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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Yeah, not sure how Donna and Justin "raised" Marcus whom they didn't meet until he was in his mid-twenties. 

I mean, why even say that?  If the idea is to remind the audience (or inform a new audience) about their history, it would be enough to say they were proud of their son.  But now we're supposed to believe they were a happy family for years.  Poor, poor writing.

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Oh please, give me a break. Steffy keeps saying her mom is a big help and also Amelia (?) but we never see them. We just see her buried under mounds of baby crap. Even two babies cannot go through that much stuff on one day. And Hope? Quit being a damn martyr. And get those hanks of hair off of your face. That makes me nuts. 

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Justin gets on my nerves, but I'd still enjoy him in a real story with Donna. The show just dropping a reunited Justin/Donna and not giving them a second chance baby and Justin having to choose between his boy $Bill and Donna when she finally put her foot down about his treatment of Hope and Brooke makes me ILL. Donna being Justin's ride of die chick and scheming with him to take over Spectra would've been amazing. You can make peripheral characters have rich lives in the short scenes they're on.

Since current storylines are, uh, stupid, I've been pondering: If the show is still on, who are Beth and Kelly going to be fighting over in 10 years when they're 18? Can't be Dino,Douglas or Logan or Jack Marone or Lizzie. Even Rosie Forrester is of the Logan line so she couldn't be an option for Beth. They'll have to bring in someone new but obviously tied to a core family. I feel like that only leaves a Spectra son or daughter which means hopefully CJ is getting busy offscreen to have a son or daughter to play spoiler with Beth and Kelly.

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Surely this cannot be... Steffy Supermom Domestic Goddess Queen actually got a bit overwhelmed and flustered today. 

I mean that’s basically impossible since she’s such a perfect parent whose every act and chore have been poetry in motion. Whelp I guess someone will have to step in and fill the gaps. I mean it’s really the only option and what’s for the best.  🙄 

Batie bores me. I don’t really want to see impulsive jackass Bill kow tow to prissy serious nosy ass Katie. 

Sally and Wyatt in bed are this soaps version of John and Marlena perpetually at restaurants.

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Will is such a little smarty. But whoa, why would anyone other a gangster ever have used a $100,000 bill? Good luck trying to get the clerk at Circle K to break that. 😉

Hope pushing Liam back to Steffy is some b.s. I bet they're setting it up for Hope to let Steffy keep Beth once the truth comes out. Someone (Brooke? Katie?) needs to tell her to get grief therapy since she's likely suffering from PPD and that's what is messing up her thinking.

Aw, poor Steffy is so frazzled with two crying babies while she's trying to cook and fold laundry and prepare a bottle of formula. An unnecessary situation she created voluntarily to make herself look sympathetic. Pssht.

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I'm tired of Stuffy trying to be a Saint and Hope is trying to be a martyr. Fuck Hope for sending Liam to Stuffy and Fuck Fuck Liam for going.  

Who still using powdered formula?  That is so 20th century.  Are we now going to see Stuffy folding diapers as well a clothes?  

I don't care how much time Sally and Wyatt spend in time in bed. If it was me, I would only get out of bed to shit, shower, and shave. 

Edited by Waldo13
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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I mean, he honestly says: "I don't think I've ever seen Bill happier than when he was with Will and Katie."


I could've sworn that Justin was one of the biggest Brill cheerleaders. Where is this crapola coming from?

5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Oh, she also mentions Mushmouth and they congratulate each other on the fine job they did in raising him.

Oh yes, the child she gave up as a teenager that no one looked up until HE came to town as an adult and that Justin didn't know existed till seven years ago.

That child 😐

Why must Show insult us like this? They do realize YouTube exists and that episode clips after 2011 are easy to find?

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Justin's a sidekick. He thinks and feels whatever he expects will please Bill at the moment. And Bill himself changes his mind about the love of his life at least once a year so how can anyone else keep up.

Plus I really think Justin just wants Bill with a woman again so he can spin around in Bill's chair while he's out on dates*. 

Not that anyone on this show ever actually goes out on dates, but still. 

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While I took a dim view of Brooke inserting herself into Hope's therapy sessions in the past, I don't feel the same way now.  Brooke needs to get help for her daughter ASAP.  Hope is clearly depressed and not thinking clearly at all.  Anybody can see what a disaster in the making this is going to be with Hope shoving Liam back to Steffy.

I didn't miss the gleeful expression that crossed Steffy's face when Liam told her that Hope suggested that he drop by to help Steffy with the girls.

This time, I'm not going to lean so hard on Liam. He protested going over to Steffy's but Hope kept insisting.

I never felt that Donna and Justin had any chemistry, so even though it was a poor explanation, I can buy the, "we make better friends than spouses," excuse for divorcing (among others).

I love Will. He's always a burst of energy and fun (to me) to liven up the dreary and/or boring storylines. He and DD have great chemistry.  I really don't care if Batie reunites or not. I guess there is no hope for Brill. That makes me sad, but I sure haven't missed TK's absence the past few weeks. Hope he's off for a long time.

Speaking of Batie, I am not excited about Denise Richards joining the show or an extended run from Flo. The show needs more men, not women. That way, the women don't have to keep cycling through the same men. Why not bring on some new men for Katie and Donna? I can't see Katie and Justin as Justin is just too damned loyal to $Bill to dare go there.  Anyway, Katie would be an idiot to trust Bill for a third trip to the altar.

PLEASE give Wally something other to do than screw.  I miss the old rough-around-the-edges Sally. While I don't want to see her back with nuThomas, I liked her better when she was with him. With Wyatt, she seems to have lost her confidence and chutzpah. Maybe she's just tired out from the constant sex.

Edited by CharlizeCat
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Steffy’s  unemployed mom and full time nanny live with her to help with the babies but 👌🏼giphy.gif?cid=4bf119fc5c6f600338665a6173 

also wonders cease 2 newborns...wait for it.  Are more work than one? Waaaaht?  It’s like twice the work? I would have never thought that until today seeing Steffy for her first time frazzled. Until now I thought it was folding laundry while people genuflect. .  

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That whole sequence of poor, overwhelmed Hauxdi mixing up formula to the tune of crying babies and dramatic music was so laughable. 

Here's a clip of it so those who aren't watching can see it in all it's cheesetastic glory:

Bitch not only CHOSE this, she begged her whackado momma for $250k so she could PAY to have this life.

I don't have one single ounce of sympathy for her. 

I do, however, have sympathy for Hope. She is still grieving - she will always grieve until whenever TPTB decide the viewers have had enough of this shit storyline (NEWSFLASH - WE'RE ALREADY THERE). And she's still postpartum. With those kind of attacks on her psyche, of course she's urging Liam to go be with his family. She's not rational right now, but even in her current state, she still manages to go high. Steffy, who looked like she was salivating over Liam telling her Hope all but ordered him to go over to her place, is going to go as low as she can and take full advantage.

Night and day, these women.

Night and day.

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Here's a thought ... Instead of having Katie playing all coquettish about being "in love" with Bill, why not have her draw on her own personal experience with devastating PPD and reach out to her niece? 

The actresses are good enough that they could probably ad lib the whole scenario. /eyeroll. Thus, minimal effort by the writers to dredge up new scripts. 

I am weary of the ToD in any permutation. I am also tired of seeing Wally rolling around in bed or making out. Their relationship is well past the honeymoon stage. Let's see something different, even (dare I say?) some type of conflict that DOESN'T involve another woman or man.

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So this happened today:

Steffy tells Brooke that she genuinely cares about Hope and is heartbroken for Hope and Liam, stating "I would never do anything to undermine their marriage."

The moment Brooke leaves, Steffy stares at the portrait and smiles, and then we get some Steamless flashbacks.


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45 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy tells Brooke that she genuinely cares about Hope and is heartbroken for Hope and Liam, stating "I would never do anything to undermine their marriage."

Besides the whole locking Hope in a gondola thing to stop them from getting married the first damn time? Or the time she waited till her wedding to tell Hope Liam tore up the annulment papers? Or how she conspired with Bill about the Deacon thing in Italy? Or how she certainly didn't wait long after those pictures of Liam got out to make her move? Or how after losing the baby and leaving to Paris, she comes back at Quinn's invitation to tell him her uterus is fixed up and she can have a baby again?

But you know, besides those things, sure, she'd never come between them, LMAO.


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So much Deep Fried Fuckery. 

Zoe can't tell because she loves her dad and doesn't want him to go to jail. Well, Zoe, here is the thing, your dad is a grown up person, as such, he should have learned about right and wrong; more importantly, he should know that two wrongs do not make a right. There is also the thing about learning from past mistakes. As a doctor, he should know he has a deep seated problem that he has no control over. That problem has now threatened his daughter's life, and has upended Hope's. And since he has sought absolutely no help, instead choosing to put out this latest fire by breaking too many laws to count; it stands to reason that Dr. Dickhead will find himself in trouble again. What will the cost be then, and who will be the person to pay the price for his fuck up next time? 

Zoe also can't tell because she now see's Steffy as Beth's mother? The hell? Yeah, I won't say Steffy wouldn't be upset, and hurt, and that she wouldn't miss Beth, but she would still have Kelly, and would get past that pain. Hope on the other hand, won't get past that pain, because Hope thinks her baby is fucking dead. Hope also now see's herself as a failure as a woman. She thinks there is something fucking wrong with her, and will probably never try to have children. This horrible loss was, is, and will always be very deep, and very personal. It isn't about Liam, or triangles, or love; it is about Hope as a person and a woman, and suffering for the rest of her life. Zoe can stuff her concern for Steffy's pain and loss. 

Katie looks positively broken up. Batie 3.0 on the way. 

Yellow is one of my favorite colors and Donna was totally rocking it. Loved her blouse and JG looks amazing. 

When Wyatt told Bill he was in love with Sally I started to cry. I said it and I own it. 

I am glad that it looks like Sally is going to get another shot, but I question the timing. It looks like it will coincide with Thomas's return. And just no. I like Wyatt and Sally. Granted, all they do is have sex, but I still like them. A lot. Now, I loved Sally and Thomas, but that was a whole different thing. Courtney and Pierson had way mad chemistry and passion, so unless the recast has the same fire, I will not be on board for a redux. I like that Wyatt went to bat for Sally with Bill. I also think this relationship makes sense for both characters, who are very much alike. I don't have much that is keeping me on board, so please, don't screw up this couple. 

Liam better not do it. He needs to dig in his heels, and tell his confused wife that he isn't going anywhere. He then needs to go get Brooke and they need to partner in getting Hope some help. And please God, I am not talking about Taylor. 

What I don't like about them showing a frazzled Steffy, is it is just another cheap ass ploy to make viewers feel sorry for her. Poor worn out thing. All those clothes baskets just keep appearing. Funny thing is, I have never seen her in front of a washer or dryer. Have never even seen evidence of one at Cliff House. I know; silly, picky details, but I hate this SL so much it has reduced me to noticing stupid shit like that. I mean, when is Steffy washing and drying all those damn clothes? Couple that with the never quiet baby monitors, and making those bottles up, and making the dinner? Yes, our New Earth Mother is really quite worn out. Maybe she should have thought about that before buying and infant when she already had one on hand. 

Dear Lord, a Steffy/Liam montage. That makes it inevitable I guess. 

I really like that new grey in Bill's goatee, but not so much the hair. It needs to be worked into the whole head of hair, just having it right there in front of the ears only draws more attention to the black shoe polish he is using to keep those dark locks. Let it go Bill. Embrace your grey; it would take sexaaaay to a whole new level. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I don't blame Hope anymore for being fucked up, I blame TIIC for fucking up Hope.  Hope ran away once before, after her miscarriage, and now she is running away once again.  

Eric talks about Bill being no bargain as a father but Ridge may seem to be a better father, but he's no better a man than Bill. It's a very tuff choice but I rather have Bill for a father.  Bill owned stock in FC so why can't he do the same for Spectra?  Fund Spectra as a totally independent company, so Bill doesn't have to be a dressmaker, and hold a percentage of the stock. 

Brooke, you are loosing your mind by going to Stuffy.  Why in the world would you think that she would respect anyone's boundaries.  Brooke, you just threw chum in the water just wetting Stuffy's appetite. 

Lastly, Hope's argument doesn't make sense. She still can be auntie Hope and be in their lives but Liam can't do the same. I was divorced, from my first wife, and I actually spend more time with my children than my ex wife did.  Eventually Stuffy will go back to work so will Liam become a house husband?  

Stuffy, you are pregnant, please please stop the Botox injections. 

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Why does Liam always have to go over to Steffy's place to see his daughter? It's like little Kelly is being kept hostage. Does Steffy ever take her outside and away from the house?

I'm with Bill. It doesn't make sense for a fashion publication to have it's own fashion house. How would they be able to report on it objectively? That said, I was pushing for Brooke to ask Bill for financing to take HFTF out of FC. But I wasn't thinking of SP actually owning it.

So what happens if Wyatt and Sally break up? Where will that leave the new and improved Spectra? Could get messy, especially if one of them cheats and things turn nasty.

Poor Hope. Why does no one get her some help?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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26 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Lastly, Hope's argument doesn't make sense. She still can be auntie Hope and be in their lives but Liam can't do the same. I was divorced, from my first wife, and I actually spend more time with my children than my ex wife did.  Eventually Stuffy will go back to work so will Liam become a house husband?  

Even though we know better, I wished that Liam would forcefully that Phoebe is not his daughter and he isn't going to pretend otherwise or use her as replacement of dead Beth. Sure, that's his child but I think the saner response would be for him to remind everyone that he divorced Steffy and had nothing to do with the adoption of Phoebe.

If people are acting like Hope is off for spending time with Phoebe then I need that same logic to be applied to Liam.

This stupid show.

Edited by nilyank
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

What I don't like about them showing a frazzled Steffy, is it is just another cheap ass ploy to make viewers feel sorry for her. Poor worn out thing. All those clothes baskets just keep appearing.

Back when the show had a pretty decent budget, Brooke always had a nanny around to shuttle the kids away. Funny enough, I can't remember if Taylor ever had a babysitter despite how quickly the twins were born after Thomas and her recovery from TB.

At any rate, I don't buy that Stephanie Forrester II, who grew up in the lap of luxury and is the bestest CEO of Forrester Creations ever would ever deign to doing laundry. I know I wouldnt--it feels endless enough when I'mm only washing for just me! Let alone two infants. 

1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

I don't blame Hope anymore for being fucked up, I blame TIIC for fucking up Hope.  Hope ran away once before, after her miscarriage, and now she is running away once again. 

Thing is, I never bought for one second that Hope cared for Wyatt as anything but a weapon to use to make Liam tow the line. BTS reasons notwithstanding, it's not a surprise that she left Wyatt, and that relationship was doomed. I know TPTB were not planning on Matula's exit from the show and with that close timing, I will go to my grave believing there was going to be a WTD scenario eventually. But I digress.

Hope has run away from situations A LOT in the past, for trust issues that haven't been present in Lope 2.0. This time, I feel like she's legit doing this because it's the best thing for the moronic, spineless sap she married and not because she doesn't trust him (as was always the case before). My opinion of Liam would go up a tiny bit if he shot this right out of hand and actually stood by her. Tell Steffy that he can take Kelly to his house more often but that he can't be there everyday.

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Okay, enough with the St. Hope of the Martyr Convent. Liam and Brooke need to get her to therapy ASAP. And Liam needs to stop agreeing to her nutso thoughts that he needs to be with Steffy and “those innocent babies”. Geez, Louise. Can we finally resolve this story line??!! I just hate this show now and have for many months. Yuck.

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Simple. Kelly can't leave the premises and go to Liam's cabin because it would cut into precious "bonding time" with Phobeth.

ITA that Liam needs to go to somebody, anybody (except Steffy and Lippy) to get some help for Hope. What happened to the grief support group Lippy suggested to Hope? Again, Aunt Katie seems like an ideal person to try to help Hope through this. Even though Will is alive, Katie knows the depths of PPD. Hope really needs to get a grip because now she is dangerously blurring "logic and issues." Waffle Boy is only going to put up with pushing him away for so long before he takes it to heart and bolts.

I can see him showing up at Steffy's and standing there with that dumb-fuck clueless expression and explaining how Hope just keeps "insisting" that Kelly and Phobeth need him 24/7.

I predict ... Eric will offer Sally the lead design position for HFTF. Simultaneously, Bill and Wyatt will inform her about the plans to survive SF and she'll resign from FC. In a panic, Sludge and/or Eric will summon Thomas back to L.A.

I'll bet that if Liam were suddenly available, Steffy wouldn't be too exhausted to "cha cha cha."

This show ... 

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JMW cannot leave my screen soon enough. I want the martyr Hope SL over ASAP.  Maybe the truth will come out and Hauxdi will disappear with Kelly and Phoebeth.  JMW can be on maternity leave.  Bill will move heaven and earth to find Hauxdi and the girls.  He'll restore Beth to Lope and thus will begin the healing of the Bill/Liam relationship.

As Thomas is returning, are they going to explain the Carowhine  and Douglas situation? Are they going to be off screen in NY awaiting his return?  Will Thomas explain to Sally he lost his damn mind when he went back to Carowhine? Will he declare his undying Tally love and want her back? Will he say he now realizes he can be Douglas' father without living with Carowhine?

That would be novel -- a B&B character realizing parents don't have to be together.  Sludge's head will explode if he hears Thomas say that. 

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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

ITA that Liam needs to go to somebody, anybody (except Steffy and Lippy) to get some help for Hope. What happened to the grief support group Lippy suggested to Hope? Again, Aunt Katie seems like an ideal person to try to help Hope through this. Even though Will is alive, Katie knows the depths of PPD. Hope really needs to get a grip because now she is dangerously blurring "logic and issues." Waffle Boy is only going to put up with pushing him away for so long before he takes it to heart and bolts.

You bring up a great point and to take it further, Bill knows firsthand how hard it is  to try to help your wife through a mental crisis complete with her pushing you to another woman! This is a prime opportunity for Liam to miss having Bill as his sounding board and emotional support and be pushed to such a desperate state that he actually does go to Bill in a kind of 'Time out on hating you, I need my dad for a few hours' and Liam be able to talk through this. And for Bill to be Liam's dad. And for Bill to reach out to Katie for guidance and help with Hope which could cause friction with Brooke since Katie is helping Hope in a way Brooke can't.

The other parallel I just realized (way late, I admit) is that Liam is tooootally his dad in that he got two women pregnant inside of a year. Kelly and Beth are the next gen Wyatt and Liam.  Ha!

So I'm guessing that makes Hope the Kelly in this and Steffy the Quinn. I mean it's not exactly the same dynamic because unlike Bill, Liam claims to love both women and want both children and yet you so know that in about 10 years when the girls are 18, Liam will be up to his dirty blond goatee in dealing with both girls feeling like he loved the other more.

If I were SC I'd be making inroads over at DOOL to be a Kiriakis grandson and bail on this mess as it's only gonna get worse over the years.  This is the fourth time they've had a traumatized post-partum woman push her husband away into the arms of someone else (Katie, Steffy, Hope each have done this). How many times are they gonna recycle these beats?   Is Hope going to try to leave for Paris like she did after she lost her son with Wyatt? Is Liam going to let her go and only follow her when Steffy tells him he needs to settle this before she can take him back? Ugh, break the cycle!

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25 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

As Thomas is returning, are they going to explain the Carowhine  and Douglas situation? Are they going to be off screen in NY awaiting his return?  Will Thomas explain to Sally he lost his damn mind when he went back to Carowhine? Will he declare his undying Tally love and want her back? Will he say he now realizes he can be Douglas' father without living with Carowhine?

In an interview in SOD, the actor who is now playing Thomas said that he returns home with Douglas, but without Caroline.  It sounds like we’ll see Thomas as a single dad.

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

So I'm guessing that makes Hope the Kelly in this and Steffy the Quinn. I mean it's not exactly the same dynamic because unlike Bill, Liam claims to love both women and want both children and yet you so know that in about 10 years when the girls are 18, Liam will be up to his dirty blond goatee in dealing with both girls feeling like he loved the other more.

Oh God, I hope either B&B is off the air before that happens, TPTB decides that one of them is a trans man or gay or otherwise on the LGBTQ spectrum (thus sidestepping any rivalry bullshit) or I'm dead. I got tired of that when it was Steffy claiming Ridge loved Hope more than her.

2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

If I were SC I'd be making inroads over at DOOL to be a Kiriakis grandson and bail on this mess as it's only gonna get worse over the years.  

Hmmmm. On one hand, SC deserves better than to be treated as this generations KKL as far as story goes. OTOH, he's a huge fish in a small pond here.

B&B needs him more than he needs B&B. He's been on the show 9 years and is the only actor besides maybe Susan Flannery to win multiple Emmys. He could certainly push for some character growth, as could JMW and Bell would probably honor it before allowing either of his two stars to walk.

But then again, he barely did anything to keep Ronn Moss around after shafting him, so...yeah. if SC leaves, it'll be B&B's loss, for sure.

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3 hours ago, SingerIslander said:

In an interview in SOD, the actor who is now playing Thomas said that he returns home with Douglas, but without Caroline.  It sounds like we’ll see Thomas as a single dad.

How fucking ridiculous though. I couldn't see Caroline giving Douglas to Thomas to raise, ever!

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I’m not sure the guy who will play new Thomas is as attractive as old Thomas. Time will tell if he has the same chemistry with CH as his predecessor did during Tally. 

This writing is so contrived and clunky. 

With print in the shit pan it might make sense to expand into retail or an e-brand. While Bill is correct it would be weird and kinda a conflict of interest to have Eye on Fashion and a clothing line, Martha Stewart, Rachel Rey, and Oprah have magazines and sell various items and lines.  I think even Vogue has or had accessories. There’s always a work around. 

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6 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

B&B needs him more than he needs B&B. He's been on the show 9 years and is the only actor besides maybe Susan Flannery to win multiple Emmys.

IMO he needs B&B more than they need him, I still think he's a dreadful actor who only won anything due to lack of competition.  There have to be out of work actors just as bad as he is who are better looking so we could actually believe he's someone women would fight over.

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13 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I predict ... Eric will offer Sally the lead design position for HFTF. Simultaneously, Bill and Wyatt will inform her about the plans to survive SF and she'll resign from FC. In a panic, Sludge and/or Eric will summon Thomas back to L.A.

This sounds exactly right. Why would Sally take Thomas back? He has unceremoniously dumped her twice! The last time we saw Caroline she was loosing it, and seemed on the verge of finishing Bill off, so maybe she can't be a mother to Douglas and that is why Thomas will be a single dad. Even more reason for Sally to run. I don't want to see Wyatt get hurt again, but Katie is now single once more...…...Geez Louise, but I don't want to see Bill and Wyatt fighting for Katie. I really don't.

11 hours ago, La di Diva said:

JMW cannot leave my screen soon enough. I want the martyr Hope SL over ASAP.  Maybe the truth will come out and Hauxdi will disappear with Kelly and Phoebeth.  JMW can be on maternity leave.  Bill will move heaven and earth to find Hauxdi and the girls.  He'll restore Beth to Lope and thus will begin the healing of the Bill/Liam relationship.

This is awesome! You know, maybe Steffy can make an unannounced visit to Forrester, and overhear through a partially open door, a distraught and overwhelmed Zoe telling all to Zander. Saying how she couldn't carry this around anymore after watching Hope suffering so badly. A panicked Steffy could flee with the girls and set your scenario in motion. 

13 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

I've been trying to think of a comment to make, and all I can come up with is I want all of these people to die in a fire.

I laughed so hard at this. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

This is awesome! You know, maybe Steffy can make an unannounced visit to Forrester, and overhear through a partially open door, a distraught and overwhelmed Zoe telling all to Zander. Saying how she couldn't carry this around anymore after watching Hope suffering so badly. A panicked Steffy could flee with the girls and set your scenario into action. 

While I will like this because it would dirty up Steffy and make her complicit in the human trafficking of Beth, I would hate it because I want Hope to get back her baby.

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14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

B&B needs him more than he needs B&B. He's been on the show 9 years and is the only actor besides maybe Susan Flannery to win multiple Emmys. He could certainly push for some character growth, as could JMW and Bell would probably honor it before allowing either of his two stars to walk.

I suspect the only bone SC got as a reward for his Emmy was that he and Steffy would have a kid and friction with Bill - only for Bell to bring back Hope and dump Liam right back into a triangle with both women AND have a baby with each. Liam and the audience is locked into a neverending hell of a triangle.

Ya'll know I'm a Liam/SC supporter but I do think the show could soldier on without Liam especially if the show had PF back as Thomas and pivoted him and Sally as the leading couple with Wyatt shouldering the other half of the load in young male lead in a triangle with Katie/Bill/Steffy/Wyatt.

Or bring in aged up Lil Deacon. Or Jack Marone. With each of these young men, you have about 2-3 years great story that interweaves the vets into the story as active players and not supports/back-ups. This show has such a rich history they would never want for a leading male if Liam/SC bailed and if the show bothered to write the new male correctly and struck gold in casting.

Remember how Oliver was the young male lead for Hope until SC came on and knocked it out of the park with every damn body? Then it was Oliver who? The show did invest in Liam when they brought on an actual rival for him with Wyatt but we see Wyatt for the last two years has been locked to a bed with Katie and then Sally.  PF's Thomas with Sally was just what the show needed in having a core family legacy male BE the young lead on the show. The reason Liam wouldn't be phased out with PF on the show is that someone needs to fight over Steffy and it can't be Thomas.  With Thomas on the show Liam was played MUCH more evenly and the show kind of thrived.

The problem with the show is that they insist on pushing one storyline at a time for months at a time with Steffy and Liam in about 9 out of 12 months frontburner when they have LOADS of other characters they could give story to in order to even things out. Katie/Bill, Brooke/Ridge, Maya/Rick, Eric/Quinn/Pam/Donna, Sally/Wyatt/Thomas, Taylor/? Leaving Hope, Steffy and Liam out of this you can literally divide the year up between these six groupings with them each getting 2 months of story however you'd like to divide it up. Obviously you'd give them more than that but my point is this show has characters that can carry this show that get zilch in terms of airtime unless it's to support the ToD 2.0. 

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12 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

The problem with the show is that they insist on pushing one storyline at a time for months at a time with Steffy and Liam in about 9 out of 12 months frontburner when they have LOADS of other characters they could give story to in order to even things out.

This is absolutely the biggest problem with the show, closely followed by constantly repeating plot points.

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What I want to know is why B&B can't hang on to actors, especially GOOD actors.  Maya is a pill and a half but the actors who played her parents have massive chops.  Any show lucky enough to have Obba Babatunde in its cast should make sure to keep him as busy as he wants to be.  He and Anna Maria Horsford kick ass.  Pierson Forde wasn't the best actor in the world but his Thomas was attractive and charming (just like his daddy, Ronnnnnn Moss) and he and Sally lit the screen up.  I wasn't a big fan of the New Spectra clan at the beginning, but they grew on me and they are sorely missed now. 

In the meantime, Bell gives front-burner status to non-entities like Zoe (don't know the actress' name and I don't care).  Giving her the key to resolving the Phoebeth story is criminal.

Scott Clifton is a good actor but he is way over-exposed on this show.  He's not leading man material.  I like SC and I'm one of the few who likes Liam but I've never believed that two women would spend 10 years fighting over him, especially a woman as selfish and self-involved as Hauxdilox.  Liam has made it clear, over and over again that he doesn't love Hauxdi.  He doesn't even like her.  What he does like is the ego-boost he gets from having the Great Stephanie Forrester II at his beck and call and at his feet whenever he wants her.  The Liam/Hauxdilox story started with a hateful creature wanting to hurt her stepsister.  There never has been and there never will be a true foundation for them.

I liked KM and thought that she and SC were good together.  But AN has kicked out ALL the jams and she and SC have created a couple that people can root for.  SC and AN were incredible in the scenes following Beth's death.  I know I wasn't the only one who was looking forward to seeing how SC and AN would handle finding out that their baby girl was alive.  If SC and AN could have worked such wonders with grief, imagine what they could have done with JOY.

But Bell would rather put people like JMW and HT in scene after scene after scene.  I don't know what JMW has on Bell Jr. but animals must be involved.  Her character isn't interesting enough and she's not any where near talented enough to warrant all of this attention.  I understand that she has a very vocal fanbase but basing how your show is run on fan opinion is stupid. 

Now we're going to have Batie again.  Is there anybody who wants to see that?  Is there anybody who doesn't know that Bill is madly in love with Brooke and Katie would only be a poor substitute?  AGAIN!!!!  Why bore the audience and the actors with this tired, TIRED bullshit?

I can't bring myself to watch this shit because it's evil, hateful and sounds boring as hell. 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

The problem with the show is that they insist on pushing one storyline at a time for months at a time 

That's honestly the biggest problem Show has had for a long time. Before we had Steffy/Waffles/Hope dominating the story, we had Brooke and Ridge and countless characters being sacrificed at the alter to keep that 'ship afloat--and hell, I include Taylor and Stephanie in that number.

Brad Bell has no concept of moderation. And it's made worse because none of the characters ever truly grow and change. I can't believe I miss the days when Ridge would take days to decide which woman he'd be with in a dramatic Survivor-like ceremony, but at least he was the one choosing, which is more than I can say for Liam. And we had the angst about Hope's virginity only for her to settle for the same scraps like her mother did. I really wish I could take Steffy at her word about not wanting Liam anymore, but I'm sure as soon as Wood returns from her maternity leave, it'll be game on once again.

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On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 6:52 PM, Gam2 said:

Okay, enough with the St. Hope of the Martyr Convent. Liam and Brooke need to get her to therapy ASAP. And Liam needs to stop agreeing to her nutso thoughts that he needs to be with Steffy and “those innocent babies”. Geez, Louise. Can we finally resolve this story line??!! I just hate this show now and have for many months. Yuck.

Started watching this show about 8 years ago and it has changed so much!For the worse!

  • Love 1
On 2/23/2019 at 4:45 PM, ByaNose said:

Well, nuThomas should start airing in a few weeks so we’ll see how that goes. I guess he’ll mix it up with Wyatt & Sally. Then we have to see any sparks fly with her. If not, they’re aren’t many non relatives to date. Maybe, Hope if they’re desperate.

They already kind of did that ages ago in 2011. My guess is he'll end up with Zoe first since TIIC seem committed to make fetch happen there. If we needed another model type with a bit of a bad girl past, why the fuck couldn't we have Sasha back?!

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

They already kind of did that ages ago in 2011. My guess is he'll end up with Zoe first since TIIC seem committed to make fetch happen there. If we needed another model type with a bit of a bad girl past, why the fuck couldn't we have Sasha back?!

Because that might make us happy? 

  • LOL 1
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Round and round it goes where it stops nobody knows. It's obvious with Hope but with Sally, I'm not so sure since she  randomly mentions Thomas.  Also, is head designer more important than her own company?  Until negotiations are over, I will have some doubt. 

Yes Stuffy, mom and Amelia are helping you out but they have become invisible. 

I just can't understand how a hack actress is made the centerpiece of B&B.  Hope is telling Stuffy why she thinks Liam she be with her and Stuffy is doing her best to look pensive, but Stuffy, of course, for the sake of Hope/Liam's marriage, bring herself to tell Hope she doesn't want Liam back.  I can't root for anyone one of them anymore. They are so droll. They are like watching paint dry. Just give Wyatt and Sally for 20 minutes and sprinkle in a little Bill. 

  • Love 5

Isn't Steffy on maternity leave? Why is she working at home? And where are her nanny and Taylor?

Clearly on some level Hope believes Liam was only with her instead of Steffy because of their expected baby. Since that didn't work out she's preemptively letting go of him, or at least acting like she is. Either it's defeatist thinking or a test of Liam's loyalty. Bad either way, IMO.

OMG, Steffy is so smugly thrilled that Hope has gone temporarily nuts in her grief. Phoebe was the $250k bet she placed on pulling Liam back and Hope's determined to fold her hand because she thinks nothing can beat two aces. 😑

Liam going to Bill for advice about Hope and Steffy. It's the end of the world! I'm scared! But hopefully Bill will buy a PPD clue because of what he went through with Katie after Will was born.

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WTH!  What happened to Steffy moving on?  Right that lasted even less time than all the times Taylor and Brooke said they were going to move on from Ridge.

And what happened to Hope's, "I'm not going to hand Liam over to you this time.  How does it feel to be stuck in the Gondola, Steffy?"

They are both pathetic idiots, and Liam still manages to be dumber and more worthless than them.

Edited by TigerLynx
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