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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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If Liam had half a brain, he would have gone up to Eric's office, in his towel, to tell Hope (and everyone else) what just happened.

And Eric's response to that nitwit should be, "Why are you in FC's sauna instead of at work at SP?. You are not a FC employee."

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Just when you think Ridge can't be any more of a tool, he is! He steals Brooke's ring, tells her she can't marry Bill, then says he and Katie will find her someone. Bill came off as the adult in his encounter with Ridge. I loved how Bill ducked the tool's punch then socked him in his gut.

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So, during the week of May 26th:


Despite Wyatt trying to convince his mother to delete the incriminating "selfie" of her and Bill, Quinn sends the photo to Ridge.

Wyatt blasts his mother for showing Ridge the photo, knowing what the result will be, but Quinn remains unmoved.

When a heated-up Ridge asks Quinn about the shot, she reveals that she and Bill had an affair.

Ridge immediately heads to Dubai, determined to stop Brooke and Bill's wedding.


Looking forward to a pissing contest made of liquid comedy gold.

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I generally watch each day's episode and delete as I go, but not yesterday's show. Bill and Ridge are quickly becoming one of my favorite couple's, and watching DD and TK roll around on top of Bill's desk was entertaining, hilarious and strangely captivating. Quinn should have hung aroung for a few more minutes; she would have been in her glory and would probably have taken that punch for Bill. On purpose. Speaking of that punch; Bill was dead on when he told Ridge he is no man, because a man faces his battles head on, he doesn't wait until his adversary has turned his back and is walking away to throw a punch. Around here we call that a sucker punch delivered by a wuss. But it was a good scene with all that dark clothing and the hot, sweaty, male testosterone flying. Then in pops beautiful Brooke, in her beautiful blue. I laughed for quite some time after that.


Ridge is really unbelieveable though; I can't recall a time he has went to these lengths to prevent Brooke's happiness. Well, except maybe Italy. My hope is that Ridge's actions will only push Brooke farther away, and that she won't find them endearing.


Something tells me Katie isn't going to cotton to this turn of events; Ridge removing Brooke's engagement ring and actually engaging in fisticuffs with Bill over Brooke........er........I mean RJ. I also wonder how quickly she will want a replacement for her ribbon once she sees Brooke's beautiful ring.


I enjoyed that exchange between Hope and Wyatt; they were acting like a real couple discussing their parents. And not one word about Liam.

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I thought it was just the time Bill was really drunk, and he and Quinn were going at it when Liam was downstairs. Then there was the coitus interruptus when Brooke came over and Quinn went into the closet. Hardly an affair.

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By writing nRidge as a complete ass, Bill Bell has made me a Brill fan. I never liked them as a couple. To me, KKL always seemed to play the conflicted emotions of betraying her sister in the Brill scenes. Plus, I never could forget all the horrible things that Bill said about and did to Hope.


But, now, I want Brill to be happily married just make Ridge seethe. I can't believe that Ridge feels that he should have any decisive say in who Brooke marries. 


Two more things:


1) Where is Eric? I know he is against the Brill and Kridge engagements. 


2) As of late, KKL has been looking smashing.



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Interesting comments from Quinn today about sexual/gender politics, particularly when she said she "despises herself" for "wanting to be wanted" and that her desires overcome her "like an illness" - I wonder where that comes from. Obviously she's not so shy that she doesn't pursue sexual relationships (or encounters? Not sure what the best word is here), and up until now her character has been presented to us as a woman who isn't ashamed of doing so; she often says things along the lines of "I'm just here for the sex" when referring to (or even talking to) Bill. What's the agenda behind now giving her the guilt trip over making a pass at Bill? What shames her? The presumption has been that she does it because she enjoys it and if he says no, then no harm no foul. I could understand it if Quinn had her issues with sexual promiscuity given that the last time she engaged in that kind of activity she had an unplanned pregnancy, but I don't think that's it. And here's another link between the character of Quinn and that of Stephanie - in the 90s Stephanie made no secret of going after Eric and allowed herself to be charmed by him (to the chagrin of Jack Hamilton), but would in the same breath berate Brooke (and Sheila) for using their sexuality in an underhanded way to get whatever they wanted. Anyway - Rena Sofer did a great job with the material and of course it was a Patrick Mulcahey script today, he undoubtedly writes the best dialogue.


It's always amazing to me - or if not amazing then close to it - how an audience can be manipulated into believing one thing after first believing another. Once upon a time Dollar Bill Spencer was an A-grade asshole but now he's the guy to root for in the Battle for Brooke and I'd say the majority of us are in the Brill camp after this recent character assassination of Ridge Forrester by TPTB. I feel a little sorry for TK because this material for Ridge pushing shit uphill can't be fun to play and the fact that it's all so predictable isn't fun to watch. Oh well. Loved Don Diamont today; I wish he would whisk me away to a secret location.


Pretty sure baby Zane has figured out how to steal the scene - make heaps of noise and throw toys around right when there's an important line - a real diva and only 18 months old... 


Spoilers for 6/2:

Katie's happily ever after is drastically halted - An admission of guilt by a Spencer causes the fall of a Forrester (literally!) - Relationships are tested as a family tries to cope with uncertain news - A father and a fiance prepare to join an urgent search (Do I dare get my hopes up for some Eric scenes???) - Quinn tries to clean up a mess she made for Wyatt

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I watched some Emmy reels today.  Scott Clifton's reel was a great scene between Liam and Bill after Steffie lost the baby, and a scene with Steffie.  No Hope At All.  Kim Matula's reel was the cabin scene with Liam and Wyatt after Hope's most recent wedding that didn't happen.  L Godfrey's reel was a very bad choice in my opinion, back when she was in competition with Maya, getting Maya and Carter to do scenes for that web series or whatever it was. 

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Spoilers for 6/2:

Katie's happily ever after is drastically halted - An admission of guilt by a Spencer causes the fall of a Forrester (literally!) - Relationships are tested as a family tries to cope with uncertain news - A father and a fiance prepare to join an urgent search (Do I dare get my hopes up for some Eric scenes???) - Quinn tries to clean up a mess she made for Wyatt


Sounds like that spoiler of

Ridge falling into the ocean from a helicopter while trying to show Brooke the picture of Bill & Quinn is true.

 That sounds hi-larious.

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L Godfrey's reel was a very bad choice in my opinion, back when she was in competition with Maya, getting Maya and Carter to do scenes for that web series or whatever it was. 


LG did an interview recently with Soap Opera Network and mentioned that everyone's reels were about dead babies and it made her doubt her choice - but I don't think she really had anything else to submit because Caroline didn't have a meaty story last year, and in any event her character is more comedic and light-hearted anyway. The Daytime awards don't seem to be split like other awards are so I guess performers can submit whatever is their strongest material. 


I like this too:

However, receiving the nomination is exciting in and of itself — especially because she’s sharing the honor with Kim Matula (Hope Logan), who’s also a first time nominee. “We both got really funny text messages from Don Diamont [bill Spencer] that said the exact same thing,” she says with a laugh. “Mine said, ‘Congratulations, I’m so proud of you. I hope you kick Kim’s ass. I hate her!’ And then hers said, ‘Congratulations. I’m so proud of you. I hope you kick Linsey’s ass. I hate her!’ So we were both laughing so hard about that, like, ‘Thanks, Don!’”


I love Don Diamont.

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Interesting comments from Quinn today about sexual/gender politics, particularly when she said she "despises herself" for "wanting to be wanted" and that her desires overcome her "like an illness" - I wonder where that comes from.



I wonder too; I think if they explored the Quinn character some more, got into why she is the way she is, I might be able to better understand some of her actions. When she was talking to Wyatt yesterday, I honestly felt a little something for her. And really, Rena Sofer is capable of so much more than being the resident loon. Spoilers indicate that,

She fesses up to Wyatt about the selfie, and he tells her to get rid of it and to stop interferring in Bill and Brooke. Of course she doesn't listen, and finds some way to get the picture into Ridge's hands sight unseen. It appears this action will set some things in motion between Quinn and Wyatt, where he has just had enough. Maybe that will be a catylst for Quinn. If Bill can change his spots........


I would not want to be in Katie's position. I suppose her new mantra will be that "it is all about Bill". I imagine she will be walking through that big empty house next week reciting just that, as Ridge is off to save Brooke from Big Bad Bill. Of course we all know that Ridge has never done anything as bad to Brooke as a one night, drunken sexcapade with an old girlfriend. And I hardly think that qualifies as an "affair", but I can see those with a vested interest playing it up for all it is worth, just like Taylor did when she found out about Bill and Brooke's one time morning boink. I hope Brooke will listen to Bill about this when it comes out, and not go jumping to conclusions, or back into Ridge's arms.

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I wonder too; I think if they explored the Quinn character some more, got into why she is the way she is,



I hope so too, just not too soon.  Stephanie wreaked havoc for decades before her backstory with Ann and Pam were explored.  I loved that scene with Quinn and Wyatt, I never saw an introspective vulnerable side of Quinn before.  I like stories about women whose desires don't mesh with their actions.  I've been a fan of RS's since her days on Loving, she could certainly handle the material.


It was a Patrick Mulcahey script today, he undoubtedly writes the best dialogue.




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Casting News: Australian actress Ashleigh Brewer cast as Ivy Forrester


Spoiler tags just in case:

In addition, the series announces today that Australian actress Ashleigh Brewer (Neighbors) has been cast in the newly created role of “Ivy Forrester”, niece of series patriarch “Eric Forrester” (John McCook). “We are thrilled to introduce Ashleigh at the festival, whose poise and talent are already well known in Australia and the UK,” says Bell. “‘Ivy’ is the daughter of Eric’s younger brother, ‘John Forrester’, who has been living in Sydney. A young, worldly designer, ‘Ivy’ is brought in to work on the new Hope for the Future jewelry line. It won’t be long before she finds herself deeply entangled in the lives and loves of our younger generation.” Brewer will make her first appearance on the series in the U.S. in early July.



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It's hours later and I still can't stop laughing about $Bill giving RJ a swordy necklace.  Ridge is gonna blow his fool STACK.  That sword necklace has got to be the dumbest ...thing.  Have there been other oft used props on this show that are so recognized and ridiculous?  And NO I am not counting Taylor's lips.

I hope Katie likes the taste of crow.

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I didn't know Eric had a brother. Is this canon or something they just pulled out of their asses? The girl is very pretty.


Eric's brother John was first mentioned around 1994 (?) when Eric's niece Jessica all of a sudden turned up on the doorstop of the Forrester Mansion that summer, and quickly got herself involved with an older college boy which the Forresters later took to court on statutory rape charges. I don't know if John was ever mentioned to be older or younger than Eric but I always assumed he was younger because he was supposedly spontaneous and irresponsible. His wife Maggie came to LA later on and was Stephanie's housemaid for a little while, and eventually married James Warwick IIRC. The character has never been played on-screen by anyone, and I hope they don't ever cast him because it'll ruin my idea of John Forrester actually being John McCook and that giving Eric a brother named John is just a big B&B in-joke.

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Ivy Forrester; I like that name, and she is indeed quite beautiful. I would suspect that Ivy will be hooking up with who ever Hope doesn't choose, and my guess on that is Liam. Wyatt and Quinn have a tenacious hold on their position at FC's, and outside of Bill formally recognizing Wyatt, they are not really grounded in the show the way Liam is. I can see Hope being really upset that Liam has moved on, particularly after his recent ultimatum, but I don't see her getting nearly as upset about losing Wyatt. Oddly enough, I actually enjoyed the exchange between Liam and Wyatt yesterday; I usually FFd through their scenes, but I have noticed a change in the tone, more playful and joking. Much better than what we had before.


Too bad Katie didn't hear that little exchange between Ridge and Brooke yesterday. It is obvious who can't let go, but Katie does have her Red Ribbon of Commitment still tied to her finger, so I suppose she can rest assured that Ridge is all about her. I don't think I will be able to feel sorry for her when the whip comes down; Katie knows all about Ridge and Brooke. She knows that this has always been Ridge's pattern, deep down she knows that RJ is just a convienent front for Ridge's real motivation. She chose to get involved with Ridge knowing all this, she continues to choose to stay with him knowing all this. Outside of that is Katie's general demeanor of superiority, her snide nastyness, and her sarcasm. I also do not like when people choose to stay in a bad relationship and then bad mouth their partner after they divorce. What does it say to Katie that Ridge is OK with her and Bill, but finds the idea of Brooke and Bill unexceptable. Katie is so caught up in it all that she can't see the forest for the trees. Spoilers indicate that her vision is going to start clearing up next week. I wonder how Katie will lay this turn of events at Brooke's feet, because Ridge wouldn't do anything to stop B/B marrying unless Brooke intiated it. As if.


It's hours later and I still can't stop laughing about $Bill giving RJ a swordy necklace.  Ridge is gonna blow his fool STACK



Indeed! What a nice little twist. No doubt Bill just really wants to "stick" it to Ridge, but Ridge is gonna blow his stack, "my son is not a Spencer!".

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It's hours later and I still can't stop laughing about $Bill giving RJ a swordy necklace.  Ridge is gonna blow his fool STACK.  That sword necklace has got to be the dumbest ...thing

Just hope the little bugger doesn't stab himself with it. Could Ridge be anymore of a jerk? Katie is so needy. Brooke and Hope must just ooze pheromones because they both have two men salivating after them. Quinn has just lost all her marbles so far. Where's Aly and Oliver when they're needed!!

Edited by godfreydaniels
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I love Katie talking about getting past her problems with Brooke.  Here's a start...how about not being a snide, snotty ass every time you see her? If you hate Brooke, then own it, I could respect that, but don't lie about wanting things to be better.  And why is she spewing her venom about Bill marrying Brooke? She's getting to marry the new love of her life.  If she wants to get in a dig, maybe she could do a "Thank you for your part in screwing up my marriage, because if it weren't for that I wouldn't be with Ridge."

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IMO, Katie will always be able to have a problem with Brooke screwing her husband, getting pregnant and intending to keep the baby.  And then, after saying that she realized that she and Bill were wrong and she would never betray Katie again, she went ahead and betrayed her.  That's my whole problem with Brooke in this mess.  Own.  Your.  Stuff.  If she meant what she said about never going back to Bill, then it shouldn't matter what Katie does.  If she truly believed it was wrong.  But she didn't.


I think Katie does want things to be better, but every time she sees Brooke, all of that stuff comes back.


Where Katie doesn't get a pass from me is when she keeps saying stuff like, " 'Cause Ridge could never love gross ol' me, right?" whenever Brooke expressed concern about their relationship.  She was so insistent that she would be the one to break the Ridge/Brooke pattern.  If she'd been more like Bill and said, "Well, this is what I want to do and if I end up getting hurt, it was my decision and it was worth it," well then...fine.

Edited by kia112
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Oddly enough, I actually enjoyed the exchange between Liam and Wyatt yesterday; I usually FFd through their scenes, but I have noticed a change in the tone, more playful and joking. Much better than what we had before.

Me, too!  I think I can actually be ok with this stupid premise if they keep it lighthearted like this.  It was funny when Hope said she felt like the third wheel in the relationship.


I agree that Bill giving RJ the necklace was hilarious, but it's also kind of a dick move on his part.  If he wants to push Ridge's buttons, he probably shouldn't use Brooke's son to do it.

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Bill punching Ridge was awesome.


I hate that pompous ass, even more so now that TK is in the role. In fact, I think Ridge getting punched in the face should be a regular part of the show. And love, love, love him giving RJ a sword necklace (no matter how ridiculous I think the necklaces are). Anything that sticks in Ridge's craw is a-ok by me.


Katie truly is pathetic - having to reassure her man (and herself) that it's okay for him to be so concerned about Brooke's love life, so much so that he's stealing her ring and getting into a physical altercation with Bill. Doesn't she get that Ridge not wanting Brooke until she's with someone else is part of his playbook? Or even if he doesn't want her, he doesn't want her to be with anyone else - ever. Hope she enjoys sleeping with one eye open the rest of her life.


And she gets zero sympathy from me. After all (and this is conveniently white-washed out of the show), she had no qualms about stealing Bridget's husband, Nick, and getting pregnant by him, all the while, her adoring niece is working her fingers to the bone to find a cure for her heart condition. 

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Hee! It also reminded me of a 20+ year old movie called Sleepwalkers, where cats also have issues with the "vampires" -- and features a monstrous mommy a la Quinn! The movie is kinda cheesy but some of the images and the soundtrack have stayed with me...


Even better, in Sleepwalkers the cop character who is murdered rides with his pet cat on patrol (quiet town), and the cat escapes the murder. The partner cat leads the cat assault on the evil doers including the Rena Sofer like character.






I am really impressed the show sprung for a location in Dubai. It has needed some scenery for a long time.

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“Mine said, ‘Congratulations, I’m so proud of you. I hope you kick Kim’s ass. I hate her!’ And then hers said, ‘Congratulations. I’m so proud of you. I hope you kick Linsey’s ass.

Funny!  When I read the first part I thought he was writing it as Bill Spencer. 


Maybe the Emir of Dubai or the local government is paying B&B to film there.  It's good publicity for them.  I love the locations that they use around LA, especially since most of them belong to the Bell family or CBS. 

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I hear that B&B is quite a hit internationally. I recall they did location shoots in Italy because of the great ratings they get there, maybe they are huge fans in Dubai as well.

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Funny!  When I read the first part I thought he was writing it as Bill Spencer. 


Maybe the Emir of Dubai or the local government is paying B&B to film there.  It's good publicity for them.  I love the locations that they use around LA, especially since most of them belong to the Bell family or CBS. 


The rumor is (and I can't vouch for the authenticity) is that KKL signed up to participate in either a triathlon or equestrian event in Dubai and Bell decided to take advantage of her opportunity and wrote a SL around her travels.  


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I hear that B&B is quite a hit internationally. I recall they did location shoots in Italy because of the great ratings they get there, maybe they are huge fans in Dubai as well.

From what I recall, B&B is very big in the Middle East. Ratings were huge during theMorocco story of 1994-95, in part because the actor who portrayed Prince Omar, Kabir Bedi, is a huge star in the Middle East. I also recall that, in the Middle East, anything remotely sexual has to be censored. So, I expect the Dubai scenes to be full of longing looks and nothing more.

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From what I recall, B&B is very big in the Middle East. Ratings were huge during theMorocco story of 1994-95, in part because the actor who portrayed Prince Omar, Kabir Bedi, is a huge star in the Middle East.


Yes, B&B is popular in the Middle East, which is why Forrester Creations should open a boutique there as part of Forrester International.  That's why I wanted Brooke to go there on a business trip as a fashion executive and adult human being as opposed to Bill  Spencer's latest acquisition.  But no, Brooke and Bill are going there on a trip and to get married.  Why get married in the Middle East?  Could there be a specific reason for this?  Sure there is, and cycnical me is going to tell you why:  Brooke and Bill need to get married some place where the marriage can later be ruled/ discovered/randomly declared invalid whenever is convenient for the writers.  Then we will be treated to "Oops, I made such a mistake marrying a man I thought was so completely devoted to me and only me, but was really just a slimeball who treated me sister and daughter quite horribly.  It only happened because I was vulnerable.   I'm sorry, I promise not to do that again.  There is only one man for me and that's Ridge."  Gah.

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The rumor is (and I can't vouch for the authenticity) is that KKL signed up to participate in either a triathlon or equestrian event in Dubai and Bell decided to take advantage of her opportunity and wrote a SL around her travels. 


It's true. KKL was invited to compete in the Abu Dhabi International Triathlon in March and when she asked CBS for vacation time to do it they decided to follow her over there for a story. From memory they were only there for about a week or so. How she had the energy to work on B&B and compete in a triathlon at the same time is beyond me.

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Judging from what they showed of Dubai yesterday, it looks kind of like Las Vegas with water. I don't think I'll be putting it on my list of places to see.

Sounds about right. Several sailors I work with have hit port there on deployments and have told me of hotels that charge for one to even set foot in the lobby. There's a mall with a store that sells $5000 Louis Vuitton sofas, along with a ski slope at the center. That's just nuts.

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Does anyone know how well KKL did in the triathlon?  Did they film the episodes before or after she competed?  Just curious.


Also, judging by the spoilers for the week of June 2nd 

it doesn't look as though Bill and Brooke actually get married. Spoilers say Ridge shows Brooke the selfie and tries to get her to leave. Brooke, Bill and Ridge are on a helcopter when Ridge finally takes a bath in the Persian Gulf. The word "newlywed" doesn't appear in the spoilers that I've seen.

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Does anyone know how well KKL did in the triathlon?  Did they film the episodes before or after she competed?  Just curious.


Also, judging by the spoilers for the week of June 2nd 

it doesn't look as though Bill and Brooke actually get married. Spoilers say Ridge shows Brooke the selfie and tries to get her to leave. Brooke, Bill and Ridge are on a helcopter when Ridge finally takes a bath in the Persian Gulf. The word "newlywed" doesn't appear in the spoilers that I've seen.

Ridge takes a bath? Finally! To find him, all they need to do is look for an oil slick in the water!

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Ridge takes a bath? Finally! To find him, all they need to do is look for an oil slick in the water!




HA! I imagine a spreading slick, with fumes emanating from it and a foul smell. Actually though, the spoilers I read indicate that Ridge will do more than take a bath,

It looks like when Ridge falls into the water he goes missing, and there is an all out search for him. They say that Katie's happiness comes to an abrupt halt, and that out of fear and despair, Eric teams up with Katie and Ridge when they need him. Also, that Bill and Justin attempt to keep the reality of Ridge's situation away from Brooke and the Logans and Forresters. So it looks like Ridge is going to go missing, Bill finds him and hides him?


Personally I don't like the sound of any of it, because I see a return of Bridge coming.


The spoilers I did like,

Quinn and Wyatt have a major dust up over her giving the picture to Ridge.

Wyatt tells Hope about it and she tries to warn Brooke.

Katie confronts Quinn

There is a wedding in Monaco in June? Who is that? Katie and Ridge? Don't think so, she wants to get married in front of their family and friends. Carter and Maya? Doubt it, spoilers say that Maya's continued interference in Ally/Oliver cause her trouble with Carter and her job. Eric and Donna? Hope and one of the brothers? Brooke and Bill?

Quinn's revelation to Liam changes the landscape of L/H/W, and that she and Liam become epic rivals.


If Quinn's actions bring about the return of Bridge, I will hate the character for eternity. I have a feeling that Bill is going to come out as the bad guy in all of this, and Brooke is gonna walk away because Ridge needs her.


I can already feel the acidic bile rising in my throat

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I like Wyatt better when he's having problems with his mom, than most of the rest of his scenes.  I thought they were the best of the scenes today, although Katie and Ridge aren't as bad either when they're not in eachother's arms.

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I like Wyatt better when he's having problems with his mom, than most of the rest of his scenes.

I agree.  I like that they are differentiating him from his mother & not making him crazy like her.

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Wyatt reminds me of a ferret. I just can't stand his overbite. /shallow

Quinn is ridiculous and so is Ridge if he falls for it. Besides, how does Quinn figure that $Bill will go to her when he finds out she shared the sexy (hurl) selfie? She truly is delusional.

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Wyatt reminds me of an ostrich. Why didn't he just go ahead and delete the photo his own damn self while he had the phone in his hand? That photo is so stupid anyway. It looks photoshopped. And, Quinn, one time in the sack with a guy in the past 25 or so years is not an "affair." It's a nooner, bitch.

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Wyatt initially looked a lot like Drew Tyler Bell (the even less inspiring Thomas than Adam "Block of Wood" Gregory), who was hands down one of the least attractive male characters on this show to me. And his entitlement complex wasnt endearing.

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