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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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6 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

I know this is a soap, but in real life, only a woman of questionable morals would leave her marital home and trek right over to another man and start knocking boots right away.  So I guess we now know that Steffy is nothing but a bunch of questionable morals. 

As I'm concerned, for the sheer number of people the Forrester family have switched partners with, they are charter members of the Beverly Hillbilly Hall of Fame.

 Why two brothers are eager to pass the same women between each other (Hope, Steffy, Ivy) is beyond disturbed.

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

How big of Rick to acknowledge that there are other options out there for them to have additional kids beyond knocking up his young sister-in-law for the second time in a year.  Now go pursue those other options, Rick.  You got your miracle biological baby, now stop being selfish assholes and go look into adoption, or surrogacy using someone else's uterus.  Let the poor girl move on and live her life now.  She's not your broodmare.  

And automatically dismiss those options as unthinkable when he and Maya feel it is so right for their personal incubator to put her life on hold for them for another year.

Nicole has to wonder if her meal ticket could be in jeopardy if she doesn't comply with Rick and Maya. They're well known for playing dirty when they're determined to get what they want.

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3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

But from today's episode, I wanted to slap the smug off of Katie's frigging face.

Ugh, you're not kidding.  What was with that crack about RJ having "yet another" stepdad?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think RJ ever had a stepdad.  If he did, it likely would have been Nick, who Lemonhead cheated with on her niece...a niece who was Googling cures for her!

Edited by ByTor
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9 hours ago, politichick said:

I totally agree and have said this a million times and I saw the entire shit show. A cat displays more feelings for its litter. It's unnatural and kind of racist. I say this as a black woman who rarely plays the race card but there's something not right about this lack of feeling anything during and after the whole pregnancy except for whining and yearning for Zzzzzzende.

I don't know if it's racist or not (can't judge properly from my perspective of older white person) but I suspect it's more because they couldn't let Nicole have feelings for the baby because then it would make Maya look bad.  Pushing her virgin kid sister into a pregnancy against all common sense and ethical surrogacy practices was so wrong that it should have generated story for years. (Maybe it would have if the actress had shown any ability to handle it?)  

If Nicole actually says no this time (which would shock me) then maybe Sasha will get the storyline they originally intended? Not that I want Sasha dragged into that mess but I suspect we would get an entirely different surrogacy with her. 

Note:  the forum ate my original post this morning, very frustrating...

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3 minutes ago, tessaray said:

If Nicole actually says no this time (which would shock me) then maybe Sasha will get the storyline they originally intended? Not that I want Sasha dragged into that mess but I suspect we would get an entirely different surrogacy with her. 

It actually occurred to me when we saw Zende telling Sasha about them asking Nicole again that Sasha may step up and volunteer to carry this baby, so that Nicole won't have to.  She may figure "I just broke things off with Thomas, and Nicole and Zende haven't had much time to enjoy their relationship yet, so this is something I can do for both of my sisters."  And she sees how smoothly things went with Nicole, in terms of being able to happily hand the baby over to Rick and Maya, so she doesn't think it will be any different for her.  But, given her own issues around family (and not really feeling like she's ever had much family for most of her life), she might end up finding it much harder to part with her baby after carrying him/her for nine months and giving birth.  Maybe by the time she's close to giving birth, she's back with Thomas, and he's recently found out that he's not Douglas's father after all, and the two of them end up squaring off against Rick and Maya over custody of this baby.  

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KerleyQ, that certainly would make for a much more interesting and entertaining story.  But I don't really want to see Sasha step in and volunteer to be the surrogate. For starters, it would put her modeling career at FC (which is just starting to take off) on hold. I guess that's OK if you're a house model, but career suicide is you have any aspirations for super-model status, or so I assume.  (For all I know, there might be entire runway shows devoted to maternity wear during NYFW.) I could already see the seeds being planted today for Sasha and Zende to start bonding again over their respective relationship problems. Just NO! Why can't Sasha be happy for a change with Thomas? (BTW, I had NO idea PF is an Aussie.) I'd rather see Sasha battling Caroline over Thomas in yet another ToD, than back with ZZzzzende and Nicole.

So Rick thought he's try his best imitation of Mommy's whispery baby-talk voice on Nicole, did he? Gee, much pressure there? If Nicole had any sense at all, why doesn't she offer to meet Raya halfway by donating some more of her eggs? I don't grasp why SHE had to be the incubator? And it won't stop there. God forbid if Nicole had another girl, then she'd have to keep trying and trying to get a son for them. Then they can't have two girls against one boy and on and on and on.

Sorry. Bill can push that mouthy brat RJ around as much as he'd like and CPS won't get any calls from me.  Brooke is a simpering idiot with her " You don't understand. He just needs more time," excuses. However, it looked like today that she's agreed to proceed with the wedding plans. Yeah. I also didn't get the point of the drive-by snips by Lemonhead. There was no purpose and just made her look petty and jealous.

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I'm okay with Katie being snippy with Bill about the Brill wedding.  It wasn't all that long ago that she was dumped with supersonic speed in favor of Brooke.  I just don't want it to be a permanent thing.

Today's episode seemed really lively and at first I was thinking it was seeing so many different cast members and then it occurred to me that it was because a certain cast member wasn't there. :-) 

And seriously, no pressure, Rick?  ETA:  I don't even like Nicole and I'm furious for her. Raya already took away the joyful experience of having her first child, with what hopefully would have been a loving partner.  And Nicole won't even know until that happens how much she's been cheated out of.  

Edited by tessaray
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Was it me or did anyone else think that Rick was praying to St Nicole to bless them with another child?  Or could it have been that Rick was using the Jedi mind trick on Nicole?  It does work on the feeble minded which is evident by Nicole's blank stares.  Just to make that scene more ridiculous, Nicole is holding the baby for maybe the first time since the hospital.  

Hold the presses, Bill would have also lied about having the POA to protect his family. Who, in a million years, would have thought that. Bill, you rascal, you tarnished your halo. 

Edited by Waldo13
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This past week has highlighted that Reign Edwards has a range that is painfully limited. Possibly, she may be even worse than JMW...hell, she's barely skating above 1990s Ronn Moss levels of talent. 

And does Nicole ever smile? Like, at all? I haven't seen such a dreary portrayal of a character since the last MacKenzie on Y&R or that boring as fuck version of Allison Stewart on ATWT who came back to Oakdale as a porn star. Either do something with this character or consider a recast. I'd prefer having her marry boring ass Zende and move away from Raya's blast radius of entitlement.

ETA: OTOH, those twins playing Lizzie  (I assume it's twins) were sooooooooooo cute. Probably the cutest baby since toddler Hope and the Pace girls who shared the role.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Nicole smiled a lot when Wyatt was trying to coax Maya's secret out of her.  Maybe someday she and Wyatt will meet up again, older and wiser... 

Also, how weird was Rick saying that the 3 of them created that adorable baby?  

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20 hours ago, Kerri Okie said:

Be that as it may, that is not what the OP was referring to.

Thank you for clarifying that I am not commenting negatively on TK'S heritage, vis a vis his Accent. I Adore, REITERATE ...AHHDORE an accent. So enchanting! Scottish, Icelandic, South African, Afrikaans, French(!)  Cajun, Pittsburgh, Lower DELAWARE, GUYS WHATEVER! IM mad respect on everyone's Regional Tongue And Culture, so cool , our Differences!           It's just those ZooLLander L's , ghaa!Noo!

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Also it blows that Nicole is dull, she's really pretty, love her shorts onesies and when her had that Victory Roll Hardo.b beautiful skin, lips,  Prettiest eyes since RS. In that clear amber shade.

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7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

This past week has highlighted that Reign Edwards has a range that is painfully limited. Possibly, she may be even worse than JMW...hell, she's barely skating above 1990s Ronn Moss levels of talent. 

She does okay with righteous confrontation. When she was blasting into her dad and Sasha she had a good head of steam.

Also when she was trying to blackmail Maya while being a doofy intern trying to get her flirt on with Zende.

Sweet, heroine? Dullesville.

She'd probably be interesting and get her fire back if she decided she wanted Lizzie and fought Maya for her.

7 hours ago, tessaray said:

Also, how weird was Rick saying that the 3 of them created that adorable baby?  

Well a baby was just born with the DNA of three people (parents) in a controversial development. It's happening!

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12 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

It actually occurred to me when we saw Zende telling Sasha about them asking Nicole again that Sasha may step up and volunteer to carry this baby, so that Nicole won't have to.  

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did this.  I'm 99% sure this isn't a spoiler but I'm tagging it just in case...


I thought they were casting Sasha's mother, and her daughter being a surrogate would be a good way to get her to come to LA.

7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

And does Nicole ever smile? Like, at all? I haven't seen such a dreary portrayal of a character since the last MacKenzie on Y&R or that boring as fuck version of Allison Stewart on ATWT who came back to Oakdale as a porn star.

I swear I'm the only viewer in the history of ATWT who not only liked that Alison, but actually liked her best of all Alisons :)

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Mon. 10/17 recap:

We open with Brooke, still in that fetching pink blouse, telling Ridge she "can't believe" he tried to steal Eric's POA? How long have you two known each other again? 

Ridge: I didn't try to steal it. I tried to appropriate it for the good of the family. Don't pull semantics with me, Ridge-Pen. You are a dirty, nasty, thief who stole what he stole for himself.

He then moves on to pimping her out again to Bill, proving he doesn't give a shit about Brooke. He just wants what he wants when he wants it (and right now, he wants all the power).

That mealy-mouthed brat R.J. (yuck) walks in when it appears his parents are getting cozy (double yuck), remarking that "maybe they should get a room." Shut up, kid. He then wants them to stop and take a family selfie. Shouldn't Ridge-Pen shower first?

Zende is photographing Sasha, looking gorgeous in a blue gown, although the extra-long hair is a little much. I'm surprised Nicole's not there, keeping a watchful eye on her boyfriend. Zende, surprisingly, picks up on the fact that Sasha seems down and actually takes a moment to ask her what's wrong.

Zende is impressed that Sasha was willing to let him go (and I say she shouldn't have HAD to let him go - Carowhine can go kick rocks). But Sasha insists it was the right decision: "The needs of a child have to come first. And if my life has taught me anything, it's that." Awwww....poor Sasha.

Nicole is holding an absolutely adorable Lizzie - she might be the cutest B&B baby ever and I just knew Rick would turn on the full-court press despite saying "no pressure." 

Nicole remarks: "I can't imagine my life without Maya. So I know that it'd be a great thing to give to Lizzy -- a brother or sister that would be her very own best friend... someone that she can count on. But I'm the only one who can do it the way you want -- a full-blood sibling. It's a lot to ask." No, Nicole - they could hire a surrogate and transfer an embryo (one made with your egg and Rick's sperm) to carry said full-blooded sibling. Is it just me or does Nicole somehow like being the one who can do this, like an ace up her sleeve for future use, if needed? 

Lemonheads visits $ Bill, lapping up the compliments her ex-husband pays her and she doesn't waste anytime poking the bear.

Katie: "So, I hear R.J.'S back in town."

Bill: "That he is."

Katie: "I bet he's superexcited to have yet another new stepdaddy. No? No, he's not?" Bitch...so much for your new-found "confidence" and "happiness." She, along with Carowhine...NOT. MISSED.

 Zende tells Sasha about Raya's request and her eyes bug out of her head about as much as mine did. "So, Maya and Rick actually had the nerve to look Nic in the eye and ask her to do it again?" Yes, those spoiled, entitled little brats who have less maturity than Lizzie right about now actually did. 

Sasha also shows concern for Zende: "I mean, you guys barely survived the first time, and for them to go and ask her to do it again? Another year of her life? And -- and what about you, how hard it was for you the first time? I mean, is anybody thinking about that?" And it's clear this is coming from a place of concern about both of them. If Sasha were the opportunist Maya and Nicole thought she was, she would be all in for Nicole giving them baby #2. But she's not...and please, TPTB,  do not, I repeat, DO NOT have Sasha volunteer. She owes neither of them anything.

Sasha: "Sure. I mean, okay, yeah, she bounced back the first time -- I'll give her that. To do it once is selfless and saintly, sure, absolutely. But twice? Oh, come on. That's just weird. Zende, she has to tell them no. There's no way she can disrespect you like that." I agree it would be disrespectful for her to do it again and it is weird - when there are PLENTY of other options out there. There are thousands of people out there, who would give anything for one child and be over the moon with happiness to be standing in Raya's shoes. For them to ask for two when they have sweet Lizzy is just plain selfish. 

Nicole: "What do you think, Lizzy? You want a little brother or sister?" Facepalm here. So much for telling them "no," Nicole. Sigh...

Ridge-Pen Jr. wants to know why Ridge isn't fighting for Brooke. 

Ridge states that "Your mother's a grown woman. She makes her own decisions." Well, hold the phone, ladies and gentlemen...Ridge is stating the obvious but why don't I believe him?

RJ insists they could run the company together and reunite on more than a professional level. He then asks his father a question we already know the answer to: "Out of all the women you loved, who did you love more than mom?" First of all, it should be whom (glad to know he's learning something in boarding school). Second, didn't Ridge already tell Caroline II she was the greatest love of his life? But of course, Ridge assures the little brat "no one." Really, I don't even know why we're playing at this - the greatest love of Ridge's life is Ridge.

RJ then protests Ridge letting her (letting her?!?) be with a "tacky, soulless, egomaniac." Shockingly, Ridge doesn't object.

Um, excuse me???

Hello, Pot?

This is Kettle.

You're black.

And STFU about Bill bringing Quinn into their lives. As if he's responsible, given he hadn't seen her in over two decades when she came to town. 

Brooke and Bill meet up at his office. She assures him that she loves him and wants to marry him but it's complicated. It's really not, Brooke.

Bill: "It's a bad idea, Brooke -- setting this precedent, letting your teenage boy dictate to you." I couldn't agree more, Bill. 

Brooke: [ Sighs ] That's not what he's doing. The hell he isn't - why are you letting him get away with it?

Bill lays down the law. "I've been patient and understanding, but it's -- it's enough. I mean, enough time given, enough time delayed. I'm not letting a teenager control my life. Now, all right, he wants his parents together, and I'm sure that will would want the same. But it just doesn't always work out that way. I want you -- I need you -- to be my wife. No more waiting. We're getting married as soon as possible." Brooke looks convinced or does she as they embrace..seriously, get them married and happy already. I have no desire to see Brooke as Ridge's chew toy yet again.

R.J.: "Sometimes adults don't see what's clear to kids. You and Mom love each other. We can have our family back, Dad. Nothing's more important. Don't let Mom go again." I'd like R.J. to pull up a chair so I can tell him a thing or fifty about dear old Dad. About him dumping his mother shortly after she miscarried their first child so he could reunite with Caroline I. How he dumped her and RJ's older siblings, Rick/Bridget and later Hope and RJ himself, whom he promised to help raise, for Hook, Line, and Sinker. How he proposed to Hook, Line, and Sinker's mother with a ring and dress meant for his mother. How he allowed his mother and Taylor to manipulate him into deserting Brooke and her children over and over again, including siding with his mother when she attempted to get custody of Rick/Bridget. How he purposefully set out to ruin any other relationship she had to ensure she was left waiting for him if and when he decided he wanted her again. How he insta-forgive his mother for orchestrating her rape. How he tried to steal her company from her. How he dumped her over a text message. How he deliberately took up with dear Aunt Katie to get revenge on Brooke for daring to fall in love after he dumped her and pouted in Paris for the better part of two years. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. And I'm tired of hearing how terrible Bill was to Hope when Ridge (the only father she had ever known) treated her like shit, too, in support of Puffy. Not to mention, Hope and Liam had HOW many chances after Bill stepped away to get married and NEVER.SEALED.THE.DEAL.

RJ needs to return to boarding school and come back when he's properly recast. He's a legacy character, TPTB, it shouldn't be this hard to get this one right. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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Every time RJ opens his mouth I want to smack him. Do not like this character at all. Can't decide if I loathe someone who is not real because the actor is really good or because the character totally sucks or both. It's visceral and I have to fast forward.

Nicole is an ass and Rick and Maya are predators. She's going to say yes. Maybe she'll have a miscarriage and be unable to have another child and will then want Lizzie. She is too young physically and emotionally for this and the writers are just awful going there. I do not want Sasha to make any crazy offers, especially after the hateful way they've treated her. Plus, Thomas is going to be calling on her soon because he's not into Caroline anymore, at least I hope he's not. Where the hell are the Avant parents?

I also am not interested in a Brooke and Ridge reunion. That means, of course, that that's exactly what will happen. I liked Caroline and Ridge together. Katie does deserve to be a little bitter and snarky, but I hope they find something better for her to do. The sticking her nose in other people's affairs is very unappealing.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

RJ needs to return to boarding school and come back when he's properly recast. He's a legacy character, TPTB, it shouldn't be this hard to get this one right. 

These same people managed to fuck up every other legacy character after teenage Rick and Bridget. Phoebe and Aly dead, Steffy a sociopath, Thomas who has swung between the extremes of being a sexless Ken doll and Rapey McCreepypuff and I'm still beyond pissed about every possible beat that was missed with Hope. 

Hereally should've been ages up when Hope was, and could've have him in the mix of the Hope/Stffy stuff playing Switzerland to his two sisters....or if they really wanted to be bold, have Liam bounce between Steffy and RJ and the same Brooke vs Taylor dynamic but with a twist ;) And that leaves Hope open toexplore all the shit with Deacon.

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I miss Deacon.  It could have been fun to see him develop a real relationship with Hope.  (Preferably one where her halo got a little tarnished by getting mixed up in one of his schemes.)

That's one of the aggravating things about this show - it has so much potential and they waste it all on ToD.  Is that all the foreign viewers want? 

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10 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

This past week has highlighted that Reign Edwards has a range that is painfully limited. Possibly, she may be even worse than JMW...hell, she's barely skating above 1990s Ronn Moss levels of talent. 

It's weird, because I saw her on a rerun of a Disney Channel show the other day, in a guest role, and she had way more life there than she does here.  I mean, it's not like she was Heather Tom there, but she wasn't so flat, like she is here.  

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WTF is Nicole doing in the "family" meeting? At least Brooke thanked Quinn for letting them see Eric whereas Ricky copped an attitude with her. Asshole. Speaking of assholes, Quinn should tell Wyatt to STFU because he would never have gotten married to Medusa if it hadn't been for her. What happened after is all Puffy's fault.

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17 hours ago, ByTor said:

Ugh, you're not kidding.  What was with that crack about RJ having "yet another" stepdad?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think RJ ever had a stepdad.  If he did, it likely would have been Nick, who Lemonhead cheated with on her niece...a niece who was Googling cures for her!

And, didn't Chipmunk Cheeks also suggest to Ridge-Pen that his trophy kid could live with them while they were in the middle of their revenge-mance?  This, while she was doing everything she could to alienate Will from Bill and setting up Ridge-Pen to play stepdaddy out of spite.

And, does the woman ever have any other facial expression beyond smugness?

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

And I'm tired of hearing how terrible Bill was to Hope when Ridge (the only father she had ever known) treated her like shit, too, in support of Puffy.

Did he, though? He was pretty livid for that Ho fo the Future stunt she pulled and was quick to fire her for the Posé video. I don't ever remember him picking sides in that idiocy, not to the extent of every other Forrester or Logan. 

Hypocrisy notwithstanding, I wish Ridge had cleaned Liam's clock at least once for putting both his daughters through this shit.

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2 hours ago, politichick said:

I also am not interested in a Brooke and Ridge reunion. 

If that is, indeed, the plan, then I will be bowing out while I still have my sanity and hair that hasn't grayed.  I can't go through another round of this shit especially with a "Ridge" that KKL has no chemistry with.

Speaking of which, KKL deserves hazardous duty pay, and I'll leave it at that.

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50 minutes ago, jenrising said:

What's more heart-warming, Ridge shouting demands at his barely awake and still recovering father or Liam slimeball "flirting" with his brother's wife?

So hard to choose. 

Waffles and Puffy are the very definition of Klassy. They can kiss and hug to their hearts content. No hitting the sheets though because that would be disrespecting her marriage. WTF?!?

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1 hour ago, tricknasty said:

Waffles and Puffy are the very definition of Klassy. They can kiss and hug to their hearts content. No hitting the sheets though because that would be disrespecting her marriage. WTF?!?

I'm honestly surprised that she's not hounding Wyatt for an annulment so she doesn't have to wait six months for a divorce. That's an awful long time for Waffles to keep his attention on one woman.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Did he, though? He was pretty livid for that Ho fo the Future stunt she pulled and was quick to fire her for the Posé video. I don't ever remember him picking sides in that idiocy, not to the extent of every other Forrester or Logan. 

Hypocrisy notwithstanding, I wish Ridge had cleaned Liam's clock at least once for putting both his daughters through this shit.

When Liam "saved" Steffy from her near-drowning in the bathtub and she imprinted upon him, Ridge all but declared them soulmates and destiny - even though he was engaged to marry Hope, the young woman he had raised as his daughter and looked upon as his own - which Hope reminded him of when she confronted him and he had no answer or argument to the claim that Steffy was his real daughter. 

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3 hours ago, jenrising said:

What's more heart-warming, Ridge shouting demands at his barely awake and still recovering father or Liam slimeball "flirting" with his brother's wife?

So hard to choose. 

Way to go Ridge. Stressing your father out is what put him on that bed but stress him out some more just for shits and giggles and you pressing need to be a prick. Oh, I forgot, it's not the family's fault, it's Quinn's. All this loving and happiness bull shit doesn't fly with me. I would have held up a sign which read, if you love me so much, than you should have come to the wedding so go fuck yourselves.

Steffy knew her family was there so why didn't she just suck it up and go see her grandfather. I guess she would rather get her ego, among other things massaged, by Liam, than see her grandfather who she loves and adores.  

The whole 3 of them making a baby, I would imagine, is making Nicole feel that Maya was part of the process.  Well, at least she was in the room.  As for Lizzy needing a blood brother or sister, is another item I call bull shit. My grandson, who is adopted, is loved and loves his brother and sister to the nth degree.  Nicole, you dumb shit, Sasha and you are blood and you treat her like a peon.  

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3 hours ago, jenrising said:

What's more heart-warming, Ridge shouting demands at his barely awake and still recovering father or Liam slimeball "flirting" with his brother's wife?

So hard to choose. 

I'm going with said brother's wife crawling into Liam's lap.

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Did I miss a week or so of episodes?  When did Quinn run amuck at Forrester Creations, slashing jobs  and  dropping profits?  ohhhhhh I forgot because she got the POA.......... and all EVIL Quinn has decided to do with it was take care of her "not really legal" husband, and she's the reason why he woke up and YOU and the fam got to SEE ERIC, ohhh EVIL QUINNN let you see ailing Eric, when she was kicked the hell out of the hospital.  I hate Ridge Pen and his nasty ass!  and I'm not even gonna start on Puffy wanting to wait and get her divorce done right...... WTF?   You know, as someone who has previously had a brain tumor and recently had a stroke, I may need to join Eric in bed and give Quinn my POA ( I hope my husband doesn't get pissed, I don't own a company or anything) because this shit is makin my head hurt! and  I can't keep yelling at my TV at these people. 

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Just when I thought Ridge-Pen couldn't get more disgusting, he basically orders his bed-ridden, recently conscious, barely able to speak father to sign new POA papers!  Unbelievable!  Steffy, as usual, can have a few seats.  Quinn is SOOOOO dangerous that I had to end my marriage.  So tell me, Puffy, just what danger did Quinn bring upon you since your marriage to Wyatt (or ever, for that matter)?  Well, I guess when Quinn stood at the altar with Steffy and Wyatt with that loaded gun something could have happened.  Oh wait....you married him of your own free will, dumbass.

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Wow. Could the writing get any worse in this show? I think not. This is so sad if we could all write much better scripts than these "professional" writers who make (not earn) the big bucks. Holy, moly. I don't even have words for how bad this is. There are so few soaps left that you'd think they'd do anything they could do (writing, actors/actresses/ plots/sets/etc) to attract new and even old viewers. 

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56 minutes ago, Cindylou said:

Did I miss a week or so of episodes?  When did Quinn run amuck at Forrester Creations, slashing jobs  and  dropping profits?  ohhhhhh I forgot because she got the POA.......... and all EVIL Quinn has decided to do with it was take care of her "not really legal" husband, and she's the reason why he woke up and YOU and the fam got to SEE ERIC, ohhh EVIL QUINNN let you see ailing Eric, when she was kicked the hell out of the hospital.  I hate Ridge Pen and his nasty ass!  and I'm not even gonna start on Puffy wanting to wait and get her divorce done right...... WTF?   You know, as someone who has previously had a brain tumor and recently had a stroke, I may need to join Eric in bed and give Quinn my POA ( I hope my husband doesn't get pissed, I don't own a company or anything) because this shit is makin my head hurt! and  I can't keep yelling at my TV at these people. 

IKR? I think she's the first wife Eric's had who has so far never expressed any interest in owning the company or running it. The only thing she gives a rat's tails about is Eric getting better, which is more than I can say for the other cockwobblers and especially Ridge. My God, Ridge is as transparent as cellophane in his power grab.

ETA, since I hit submit a bit quickly: CindyLou I'm glad you're doing better. Here's to a full revovery! :hugs:

Edited by Anna Yolei
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44 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Wow. Could the writing get any worse in this show? I think not. This is so sad if we could all write much better scripts than these "professional" writers who make (not earn) the big bucks. Holy, moly. I don't even have words for how bad this is. There are so few soaps left that you'd think they'd do anything they could do (writing, actors/actresses/ plots/sets/etc) to attract new and even old viewers. 


I've been wondering since at least 2007 when it became clear that they were coasting on their vets' popularity to keep skating by on the same love triangle crap they'd been doing since 1991.

It's hard to imagine now, given how much Hope and now Steffy eat up the screen, but B&B was the one show that didn't even attempt to write stories for teens/20somethings. That is great that Bell didn't try to shove off the actresses that made the show what it was the minute they turned 40 unlike other recently unemployed Y&R showrunners, but at some point Brooke and Taylor should've been allowed to move on from Ridge and not just because RM left the show.

In the meantime, TIIC could've given Phoebe and Steffy some actual interaction with one another* so that when Steffy pulls out her twin card to Hope I might actually, you know, care. I doubt it because Steffy but it's the thought that counts. Hope's conception had enough built in drama for years that could've played out and all the family dynamics between his half-siblings could've had RJ always playing peacemaker between the Tridge brats and Brooke's other spawn....perhaps finding an ally in Aly.

*SORASed Phoebe and Steffy had exactly two moments where they shared screen time together: the first was Steffy telling her about Rick's scheme and the second was Steffy visiting the morgue. What was the point of creating twins and doing nothing to explore that?

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TK looked more disheveled and yucky then usual today and I could not believe it when he stood up and pulled that new POA out of his rumpled suit jacket pocket. SERIOUSLY? WTF? Your father just barely woke up from a stroke-induced coma and you lay THIS on him? Eric was absolutely right. Ridge doesn't give a fuck whether or not he recovers and is probably lamenting that Eric's awake and seemingly has his faculties about him. That statement to Ridge alone, shows that he didn't suffer much, if any, permanent brain damage.  I can not wait until Eric blasts the atomic bomb on the whole family.

Meanwhile, what's Ridge ranting and raving about how Quinn being in charge is going to cause the demise of FC? In the real world, a large international company with thousands of employees would have a management structure in place that would allow day-to-day business to run as usual, even if the owner/CEO was out of commission.  That selfish bastard Ridge is just worried about himself and watching what few grains of actual power he did have, slipping away right in front of him.

And Wyatt ... STFU!!! Stop blaming Quinn for your shrew of a wife leaving you. Pull your head out of the sand and face the truth that it's your brother that she's wanted all along. Quinn is doing you a favor once again by ridding your life of that venom.

Liam and Steffy make me sick. They are being so sensitive and proper and moral by waiting until the divorce is final before jumping into bed together. Even while being "playful," they still suck. Liam just never struck me as the type I'd picture throwing a woman over his shoulder and hauling her into the bedroom. There isn't enough brain bleach ... So Liam is expressing his "frustration" and what does Puffy do but jump in his lap.  Yuck. Yeah. I'm also surprised that Steffy hasn't asked Wyatt for an annulment so they can get the pajama party up and running. Those two disgust me no end.  JMW also now looks way older than SC. Aren't they about the same age?

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7 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

And, didn't Chipmunk Cheeks also suggest to Ridge-Pen that his trophy kid could live with them while they were in the middle of their revenge-mance?  This, while she was doing everything she could to alienate Will from Bill and setting up Ridge-Pen to play stepdaddy out of spite.

And, does the woman ever have any other facial expression beyond smugness?

No joke! HT's perpetual smug mug is one reason I can't stand her (dating back to her Victoria on Y&R).

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On 10/16/2016 at 4:38 PM, maisie said:

Ok Everybody, listen to Ridge when he says any word with the letter "L" in it. Am I on Glue, or does TK sound just like Derek Zoolander!?

TK was born in Germany and grew up in England, so his pronunciation of some words is a little different.

Soo.., Derick ZooLLander talks LLike  that because he is ..from Germany? 

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

Liam and Steffy make me sick. They are being so sensitive and proper and moral by waiting until the divorce is final before jumping into bed together


Gimme a break. They've been divorced twice from one another and Liam's had half as many weddings in the last five years as Brooke has had in three DECADES, and the character is not even thirty yet. I didn't think they'd ever use this chestnut again after Brooke made the same promise to Bridget regarding Nick and it was equally ridiculous then.

Serioisly, show, I need SOMETHING that's fresh and new. 

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So posters.., am I alone in this, or is everyone super disappointed in the boy who plays RJ?  The Genetics involved should point to the best looking, Super Suave  enchanting/charming  2nd gen guy..EVER! INSTEAD, we have got this slouchy , yammering blathering embryo in a  Bad Jeans Jacket from  Target , who I am expecting to say.."This One Time? At BandCamp?...yet another disappointment with SHOW.... BLURRRRRGH!

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5 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

So posters.., am I alone in this, or is everyone super disappointed in the boy who plays RJ?  The Genetics involved should point to the best looking, Super Suave  enchanting/charming  2nd gen guy..EVER! INSTEAD, we have got this slouchy , yammering blathering embryo in a  Bad Jeans Jacket from  Target , who I am expecting to say.."This One Time? At BandCamp?...yet another disappointment with SHOW.... BLURRRRRGH!

You are most definitely not alone.

ITA that the son of the luminous Brooke and once-suave Ridge (who's now a scruffy ragamuffin) should be turning all the ladies' heads gorgeous, charming, with a twinkle to match his mom's lovely giggle in his eye, athletic, and mature beyond his years given his circumstances growing up. 

Someone like this guy:


 Instead, we are presented with a mouth-breathing, whining, scrawny, homely (I'm sorry, he is), hunched over, poor man's version of Chachi and Eddie Haskell's love child. 

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5 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

So posters.., am I alone in this, or is everyone super disappointed in the boy who plays RJ?  The Genetics involved should point to the best looking, Super Suave  enchanting/charming  2nd gen guy..EVER! INSTEAD, we have got this slouchy , yammering blathering embryo in a  Bad Jeans Jacket from  Target , who I am expecting to say.."This One Time? At BandCamp?...yet another disappointment with SHOW.... BLURRRRRGH!

Preach, sister! Not since Drew Tyler Bell have TIIC missed the mark so far.

Now, the last guy playing Thomas? THAT guy looked like the perfect cross between Ridge and Taylor. Such a shame that the actor was stiff as a board and finally begin to improve right before he left. This kid sure looks likes this slouching Ridge's kid but nothing like Brooke.

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47 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Preach, sister! Not since Drew Tyler Bell have TIIC missed the mark so far.

Now, the last guy playing Thomas? THAT guy looked like the perfect cross between Ridge and Taylor. Such a shame that the actor was stiff as a board and finally begin to improve right before he left. This kid sure looks likes this slouching Ridge's kid but nothing like Brooke.

Adam Gregory was gorgeous but definitely stiffer than the actor playing Carter, if that's possible.

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18 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

When Liam "saved" Steffy from her near-drowning in the bathtub and she imprinted upon him, Ridge all but declared them soulmates and destiny - even though he was engaged to marry Hope, the young woman he had raised as his daughter and looked upon as his own - which Hope reminded him of when she confronted him and he had no answer or argument to the claim that Steffy was his real daughter. 

Given that Ridge claimed that Hope was a "stain" on the Forrester family due to the circumstances of her conception and birth, I wasn't surprised.  It took me a while to digest what he said at the time.  Hope is a "stain" on a family of serial adulterers, rapists, rape facilitators, arsonists, and would-be felons.  Why Brooke wanted to still be with that shit stain baffles me because that comment should have earned Ridge a sock across his wooden jaw.

And, I can't with Lame and Stuffy.  Wasn't Lame acting all butt hurt and self-righteously preaching to $Bill about his affair with Brooke a few short months ago?

6 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

So posters.., am I alone in this, or is everyone super disappointed in the boy who plays RJ?  The Genetics involved should point to the best looking, Super Suave  enchanting/charming  2nd gen guy..EVER! INSTEAD, we have got this slouchy , yammering blathering embryo in a  Bad Jeans Jacket from  Target , who I am expecting to say.."This One Time? At BandCamp?...yet another disappointment with SHOW.... BLURRRRRGH!


You know, I was going to bite my tongue because that is someone's child but I just can't hold my peace.  As a day one viewer, one of the things that immediately drew me in was how staggeringly beautiful the cast was.  It was said of Ridge back then that he could charm the birds out of a tree.  As one of my friends said, he could talk a woman out of her panties.  That's why it was considered a real coup for Original Recipe Caroline when she captured and supposedly tamed one of L.A.'s most eligible bachelors.  When the Forresters gathered at Bill Spencer Sr.'s condo for that engagement party and then assembled at their breakfast table the day of the wedding, I was struck by how attractive the whole family was.  There wasn't a dog in the bunch.  Even Felicia, whom we were introduced to later, didn't disappoint in the looks department.  All the children looked as if they could have been JM and SF's kids.

Brooke's family was less dazzling, but she clearly stood out as the beauty and her looks have evolved over the years, with planes in her face that weren't there when she was a fresh-faced California girl.  The original Beth Logan looked as if KKL could have been her daughter.  Donna was really pretty, and Storm was handsome.  Even though Katie obsessed about her acne, she wasn't an ugly girl and even then she had an amazing head of hair.

So, what happened here?  GarBridge's trophy child should have been a shining star who could have his pick of any girl.  Blessed with the good looks of his parents, he should have been a little heart breaker with an active social life and some hangers-on.  Bradley & Co. seemed to get it right with younger and older Hope, but always seemed to fall short when it came to the Tridge nuggets.  This mess right here?  It's a travesty.

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