert herself into more of the drama or if this is just something she chose to do on her own? I was surprised that she brought up the Yolanda stuff again. 


I didn't realize how many people think Yolanda can do no wrong and that she's in any way believable regarding all of the LD nonsense. I blame Andy for always acting like she's the voice of reason among these women. Ugh, why? 

  • Love 5

So what would the police do? Make Lisar pay for the glass? Hold her passport so she could not leave the country? I think she committed an assault but not a battery-Kim came pretty close to Eileen's face with her finger-so she should have probably got a menacing notice as well.

I will say since Atlanta sets the bar low-it is refreshing to know producers and camera people will intercede. I don't think anyone was in physical danger. Some still photos from the fateful night: https://www.google.com/search?q=lisa+rinna+smashing+glass&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&rlz=1I7NDKB_enUS584&tbm=isch&imgil=aB1BV5TLU73vPM%253A%253Bt1MkSo-ymqSHDM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fperezhilton.com%25252F2014-11-03-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-season-5-trailer-watch&source=iu&pf=m&fir=aB1BV5TLU73vPM%253A%252Ct1MkSo-ymqSHDM%252C_&usg=__aKol98q0nLEsCHzWjS86_01WmsU%3D&biw=1280&bih=626&ved=0ahUKEwi1xNTAw_bKAhVDJ5oKHRzID6MQyjcIJg&ei=ThHAVrXlIsPO6ASckL-YCg#tbm=isch&tbs=rimg%3ACWgdQVeUy1O9IjhJkbmGRqR8Tf0_1DsgUp9Z11lX66LevS7z_11Jg0WCAy3hbccMaoWOq2f6oYcftV341e7De1k9XCNSoSCUmRuYZGpHxNEd75Ce756AfVKhIJ_1T8OyBSn1nURV520M3AaZZgqEgnWVfrot69LvBGlW4ef0v_18UioSCf_1UmDRYIDLeEfEU3kORpkMHKhIJFtxwxqhY6rYR_1zFUe96-hwYqEgl_1qhhx-1XfjRFcMPhXV65_1WCoSCV7sN7WT1cI1ETl6g1O-RCwr&q=lisa%20rinna%20smashing%20glass

I don't know the Dutch Legal Code, or even Dutch. A written caution might've been appropriate. Or even just a verbal reprimand.

And Yolanda, you were a bad hostess. Nussing is more disgustinck dan a bad hostess.

  • Love 1

At no point did I think that LisaR was going to assault Kim. I thought Brandi was 100% full of shit too when she claimed that she had glass in her hair and in her clothing and later actually made it seem like the glass put her kids at risk when she did her laundry after the trip. 


Kim was the one with bigger issues going on that evening, not Lisa Rinna IMO. 


It's amazing to me that Kim is still seen as some huge victim that night. I didn't feel sorry for her and would have laughed if she'd attempted to file a police report. The hypocrisy would be unbelievable--as if there aren't multiple times in the history of the show where it wouldn't have been completely appropriate for Kim to have had her ass arrested for her behavior.


LisaR was 100% wrong to break the glass but I disagree with the idea that she lost her shit over some "vague and supposedly baseless" comment about Harry. That's completely ignoring everything that led up to the incident and lets Kim off of the hook for her (IMO) equally offensive behavior. Kim was also putting her hand physically in people's personal space that evening but that gets ignored because of Lisa breaking the glass. Kim made nasty remarks about multiple women at the table and made digs about Rinna possibly having an eating disorder in addition to implying that there was something sinister going on in her marriage. Eileen called Kim a "scary and vicious" human being that night and it's no wonder. The yelling, the name calling, the aggressive finger pointing and invading of other people's personal space, being completely loaded on drugs she somehow acquired, the kicking at her chair like a child, etc. Kyle knew Kim's behavior was indefensible that night even after the glass hit the table. Out of all of the people who were there and saw how Rinna had been pushed from the moment the trip started, only Brandi seemed to be sympathetic to Kim. Everyone else seemed to understand that Kim was the biggest problem between the two of them. Kim is the one who can't be trusted to hang out with the group without being super embarrassing in some way. Kim is one who has a history of being nasty and aggressive with multiple people at dinner in every single season---there are no exceptions.


Between the two women, Kim is the one who seems the most capable of assault and we've seen how combative she can get when she's loaded. We're talking about a woman who was trying to kick a police officer last year among other things. I've often compared the experience of being around Kim Richards to being the equivalent of being sucked into a cartoon fight cloud. Even Dr. Phil got a taste of what it's like dealing with her aggressive side. 

  • Love 13

I saw the Sneak Peek and it was rather alarming to see everyone fighting with each other, including people who have been getting along. Erika's husband throwing people out? Kyle going on the offensive with Lisa and not being the only one? Last but not least, Brandi AND Kim? Makes me feel skeevy all over. Only bright spot, apparently no Faye.

  • Love 9

Kim has no sense of how frustrating it must be for Kyle when Kim tells her to have more faith in her. She'd just had her ass arrested twice and is clearly deep into her addiction but in her eyes Kyle is wrong for not having more faith? As usual, Kim sees herself as the victim. 


I'm curious about the context of Eileen saying that she has to take the bullet all of the time because I can't recall any situation on this show where she's been in a situation where it seems like she's taking a metaphorical bullet for somebody. I wonder if she's talking to LisaR? 


Kathryn's husband made me laugh when he seemed annoyed that Kathryn didn't share more of the gooseberry with him. Then the way he nibbled at it like he was afraid of tasting her lip gloss was kind of funny. 


I'm looking forward to Dubai. The only annoying thing is since Yolanda won't be there that means we're likely going to be treated to solo scenes of her boring LD stuff. I wonder which of the producers is so gung ho on Yo that they're convinced most viewers are interested in seeing this boring mess? Didn't they get enough complaints during the Brooks drama? Or were the OC ratings good and they thought lightning would strike twice by using a similar story on BH? (I didn't watch OC last season so I'm curious.)

  • Love 9

At no point did I think that LisaR was going to assault Kim. I thought Brandi was 100% full of shit too when she claimed that she had glass in her hair and in her clothing and later actually made it seem like the glass put her kids at risk when she did her laundry after the trip.

Kim was the one with bigger issues going on that evening, not Lisa Rinna IMO.

It's amazing to me that Kim is still seen as some huge victim that night. I didn't feel sorry for her and would have laughed if she'd attempted to file a police report. The hypocrisy would be unbelievable--as if there aren't multiple times in the history of the show where it wouldn't have been completely appropriate for Kim to have had her ass arrested for her behavior.

LisaR was 100% wrong to break the glass but I disagree with the idea that she lost her shit over some "vague and supposedly baseless" comment about Harry. That's completely ignoring everything that led up to the incident and lets Kim off of the hook for her (IMO) equally offensive behavior. Kim was also putting her hand physically in people's personal space that evening but that gets ignored because of Lisa breaking the glass. Kim made nasty remarks about multiple women at the table and made digs about Rinna possibly having an eating disorder in addition to implying that there was something sinister going on in her marriage. Eileen called Kim a "scary and vicious" human being that night and it's no wonder. The yelling, the name calling, the aggressive finger pointing and invading of other people's personal space, being completely loaded on drugs she somehow acquired, the kicking at her chair like a child, etc. Kyle knew Kim's behavior was indefensible that night even after the glass hit the table. Out of all of the people who were there and saw how Rinna had been pushed from the moment the trip started, only Brandi seemed to be sympathetic to Kim. Everyone else seemed to understand that Kim was the biggest problem between the two of them. Kim is the one who can't be trusted to hang out with the group without being super embarrassing in some way. Kim is one who has a history of being nasty and aggressive with multiple people at dinner in every single season---there are no exceptions.

Between the two women, Kim is the one who seems the most capable of assault and we've seen how combative she can get when she's loaded. We're talking about a woman who was trying to kick a police officer last year among other things. I've often compared the experience of being around Kim Richards to being the equivalent of being sucked into a cartoon fight cloud. Even Dr. Phil got a taste of what it's like dealing with her aggressive side.

Lisar spent the entire flight to the Netherlands harassing Kim, Kim clearly did not want to talk to her, but Lisar was unrelenting. No matter how shrill and finger pointy she got, Kim wasn't violent, Lisar was. Look at Lisar's Twitter, she is quite combative and often goes too far.
  • Love 4

Lisar spent the entire flight to the Netherlands harassing Kim, Kim clearly did not want to talk to her, but Lisar was unrelenting. No matter how shrill and finger pointy she got, Kim wasn't violent, Lisar was. Look at Lisar's Twitter, she is quite combative and often goes too far.

I didn't see Kim as being harassed on that flight. Not at all. Just because Kim responded with "drop it now" doesn't mean that she was being harassed IMO. As usual, Kim didn't want to have to be responsible for dealing with a mess that was 100% her own making. Kim seemed like she was the one being offensive while LisaR was trying to deal with Kim being a total bitch towards her. The silent treatment isn't really a reasonable solution when they're required to interact with one another. I thought Kim not wanting to talk to her was childish and cowardly but the entire situation could have been avoided if Kim hadn't started off the trip being nasty. (Or to take it back further, they wouldn't have had their issue in the first place if Kim hadn't relapsed and been blasted on however many kinds of drugs.)


Like Brandi, LisaR needs to give Twitter a rest. That being said, being combative through Twitter is ultimately better than being physically combative with people in real life. Again, we're talking about a woman who tried to assault a police officer last year lol. Between the two of them Kim easily seems the most violent. Take Kim on Game Night with Brandi where Taylor felt that she had to come in between them. Kim was so loaded that she was totally willing to go there and didn't stop until another woman came between her and her target. (Brandi was equally aggressive. I can defend her on Game Night all day long but not in the moment where she and Kim both seemed like they were ready to get physical.) Another time that comes to mind is Kyle's White Party in season 2 where Kim was aggressive and totally in Brandi's personal space. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 5

Apparently my DVR didn't capture the prolonged "sneak peek" but I did get the first 10 minutes of next week's episode and that conversation between Kathryn and her husband about "Calcutta" marble had me rolling.


Now I really want to see old man lawyer kicking someone out of his house.  I can't find it on the Bravo site, damnit!

  • Love 3

Apparently my DVR didn't capture the prolonged "sneak peek" but I did get the first 10 minutes of next week's episode and that conversation between Kathryn and her husband about "Calcutta" marble had me rolling.


Now I really want to see old man lawyer kicking someone out of his house.  I can't find it on the Bravo site, damnit!

It's a very short clip but OML actually stands up from the dinner table and tells somebody (I'm leaning towards Kathryn) that they have to leave. Clips from the same dinner include Erika asking someone why they're being so aggressive. Ken, Lisa, Kathryn, LisaR, and the Girardis are present at this dinner. When I paused it, it looks like Mr. G is talking to LisaV when he says that somebody has to leave but based on the other clips it sounds like Kathryn is the one who is arguing. LisaR says "Hallefuckinglujah" when Mr. G asks this person to leave so I'm guessing that it's not her (unless she's happy that she's being asked to leave?) 


I wonder why LisaV got to bring Ken but LisaR and Kathryn didn't bring their husbands. I know Harry Hamlin isn't too interested in appearing on the show but he does from time to time. Donnie has been appearing so far so I wonder why he wasn't present. I wonder if Ken and Mr. G get along? Sorry, can't think of Erika's husband's first name right now. 

  • Love 5

I don't know the Dutch Legal Code, or even Dutch. A written caution might've been appropriate. Or even just a verbal reprimand.

And Yolanda, you were a bad hostess. Nussing is more disgustinck dan a bad hostess.

Well I do know Dutch and the Dutch legal system.....naw, but that would be amazing wouldn't it? I just hate when we fight over Kim . Lol.
  • Love 8

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