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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Taylor just drives around LA showing up at other people homes looking for her daughter that she lives with?

Where's Donna? Ridge moved in with Daddy, but Hope can't live in a house on Brooke's property. 

Donna ok with the man who called her niece a slutty bitch? 

Brooke should not be helping with any plan to help that vile man. 

Steffy more with this Logan this and that and yet when Carter calls it out they claim it doesn't exist. 

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4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Manipulating a man to do what she wants is Stuffy’s forte not Hope. 

And she's not even good at that!

Marcus was a decent guy who she left for Rick, who ran game around her.

Owen was ten toes deep for Jackie (I always found his ONS with Bridget to be far out of his character but that's another rant)

Oliver is the rare man on this show with an actual spine and was never interested in here even after he was free 

Arguably Bill was the one guy she did manage to wrap around her finger and use sex to get the company back but when push came to shove, he bailed when Katie got sick, a consideration he did not think much about when he wanted to marry Brooke.

Liam is such a pushover that no one should be proud to get him.

Wyatt wasn't so much of an issue as his overbearing mother was but her cooter wasn't enough to come between those two. Arguably, it didn't even work for Finn and Sheila.

Worst. Seductress. Ever! /Simpsons Comic Book Guy

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Clearly, I know Brooke better than Ridge does, because I could totally tell during her announcement that she was trying to send him a message, letting him know that he could rest a little easier, because she was going to take care of the company for him until he gets it back. 

And is anyone on the planet more pathetic than Taylor?  How many times has this happened, and we all know she's going to roll over and spread 'em ASAP to try to lock him down before he forgives Brooke again. Remember KA's Taylor claiming "I don't want you if you're just here because you're mad at Brooke about something"?  She's throwing that last shred of dignity she was pretending to have right out the window. It's going to be hilarious when, right after they bang, Zende tells Ridge what Brooke's plan is to get him the company back, and he forgets Taylor's name. I just hope that Brooke finds out about it and is done with him. 

And Ridge still bemoaning that Brooke wouldn't kick her daughter and granddaughter out of their home, while he's staying at daddy's place is so spot on for how much self-awareness Ridge has. 

Is JMW pregnant again or did wardrobe just find her the least flattering sweater/jeans combo possible?  

I saw an interesting theory on reddit about why Finn has never found out about Liam kissing Steffy (and why nobody mentions it). The writers were just testing out whether the viewers were going to be open to Steam again, and the Steffy fans lost their shit, so they're just sweeping it under the table now and leaving her with Finn Steffy's Husband. 

To kind of further expand on that, now that I look at it that way: I think the plan was for them to put Steffy and Liam back together and put Finn and Hope together. But, like I said, they wanted to gauge viewer reaction to the possibility of breaking up Steffy and her husband.  Thomas/Hope was basically filler, because the writers wanted to play with the actors' chemistry but didn't want to fully put Hope with the man who's tortured her for years. So, yeah, Hope was with Thomas, but during that, we had Finn repeatedly being concerned about Hope being with Thomas. We had him starting to chafe at Steffy's demands he stay away from Sheila. We had him find out about what Thomas did to Emma and become even more concerned for Hope. And we had Finn and Hope, who had always gotten along well enough, suddenly pretty much BFF's. Then we started getting Hope fantasizing about Finn, and him not exactly flirting with her, but definitely being very exuberant about how much he admires her.  That was the writers building up to what they planned to do, but also taking long enough to gauge how the fans would react, and, like I said, the very vocal Steffy stans lost their shit. So, they backed out of that, had Hope kiss him, Steffy lose her shit on Finn when he told her, then Steffy gets kidnapped by Luna, and we get the "great romantic reunion" of Sinn when he saves her. And Hope gets shunted off to Carter. 

So, yeah, those kisses are dead and buried, just like Brooke's kid with Nick and Ridge being a Marone. We are never to think about or speak of them again. It was just an idea the writers floated and decided to retreat from. And Finn only exists now to tell Steffy how wonderful she is whenever she needs a boost. 

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30 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

those kisses are dead and buried, just like Brooke's kid with Nick and Ridge being a Marone. We are never to think about or speak of them again. It was just an idea the writers floated and decided to retreat from

Are the writers dumb as rocks?!  If they wanted the viewers to forget each of the posted points above, they should have made it clear IT WAS ALL A DREAM!  

  • The Brick child 
  • Steffy and Liam’s Rome kisses
  • Ridge and all his kids as Marone 

That’s how you get the viewers to forget/dismiss plot points you introduced as in-show reality. We viewers won’t simply forget this stuff just because they aren’t mentioned again. Witness the numerous posts on this forum about the above. GIANT ASS FAIL by the writers just “hoping” viewers would forget. 

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The Electra storyline actually could be sorta interesting.  But the way this has been written reminds me of what happened to Vanessa Williams.  Except that was connected to Miss America & it was 40 years ago!  Now, if they were to address the issue of online revenge porn accurately, that would be great, but I don't expect it.

Firing Electra made absolutely no sense.  The pics were just nudes & didn't seem to involve any sexual activity.  So what would the big freakin' deal be?  Particularly since she's basically an unknown low-level nobody, working for a fashion company.  And even if she became the face of their jewelry line, so what?  She might get attention for a second, but in 2024, nude pics are all over the internet & social media & nobody cares!  Could this show be any more out of touch?

You know, I'm at a point that when Taylor/Greenlee comes on, I gotta put her on mute.  She's so full of crap.  Ya know she's just waiting for the chance to pounce on Ridge.  So everything outta her mouth is: I-totally-agree-with-you-Ridge/Steffy-in whatever-garbage-you-say, blah, blah, blah, broken-heart nonsense & white noise.  Gah, she is maddening!  And btw, beige fits her perfectly . . . boring, boring, boring!

Morrow Jr. still is talking like he's got marbles in his mouth.  I didn't care for his attitude with Remy.  He was really mean to him.  And it wasn't called for cuz Remy didn't especially do anything to warrant it.

Carter & Hope and the endless smiling at each other are making me kinda nauseous.

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9 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

It's going to be hilarious when, right after they bang, Zende tells Ridge what Brooke's plan is to get him the company back, and he forgets Taylor's name. I just hope that Brooke finds out about it and is done with him. 

In the previews for this week, they show Brooke pounding on Eric's door yelling to Ridge that she needs to talk to him. I think she is going to walk in and see him and the Jock Rider getting busy, and that will change her plans to help Ridge. Zende will then fill the gang in on Brooke's plan, and Ridge will once again realize he misjudged Brooke, but hopefully it will be too late.

I would love to see Brooke as angry as she was over BeLief. Tell that greasy slob that if he and his spawn want a turf war, then she is there for it. Brooke should reopen her old office and let Carter have Eric's. But of course it will never happen. 

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I’m sorry to keep dwelling on this, but I cannot begin to measure the enormous amount of fuckwittery required to NOT grasp a parent standing by their child. Eric, Taylor, Steffy and Ridge do not have a microdrop of emotional intelligence between them. Three of them act like they were locked in a cell for twenty years and force fed anti-Logan propaganda. Taylor hangs around like a dingleberry hoping to become the sole occupant of Ridge’s backside. You’d think hanging around all these fashion connoisseurs would have taught Taylor that thirst is a bad look.

But, wait! Brooke somehow still wants to prove her loyalty to the manbaby who called her daughter vile names and demanded she relocate her granddaughter. He is quite the prize, with his trash mouth, ultimatums and how much respect he has for women. Brooke all but holds up a “I’m going to give Forrester back to you” sign and that unwashed idiot misses the blatantly obvious message. Ridge thinks so little of Brooke that he immediately assumes the worst. It’s the CPS call all over again. 

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In spite of the fact that Sheila is a regular, I may stop watching. It's getting harder and harder to watch a show that either vilifies all of the characters of turns them despicable. The current treatment of women, especially the young women is hard to watch.

The show currently hates young women. It's like Flo all over again. She was a Cinderella story who was put in a difficult situation and was torn over what to do and then ultimately made the wrong decision, only to become so hated that they wrote her out without even an exit story.

Luna was a sweet girl. Another Cinderella story. Then seemingly overnight she was written to be a psycho killer with no conscience. And it went against all the story written for her thus far. Even though she held Steffy captive in a cage, for what felt like only about three hours, she's become impossible to root for.

Hope and Carter are two very pretty people who have no chemistry together. All of a sudden they have an insta-romance out of the blue and start acting like a couple of dicks. Out of character for both of them. How can anyone root for either of them, together or separately? 

Electra is sweet. And she is so new that we barely know anything about her. Just a few facts, but not much about her personality. She's been at FC for what, about five wardrobe changes? If that many. That's not very many days. So how can everyone at FC be raving about her and think highly of her when barely anyone has even had the opportunity to meet the new assistant jewelry designer? (And that cute sweater with the heart cut-out over her decolletage is not proper office attire, even on Seventh Avenue.) Was she brought on just to be victimized?

Then there's Steffy. A despicable hateful bully.

The World Renowned Beige Meerkat deserves a mention here considering that the character was recast to be half her actual age. Dour and sour. No redeeming qualities. Nothing at all like the Taylor Hayes we have known for decades.Taylor should be involved with the Remy story line. Perhaps his previous meerkat turned his records over to her to treat him once he moved to LA. Something, anything. The creepy young man is deeply psychologically disturbed and she could be seen as trying to help him. Or she could be court appointed to try to help Luna. Considering that Taylor tried to kill $Bill, there could be interesting story there. But no, The World Renowned Beige Meerkat is just hanging around waiting for her chance to hop on Sludge's greasy joystick, all the while being hateful.

Katie and Brooke, while no longer young women, deserve to be ranted against for their out of character treatment of Electra. And as should be noted, we saw Brooke standing at the drink cart in her living room. I fully expect to see her drinking again. I figured that when we saw the coming attraction of her banging on a door calling out for Sludge, she'll be drunk.

Donna - where did you go? Are you upstairs? Kristin, Felicia, Bridget - where are you and your brothers during this time of family and company strife? (We know that good ol' Pam is sitting at her desk - even though we never see her and the desk is always empty, they keep insisting that she's there.)

Sheila is the only woman who's okay, as illogical as that may be. I guess she's too busy bussing tables to cause any trouble. Actually it's just because they aren't writing for her. Thankfully.

Is it because Ed Scott left that the show is so mean and unpleasant now?


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I’m so irritated at this show that all I really have the energy to complain about is the fact that they shared this week’s cliffhanger during last week’s preview. Seriously, a cliffhanger is to keep people interested & tuned back in. When you tell & show us a week in advance what’s going to happen, it makes us not so excited to watch. 

I know people say Bridge in its’ current incarnation has no chemistry. But Tridge is actually worse. I really like RB, but I think she is tragically miscast as Taylor, because given the right character, she could give $Bill a run for his money in the charm department, this based on seeing her in interviews & shows as herself, no acting. They should’ve brought her on as a new character, not boring Taylor. Just my 2¢. 

This show is so drab, I’m looking forward to seeing Pam next week.

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17 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

So, yeah, those kisses are dead and buried, just like Brooke's kid with Nick and Ridge being a Marone. We are never to think about or speak of them again. It was just an idea the writers floated and decided to retreat from. And Finn only exists now to tell Steffy how wonderful she is whenever she needs a boost. 

While there's validity to that theory you posted (and you're not wrong, if Bell could milk the Steam/Lope wars till the heat death of the universe, he absolutely would), I will never say never: we all thought Taylor got away with James until they brought that up ten years later.

If and when they get rid of Finn, they'll drag that out, probably in the most stupid, infuriating way but they'll do it when they think they can weasel back in that direction again. But it won't be today and tomorrow doesn't look likely either.

7 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

would love to see Brooke as angry as she was over BeLief. Tell that greasy slob that if he and his spawn want a turf war, then she is there for it. Brooke should reopen her old office and let Carter have Eric's. But of course it will never happen. 

I do NOT for the life of me understand why Brooke has been so de-fanged in recent years...I mean, you see her peers on the other shows going claws out over far less and she has to act like a meek nun.

48 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I know people say Bridge in its’ current incarnation has no chemistry. But Tridge is actually worse.

Far, far worse.

I thought Ridge had anti-chemistry with Katie but....well, actually I still hate Kridge more but this version of Tridge is just under them as the worst pairing Ridge has been put with.

How the hell is the chemistry so bad to dethrone him and BRIDGET?!

Edited by Anna Yolei
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A limp beige dishrag and a greasy hobo. 

A match made in hell. 

I hope Brooke catches them making the beast with two backs and forgets all about getting the company back. 

But she’s the perennial, pathetic doormat so of course it will never happen. 

The ghost of red power suit Brooke is screaming somewhere. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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3 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Ugh, Why Taylor. 

Cuz this Taylor, the Greenlee Taylor, has no other purpose or function in her life except to wait around for an opp to bang Ridge.  And this will apparently resolve her broken-heart crap.  So she got her opp to bang Ridge . . . and now what?  They're gonna be a couple?  Making them the most boring couple ever!  Sheesh, they make watching paint dry more interesting.  Thanks for nothing for this terrible pairing, Show.

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How can one describe the raw passion that seared our screens this afternoon? Don’t know why, but I feel like I watched an unkempt turtle dry hump an undercooked breadstick in a litter box. So hot. And totally not pathetic.

Zende pumping his fist like his favorite football team just scored a touchdown after Brooke left the office was a choice. His shirt was also a choice.

Lol@Taylor dramatically murmuring about what Ridge had gone through that night. Like he’d narrowly escaped a sound thumping by an enraged alpaca leading a gaggle of switchblade wielding geese. Taylor needs to look at how fast Ridge turned on his “destiny” and realize she’ll be ditched even faster than that. 

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5 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

The World Renowned Beige Meerkat deserves a mention here considering that the character was recast to be half her actual age.

As someone who watched All My Children for decades, it's wild to see RB in a role originated by HT.  HT was a full grown ass adult on AMC almost 15 years before RB started on AMC playing a college kid. 

6 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

A personal history that includes Steffy trying to electrocute Ivy. To death.

I can't believe I had totally forgotten about Steffy's stretch of trying to kill off all of her female cousins. 

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Ridge why does it always have to be his feelings. Ridge and Stuffy never consider other people’s feelings. To them they are just bugs to be squished.  

Ridge really doesn’t give 💩💩 about Brooke when he has an alternative “warm hole” to fall into.  To think about it, Ridge is more of a waffler than Liam.

Finn and Stuffy are the worse. I rather watch paint dry.  But are they more boring than Ridge and Taylor?  Not even close. 

Have you met more miserable people than the pseudo Foresters?  The two things they are good at is ragging on other people and being hypocritical. 

I don’t understand how Brooke’s younger tongue is not brown from all the time she’s licked Ridge’s ass. 


Edited by Waldo13
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Lord, Taylor is so thirsty for that man baby. She started to head out and then probably flashed back to how she didn't seal the deal last time because Ridge found out in the middle of their wedding that the thing he was mad at Brooke over wasn't really Brooke's doing. So she figured, just in case there was a reasonable explanation for Brooke taking the CEO job, she'd better get in that bed now, before Ridge can find it out. 

There's Finn Steffy's Husband to reassure her that everyone who displeases her is wrong, and she's the victim she imagines herself to be.  Who's a good boy?  Who's a good boy?  I wonder how TN feels knowing that he seemed to be headed to a good meaty breakup story, but now he's just there to play loyal sycophant. 

And Bitch In A Box with her "you know how the Logans are, always loyal to each other." Is she claiming that she and her family aren't exactly the same?  And all of the Cliff House Asshole Collective being so shocked, shocked, I tell you, at the mere idea of a parent supporting their child. Like Ridge and Taylor don't act like the sun shines directly out of Steffy's ass and only out of Steffy's ass. 

Where I want things to go now: I want Brooke to find out that Ridge banged his jock rider because he couldn't wait five minutes to have a conversation with her first to find out what was going on. And I want her to say "fuck him, I'm running this place now."  And then I want Zende and Eric to find out how that all went down and turn on Ridge for risking the company because he couldn't just not fuck Taylor in those circumstances. Couldn't sleep on it. Bonus points if they find out that he lost them the company in the first place because he stopped questioning the paperwork when Taylor popped in, and he needed his twice daily tongue bath from his ex, to make sure she remained firmly on his hook. Steffy, of course, will just be happy that mommy and daddy are doing it again, because Ridge's dick is the only way to keep Taylor in town long term. Eric going back to work with Brooke running FC and leaving Ridge and Steffy to sniff Taylor's asshole for a living would be so much better than whatever we're likely going to end up with. 

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Well, what everyone predicted would happen the moment TayTeen was cast, finally happened. And it was simultaneously as boring and repulsive as it could possibly be. What is there even for Tridge to do, other than tell each other how perfect they are, and look down on everyone else aside for their equally vile daughter? They'd be backburned in a week, and would stay there until Bell gets ready to break them up again. Which would happen 5 minutes after Ridge finds out Brooke is with Bill or any man, and would end in Taylor once again fleeing the country, and Steffy blaming Brooke.

Edited by KnightStorm
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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

There's Finn Steffy's Husband to reassure her that everyone who displeases her is wrong, and she's the victim she imagines herself to be.  Who's a good boy?  Who's a good boy?

God, I wish I had ever owned a dog as obedient as he is.

No actually, I don't because unlike Steffy, I actually love my two dogs who who they are, even if Prince could get a blackout in Chihuahua Stereotype Bingo and Sunny is especially smart about hiding his "accidents" in clothing I leave on the floor.

The writers think it's enough that having a man praise Steffy is enough to make them dynamic. It's not and after five years, "He's not Liam" doesn't cut it. Frankly, it wasn't cutting it after five weeks. It's just boring and dull and to each their own, but even Steam was allowed to have real arguments and fights.

But so many in fandom are happy about those fragmented molecules that pass for crumbs, so I expect nothing to change there in the forseeable future.

1 hour ago, KnightStorm said:

Well, what everyone predicted would happen the moment TayTeen was cast, finally happened. And it was simultaneously as boring and repulsive as it could possibly be. What is there even for Tridge to do, other than tell each other how perfect they are, and look down on everyone else aside for their equally vile daughter? They'd be backburned in a week, and would stay there until Bell gets ready to break them up again. Which would happen 5 minutes after Ridge finds out Brooke is with Bill or any man, and would end in Taylor once again fleeing the country, and Steffy blaming Brooke.

Quoted for truth, because the shows predicable story beats write themselves. This is one show that might actually be improved if Bell was replaced with an AI bot. His ideas are no better than an AI slop generator's anyway.

The day Ridge is out of both women's lives is the day I will know peace.

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I wonder if there were still more soaps as we had even as far as 15 years ago, if these hacks who pass themselves off as writers would actually try and write? We’re down to three on network and one on streaming (Days), so it seems no one give a fuck and treats the viewers as nimrodic maroons.

It’s the same over on General Hospital which I’m still watching only because of the return of Jonathan Jackson as the original and only Lucky Spencer to me.

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7 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

It’s the same over on General Hospital which I’m still watching only because of the return of Jonathan Jackson as the original and only Lucky Spencer to me.

OMG, this would almost make me watch GH again, but since it’s been so long since I last watched (Brenda’s return when she and Sonny finally married and her son was almost killed as collateral damage by Sonny’s enemies), I would be hopelessly lost. I think I would only ever watch again if GH reunites Brenda and Jax with the original actors.

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2 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

OMG, this would almost make me watch GH again, but since it’s been so long since I last watched (Brenda’s return when she and Sonny finally married and her son was almost killed as collateral damage by Sonny’s enemies), I would be hopelessly lost. I think I would only ever watch again if GH reunites Brenda and Jax with the original actors.

Jax will never come back due to Ingo‘s whckadoodleness and moronic lawsuits against the show and ABC. And doubtful they will recast.

I’m just loving the way Elizabeth and Lucky are with each other-hoping they find the way back to each other. And that’s all I’ll say as this isn’t the forum for me to gush.

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So, Ridge heads upstairs with some kind of booze, and the Jock Rider swans in with two empty glasses? Is JR officially off the wagon? Has the California Highway Patrol been notified? But then, JR isn't going to be driving anything but Ridge's dick. 

It is kind of hilarious that Ridge's parting words to Brooke were something about how he couldn't do this because he loved her too much. Yes, he loves her sooooooooooo much that he falls into bed with his ex-wife in less than a week. I think that is a record for Ridge. 

On 12/20/2024 at 11:01 PM, KerleyQ said:

I want Brooke to find out that Ridge banged his jock rider because he couldn't wait five minutes to have a conversation with her first to find out what was going on. And I want her to say "fuck him, I'm running this place now."  And then I want Zende and Eric to find out how that all went down and turn on Ridge for risking the company because he couldn't just not fuck Taylor in those circumstances. Couldn't sleep on it. Bonus points if they find out that he lost them the company in the first place because he stopped questioning the paperwork when Taylor popped in, and he needed his twice daily tongue bath from his ex, to make sure she remained firmly on his hook.

Oh man, could I ever get behind this. Not that Eric has any wiggle room when it comes to keeping his pants zipped, but in this instance the stakes were really high. Ridge was reeling with man pain that superseded his need to get the company back. JR is very well versed in how to stroke Ridge's ego, more importantly, she knows how to push his buttons regarding Brooke. And coming upstairs when she should have been going home? So, so calculated, but Brooke is the manipulator. 

Yes, it is well beyond time for Brooke to step out of that useless waffler's shadow. 

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Just now, Js Nana said:

Am I the only one having this problem: The right side of the screen is taken up with "Top Posters In This Topic" while all the comments are squished over to the left side - if it's just me, does anybody have any idea how I broke the screen, and how to fix it?

No. I’ve reported it in the bugs thread on the forum. I would suggest others also experiencing this do the same so they know it’s happening to others as well.

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5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

JR is very well versed in how to stroke Ridge's ego

So, that's what the kids are calling it these days ??

Meanwhile, still recovering from the loss of this site when it was infested with bugs, scorpions, and rabid coyotes...Never realized how much I enjoyed y'all's snark until it was .....GONE !!

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21 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I wonder if there were still more soaps as we had even as far as 15 years ago, if these hacks who pass themselves off as writers would actually try and write? We’re down to three on network and one on streaming (Days), so it seems no one give a fuck and treats the viewers as nimrodic maroons.

It’s the same over on General Hospital which I’m still watching only because of the return of Jonathan Jackson as the original and only Lucky Spencer to me.

Considering people were bemoaning the recycling of Bridge and the lack of any investment in the younger generation throughout the 2000s as the other shows were being slashed one by one (including the back-to-back cancellations of Guiding Light and ATWT in '09 & 2010 respectively), I'm gonna go with "No."

It's come to a head in recent years but there's been for red flags waving like a bull fighting contest for the last twenty years when Bridget was the youngest cast member fighting her mom for old AF Nick with no other men her age and the show  didn't bother to give Thomas #1 any story for the six years after his  shotgun wedding to Gabriela. Instead they had Stephanie and Brooke carrying the show until SF retired and of course bc they had built up no other stories other than shoving Lope/Steam in our faces  for the previous year, the show couldn't pivot after Stephanie was no longer there.

As absolutely horrid as ATWT was in its death spiral, I can honestly say that there *were* things I unironically enjoyed that were worth watching: Luke and Noah and their pioneering queer love story; Will and Gwen coming together as two outcasts; Henry the oddball (who my mom thought for years to be gay!) and the sophisticated Vienna (until they torched that *sigh*); Parker Munson dragging his shitty parents stands in stark contrast to every legacy child B&B has had since Kyle Lauder!Rick and excluding Will for the time being, but we know the shoe is going to drop eventually.

I have had no such sentiment for B&B since before the lockdown and frankly I hate that for what is my oldest fandom I've been apart of since middle school.

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It's the CPS storyline again with different words. I realize classic misunderstanding is a soap and romcom staple but...bleccch. It's so boring when it's the exact same characters. Taylor returning with a new love interest would be so much more...interesting. At least Thomas did even though it was a character already on the show they didn't know what to do with since Luna had become the new ingenue by then (hahahaha!).

At least this time Ridge didn't have to literally chase Taylor creepily through Aspen for no good reason.

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Coming down the stairs just at that moment & in that outfit and giving a smug, self-satisfied look?  So Greenlee!  But it’s not really who the character is.  It’s petty & bratty, but that’s all RB can do & it’s why she’s so badly miscast.

I wanted to see more anger coming outta Brooke, but KKL’s acting is just soooo limited she’s prob not capable of it.  Disappointing!

The bed scene with Homeless-man Ridge & Taylor/Greenlee made me nauseous & anxious.  Nauseous cuz it was nauseating to watch, and anxious cuz Grubby Ridge looked like he was gonna crush Taylor/Greenlee like a bug.  Wishful thinking, but maybe he will . . .

Zende, will ya lose that hideous shirt, please?  It’s hurting my eyes!  No shirt might be a better choice.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Do you know what’s worse than watching Ridge and Taylor in bed, it’s that awful make out music in the background.  What’s almost as bad is watching Finn lick Stuffy’s ass. Stuffy not only has Finn by the balls, her hand is so far up his that his lips are moving but it’s Stuffy’s voice. 

There is nothing left to be said about Ridge that has not already been said.  

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I let out a loud laugh when Beige earnestly told Ridge she's never stopped loving him, and he jumped up to grab her a drink. Are we supposed to see how pathetic she is, or are we supposed to think that, despite all evidence to the contrary, she's a strong independent woman who doesn't need a man?  

Then we move over to Bitch in a Box and Steffy's Husband.  When she said that she should stop venting about the Logans, I said "well, that leaves you with one of two options - you guys can talk about how devoted he is to you, or you can talk about getting your mommy and daddy back together."  And, yep, she went with mommy and daddy talk. 

Related - that big ass house, and Kelly and Hayes are still sharing that relatively small room? 

Then we have Zende in that ugly ass shirt fantasizing about Brooke getting the company back. Can't wait until he finds out his dumbass uncle burned that plan to the ground. 

Brooke, honey, go home, gather up his shit, and throw it into a bonfire.  Then go be a badass CEO. 

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 Brooke needs an immediate infusion of self respect. Ridge deserves nothing, and watching him berate and belittle Brooke like she’s something he stepped in was gross. That lofty speech about how the Logans should be grateful for any morsels of kindness the Forresters deign to dole out was next level. He called her daughter trash and still she wasn’t that upset until the limp dishrag meandered into view. If only she could have seen the love scene we saw where a hobo humped a beige nonentity. No woman could be threatened by that.

Steffy has a handsome doctor puppet, wealth, a fine home and great kids, yet she can’t think about anything but the great evil that is the Logan family drawing air. And what a wonderful daughter, wanting nothing more for her mother than to eternally be the consolation prize. Why even show Finn? Steffy talking to her reflection in the mirror would have the same effect.

Get a life, Zende.

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I thought KKL did a good job of balancing her horror at Ridge's words and her need to please him. She was clearly getting worked up as he berated and insulted her but seeing the little Jock Rider appear from upstairs sealed it. I absolutely loved how she simply looked at her greasy hobo with disdain and disgust and walked out without a word. For me, that silence puts an exclamation point on things. 

I am actually excited to see where we are going. I haven't been able to say that in long time. 

Why was Steffy's husband talking like he had a mouth full of marbles? 

Yes Steffy, a Christmas day miracle of your mom glowing in her "victory" over Brooke. Except, once again, JR is only in Ridge's bed because he is pissed off at Brooke. If it was my mother, I would tell her to run away as fast as she can, and to stop putting herself in this position. JR will once again be living her daily life looking over her shoulder, questioning Ridge every time he is five minutes late, and always stressing if he has been with Brooke. This has been JR's whole entire adult life, you would think as a WRP she would see the vicious cycle she keeps subjecting herself to, but winning over Brooke takes precedent over everything else. Such a sad, pitiful, and pathetic way to live one's life. 

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32 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Yes Steffy, a Christmas day miracle of your mom glowing in her "victory" over Brooke. Except, once again, JR is only in Ridge's bed because he is pissed off at Brooke. If it was my mother, I would tell her to run away as fast as she can, and to stop putting herself in this position. JR will once again be living her daily life looking over her shoulder, questioning Ridge every time he is five minutes late, and always stressing if he has been with Brooke. This has been JR's whole entire adult life, you would think as a WRP she would see the vicious cycle she keeps subjecting herself to, but winning over Brooke takes precedent over everything else. Such a sad, pitiful, and pathetic way to live one's life. 

When they were hugging at the end of yesterday's show, I was yelling at my TV "hey, dumbass, he's staring at the door Brooke just walked out of. Get a clue!" She's never going to grab hold of any kind of self respect, though. She's always been pathetic about him, but nunuTaylor is the most pathetic version of all.  

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I kinda forgot that Brooke has a sorta hippie-ish, crunchy-granola way of thinking, where she won’t get angry & she forgives anything & everything.  It’s maddening to watch when it’s directed at an a-hole like Ridge.  So she’s going ahead with her plan to get the company back to the a-holes?  And she’s still & forever pining away for Ridge?  Dumb.

So is Brooke pathetic for doing this?  Well, it is consistent with her character.  Yeah, it’s pretty pathetic, but it’s her choice.  The one who’s really pathetic is Taylor, who refuses to make any other life for herself, other than one that revolves around Ridge — in spite of the fact that he’s dumped her a zillion times.

I fully expect to see Finn in a dog collar & leash, on all fours, with Steffy patting him on the head, while tugging (hard) on the leash.  No need to ever say anything anymore, Finn.  Just shake your head yes to everything Steffy says & hold her handbag (in your mouth) & your purpose is served.  Now that’s super pathetic.


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Excuse me Taylor but giving back Ridge’s pen, something he already owns, is not a gift.  Can Taylor be more lame?  

Does Brooke suffer from battered Ridge syndrome?  Does Brooke have any self respect?  

Why is Z even there?  To remind everyone that you don’t need to be a good actor to be on a soap opera. 

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