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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Um, Aunt Donna? Maybe next time you babysit and play cards with your nephew, you could put the huge boobs away? How about a sweatshirt or turtle neck sweater?

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1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

Well, he's got a father who lost his mother at the same age.  Or, are we supposed to forget Taylor's first "death" and years-long absence from her kids' lives?

(Although that revelation would likely prompt a "So, my Mommy will come back from heaven, too?", which would be a perfectly reasonable question to ask under the circumstances.)

Yeah I know, I'm just still salty Aly is frigging dead. 😞

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I swear, I can barely take how adorable Douglas is. Where did they find such a natural little actor? He doesn't overplay his cuteness at all.

Did we really listen to five adults give Will virtual tongue baths for half the episode? We get it, Show. Will is a super smart and tech savvy kid, looking to follow right in his daddy's footsteps in the business world. Yawn.

So can we start planning Katie and Bill's next wedding now? Pssht, at least this one won't be in Eric's living room since Bill has his own mansion.

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Why is Ridge defending Taylor?  A rhetorical question. Of course he want Liam and Stuffy back together.  

Sure, praise Will for his ingenuity and tell him how proud you are for his hacking ability but someday, when he does something really wrong you will regret it. Will will learn it’s better to do it and beg for forgiveness afterwards like his father?

 Thankfully Liam and Wyatt were not brought up by their father for they are fairly normal.  I get the feeling Liam was a momma’s boy giving rise to his inability to make decisions and Quinn gave Wyatt a backbone.  

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10 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

 I  really can’t believe that Quinn likes Flo, and was on board with her and Wyatt’s relationship. I guess being BFF’s with Flo’s mom sealed that deal. I don’t think I am looking forward to the introduction of Flo’s mom. I cannot stand DR and want to express how much I resent Show giving Quinn a real girlfriend to catch up with, while my favs have never had that

To be best friends with Quinn she’d have to be a completely insecure and needy doormat like Veronica to Heather Chandler or Gretchen Weiners to Regina George. Since Quinn is a toxic person who has to control everything and has no sensitivity whatsoever thus, real friendship doesn’t exist. Denise Richards is also beautiful and the story indicates she worked so that’s already gonna make Quinn see her as a rival. Flo is distinctly passive and timid and seems to be attracted to scam artist elders so maybe her mom was a little grifty and scummy like her BFF Quinsy and that’s why they clicked? 

Will is too precocious for my liking. He’s one step from asking his parents for a sleep over and for them to share a bed. 

AN/Hope is a natural with kids, not just cutie pie Douglas but Phoebeth too. Her face radiates joy and she plays off of their acting choices or expressions naturally. 

Brooke has been looking amazing lately. Wyatt’s slightly resembles Drew Gooden especially in his reaction faces. 

Not here for Batie 2.0 this time with more corn. I stand by my opinion this show has a legal requirement to have one front burner boring ass couple to stay on the air. Zencole, Zoe and Xander, now Batie’s Snoresville. Watch the second Batie implodes and Bill is poking around another woman, a super dull AF couple will be pushed like Bell has lost a bet. 

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17 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I suspect Katie and Bill will be remarried and divorced before Memorial Day.

Fixed that for ya 🙂

17 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Little Douglas’s legs though! He is so darn cute. I still find Will cute as well.

I'm not the least bit a kid person, but yeah, I love those two little boys, they are both adorable.

9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I can barely take how adorable Douglas is. Where did they find such a natural little actor?

I didn't watch any of this week's shows yet, but last week when he said "I miss mommy" I may have shed a tear or two.

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Why is Quinn so bothered by Sally? During that FC meeting she kept rolling her eyes and giving Sally a death stare.

Whoa, did Flo get a boob job or was that just a push-up bra?

Heh, Quinn basically told Sally that she's not Wyatt's Miss Right, she's just his Miss Right Now. Quinn is good at picking at people's insecurities. Sally should never have engaged her.

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Brooke has her patented squint and Quinn has her patented look of disapproval. 

Zoey is a model right?  Than why is there a we when Hope is looking for a designer. It looks like Zoey is pushing for another baby that her father can sell to Taylor. 

Quinn, Brooke, and Taylor should compete at ”Thunderdome” and the sole survivor should get to pick who’s with who.  It doesn’t matter to the guys since that all had intimate moments with Sally, Hope, and Stuffy. 

I’m having such a very hard time in choosing if I like Wyatt with Sally or Wyatt with Flo. Sally and Flo are both beautiful, have fantastic bodies, and have a lot of chemistry with Wyatt. 

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On 4/2/2019 at 8:30 AM, RuntheTable said:

I suspect Katie and Bill will be remarried before Memorial Day.

I'll put money on that. This show puts no effort in selling any of its romances and the one or two that work in spite of the dumb writing gets tanked anyway. No point in dragging put the wedding.

I just hope that the next time Batie implodes that Brooke is on an extended vacation visiting Bridget and Logan and is in no way involved. If we must sit through Batie 3.0, let Steffy be the spoiler and be done with it.

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Was I the only one who thought Zoe was out of pocket with Flo?  I kinda wish she’d bop her in her underbite. I’m sick of her. 

I find Bikini Beach Bar being open in the AM to serve coffee and juice realistic and on trend. I bartend a couple hours a week and we have a fancy barista menu and cold brew for me to make before and while drinking hours. A wine bar by my house is doing the same thing so the can be open all day into the night, rather than just evenings. Usually regulars who come in for a cortado or latte to bullshit will swing by after work for a Stout or Cabernet, it makes sense. 

Didn’t really like Hope’s hair or outfit today. 

Batie is so boring and we all know how it will end. I think after Katie manipulates or demands him into penis wandering he will go after Brooke in his relationship rotisserie. 

I think Quinn is bored so being a bitch senselessly to Sally. Today she praised Flo for being sweet and acted like that was superior when literally 157x on this show she’s bashed sweet and niceness as qualities. 

Katrina Bowden/Flo was much smaller busted and skinny on 30 Rock @Joimiaroxeu. I think she and Sally have amazing bodies when it comes to being lean and muscular. Sally and Teyana Taylor are my (fantasy) fitness goals. 

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6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

.Whoa, did Flo get a boob job or was that just a push-up bra?

I think it was the bikini top and she had some heavy cleavage contouring going on.

Loved the subtle dig Sally made at Quinn about wearing yoga pants and jewelry. Quinn was one of the first ones to sport the side-striped athletic pants around the office. Or, maybe I just read that into the comment.

I used to like Quinn, but now, she just seems like the resident bitch. At least Taylor is a bitch with an agenda, albeit an insane one.  I'm sure Quinn has something up her sleeve, but it's not fully hatched yet. I still think RS is drop-dead gorgeous, though.

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Except NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!

There was just so much NO in yesterday's show.

No Zoe, you don't get to go there with Hope. I can understand Brooke and Liam talking about Hope becoming pregnant again; I don't like it, but I understand it. But you? What kind of person can stand in front of a suffering woman, and encourage her to have another baby, when you know her baby is alive and well? You are just the worst Zoe. You had an opportunity to redeem yourself, but you chose to go down another road. Oh, and you can step off with Flo too. I am no fan of Flo. She is just as culpable as you in Hope's pain, but you don't get to dictate where folks live. 

No Quinn, you don't get to look down your nose at Sally. Sally has done some shit, but she hasn't harassed and stalked a man, or held a knife to his neck, or kidnapped him, and held him hostage for months without proper medical care. And she has never raped anyone or pushed anyone off a cliff. Actually Quinn, Sally is the best thing to ever happen to your son. There is nothing fake with Sally. And let me say that when the truth comes out about Flo, Quinn better be horrified. She better start side eyeing Flo too, cause none of the stuff Sally did; throwing cake at Steffy, crashing a wedding, stealing fashion designs, ranks up there with human trafficking. 

No Wyatt, please don't go assisting Flo. 

Now, for my one yes.

I will start running now to avoid the rotten tomatoes, but I am starting to like Bridge. Something has shifted with Thorsten, and he seems to be enjoying his scenes with Kelly. Maybe working so closely with her has altered his perspective. But he has come alive, and he is smiling and that smile is meeting his eyes. He is laughing, and making funny remakes about Bill dressing like a Pirate and the cereal being good and not tasting like dirt. And their matching outfits yesterday! I really don't know what has come over me; I have hated Bridge ever since Ridge mistakenly called Brooke Caroline at Stephanie's party. And I have particularly hated them ever since TK took over the role. But somehow they are working for me. I like that they have stuck together through stuff that in the past would have had them running away from each other. And in recent weeks, they have had Ridge saying really nice things about Hope to people other than Brooke. I was amazed at his conversation with Thomas the other day; protecting Hope and warning Thomas off. Yeah, he slipped a bit with defending Taylor to Brooke, but even that wasn't at his normal level. He didn't say he agreed with Taylor, only that he could understand her motivations. And not one word about Steffy needing Liam in the house, or about them being a family. I just don't know who this person is anymore, but I find myself liking him a bit more each day he does the right thing. 

On 4/3/2019 at 5:07 AM, ByTor said:

I suspect Katie and Bill will be remarried and divorced before Memorial Day.

On 4/3/2019 at 5:07 AM, ByTor said:

Fixed that for ya

Thanks so much @ByTor! What on earth was I thinking? Katie has been blasting through romances at an alarming pace, and of course this is the B&B. 

11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I'll put money on that. This show puts no effort in selling any of its romances and the one or two that work in spite of the dumb writing gets tanked anyway. No point in dragging put the wedding.

I just hope that the next time Batie implodes that Brooke is on an extended vacation visiting Bridget and Logan and is in no way involved. If we must sit through Batie 3.0, let Steffy be the spoiler and be done with it.

Here is my biggest fear with Batie 3.0. Another poster mentioned that HT is looking a little in the family way. I have noticed a difference too, but have not been able to put my finger on it. What I don't want to see is HT being pregnant in real life and them writing it into the show. The last thing Bill needs is another kid, but if they are going there, I hope it is a girl. 

And I don't want Brooke anywhere near Katie or Bill during the entire duration of their marriage. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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32 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I will start running now to avoid the rotten tomatoes, but I am starting to like Bridge. Something has shifted with Thorsten,

I hate to admit it, but I've been thinking that too. Recently I noticed he wasn't repulsive anymore. I hope that continues.

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I can't quite bring myself to like Bridge, but...I don't hate them anymore. 

While I had such hopes for Brill and wanted them to be B&B's answer to DOOL's John/Marlena (aka in it for the long haul), I can live with a stable, secure Bridge. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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Stable Bridge is what I've wanted since at least 2004 after RJ was born. You'd think that would've been a decent enough cap-off point, but...no. 😐

but hey, I can accept this too. Better late than never.

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Oy, Sally is a glutton for punishment. Sal, trying to convince someone you're good enough is usually a waste of time. Just keep your eye on the prize and stop letting Quinn's coy condescension put you on the defensive.

Whee, a lightbulb flashed on over Quinn's head when she heard Sally would be out if town for a while. Get ready for some shenanigans to get Wyatt and Flo back together.

Looked to me like Thomas was low-key putting the moves on Hope, using Douglas as his way in. Hmm, are we supposed to have forgotten Thomas' shady history with Hope?

Never thought I'd ever see Denise Richards playing the mother of a character Flo's age. Time flies. And what was up with her eyebrows?

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Show having Quinn pass moral judgment on anyone? Annoying. I can actually buy that Quinn wouldn't like Sally. I generally like Sally (she and PF's Thomas were my favorite soap couple in a long while), but the most annoying thing about her is her complete lack of self worth. It's been 300 years since she stole those designs--the Forresters have been through approximately 17 weddings since then--and she still approaches EVERY conversation with, "Well, I know I'm a garbage person, but I'm plucky and have gumption, and maybe someday in a million years you'll just look at me with displeasure and not downright loathing." 

It's annoying. And someone like Quinn, someone who has fought and clawed for everything she has (to the point of kidnapping, rape, attempted murder and possible actual murder) and who has owned that fight, I buy that she would find someone like Sally who apologizes for those traits annoying. I buy that she'd resent the hell out of Sally for it. And if she said that, fine. But pretending any of this is about some stolen dresses? Annoying.

What's not annoying is Liam's take on Taylor. I love that he basically just treats her like the crazy neighbor lady that everyone smiles and nods at, to avoid her having one of her episodes.

LOL at Thomas referencing him and Hope "dating." I really hope AN and MA asked someone about their history so they could play scenes together in context--how they got together, how long they were together, how they broke up, etc--and SC, KKL, whomever was just like, "So yeah, about that..."

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13 minutes ago, Zoe116 said:

What's not annoying is Liam's take on Taylor. I love that he basically just treats her like the crazy neighbor lady that everyone smiles and nods at, to avoid her having one of her episodes.

If William Spencer III never holds steady against anything else inhis life as a human waffle, I hope to God he continues to keep Taylor at arm's length, even aftrr he and Steffy get back together.

At least when Stephanie was meddling in Ridge's love life, she did so with women Ridge was actually interested it. Taylor OTOH has more investment in Steamless than Steamless.

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Very subtle:  Quinn to Sally, “Taking time off already”.  Yes, Quinn, when was the last time anybody worked a full day or even a full hour. 

Thomas, once a horn dog always a horn dog. Now he’s working on Hope through Douglas playing up to how marvelous she is. I’m sorry, even if he’s sincere, I can’t give him the benefit of the doubt especially after the way he horned in on Ivy and Caroline.

I hope Flo is using 23 and Me for that will give her an excellent chance to find Deacon.  It’s just an educated guess for like Hope, Flo was kept away from her mean old daddy.  The tip off also is Flo saying that coming to LA wasn’t a mistake.  So Denise Richards is Flo’s mom. I have thought about her much since she played the character Christmas in a James Bond film or when she dumped Charlie Sheen. 

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I noticed Mom didn't ask about her old pal Quinn. No "Did Wyatt say how Quinn was doing?", or "Is Quinn there too?" Maybe the friendship is stronger in Quinn's memory than it is in reality. 

Wow. Eyebrows and lips, and what the hell is up with the voice. Sounds like someone has been smoking ten packs of cigarettes a day. 

Have I mentioned before how much I dislike Denise Richards. This is going to be such a challenge. 

Oh, go pound sand Quinn. Maybe you should take a stroll down memory lane and remember how it was for you when you first hooked up with Eric. No one wanted you in his life, everyone saw you as evil and untrustworthy and crazy. And they were right! And what did you do? The same fucking thing Sally is doing. So yeah, just shut the hell up. 

It won't work show. I do feel bad for kids without parents, but it isn't going to change my mind about Flo. I know she wants to tell Hope what happened, but she isn't doing that. And for me, paying lip service to it isn't the same thing as, you know, actually going to Hope and telling her what happened to her child. I wonder how Flo is going to handle the news that she sold her niece?

What are you doing Thomas? Hope is still very fragile, and was recently talking crazy stuff about Liam going back to Steffy. Maybe Douglas should start coming to see Hope on his own, or with Brooke. 

13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Just keep your eye on the prize and stop letting Quinn's coy condescension put you on the defensive.

That is a spot on description of Quinn; and I hate it. Just come out with it already! She was encouraging Sally to say what she had to say, but Quinn couldn't be bothered, instead hanging with the thinly veiled threats and disparaging remarks. 

12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

At least when Stephanie was meddling in Ridge's love life, she did so with women Ridge was actually interested it. Taylor OTOH has more investment in Steamless than Steamless.

That is because it isn't about Steamless. It is about winning! It is about beating those terrible Logans. It is about besting Brooke and getting one over on her. And Taylor knows the surest way to hurt Brooke is to hurt Hope. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I haven't been watching very much but it's probably a good thing because Quinn would be pissing me right off. How she dares to act all holier-than-thou lady of the manor with Sally when Sally's misdeeds are the proverbial drop in the bucket compared to Quinn's crimes - kidnapping, rape, and attempted murder. 

Her trying to wreck Sally's relationship with Thomas is rich considering she very nearly wrecked her own marriage to fool around with her stepson. 

I really have to wonder what went down in Vegas all those years ago and why Quinn is so up Flo's ass and angling for her to reunite with Wyatt. And don't get me started on the Z list Denise Richards joining the cast. It's stunt casting as its not-so-finest and I can't stand her. 

It's bad enough we have to put up with the wimpy Daddy's girl Zoe but now this talentless trashbag? Ugh...

I actually like the actress playing Flo as she's quite capable but I'm not fond of her character as she continues to lie right to Hope's face. I guess this is all for extra-drama if the spoilers about Flo and Hope having much more in common than Wyatt as a love interest turn out to be true.

But I think the big reason I'm still mostly tuning out is because the days, weeks, months continue to tick by with no hint of reunion between Hope and her baby in sight. It's almost as if that's being swept under the rug and that's just wrong. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

But I think the big reason I'm still mostly tuning out is because the days, weeks, months continue to tick by with no hint of reunion between Hope and her baby in sight. It's almost as if that's being swept under the rug and that's just wrong. 

Baby switch stories always seem to drag out. The ones that end before the six month mark are the rare exceptions. And that wouldn't bother me nearly as much if the writing on this show wasn't stuck in an endless loop of the same old dialogue. 

At this point, I'd welcome a Steffy/Waffles hookup because it would be SOME progress other than Sad Hope Hours.

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

haven't been watching very much but it's probably a good thing because Quinn would be pissing me right off. How she dares to act all holier-than-thou lady of the manor with Sally when Sally's misdeeds are the proverbial drop in the bucket compared to Quinn's crimes - kidnapping, rape, and attempted murder. 


She really has not earn the right to berate or judge any damn person on this show. She's the absolute WORST hypocrite on the show, and that's a hell of an achievement with Taylor screeching to anyone that would listen about Evil Logans.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Flo just took the DNA test.  In reality, the results don’t come back for months. 

Shawna, Taylor, and Stuffy have one thing in common. BOTOX. I haven’t seen Denice in years and her face cries out Botox Botox Botox.  I don’t know about HT, but at one time DR was kind of cute. 

Ok, now that I saw Shawna’s reaction to Bill being Wyatt’s father, I sort of got the feeling that Bill is also Flo’s father. But the question is that does Bill Bell have the balls to make Wyatt and Flo half siblings. Think about it, they were in love and maybe shared that love physically.  This is a big theme for a Porno (so I heard) but a soap opera?  I’m on pins and needles 😬

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12 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Ok, now that I saw Shawna’s reaction to Bill being Wyatt’s father, I sort of got the feeling that Bill is also Flo’s father. But the question is that does Bill Bell have the balls to make Wyatt and Flo half siblings. Think about it, they were in love and maybe shared that love physically.  This is a big theme for a Porno (so I heard) but a soap opera?  I’m on pins and needles 😬

I tuned in to catch a bit of the show and that's the part I saw.  As soon as Flo's mom started freaking out about Bill being Wyatt's father, I said 'ewwwwww' and changed the channel.  Is Bell REALLY going to go there?  EWWWWWWWW.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Shawna, Taylor, and Stuffy have one thing in common. BOTOX. I haven’t seen Denice in years and her face cries out Botox Botox Botox.  I don’t know about HT, but at one time DR was kind of cute.

It's an obscene amount of fillers. Denise Richards is getting that bizarro joker look as well as not being able to move her face a la Hunter Tylo. She's fine if she's not talking or smiling, though!

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1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

I tuned in to catch a bit of the show and that's the part I saw.  As soon as Flo's mom started freaking out about Bill being Wyatt's father, I said 'ewwwwww' and changed the channel.  Is Bell REALLY going to go there?  EWWWWWWWW.

He'll act like it's there for a while, Sally will use it to her advantage, and then Flo's mom will have some memories recovered or something and Flo's bio dad will turn out to be some random frat/beach dude her mom banged at a kegger.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Ok, now that I saw Shawna’s reaction to Bill being Wyatt’s father, I sort of got the feeling that Bill is also Flo’s father. But the question is that does Bill Bell have the balls to make Wyatt and Flo half siblings. Think about it, they were in love and maybe shared that love physically.  This is a big theme for a Porno (so I heard) but a soap opera?  I’m on pins and needles 😬

I haven't seen today's episode but darn... I was hoping the rumors of Flo maybe being Hope's sister were true. Though if it is Bill, then she still helped sell her niece on the black market.  

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Ok, now that I saw Shawna’s reaction to Bill being Wyatt’s father, I sort of got the feeling that Bill is also Flo’s father. But the question is that does Bill Bell have the balls to make Wyatt and Flo half siblings. Think about it, they were in love and maybe shared that love physically. 

I haven't watched the show yet, but what I suspect is that it would be revealed that Wyatt is not Bill's son. I don't think I would like that because I like Wyatt, and he has been saddled with Quinn his whole life, and has been hurt by the ladies in his life. I think not being Bill's son would be a crushing blow; not only because it would impact his relationship with his "dad", but it would radically change the way Wyatt sees his mom. 

I just don't think Bradley has the balls to go there. I just don't.

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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I tuned in to catch a bit of the show and that's the part I saw.  As soon as Flo's mom started freaking out about Bill being Wyatt's father, I said 'ewwwwww' and changed the channel.  Is Bell REALLY going to go there?  EWWWWWWWW.

FWIW I can't believe Bell is really going to go the Spencer sibling connection route. My personal guess is that Bill is not Flo's father, even though Shauna may have thought so all these years. Having some random reason it would be Eric would really pit Quinn against her instant retconned "bestie" & make for some interesting story.

Can't think the baby daddy would be Ridge....more Drama with Eric....also be interesting if it were Deacon for the Hope connection but since he's not on currently & they only write for the tiny handful of people who live in LA who are Forrester connected, the gene pool definitely does narrow. lol 😈

Edited by RedRockRosie
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On what planet does anyone think Denise Richards can act?  She’s at best a D list actress.  The only thing she’s famous for is being married to freak Charlie Sheen. Is there a dearth of blonde middle-aged actresses in Hollywood?  

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Wow, Flo actually checked the peephole before swinging open her front door.

Heh, Justin's a bit of a yenta. Maybe he and Bill can have a slumber party at the office and do each other's hair and talk about girls.

So Will can say "Aunt Donna" but still calls Justin by his first name. Disrespecting little brat. 😉

Did Rena and Denise used to run together IRL? One of those old photos didn't looked Photoshopped to me.

Nah, I don't think B&B is about to go Game of Thrones on us. I think it's going to turn out that Wyatt isn't Bill's kid but Flo is. I think Quinn bamboozled Bill. Be funny if the spumors are a little off and Deacon is Wyatt's dad instead of Flo's. Quinn would have a lot of 'splainin' to do to her son.

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1 hour ago, KLovestoShop said:

On what planet does anyone think Denise Richards can act?  She’s at best a D list actress.  The only thing she’s famous for is being married to freak Charlie Sheen. Is there a dearth of blonde middle-aged actresses in Hollywood?  

I doubt it.

A dearth of blonde middle-age actresses in Hollywood willing to do soap work OTOH....

B&B has done plenty of stunt casting, most notably Jack Wagner, but gone are the days where they can afford any such name for any long period of time. 

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I think Bill being named Flo's daddy is just a joke/play on the idea that Bill was apparently such a player who slapped away any idea of protection that he's got illegitimate kids coming from all around the area to L.A. in search of confirmation.

Much like Liam thought Ridge was for sure his daddy, I'm betting the same with Flo and Bill. Shauna definitely slept with him but then she may have enjoyed company of more than one man around that time. Shauna's just caught out that she'll have to confess to her bestie Quinn that she bedded the guy she knew Quinn had been hung up on.

Once the vomit inducing realization and shock of Flatt thinking they slept with their half sibling is milked, they'll move on to the relief of not actually being related once the DNA tests come in. Then Flo will ask mom who else could it be?! Shauna then has to think really hard to the good times to come up with the shocking name - which will probably still be Deacon.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wow, Flo actually checked the peephole before swinging open her front door.

Heh, Justin's a bit of a yenta. Maybe he and Bill can have a slumber party at the office and do each other's hair and talk about girls.

So Will can say "Aunt Donna" but still calls Justin by his first name. Disrespecting little brat. 😉

Did Rena and Denise used to run together IRL? One of those old photos didn't looked Photoshopped to me.

Nah, I don't think B&B is about to go Game of Thrones on us. I think it's going to turn out that Wyatt isn't Bill's kid but Flo is. I think Quinn bamboozled Bill. Be funny if the spumors are a little off and Deacon is Wyatt's dad instead of Flo's. Quinn would have a lot of 'splainin' to do to her son.

I believe there was a DNA test to prove Wyatt was Bill’s son. I don’t think that Bill would allow Wyatt to change his name to Spencer without one. 

DR when she was younger didn’t need to be able to act. DR was the typical “eye candy” of the late 1990’s.  In the James Bond movie “The World Is Not Enough”, DR played a nuclear scientist named Dr. Christmas Jones and it was definitely not for her acting ability.  

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@TobinAlbers I think you have nailed it. That scenario makes perfect sense, and is much more palatable than the alternatives. I think making Wyatt and Flo half siblings would have me tuning out for good, and I really don't want Wyatt's parentage retconned. Of course they have done worse when you consider Ridge and Eric, but Wyatt has suffered enough in his life and doesn't need that too. 

8 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I believe there was a DNA test to prove Wyatt was Bill’s son. I don’t think that Bill would allow Wyatt to change his name to Spencer without one. 

Nope, Bill never did request one for Wyatt, although he did for Liam. I have always felt they left that little particular out for just this kind of SL; is he or isn't he?

8 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

DR when she was younger didn’t need to be able to act. DR was the typical “eye candy” of the late 1990’s.  In the James Bond movie “The World Is Not Enough”, DR played a nuclear scientist named Dr. Christmas Jones and it was definitely not for her acting ability.  

Indeed; there is no doubt that Denise was a looker, but for me being pretty on the outside does not make you pretty on the inside. And you are spot on with the 1990's eye candy description, but there were a lot of other ladies who fell into that category, but could actually act and had some substance. This may sound crazy, but I would rather had them ask Heather Locklear to join the cast. Heather has been having a really hard time of it lately; and maybe getting a temporary gig would have helped her? Oh, and Heather can act, at least in my opinion. 

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Oops, just remembered that Wyatt and Hope were once married so Deacon definitely won't be his father. Still thinking though that Wyatt might not be Bill's son.

I had barely begun watching full-time then and don't recall how things went down for Bill to recognize Wyatt as his son. However, others have said there was no DNA test and Bill just took Quinn's word for it, for reasons. (I guess she basically shamed him?) If that's true an opening has long been there for the show to question Wyatt's paternity and maybe now is when they'll do it.

I think Bill suddenly having an adult daughter could be a game-changer and could challenge his often wreckless hyper-masculinity. Maybe that's one of the reasons those silly sword necklaces were dumped. The blatant penis symbolism won't work with a female Spencer heir. Also, Bill having a daughter Flo's age might make Steffy want to step back into his arena. She might decide to view Flo as a danger Bill needs protecting from, especially when/if the truth about Phoebeth comes out.

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30 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I think Bill suddenly having an adult daughter could be a game-changer and could challenge his often wreckless hyper-masculinity.

Yes! Particularly right after losing Caroline, and maybe that is one of the reasons they decided to kill the character off. Bill has been very affected by Caroline's death, so maybe he will be a better person to Flo than he often was to Caroline. 

Having Flo be Bill's would have a bigger impact for sure, and would make for so much soapy goodness, but I highly doubt that is were they are going. 

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I had barely begun watching full-time then and don't recall how things went down for Bill to recognize Wyatt as his son. However, others have said there was no DNA test and Bill just took Quinn's word for it, for reasons. (I guess she basically shamed him?) If that's true an opening has long been there for the show to question Wyatt's paternity and maybe now is when they'll do it. 

IIRC 🤔(and there's no guarantee of that lol)....Quinn was very young & really fell for Bill (her first maybe??)...got pregnant & told Bill. He basically gave her $$ for an abortion & then split. Quinn took the $$, let him think she was going to but never aborted, hence Wyatt. Also the reason she didn't ever want Bill to know about Wyatt cause she hated him after he just dumped her. 😡The bastard.😥

Thought he got a DNA test but really don't remember.

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If I were raised by a crazy mother like Quinn, I would have done my own DNA test on the side, even if Bill didn't demand one.  And Bill should sue Justin for malpractice if he didn't do it. I just hate the idea of them retconning Wyatt's paternity so much that's probably what this show is going to do. 😢

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1 hour ago, tessaray said:

If I were raised by a crazy mother like Quinn, I would have done my own DNA test on the side, even if Bill didn't demand one.  And Bill should sue Justin for malpractice if he didn't do it. I just hate the idea of them retconning Wyatt's paternity so much that's probably what this show is going to do. 😢

If they weren't planning on keeping Quinn around, learning that she actually aborted/lost Bill's kid, had a breakdown and actually stole another kid to 'replace' it so that neither she nor Bill were Wyatt's parents would be a dynamite story for DB and RS. I think they would have Bill surprise us in embracing Wyatt despite his not being blood to show us his growth.

Alas Quinn ain't going anywhere but there is a lot to mine if Wyatt's paternity comes into question while still landing on his being a Spencer by blood in the end. After everything she's done in the name of securing her son's Spencer legacy, Quinn would have a lot to answer for in her willfully ignoring that there was another baby daddy possibility. The only way she becomes sympathetic (which is likely how they'll lean) is if they tap back into that well of her abusive childhood and we learn that she had been raped just after her time with Bill and Wyatt's father could be a man that raped her. It makes Bill's rejection that much more devestaing because she was looking to him to be her white knight and he 'failed' her.  She willed $Bill as Wyatt's father because the alternative was too difficult to accept and she's determined to never have Wyatt feel less than after people made her feel that way. It almost kind of explains her pathology even to the point of why she detests Liam's goodness as weakness because she had been that nice, naive once and it sure as hell  never worked out for her.

In the end Wyatt I think will be a Spencer either by blood or by Bill claiming him. Wyatt will have his angst and finally a damn story about him but in the end he'll have his family.

Never thought about how killing off Caroline made room for another female Spencer being accepted hastily into the family but yeah...that's the kind of move this show would do. (Unless you're Aly). Just wish if we were getting a new adult female Spencer it had been Sally as Bill's daughter. That relationship has all the classic obstacles of asshole captains of industry who tried to grind down an upstart nobody only to learn that it was their kid (Alan/Gus, GL; Bo/Victor, DAYS; Adam/Hayley, AMC; Asa and what's his name on OLTL). Bill would have loads to make up for in regards to Sally but no dice since Wally has had months of sexy times.

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The only reason I'm still on the Team Deacon thing is because her sharing a father with Hope would put another kink into the baby reveal when a paternity test is done.

I dunno how I feel about a whole rewrite of Wyatt's paternity and introducing yet another story about rape to make Quinn more sympathetic, because it sure won't work on me. If anything, it makes her treatment of Liam in the cabin that much worse.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

The only reason I'm still on the Team Deacon thing is because her sharing a father with Hope would put another kink into the baby reveal when a paternity test is done.

I dunno how I feel about a whole rewrite of Wyatt's paternity and introducing yet another story about rape to make Quinn more sympathetic, because it sure won't work on me. If anything, it makes her treatment of Liam in the cabin that much worse.

Since they won't/can't bring back lil Deacon, I'm down with Flo being Hope's sister as it's a way for her to have non Logan/Forrester sibling on canvas and allows exploration of her Sharpeness. And yep, Flo will have a road to hoe in making it up to her about Beth.

Re Quinn, unfortunately they've planted enough seeds in Quinn's story for this to be plausible; on one hand I agree that I'm not inclined to be sympathetic towards her given what she did to Liam with abject glee and ownership, but sadly abuse can and sometimes does pull its victims into the cycle where they become abusers/perpetrators due to them psychologically and emotionally being screwed up. Some people really are just evil and give no shits while others have mitigating reasons why they lash out- soaps almost always use mental illness/brain tumors to save a character. The only true villains that I can think of that owned their shit with no remorse or corrective backstory were James Steinbeck and Billy Clyde Tuggle. Even kidnapping, dungenon keeper rat feeding Victor Newman got the I was an orphaned child that became a self made millionaire badass treatment to make him more acceptable as a permanent male lead in YandR.

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Since B&B loves stunt casting (especially CBS alumni) so much, I think they should get Charlie Sheen for a few episodes to play Flo's father.  He could be some nameless dirtbag Flo had a ONS with back in Vegas. j/k ... j/k

I on the anybody BUT Bill train. Please.  I don't know how to say this nicely, but Quinn and Shauna don't seem like the "type" of women Bill would bother to mess around with. In other words, they were just regular ordinary gals and Bill seems like he is/was the snobbish playboy type (kinda like RM Ridge before he was semi-domesticated) and would only date supermodel types, starlets, Playboy centerfolds, etc. Case in point, Liam's mother was a model for FC and probably other fashion houses. 

Having Flo and Wyatt be half-siblings kinda turns my stomach. 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

soaps almost always use mental illness/brain tumors to save a character.

They do....Y&R just did this last week to handwave JT's abuse of Victoria....I'd be more pissed about that except the whole abuse thing was so widely out of character as it is.

I gotta say I'm all for something to shake up with Quinn because it's been comm silence since the Quridge stuff was dropped.

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I think DR problem is she is in her late 40s but still styling herself like she's Dr. Christmas Jones.  Sometimes when we try to hard to look young, we end up looking older.  RS is around the same age at DR and looks younger than her.   That's why I was glad KKL cut her hair ... she shaved 10 years off with that haircut.  I suspect DR would shave some years off too if she slightly darkened her hair, got rid of the surfer girl waves and stopped with the Barbie pink lipgloss.

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While it would be all kinds of squicky if Wyatt and Flo turn out to have the same daddy ($ Bill), we don't know that their being highschool sweethearts means they slept together. From what we've been shown, Wyatt and Quinn left Vegas before Wyatt graduated so it could have been halfway through highschool or so when they parted ways.

So, again, squicky because at minimum, they kissed, etc., but this is definitely not the first time a Bell show has gone there. The borderline incest (or at least the prospect) has been seen several times before - with Jill/Brock (thought to be siblings when it was thought that Jill was Kay's daughter and she had slept with Brock prior to that), Summer/Kyle (thought to be siblings), and Mac/Billy (thought to be first cousins - see Brock/Jill). 

The most extreme (and gross) example was when Badley's own daddy, the late great Bill Bell, was at the helm and it was revealed that Cockroach (ahem, Cricket) and Scott had the same daddy and they were engaged and had practically rounded 3rd base when the rumor was planted and still sucking face until practically right up until the results came in. 

So yes, I can absolutely see Badley following in his father's footsteps and so long as Flo and Wyatt never actually did the deed, I'm okay with them being siblings. Wyatt still remains Bill's and Bill finally gets a daughter. ITA with others that think Flo is the reason Caroline II was killed off. We also still have the angst of the Phoebeth reveal but this time, it's Flo's brother and sister-in-law vs her sister. Not that I wouldn't have wanted SK/Deacon to return but I don't see that happening.

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